The imagery of the Russian language often confuses foreigners; it is not for nothing that it is considered quite difficult to learn. It’s not at all easy to explain to a foreigner how to understand “lost my head,” because at the initial stage of learning the Russian language everything is translated literally. However, we have to admit that many of our compatriots are not given all the semantic richness of speech patterns, apt metaphors and oxymorons.

Imagery of phraseological units: how to live without a head?

Any phraseological unit, in fact, is based on logical conclusions, which are perfectly combined with a figurative meaning. Is it really possible to live without a head? If we assume that it is possible, then what kind of life will it be? Most likely, not too fun and easy.

It is logical calculations that suggest how to understand “lost my head” with all the imagery! In this way, you can explain the essence of the expression to anyone, even a child. A literal understanding of a phraseological unit allows you to logically deduce the essence of the figurative meaning, which facilitates understanding. That is why phraseological turns so decorate everyday speech and works of art.

How do you understand “lost your head”?

If a girl hears about someone or about herself that she has completely lost her head, this can be interpreted in different ways. Usually, a clarification is added to indicate circumstances and emotional overtones. For example, you can lose your head not only from love or jealousy, but also from grief or fear. Also, the phraseological unit “lose your head,” the meaning of which is often intended to convey emotional imbalance and loss of mental abilities, can also be used in the literal sense. In some cases, this is what they say about sudden violent death - to fold or lose your head. Intonation, which can be dismissive, mocking or sympathetic, also helps to understand the expression.

Losing your head - is it good or bad?

Leaving aside the direct meaning of the expression, can we assume what it means to “lose your head” in a good sense? We are probably talking about love; it is this strong feeling that is attributed to the most powerful and daring changes in character and behavior. If we turn to fiction, people really lose their minds, the power of speech, or their entire heads from love.

There is some ambiguity here, because love is a bright feeling filled with wonderful experiences, but this is often talked about with condemnation. The reason lies in the madness that a person who has lost his head is capable of, and it is difficult to make a more apt comparison. How to understand “lost my head from love”? You can fall in love with the wrong person, unworthy, mean or selfish. It is very easy to manipulate lovers. No wonder they say that love is blind. And if a person distraught with grief is easy to understand and justify, they talk about this with regret and sympathy, then someone who has completely lost his head with love is often ridiculed.

How to identify the symptoms of a lost head

“What am I doing, what’s wrong with me?” - such questions appear in rare periods of clarity of mind, if you happen to fall in love. How do you understand that you have lost your head and it’s time to sober up a little? You should not demand sober thinking from a person in love at the first request - falling in love arises as a result of inexorable chemical processes and hormonal storms. A mind clouded by endorphins is not capable of critical thinking, but you can pay attention to the opinions of others.

You react inappropriately to the words of others, are offended by innocent jokes, see offensive connotations in everything, break old ties, and may be planning to destroy your family. And only one person in the whole world suddenly finds himself endowed with all the virtues, literally becomes the light in the window? This is what the concept of “losing your head from love” means.

Similar symptoms are observed if you lose your head from fear or grief, but in such cases there is no light in the window, and it is not the hormone of happiness that is responsible, but the hormone of anxiety and action. It is adrenaline that requires us not to sit and analyze, but to act immediately. The other extreme is severe depression, accompanied by suppression of all emotions, feelings and desires.

Is it possible to make someone lose their head?

The centuries-old history of seduction is aimed at attracting the attention of the hunted, and this continues to this day. Numerous bestsellers like “One Hundred Ways to Make a Man Lose His Head” talk about simple manipulative techniques designed to awaken the simplest instincts and fool one’s head. Instructions for seducing the fair sex are equally successfully sold.

Indeed, you can force your head and get confused in your own desires and aspirations. All such methods are based on the simplest algorithm of deception, a jewelery game on the victim’s pride. Psychologists note that there is a type of people who have the ability to charm and fall in love with themselves without any instructions. These are perverted narcissists who really know how to become that “light in the window” for anyone and use this gift for their own purposes.

The appropriateness of using the phraseological unit “lose your head”

Any figurative techniques should be treated with caution when it comes to business communication. The idiom “lose your head,” the meaning of which may be considered too expressive, is more suitable for fiction, prose or poetry. However, in journalism this expression may well be used if the article is aimed at the emotional response of the reader.

In serious analytics or informational texts, it is better not to use phraseological units of this kind; this violates the journalistic principles of impartiality, which are considered the gold standard of the BBC.

Analogues of the expression “lose your head”

There is an interesting facet of our speech - capacious and figurative Russian phraseological units. “Losing your head” is usually said in cases where a person’s actions make others suspect that his mind has turned off. Therefore, depending on the situation, you can use similar phrases with varying degrees of expressive coloring.

The roof moved or even tore, the attic leaned, the slate was torn off - all these are epithets for those who have lost their heads. The balls got stuck behind the rollers, the mind moved, the cuckoo broke, as well as a rich assortment of slang and obscene expressions - all this wealth means one thing: the person suddenly lost the ability to be guided by reason.

In official communication, as well as to emphasize fundamental impartiality, it is better to use expressions without emotional overtones. For example, “due to strong emotional disturbance, he is capable of rash actions.” This is a completely acceptable verbal construction, close to a police protocol in terms of impartiality. Sometimes the imagery and floweriness of your native speech should be reserved for conversations with friends or for creativity.

Lose yourself Simple. Express 1. Lose self-control, self-control, lose self-control, become confused. Maria Ivanovna suddenly lost herself and, hitting the door with her fist as hard as she could, screamed: “Oh, you little toadstool!”(M. Prishvin. Koshcheev’s chain). At the sight of Klava, Okladnikov completely lost himself. He was babbling something, his eyes were constantly watching the expression of her face with some kind of earnest plea.(Z. Boguslavskaya. Close ones). 2. Lose your individual traits, character traits, etc., submitting to someone else's influence. [ Klim] felt the danger of losing myself among the monotonous boys [high school students], almost indistinguishable, they sucked him in, trying to make him an invisible particle of their mass(M. Gorky. The Life of Klim Samgin). 3. Outdated Lose chastity, innocence. - For the sake of the dear and without a crown, our sister is not sorry to lose herself(Melnikov-Pechersky. In the forests). - “Well, Elena Petrovna,” Gavrilo answered with some kind of gloomy affection. - I won’t look at it, that you have lost yourself... It’s all the same(Korolenko. Not scary). . TO LOSE YOURSELF. Outdated Lose your individual appearance, your distinctive features. Sometimes I live in captivity of these impressions and until I overcome them, I lose myself, I don’t see where I am, what distinguishes me from these people(M. Gorky. Weirdos).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Lose yourself” is in other dictionaries:

    To lose yourself- Novg. Have sex before marriage. Sergeeva 2004, 215 ...

    to lose yourself- 1) Submit to someone else's influence. 2) Lose self-control, restraint... Dictionary of many expressions

    Lose/lose yourself- 1. Unlock Lose your individual appearance, your distinctive features. F 2, 203. 2. Kostroma. Do something. unseemly, reprehensible. SRNG 30, 277. 2. Kar. Die. SRGK 5, 109 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    MYSELF- Carry (take out / take out) what. Razg. Deal with anything. on your own; bear the full weight of something. affairs. BTS, 167; POS 5, 132. Row within yourself. Sib. Disapproved Do everything for your own benefit. FSS, 48. It is in itself. Ryaz. Gain weight... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    lose- I/yu, I/eat; Lost; ryan, a, o; St. (nst. loss) see also. loss 1) someone or something To lose someone or something l. by negligence or dropping it, leaving it unknown where. Loss of keys, glasses. Loss of documents, money... Dictionary of many expressions

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What does it mean to "LOSE FACE"? How to spell this word correctly. Concept and interpretation.

LOSE FACE who Behave unworthily, demonstrate your weakness, incompetence, inability to do something. This means that a person, a group of people, a social organization (X) commit actions that are detrimental to their reputation, cause condemnation by society, and lead to a loss of respect from others. Spoken with disapproval. speech standard. ? X lost [his] face. The nominal part is unism. Usually in the role of skaz. The order of the component words is fixed. ? Having lost trust in the eyes of others, you lose face. Having regained trust, you only get a chance - not a guarantee - to restore it. The first of September, 1999. It was like a psychological attack - to confuse the enemy, instill in him uncertainty, to prove his own superiority. And then suddenly go to the main thing and, without giving him time to come to his senses, deliver the decisive blow. This technique is called “forcing a person to lose his face.” A. Levin, Yellow Dragon Jiao. ? The authorities, by hook or by crook, are trying to leave the cunning Berezovsky out of the political game. In the fight for his cause, TV-6 journalists are losing face. In the fight against his cause, the state is losing face. Izvestia, 2002. The boy still humiliated himself! He couldn't resist, he lost face! L. Vershinin, Two at the foot of eternity. The defeat was the first Japanese setback in this war, and General Homma lost face. The unsuccessful assault of his brigade will be remembered in the future. I. Mozheiko, West wind - clear weather. ? - You promised a dying man. By Lata's standards, such a promise cannot be broken. And if it is violated, you will lose face here. A. Kolchanov, On a foreign shore. ? I ask myself stupid questions like “Why the hell should I continue to live?” etc. In general, as the Japanese say, I’m losing face. I haven’t received such knockouts for a long time. S. Saikin, P. Tetersky, More than Ben. (Russian surprise for the Queen Mother.) - In any test, as soon as you lose human dignity, you lose face, the downfall begins. I have repeatedly lost face and dignity, and then found it again. AiF, 2001. - But do you understand that I don’t know how to be an informer? Do you realize that I have no right to lose face? Yu. Semenov, Expansion. cultural commentary: In the image of phraseology. the face acts as an external manifestation of the characteristics of a person, the individuality of a person, as well as the community to which he belongs (see the commentary on HIT IN THE DIRT WITH YOUR FACE); It is by facial expression that others judge a person’s character, his moral qualities (see commentary on IT’S WRITTEN ON THE FACE). The image is based on phraseols. lies a metaphor that likens the loss of face to the loss of human dignity and, accordingly, reputation in society. phraseol. generally acts as a stereotype of smb. actions that are condemned by others are unworthy in their eyes, which leads to the fact that the person who committed them loses the right to respect.