Information on individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. from Kontur

Only here you can find detailed information on individual entrepreneurs!

The most convenient search. Just enter any number, last name, title. Only here you can find out OKPO and even accounting information. For free.

What data needs to be entered (you can choose any of the parameters):

  • Name of company
  • Code (TIN, OGRN)
  • Legal address

What data can be obtained:

  • Full brand name
  • Abbreviated corporate name
  • Legal address (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)
  • Main industry (OKVED)
  • Region
  • Telephone
  • Name of legal form
  • Authorized capital (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)
  • Net asset value
  • Other messages and documents

The inclusion of information in the Unified Federal Register of information on the facts of the activities of legal entities is carried out on the basis of Article 7.1 of the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” (as amended by the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 228 -FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts" Russian Federation regarding the revision of methods for protecting the rights of creditors when reducing the authorized capital, changing the requirements for business companies in the event of a discrepancy between the authorized capital and the value of net assets") from January 1, 2013 (clause 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 228-FZ).

Rosstat website

You can also use the Rosstat website (you need to click “get data on codes” at the top) (For Moscow, but there may be other regions). Find out your statistics codes (OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOGU, OKFS, OKOPF) by the INN number of an individual entrepreneur or organization.

Website of the Federal Tax Service Unified State Register of Legal Entities

What do you need to enter? It is enough to enter ONE of the fields: Name (simply Yandex, Gazprom, etc.) and/or OGRN/GRN/TIN and/or Address and/or Region and/or Registration Date.

What information will I receive?

  • Name legal entity;
  • Address (location) of the legal entity;
  • OGRN;
  • Information about the state registration of the organization;
  • Date of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (registration of a legal entity);
  • Name of the registering authority that made the entry (Tax);
  • Address of the registration authority;
  • Information on amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Information on state registration of changes made to constituent documents legal entities;
  • Information about licenses, registration as policyholders in funds, information about registration.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) contains complete open information about legal entities legally carrying out business activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. Registration of legal entities is carried out by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Registers are also maintained by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Register data is used to check the counterparty, exercise Due Diligence, confirm the powers of the Manager, obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for a legal entity, and for other purposes for which it is necessary to provide official registration data to the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

On the CHESTNYBUSINESS portal, you can obtain free information about the state registration of legal entities, complete open data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The data on the portal is updated daily and synchronized with the service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia*.

To obtain data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, use the search line:

To do this, enter the company’s INN or OGRN in the search bar.

If you do not have exact details, it will be enough to enter the company name. If the name is common and your request produces a list, it is advisable to clarify your request:
. enter the company name + surname of the director (for example: TEKHPROM IVANOV)
. or: company name + its location (for example: TEKHPROM MOSCOW)
. or all parameters at once (for example: TEKHPROM IVANOV MOSCOW)

Using the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you can obtain free of charge the following up-to-date information about the Counterparty - a legal entity:
. Status of the legal entity (active, liquidated, in the stage of reorganization, etc.);
. Registration date, tax authority that carried out the registration;
. Legal address (location address), number of organizations registered at this address;
. Authorized capital;
. Full name of the Manager, his position;
. Founders (participants) of a legal entity, their number, size of share in the authorized capital;
. Kinds economic activity;
. Licenses issued to a legal entity (if issued);
. Branches and Representative Offices (if any);
. Registration in extra-budgetary funds;
. other official public information.

Changes to the registers, changes to any data, are carried out only by the Federal Tax Service after an official request from the Manager and submission of the appropriate form for changes. For example, changing the company phone number specified during registration is only possible when submitting Form P14001. Registration of changes in the tax office is carried out within five working days, then ready-made amended documents are issued.

We wish you fruitful, comfortable work with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on the portal!

* Unified State Register of Legal Entities data is open and is provided on the basis of clause 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”: Information and documents contained in state registers are open and publicly available, with the exception of information to which access is limited, namely information about identification documents of an individual.

To bring your business to the top of the business “Olympus”, you need not only to masterfully conduct business, but also to understand people. AND we're talking about not at all about brilliant intuition, but about competent testing of a future partner. Indeed, along with the rapid growth of competition, the number of fraudsters is also growing, especially among small entrepreneurs who cannot afford to pay taxes.

Trust, but verify, and the most best option- checking individual entrepreneurs by TIN or full name on the Federal Tax Service website, with which you can find out all the information about the counterparty and reveal its secrets, for example, the lack of a license or hidden bankruptcy.

How to check an individual entrepreneur by TIN

When a citizen undergoes state registration as an individual entrepreneur, all information about him is entered into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP). They are kept there forever, even after liquidation. If any registration data changes during the work, the entrepreneur is obliged to notify the tax office about this so that its employees make changes to the register.

There is no need to report a change of name, passport or place of residence; the Federal Tax Service independently monitors the relevance of such data.

The information stored in the Unified State Register of Enterprises is not classified. Each individual has the right to check any individual entrepreneur through the service on the website of the Federal Tax Service, knowing only the TIN or full name and region of the entrepreneur of interest.

Don't panic! Personal data, such as residential address, passport number and series, bank account, are not provided to third parties. They can only be obtained by the entrepreneur himself by personally contacting the tax authority.

Verification algorithm

To obtain information, go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service and click on the “Business risks” tab. Then set your search criteria:

  • In the topmost field, click on “Individual entrepreneur/peasant farm”;
  • In the “Search by” field, select the option with the data you know - OGRN and INN or full name and region of residence.

If you chose to search for an individual entrepreneur by OGRNIP or TIN, indicate the 12-digit taxpayer identification number or the 15-digit number under which he is listed in the register of individual entrepreneurs. And if full name/region - last name, first name, patronymic and region of residence of the businessman. Then enter the numbers from the picture and click “Find”.

Using the service, you can check the reliability of a legal entity. The principle of action is the same, but since legal. a person acts on behalf of an entire organization; when choosing the second search option, you should indicate its legal name, and not the full name of an individual citizen.

Result of checking

If a citizen has not undergone mandatory registration with the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the system will not find information about him. The absence of a check result indicates that the businessman is carrying out his activities illegally, and the registration documents he provided are false.

If the individual entrepreneur you specified is listed in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the system will issue a document for download in PDF format with the following information:

  • about an individual;
  • about registration;
  • about the main view entrepreneurial activity and additional;
  • about accounting in tax authority;
  • about the changes made;
  • on bankruptcy and liquidation procedures.

But if you indicated the full name and region of the businessman, a list with all namesakes will appear on the page. Select the appropriate option and click on your full name, the document with the data will be downloaded to your computer.

How to find out your or someone else's TIN

Using the “Business Risks” service, you can not only verify the reliability and solvency of the counterparty, but also find out the TIN of any individual entrepreneur by last name. You need to find the business entity you are interested in using the same scheme mentioned above, for this:

  • select “Individual entrepreneur” and search by full name;
  • indicate your last name, first name, patronymic and region;
  • enter the captcha;
  • click "Find".

The system will give you a list of all individual entrepreneurs with that name. Their TIN, OGRNIP, and registration date will also be indicated. Just select the props you need.

There are often situations when an entrepreneur needs to find out his own TIN. For example, if you need to fill out some paper, but you don’t have a registration certificate at hand, which contains all the basic details. You can find out the TIN of an individual entrepreneur that belongs to you in two ways:

  • through the Federal Tax Service service;
  • through the Gosuslug service.

Both portals provide the service for free, but on the second you will have to go through a simple registration procedure. The details you will need are your full name, place and date of birth, number and series of your passport or other identity document, and date of issue.

To find out the TIN individual entrepreneur, go to the website, fill out all the fields, enter the numbers from the picture and send a request.

How to get an extract

The PDF file obtained as a result of verification in the Business Risks service does not have any legal force. It is intended solely for informational assessment of the counterparty. If a businessman needs a document with legal significance, for example, to confirm the legality of a transaction before the tax service, he can order it in several ways:

Any individual can receive an extract; it will only contain general information about an individual entrepreneur, like an information copy, but it can appear in any cases as official document. To obtain it you will need:

  • A freely drawn up application and a copy thereof.
  • A receipt confirming payment of the state fee in the amount of 200 rubles for a regular extract or 400 rubles for an urgent one.
  • A power of attorney certified by a notary, if a representative has applied for the paper.

The above method is expensive, since a fee is paid for each requested copy of the extract. If checked a large number of entrepreneurs, it is better to resort to the free online option:

The completed statement will appear in your list of applications; download it to your computer and print it. But please note: to open a PDF file with electronic signature, you will have to install software Crypto Pro version 3.6 or higher.

Other services for checking

You can find information about individual entrepreneurs not only on the Federal Tax Service website. Although this portal is the most accessible, reliable and, moreover, free, with its help you can not find out all the important information.

The list of official sites that provide information from the database of entrepreneurs includes:

Website: What you can find out How to find out
SAC of Russia (Federal Arbitration Court) Complete list of ongoing and completed litigation.
  • Go to the “Card Index of Arbitration Cases” service.
  • In the topmost field on the left side of the page, enter the name or full name, INN or OGRNIP of the participant in the case.
  • If you know any other information, add it too; if not, there is no need to find out.
  • Click on "Find".
  • A to-do list will appear on the right side of the screen.
Bailiffs portal A complete list of completed trials for which a court decision has already been made.
  • Follow the link and select search individuals.
  • Specify the search region, for example, Moscow.
  • Enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the plaintiff or defendant.
  • Click Find.
  • Scroll to the top of the page, there you will find all the cases you are looking for.
"Contour-Focus" Information about the counterparty and a simplified version of the extract without legal significance.
  • Free: INN, OGRN, KPP, main and additional OKVED, company address.
  • Paid: telephone, arbitration cases, balance sheet and reporting, registration in extra-budgetary funds, certificate number, extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
If you don't check your partner

To reduce risks for your business, you should not blindly trust your partners. Entering business relationship, ask them for a package of papers confirming the reality of the existence of an individual entrepreneur and allowing you to assess the reliability of the company. And also check the counterparty in all possible services to avoid such unpleasant situations as:

  • delay in payment for goods/services;
  • non-receipt of the goods you paid for;
  • appearing in fraudulent schemes;
  • impossibility of deducting VAT;
  • signing an agreement with a future bankrupt.

And if the tax authorities come to the conclusion that the company knew about the unreliability of its partner, then it will have to prove its non-involvement in fraud in court. Therefore, in addition to checking the individual entrepreneur, it is also worth getting an extract to provide it as proof of your innocence.

The main state registration number (OGRN, read as “ogereen”) is assigned when an entry on the state registration of a legal entity is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) and is issued by the tax authority at the place of registration of the legal entity.

Only legal entities have OGRN. If you decide to check the OGRN of a company, organization or partner enterprise, you can do this on our website. Do you want to check a company by OGRN online? Fill out only one field and all the necessary information is in front of you.

OGRN for verification:

OGRN is the most important means of individualizing a legal entity (organization, company, enterprise) OGRN must be indicated on official seals, and on ordinary seals and stamps - at the discretion of the management of the legal entity.
In Russia OGRN was first introduced on July 1, 2002.

The following goals were pursued when introducing this identifier:

  • systematization of legal entities in Russia through the main state registration number;
  • creating the opportunity for market participants to verify, with the help of OGRN, the reliability of information about counterparties and their integrity;
  • strengthening control over existing legal entities and newly created ones when issuing OGRN by the tax authority
  • OGRN of the organization

    Before the introduction of the OGRN by the Federal Law “On Registration of Legal Entities,” it was possible to identify a company only by TIN: this number indicates that the organization belongs to a certain body of the Federal Tax Service and registration information in this department. The OGRN number contains more than full information about the enterprise.

    The OGRN of an organization is a combination that can be verified. It is enough to divide the first 12 digits of the identifier by 11. The remainder must coincide with the last (check) digit. This way you can quickly verify that the organization’s OGRN is valid.
    In the case of OGRNIP, the check is carried out in a similar way: the correspondence of the remainder of dividing the first 14 digits by 13 and the check digit is checked.

    Using our service, you can check the registration data of a legal entity and protect yourself from interaction with fly-by-night companies.

    The organization's OGRN, OGRNIP and TIN are the main identifiers of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. They are assigned once and remain unchanged until the organization is liquidated. Therefore, using the OGRN you can easily find out the TIN, and vice versa, and then view the information about the organization available to everyone.

    OGRNIP - the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur. Unlike the OGRN, this identifier consists of 15 digits, the last one being the control number.

    The 13 digits of the OGRN carry certain information. The first digit indicates the nature of the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - initial registration or change of data. The second and third are the last two digits of the year the entry was made. The fourth and fifth are the number of the subject of the Russian Federation in which issued by OGRN. The sixth and seventh digits correspond to the number of the interdistrict tax office that issued the OGRN. The next 5 digits of the OGRN are the number of the record of registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the year the record was made. The last 13th digit of the OGRN is the control digit. The OGRN is indicated:
    • in all entries in the state register related to this legal entity (organization, company, enterprise);
    • in documents confirming the entry of relevant entries into the state register;
    • in all documents of this legal entity along with its name;
    • in information on state registration published by registration authorities.
    Why is the OGRN checked?

    Verification of information about the OGRN of a legal entity (organization, company, enterprise) is carried out:

  • to confirm the existence of a legal entity;
  • checking the accuracy of documentation received from the counterparty;
  • obtaining information about the last name, first name and patronymic of the director of a legal entity;
  • finding out whether a legal entity is on the so-called “black list” of tax authorities, which includes shell companies;
  • finding out whether the director of a legal entity (enterprise, company, organization) is on the so-called “black list” of tax authorities, which includes persons who have ever held the position of directors in shell companies;
  • finding out the TIN of a legal entity;
  • finding out the legal address of the company.
  • Use the search, select a payment method and click on the “Order” button.
  • Specify email on the second step.
    The manager will generate and send the document to the specified address.
  • Payment method

    Extract with digital signature stamp - 89₽. Payment by credit card or Yandex Money.

    We will prepare and ship within one business day or refund your money.

    About the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

    Taxpayers often wonder how to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for free through the tax office website using the TIN. This document is the most accurate generalized document about the company; it is necessary for establishing partnerships, obtaining loans, executing many transactions and concluding contracts.

    The extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, just like the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, contains important information personally about the entrepreneur and his enterprise. Because of this, when information changes, it is necessary to record these changes in the Unified State Register. If we are talking about legal entities. persons, then in addition to the above-mentioned places, information about them is in the Statutory Documents.

    How to get an extract 1. Go to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities section on the official website Tax Ru
    2. Enter the name, OGRN or INN, individual entrepreneur or legal entity in the search bar. faces.
    3. Select the required company from the search results.
    4. Be sure to leave a contact address where you can receive an extract.
    5. Pay the state fee for receiving the extract in a convenient way.
    6. Wait for the finished document. You can always check the status of your order in the “Order readiness” section.

    Why do you need an extract?

    The document is most in demand among citizens when:

    • They are going to conduct some kind of real estate transaction legally;
    • Citizens decided to open own account in the bank, but at the same time you will have to confirm the competence of the manager and more;
    • It is necessary to officially notarize documents if they are directly related to the activities of a legal entity;
    • Citizens express their desire to participate in auctions or trades in order to confirm official information about the organization;
    • Required in the shortest possible time find out information about the counterparty.
    What does an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities consist of?

    The extract provides the following information:

    1. Official name (title) of the organization, its full legal address, business form. subject, and, of course, your own registration number in unified register;

    2. The most complete data on the authorized capital of the organization, the state of the legal entity and its formation;

    3. True information about the founders of the legal entity, a list of individuals within the legal entity;

    4. Types of financial activities and registration of a legal entity, etc.

    Changes in the statement

    A distinctive feature of recording legal changes. person and individual entrepreneur consists of a different set of required documents.

    Thus, several types of changes can be distinguished:

    Procedure related to statutory documents

    A procedure that has nothing to do with the statutory documents

    Entering changed data into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which are not related to the Statutory Documents

    For individual entrepreneurs, changes can be:

    Passport data;

    Directions of business, we are talking about OKVED;

    Living place;


    Documents for individual entrepreneurs:

    Statement of desire to change data in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, signed by the applicant personally;

    Necessary copies of documents that indicate the changes specified in the application.

    For legal entities faces:

    Change in the position of General Director, which is recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This may include a change in his full name, TIN and other data indicated in the passport, or removal from his position;

    Change in the direction of entrepreneurship, which is indicated in OKVED.

    Documents for legal entities faces:

    An application to record changes that do not depend on the constituent documents;

    Documentary confirmation of the inclusion of data that have been changed in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

    Other valuable documents that serve as proof of the existence of changes. This could be, for example, an “Order on taking up a position,” which is necessary when changing the general director.