Easter, or the Bright Resurrection of Christ, is the oldest and most important Christian holiday, established in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

history of the holiday

The holiday in honor of the Resurrection of God and the arrival of spring was different nations long before the emergence of Christianity. In the spring, the Egyptians held festivities in honor of the resurrection of the god Osiris, in Ancient Greece glorified the fertility goddess Demeter, and the ancient Celts worshiped the spring goddess Ostara, celebrating the awakening of nature with colored eggs and small wheat buns, very similar to our Easter traditions.

More than five thousand years ago, the Jewish tribes celebrated Passover as a calving holiday for livestock, then this day was associated with the beginning of the harvest, and even later they celebrated the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, the spring holiday was called Passover, which means “deliverance.”

And if in the Jewish tradition Easter means liberation from slavery and the acquisition of the Promised Land, then in Christianity the holiday is filled with a different content - the joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the acquisition of eternal life thanks to the faith of the Savior, the victory of light over darkness.

Believers prepare for Easter during the seven weeks of Great Lent. This is one of the strictest fasts of the year. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert, which is why fasting lasts that long. During Great Lent, believers renounce what completely absorbs them and removes them from the Lord, cleanse their body and soul, repent, pray and become closer to God.

Easter celebration

The Easter Service of God lasts all night. Its solemn moment comes at midnight, when the priest announces “Christ is risen!”, And all those present answer “Truly he is risen!” After the service, the process of consecrating ritual Easter dishes begins: Easter cakes, eggs, meat, sausages, butter, fish and other dishes. Housewives bring beautiful baskets of food, decorated with embroidered towels and candles, to the consecration, after which the believers go home and begin to “break their fast.”

The whole family gathers at the festive table for Easter. First of all, they break their fast with Easter eggs. Then everyone tries a piece of Easter cake and feasts on other dishes that are on the table.

After the feast, according to tradition, the youth went to the church and arranged Easter fun - they sang freckles and haivkas, organized games, led round dances and rejoiced at the holiday in the spring. It is believed that everyone should have fun on Easter. And whoever is bored on this day will have a bad year ahead.

Also on Easter, it is customary to visit neighbors, friends and relatives, say Christ and exchange Easter dishes: Easter cakes, eggs, pies and other dishes.

What not to do on this day

It is not advisable to work on Easter, but if your schedule is such that you cannot do without it, accept your activity as a kind of obedience.

Sex is prohibited on Easter.

If there is some Easter food left over, it cannot simply be thrown into the trash. Leftover food should be burned or buried, and care should be taken to ensure that animals do not get to it.

If your birthday falls on Easter, it is better to move the celebration to another day so that it does not “block” the joy of the resurrection of Christ.

People do not visit cemeteries on Easter.

What to do on this day

A person who does not attend the Easter service can hardly be called a Christian. Participation in the service is not only mandatory - in fact, it is considered a sign of belonging to the church.

De facto, the fast ends after the service and communion. If you were at the all-night vigil and took communion, then you can have dinner “slowly” on the same day; if you were not in church in the evening, but attended the morning service, your fast ends after that. And yet, despite long restraint and a large number of various goodies, it is not recommended to overeat.

Easter is not only about colored eggs, fragrant Easter cakes and cheerful congratulations from family and friends. In fact, this is the main Christian holiday, which is shrouded in many folk signs and beliefs.

Of course, our ancestors tried not to lose sight of even the smallest details. What the weather will be like, how you should celebrate Easter, what signs mean, what this or that sign portends - this is the subject of interesting signs, rituals and customs that are described below.

  • Weather on Easter and Easter week: folk signs
    • If it's cold
    • If it rains
    • Storm
    • If it snows
    • Clouds in the Easter sky
  • What to do for Easter: folk signs and beliefs
    • What to do to get pregnant
    • Who was born on Easter: signs for the lucky one
  • Folk signs before Easter by day Holy Week
    • Maundy Thursday
    • Good Friday
    • Holy Saturday
  • Easter signs for girls
  • Conspiracies for Easter
    • For wealth
    • For love
    • To your health
    • For good luck
  • 9 more interesting folk signs

Easter always falls in spring, and most often in its second month. Spring in our latitudes, of course, can be unpredictable. That's why Special attention One should pay attention specifically to the weather and folk signs associated with it.

If it's a cold Easter, don't be upset. This sign portends very good events:

  • if it is cold and even frosty on Easter, there will be a good harvest (especially flax harvest);
  • but on the other hand, a cold Easter day in the morning foreshadows another 7 cold weekends.

It is also important to know not only what it means if on Easter it's raining, but also when exactly this happens:

  1. If it rains on Monday of Easter week, you can expect a rather rainy, cool spring.
  2. If on Tuesday, spring will be typical, but summer may seem colder than usual.
  3. If the rain is very heavy and even resembles a downpour, it means that a lot of field grass will grow, including weeds. And then it will be important to take care of your favorite plants in advance.

If it rains on Easter, and the sky is illuminated by lightning, and the air is shaken by thunder, do not rush to get upset. The weather may not be the best, but the year will be favorable, fruitful and satisfying.

Interestingly, a thunderstorm on Easter Sunday also foreshadows a dry and very late autumn. This means that we are in for a real Indian summer, which in some ways is even more interesting than usual. The thunderstorm on the eve of Easter speaks about the same thing.

In our northern latitudes, snow can fall in both March and April (and sometimes in May). Moreover, this is considered to be a very good sign!

Here are several answers to the question why it snows on Easter:

  1. Light or heavy snowfall - to a fruitful and successful year. You can safely make your most cherished wishes.
  2. If it snows on Easter and the weather is quite cool and even frosty, this also portends a very good harvest and a fairly warm, long summer.
  3. If similar weather continues on the second day after Easter (i.e. Tuesday) or at least the air is atypically cold, the summer will be dry and very sunny.

In general, warm, sunny weather for Easter portends no less sunny summer, which will last quite a long time. This means that the harvest can be quite decent.

  • If the night is clear and a lot of stars are visible in the sky, then frosts are expected ahead.
  • But if the weather is clear on Tuesday after Easter, summer may turn out to be quite rainy, but this does not mean that it must be cold.
  • Of course, the gloomy sky darkens the mood a little, but Easter is a Bright holiday, so you definitely don’t need to pay too much attention to it. However, it is better to take into account in advance that summer can be quite cool and also cloudy.

Easter is a bright and truly sacred holiday. It is literally overflowing with waves of bright hope. If you tune in to them correctly, you can feel as if a bright streak is truly coming in life. But faith, combined with a cheerful wave, really makes the dream come true.

Here's an example of what you need to do on Easter to get pregnant. Many popular beliefs are associated precisely with the main symbols of the holiday - i.e. colored eggs and Easter cakes.

Therefore, if we talk about what to do on Easter, and what signs are best performed in the morning, it is worth mentioning festive table. If a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time, she can get up early on Easter Sunday, set the table, and place plates for all the family and guests.

And now we need to put one more saucer - an extra one, so to speak. A piece of Easter cake is placed in it, after which the words are pronounced:

This is a cake for kids.

This will definitely help you wait for the baby you want. By the way, this folk sign for Easter also has its own scientific explanations:

  1. First of all, before Easter Sunday, the longest fast of the year, the Great Fast, lasts. Abstinence from meat dishes and fatty foods cleanses the body and has a good effect on a woman’s health, including the reproductive system.
  2. In addition, during Lent, many believers try, if possible, to abstain from intimacy (especially during the pre-Easter Holy Week). Needless to say, such a delay only awakens sensuality and literally forces the rested body to work with new vigor.

When Christ was resurrected, someone was lucky enough to be born, isn’t it? If this happened precisely on the day of Bright Resurrection, such a child has a great chance of becoming a famous and popular person, at least in his own circles.

Surely, he will be a natural leader, a true master of his craft. Such a person will gain completely deserved fame, since his real deeds will speak for him.

In general, Easter festivities take place not only on Sunday, but throughout the entire week after it. That's why folk sign says: if the baby was born during this bright week, he will be distinguished by good health.

And such a person will also have remarkable willpower, so he will not be afraid to truly accept difficult decisions and will certainly be able to achieve his goals.


Alas, such an event can happen on such a bright day. Oddly enough, this omen on Easter is considered very good. The soul of the deceased is considered to be marked by God, because he took it away precisely on the day of the main Christian holiday.

It is believed that all paint in the house should be red. And the deceased needs to put one egg in right hand. And in the church the deceased will be buried according to a special Orthodox rite.

Our ancestors paid much more attention to any sign of fate, so little things and accidents did not exist for them. And of course, events, phenomena and even sensations during the days of Holy Week, which always precedes Bright Resurrection, were of particular importance. This is especially true on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

It is clear that among the signs for Easter, the most interesting are those that give direct recommendations on what needs to be done to make the year happy. In this regard, Maundy Thursday is especially interesting.

On this special day, you can carefully take care of yourself: your home, health, soul and thoughts. It is very important not only to start the day with bathing and washing your hair. On this day they put out the dough, started baking Easter cakes and painting eggs. They also performed a powerful ritual - they prepared amulets to preserve health and home. For example, on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, special Thursday salt was prepared.

You should definitely try to visit the temple. Candles purchased on Maundy Thursday can burn throughout the day and charge the house with their miraculous power. This candle serves as a good talisman against illnesses and unwanted events.

If you have the feeling that there were evil eyes on yourself and your loved ones, that they were causing damage, or simply in Lately If you are unlucky more than usual, you can use a special spell when swimming.

Even before sunrise, you need to swim and visit full order in the house. To recharge yourself with the light energy of water, you can say special words, for example:



It was believed that it was on Maundy Thursday that women needed to perform powerful rituals to ask the Lord for their motherhood. There were special conspiracies for Maundy Thursday to get pregnant.

It was also believed that the prayer “O all-merciful Lord” has on this day special power.

This is a special day Holy Week, because it was on Friday that Jesus Christ was betrayed and crucified. At such hours and minutes, it is undesirable to quarrel, sort things out, or indulge in unbridled fun.

It’s better to properly prepare for the holiday, finish baking Easter cakes and coloring eggs.

It is believed that during Holy Week rituals can be performed to get rid of drunkenness and alcoholism. It is on Maundy Thursday and on Good Friday they have special powers.

As for the popular signs of Good Friday, they have survived even to this day:

  1. If you bake a loaf of bread (including Easter cake) on this day, it will not mold for many days. And besides, it can also charge a person with healing energy that saves from various diseases.
  2. If you go to church on Good Friday and bless a silver ring, it will serve as an amulet against accidents and help protect your health.
  3. On this day you should not pierce the ground with iron (shovel, pitchfork, etc.) - it is believed that this is a great sin and a bad sign. Those who take such risks may incur adverse consequences (including wounds and blood).
  4. On this day women do not need to sew, knit, clean the house, or do laundry. It is also better to refrain from cutting your hair.
  5. If the baby is already approaching the age when it is customary to wean from the breast, it is necessary to do this exactly at Good Friday. Then the child will grow up strong and healthy.
  6. A dream from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday predicts the future. Usually such a dream is filled with accurate predictions.
  7. On Good Friday, after the church service, you need to bring home 12 burning candles, which are not allowed to burn out completely. According to legend, such Friday candles bring prosperity and happiness to the home. They are kept behind the icons all year round.

And this is a particularly dramatic day: the body of the Savior has already been taken from the cross and placed in the tomb. Christ died, and probably in those tragic hours no one thought that very soon he would resurrect. Of course, you should also refrain from any quarrels, and even leave irritation for later.

In addition, Saturday is the last day of Lent, and it is considered the strictest (bread and water). Only after the end of the all-night vigil in the temple will it be possible to break the fast and taste the Easter dishes.

On Holy Saturday you can pay attention to the following beliefs:

  1. It is better not to plan any noisy parties for Holy Saturday. Even if it’s a birthday, you should celebrate it as modestly as possible. If you throw a feast for the whole world, this is an unkind sign: the year may not turn out as successfully as you planned.
  2. It is also popularly believed that there is no need to take out trash or any item from the house, including lending. Take your time with this; after all, if you disobey, it can give rise to minor troubles and failures.
  3. If Easter cakes turned out great on Holy Saturday, this is a very good symbol: the year will work out and will delight loved ones with pleasant events.
  4. If it was clear and warm on the Saturday before Easter, then the whole summer will be clear and sunny. And if the weather is cloudy, it will be a cold and rainy summer.

It is better for unmarried girls to pay attention to the peculiar signs that fate may send on this particular day. For example:

  • If your eyebrows itch, there will definitely be a date.
  • And if it’s also lips, you can safely expect a romantic kiss that will be remembered for a long time.
  • If a girl hurts her elbow on any day of Easter week, it may hurt, but it is a good sign. This means that such a girl will definitely meet her betrothed.

Of course, there are many other signs of what to do on Easter. For example, it is customary to pronounce certain spells that bestow good luck, wealth and health for the whole year. But they help unmarried ladies tune in to positive changes in their personal lives.

Of course, almost all people are interested in what traditions, signs and customs for Easter are associated with wealth. Since ancient times, in Rus' it was customary to read special conspiracies so that the whole year would be nourishing and rich.

They need to be said alone, and it is advisable to do it at dawn so that no one can interfere. For example, you can take a colored egg and say the following words:

Like an Easter egg with a ruble will not come out of this corner,

So that money never leaves my house.

Christ has risen, and to my words Amen.

But on the eve of the holiday, at the moment of kneading the dough for Easter cake or other holiday baked goods, you can say the following words:

I’ll knead the dough well and bake a sweet cake.

I’ll invite the brownie and treat him to some Easter cake.

Let him eat the cake, let him listen to my complaints,

It will heal in my house and bring me good luck.

It is customary to bake Easter cake on the eve of the holiday. You can take a few pieces of baked goods, put them outside the window on Saturday evening and read:

Come, brownie, to dine with me and taste my sweet cakes.

My Easter cakes are fragrant, pleasant to the soul and body.

Eat as much as you want, fill up, stay in my house forever.

I'm fine, I'm warm. You will live with me in freedom,

Bring me goodness and good luck.

Well, when the cherished holiday comes, you can say the following spell (on eggshells):

Like an egg shell breaking,

This is how my failures fly away,

How Easter eggs will go into my mouth,

So the money will flow like a river into my pocket.

If you happen to visit a church on Easter Sunday, you can light a candle, place it next to the crucifixion of Christ and say (mentally or quietly out loud):

How do people go to this cross?

So let big money come to me.

Now, forever and endlessly.

At home, when dyeing eggs, you need to give the first dye yourself small child and read this plot:

As long as people paint eggs, the saints will not forget our home. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Unmarried ladies and young girls can tune in to the wave of love and romance on Easter day. Easter superstitions are mainly associated with Easter cakes.

For example, while kneading the dough you need to say the following words:

I am beautiful, I am pretty, I look like a slender birch tree.

She is sweet like honey, pleasant as a holiday, pure in soul, neat in body.

I am promised to you alone, heaven has destined for us to be together.

And when the baked goods are ready, you can kiss him tenderly and quietly say:

Give my kiss to my betrothed,

Promise me that you will be happy with me.

He will be satisfied with you,

And his soul is inflamed with love.

Quite a lot of signs and customs for Easter are related to health. It is better to try to bring some holy water from the church, pour it into any vessel (preferably with dark walls) and look there to look at your reflection. After this, read the following plot:

Whose face is reflected in the water,

Togo would have been pacified.

Go, sick, to Marya Prodovik

Get engaged to her, but don’t get engaged to (name).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

On the seventh day after Easter, i.e. next Sunday, read the following conspiracy:

Christ is risen, trampling down death by death.

People praise the Lord

A God's words my pain is driven away.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

There's only one thing important rule: This text can be read in any year, excluding leap years (2020, 2024, 2028, and so on).

Here's a spell you can cast for good luck. You just need to take a whole dye, bring it directly to your lips and quietly say:

Easter egg, light egg, blessed egg,

Break all my troubles, overcome all my failures,

Spread the good news, bring me good luck.

Therefore, you should definitely take part in the fun tradition of breaking eggs from each other. With a charmed egg they try to break as many other people's eggs as possible.

Here are some other folk signs associated with Easter. They don’t need to be described by day, because they work well during all Easter days (but especially on Easter Sunday):

  1. If you wake up exactly during the Easter dawn and see it, a bright streak will come in your affairs.
  2. And if you admire the Easter sunset (and it should be multi-colored and beautiful), then the success will be simply enormous.
  3. Perhaps you will spend Easter day in nature - then listen to the sounds of the forest. The sounds of the cuckoo promise a new addition to the family.
  4. But the sounds of a knocking woodpecker foreshadow the purchase of an apartment or even your own private house.
  5. Moreover, if during your walk you also manage to feed any birds, you can safely expect wealth and prosperity in business.
  6. And if on the night of Easter you dreamed of a deceased relative, this is a very good sign. This means that in the coming year all family members will be healthy, and no misfortunes will affect them.
  7. It is better to try not to oversleep the morning service and generally get up early. Being late for church is a bad sign.
  8. You should also be wary if your candle goes out during the service - perhaps this sign will help you avoid unpleasant events.
  9. It is interesting that even hunters have a unique system of Easter symbols and signs. But the most important rule is that on such a day it is strictly forbidden to shed the blood of animals. Therefore, you need to postpone hunting (and fishing).

You need to follow the signs of fate not only on Bright Resurrection itself, but throughout the entire week (week) after it.

You can also pay attention to some signs - for example, who you meet first on Easter when you leave the house in the morning plays a big role:

  1. A man of any age - the problem will be solved successfully.
  2. And if it’s a woman, it’s good luck.
  3. A family with kids - there will be happy year for everyone at home.
  4. Dog - to unpleasant events, however, they will not have too serious consequences.
  5. But the cat announces an unexpected influx of money.
  6. Any bird means favorable changes.

In general, the bright energy of the main Christian holiday is felt throughout all 7 days. Therefore, each of us has enough time to tune in to bright changes and sincerely believe in our success.

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Easter is great Orthodox holiday Svetly Christ's Resurrection . This is the basis, the essence of Christianity, the crown of faith, the first and most basic, great truth. True, few people know that following folk beliefs These days you can attract good luck and prosperity to your home. But first let's talk about the main thing - Easter.

This is one of the wonderful spring holidays. The word Easter in Greek means passing, deliverance. On this wonderful day, we give thanks for the deliverance of Christ the Savior from slavery to the devil, and for giving us earthly life, eternal salvation and bliss. Christ's death on the Cross brought about our redemption, and through His Resurrection it was granted to all humanity. immortal life.
The history of Easter dates back to ancient times. More than five thousand years ago, the Jewish tribes celebrated it in the spring as a festival of calving of livestock, then as the beginning of the harvest, and later as the departure of the Jews from Egypt. Christians have put their own meaning into this day and celebrate Easter as the day of the resurrection of Christ.
In 325 on the first Ecumenical Council Christian churches in Nicaea, it was decided to move the holiday a week later than the Jewish one, to the first Sunday, after the first full moon, after March 21 - the day spring equinox. Therefore, the holiday does not have its own exact day, but falls every year on different days.
The week before Easter is Great, or Holy Week. Particularly important last days: Maundy Thursday is the day of receiving the sacrament, spiritual cleansing. It is traditionally called Maundy Thursday. On this day, before sunrise, according to folk custom, they cleansed themselves with water - they swam in an ice hole, lake, river, or doused themselves in a bathhouse. Orthodox Christians have always prepared for this holiday in advance and carefully, adhering to certain traditions and rituals. Throughout Holy Week, cleaning was carried out, houses were whitewashed, etc., Easter cakes and Easter cakes were baked, eggs were painted, painted, and piglets were baked in Ukraine and Belarus. Easter gingerbread cookies had the silhouettes of a lamb, a cockerel, a bunny, a dove, and a lark. On the eve of the holiday, Easter dishes were necessarily blessed in the church.
All Easter entertainment is basically games with colored eggs: rolling eggs on the ground, cue balls - beating with colored eggs, giving eggs to each other. And also everyone tried to ring the bell from the church bell tower. This ringing was magical and cleansing. The holiday lasted a week, the tables remained set. They invited the poor, the sick and the wretched to the table and treated them.

Folk Easter beliefs

What not to do before and on Easter

On Maundy Thursday everything in the house should be clean and tidy. Whoever is dirty will live in rubbish and dirt all year.
WITH Maundy Thursday Before Easter they don’t give anything from home, so as not to give away good luck and prosperity.

What is advisable to do before Easter and on Easter

On Maundy Thursday, before sunrise, count all the money three times - there will be money for the whole year.
On the same day, you must stock up on “Thursday” salt to treat yourself and your loved ones, to create amulets for your family, home, and livestock. For this purpose, take regular salt and place it in a small saucepan or any other container. The main thing is that it is closed with a lid. And we pierce it in the oven or oven. We push the burnt salt and sift it. Then each family member takes a handful of salt and throws it into a separate bag. Then it is hidden and stored. This salt has healing properties.
On this day for Easter, prepare water for beauty and wealth by throwing it in liter jar with water a silver spoon, gold rings, coins.
All preparatory work: cooking, painting eggs, etc. finish before Easter Sunday.

What should you absolutely not do on Easter?

Our ancestors firmly believed that the events that take place on Easter are full of special divine meaning.

Among the people there were many signs and beliefs for Easter, the veracity of which was not even questioned.

1. You cannot do housework on Easter - cleaning, sewing, knitting. Give your full attention to God and your family.

2. On Easter Day and during Easter week you should not be sad or cry.

3. It is forbidden to have sex - throughout the week you need to forget about worldly affairs and think about spiritual things.

4. You cannot go to the cemetery on Easter; this is what Memorial Week is for.


The celebration of Easter in our country is associated with many folk traditions and will accept.

To ensure harmony in your home and success in business, get a talisman or talisman.

A husband and wife must hit colored eggs against each other at breakfast on Easter Sunday; the one whose egg does not break will be the “head” of the family all year.

Which neighbor will be the first to return? Easter service, he will be the luckiest.

If you want to be beautiful, on Easter morning, after breaking your fast, pour water into a basin, dip the blessed dye into it, roll it around the bowl, and then wash your face with this water and roll the dye over your face - this will bring beauty and get rid of skin diseases.

And if you want wealth for yourself, dip gold and silver jewelry and coins into the water with the egg.

They roll an egg over children's faces - it is believed that this will protect them from the evil eye.

If unmarried girl really wants to get married, during the festive matins she needs to quietly whisper: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom!”

It has long been customary on Easter to leave the house with an egg and, meeting friends, fight with paints. Whose remains intact after the blow will be healthy and happy all year.

You can’t do any housework on Easter, otherwise happiness will go away with troubles. The exception is teaching children and caring for animals.

And the main belief: on Easter God hears all our prayers and helps us fulfill our desires! Let us wish ourselves and our loved ones peace, health and love!

There was a belief that water collected from a spring on Easter night or during Matins had a special power comparable to the power of holy water. I just had to bring it home without saying a word on the way. To achieve happiness and prosperity, they sprinkled houses and barns with this “silent” water.

A husband and wife should not christen themselves on Easter, so as not to be separated, as a popular sign for Easter says.

There are also Easter signs for girls associated with Easter. Lips itch Easter week- a kiss is inevitable; I hurt my elbow - my dear remembered; a fly fell into the cabbage soup - there will be a date; eyebrows itch - to meet your loved one.

There is a sign for Easter to get pregnant. Go to church early in the morning and dedicate eggs and Easter cakes. And then ask God to fulfill your desire.

If you are constantly experiencing difficulties with money, be sure to give a coin to a beggar at Easter - you will not know the need for the whole year.

And so that there is peace and harmony in the family and no one quarrels with each other, the Easter meal must begin with the whole family and everyone must first of all eat a piece of Easter cake and eggs that were blessed in the church.

First Easter Egg It is customary to divide into several parts according to the number of family members. Such joint eating of one egg, according to legend, strengthens the family, maintains friendly relations and love for each other.

In many places it was believed that if on Easter night or during Matins you go to a spring, draw water there and silently bring it home, without uttering a single word along the way, then the water would acquire special power, almost equal to the power of holy water. Such “silent” water was sprinkled on houses and barns for happiness and well-being, washed with it for health, etc.


How to spend this day with dignity? After all, Holy Easter is a special day not only for believers, but also for those who are quite far from religion.

All we can do on this day is to rejoice, treat our family and friends, invite them to visit us, and also pay visits to those who are much worse off than you these days in order to try to help them.

On Easter you can eat any food and drink wine. However, this should be done in moderation. Moderation is the main rule of any feast, and not just Easter.

If you have a normal relationship with alcohol, then you can afford to drink it in small quantities. However, if you know you won't be able to stop, it's better to give it up altogether. After all, on the holiday of Holy Easter, being drunk is a great sin.

Remember that fun should be more spiritual than physical.

What not to do on Easter

So, what should you not do on Easter? On this day you should not be sad, indulge in sad and sad thoughts. You cannot walk around angry, gloomy, or quarrel with others. It's especially bad to swear.

But these prohibitions do not apply exclusively to Sunday. All these rules should be followed throughout Holy Week.

This week should become an example of how a person should always behave. Regardless of whether it is a holiday or not, a person must behave decently, honestly and decently. We should always help those who need it, be kinder, use less foul language, and drive away bad thoughts.

What else can't you do on Easter?

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to restrictions for Easter is the ban on work. If you have Easter Sunday off, you're lucky. But, unfortunately, the question of whether to work or not on Easter does not always depend on us. If the boss confronts us with the fact that we need to go to work, we unquestioningly follow the order and go to work.

Don't worry if your schedule means you have to work on Easter. There is nothing criminal or sinful if you work against your will.

After all, we are also talking about obedience here. You are simply required to conscientiously perform your normal work. It is believed that if you fulfill your duties honestly and truthfully, the Lord will definitely understand and forgive you.

Regarding prohibitions on execution homework, it should be understood that this is not some kind of strict ban, violation of which will be punished from above. It's about that on this day it is worth giving up work in order to devote time to your family and friends.

Devote yourself to pious thoughts about God, celebrate, be with your loved ones.

The ban on working on Easter days is not canonical; it is most likely just a pious custom.

We all know that household chores and daily chores are integral parts of every person’s life. And giving up these troubles is not always easy. If you don’t have the opportunity to completely abandon these chores, you can devote some time to them on holidays.

However, try to do this wisely. So as not to spend a holiday bogged down in washing floors or dishes. And even more so, you shouldn’t start it on Easter general cleaning or painting window frames. Well, you see, these matters can be postponed until later.

What should be in an Easter basket

So it comes Holy holiday Great Easter.

Many of us follow the pleasant tradition of gathering on Easter night with our closest and dearest people, usually members of our family.

We fill our baskets with food that we have prepared in advance and go to church service.

But what can you not find in an Easter basket: Easter cakes, eggs, meat products, fish dishes, salt, horseradish, water, wine. Each family has its own list of products that they consider necessary to place in the basket.

However, many of us fill it incorrectly. So, what should you put in your Easter basket, and what should you leave out?

You need to remember the basic rule that the basket should contain only 4 main elements; you should not overload it with everything.


Kulich is the main attribute of Holy Easter. It symbolizes the body of Christ and is also a symbol of the kingdom of heaven.

Most of us are accustomed to pyramid-shaped paskhas; it is this shape that resembles Golgotha, the place where Christ was crucified.


Easter eggs are a symbol of new life.

The custom of painting eggs goes back to ancient times. Tradition says that Mary Magdalene turned to the ruler Tiberius. As a gift, she brought an ordinary chicken egg, and also told him the news of the resurrection of Christ.

However, Tiberius did not believe what the woman said. Moreover, according to him, “people cannot rise from the dead like white egg can’t suddenly turn red.” Legend has it that it was after this phrase that the egg suddenly turned bright red.


White color is a symbol of purity and pure love. Dairy products symbolize God's love for people.


Regarding the presence of meat products in the basket, Christ is identified with the sacrificial lamb. He was also sacrificed for the sake of humanity and for the salvation of the human soul.

In addition, horseradish root and salt are also added to the Easter basket. Horseradish is associated with the homeland, and salt with financial wealth in the family.

Don't forget about the candle. It should also be present in the Easter basket. If the housewife wants to show her imagination, she can decorate the basket with flowers, ribbons, blessed willow branches, or use other decorative elements.

And the last thing: you cannot take it to a church service. alcoholic drinks. After all, religion does not approve of drinking alcohol.

Various alcoholic drinks have nothing to do with the great church holidays. You shouldn't even put Cahors in the basket. Also make sure that there is no knife or other sharp objects in it.

It is also worth remembering that products that were consecrated in the church should under no circumstances be thrown away and placed in a bucket. What to do then with leftover food? It is recommended to distribute food to those who need it. And the crumbs from Easter cake should be placed in a bird feeder.