Since ancient times, the respected doctors Avicenna and Hippocrates have repeatedly proven that tea with mint has an extremely positive effect on humans, and today every housewife is confident in its beneficial properties for colds and weight loss, it’s a pity that fresh mint in winter is not as easy to find as Seems.

Mint, considered natural component, which is able to calm both soul and body. But, despite the enormous benefits, mint also has some contraindications, which we will talk about a little later.

If you drink mint tea every day, then your equanimity and calmness can only be envied. However, moderation should be observed in everything, even if it is an ordinary tea drink with mint.

Benefits of mint tea

Peppermint tea has an amazing ability to relieve pain symptoms, soothe, while it can have an antiseptic and choleretic effect.. The drink perfectly stimulates brain activity and improves appetite.

Mint contains menthol, which exhibits its antibacterial properties in the case of infectious and colds.

The benefits of mint tea are that the drink can relieve pain during menstrual periods in women, thereby relieving cramps and pain, while it is necessary to drink tea in case of unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Tea with mint can reduce the level of male hormones in the female body what in the end will rid a woman of hair in unwanted places. For pregnant women, a tea drink with mint will make it easier to tolerate toxicosis, relieving the expectant mother of nausea and dizziness.

Beneficial properties of mint tea

Due to its beneficial properties, mint tea is recommended to drink to reduce stomach acidity, for colds, runny nose and flu. Along with this, mint tea has a positive effect on metabolic processes, improving the protective functions of the body. A tea drink with mint helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal system, relieving spasms and eliminating infections.

If you are overcome migraines and muscle pain, then the best remedy there will be mint tea. The tonic drink perfectly calms and normalizes the activity of the nervous system. In addition, mint tea has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels; it is used to treat external skin diseases, eliminating rashes and itching.

Is mint tea invigorating or calming?

IN In small doses, mint tea is a drink for vigor, but you can drink it no more than two cups a day, otherwise the effect will be the opposite, you will want to sleep and feel weak.

Men are wary of mint tea, as mint is very calming. nervous system and the body as a whole, thereby reducing male libido.

If you drink this tea regularly, then naturally this will not have a very good effect on male potency, however, by stopping drinking the mint tea drink, the man will regain his strength.

Is mint tea good or bad for men?

Thus, when weighing the benefits and harms of mint tea, men should not be afraid of it, they can and even need to drink it in case of severe fatigue or severe nervous strain, it is just not necessary to do it 5 times a day. Everything is good in moderation.

For hyperactive children, tea with mint will also be useful, since the drink can calm them down a little, but for less active children, it is not advisable to drink mint tea, otherwise it will cause drowsiness.

Mint tea and weight loss

Mint can be combined with any other teas or herbs, for example, black or green teas in combination with mint will give excellent weight loss results.

The secret is quite simple, mint contains a huge amount of essential oil, which dulls the feeling of hunger, thus helping to establish metabolic processes and free the body from poisons.

When using mint tea as a means of losing weight, be sure to drink enough water, as mint has a strong diuretic effect.

How to properly prepare mint tea

It is better to brew a tea drink with mint in a porcelain or glass container, so the drink will retain all its beneficial properties.

If you are brewing fresh mint, then you need to take 4 leaves, pour hot boiled water over them, after 1-2 minutes, drain the water and pour a glass of slightly cooled boiling water, degrees 80-90% so that the mint does not boil and the essential vitamins are not destroyed, but bring benefits to your body. Leave the tea to brew for 10 minutes and you can pour it into cups.

What can you combine mint with in tea?

In general, mint tea can be brewed with any ingredients, for example, ginger and cinnamon V combined with mint will give energy and vigor, lemon and honeystrengthen the immune system, chamomilecalms the nervous system, Melissarelieves headaches.

But you can brew just mint without everything or just with honey, so you will really feel the taste of exactly this medicinal plant, in appearance it will resemble the most elite green or even white Japanese tea, and this will make it possible not to keep at home ordinary store-bought tea of ​​not very high quality, collected from an unknown place and unknown with what chemicals.

For a child, all ingredients of mint tea should be halved. When brewing black tea with mint, the proportions must be 1:1. It is worth remembering that mint tea benefits the body only when freshly brewed, and on the second day there will definitely be no benefit.

However, drink A tea drink like this is better without sugar, since sugar is basically considered harmful product, and one of the most harmful, then it reduces the benefits of mint, instead it is better to add healthy honey. By the way, it is also better to add honey not to boiling water, otherwise its beneficial properties also decrease and can even turn into harmful ones.

Contraindications and harms of mint tea

Regardless of its many advantages, mint tea is not recommended for nursing mothers, as it can reduce lactation. In general, mint tea can be harmful to those who have inflammation of the kidneys and liver.

It should also be drunk carefully , who has low arterial pressure or abandon it altogether. Naturally, mint tea is prohibited for those who suffer from allergies or have an individual intolerance to mint. Doctors are not It is recommended to drink mint tea for varicose veins.

Thus, for all other people, mint tea is useful and has a diverse beneficial effect on the body as a multifunctional natural remedy that can help with various diseases. In addition, in case of life's troubles, a cup of mint tea will help you relax and relieve stress, as well as remain with a clear mind and a bright head. That's what we wish for you.

And if you have this moment there is no mint in the refrigerator, don’t be upset, it’s better to read the articles, or.

The healing properties of peppermint have been known since ancient times. Peppermint is a valuable aromatic plant that can be grown in personal plots. and peppermint-based infusions help get rid of many diseases.

Description of peppermint

Peppermint is a perennial herb with a pleasant aroma. The plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The stem of the plant reaches a height of up to 80 cm. It is branched, dark purple in color with numerous pinpoint glands. Mint leaves are opposite, short-petioled, pointed at the end. Their length reaches 3-6 cm and width 1.5-2 cm. Mint leaves contain no more than 5% menthol, and inflorescences about 6%. They are used to produce various flavors or.

At the top of the shoots there are red-violet, small flowers, which are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. The mint fruit is enclosed in a calyx and consists of 4 brown seeds. The flowering period of the plant is from June to September.

Mint grows well on loamy soils and black soils in a well-lit place. The plant reproduces vegetatively, thanks to creeping rhizomes. When mint is grown in one place, it grows quickly.

This plant is used not only in the pharmaceutical and food industries, but also in alternative medicine. With its help you can get rid of many diseases. The plant is included in many medicines: Corvalol, Validol, Valocardin, Zelenin drops.

For cosmetic purposes, mint is used as a rejuvenating, tonic, and refreshing agent.

In cooking it is spicy plant occurs quite often. Mint is added to salads, soups, and various vegetable dishes.

The benefits of peppermint for the human body

Peppermint has unique beneficial properties. Decoctions, infusions and teas using peppermint have the following effects:

  • Tonic
  • Bactericidal
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Painkiller
  • Antispasmodic
  • Choleretic
  • Antiemetic

Mint leaves contain substances such as menthol, ascorbic acid, tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, carotene.

The plant helps to activate capillary blood circulation and improves intestinal motility. Infusions and decoctions are useful to use for nausea and vomiting. Thanks to the substances included in the plant, digestion improves. Mint reduces pain from stomach cramps.

It is recommended to take mint decoctions for cholecystitis, tuberculosis, neuralgia, etc. It is useful to drink the herb to increase appetite, for abdominal pain, diarrhea, and heartburn.

Mint is taken for heavy menstruation, menopause, uterine bleeding, stagnation of milk, toxicosis in pregnant women. The plant is also used to improve the secretory function of the endocrine glands.

Mint is actively used in dentistry for oral care. Peppermint essential oil is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Peppermint oil will help alleviate the patient's condition with bronchitis and pneumonia. For inhalation, use a decoction of dried or fresh mint leaves. Mint improves sputum discharge, reduces coughing attacks and symptoms.

If it is not possible to take infusions and decoctions of fresh or dried mint leaves, then you can use it biologically active additives. They also contain mint.

Contraindications to the use of peppermint

In addition to its beneficial properties, any plant has some contraindications. Peppermint is no exception. It is forbidden for infants to drink mint tea or infusions, as the high menthol content can lead to breathing problems.

People suffering from varicose veins should use peppermint with caution, as menthol reduces the tone of blood vessels.
The use of mint-based preparations is contraindicated for those whose activities require high concentration of attention. Often mint has an inhibitory effect and causes drowsiness.

Hypotonic patients should take medications and mint infusions only after consulting a doctor. Consuming mint in large quantities can lead to a decrease in blood pressure.

It is forbidden to use mint during pregnancy and lactation. It is used only in extreme cases to get rid of toxicosis.
Mint activates bile secretion, which can trigger an attack of heartburn.

Certain components of mint can have a negative effect on men who have problems with potency.

Infertility is a serious contraindication to consuming mint. If you have problems conceiving, mint decoctions should not be taken. If you neglect this, you can cause great harm to the body and aggravate the situation.

In case of an overdose of mint infusion or decoction, nausea, allergic reactions, headache. Often, when using a concentrated and large amount of decoction, malfunctions may occur. respiratory system, pain in the heart and bronchospasms.

Since mint has an antispasmodic effect, use it long time Not recommended. This can lead to disruption of the heart, liver, etc.

In case of increased sensitivity and individual intolerance to mint components, it is not recommended to take decoctions and infusions.
Before taking mint infusion or decoction, you should consult your doctor.

How to properly collect mint

You can buy mint at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Flowers and leaves must be collected in dry weather during the first flowering phase. It is during this period that they contain maximum amount useful substances.

Mint blooms for a long time - from June to autumn. For ease of collection, the plant can be picked whole and then the leaves and flowers can be separated from the stem. Raw materials must be dried in a special place under a canopy in the open air, where they will not be exposed to Sun rays. You can also use dryers where there will be active circulation warm air. The temperature should not be less than 30-35 degrees.

After this, place the dried leaves and flowers in special bags or in a regular jar. To prevent the fragrant smell of the raw materials from being lost, the container should be tightly closed.

The optimal time to collect the leaves and flowers of the plant is April-September. Largest quantity useful substances are contained in mint collected before flowering or at the beginning of flowering.

It is advisable to store mint in a dark and dry place. It is recommended to grind the raw materials before use. This way you can preserve the healing properties and essential oils included in the plant. Dried raw materials should be stored for no more than 2 years.

Traditional recipes for mint

Mint can be used to treat various diseases in dry or fresh form. The herb is used not only as a separate component, but also in herbal preparations.

Mint tea is used for nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, etc. To prepare it you will need a tablespoon of dry mint leaves. Pour a glass of boiling water over the herb and leave for 15 minutes. The tea can be slightly sweetened. It is recommended to consume no more than 3 glasses of medicinal per day.

For the treatment of digestive disorders, diseases gastrointestinal tract It is useful to take mint infusion. Pour a spoonful of herbs into 250 ml of water and let it brew for about an hour. Take a tablespoon orally at least 5 times a day.

To reduce stomach acidity, get rid of constipation and sour belching, it is recommended to use a herbal mixture with mint. To prepare it, take mint, St. John's wort, and trifoliate leaves in a ratio of 3:6:0.5. Mix the resulting mixture well and pour 2 tablespoons into 0.5 liters of boiling water. It is advisable to insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Take orally throughout the day.

To increase acidity, you will need 4 parts mint, 3 parts each of yarrow and knotweed, 2 parts each of chamomile flowers, dill fruits, and caraway seeds.

To prepare a carminative and choleretic mint remedy, you need to take yarrow, peppermint and tricolor violet leaves in equal proportions, 15 g each. Brew a teaspoon of the mixture and take half a glass 2 times a day.

Peppermint tincture with alcohol. Take fresh mint leaves and rinse with running water. Then pour into a half-liter jar, add 10 g of cinnamon and fill with alcohol. Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka. Close the container with the tincture tightly and place in a dark place for 14 days. Before use, pour the tincture into another container.

Mint baths. To reduce foot sweating, you can use mint baths. Chop fresh or dried mint leaves (50 g) and pour a liter of boiling water. Close the container tightly and leave for 30 minutes. Next, pour the infusion into a basin and hold your feet for 20-30 minutes.

Peppermint oil. For bloating and abdominal pain, using peppermint oil is effective. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Place 2-3 drops into a spoon and wash down with water.

You can also put drops on sugar and eat. Peppermint oil is also used for various inflammatory skin diseases.

Mint tea with salt. This remedy is effective in fighting colds. Add a teaspoon of salt to the brewed mint tea. You can use regular table or sea food. The prepared product should be gargled and used to rinse the sinuses. In addition, you can perform inhalations with mint decoction.

By regularly performing this procedure, you can reduce the symptoms of respiratory inflammation and get rid of a runny nose. Add dried leaves to a container of boiling water and boil for 2-4 minutes. Then you need to lean over the container and inhale the menthol vapor. The procedure should be performed within 10 minutes.

Mint infusion for the face. To prepare the infusion, you should take sage, horsetail, yarrow and mint in equal quantities. Mix everything and pour one glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 40 minutes. Then strain and use the infusion as a lotion for acne and against acne.

Natural mint tea is a drink with a long history that nourishes, refreshes, heals, and has a fragrant aroma. The taste and smell of the medicinal herb are determined by menthol and numerous essential oils. Unique properties The benefits of mint tea were noted by respected ancient healers who used mint to treat numerous diseases.

Mint tea: healing, cleansing, relaxation

To prepare fragrant tea, fresh or dry mint leaves are brewed with boiling water, taken hot or cold when overworked, nervous overexcited, tired. Tea with mint goes well with honey and lemon - this decoction is recommended for colds and acute respiratory viral infections. A simple, affordable, natural drink filled with useful substances such as:

  • pantothenic acid;
  • tannins;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • phytoncides;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

Peppermint tea is good for women: by promoting the production of estrogen, the infusion stabilizes hormonal levels and regulates menstrual cycle, improves skin condition, helps cope with unpleasant symptoms during menopause.

The effect of mint tea on children has not been fully studied, so it is advisable to give herbal infusions to a child starting from 4-5 years old (in small quantities). Pay attention to the reaction of the child’s body (are there any rashes, itching, allergies), consult a specialist.

The effect of mint tea on men is controversial and debated. Occasionally, in small quantities, a mug of brewed mint can help representatives of the stronger sex cope with overstrain, depression, and neurosis. In large quantities, mint can reduce the level of male hormones (testosterone), leading to a decrease in potency.

Area of ​​application of fragrant herb

Due to its healing properties, mint tea is used as:

  • sedative and analgesic for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, migraines, hypertension;
  • antiseptic for runny nose, cough, sore throat (helps relieve pain, clears mucus);
  • antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent for stomach cramps, intestinal disorders, nausea;
  • a choleretic drug to improve the flow of bile and reduce high acidity of the stomach.

Many representatives of the fair sex effectively use mint tea for weight loss, noting its remarkable ability to reduce hunger and cravings for sweets. By taking this drink before meals, you can speed up your metabolism and improve your performance. digestive system. Peppermint tea is especially useful during times of stress.

There are mixed opinions about the benefits of mint tea during pregnancy. It is known that mint:

  • helps fight early toxicosis;
  • eliminates constipation, dizziness;
  • tones the muscles of the uterus;
  • relieves swelling and heartburn symptoms.

However, mint tea brings not only benefits, but sometimes harm. Obstetricians and gynecologists advise taking the herbal infusion with caution, in doses, and in moderation. Large quantities of female hormones contained in the plant can affect the course of pregnancy or provoke premature birth. Therefore, before use medicinal herbs to the expectant mother It is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Important: The use of essential peppermint oil during pregnancy is strictly prohibited!

It is undesirable to consume mint tea excessively and breastfeeding, due to its pronounced hypotonic effect. The presence of menthol in the herb can lead to a decrease in blood pressure and interruptions in heart rate for both mother and baby. Peppermint is known to affect lactation by reducing the amount of breast milk. Mint tea can be taken with problems of hyperlactation and during weaning of the baby.

How to brew delicious, refreshing mint tea?

The proportions and combination of ingredients indicated in the recipes are not critical; they can be varied depending on personal preferences.

Mint tea with ginger and honey

3 tbsp. spoons of grated and mint are brewed in a liter hot water, add 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. Can be mixed with regular black tea of ​​different varieties.

Soothing tea with mint and lemon balm

2 tbsp. spoons of mint leaves and pour 0.5 liters of hot water, leave for 5-10 minutes, take with the addition of sugar and honey to taste.

Moroccan classic tea

2 teaspoons are brewed with 200 g of water in a small teapot or a special glass. Fresh mint leaves (1 bunch) are brewed separately in another container with added sugar. After 5 minutes infusion with green tea mixed with mint, poured into small glasses.

Mint tea with cranberry and honey

Mint leaves are brewed with boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Cranberries are ground with honey, placed on the bottom of glasses, poured with mint infusion, infused for 5 minutes under closed lid. In summer, you can serve the cooling drink with ice cubes.

Spiced tea with cinnamon and lime

Place on the bottom of the glass: a leaf of fresh mint, a little black tea, a pinch. The ingredients are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid, infused for several minutes, and before drinking, the glass is decorated with a slice of lime.

Are there any contraindications for mint tea?

Mint leaves contain active substances that can also have a negative effect on human body. Therefore, it is not advisable to take mint tea:

  • persons with individual intolerance, allergy sufferers;
  • pregnant women, women during lactation;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • hypotensive patients with low blood pressure;
  • men with problems in the intimate sphere;
  • with varicose veins.

According to ancient Greek legend, mint was once the nymph Mintha, who fell victim to love squabbles and was turned into a menthol plant by the goddess of fertility. From time immemorial, mint tea has been considered healthy drink, which can calm the soul, dispel anxiety and clear thoughts. Thanks to menthol, citral, carvone, geraniol and other components, it is so fragrant and healthy. However, when brewing mint tea, the benefits and harms must be taken into account in order to get not only pleasure, but also benefit from the drink.

There are many types of mint: wild, indoor, menthol, field, lemon, pepper. Wild mint is a rare member of the Lamiaceae family. Tea made from this mint helps to activate the brain and gives you vigor. Tea is not made from indoor mint, but it perfectly aromatizes rooms. Young shoots of mint brewed with tea perfectly relieve headaches. The use of peppermint helps in solving many problems of the digestive tract. Menthol mint tea is similar in its properties to peppermint, but it is more intense because it contains a huge amount of menthol in the cell structure.

Methods for Brewing Mint Tea

To fully unlock the full potential of the beneficial properties of the plant, you need to learn how to brew mint tea correctly. Of course, the process itself depends on whether mint will be the only base of the drink, or whether it is planned to combine it with black or green tea.

1. Preparation of green tea with mint involves the following sequence of actions:

— bring 1 liter of water to a boil and wait until it cools to 80°C;

— pour 1 teaspoon of leafy green tea and 1 teaspoon of dried mint or a fresh sprig of mint leaves into a porcelain teapot;

- Let the drink steep for three minutes.

2. Preparing black mint tea involves the following steps:

- boil 1 liter of water;

— pour one teaspoon each of black tea and mint into a glass or porcelain teapot and fill with water at a temperature of 90°C;

— after 2 minutes you can pour the drink into cups;

- for sweetness you can add a little honey.

3.Making pure mint tea based on the same steps as previous recipes: for 1 liter of boiling water you need 1 teaspoon of dry mint or several small sprigs of fresh mint. Honey would be a nice addition to this recipe. It can be added directly to a drink or consumed as a snack.

Type of tea Teapot material for brewing Proportions Water temperature Brewing time
1 Green tea with mint Porcelain 80°C 3 minutes
2 Black tea with mint Porcelain or glass 1 teaspoon tea, 1 teaspoon dry mint, 1 liter water 90°C 2 minutes
3 Pure mint tea Porcelain or glass 1 teaspoon dry mint, 1 liter of water 90°C 2 minutes

Useful qualities

The use of this drink has a whole spectrum healing properties. The most important advantages include the following:

1. Tea brewed with menthol, field, lemon or peppermint eliminates anxiety and saves from insomnia;

2. Tea with wild mint improves brain activity and gives the body vigor;

3. This drink is a good natural antiseptic and analgesic. Headaches, migraines, and joint aches can be eliminated by periodically using this remedy. In addition, the drink perfectly helps with various respiratory diseases, improves expectoration, copes with a stuffy nose and reduces body temperature;

4. This hot drink helps hypertensive patients reduce blood pressure;

5. A decoction of peppermint and menthol helps eliminate nausea, relieve stomach cramps and colic, and also improves the general condition of the digestive system and helps with the production of bile. For people suffering from flatulence, this drink helps reduce the amount of gas in the intestines, as it reduces the activity of fermentation processes;

6. This drink also has an anti-inflammatory effect. This tea not only helps restore the general condition of the body, but also contributes to the formation of strong immunity.

Harm of mint tea

Despite all its benefits, there are certain harms of mint tea:

1. Menthol, as the main organic substance of the plant, can cause an allergic reaction;

2. Due to its ability to lower blood pressure, tea is not recommended for people with low blood pressure, as it will lead to lethargy and dizziness;

3. If you have varicose veins, drinking this drink may worsen the situation;

4. Peppermint tea can worsen the effects of heartburn;

5. Since mint contains tannins, it is not recommended for people suffering from constipation;

6. Consuming mint tea with any homeopathic medicines may cause unwanted side effects.

Is mint dangerous for men?

The answer to the question of whether men can drink mint tea depends on the type of plant being brewed. Of course, drinking peppermint or lemon mint tea, which contain a large number of menthol will negatively affect male libido, as it will suppress the process of testosterone production.

If you brew tea with wild mint, the result will be exactly the opposite. That is why the consumption of drinks with wild mint was prohibited among the ancient Greek troops.

Harm and benefits of mint tea for women

It has long been known that drinking mint tea has many benefits for women. Firstly, the menthol component of the drink helps stabilize a woman’s hormonal levels. Secondly, mint tea will ensure painless menstruation.

However, even if a woman is healthy in all aspects that relate to taking mint tea, there are two categories that are still not recommended to enjoy this refreshing drink: pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

Drinking mint tea during pregnancy poses a risk of developing allergic reaction, which has not been previously observed. Peppermint is especially dangerous for this situation, as it provokes bleeding, which is dangerous for the period of gestation. And during the third trimester, this particular drink can cause a burning sensation in the stomach. However, in some cases, mint tea is prescribed to expectant mothers. For example, with severe toxicosis in the first trimester, with excessive flatulence, with food poisoning, and colds. There are many differing opinions about whether pregnant women can take mint tea, but to avoid problems with fetal development, it is better to consult with your personal doctor.

Unfortunately, after childbirth the situation does not change radically if you plan to feed your baby breast milk. Drinking mint tea while breastfeeding poses certain risks for the baby and his mother.

The effect of mint on the body of a nursing or pregnant woman

There is also no consensus on the question of whether children can have mint tea. The best solution would be to hold this drink until you reach 5 years of age. Taking mint tea will be especially dangerous for children who have problems with the kidneys and nervous system.

Based on the above, we can distinguish categories who can drink mint tea and who are not recommended.

You can drink mint tea

Children under 3 years old

Children under 5 years old

Children over 5 years old

Hypertensive patients


People with varicose veins

Allergy sufferers

Nursing mothers


Thus, mint tea, the benefits and harms of which are indicated above, should be consumed rationally in order to avoid a wide range of ailments. Mint, despite her beautiful taste qualities, is a medicinal plant, and any medicine cannot be overdosed.

Find out all the properties of mint infusions - what they can help with and when they should be avoided. What health problems can be solved with mint tea? When is mint tea harmful to health?

Healing and harmful properties of peppermint

Let's figure out what the properties of mint are, its benefits and contraindications for use. There are 300 species of this herbaceous plant in the world, only 25 are widely known.

Most known species- This is peppermint, famous for its fragrant aroma and the high content of menthol in its leaves and stems, which gives it a special taste. Field (meadow) mint is used in cooking and medicine, and fragrant is added to tinctures to obtain a stable aroma.

Mint leaves are collected during flowering, from July to August. They are dried as whole branches or individual leaves, while all their properties are preserved. The main thing is not to keep it in the light or near heat sources, from which essential oils quickly evaporate.

Now we will learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of aromatic mint tea.

Beneficial features

Let's find out what are the benefits of mint tea? The healing properties of mint lie in its ability to soothe, dilate blood vessels, relieve pain and reduce inflammation. It is part of medicinal drugs in the form of drops, ointments and tablets.

What are the benefits of mint tea for the digestive system? It reduces nausea and weakens gas formation, and has a choleretic effect. To do this, put 2 tsp. leaves per glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and drink 1/3 of a mug 15 minutes before meals. Mint also relieves spasms and pain in the stomach and intestines, stimulates and cleanses the liver, removing toxins from it. The increased amount of tannins in it helps with vomiting and diarrhea. Menthol significantly improves appetite.

The benefits of mint tea are clearly manifested in the disinfection of the oral cavity for stomatitis and the elimination unpleasant odor, so this herb is added to toothpastes and mouthwashes. Rinse to give fresh breath: 1 tbsp. l. mint pour 2 cups of hot water, wait 2 hours and strain.

Peppermint tea is used in the treatment of colds as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent for sore throat and pharyngitis. Put 1 tbsp. l. dried leaves mint in a glass of hot water, wait 10 minutes and drink with honey to relieve cough.

How is mint tea beneficial for the cardiovascular system? It relieves heart palpitations, lowers blood pressure, and stimulates cardiac activity. Hypertensive patients are advised to take a herbal infusion, for which they take 1 part mint and chamomile and 1/2 valerian.

Another beneficial property of mint tea is relaxation and calming of the nervous system. Therefore, it helps with stress, insomnia and headaches caused by overexertion. A glass of this drink at night will ensure deep sleep. Peppermint baths are also soothing.

The beneficial properties of mint tea also appear during painful menstruation, because it helps to relax and reduce bleeding.

If you have skin rashes and acne, the use of mint infusions will lead to a decrease in the estrogen hormone that causes these diseases. And lotions from the leaves of this plant will improve the condition of the skin and even out the complexion.

What are the benefits of mint tea in fighting? With overweight? It will help cope with constipation and cleanse your intestines, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It will also calm the nervous system and reduce the desire to “eat” stress with sweets. A glass of drink drunk 20 minutes before a meal will reduce the amount eaten to the required minimum. To prepare it, take 2 tsp. dry or 1 tsp. fresh mint leaves. Pour a cup of boiling water over them, cover and wait 10 minutes. Then strain the liquid, add half a slice of lemon and a little honey.


Peppermint brings benefits and harm, because its biologically active substances have a strong effect on the body. First of all, it should not be used in case of individual intolerance or allergic reaction.

People with low blood pressure– hypotensive people, they may feel excessive weakness.

Mint reduces the tone of the veins and can cause an exacerbation of varicose veins. If you have a sensitive stomach and a tendency to heartburn, you should also avoid drinking mint teas.

Products with mint are also contraindicated for children under 3 years of age. Their body has not yet reached sufficient maturity for the proper absorption of its biologically active substances. Pregnant women should be careful when using mint later, and nursing mothers. The former are at risk of slowing their heart rate from this herb, and for the latter, regular consumption of mint drinks will reduce the amount of breast milk.

Men should also be wary of this herb - it has the ability to reduce potency and reduce the ability to conceive.