The future actor of Russian cinema spent his childhood in a small room in a Leningrad communal apartment, where he lived with his mother, and in three schools in the city on the Neva. Until my mother received a two-room apartment on the outskirts of the city, Oleg Almazov thoroughly experienced the “charms” of communism.

Failed Engineer

Oleg Almazov has been familiar with the theater and concert stage since childhood. For more than ten years he attended classes at the Rainbow dance group. As part of the team, he visited many regions of the USSR and even abroad, but at the same time he dreamed of becoming an employee of state security agencies.

When it's time to make meaningful choices, Soviet Union and its intelligence services were experiencing destructive processes. One of his friends advised Oleg to enroll in a theater institute, but my mother insisted that her son go to study as an engineer at LEIS.

Almazov's fuse was only enough for two courses. He managed to get through his first year somehow, but from the second year he began to skip classes. Exams became an insurmountable barrier; neither a certificate of illness nor promises to learn and pass everything helped.

One day Oleg told his mother that he would no longer study to become an engineer and took away the documents.

But while studying at LEIS, the guy met people who pushed him into the world of great art. After leaving the Almazov Institute under the patronage of a friend got a job as an administrator at Leningrad television in the concert department. His duties included meeting and seeing off the artists and accommodating them in hotels.

After working in this position for a year, the young man took the documents to LGITMiK and entered without any problems.

In parallel with his studies, he got a job at Eldoradio, where he stayed for two decades. He hosted original programs and communicated with listeners live. For a long time, he was constantly in the top three in the popularity ratings of radio presenters in the city on the Neva.

The actor tried to find work in the theater, visited more than a dozen different theater institutions, but never found a job.

"Complete workaholic"

In the early 2000s, Oleg Almazov made his film debut and since then played about 100 roles. These were mostly episodes, but even the minor characters performed by the actor were remembered by the audience.

He organically got used to the image of a reporter, bandit, clergyman, psychotherapist.

IN track record Oleg Almazov’s participation in the films “Colt-and-Stepmother”, “Always Say “Always””, “State Protection”, “Traffic Cops”, “Legionnaire”, “Deadly Force”, “Labyrinths of the Mind”, “Foundry”, “ Sea Devils", "The Cry of an Owl", "Maryina Roshcha".

Recognition among movie fans and considerable The actor's popularity was brought to him by the role of Major Kotov in the series " back side Moon" and in its continuation. In the first season of the series, Oleg Almazov almost died while performing a difficult stunt, but escaped with only a slight fright.

In 2016, the actor starred as businessman Dmitry Novikov in the film “Rescuer”. In 2017 he played in the films:

  • “Identity not established”;
  • "Raid";
  • "Someone else's happiness"
  • "Cycle":
  • "Indian summer".

In addition to filming films and working on radio, Oleg Almazov voiced characters in several foreign films.

Monogamous man with a guitar

In the personal life of Oleg Almazov, everything worked out a long time ago. For more than twenty years he has lived in civil marriage with choreographer Irina Panfilova. According to the actor, he has a family, kind and warm relationship with Irina. Almazov does not believe that a stamp in a passport is the basis for a happy marriage.

This couple has no children. The actor considers himself a monogamist and treats romances on the set only as a work process that has nothing to do with real life.

Representatives of the yellow press attribute the actor to a relationship with singer Tatyana Bulanova, but Almazov claims that there are only good friendly relations between him and Tatyana.

IN teenage years the actor played the guitar well, but later abandoned this activity. Now he sometimes entertains his friends with music, but does not consider himself a professional musician. From time to time he agrees to host weddings, holidays, presentations, and corporate events, but considers such activities only additional income, and not a vocation.

Interesting notes:

In January of every year, the actor tries not to work and, together with his wife, goes to the sea to warm countries. On such trips he likes to sleep off and just lie on the beach. He is not interested in excursions, nor is he interested in extreme pastimes.

Films by Oleg Almazov

Year Movie
2017 Black blood
2017 Someone else's happiness
2017 Indian summer
2017 Raid

Identity unknown

2017 Gyre
2016 Rescuer
2016 Cossacks
2015 Fake

Born of a Star


Far Side of the Moon-2


Marathon for the Three Graces


Priest-San: Confession of a Samurai


Alla in search of Alla

2015 Someone else's nest

Cold calculation


Happy chance

2014 Angel Heart

A start to life

2014 Under your heel
2014 Plus Love
2014 Embracing the sky

New Year's happiness


Non-random meeting

2014 Nevsky

Moscow Greyhound

2014 Doctor
2014 Instead of her
2014 Non-format
2013 Ice month
2013 Fierce
2013 Owl cry

Bandit Queen

2013 Cowboys

The illusion of happiness


Two with pistols

2012 The power of sound
2012 Rust
2012 Risk area

Nickname "Albanian"

2012 Oasis of love
2012 Coltsfoot
2012 Marina Grove

Curious Barabara


Personal circumstances

2012 Dolls
2012 Coma
2012 Good guys

Love and loaf


Love and the drum


Random Passenger

2011 Chief

I serve the Soviet Union!

2011 Heiress
2011 Drug trafficking

In 2014, a basic department of the Gazprom Neft company was created at the Omsk State Technical University. Starting from the new academic year, 40 students will begin studying at the department in the applied bachelor's program. The goal of the project is to train qualified practitioners for oil company enterprises.

The deputy general director OJSC Gazpromneft - Omsk Oil Refinery Oleg Almazov.

- Oleg Arnoldovich, let's start with the main thing: what advantages does the new educational project have for all its participants?

We are confident that not only the technical university and the company, but also the Omsk region as a whole will benefit from our joint project. Today's applicants have a unique opportunity to receive a high-quality education, in demand in the oil refining industry and supported by practice. Gazprom Neft is expanding the scope of its activities, and the company needs promising specialists who have deep theoretical training and practical skills. Today, unfortunately, graduates' practical skills are at a minimum level. After employment, you have to learn a lot from the basics. The basic department at Omsk State Technical University is designed to radically change this situation.

The main advantages of an applied bachelor's degree are in-depth theoretical training and emphasis on applying the acquired knowledge in practice. After the third and fourth years, students will undergo an internship at the plant for 3.5 months. Coursework and theses they will write on topics relevant to the Omsk Refinery.

The graduate will receive two working professions in the petrochemical industry with the necessary permits according to the rules of Rostechnadzor. And also - the specialty of a technical translator in English, since the volume of language learning at the department will double.

After graduation, graduates of the basic department are guaranteed employment at one of the company’s enterprises, which are located not only in Omsk, but also in Moscow, Yaroslavl and Serbia. After a bachelor's degree, the best students will have the opportunity to continue their studies at a master's degree in specialties that meet the needs of the company. I am sure that Omsk, thanks to the basic department at Omsk State Technical University, will become an industry center for high-quality vocational training in specialized oil refining subjects.

- How will you select applicants?

For 2014/15 academic year enrollment is planned for 40 targeted places in the following specialties: “Machinery and apparatus chemical production" and "Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials." The selection will be based on three criteria. First and main - Unified State Exam results in mathematics and physics. The second is the conclusion of the medical commission of the Omsk Refinery clinic. And the third, probably the most important, is the desire of the future student to work in the Gazprom Neft company. The interview will be conducted by specialists from the plant’s HR service, who are part of the selection committee. Gazprom Neft will enter into an agreement with enrolled students, according to which the company will provide modern, high-quality education, and then a guaranteed job.

- Many parents may have doubts about the objectivity of the selection, because it’s no secret that in our country “blat” and “telephone rights” are ineradicable?

Since 2011, it is impossible to get a job at the plant without a specialized education, regardless of how many generations from the family of the job applicant work here. We will select the best for the department: purposeful, efficient and talented, regardless of what their parents do.

The Omsk Refinery is currently being actively modernized, introducing modern technologies, which can only be managed by professionals with deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Therefore, high-quality training of highly qualified specialists is an important resource for the development of not only the company, but also the entire region.

A system of continuous personnel training for the local process plant has been implemented. What's next? How now to move on to training the personnel of the technological complex?

Since July 2012, we have begun implementing a staff rotation program between individual installations. As part of the personnel policy, rotation at our enterprise is not some spontaneous, one-time process - it is a well-thought-out personnel training system with clearly defined rules, aimed at expanding the competencies of employees, stimulating their professional growth and, ultimately, increasing labor productivity.

As I noted in the first part of the tour, transition from management of individual technological installations to management of technological complexes at OJSC Gazpromneft-ONPZ - new stage in increasing production efficiency. The transition to managing complexes and reducing the number of control levels makes it possible to make the best unified, system solutions for the same type of interconnected technological processes or implement a system solution for a group of installations in the interests of the final result of the production cycle.

This step requires a clear vision of the state of the enterprise for several years ahead - what the plant will be like, what its management system will be, what employees (level of competency development) are needed for this. The OMPZ management team answered all these questions. In order to ensure the implementation of our plans regarding the development of competencies among blue-collar personnel, we developed and implemented a rotation program, which became part of the enterprise’s long-term personnel policy.

Specifics of the rotation program The point is that this is a long and multi-stage process. During its implementation, a number of mandatory steps (stages) are performed:

  1. The target group for participation in the rotation program is determined - senior operators (foremen) on shift and one person each who is their personnel reserve. Without their training, it will be impossible to move on to managing the complex. Total number Rotation participants in this group depend on the shift schedule and range from 8 to 10 people. Considering the fact that at the combined installations there are candidates with the necessary experience, but on a local installation scale, from 12 to 17 people, only those who wish to participate in the program. All other employees are involved in the rotation program as far as possible and on their initiative.
  2. Professional career ladders are being developed for the future technological complex. One for the transition period - the time of rotation - and the final one from the moment the installations are combined (an example of such a simplified rotation program is in Fig. 9). The career ladder for the transition period ensures the parallel existence of two systems - for a local installation and for a complex, which allows motivating (assigning higher qualifications - rank and category) those who participate in the rotation.
  3. Information about the candidate (education, experience and work results) is collected and, based on this data and career ladders, a individual program development of each candidate, indicating specific activities and deadlines for their implementation.

Total employee training time (including annual leave) within the rotation program averages 1.5-2 years.

Rice. 9.Example of a simplified rotation program

To maintain the skills and competencies of personnel working at the technological complex, periodic short-term rotation is required to all production facilities that are part of this complex. The frequency of this type of rotation is shown in the table in Figure 10.

Rice. 10.Restoring the competencies and skills of process personnel

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