The Internet was literally shocked by a video of a Russian party girl who died in an unprecedented accident. The video hit the Internet and quickly became a hit in terms of views on all sources.

It happened as follows. A party girl wearing only white panties decided to show off her impressive breasts as she leaned out of the window of a car as it sped down the road. The girl was so carried away that her swimsuit began to unravel. However, the tragedy happened completely suddenly - there was a road sign on the way. The girl smashed her head on it to death, and the doctors could not help. The most amazing fact it was that she was being filmed by a friend who was driving.

The incident occurred on October 11 on the highway towards Punta Cana airport. The crashed girl turned out to be a native Russian Federation Natalya Borodina, she was born in the Chelyabinsk region. The car was driven by Ukrainian citizen Ivanna Boycharuk. According to a friend of both girls, the deceased party girl could have been engaged in escort services in the Dominican Republic.

Previously, the site reported about two partygoers who had a party right in their car, broadcasting everything on the Internet. However, at some point the girls lost control and crashed into a pole, both died.

Twelve people - eleven Americans and one Russian - died unexplained deaths at VIP resorts in the Dominican Republic. A tragic accident or a case worthy of Hercule Poirot?

Eleven people have already died under mysterious circumstances in the Dominican Republic. This is what the American media think, vying with each other to report on mysterious and sudden deaths completely healthy people.

However, they only count citizens of their own country. For an as yet unexplained reason, the real death toll may be higher: at the end of May, 31-year-old Russian woman Maria Cheryomushkina died suddenly in the Dominican Republic.

Surprisingly, the death of a young and healthy girl did not cause a strong reaction from the domestic press and even diplomats, although it looks at least strange, not to mention the context in the form of an island “epidemic” that claimed the lives of more than ten tourists from the United States.

What is happening and is it time to hand over tickets and vouchers to the warm Dominican regions - at least until the end of the investigation, to which, in addition to the FBI and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, experts have joined World Organization healthcare? Let's try to figure it out.

Last vacation

“She was vacationing in the city of Sosua, felt bad at the hotel in the morning, went downstairs, contacted the hospital, took a taxi and died on the way to the hospital,” Mikhail Evdokimov told RIA Novosti about the death of a resident of Ivanteevka near Moscow. Evdokimov heads the Dominican department at the Russian Embassy in Venezuela.

The diplomat did not have a medical report in hand, so he gave a preliminary reason: a blood clot had broken loose. Cardiac arrest is also mentioned in other news about Maria Cheryomushkina, behind whose dry lines a real drama is hidden.

From open sources we know that Maria was 31 years old, she was born in Saransk and was the only child in the family. Graduated in 2010 Faculty of Medicine Moscow State University, since then she has worked in her specialty as an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Ivanteevsk City Hospital. The girl decided to spend her summer vacation on a distant Caribbean island - she went there on May 26, flying from the capital's Sheremetyevo airport.

Nothing foreshadowed what happened. Back on the night of May 30, Maria went into her social media. The next day, her mother tried to contact her, but the girl seemed to have disappeared into the water. When my mother barely managed to get through to the insurers, she heard the most terrible answer possible: “Your daughter died yesterday.”

Photo source: Pxhere

It is known that the body was transported to Russia with great difficulty - the insurers did not immediately agree with the airline. At the end of last week, Masha was buried at the Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow. Details of the death are known from her friend’s Instagram post. In particular, it is presented on the Turprom website and ends with a warning: “Girls who like to fly alone on vacation, stop traveling like that! Think about your family and friends when planning your trip!”

Useful advice, but hardly a girl with medical education and with almost 10 years of work experience I could imagine that there was even the slightest health threat in the Dominican Republic. All the other tourists, who literally burned out in a few days from an unknown disease, thought the same.

Serial deaths

The Dominican Republic is trending right now. This Caribbean land recently became a new incarnation tourist paradise, surpassing Egypt, Turkey, Thailand and other already familiar holiday destinations in attractiveness. Palm trees, warm sea, beautiful beaches and the sun all year round- what more could you ask for? Good service and affordable ticket prices. Ticket prices are quite steep, but luxury four- and five-star all-inclusive hotels are deservedly popular among tourists. If you want, swim in the sea, if you want, in the pool, or if you want, drink cocktails in the bar around the clock.

About six million tourists a year, a third of whom are Americans, have become a real goldmine for the poor state: their influx not only fills the coffers, but also provides work for many thousands of islanders.

Naturally, local authorities are afraid of any scandals, especially talk about the serial deaths of visitors. However, throughout June the American press has been discussing the strange and dark story: in 2018 and 2019, tourists died completely unexpectedly in seemingly safe resorts in the Dominican Republic.

At first glance, these cases are in no way connected with each other, except for the confidence of relatives and friends that the victims were completely healthy. Upon closer examination, suspicious details began to be discovered: several of them, shortly before the onset of illness, drank drinks from minibars. And they didn’t get drunk, but “took” small portions.

This is what 67-year-old Robert Wallace did - he just tasted whiskey. The next day, blood appeared in his urine; two days later he was sent to the hospital, where he was no longer alive. This was in April, and in May, within a few days of each other, three more people were found dead in their rooms. 63-year-old Edward Holmes and his 49-year-old wife Cynthia Day, as well as Miranda Schaupp-Werner, did not complain about their condition - they were simply found dead.

Such an incomprehensible confluence of circumstances could not but provoke a reaction from the United States government and international organizations. WHO inspectors and FBI agents went to the resort, tasked with conducting a series of toxicology tests and helping local authorities prepare final autopsy reports on the victims.

Meanwhile, American journalists first counted nine victims of a strange virus or other sinister force, and today the number has increased by two: relatives of 41-year-old US Army veteran Chris Palmer and 69-year-old nurse Barbara Mather-Mitchell told the press about their sudden illness and death in the Dominican Republic .

It is important to note that, in addition to deaths, numerous cases of poisoning and illnesses that appeared out of nowhere began to surface. Such attacks, for example, occurred among tourist Doug Hand and his wife Susie. Moreover, they definitely did not drink alcohol and, being vegetarians, ate mainly bread and water.

Despite this healthy image life, Susie experienced real hell at the resort: she suffered from nausea, high temperature and a bright red rash all over the body. Her husband had strange pains in the abdomen, not similar to symptoms of a common infection. Susie and Doug managed to pull themselves out: after returning to the United States, they felt much better and now call themselves lucky to be alive.

Their case raises doubts that it was all about the alcohol that other tourists drank. The counterfeit bottled under the guise of real whiskey or gin can be explained by the economy of the hotel management, and the death of people by its low quality. However, non-drinking vegetarian spouses see a completely different reason, namely: mold on the air conditioner.

Searching for the truth

In all known to us deaths There are a few common features. A number of people who suddenly passed away have extremely similar symptoms: internal bleeding, sometimes difficulty breathing, then pulmonary edema and a heart attack. Many of them lived in the same hotels, many (but not all) drank alcohol from the minibar, and their ages, excluding Maria, ranged from 40 to 70 years.

According to the local Ministry of Health, all these coincidences should not be paid attention to, and any attacks on the country’s tourism industry are fake news. In a powerful statement quoted by Fox News, department spokesman Carlos Suero claims that “people are dying everywhere on the planet” and that he himself was seriously ill while in the United States, but does not intend to blame the entire country.

According to Suero, even the death of three tourists in a row is completely understandable and explainable. In any case, the married couple, according to him, suffered from many illnesses and carried with them a huge amount of medications and antidepressants. They say that at first the elderly Holmes felt ill and died, and then his wife died of shock after finding his corpse next to her. Suero also confidently stated that experts examined literally everything in the hotels that became the sites of the tragedy: the water in the pool, the supply of food and alcohol, even the air (remember the version about air conditioners). Allegedly, not a single test showed any anomalies.

Photo source: Wikimedia

It is not surprising that, against the backdrop of such complete denial, the relatives of the deceased do not trust the Dominican authorities and demand an independent investigation. The process can be given a boost today, Friday. It is on this date that a press conference has been scheduled by the island nation's authorities, at which the final data on each of the suspicious deaths, including detailed autopsy reports, should be announced.

Data from anonymous sources familiar with the investigation have already appeared in the media. Allegedly, nothing suspicious, such as intentional poisoning or the discovery of counterfeit alcohol, could be discovered even after a thorough study of all the circumstances of the incident.

Such an answer will clearly not satisfy people who lost their loved ones so unexpectedly. In our boring digital age, will there be a genius of deduction like Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot who can unravel all the intricacies of this full of treachery story unfolding under the hot tropical sun? Chances are slim, but hope dies last.

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Having become notorious throughout the world's media because of her death on vacation in the Dominican Republic, she will not be cremated; her body will be transported to Russia.

The deceased herself lived for the last year and a half on the embankment of the French city of Cannes, where she led a luxurious lifestyle, traveling a lot around the world, but with her relatives living in Zlatoust, financial situation more modest. Earlier, the media, citing a friend of the deceased’s sister, reported that Borodina’s family, due to lack of funds, would not be able to transport her body to her homeland. There have also been reports that the Russian woman will be cremated in the Dominican Republic, but even in this case, there will still be no one to take her ashes.

However, on Friday, October 13, relatives told local journalists that the body of the deceased would still be delivered to her homeland. “We will bury her in Zlatoust, there will be no cremation. We are not announcing collection of funds for transportation yet, we do not need additional funds,” stated Borodina’s sister Yulia herself told the Telefact publication.

The family of the deceased lives in Zlatoust. IN Lately her 11-year-old son was raised by Borodina's sister and her mother. According to the same publication, after the tragedy, the boy’s father also came to the city, with whom he periodically communicated.

The relatives have already stated that the man came to support the child, but in any case he will remain with them in Zlatoust.

Meanwhile, reports appeared in the media that Borodina’s friend was detained by local police. It turned out that the girl who was driving the car in which the deceased was sitting and who filmed the last seconds of her life on her phone was drunk at the time of the tragedy.

The Russian Embassy in Venezuela, which also serves the territory of the Dominican Republic, responded to the situation earlier. An embassy spokesman said diplomats could not find relatives of the deceased.

“I contacted the local prosecutor’s office so that they informed me about the incident, an investigation is currently underway. So far there is no contact with relatives, but we hope that connections between Russian and Dominican law enforcement will help in this matter,” the Russian diplomat is quoted as saying.

Natalya Borodina died in the Dominican Republic on October 11. She and her friend, Ukrainian citizen Ivanna, traveled around the island in a rented car near the Punta Cana airport. Borodina topless began to lean out of open window cars. Boyrachuk, apparently, was moving too close to the side of the road: at high speed, Borodina hit her head on a metal road sign and literally fell out of the car. Doctors were able to take her to the hospital, but, having received a severe head injury, she soon died there.

Borodina arrived in the Dominican Republic, having independently booked air tickets and a hotel, but did not purchase an insurance policy. It is still not clear what the deceased did for a living. There were reports in the media that she could provide expensive escort services, however, according to other sources, the Russian woman worked in the field of luxury real estate in Cannes or was involved in paperwork - both versions have in common the fact that in France she worked with Russian citizens.

Russian tourists had an accident in the Dominican Republic. The car accident happened on the way to the airport. There are children among the victims.

On November 26, a bus with Russian tourists was heading from the resort area of ​​Punta Cana to the airport. Before reaching its destination, the bus collided with a truck and overturned. The cause of the collision turned out to be a sharp maneuver and changing lanes of a multi-ton vehicle in front of a bus with tourists. In total, there were 42 people in the cabin - two guides, a driver and 39 Russian citizens.

There were no fatalities in the accident, but 27 tourists were diagnosed with injuries. Among the victims are children, the youngest of whom is five years old.


According to eyewitnesses, during sudden braking, passengers who were on the left side from the driver. “The bus braked sharply, it veered left and right, and eventually fell to the left and continued moving. Those people who were on the left side of the driver received severe injuries, their backs and arms were bruised, someone even lost an arm. Everyone who was right side from the driver, they fell on those on the left. Everyone was leaning on each other,” the victim told the Ren-TV channel.

One of the Russians, a 12-year-old girl, had both arms amputated. Head of the branch of the Russian Embassy in Venezuela Dominican resort Punta Cana Mikhail Evdokimov reported that 7 people who were not diagnosed with serious injuries went to the airport to fly home.

According to the tour operator Anex Tour, all tourists were insured. They are now housed in local hospitals. Doctors asked for help from local residents who understand Russian and can act as translators - it is difficult for doctors to understand victims who do not speak English and Spanish.

A list of victims in road accidents has become publicly available. It was published by Life. Currently in the hospital are:

1. Kamnev A.

2. Bushinova E.

3. Gorbachev G.

4. Valeria A.

6. Sapego O.

7. Sapego S.

8. Artamonov D.

9. Artamonova L.

10. Tarasov N.

11. Khafizova V.

12. Simakov D.

13. Simakova E.

14. Valiullina G.

15. Ashmarina S.

16. Ashmarin R.

17. Beloglazova N.

18. Kvasov A.

19. Shelbogasheva A.

20. Popov K.

21. Prokhorova A.

22. Pisnyachevskaya E. (delivered to Ramon de la hospital).

The following tourists stay in hotels in the Dominican Republic:

1. Popov S.

2. Popova V.

3. Krupin M.

4. Krupina E.

5. Valiullin D.

6. Alexander Sh.

7. Tatyana Sh.

9. Alexander Sh.

We went to the airport for further flight to Moscow:

1. Kanaev E.

2. Kanaeva E.

3. Tylechkina E.

4. Sevastyanov G.

5. Sevastyanova M.

6. Batyukov V.

7. Batyukova E.

Information about one more person is being clarified:

1. Prokhorova S.

Russian artists also got into terrible accidents. So, singer Nastya Kudri was in an accident in France. Her colleague, singer MakSim, also had an accident while driving to the airport. Lyubov Uspenskaya's daughter Tatyana was injured while cycling in Costa Rica. The girl fell unsuccessfully onto the asphalt and broke her jaw.

Severely injured in an accident on the Coral highway in the Dominican Republic. This is perhaps the main victory of local doctors. There are more than two dozen Russians in the capital's Santo Domingo hospital, some of whom remain in serious condition. All tourists were insured for 40 thousand euros, including transportation within the Dominican Republic and medical evacuation to Russia. The Federal Tourism Agency confirmed that tourists from the Dominican Republic will be returned to their homeland on an individual basis and depending on the recommendations of doctors. Those who were discharged first have already flown to Moscow.

A flight from the Dominican Republic to Moscow is a 12-hour flight, and people still have difficulty containing their emotions.

“The bus is on its side,” is how one of the victims described the situation.

“People were in shock. They couldn’t even scream,” the woman says about what happened to people immediately after the accident.

16:00 local time. It's light outside, no rain, no wind. A bus with 70 passengers, 39 of them Russians whose vacation had ended, was heading to the airport. Suddenly - a powerful blow. The bus turned over on its side, the seat cushions were scattered along the road. The truck driving in front of the bus was thrown far off the side of the road

“I was driving from the airport. I looked: from all sides people were getting out of the bus through the roof,” says an eyewitness to the accident.

We managed to contact one of the victims: Anastasia Popova and her husband are now in a hospital in the Dominican Republic.

“They say I have a spinal fracture. I can’t walk, but I can feel my legs, arms, everything,” she explained.

Everything happened in seconds.

“I saw how we overtook a car. The bus was traveling at a decent speed, at least 100 kilometers. We overtook the car. And then a truck in front of us suddenly changed lanes. And the bus, naturally, suddenly began braking. And we took off. It all happened in a few seconds. What, in general, how? We got out of the bus. Rescuers arrived in 15-20 minutes. Helicopter, ambulance," those who were traveling on the tourist bus share their impressions.

But tourists who were traveling in neighboring buses and cars say that the crashed bus had technical problems.

“One of the eyewitnesses says that at first there was the sound of a tire bursting, and then the bus flew off - this is another statement about what happened. - All the buses, by the way, were driving normally, only this one... We thought why "Is he driving that fast? It's unclear. He was driving fast, the rest were all driving normally."

“I was driving behind the bus. And I just saw that it lifted from behind, as if something had happened to the cardan. The bus began to fall over. The driver tried to steer until the bus turned over on the road,” adds the driver of the car following the bus .

Despite the fact that this route is one of the central tourist routes connecting international airports, . November 11 - cars in a ditch, November 7 - a truck turned around. September 10 - the car flew off the road and had to be retrieved with a tractor.

“In 10 days we’ve already got two buses,” says a Russian tourist who returned from the Dominican Republic to Vnukovo. “It’s a wonderful vacation, but the transport is dangerous. That’s why I wouldn’t recommend taking excursions, guys.”

“The service is excellent,” assures a tourist from Russia in khaki. “The buses are bad. In short, it’s better not to take a car and it’s better not to drive, because the rules are conditional.”

“Locals say the road situation is dangerous. This could happen at any moment,” states a tourist from the Dominican Republic who returned to Moscow.

2016 Same route. In the video, the tourist bus is in almost the same position as the current one. Then 18 people were injured.

All those injured in today's accident from the highway were taken straight to three hospitals. First, a stretcher on wheels appeared on the road, and soon a helicopter landed right on the road.

According to Anastasia, who is now in the hospital, she is being provided with all the necessary assistance. But there are problems with food.

“There is no canteen in the hospital,” explains Anastasia Popova. “My husband has been with me for a day now. He is hungry. If you want to eat, go to a cafe, they say. We already have very little money—5 dollars left.”

The information that a 12-year-old girl had both arms amputated was denied a few hours ago by Mikhail Evdokimov, a representative of the Russian diplomatic mission in the resort of Punta Cana. According to him, doctors managed to save one hand. She was sewn on. And 80% that she will recover. The second hand is not injured. Volunteers who spoke both Russian and Spanish helped the victims communicate with doctors.

“The Russian diaspora provided great support. People came to hospitals and donated blood,” Alexander Karpetsky thanks his compatriots from the Dominican Republic.

All injured tourists are insured in case of emergency.

“Each victim has an insurance contract with a limit of 40 thousand dollars. Of course, the treatment prescribed to them, including transportation, will be paid for,” the insurance company assured Yulia Alcheeva.

The first seven people from the overturned bus are already home. Doctors are closely monitoring the condition of the others.