This game is popular with children of all ages.

The game is believed to have originated around the world from China and is called "Chinese jump rope". In Germany it is known as "Gummitwist", in Great Britain - "Elastics", in Estonia - "Kummikeks".

Not only girls, but also boys play it. Rubber band can be played by three people, or two by two; in this case, if the player makes a mistake when jumping, his partner can help him out. You can make several rubber bands, and then more children will have the opportunity to play.

You can even play alone! By stretching a rubber band over something, for example, two chairs.

To play, you will need an ordinary rubber band 1.5 m long.

The ends need to be tied. For convenience, you can paint one half of the elastic band in green color, and the other in yellow.

Two players, standing with their feet apart, stretch the elastic band at a height of 15 cm, the third jumps. The one who made the mistake changes place with the one holding the rubber band. The game uses different figures, all of them need to be repeated.

1. Standing sideways outside the rubber bands, you need to jump inside the platform and jump back without touching the rubber bands.

2. Standing between the rubber bands with your side to them, you need to jump up and step on both elastic bands, jump from them to the platform, joining your legs.

3. Standing between the elastic bands with your side to them, you need to jump over them, spreading your legs, and jump back over the elastic bands to the platform, connecting your legs.

4. Stand between the elastic bands with your side facing them. Then jump over them. Jump, legs crossed (left leg in front), hooking the elastic band with your feet. Thus, you will get a figure called “figure eight”. And finally, jump higher, connecting your legs, and, freeing them from the elastic bands, land.

5. Perform the same as the fourth figure, but do the figure eight so that the right leg is in front.

6. Standing outside, facing the elastic bands, jump over one, then the second elastic band, feet together, then back backwards.

7. Stand behind the elastic band facing it. Push with both feet, hooking your toes on the near rubber band, and jump over the far one. Jump with a 180-degree turn so that the elastic band slides off your feet, and face the rubber bands on the outside of them.

8. Push with both feet, hooking the far rubber band, and jump with it over the near one. The figure is called an “airplane.” Jump with a turn on the fly so that the far rubber band slides off and end up facing the nearest one.

9. Standing outside with your side to the elastic bands, jump by stepping with both feet (one in front, the other behind) on the nearest elastic band. Jumping, turning 180 degrees, also step on another rubber band. Jump off the second elastic band with a 180 degree turn reverse side. Stand outside the second band.

If the player successfully completes the agreed figure, two participants raise the rubber band higher - to the level of the knees, and the combination is repeated from the beginning.

During the game, the rubber band in the rectangle can be crossed by changing the level of one or the other side.

All changes and innovations must be discussed before the game.

You can also come up with your own options for jumping and the location of the rubber band.

Additional options:

Feet gray- starting position, arrows show where to move. Watch which way your feet are turned in the pictures.

Two players become rubber bands. One player jumps (performs a series of exercises) - in turn at all levels. We usually performed each exercise at all levels in turn, after which we moved on to the next exercise and started jumping from level 1 - this way the game was more varied. Sometimes I jumped differently - all the exercises were performed at once, first at levels 1, then at levels 2, 3, and so on. At levels 5-6-7, complex exercises were canceled (I’ll write about this below).
If the game is played by three people: as soon as the jumper makes a mistake (gets lost, clings to the rubber band, steps on the rubber band, etc.) - he becomes “in the rubber band”, and the next player begins to jump. They always continue to jump from the place where they got lost. If the game is played with four people: when a player gets lost, a teammate can help him out. When he gets confused, the pairs change places (the team that got lost becomes “rubber banded”). The teams always continue to jump from the place where they are last time got lost.
Rubber band game levels:
. the first ones - when the elastic band is at the level of the ankles holding
. second - elastic band at knee level
. third - elastic band at hip level ("under the butt")
. fourth - elastic band at waist level
. fifth - elastic band at chest level
. sixth - elastic band at neck level
. and even the seventh ones - the elastic band was held with hands at ear level.
List of exercises performed:
Since it’s very difficult to explain this in words, I’ll post a visual aid (photos) for all the exercises in the near future
Despite the apparent simplicity of these movements, they are difficult to perform in the second, and even more so in the third position.

Simple We jump: legs on both sides of one rubber band, jump, legs on both sides of the other, jump out on the other side of the rubber band

Runners(pedestrians, rails)
We jump, step at the same time - one leg on one rubber band, jump, change legs - like this 4 times (you can say “walk-she-go-dy”), jump out on the other side of the rubber band

steps We jump with both feet (together) - we jump, hook one elastic band, stepping on the other, then with one jump we free ourselves from the elastic band and jump out on the other side

Bow The right leg is below the first elastic band, the left is on top. We jump onto the second elastic band so that we get a bow (right on top, left on bottom). With one jump we free ourselves from the elastic band and jump out from the other side

We jump with both feet immediately behind the second elastic band, hooking the first one (we get a cross, inside of which we stand), jump and step on both elastic bands with both feet, jump out of the elastic band

We start like in an envelope - we jump inside with both legs, jump and land so that both legs are “outside” the elastic, cross in one direction and the other, jump out of the elastic

Handkerchief We grab one rubber band with one foot, carry it behind the second (it turns out to be an envelope, but with one foot), jump and turn 1800 without releasing the rubber band, then we jump - we free ourselves from the elastic band and land so that our legs are on both sides of the first rubber band.

The most common type of rubber band jumping. Its essence is that one set of actions must be done, jumping on the spot each time - first 3 times, then 2, then one at a time. Shall we begin? ;)
Simple three rubles

in place: 1-2-3 between: 1-2-3 in the middle: 1-2-3 between: 1-2-3
Then in the jump we turn to the other side and continue, jumping only two times:

in place: 1-2 between: 1-2 in the middle: 1-2 between: 1-2

Again, while jumping, we turn the other side (the main thing here is not to get dizzy and not to make a mistake in the number of jumps) and jump only once, once, once, once.

Three rubles handkerchief
The same as a regular “handkerchief”, only with the addition of three rubles. Since everything is not easy in a handkerchief and you have to twirl and not get confused in the number of jumps - very, very many people do not complete the exercise;)

in place: 1-2-3 transfer the rubber band: 1-2-3 turn 180: 1-2-3 jump, land: 1-2-3

Even 20 years ago there would not have been a single girl who would have found it difficult to answer the question of how to play rubber band. Jumping over a rubber band was very popular among girls from 5 to 15 years old. We played this game everywhere: at school during breaks, in the yard, and even at home, stretching an elastic band between two chairs. Unfortunately, this game was forgotten for many years, but now many teachers physical culture They began to introduce it to their students. I suggest you remember simple rules this game.

To play, you will need a piece of elastic band, 2 to 4 meters long, and at least three participants in the game. The rubber band is tied, forming a closed circuit, and stretched on the legs of 2 players, after which the 3rd participant begins the game. During the game, the elastic band rises higher and higher along the legs, reaching a position from the simplest - at the level of the ankles, to the most complex - on the belt. After completing all the exercises correctly on the first level, the player repeats them on the next level. If the player makes a mistake in performing the exercise, the turn passes to the next player, and the one who made the mistake takes a place in the rubber band. An option is possible when the rubber band is played not by 3, but by 4 people - in pairs. In this case, the partner can perform the exercise instead of the one who made the mistake. A set of exercises and the sequence of their implementation in different options The games can be different, in the pictures below we give a basic diagram of the rules of the rubber band game.

  1. "Berezka" . Starting position: standing sideways to the rubber band. We jump first over one half of the rubber band, and then over the second so that the rubber band remains between the legs. We jump out by the rubber band.
  1. "Pedestrians" . Starting position: facing the elastic band. We jump onto the rubber band in such a way as to press each half to the ground with our foot, then change legs.
  1. "Steps" . Starting position: facing the elastic band. We jump onto the nearest half of the rubber band so that one leg is under it and the other presses it to the ground. We jump over to the second half of the elastic band, changing the position of our legs. We jump out of the rubber band and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
  1. "Bow" . Starting position: facing the elastic band. We jump onto the nearest half of the rubber band so that one leg is under it and the other presses it to the ground. Without letting go of the rubber band, we jump to the second half, placing our legs symmetrically. We jump out of the elastic band.
  1. "Handkerchief" . Starting position: facing the elastic band. We jump onto the far half of the elastic band, pressing it with both feet to the ground. The near half of the elastic band should catch on your legs. We jump out of the rubber band. In another option, you need not to jump, but to jump over the far half of the rubber band.

One day your baby may turn to you with the question: “How to play rubber band”? In this case, the information from our article will be useful to you.

Rubber bands are a game that is well known to almost every girl. It's common for boys to make fun of girls who jump in rubber bands. But, as a rule, having laughed to their heart's content, they also get involved in this interesting game. It is important to know that every game develops certain qualities in children. Playing with a rubber band teaches a child to concentrate, promotes the development of the calf and sciatic muscles, and hones the beauty and dexterity of movements. Characteristic feature is that this game is, in principle, pairwise. If one participant makes a mistake, another comes to his rescue, this develops a sense of responsibility and mutual assistance. Therefore, when the time comes, be sure to tell your children how to play rubber band, and in order to refresh their memory, we advise you to read our article. Also no less interesting for you will be, which describes in more detail what you can play at home with your child and his friends.

So, As a rule, an even number of children participate in the rubber band game that are divided into two or more teams. If one participant makes a mistake, another comes to his rescue. If the second participant also makes a mistake, then the next team enters the game. If there are only three participants, then the first one to successfully complete the game wins.

The age and height of the participants are important in the game. For example, the position of the elastic at the second height will be significantly different for a child of four and seven years old. It is commonly believed that there are seven positions (heights) of the elastic band, but in reality only three positions are used by children. Height 1 – the elastic band is fixed below the ankles, height 2 – at the level of the knees, height 3 – at the level of the belt or hips.

Exists a large number of exercises, which can be found on the Internet, in newspapers and magazines. The most popular of them are presented below in the form of pictures.






To begin with, select those that you think the child can handle without problems, then you can complicate them.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that any game, in addition to positive aspects There are also undesirable consequences. This game is for relatively healthy and physically developed children. If your child has frequent dizziness, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or other diagnosis that limits physical exercise, then in this case it is better to forget about such entertainment and choose a simpler activity. You will find a lot of useful and valuable information about what else a teenager can do in the summer.

You can jump in a rubber band anywhere, as long as it is level and non-slip. Like every game, the rubber band knows no bounds for improvement. Children can show their imagination, come up with more complex and interesting exercises, because, as you know, kids quickly get bored with the same thing. Plus, this is one of the few games that combines in an amazing way physical exercise, fun and communication. Even as you grow up, your child will remember this wonderful and unique game, just like you and me.

The rules of the rubber band game are simple, like everything ingenious. To play, you will need a piece of elastic band, 2 to 4 meters long, and participants of at least 3 people. The rubber band is tied, forming a closed circuit, and stretched on the legs of 2 players, after which the 3rd participant begins the game. During the game, the elastic band rises higher and higher along the legs, reaching a position from the simplest - at the level of the ankles, to the most complex - on the belt. After completing all the exercises correctly on the first level, the player repeats them on the next level. If the player makes a mistake in performing the exercise, the turn passes to the next player, and the one who made the mistake takes a place in the rubber band. An option is possible when the rubber band is played not by 3, but by 4 people - in pairs. In this case, the partner can perform the exercise instead of the one who made the mistake. The set of exercises and the sequence of their implementation in different versions of the game may be different; in the pictures below you can see the basic diagram of the rules of the rubber band game.

“Truth is born in dispute.” It all starts with the one who says first: “Our rules!” And here all the children’s imagination, harmfulness and sophistication in the desire to win will appear:

  • whether hooks count or not (this applies to shoes, the elastic can get caught on straps, rivets), this immediately follows next rule- if it’s a hitch, then it’s possible or not to take off your shoes;
  • “slips” count or not (when in exercises you need to step on an elastic band, but the elastic still slips out from under your foot at the last moment);
  • with stops (and how many stops) or without - for example, in “tens”, when one action needs to be done many times in a row;
  • whether or not you can stop the elastic band (it can move in the wind and interfere with the exercises) - this is called “stopping the sea”;
  • the ground and/or people are “hot” - this means that if you fall, you cannot touch the ground and/or people with your hands in order to hold on;
  • Is it possible to “gimmick”, that is, to be cunning, to interfere with jumping, to say under the arm: “get lost, get lost,” tug on an elastic band; "gilda" is also invoked as a kind of supernatural force when it is necessary to resolve a dispute about whether a mistake was made or not. With the words “Gilda will prove” you can “jump” the exercise.

1. "Birch". Starting position: standing sideways to the rubber band. We jump first over one half of the rubber band, and then over the second so that the rubber band remains between the legs. We repeat this action as many times as the jumping player is old. We jump out by the rubber band.

2. "Pedestrians" . Starting position: facing the elastic band. We jump onto the rubber band in such a way as to press each half to the ground with our foot, then change legs.

3. "Steps" . Starting position: facing the elastic band. We jump onto the nearest half of the rubber band so that one leg is under it and the other presses it to the ground. We jump over to the second half of the elastic band, changing the position of our legs. We jump out of the rubber band and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.

4. "Bow". Starting position: facing the elastic band. We jump onto the nearest half of the rubber band so that one leg is under it and the other presses it to the ground. Without letting go of the rubber band, we jump to the second half, placing our legs symmetrically. We jump out of the elastic band.

5. “Handkerchief” . Starting position: facing the elastic band. We jump onto the far half of the elastic band, pressing it with both feet to the ground. The near half of the elastic band should catch on your legs. We jump out of the rubber band. In another option, you need not to jump, but to jump over the far half of the rubber band.

6. "Sweetie" . Starting position: inside a twisted rubber band, like a candy. We jump, letting the rubber band unwind, and land with our feet on the rubber halves.

7. "Envelope" (or candy). Starting position - stand sideways to the elastic band. We jump with both feet at once on the far rubber band, catching the near one in the jump. We jump up, free ourselves and step on both elastic bands at the same time. We jump out.

8. "Boat" (boat). The beginning is the same as in “Envelope”, only when jumping up you don’t need to step on the elastic bands, but they should end up between your legs. Then we cross the elastic bands first in one direction and then in the other. The elastic band is back between the legs. We jump out.

9. "Violet". The player faces one of the holders so that both elastic bands are between his legs, jumps up and steps with his heels on the nearest elastic bands as many times as he is old.

10. "Pencil" . Jump on one leg, as in a simple jump.

11. "Scarf" . With one foot we lift the nearest elastic band and move it behind the far one, while jumping we turn 180 degrees, but do not let go of the elastic band (the second leg should be behind the far elastic band). We jump out so that the first (nearest) rubber band is between our legs.

12. “Needle” . The elastic band should remain on one leg. The exercise consists of two parts:
1) Starting position - stand facing the elastic band. We pull the far rubber band towards us with our foot so that it is in front of the nearest one, and step on it with both feet. We jump, release the elastic band and land with both feet on the nearest elastic band (without touching the far one).
2) Starting position - stand facing the elastic band. We pull the far rubber band towards us with our foot so that it is in front of the nearest one, and step on it with both feet. We jump, release the elastic band and land on the nearest and far elastic bands at the same time with both feet.

13. “Treshki”. Each action must be done, jumping on the spot each time - first 3 times, then 2, then one at a time.
We stand sideways to the elastic band, jump three times in place, then for the first jump we transfer one leg over the nearest elastic band (three times in place), then we transfer the other one (so that both legs are between the elastic bands), and also jump in place three times, then we move one leg over the far elastic band (one-two-three jumps). Then, while jumping, we turn to the other side and continue the same thing, but jumping only twice. At the end, we again turn on the other side while jumping (the main thing here is not to get confused when to turn, not to make a mistake in the number of jumps) and jump only once.

14. “Complicated treshki or treshki-kerchief” . It is performed as a “kerchief” exercise, only with the addition of “three rubles”.
15. "Leningrad" . For each jump, a syllable is pronounced: “le-”, “-nin-”, “-grad-”, “-ski-”, “-e”.

16. "Moscow" . Similar to the “Leningrad” ones (at least at the beginning), look more carefully at the diagrams.

17. "Tens" . A set of exercises is performed several times in a row. For example, 10 simple jumps, 9 “oblique”, 8 “needles”, 7 “violets”, 6 “birches”, 5 “kerchiefs”, 4 “candies”, 3 “pencils”, 2 “bows”, 1 “pedestrians” , or come up with your own exercises.
There can be a huge number of exercise options; additional, most complex levels can also be introduced, when the elastic band is stretched at the height of the armpits and neck. Having easily learned how to play rubber band at the simplest levels, the child will be able to show his imagination, inventing more and more new exercises. In addition to the obvious health benefits, playing with a rubber band will be in a good way find new friends and become a leader.

There can be a huge number of exercise options; additional, most complex levels can also be introduced, when the elastic band is stretched at the height of the armpits and neck. Having easily learned how to play rubber band at the simplest levels, the child will be able to show his imagination, inventing more and more new exercises. In addition to the obvious health benefits, playing rubber bands will be a good way to make new friends and become a leader.