Scientists in the service of peace and progress are united by the general principles of knowledge of the laws of nature and society, although the science of the 20th century. highly differentiated. The greatest achievements of the human mind are due to the exchange of scientific information, the transfer of the results of theoretical and experimental research from one area to another. The progress of not only science and technology, but also human culture and civilization as a whole depends on the cooperation of scientists from different countries. 20th century phenomenon is that the number of scientists in the entire previous history of mankind is only 0.1 of those working in science now, i.e. 90% of scientists are our contemporaries. And how to evaluate their achievements? Various scientific centers, societies and academies, numerous scientific committees of different countries and various international organizations recognize the merits of scientists, assessing their personal contribution to the development of science and the significance of their scientific achievements or discoveries. There are many criteria for assessing the importance of scientific papers. Specific works are assessed by the number of references to them in the works of other authors or by the number of translations into other languages ​​of the world. With this method, which has many disadvantages, a computer program for “citation indices” provides significant assistance. But this or similar methods do not allow one to see “the forest behind the individual trees.” There is a system of awards - medals, prizes, honorary titles in every country and in the world.

Among the most prestigious scientific awards is the prize established on June 29, 1900 by Alfred Nobel. According to the terms of the will, prizes should be awarded once every 5 years to persons who made discoveries in the previous year that made a fundamental contribution to the progress of mankind. But awards were also given for works or discoveries of recent years, the importance of which was recently appreciated. The first prize in physics was awarded to V. Roentgen in 1901 for a discovery made 5 years earlier. The first Nobel Prize laureate for research in the field of chemical kinetics was J. Van't Hoff, and in the field of physiology and medicine - E. Behring, who became famous as the creator of the anti-diphtheria antitoxic serum.

Many domestic scientists were also awarded this prestigious prize. In 1904, the Nobel Prize laureate in physics

Ziology and medicine became I.P. Pavlov, and in 1908 - I.I. Mechnikov. Among the domestic Nobel laureates are academician N.N. Semenov (together with the English scientist S. Hinshelwood) for research into the mechanism of chemical chain reactions (1956); physicists I.E. Tamm, I.M. Frank and P.A. Cherenkov - for the discovery and study of the superluminal electron effect (1958). For his work on the theory of condensed matter and liquid helium, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 1962 to Academician L. D. Landau. In 1964, academicians N. G. Basov and A. M. Prokhorov (together with the American C. Townes) became laureates of this prize for the creation of a new field of science - quantum electronics. In 1978, Academician P. L. Kapitsa also became a Nobel laureate for his discoveries and fundamental inventions in the field of low temperatures.
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In 2000, as if completing the century of Nobel Prizes, academician Zh.I. Alferov (from the A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology, St. Petersburg, Russia) and G. Kremer (from the University of California, USA) became Nobel laureates for the development of semiconductor heterostructures used in high-frequency electronics and optoelectronics.

Scientific discoveries happen every day and change the world in which we live. There are a number of crazy scientific innovations on this list, all of which were made in the past year. Technological and medical discoveries that people simply cannot believe are happening every day and continue to happen with enviable frequency. These discoveries bring with them many new technologies and techniques that will only grow and improve over time.

The ability to control the movement of an object is the stuff of science fiction, but thanks to researchers at the Minnesota College of Science and Engineering, it has become a reality. Using a non-invasive technique known as electroencephalography, which uses brain waves, five students were able to control the movement of a helicopter.

By looking in the opposite direction from the helicopter, students were able to move the vehicle in different directions, imitating the movements of the left hand, right hand, and both hands. After some time, the project participants were able to perform several maneuvers with the helicopter, including passing through the ring. Scientists hope to improve this non-invasive technology for manipulating brain waves, which will ultimately help restore movement, hearing and vision in patients suffering from paralysis or neurodegenerative disorders.

MRI of the heart

Anthracycline remains an effective form of chemotherapy, but it has been shown to damage the hearts of children undergoing treatment. Typically, most children affected by this heart defect were found to have thinned the walls of their hearts, and by the time they were diagnosed, it was too late to do anything about it. Ultrasound often misses heart defects in the early stages of the study and detects them only when irreversible damage has already taken its toll.

Last year, a fundamentally new technology appeared. Extensive testing has shown that T1 MRI may be a more accurate, effective and safer method for detecting cardiovascular disease in children. Doctors were able to see children's heart defects earlier and more effectively than with ultrasound (which erroneously shows that the heart is doing fine). This is an excellent medical advance for detecting heart disease in young children.

Efficient electrolysis (salt water splitting)

In the race to find efficient and rich alternative fuels, researchers are constantly trying to find a way to efficiently split seawater to produce hydrogen fuel. Last June, a team at the Australian Electromaterials Science Research Center unveiled a catalyst that could split ocean water using little energy.

The catalyst was implemented in a flexible plastic tank that absorbs and uses energy obtained from light to oxidize seawater. Unlike existing methods, which require large amounts of energy to oxidize water, this method can generate enough energy to power the average home and car for an entire day using only 5 liters of seawater.

This tank contains synthetic chlorophyll molecules that harness the sun's energy in the same way that plants and algae do. There are no chemical problems with this method either, unlike the current water splitting method, which releases clouds of poisonous gas - chlorine.

This efficient and effective method can significantly reduce the cost of hydrogen fuel, allowing it to become a gasoline-competitive alternative fuel in the future.

Tiny battery

With the invention of 3D printers, the limits on the types of complex and complex objects that can be created have expanded significantly. Last year, a team of researchers from Harvard and the University of Illinois were able to synthesize a lithium-ion battery that is smaller than a grain of sand and thinner than a human hair.

Such amazing dimensions were achieved using a thin layering of a network of intertwined electrodes. Once the 3D design was made on the computer, the printer used specially made liquid inks containing electrodes that were supposed to harden immediately when exposed to air. There are many uses for such a device, all thanks to its size. However, 3D printers already have a circulatory system, so few people will be surprised by electrodes.

Before the advent of this battery, the existence of incredibly small battery-powered objects was virtually impossible. The fact is that to create such batteries, similar batteries were needed that could first transfer energy. The 3D printer uses ink and a detailed design from a computer program to create microbatteries like these.

Bioengineered body parts

On June 6, 2013, a team of doctors at Duke University successfully implanted the first bioengineered blood vessel into a living patient. Although bioengineering is advancing by leaps and bounds, this procedure was the first successful implantation of an artificial bioengineered body part.

The vein was implanted in a patient suffering from end-stage kidney disease. First, it was synthesized from a human donor cell on a kind of “scaffolding.” In order to prevent the foreign body from being attacked by any antibodies in the patient, the qualities that could provoke this attack were removed from the vein. And the vessel was more successful than synthetic or animal implants because it was not prone to clotting and did not pose a risk of infection during surgery.

Incredibly, the veins are made from the same flexible materials that connect them, and also take on properties from the cellular environment and other veins. With the success of such a procedure, this new field has enormous implications for future developments in the world of medicine. In addition, in 10-15 years a bioengineered heart will be printed, if forecasts are to be believed.

Four-quark particle

The search for an explanation for the birth of our Universe has been significantly heated by last year's announcement of the discovery of a particle made of four quarks. While this finding may not seem like a big deal to you, for physicists it raises a number of new explanations and theories about the creation of the first matter. Until then, explanations for the creation of matter had been significantly limited by the fact that only particles with two or three quarks had been discovered.

Scientists have named the new particle Zc (3900), and they believe it was created in the first, frenzied seconds after the Big Bang. After several years of complex mathematical calculations carried out by the BaBar collaboration at the SLAC National Acceleration Laboratory (affiliated with Stanford University), scientists working at the Beijing Electro-Positron Collider (BEPCII) discovered this particle in a number of cases. Since scientists are generally very generous people, the results were shared with the guys at CERN and HEARO in Tsukuba. These are the same scientists who recently observed and isolated 159 similar particles. However, the particle lacked substantiation until scientists at the Belle detector in Beijing confirmed the identification of 307 individual particles of this type.

Scientists say it took 10 trillion trillion subatomic collisions in their detector, which is twice the size of the famous Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. Some physicists have criticized the observations, arguing that the particle is nothing more than two mesons (two quark particles) joined together. Despite this, the particle was accepted.

Alternative microbial fuel

Imagine a world where highly efficient, low-cost alternative fuels could be obtained as easily as oxygen from the air around us. Thanks to a collaboration between the US Department of Energy and a team of researchers at Duke University, we may have microorganisms that make the dream a reality. Recent years have seen increasing advances in the world of alternative fuels (ethanol from corn and sugar cane, for example). Unfortunately, these methods are very ineffective and do not stand up to criticism. Not long ago, scientists were able to come up with an electric fuel that could “eat” solar energy without robbing us of water, food or land, like most alternative fuels.

In addition to low energy requirements, tiny microbes can efficiently synthesize these electrofuels in the laboratory. Electrofuel microbes have been isolated and found in non-photosynthetic bacteria. They use electrons in the soil as food and consume energy to produce butanol by interacting with electricity and carbon dioxide. Using this information and some gene manipulation, the scientists incorporated this type of microbe into laboratory-grown bacteria cultures, allowing them to produce butanol in huge quantities. Butanol now looks like a better alternative to both ethanol and gasoline for a variety of reasons. Being a larger molecule, butanol has greater energy storage capabilities than ethanol and does not absorb water, so it can easily be found in the gas tanks of any car and transferred through gasoline pipelines. Butanol microbes have become a promising beacon for the era of alternative fuels.

Medical Benefits of Silver

A study on the benefits of using silver in antibiotics was published on June 19 last year by Boston University researchers. While silver has long been known to have strong antibacterial properties, scientists have only recently discovered that it can turn conventional antibiotics into antibiotics on steroids.

It is now known that silver uses a variety of chemical processes to inhibit bacterial growth, slow down their metabolic rate, and disrupt homeostasis. These processes weaken the bacteria and make them more susceptible to antibiotics. Multiple studies have shown that a mixture of silver and antibiotics was up to 1000 times more effective at killing bacteria than antibiotics alone.

Some critics warn that silver can have toxic effects on patients, but scientists disagree, arguing that small and non-toxic amounts of silver only increase the effectiveness of antibiotics without causing harm in treatment. This is a very interesting discovery for the medical world, and the use of precious metals continues to develop in quantitative and qualitative terms.

Vision for the blind

The first prototype of a bionic eye by a team of Australian bioengineers in early June last year. The bionic eye works using a chip implanted in the user's skull and then connected to a digital camera in the glasses. While the glasses currently only allow the user to see outlines, the prototype should improve significantly in the future. Once the camera captures an image, the signal is modified and sent wirelessly to the microchip. From there, the signal activates points on a microchip implanted in the part of the cerebral cortex responsible for vision. The team of researchers hopes that in the future, glasses that are lightweight, comfortable and unobtrusive can provide maximum comfort to people with low vision. They can be used by 85% of blind people.

Immunity to cancer

Last year, the University of Rochester looked at the cancer-fighting mechanism of naked mole rats. These creepy underground rodents are not the cutest on this planet, but they will be the ones who will have the last laugh when all living things die of cancer.

A sticky sugar, hyaluronan (HA), has been found in the spaces between the cells of naked mole rats' bodies and appears to prevent cells from growing closely and forming tumors. Roughly speaking, this substance stops the proliferation of cells as soon as they reach a certain density. The reason for the increased amount of this sugar is, scientists think, a double mutation in two enzymes that promote the growth of HA.

It was found that in a cell with a low level of HA, cancer grows rapidly, but in cells with a high level of HA, a tumor does not form. Scientists hope to modify laboratory rats to produce large amounts of HA and make them immune to cancer.

Scientists in the service of peace and progress are united by the general principles of knowledge of the laws of nature and society, although the science of the 20th century. highly differentiated. The greatest achievements of the human mind are due to the exchange of scientific information, the transfer of the results of theoretical and experimental research from one area to another. The progress of not only science and technology, but also human culture and civilization as a whole depends on the cooperation of scientists from different countries. 20th century phenomenon is that the number of scientists in the entire previous history of mankind is only 0.1 of those working in science now, i.e. 90% of scientists are our contemporaries. And how to evaluate their achievements? Various scientific centers, societies and academies, numerous scientific committees of different countries and various international organizations recognize the merits of scientists, assessing their personal contribution to the development of science and the significance of their scientific achievements or discoveries. There are many criteria for assessing the importance of scientific papers. Specific works are assessed by the number of references to them in the works of other authors or by the number of translations into other languages ​​of the world. With this method, which has many disadvantages, a computer program for “citation indices” provides significant assistance. But this or similar methods do not allow us to see “the forests behind the individual trees.” There is a system of awards - medals, prizes, honorary titles in every country and in the world.

Among the most prestigious scientific awards is the prize established on June 29, 1900 by Alfred Nobel. According to the terms of his will, prizes should be awarded once every 5 years to persons who made discoveries in the previous year that made a fundamental contribution to the progress of mankind. But awards were also given for works or discoveries of recent years, the importance of which was recently appreciated. The first prize in physics was awarded to V. Roentgen in 1901 for a discovery made 5 years earlier. The first Nobel Prize laureate for research in the field of chemical kinetics was J. Van't Hoff, and in the field of physiology and medicine - E. Behring, who became famous as the creator of the anti-diphtheria antitoxic serum.

Many domestic scientists were also awarded this prestigious prize. In 1904, the Nobel Prize laureate in physics

Ziology and medicine became I.P. Pavlov, and in 1908 - I.I. Mechnikov. Among the domestic Nobel laureates are academician N.N. Semenov (together with the English scientist S. Hinshelwood) for research into the mechanism of chemical chain reactions (1956); physicists I.E. Tamm, I.M. Frank and P.A. Cherenkov - for the discovery and study of the superluminal electron effect (1958). For his work on the theory of condensed matter and liquid helium, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 1962 to Academician L. D. Landau. In 1964, academicians N. G. Basov and A. M. Prokhorov (together with the American C. Townes) became laureates of this prize for the creation of a new field of science - quantum electronics. In 1978, Academician P. L. Kapitsa also became a Nobel laureate for his discoveries and fundamental inventions in the field of low temperatures. In 2000, as if completing the century of Nobel Prizes, academician Zh.I. Alferov (from the A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology, St. Petersburg, Russia) and G. Kremer (from the University of California, USA) became Nobel laureates for the development of semiconductor heterostructures used in high-frequency electronics and optoelectronics.

The Nobel Prize is awarded by the Nobel Committee of the Swedish Academy of Sciences. In the 60s, the activities of this committee were criticized, since many scientists who achieved equally valuable results, but worked as part of large teams or published in a publication “unusual” for the committee members, did not become Nobel Prize laureates. For example, in 1928, Indian scientists V. Raman and K. Krishnan studied the spectral composition of light as it passed through various liquids and observed new spectral lines shifted to the red and blue sides. Somewhat earlier and independently of them, a similar phenomenon in crystals was observed by Soviet physicists L.I. Mandelstam and G.S. Landsberg, who published their research in print. But V. Raman sent a short message to a famous English journal, which ensured his fame and the Nobel Prize in 1930 for the discovery of Raman scattering of light. As the century progressed, studies became increasingly larger in size and in number of participants, making it more difficult to award individual prizes as envisaged in Nobel's will. In addition, areas of knowledge not envisaged by Nobel arose and developed.

New international awards were also organized. Thus, in 1951, the International A. Galabert Prize was established, awarded for scientific achievements in space exploration. Many Soviet scientists and cosmonauts became its laureates. Among them are the chief theorist of astronautics, Academician M.V. Keldysh and the first cosmonaut of the Earth, Yu.A. Gagarin. The International Academy of Astronautics has established its own prize; it noted the works of M.V. Keldysh, O.G. Gazenko, L.I. Sedov, cosmonauts A.G. Nikolaev and

V. I. Sevastyanova. In 1969, for example, the Swedish Bank established the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences (in 1975 it was received by the Soviet mathematician L.V. Kantorovich). The International Congress of Mathematics began to award young scientists (up to 40 years of age) the J. Fields Prize for achievements in the field of mathematics. This prestigious prize, awarded every 4 years, was awarded to young Soviet scientists S.P. Novikov (1970) and G.A. Margulis (1978). Many prizes awarded by various committees acquired international status at the end of the century. For example, the W. G. Wollaston medal, awarded by the Geological Society of London since 1831, recognized the merits of our geologists A. P. Karpinsky and A. E. Fersman. By the way, in 1977, the Hamburg Foundation established the Prize of A.P. Karpinsky, a Russian and Soviet geologist, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences from 1917 to 1936. This prize is awarded annually to our compatriots for outstanding achievements in the field of natural and social sciences. The prize winners were outstanding scientists Yu. A. Ovchinnikov, B. B. Piotrovsky and V. I. Goldansky.

In our country, the highest form of encouragement and recognition of scientific merit was the Lenin Prize, established in 1957. Before it there was the Prize named after. Lenin, which existed from 1925 to 1935. Laureates of the Prize named after. Lenin was awarded to A. N. Bakh, L. A. Chugaev, N. I. Vavilov, N. S. Kurnakov, A. E. Fersman, A. E. Chichibabin, V. N. Ipatiev and others. The Lenin Prize was awarded many outstanding scientists: A.N. Nesmeyanov, N.M. Emanuel, A.I. Oparin, G.I. Budker, R.V. Khokhlov, V.P. Chebotaev, V.S. Letokhov, A.P. Alexandrov, Yu. A. Ovchinnikov and others. USSR State Prizes were awarded for research that made a major contribution to the development of science, and for work on the creation and implementation of the most progressive and high-tech processes and mechanisms in the national economy. Now in Russia there are corresponding awards from the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.

Type of Competence:

basic methods of research activities.

highlight and systematize the main ideas in scientific texts; critically evaluate any incoming information, regardless of the source; avoid automatic application of standard formulas and techniques when solving problems.

skills in collecting, processing, analyzing and systematizing information on the research topic; skills in choosing methods and means for solving research problems.

Planned learning outcomes* (indicators of achieving a given level of mastery of competencies)
HAVE: skills in analyzing methodological problems that arise when solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields Lack of skills Fragmented application of skills in analyzing methodological problems that arise when solving research and practical problems Generally successful, but not systematic application of skills in the analysis of methodological problems arising in solving research and practical problems Generally successful, but containing some gaps, application of skills in analyzing methodological problems that arise when solving research and practical problems Successful and systematic application of skills in analyzing methodological problems that arise when solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields
HAVE: skills of critical analysis and assessment of modern scientific achievements and results of activities in solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields Lack of skills Fragmentary application of technologies for critical analysis and assessment of modern scientific achievements and results of activities to solve research and practical problems. In general, successful, but not systematic application of technologies for critical analysis and evaluation of modern scientific achievements and results of activities in solving research and practical problems. In general, successful, but containing some gaps, the application of technologies for critical analysis and assessment of modern scientific achievements and results of activities in solving research and practical problems. Successful and systematic application of technologies for critical analysis and evaluation of modern scientific achievements and results of activities to solve research and practical problems.
a-BE ABLE TO: analyze alternative options for solving research and practical problems and evaluate the potential gains/losses of implementing these options Lack of skills Partially mastered ability to analyze alternative options for solving research and practical problems and evaluate the potential gains/losses of implementing these options In general, successful, but not systematically carried out analysis of alternative options for solving research and practical problems and assessment of the potential gains/losses of the implementation of these options Generally successful, but containing some gaps, analysis of alternative options for solving research problems and assessment of the potential gains/losses of implementing these options Developed ability to analyze alternative options for solving research and practical problems and evaluate the potential gains/losses of implementing these options
b-BE ABLE: when solving research and practical problems, generate new ideas that can be operationalized based on available resources and limitations Lack of skills Partially mastered ability to generate ideas that can be operationalized based on available resources and limitations when solving research and practical problems Generally successful, but not systematically implemented, the ability to generate ideas that can be operationalized based on available resources and limitations when solving research and practical problems Generally successful, but containing some gaps, the ability to generate ideas when solving research and practical problems that can be operationalized based on available resources and limitations Developed ability to generate ideas that can be operationalized based on available resources and limitations when solving research and practical problems
KNOW: methods of critical analysis and evaluation of modern scientific achievements, as well as methods of generating new ideas when solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields Lack of knowledge Fragmentary knowledge of methods for critical analysis and evaluation of modern scientific achievements, as well as methods for generating new ideas when solving research and practical problems General, but unstructured knowledge of methods for critical analysis and evaluation of modern scientific achievements, as well as methods for generating new ideas when solving research and practical problems Formed, but containing individual gaps, knowledge of the basic methods of critical analysis and assessment of modern scientific achievements, as well as methods of generating new ideas when solving research and practical problems, including interdisciplinary ones Developed systematic knowledge of methods for critical analysis and evaluation of modern scientific achievements, as well as methods for generating new ideas when solving research and practical problems, including interdisciplinary ones

UK-2: Ability to design and carry out complex research, including interdisciplinary research, based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science.


Type of Competence:

Universal competence of a graduate of a postgraduate program.


In order for the formation of this competence to be possible, a student who has begun mastering a postgraduate program must:

main directions, problems, theories and methods of philosophy, the content of modern philosophical discussions on problems of social development.

formulate and defend your own position on various problems of philosophy; use the provisions and categories of philosophy to evaluate and analyze various social trends, facts and phenomena.

skills in perceiving and analyzing texts with philosophical content, techniques for conducting discussion and polemics, skills in public speaking and written, reasoned presentation of one’s own point of view.

Planned learning outcomes* (indicators of achieving a given level of mastery of competencies), Criteria for assessing learning outcomes
HAVE: skills in analyzing basic ideological and methodological problems, incl. interdisciplinary nature arising in science at the present stage of its development Lack of skills Fragmentary application of skills in analyzing the main ideological and methodological problems arising in science at the present stage of its development In general, successful, but not systematic application of skills in analyzing the main ideological and methodological problems arising in science at the present stage of its development In general, successful, but containing some gaps, application of skills in analyzing the main ideological and methodological problems arising in science at the present stage of its development Successful and systematic application of skills in analyzing the main ideological and methodological problems arising in science at the present stage of its development
OWN: planning technologies in professional activities in the field of scientific research Lack of skills Fragmentary application of planning technologies in professional activities Generally successful, but not systematic application of planning technologies in professional activities Overall successful, but containing some gaps, application of planning technologies in professional activities Successful and systematic application of planning technologies in professional activities
KNOW: research methods Lack of knowledge Fragmentary ideas about research methods Incomplete understanding of research methods Formed, but containing some gaps ideas about the methods of research activities Formed systematic ideas about research methods
KNOW: Basic concepts of modern philosophy of science, main stages of the evolution of science, functions and foundations of the scientific picture of the world Lack of knowledge Fragmentary ideas about the basic concepts of modern philosophy of science, the main stages of the evolution of science, the functions and foundations of the scientific picture of the world Incomplete understanding of the basic concepts of modern philosophy of science, the main stages of the evolution of science, the functions and foundations of the scientific picture of the world Formed, but containing individual gaps, ideas about the basic concepts of modern philosophy of science, the main stages of the evolution of science, the functions and foundations of the scientific picture of the world Formed systematic ideas about the basic concepts of modern philosophy of science, the main stages of the evolution of science, the functions and foundations of the scientific picture of the world

UK-5(6) Ability to plan and solve problems of one’s own professional and personal development


Type of Competence:

Universal competence of a graduate of a postgraduate program.


In order for the development of this competence to be possible, a student who has begun mastering a postgraduate program must:

possible areas and directions of professional self-realization; techniques and technologies of goal setting and goal implementation; ways to achieve higher levels of professional and personal development.

identify and formulate problems of one’s own development, based on the stages of professional growth and labor market requirements for a specialist; formulate goals for professional and personal development, assess your capabilities, the realism and adequacy of the intended methods and ways to achieve the planned goals.

methods of goal setting, planning, implementation of necessary types of activities, assessment and self-assessment of the results of activities in solving professional problems; techniques for identifying and understanding one’s capabilities, personal and professionally significant qualities in order to improve them.

Planned learning outcomes (indicators of achieving a given level of mastery of competencies) Criteria for assessing learning outcomes
OWN: techniques and technologies of goal setting, goal implementation and evaluation of performance results in solving professional problems. Does not know the techniques and technologies of goal setting, goal implementation and evaluation of the results of activities to solve professional problems. Proficient in certain techniques and technologies for goal setting, goal implementation and evaluation of performance results in solving standard professional tasks, making mistakes when choosing techniques and technologies and their implementation. Proficient in certain techniques and technologies for goal setting, goal implementation and evaluation of performance results in solving standard professional problems, giving an incompletely reasoned justification for the proposed solution. Proficient in techniques and technologies for goal setting, goal implementation and evaluation of performance results in solving standard professional problems, fully justifying the proposed solution options. Demonstrates mastery of a system of techniques and technologies for goal setting, goal implementation and evaluation of performance results in solving non-standard professional problems, fully justifying the choice of the proposed solution.
OWN: ways of identifying and assessing individual, personal, professionally significant qualities and ways to achieve a higher level of their development. Does not know how to identify and evaluate individual, personal, professionally significant qualities and ways to achieve a higher level of their development. Possesses information about ways to identify and evaluate individual, personal, professionally significant qualities and ways to achieve a higher level of their development, making significant mistakes when applying this knowledge. Knows some ways of identifying and assessing individual, personal and professionally significant qualities necessary to perform professional activities, but does not demonstrate the ability to assess these qualities and identify specific ways to improve them. Knows separate ways of identifying and assessing individual, personal and professionally significant qualities necessary for performing professional activities, and identifies specific ways of self-improvement. Masters a system of ways to identify and evaluate individual, personal and professionally significant qualities necessary for professional self-realization, and determines adequate ways of self-improvement.
BE ABLE TO: formulate goals for personal and professional development and the conditions for their achievement, based on development trends in the field of professional activity, stages of professional growth, individual personal characteristics. Does not know how and is not ready to formulate the goals of personal and professional development and the conditions for achieving them, based on development trends in the field of professional activity, stages of professional growth, and individual personal characteristics. Having a basic understanding of trends in the development of professional activity and stages of professional growth, he is not able to formulate goals for professional and personal development. When formulating goals for professional and personal development, it does not take into account trends in the development of the sphere of professional activity and individual personal characteristics. Formulates the goals of personal and professional development, based on development trends in the sphere of professional activity and individual personal characteristics, but does not fully take into account the possible stages of professional socialization. Ready and able to formulate goals for personal and professional development and the conditions for achieving them, based on development trends in the field of professional activity, stages of professional growth, and individual personal characteristics.
BE ABLE TO: make personal choices in various professional and moral-value situations, evaluate the consequences of the decision made and bear responsibility for it to yourself and society. He is not ready and does not know how to make personal choices in various professional and moral-value situations, assess the consequences of the decision made and bear responsibility for it to himself and society. Ready to make personal choices in specific professional and moral-value situations, but does not know how to assess the consequences of the decision made and bear responsibility for it to oneself and society. Makes a personal choice in specific professional and moral-value situations, evaluates some of the consequences of the decision, but is not ready to bear responsibility for it to himself and society. Makes a personal choice in standard professional and moral-value situations, evaluates some of the consequences of the decision made and is ready to bear responsibility for it to himself and society. Able to make personal choices in various non-standard professional and moral-value situations, assess the consequences of the decision made and bear responsibility for it to oneself and society.
KNOW: the content of the process of goal-setting for professional and personal development, its features and methods of implementation when solving professional problems, based on the stages of career growth and labor market requirements. Does not have basic knowledge about the essence of the goal-setting process, its features and methods of implementation. Makes significant mistakes when disclosing the content of the goal-setting process, its features and methods of implementation. Demonstrates partial knowledge of the content of the goal-setting process, some features of professional development and personal self-realization, indicates methods of implementation, but cannot justify the possibility of their use in specific situations. Demonstrates knowledge of the essence of the goal-setting process, individual features of the process and methods of its implementation, characteristics of the professional development of the individual, but does not highlight the criteria for choosing methods of goal implementation when solving professional problems. Reveals the full content of the goal-setting process, all its features, and substantiates the criteria for choosing methods of professional and personal goal realization when solving professional problems.

Appendix 3

"General problems of history and philosophy of science"

1. The relationship between philosophy and science: basic concepts.

2. The problem of the status of science. Three aspects of the existence of science: science as a system of knowledge, science as a cognitive activity, science as a social institution.

3. Basic approaches to the analysis of science. Philosophy of Science. Sociology of science. Scientific studies.

4. Science in the system of modern civilization. Internalism and externalism.

5. The problem of the emergence of sciences.

6. The problem of classification of sciences.

7. The problem of the rationality of scientific knowledge.

8. The problem of the foundations of science.

9. The scientific picture of the world, its role in modern philosophy of science.

10. Inductive-empirical model of constructing scientific knowledge: its origin and development, main advantages and disadvantages.

11. Hypothetico-deductive model of constructing scientific knowledge: its philosophical foundations and modern significance.

12. Basic concepts of the growth of scientific knowledge: classical positivism and empirio-criticism.

13.Logical-philosophical premises of logical positivism. Vienna circle.

14. Basic ideas of late logical positivism (R. Carnap). The main reasons for the collapse of logical positivism.

15. K. Popper's falsificationism.

16. Concept of research programs by I. Lakatos.

17. Paradigm theory by T. Kuhn.

18. Epistemological anarchism of P. Feyerabend.

19.Evolutionary epistemology: basic principles and approaches to development.

Exam questions for the section

“Philosophical issues in social sciences and humanities”

(for postgraduate students in socio-humanitarian fields)

1. The formation of social and humanitarian knowledge within the framework of philosophy.

2. Interaction of philosophical, natural science and humanities knowledge.

3. The connection between science and society. Forms of social influences on the development of social sciences and humanities.

4. Social context of the development of social sciences and humanities in the twentieth century. General theoretical approaches.

5. Basic research programs in social sciences and humanities.

6. The place of social and humanitarian knowledge in the structure of modern scientific knowledge. Identity and difference of social and human sciences.

7. Scientific knowledge: the specificity of subject-object relations in the knowledge of man and society.

8. Scientific rationality, features of its manifestation in the social sciences and humanities.

9. Ideals and norms of social and humanitarian knowledge of the modern era.

10. Communicative rationality and communicative action. Communication in the sciences of society and man.

11. Postmodern methodology: its influence on the current state of social sciences and humanities.

12. The language of science: the identity and difference between the language of social sciences and humanities and ordinary language.

13. General scientific methods of cognition and their specificity in the social sciences and humanities.

14. Methods of knowledge of social sciences and humanities.

15. Scientific theories in the sciences of society and man.

16. Philosophical and methodological analysis of the text. The concept of space and time in social and humanitarian knowledge.

17. The problem of truth. The relationship between truth and truth. Ideological context of truth: truth and justice.

18. Post-non-classical science. New methodologies in social sciences and humanities.

19. Information revolution and its impact on the development of social sciences and humanities. Computer modeling and its capabilities in the study of cognitive processes

20. Information society as a means of building a “knowledge society”. The place and role of science in knowledge societies.

Exam questions for the section

"Philosophical questions of mathematical and natural sciences"

(for postgraduate students in natural and mathematical fields)

1. Sociocultural concepts of the development of mathematics.

2. Identity and difference between fundamentalist and non-fundamentalist directions in mathematics.

3. The problem of substantiating mathematics.

4. Empiricism and apriorism in the interpretation of mathematical concepts.

5. Features of modern mathematization of knowledge.

6. The place of physics in the system of natural science knowledge.

7. Philosophical analysis of the opposition between reductionism and holism.

8. The problem of describing elementary objects in modern physics.

9. Philosophical analysis of the concepts of space and time.

10. Computer science and physics.

11. The relationship between physics and chemistry: reduction or integration?

12.Main stages of physicalization of chemistry.

13. The structure of modern chemical theory.

14. Correlation between the history and philosophy of chemistry.

15. The place of biology in the system of scientific knowledge: historical aspect.

16. The problem of systemic organization and the systems approach in biology.

17. The role of biological knowledge in the formation of the modern evolutionary picture of the world.

18. Computer science as an interdisciplinary science.

19. Epistemological content of the computer revolution.