The star of the TV series “Tatiana’s Day” was suspected of having an affair with youngest son oligarch Sergei Sarkisov. More recently, a MGIMO student met with singer Nastya Kudri. Now he is spending time in Nice with Natalia Rudova.

One of the most popular girls on Instagram, as a rule, generously shares details with fans. own life. The only exception is the amorous affairs of the 35-year-old actress.

Despite the fact that Natalya Rudova does not like to talk about novels, she is constantly credited with relationships with colleagues and strongmen of the world this, among whom was the musician Timati, in whose video the actress starred several years ago.

And recently, the artist was spotted on vacation with the son of billionaire Sergei Sarkisov. This is not the first time that the young heir to the head of the RESO-Garantiya company has been photographed together with star beauties. Not so long ago, for example, the dark-haired womanizer was in a relationship with the daughter of oligarch Igor Kudryashkin, singer Nastya Kudri.

Soon, the relationship between Nastya and Sergei Sarkisov Jr. came to an end, and now he, it seems, decided to bask in the rays of Natalya Rudova’s stardom. At least the couple is spending time together in Nice, and in rare shots together you can see that they look very happy.

The influential father of a 19-year-old student has been ranked first in the Forbes ranking for more than eight years, and his fortune totals more than one billion dollars.

Sarkisov Jr. takes full advantage of all the benefits that his father, the “black prince,” as he calls himself, can give him, studies at MGIMO, travels around Moscow in a sky-blue Bentley, and spends the winter holidays in Courchevel with friends.

The young man has repeatedly admitted that a serious relationship is not suitable for him - for the next ten years he plans to engage exclusively in business. For the last two years, Sergei has worked in his father’s company, moving from an ordinary sales manager to the manager of his own projects.

One of the most popular girls on Instagram, as a rule, generously shares details of her own life with fans. The only exception is the amorous affairs of the 35-year-old actress. Despite the fact that Natalya Rudova does not like to talk about novels, she is constantly credited with relationships with colleagues and the powers that be, among whom was the musician Timati, in whose video the actress starred several years ago.

And recently, the artist was spotted on vacation with the son of billionaire Sergei Sarkisov. This is not the first time that the young heir to the head of the RESO-Garantiya company has been photographed together with star beauties. Not so long ago, for example, the dark-haired womanizer was in a relationship with the daughter of oligarch Igor Kudryashkin, singer Nastya Kudri.

Soon, the relationship between Nastya and Sergei Sarkisov Jr. came to an end, and now he, it seems, decided to bask in the rays of Natalya Rudova’s stardom. At least the couple is spending time together in Nice, and in rare shots together you can see that they look very happy.

The influential father of a 19-year-old student has been ranked first in the Forbes ranking for more than eight years, and his fortune totals more than one billion dollars. Sarkisov Jr. takes full advantage of all the benefits that his father, the “black prince,” as he calls himself, can give him, studies at MGIMO, travels around Moscow in a sky-blue Bentley, and spends the winter holidays in Courchevel with friends.

The young man has repeatedly admitted that a serious relationship is not suitable for him - for the next ten years he plans to engage exclusively in business. For the last two years, Sergei has worked in his father’s company, moving from an ordinary sales manager to the manager of his own projects.

By the way, it remains a mystery whether the father will be pleased with the big difference in the age of his son and his possible passion.

From birth, a career as a government official and politician awaited him. After all, his parents (father) for a long time served in a responsible position in the Ministry of External Relations (Vneshtorg) and was friends with Anastas Mikoyan. Accordingly, our hero prepared to continue his work. But the fate of the country changed, history took a different path, and he was able, thanks to his passion for the insurance business, to make a lot of money. This helped him enter the list of the richest people in the country and the world. How did he manage to do this?


Sergei Eduardovich Sarkisov was born in 1959 on May 18 in the capital of Russia (USSR) in Moscow. His father was an employee of Vneshtorg, whose activities were often associated with long business trips abroad. This was the reason that our hero spent part of his childhood on the island of Freedom - Cuba. But he received his secondary education in Moscow.

After school, Sergei entered MGIMO, where, following in his father’s footsteps, he entered the international economics department. In his fourth year, he began working on the committee of youth organizations under the Komsomol Central Committee (he worked in the Latin American sector). All work of this department was supervised by the international department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Thus, the CPSU looked for future government officials among young people.

After graduating from MGIMO, Sarkisov, following the precepts of the first leader of the Land of Soviets, did not interrupt his studies. And in 1984-1987. Studied at the All-Union Law Institute. Education at this educational institution is carried out by correspondence.

Somewhat later, our hero completed his postgraduate studies at the Financial Academy under the Government of Russia, where he defended his PhD in economics.

Business and Entrepreneurship

Now Sarkisov is a recognized businessman with accounts in the millions. Many may believe that this is thanks to his parents. Of course, there is a parental inheritance, but it is common knowledge that the businessman earned his first independent money while still in high school, unloading cars at the Kurskaya-Tovarnaya station. But these earnings were rare. You could say one-time.

Systematic permanent earnings began already while studying at higher education educational institution. For example, in his first years he was involved in the design of advertising layouts for the capital’s association of fur studios. Starting from his fourth year, he began translating technical texts; the work required deeper knowledge foreign languages. And as mentioned above, from the same course he worked in the Komsomol organization.

In the early eighties, he graduated from MGIMO and naturally went to work. But not by his profession (we remind you that he is an economist), but into a completely new element for him - into the insurance business. He went to work at Ingostrakh, but since, according to his own words, he did not understand anything about this business, he had to start with an ordinary employee.

But thanks to his hard work and perseverance, in a few years he worked his way up to the head of one of the departments. And thanks to his excellent knowledge of foreign languages, from 1987 to 1990 he represented the interests of Ingostrakh abroad, in Latin America. Worked in Cuba, Panama and Nicaragua.

In 1991, he committed, according to him, the craziest act in his life and risked an already well-established career with a stable income and left his previous place of work. True, this was done at the suggestion of the then president of Ingostrakh Kruglyak.

The reason why Sarkisov left this company was new project– creation of a new insurance company – “RESO” or Russian-European Insurance Company. Despite the fact that the new insurance company was created jointly with two other companies - Avtobank and Chupa-Chups - and Sarkisov was only a junior partner in this community, he became the president of the company.

In 1993, RESO merged with another insurance company and now it has acquired a new name, RESO-Garantiya. Sarkisov still remained in the presidential chair. The number of founders has also increased, including such giants Russian business such as "", "Ingostrakh", "Rosvooruzhenie", "Atomenergoexport" and others. Two years later, the younger brother, Nikolai Sarkisov, by that time a completely successful businessman, entered into a share with his older brother.

The crisis that came in 1998 involuntarily “helped” the brothers, together with Alexander Mamut and the owner of MDM-Bank Andrei Melnichenko, consolidate the share capital of the company.

In 2004, Sarkisov Sr. became chairman of the board of directors. And by 2006, the brothers owned 95% of all shares in the company. But a year later, Sergei sold 33% of the shares to the French insurance group AHA.

Sergey Sarkisov has been the permanent chairman of the board of directors of RESO Group from 2007 to this year. Currently, he owns 30 percent of the RESO-Garantii company and various real estate in the country and abroad.

He is also vice-president of the All-Russian Union of Insurers. Member of the Presidium and Board of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, while simultaneously holding the post of Chairman of the Public Relations Committee in the same company.

Member of the General Council of the All-Russian public organization"Business Russia".

Personal life

Almost nothing is known about her. They know that he has a brother who is a co-founder of the RESO-Garantiya company. Married, his wife is a surgeon by profession. Sarkisov, according to some sources, has five children with her, according to others, three. At least, his three children are known to the general public - two sons and a daughter.

The eldest of the sons, Nikolai, is a director and works at the Dream Factory - Hollywood. Although he graduated from medical school, following the example of his mother, and began to study in residency, he realized that medicine was not for him and went into cinema. He is also the owner of a company that produces video content for Internet users.

Daughter Iya got married in 2015. Her wedding was celebrated in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. For this purpose, the most expensive hotel in Tbilisi, the Ambassador Kachreti, was removed and closed to other visitors for three whole days.

The youngest of the businessman’s famous children, Sergei, celebrated his coming of age in October 2016. This holiday was celebrated on such a grand scale that the media discussed it for a long time after the celebration.

What else?

He has written several books on his profession. He is the author of five dozen monographs on insurance and management issues.

Loves movies and car racing. For the sake of his hobbies, he graduated from higher courses for screenwriters and made a film based on his own script. And he is a member of the rally team “Sergei Rally”, in which he participates in auto racing in a Subaru Impreza car.

For his work in the field of charity, he received from the hands of the Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II the highest award from the Armenian apostolic church- Order of St. Gregory the Illuminator.

"Black Prince"(as he calls himself) by Moscow moves on sky blue Bentley, hangs out with the singer T-Killah(27), football player Dmitry Tarasov(30) and YurKissom(19) (one of the most eligible bachelors of 2016 according to Tatler, son of an oligarch, ex-soloist " Earthlings"and producer Vladimir Kiselev(64)). On the 18th birthday of the “prince” (it was celebrated in Sixty on the 62nd floor of one of the towers " Moscow City") sang (26), Valery Syutkin(59) and Quest Pistols Show, and at the tables sat the heirs of famous families and large fortunes.

Jumper, Zara, trousers, Strellson, Boots, Porta 9

Sergey Sarkisov(18) - son of co-owner and chairman of the board of directors " RESO-Guarantees"(Russian Insurance Company with a collection of about 80 billion rubles per year) Sergei Sarkisov(57).

True, Sarkisov was born not in Moscow, but in Barcelona, where his father then worked, and three years later he moved to Georgia- to mother's homeland Rusudan Makhashvili(network president medical centers MedSwiss). “I had the most ordinary, happy childhood - I spent most of my time with my grandparents in Tbilisi" There Sergei learned the Georgian language, which he now speaks fluently.

Left: Suit, Daniel Hechter; T-shirt, Massimo Dutti; sneakers, Adidas. Right: Jacket, GUESS; jumper, Zara; jeans, Massimo Dutti

Sarkisov took the best from his parents: “Mom taught me to see only the positive in everything, and dad taught me to run a business, present myself correctly and always try to be ahead of the times - to be ahead of the curve and give my best in achieving my goals.”

Serezha also inherited good external characteristics from his parents - he is extraordinarily handsome: thick black hair, languid eyebrows and an almost devilish look. It’s no wonder that girls flock to him in droves. Just remember Sarkisov’s romance with the most enviable blonde of the Moscow State University journalism department, the daughter of a millionaire Igor Kudryashkin(19)! True, a few months later the couple broke up, and Seryozha himself said: “I have never had a serious relationship, and I have not yet had the opportunity to meet “the one.” And I don’t plan to start a family yet, and for the next ten years I will only be engaged in business - I want to achieve maximum heights in the business I took on." For the last two years, he has been working in his father’s company, RESO: “During this time, I managed to make my way from an ordinary sales manager to my own projects with large clients.”

He studied first in England in private school for boys Sunningdale, then - in the Moscow secondary school 1239 , “And next year I’m going serve documents in MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. After school, I decided to first learn the basics of business in practice, and then go to university.”