The inauguration ceremony of the elected President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin is planned for May 7, 2018. Three weeks before the event, preparations for the event have already begun: a host has been chosen, a script has been determined, but the list of guests has not yet been announced. Vladimir Vladimirovich will take the oath for the fourth time, but this time the procedure will be slightly modified compared to previous ones.

According to Russian media, the Kremlin refused to use a motorcade around Moscow and a gala evening reception. Which world leader will be at the inauguration will become clear on the day of the ceremony. Foreign guests will be met at Vnukovo-3 VIP Airport. Employees of the Federal Security Service have been appointed responsible for the safety of important guests.

Which heads of state will be at Putin’s inauguration: traditions of the event

Inauguration is the ceremony of assuming the official position of the head of state. The president elected by the people, according to the rules of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, will act as the leader of the country for the next six years.

This year this will be the seventh procedure; since 2000, the event has been held in the Grand Kremlin Palace. In 2018, the ceremony is scheduled for May 7, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin will take the oath to the people.

Before the start of the solemn ritual, the Chairman of the Federation Council, the Chairman of the State Duma and the Chairman of the Constitutional Court are invited to the hall. After this, a few minutes before 12:00 Moscow time, the future head of state will enter the Kremlin through the Spassky Gate. The cadets of the Kremlin Regiment are entrusted with carrying the state flag and the standard of the President of the Russian Federation through the halls, after which they bring in the Constitution and the sign of the President of the Russian Federation.

The beginning of the procedure will be opened by the head of the Constitutional Court, who will invite the future president to take the oath. After the oath, the Russian anthem will be played, and the presidential standard will be raised under the dome of the Senate.

In conclusion, the head of state will make a speech, and then go to Cathedral Square to review the parade squad of the Kremlin regiment. At the end, you will be able to watch a fireworks display of 30 salvos.

Which heads of state will be at Putin's inauguration: invited foreign guests

On May 7, 2018, the inauguration ceremony of V.V. Putin will take place. The main difference between this year’s event and previous ones is that there will be no traditional inauguration reception. Press secretary of the head of state D. Peskov did not comment on the reasons for the refusal.

The exact list of guests has not yet been announced, but some foreign leaders have already announced their desire to attend Putin's inauguration. This is how the former Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, and the former Chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Schröder, plan to arrive.

The presidential administration sent an invitation to the ceremony to the head of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, but he is scheduled to visit Turkey on May 7. It is also not clear whether the president of Belarus and Kazakhstan will be personally present.

In addition to political figures, show business stars and cultural figures are planned to attend. According to some media reports, Arnold Schwarzenegger will arrive at the ceremony. The capital's VIP airport Vnukovo-3 will receive guests from abroad. At the same time, the highway will be closed to ordinary passengers, so you will need to take a detour through Odintsovo.


The inauguration ceremony of Russian President Vladimir Putin took place in the Kremlin. For him, it was already the fourth in a row.

The event took place under increased security measures: employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian National Guard were brought to the center of Moscow. The broadcast of the ceremony began at exactly 12:00 on a number of Russian channels, including Channel One. It lasted about an hour.

A few minutes before noon, the president left the First Building of the Kremlin, where his office is located, and went to the ceremonial residence of the head of state - the Grand Kremlin Palace - to take the oath. The media note that Putin went to the inauguration in a project car.

At the entrance to the BKD, Putin was met by the Kremlin commandant, Lieutenant General Sergei Khlebnikov. Having accepted Khlebnikov's report, Putin climbed the Grand Grand Staircase and, to the sounds of an oncoming march and fanfare, walked through the suite of halls - through Georgievsky and Aleksandrovsky to Andreevsky.

Placing his right hand on the Constitution, Putin pronounced the text of the oath, after which the chairman of the Constitutional Court of Russia announced the assumption of the head of state and presented him with symbols of power. A message about Putin taking office appeared on the Kremlin website.

Meanwhile, the Russian anthem sounded in the Grand Kremlin Palace and all those gathered began to sing its words. At this time, television channels showed footage of military personnel trying to raise the presidential standard over the Kremlin, but they failed - the flag got stuck in the middle of the flagpole, writes Moskovsky Komsomolets. Then, according to the newspaper, the director of the television broadcast showed the Russian flag, which was raised on another spire.

Next, Putin addressed the citizens of the Russian Federation. During it, he called Russia a country of “grand victories and achievements” and thanked Russians for their support in the last presidential elections. “This support contains faith and hope that Russia will continue to strengthen its power, and people will live better,” he noted.

The President also assured that, once again taking office as President of Russia, he is “especially acutely aware” of his “colossal responsibility to each” Russian citizen. Serving Russia is “above all else” for him, he said. Putin added that he considers it “my duty and the meaning of my whole life to do everything for Russia, for its present and future,” “peaceful and prosperous.”

He promised to meet the demands of society and do everything for the prosperity of Russia. “There is no time to build up,” Putin emphasized.

Kommersant notes that the inaugural speech in 2018 was more dedicated to the international agenda than in previous years.

The head of state noted that Russia has been able to achieve a lot over the past years - it has learned to defend its interests and managed to revive pride in the Fatherland. The country also ensured its security and defense capability. These areas will be given attention in the future, he assured. But now the main issue is internal problems, the safety and health of Russians. Our guideline is Russia for the people, Putin said.

“We need breakthroughs in all areas of life,” he says. “This requires freedom in a society that rejects dense security and bureaucratic carrion,” Putin said.

The country's leader named the main objectives of the state to improve the quality of life of Russians, including education and healthcare, as well as the protection of motherhood and childhood, and promised to make every effort to realize these goals.

The President noted that achieving such goals will require the hard work of “the entire Russian society, all responsible political and civil forces.” He also emphasized that only a “free society” can achieve the above goals.

Putin talks about the need to expand the space of freedom for entrepreneurs and scientists - for all concerned citizens. This is necessary for the renewal of Russia. In this regard, the president mentioned “daring” youth. He expects that its representatives are able to “become real leaders of change”, but at the same time “will be faithful to the values ​​of truth and justice” that were carried by older generations.

After finishing his speech, Putin went down to the hall to the guests standing there and personally greeted some of them. Thus, Patriarch Kirill and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who were standing in the front row, received a handshake from the president. Also in the hall among those invited to the ceremony were the wife of the first president of Russia Naina Yeltsin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and his wife.

RIA Novosti reports that among the guests were also musician Yuri Bashmet, hockey player Ilya Kovalchuk, director Karen Shakhnazarov, and ex-Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

RBC writes that in total, 3.5 thousand people watched the ceremony in the halls of the Grand Kremlin Palace - members of the government, deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, judges of the Constitutional Court, officials, public figures, representatives of the clergy, and so on.

After Putin’s speech ended, artillery guns fired 30 ceremonial salvos of blank charges from the Kremlin embankment. This concluded the first part of the inauguration ceremony. The head of state walked along the internal passage of the BKZ and through the Faceted Chamber to Cathedral Square to receive the parade of the Presidential Regiment.

More than 2,000 guests watched Putin's inauguration on the Kremlin's Cathedral Square

More than 2,000 guests were waiting for the president on Cathedral Square - representatives of various volunteer and voluntary organizations, members of Putin's election headquarters and his proxies. This has become one of the features of the current inauguration ceremony, as well as the refusal of the head of state from the traditional passage of the motorcade through Moscow to the Kremlin.

He also wrote that the ceremony could be attended by Suleiman Kerimov, who is in Moscow with permission from the French court. Alexey Krasovsky, Kerimov’s assistant in the Federation Council, reported this to the publication. Let us recall that last weekend it was reported that Kerimov was hospitalized.

Among the foreign guests, the charge d'affaires of the Lithuanian Embassy in Moscow, Giedrius Galkauskas, was sent to the inauguration. Also among the guests invited to the ceremony was American actor Steven Seagal, who received Russian citizenship in 2006. As Interfax reported, Seagal arrived at the inauguration with his wife.

Before the parade on Cathedral Square, Putin congratulated the Presidential Regiment on the 82nd anniversary of its formation. At the end of the event, he approached the ceremony guests gathered on the square, among whom were volunteers from Putin’s election headquarters, and thanked them: “You are doing a lot,” the president said.

“Thanks to you, we have the opportunity to realize ourselves. We are with you,” the activists answered him. They also invited Putin to take part in the upcoming events of youth organizations, in particular in the All-Russian youth educational summer forum “Territory of Meanings.”

This concludes the broadcast of the inauguration ceremony of the President of the Russian Federation. The President went to the Annunciation Cathedral in the Kremlin for a service performed by Patriarch Kirill.

When serving foreign tourists in a hotel, it is necessary to take into account national characteristics, traditions, habits, and lifestyle of guests from other countries. Although they will not be mandatory features characteristic of all representatives of the countries described, but only typical of them. Knowledge of national characteristics can serve as a kind of guide, a reference point for possible client behavior.

Let's consider the characteristics of tourists of different nationalities.

Features of Chinese tourists.

The basis of Chinese culture, and, accordingly, the rules of etiquette, is respect for elders, accuracy, respect for traditions, knowledge and love of national history and literature, observance of the prescribed rules and rituals. The Chinese are friendly and sociable people, so they make acquaintances very easily. Women in China have full equal rights with men in work and often occupy positions of responsibility. Touching a woman, taking her by the arm, helping her put on a coat is unacceptable. It is not customary to give a woman a seat or open the door for her. For women, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages in company is considered unacceptable.

The main difference between Chinese cuisine is the absence of dishes prepared as one whole. In principle, there are no cutlets or steaks. Minced meat is practically not used in cooking. The Chinese do not eat: mashed potatoes, bread, cheese, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream and do not drink milk. Among Russian dishes, they like borscht and pastries (but not made from shortbread dough); they like dumplings, soup with porcini mushrooms, kebabs, and pies.

They eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Dishes are prepared only from fresh ingredients. They eat slowly, thoroughly, and talk about pleasant things, such as money. The main drink of the Chinese is rice vodka (55 degrees strength). Kaulian red wine is very popular among people.

The Chinese themselves usually give fruits, cakes, and sweets as gifts. Therefore, the hotel can leave Russian chocolate, so beloved by the Chinese, in the room. If tourists come with children, you can also give a children's toy (for example, the famous Cheburashka, matryoshka, etc.) You should not give expensive gifts - this may cause a mixed reaction. By the way, in China it is customary to accept gifts with both hands. A feature of Chinese etiquette is indispensable politeness. In China, eight is considered lucky, and the number nine is especially auspicious. Therefore, the Chinese will be very happy if they are accommodated in a hotel room with a combination of these numbers. The Chinese, like the Japanese, prefer to stay in adjacent rooms.

Features of Polish tourists

Poles love to greet each other. If pronouncing the word “czeњž”, which means “hello, hello” in Polish, is very difficult for a foreigner, he can use the corresponding word from the English language “hallo” and will certainly be understood. When meeting, you should shake the person's hand. If you meet several people at once, you should shake hands with everyone present. The first minutes of a meeting, as a rule, are spent on a ceremony of greeting everyone with everyone, which defuses the atmosphere, and gives timid people the opportunity to feel more confident. Don't be surprised if some people exchange kisses when they meet - this is a sign of friendship, not love. But following this custom, one must show some restraint: a greeting kiss is actually just a barely perceptible touch of the cheeks.

Polish cuisine is in many ways similar to Russian and Ukrainian. Milk and dairy products are used in large quantities, especially sour cream, as well as porridges - buckwheat, pearl barley, corn. Poles love clear soups with various side dishes served separately; thick vegetable soups, fruit soups; dishes from fish, eggs, veal, beef, poultry, mushrooms, offal. As a side dish - potatoes, cabbage, dumplings. Poles love flour products (pies, kulebyaki, pancakes, pancakes), sweet dishes (jelly, jelly, ice cream, fruit salads). They drink coffee black and with milk, and sometimes before breakfast - tea with milk or jam.

When choosing gifts, Poles try to show imagination and present each other with something elegant: for women they choose inexpensive jewelry, and for men - cufflinks, scarves, pens or coin boxes.

Features of Mongolian tourists

Oral folk and professional creativity traditionally contain such values ​​as love for parents and longing for the Motherland, longing for the place where one grew up; love of freedom and independence. Horses have always played an important role in everyday life, and as a result, the image of the horse is ubiquitous in the country's culture, starting with the state coat of arms. Hospitality is a very important thing in the steppe, and is therefore traditionally taken for granted.

Mongols “...take life and death lightly. Their carelessness is amazing. But at the same time, Mongols are smart people by nature, they have great intelligence, observation and mockery. Mongolian curiosity knows no bounds. Kindness is the main basis of the Buddha’s teachings - the main characteristic of a Mongolian.”

Mongolian cuisine is characterized by a significant assortment of dishes made from lamb, dairy products, and flour. Mongols readily eat poultry dishes, sausages, sausages, ham, vegetable salads, and omelettes. They drink compotes. The main method of food processing is cooking. The national drink is tea. Mongols prefer slab tea, strongly brewed and seasoned with milk, butter (or lard) and salt.

Hadag for Mongols is the best gift. Hadags come in different lengths, colors, and patterns. Hadag, which is called Ayush has images of people, is given to the most respected people, parents or the eldest. The folded hadag is served with the open side towards the recipient with a bow. The one who received the hadag also bows respectfully and carefully folds it and keeps it with him. Hadag is the symbolic pinnacle of spiritual and material wealth. And for a long time there has been a custom to keep five-colored “hadags” as a good sign of prosperity and tranquility.

Features of German tourists

Formal rules of etiquette in Germany are very simple. The accepted form of address in Germany is “you”. Germans shake hands at every opportunity; shaking hands is an essential element of their life. The Germans take life with incredible seriousness, so they very disapprovingly note any manifestations of frivolity, all sorts of accidents and surprises. In Germany, it is considered completely unacceptable to verbally insult another person. This usually leads to a break in the relationship.

German cuisine is too rich in fats and carbohydrates. Germans eat a lot, mainly all kinds of buns, bread with sausages and sausages. A German breakfast consists mainly of orange juice, fresh coffee (in no case instant), bread with jam, and for those who like a hearty breakfast, also ham, salami, and cheese. Bread in Germany comes in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and shades. At noon in Germany you need to drop everything and go to lunch. Lunch includes a hot multi-course meal. For starters, they usually eat broths with eggs, dumplings, rice and tomatoes, noodle soup, puree soup from peas, cauliflower, chicken and game, and sometimes bread or beer soup. For the main course there is pork, chicken, and as a side dish the Germans love potatoes most of all. For dessert - whipped cream, creams, jellies, mousses, confectionery with custard or butter cream, fruit in syrup. For dinner (usually from 18 to 19-30) they eat a sandwich with something cold, although you can also order hot food. After dinner and lunch, it is customary to drink coffee with milk, cream, or just black. Germany is one of the three main beer producers in the world. Beer for Germans is a way of life!

All foreign guests have something in common, i.e. not knowing the Russian language. Therefore, the specifics of servicing foreigners were noted at each stage. When meeting, it is mandatory that employees directly involved in customer service know one or more foreign languages, and have visual and advertising information in Russian and foreign languages. Particular attention was paid to the registration of foreign tourists, because it is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the stay of foreign citizens in the country. This chapter also examined the features of the traditions and preferences of foreign tourists (Chinese, Mongols, Poles, Germans), knowledge of which can undoubtedly help hotel management develop new and improve existing services aimed at serving this segment of consumers.

Organizing the reception of foreign tourists is an integral part of our professional activities.

An integral part of the tourism business associated with receiving foreign tourists in Russia is interpretation. During sightseeing tours, each group of tourists needs an interpreter.

It is also necessary to prepare for interpreting when working with foreign tourists, and most importantly, you must always maintain not only good language form, but also physical form;

It’s simply not realistic to know the terminology of all industries, so the topic of interpreting in tourism has become very complex;

b The translator needs to monitor his appearance and also his dress code;

b the interpreter is forced to work closely with those tourists whom he interprets and with those for whom he interprets;

Tourism entities organizing the reception and service of foreign tourists in the Russian Federation must adhere to certain requirements.

Tourism entities must organize group and individual tours around the Russian Federation for foreign tourists on the basis of agreements (contracts) with foreign partners, as well as with domestic partners, providing services for accommodation, food, transport, recreation and recreation, entertainment and excursion services.

To provide quality service to foreign tourists during their travel by vehicle, in accordance with the terms of agreements (contracts) with partners and transport organizations, tourism entities must ensure:

tourist accommodation;

delivery of their luggage and its storage;

food for tourists during travel in accordance with the terms of service;

control over the equipment and sanitary condition of cars, buses, cabins, timely delivery and departure of transport.

Foreign tourists enter the Russian Federation, leave the Russian Federation and transit through its territory through checkpoints on the state border of the Russian Federation with a national passport, if they have the appropriate visa, unless a different procedure is established.

If a foreign tourist loses his national passport on the territory of the Russian Federation, the host tourism entity must provide practical assistance for the tourist to obtain the necessary documents.

The subject of tourism activity must keep records of documents relating to the reception and service of foreign tourists in the Russian Federation to whom tourism services were provided, namely:

  • - agreements (contracts) with a foreign partner on cooperation in servicing foreign tourists in the Russian Federation;
  • - agreements (contracts) with domestic partners on cooperation in servicing foreign tourists in the Russian Federation;
  • - leaflets of orders from a foreign partner for servicing foreign tourists;
  • - confirmations from tourism entities to a foreign partner about their readiness to receive foreign tourists;
  • - documents confirming the transfer, hotel reservations for tourists and their accommodation, excursions;
  • - routes and programs of tourist travel for foreign tourists.

“Our championship is the most expensive in terms of organization. But it brought Russia about one percent of GDP. Based on the amounts, we covered the costs of hosting the World Cup,” she noted. Foreigners traveled to Russian cities not only for the sake of football, they were interested in Russia. They spent lavishly on excursions, souvenirs, food and drinks. “Saudi Arabia fans spent 8 million rubles in one evening on Nikolskaya Street in Moscow,” said Maya Lomidze.

Most foreign guests came to the 2018 World Cup from the USA, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Poland, Croatia, Germany, France and the UK. And, as a survey conducted in France showed, 90 percent of this country’s fans are ready to return to Russia as tourists. “The championship will bring an increase in tourist flow in the future. We expected an increase of 20 percent, but after the World Cup it is clear that this is a modest forecast. Visa concessions would allow us to further increase the incoming tourist flow,” noted the director of ATOR.

“Already during the championship, it was clear that foreigners fell in love with Russia,” said Yuri Barzykin, vice-president of the Russian Union of Tourism Industry, in an interview with RG. The matches took place, but they did not leave. Some even handed over tickets to stay here longer to watch country. And in general, we used to say that we don’t have enough hotels or they are not very good. But as it turned out, we have enough: hotels, restaurants, and display facilities, and they are no worse, and even better, than in many countries. We underestimated ourselves."

Together with foreign fans and tourists, Russians seemed to be rediscovering Russia. Seeing the joy our culture, architecture, and food evoke, we looked at seemingly ordinary tourist routes and familiar dishes in a new way. Samara, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Saransk are now on the list of the most attractive tourist centers along with Kazan or Nizhny Novgorod. And Russia, along with recognized world gastronomic centers, can be proud of its regional specialties and multinational cuisine.

This, for example, was proven by the Rostourism project “Gastronomic Map of Russia”. The Russian team, consisting only of restaurateurs and chefs from the cities participating in the championship, traveled with food trucks - special vehicles with street food - more than 12 thousand kilometers from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea. Eight mobile festivals of regional cuisine were held, which were attended by tens of thousands of championship guests. “We tried to debunk cliches about Russian cuisine. And foreign guests, like the Russians themselves, were surprised by the variety of dishes,” Ekaterina Shapovalova, coordinator of the “Gastronomic Map of Russia” project, told RG.

The Udmurt ovens, which made the Buranovskie Babushki famous, attracted queues around the mobile ovens. The famous St. Petersburg donuts and Anna Pavlova cake were appreciated by the Belgians, and they know a lot about sweets. “Brazilians, lovers of such meat delicacies, were happy to treat themselves to one-year-old dried goose, a Tatar specialty. And guests in Nizhny Novgorod, Croats and Brazilians literally tore apart the welcome loaves,” said Ekaterina Shapovalova.

I liked Russian seafood: marinated Murmansk cod, forshmak from Baltic sprat and herring, Kalkan, fried smelt, hot smoked Baltic eel, Volga sturgeon, pike, pike perch, crayfish, Novorossiysk snail. In Sochi and St. Petersburg, fried mullet was a great success, and queues formed at mobile oyster bars.

The fans took with them not only good impressions, but also our smoked sausages and chocolates

Foreign guests fell in love with meat dishes: lula kebab, chebureks, Kazan kystyburger and Saransk pacha burger, Buryat buuz. Baking and dough products were going well: Ossetian pies, kurniks, dumplings. Now all these are ready-made gastronomic brands that will be known both in France and in distant Brazil. They need to be supported and promoted. Foreign tourists took with them our smoked sausages, chocolates and the best and most delicious impressions of Russia.

How much I love this feeling of participation in a global holiday, that children enthusiastically tell how they helped Argentines and other Spanish speakers and how they were surprised and happy that they speak Spanish in Russia!

Thank you to everyone who came to us, who brought their jokes, their giant overseas sombreros, who shared their joy with us. Moscow was ready for this joy and accommodated it! That's the main thing. I have always loved my city, but these days and nights I suddenly fell in love with it again.

Public attention in the coming days is likely to focus on one topic: the inauguration of the Russian president. Vladimir Putin will have to undergo this procedure for the fourth time, but this year, as the media write, we should expect some innovations. Who will be able to be seen in the halls of the Kremlin Palace on May 7, 2018, and what has the Administration prepared for this occasion?

Assessing the significance of symbolism in big politics, many experts are closely monitoring any changes in the protocol and changes in the number of invitees. The exact list of all “witnesses” of Putin’s oath will only be known on the day of the inauguration, however, some famous personalities have already announced their intention to visit the Kremlin on May 7. Thus, the presence of the former Prime Minister of Italy and the leader of the Forward Italy party is expected. Silvio Berlusconi. The press often notes the excellent personal relationship between Putin and Berlusconi, calling the latter, no less, a lobbyist for Russia’s interests in Europe. But the list of European guests does not end with this name; it is also likely that ex-Chancellor of Germany Gerhard Schröder will be seen at the inauguration.

It has already become known that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was not invited to the gala event in Moscow. But on May 7, Vucic will be visiting Turkey, where he is scheduled to meet with Recep Tayyip Erdogan. From this we can conclude that Erdogan will also not be in the Kremlin at this time. It is curious that some time ago the media claimed that the President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik received an invitation from Moscow. Regardless of whether this is true or not, Dodik will most likely remain in his homeland, since the traditional holiday of Glory is celebrated in Republika Srpska at this time. In addition, the head of the Austrian government, Sebastian Kurz, will not come to the inauguration of the elected president of Russia. The Federal Chancellor's Office explained this by lack of time. It is also still not known for sure whether the leaders of Belarus and Kazakhstan will personally congratulate the Russian president on May 7.

In addition to famous politicians, cultural and show business figures will be in the Kremlin halls on the first Monday in May. According to some media reports, Hollywood actor and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is expected to arrive.

“I think none of the world leaders should be expected at the inauguration,” comments MK. political scientist, general director of the NP Institute for Political Research, Sergei MARKOV, – Moscow will treat their fear with understanding. Most leaders are afraid of the Americans, they are afraid of the Americans' revenge for coming to Vladimir Putin's inauguration. This is now more of an internal Russian issue. I would expect that after May 7, visits to Moscow by Alexander Lukashenko and Nursultan Nazarbayev will take place. Following them, I think, both the Moldovan leader Dodon and the head of Azerbaijan Aliyev will visit Russia. There will be serious meetings, but not at the inauguration itself, but shortly after it.”

Moscow VIP airport Vnukovo-3, which traditionally serves charter flights, will receive foreign guests. At the same time, the route from Vnukovo-3 will be blocked, and ordinary passengers will have to take a detour through Odintsovo. Employees of the Federal Security Service will be responsible for the safety of important guests.

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