If you are one of those strong-willed individuals who can not only think long and hard about a weight loss plan, but are also able to start implementing it, then congratulations. You are on the right track. But it’s one thing to decide and even begin to act, and quite another to achieve results.

Sometimes, despite all efforts, the weight remains a dead weight. Why? This article will answer this question.

Reason 1: You're eating more

Yes Yes. Do not be surprised. It sounds a little shocking, but often people, after switching to, actually start to eat more. After all, now your conscience is clear!

First, vigilance is lost due to the usefulness of the new food. Do you prefer a super healthy salad from a hamburger and fries? brown rice with coconut milk, skinless chicken and vegetables. So what's the problem? The problem is the portions! We intuitively allow ourselves more healthy food. But it also has calories. Don't forget this when your hand reaches for more.

Secondly, exercise, which often accompanies the process of losing weight, naturally increases appetite. The only exception is running. It stabilizes blood sugar, and appetite after running, on the contrary, decreases. As for strength training, often after it a state of “I could eat an elephant!” sets in.

Reason 2: You are stressed

Oddly enough, but this is a vicious circle. As soon as you limit yourself to the usual portions, the body becomes alert and waits to launch its defense mechanisms against stress. Many people not only limit nutritional value their food, but also add intense training. In the first weeks and even months, this can give quick results, but then many are faced with the fact that the weight either remains a dead weight or may even begin to increase.

In addition, I have to recommend yoga and a warm bath for relaxation, which have already set my teeth on edge.

Yes. I know that I am not at all original here. But these are really great anti-stress methods.

If the causes of your stress lie deeper (unloved job, family crisis, personal crisis, financial problems...), until you solve them, a bath will not help. In this case, I suggest first dealing with the main stress factor before switching to a new figure.

Honestly. If you think that by losing 10, 20, 30 kilograms, you will find your dream job or finally get married, then I must disappoint you. This won't work. We must do exactly the opposite.

Reason 3: You want to lose weight too much

It sounds strange again. I admit it. But when you have too much desire achieve something, then you again trigger stress mechanisms. And then everything is as in the paragraph above...

Reason 4: You don't sleep enough

Any fitness or nutrition guru will tell you that if you are, then all your efforts to lose those hated pounds may be in vain. Firstly, it's again a matter of stress.

Secondly, if you don’t get enough sleep, your appetite increases and you eat more than you should. At the same time, one is usually drawn to everything forbidden: very fatty or very sweet.

Third, vigilance and willpower are weakened. So not only will it be harder for you to resist that piece of cake at work, but you'll also be more likely to cancel your planned workout. If you nevertheless make a titanic effort and start training, then you will not give your all...

Reason 5: your body is polluted

Which is not surprising for most modern people. Endless trips to the hairdresser, excessive use of cosmetics, food with numerous chemical additives, distilled water instead of mineral water, polluted air, smoking... All this tends to accumulate in our body.

And what does the body do? It reacts by increasing its mass! Remember when a mosquito bites you, the bite site swells up? The same thing happens on a large scale. The body tries to increase in size in order to reduce the concentration of poison per kilogram of weight. This is why there are so many obese people among hairdressers.

Reason 6: you don't drink enough clean water

When the body is dehydrated, it cannot remove all production waste (read waste and toxins) in the required volume. If the body is slagged, then the weight increases, as described in the paragraph above.

Reason 7: You have insulin resistance

This is a pre-stage of type 2 diabetes, when glucose does not enter the cells because the cells become insulin resistant.

Simply put, insulin is the key that allows glucose to enter the cell. If a cell is resistant to insulin, then glucose, instead of providing the cell with energy, remains circulating in the blood. And all the energy unspent by the cells is stored in fat! This is why people with insulin resistance can eat very little and still gain weight.

Insulin resistance can also be triggered in response to! Therefore, be careful with emergency situations at work.

Other signs of insulin resistance:

  • Constant fatigue.
  • I always want to eat something.
  • Irresistible craving for sweets.
  • Violations menstrual cycle.
  • Inability to get pregnant naturally.
  • If there is a break between meals of more than 3-4 hours, dizziness, trembling, poor health and irritability are possible.

Reason 8: You eat too often

The question “how many times a day is best to eat?” is actively discussed everywhere. Yes, I know that many fitness gurus recommend 5-6 meals a day. But! So you just eat more. After all, it is very difficult for us to stop after the required 100 kilocalories. Appetite, as you know, comes with eating. You don’t skip lunch and don’t forget about snacks. As a result, the day turns out to be a clear overkill.

Reason 9: You don't have the right motivation

Motivation from the series “to fit into your favorite dress” or “to like yourself” will not work. This will clearly not be enough to refuse those cookies in the office that your colleagues obsessively offer you every day. The cookie and the sense of teamwork will win. Well, in the end, what is more important to you? To be known as a beech in a new dress of size XS or to be the plump soul of a close-knit team?

But sometimes the reason may not be only lack of motivation. There can often be anti-motivation hidden in the back of your mind.

What I mean? Let me give you an example.

Recently I had a consultation with a woman over 40. She really wanted to lose weight! Her weight, with a height of 155 centimeters, exceeded 100 kilograms. And what has she not tried over the past 15 years! Nothing helped, or it helped, but not for long. The most she ever managed to lose was 9 kilograms.

So, I created a nutrition program for her, she even started following it and began to lose weight. But when we met for a second consultation and looked at the results, our opinions were divided.

She was beaming with happiness, and I was simply killed by such a meager result - 3 kilograms in a month.

At first I couldn't understand what was going on. After all, using exactly the same program, another girl lost as much as 8 kilograms in 1.5 months! Despite the fact that she had to get rid of not 40 kilograms, but only 10...

We began to dig into the history of the “disease”. And then it turned out that losing weight for my client all these YEARS was best friend. She didn't even want the result! The process itself was important to her: visits to specialists, communication with people, new nutrition. In a word, losing weight was the GOAL of her life. Please note: the goal was not weight loss, but the PROCESS itself.

Only after realizing this and choosing a new reality, ceasing to be afraid of life without the process of losing weight, did she begin to lose weight quite quickly. At the same time, we did not change the nutrition program itself.

Reason 10: you have nowhere to lose weight!

Yes Yes! Everything has a limit. If Angelina Jolie weighs 50 kilograms and is 180 centimeters tall (this is pure speculation), then this does not mean that you need to weigh the same. Often people come to me who want to lose weight, but I have to refuse them. I look at their weight and height and understand that it would be better for them to gain weight. Therefore, no one has canceled the body mass index.

Good health to you!

You're doing your best - exercising vigorously and eating right - and yet somehow your weight stays the same or, worse, even increases. With what it can be connected? Why doesn't hard work on yourself bring results and you can't lose weight? There are quite a few reasons why people don't lose weight even if they exercise and eat right. Don't worry. Perhaps you will understand that some of them concern you specifically and you will be able to find a way out of this vicious circle.

Why do we gain weight

A year ago, you could feast on charlotte at night without any consequences for your figure and polish off the dessert with sweet soda, but today, it seems that your waistline increases from looking at fried potatoes. What's happened? Why are the scales slowly but surely creeping up? Why is it difficult to lose weight?

Hormonal imbalance

Hormones control the female body like a conductor of an orchestra. We feel the “mood” of the conductor, or rather the “behavior” of estrogen and progesterone (female sex hormones), in full - from sudden mood swings to dramatic changes in taste preferences and appetite.

The first hormonal “explosion” occurs during puberty. The second is associated with pregnancy (up to 4 months of pregnancy, the production of progesterone and estrogen increases). The third stage of hormonal changes awaits during premenopause and menopause (the ovaries produce insufficient amounts of hormones, so fat in the abdomen and hips can “stay” at an incredible speed).

Metabolic slowdown

To the question: “Why can’t you lose weight?” You can often hear the answer: “It’s a matter of metabolism.” It is known that every 10 years metabolic processes slow down by almost 10%. The point is a decrease in the amount of muscle mass with age, an inactive lifestyle, and a decrease in the quality of the diet.

Use of hormonal contraceptives
Changes in eating behavior (decreased appetite, increased appetite) are a possible side effect of hormonal medications designed to prevent pregnancy.

Yes, in modern hormonal contraceptive drugs, the level of estrogen is two times lower than in the “first generation” products, but their effect on carbohydrate metabolism cannot be completely excluded. Experts often recommend that women who use oral contraceptives monitor their appetite more closely and maintain a balance between calorie intake and expenditure.

Long-term use of “serious” medications

It is no secret that long-term treatment based on antibiotics and immunomodulatory drugs can negatively affect the functioning of enzymes that contribute to the breakdown and normal absorption of food. In addition to such unpleasant symptoms as flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, fermentopathy directly or indirectly provokes a set of excess weight.

The habit of eating on the run and “whatever”

What could be simpler, faster and more convenient than breakfast in the form of a sausage sandwich? Of course, bread and ham. You will have to cook the porridge for 20 minutes, and you will eat the sandwich on the way from the apartment to the parking lot. Indeed, such a start to the day promises you at least 10-15 additional minutes. But will such a menu be beneficial? Another chocolate-covered marshmallow ends up in the mouth “absolutely unnoticeably.” But after a couple of weeks of such afternoon snacks, it becomes clear that your favorite skirt has become tight at the waist.

Why can't I lose weight?

“I want to lose weight, but I can’t. What to do?" - This is perhaps the most frequently asked question on the Internet. Indeed, sometimes desire, iron willpower, and even certain actions on the way to your dream figure are not enough to say goodbye to the hated kilograms. Why is it difficult to lose weight?

Top 5 mistakes that prevent you from becoming slimmer

  1. We are constantly under stress

Our body's relationship with stress is very unique. Stress causes the production of cortisol, a hormone that breaks down muscle, reduces insulin resistance, and also promotes fat storage.

Stress is a useful reaction for human survival in emergency situations, but today such emergencies occur extremely rarely. However, we suffer from daily, low-level, debilitating stress - waiting in traffic, excessive exercise, worrying about work, children, nagging bosses, etc. This means that your body is constantly under stress. It constantly produces cortisol, which causes the body to store fat because it thinks it will need the fat in the future.

If you train intensively, perhaps it’s time to replace some of your exercise with yoga (but not intense and barbell yoga, but something more calming and preferably in combination with - for example, kundalini yoga, Iyengar yoga, qigong), add to your daily schedule (at least cover the distance from the metro to home not by tram, but on foot) and look for ways to eliminate stress from your life. You need this not only to lose weight, but also to reap all the other benefits that come with living a stress-free life.

  1. You're not eating as healthy as you think

Perhaps you buy your groceries from health food stores, the organic section of the supermarket, or a farmer's market. But if it's mostly diet sodas, low-fat items, "organic" chips and sweets, bread and pasta, your diet is full of pointless fast carbohydrates. You're helping yourself feel free of guilt by buying these things from a "health" store, but let's be honest: these products are not real food.

I recommend following a diet based on whole foods: vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, fish (as always, I recommend my mobile recipe app for inspiration). If you eat meat, then it should not be industrially processed (that is, not dumplings, minced meat, cutlets), but prepared at home from a single piece of meat, preferably of the best quality available...

  1. You eat too little

A simple rule for losing weight: eat fewer calories and move more. However, it is not always so simple, because the body is much more complex. It is an intelligent, living, breathing, adaptable creature that understands that it is being starved when you reduce your calorie intake excessively. And while you might think that the less you eat, the faster you'll lose weight, this theory can work against you. Your body will respond to less food by making you hungry, and will adjust by reducing your energy expenditure so you feel less hungry.

  1. You don't get enough sleep

Do you remember the joke when, when asked by the doctor whether you are getting enough sleep, the patient answers - where am I getting enough sleep? So, lack of sleep is stress for the body. Astress causes the production of cortisol, which promotes fat deposition. Chronic lack of sleep can also cause the release of cortisol, which we know causes the body to store fat instead of burning it. Another reason why getting enough sleep is essential (for some, this means getting 7-8 hours of sleep every day) is that most of the fat burning work actually happens during deep sleep! So if you're not doing it right, you're missing out on a great opportunity to lose weight.

  1. You avoid fats

For a long time we were told that fat is the enemy. Therefore, it is very difficult to go against everyone and start eating fat, especially when the media, doctors, “experts”, friends and family are convinced that fat will destroy us. However, for a long time there has been a lot of scientific evidence that fats do not kill us and, contrary to belief, do not cause a lot of other diseases.
containing carbohydrates and fats, all your efforts in losing weight are in vain. Good fats, which are found, for example, in avocados, coconut oil, nuts, vegetable oils etc., not only provide you with much-needed energy on a low-carb diet, but also help you lose weight!

Top 5 reasons why diets are ineffective

Every second woman asks herself: “Why can’t I lose weight on a diet? What am I doing wrong? It turns out that there are plenty of these “not so” things.

  1. You choose your own diet

The diagnosis of “virtually healthy”, which doctors give to most of us, implies the presence of some contraindications. However, not everyone, having decided to start a new life on a fashionable diet, goes to the doctor to get everything checked. necessary tests and check how safe a particular method is for him.

If you choose a nutritional system on your own, don’t be surprised that you’ll soon wonder why the diet doesn’t help you lose weight. And this will be the lesser evil. A bigger problem may be the negative consequences that your body experienced after testing an ill-chosen nutritional system.

  1. You are blindly trying to achieve illusory ideals

Of course, it's great if you can easily button up jeans you bought 15 years ago. But, if you face the truth, such cases are rather the exception. There is such a thing as a healthy weight - a weight at which the body feels as comfortable as possible. It's about about the comfort of the body. In this case, dreams of a waist like Bella Hadidego’s don’t bother her at all.

The famous French nutritionist Pierre Dukan called for always and in everything to take into account the “opinion” of the body. The expert assured that almost every person can achieve any desired figure. But, having lost weight with a height of 180 cm to 50 kg, the body will try in every possible way to “get back” and send SOS signals (dizziness, menstrual irregularities, a sharp deterioration in the quality of hair and nails, etc.). In this mode, it is impossible to maintain weight for a long time, and it is short-sighted, because the body can not only return to its healthy weight, but also, against the backdrop of stress, “please” with additional reserves in the form of extra pounds.

  1. You only monitor the caloric content of foods

It seems to you that maintaining a balance of caloric content of food is the very proper nutrition that everyone is talking about. However, you constantly wonder why you can’t lose weight when proper nutrition.
Scientists have long proven that blind and scrupulous calorie counting and safe weight loss are not synonymous.
The recommendation to consume 1200 kcal per day can be perceived in different ways. Someone will try to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates on their plate. And someone will prefer to follow the prescription, choosing a couple of chocolate bars with nuts and nougat as their daily diet (their calorie content will be close to 1200 kcal).

  1. You constantly feel hungry

Remember those times when you desperately tried to control the urge to sleep while drinking your fifth cup of espresso, or the feeling of thirst after eating tom yum. As practice shows, you will not be a winner in the fight against physiological needs. The same thing happens when a person is in the grip of hunger. Experiencing an urgent need for food (glucose, vitamins, nutrients), the brain begins to work in such a way that at this moment a person cannot think about anything else except how to urgently satisfy his need. ABOUT bad mood We won’t even talk about irritability and loss of strength.

This is one of the reasons why you can’t lose weight. By seriously limiting yourself in food (and, in most cases, doing this based on your own choice, and not on the instructions of a specialist), you risk dooming yourself to a constant feeling of hunger. This means there is an almost 100% risk of failure.

  1. You perceive diet as a panacea

Now I’ll suffer, and an amazing result is guaranteed - thinks every second girl who decides to lose weight. Probably, if you strictly follow the diet instructions, significantly reduce the calorie content of your daily diet, and give up fast carbohydrates, you will quickly achieve your cherished ideal. But can you maintain the result? Hardly.
Typically, power systems developed by specialists consist of several stages. They take into account the need to achieve the desired results, the period of “consolidation” of results, and the importance of the stage of maintaining optimal weight for a long time (often it stretches out for a long time). Are you ready to admit that diet is a way of life?

Looking for the right approach

Yes, yes, exactly the approach. Why can’t women lose weight? They use “solo” methods as their main tactics. However, as we have already found out, even the most severe mono-diet cannot cope with extra pounds alone, and even more so in such ways it will be impossible to maintain the desired weight. What needs to be done to get the weight off the ground?

Contact the specialists

If you are unable to attend a consultation with a qualified expert, make an appointment online. Many doctors, as well as authors of methods, have special services where, in real time, those losing weight can contact a doctor with any questions and track their progress. This kind of “online weight loss” usually costs several times less than visiting a doctor in a successful clinic.

If you decide to lose weight on your own, thoroughly study the nutrition system by which you decided to lose weight. The main thing is to draw an adequate parallel between the chosen diet and your well-being.

Having problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should not choose a menu that contains sour fruits and vegetables, or those foods that provoke flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms. For people suffering from kidney disease, it is better to refrain from diets that are based on proteins (especially if they are proteins of animal origin).

Play sports wisely

Often, even those people who regularly go to a fitness club are often faced with the fact that they are unable to lose weight when playing sports. The trainers know what to do and Newest technologies, which allow you to choose the right and adequate load for a person, at which the hated fat will be burned. With the help of fitness testing (this is an ECG under stress), an expert will be able to determine your level of physical fitness, find out the scope of effective work in heart rate, and select the degree of intensity of the workout. By the way, in many fitness clubs such consultation is provided free of charge when purchasing a subscription.

Set goals and reward any victory you have.

Keep a diary where you will write down your daily diet and set goals for the future. I don't want to internal muscles the hips became stronger, and the arms became sculpted,” and “after 10 workouts, stand in the plank for 1.5 minutes, and jump rope 150 in 60 seconds.” If you achieve your goal, reward yourself with something that gives you pleasure - new leggings, a massage. If the goal remains a dream, keep working.

Don't ignore sports gadgets and smartphone apps

They can not only monitor the number of steps taken and heart rate, but also become your personal assistant: remind you to drink water, take essential vitamins, arrange a snack, go to a workout, and even provide healthy recipes.

In addition, many applications provide a “share results” function. This is especially true for those whose diet is not without a competitive principle.

Involve your family in your weight loss process

It's hard to lose weight when your home resembles a candy store, and your loved ones gobble up aromatic food at dinner. Apple pie, while you savor the radish salad. Try to “infect” your family with your desire to eat right. Cook by replacing harmful foods with healthier ones: if children cannot live without mayonnaise, prepare it yourself; if your husband loves rich pork borscht, offer him an alternative with turkey meat, and instead mashed potatoes serve grilled vegetables. Gradually your family will get the hang of it.

When to expect results

The human body is a very complex mechanism. He hates strict rules and will try with all his might to hold on to the accumulated “riches”. Don't set too ambitious goals for him. Yes, maybe you will be able to get rid of 10 kg in a month (through incredible efforts, of course), but expect gratitude from your body for such feats in the form feeling great definitely not worth it... Remember, rapid decline weight is stress, and stress is the hormone cortisol, which not only accelerates fat gain, but also destroys muscle.

Experts like to say that you need to choose a diet that a person can then stick to for the rest of his life. It turns out that the body has a “defense system” in case times of famine come (that is, a low-calorie diet). At the moment of calorie restriction, our smart body begins to accumulate fat for future use, so often when a person finishes a diet, he not only regains lost kilograms, but also begins to gain new ones with a vengeance.

According to WHO recommendations, optimal weight loss that will not harm health is considered to be 2 kg per month (that is, 500 g per week). Keep this in mind when you dream of wearing a dress two sizes smaller in a week.

Today on the weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems” we are looking at a common problem -

Many people experience failure after failure in their attempts to lose weight. Someone is losing overweight but then returns to being overweight. Some people subject themselves to various dietary restrictions, but fail to lose weight.

Why does this happen and how to behave in such a situation?

What's stopping us?

Why can't I lose weight? Italian doctor Andrea Ghiselli, author of a famous book about healthy eating and the Mediterranean diet, explains why weight stays the same, analyzing the reason for unsuccessful attempts to lose weight.

In her opinion, the most common mistake is: a person eats little, but incorrectly. The main problem is that the focus is on food rather than physical activity. People need to consider both how much they eat and how much energy they expend.

Modes motor activity just as important, as well as diets.

In addition, the creation of weight loss programs for those who are unable to lose weight should occur exclusively using an individual approach.

She claims that Some diets are inherently wrong and unacceptable. In her opinion, these include separate meals, Atkins diet, grapefruit and soup diets. The Mediterranean diet consists of consuming large amounts of greens, limiting fruit intake, and reducing carbohydrates and fats.

Domestic experts in the field of weight loss also noted that often girls want not just to lose weight, but to lose weight in a certain place. Their opinion is that there is no effective localized exercise to eliminate fat in specific problem areas.

Can't lose weight: looking for the right approach

This will continue until your weight becomes optimal. (for that, to find out your optimal weight, subtract 110 from your height).

In case of decreasing calories and increasing physical activity your body weight must definitely decrease, but if this does not happen, you need to contact a specialist - an endocrinologist and, most likely, get tested for hormones. If this occurs, you should also contact an endocrinologist.

Main, lose weight naturally. Don't despair if can't lose weight quickly. Be persistent and believe in yourself!

It's depressing when you can't lose weight, even if you try hard. What to do if training, diet, lifestyle changes do not bring the desired results and the excess weight does not go away? It is at such moments that 99% of women give up. It’s easier to do nothing and not deny yourself anything than to continue to work on yourself. But this is a trap. Let's find out the main reasons why weight does not come off and look at options for solving this problem.

There are scientifically proven reasons why you can’t lose weight with proper nutrition. Let's look at them.

1. You don't understand the difference between fat and mass.

Did you know that losing weight is often confused with losing body fat and building muscle mass? When you say you want to weigh less, rephrase that sentence and say you want to lose flab. When you first start your weight loss program, you will lose water. This is what the scales will show. But after a few days, the body will begin to build muscle. The more protein you eat and exercise, the more muscle mass you will gain weight and the more toned your body will look. Your weight readings will increase and you may think you are gaining weight rather than losing weight. Simply put, always look at your body fat ratio to see if you are losing it or not. You can calculate the percentage of fat mass in any gym.

2. Your weight loss goals are unattainable.

Having high expectations from a weight loss program can also leave you disappointed. I have personally heard many women ask: “why am I not losing weight?”, but at the same time they had normal weight. If you need to lose weight, do it, but assess the situation adequately.

Losing five kilograms in a week is impossible, and I'm talking about fat mass, not body weight in the form excess water. Fad diets may promise the impossible, but they don't guarantee lasting results. Excess fat should go away gradually. Write your short-term goals in a journal. For example, give up sugar in drinks or lose one kilogram in a week. This will make your goals more realistic and achievable. Once you achieve one small goal, you will notice changes in your appearance, thoughts, muscle activity and morale.

3. You think you're eating healthy.

Isn't this a real problem when you eat healthy and still haven't lost an ounce? Anyone will be amazed and disappointed. Take a closer look at your diet, especially snacks and drinks. Ideally, one meal should contain protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Protein should take up 10 - 35% of calories, carbohydrates 45 - 65% of calories, 20 - 35% of calories should come from fats. Protein sources include chicken breast, lean turkey, lean pork, mushrooms and legumes, tofu and soy. You need to eat vegetables and fruits to get enough fiber and complex carbohydrates. Include nuts, seeds, avocados, refined olives, linseed oil and similar products to provide the body with healthy fats.

In addition, you need to watch what you eat between meals. This is where many of us make a mistake. Energy drinks, packaged fruit and vegetable juices, soda, coffee with cream and sugar, potato waffles, sauces, mayonnaise, fried chicken, and even an excess of vegetables and fruits as a snack can be the reason why you fail to lose weight. To make sure you're actually eating healthy, remember to journal everything you eat during the day. This will give you an idea of ​​why the weight isn't coming off and where you need to make dietary changes.

4. You have a problem with hormones

Hormones play a very important role in a woman’s life. Hormones such as cortisol (the stress hormone), ghrelin (the hunger hormone), thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism can cause weight gain), insulin (too much in the blood can lead to resistance, leading to weight gain and diabetes), and leptin (excess which causes increased appetite) can be harmful to your health.

This condition is dangerous because you will not immediately notice that the hormonal system has failed. And that these hormones are the reason that you want to eat more, and your metabolism has become slower. Consult a doctor or nutritionist and get the necessary tests. Follow the instructions to balance your hormonal levels.

5. No mixed workouts

So, you are already working out and have lost a few kilograms, but your body remains flabby. The important question is whether you do any other workouts besides cardio. If not, then this will be the answer to the question - “why am I on a diet, but the weight doesn’t come off?” Cardio training is great, but you also need to add strength training. Strength training will keep your muscles toned, speed up your metabolism and help you form a beautiful figure.

6. Health problems

Thyroid diseases, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, sleep apnea, Cushing's syndrome and others may be the reason why weight does not come off. If you are following the regimen, but have not yet undergone a medical examination, be sure to do so. There is no reason to worry too much about this, since most of these diagnoses can be circumvented. A doctor, nutritionist and experienced trainer will help you create the right weight loss program.

7. Know your genetics so you don't try to get over your head.

Genetics plays the most important role for every creature on earth. She defines appearance, physiological functions and even behavior. If you've ever seen people who eat a lot and don't gain weight, you know what we're talking about. Metabolism may be naturally slow and losing weight may be difficult. You need to consult a doctor and fitness trainer to take into account the influence of genes when drawing up a weight loss program. Healthy image life, proper nutrition and regular exercise have great importance. But your body won't respond to lifestyle changes as quickly as someone else's. You must adhere to an individual program.

8. You don't drink enough water

Our body consists of more than 75% water. Water helps maintain homeostasis and elasticity cell membrane, supports many functions and biological reactions: digestion and absorption of nutrients, their transportation and removal of processed products. With a small volume of water entering the body, these processes fail. Metabolism slows down, toxins are not eliminated, digestion is slow. If you want to lose weight, all these biological processes must work for high level. And without a sufficient volume of water this is impossible. Drink 3 – 4 liters of water per day. If you exercise, drink even more.

9. You're not getting enough protein.

Protein is an integral component of our body. It is found everywhere - from hair to enzymes in the body. Getting enough lean protein will help you build muscle and get a great body. Proteins take a long time to digest and take a lot of energy, which can also contribute to weight loss. You should try to eat at least one protein dish with every meal. Include in your diet chicken breasts, turkey, mushrooms, legumes, soy and soy milk, tofu. You should consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight.

10. Improper preparation of food

“I buy healthy foods and eat them at the right amount and I do exercises, but I just can’t lose weight,” this is often heard from people who do not understand the role played by the method of preparing a particular product. Deep frying, too much for a long time cooking, overcooking can deprive foods of some nutritional properties or make them harmful. Try to eat vegetables raw, boiled, stewed or blanched. Cook meat on the grill or in the oven, cook soups. For frying, use oil in a spray bottle or natural olive oil cold pressed. Avoid overcooked or burnt foods.

11. Sedentary work

If you have a desk job, you probably spend up to 8 hours a day at your desk. This slows down the weight loss process. Sitting still slows down your metabolism and causes every bite you eat to be stored in reserve. People with sedentary jobs tend to have a higher percentage of belly fat than other parts of the body. Start taking breaks every hour and perform movements to make the blood circulate more actively and transfer nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. This will increase your metabolism.

12. Elimination of fats

Many people are surprised: “I completely gave up fatty foods, but I’m not losing weight.” If you want to get rid of excess fat, you need to start eating healthy fats. Healthy fats contain Omega-3 acids and reduce inflammation, which can cause obesity. Fats are essential for maintaining healthy cell function. Include almonds in your diet walnuts, macadamia, pistachios, olive oil, rice bran oil, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sunflower and peanut butter. But do not consume these foods without moderation; excess healthy fats will also lead to weight gain.

13. You still haven't cut down on sugars and carbs.

Sometimes we have no idea what a product contains a large number of sugar or carbohydrates. Read the ingredients label. Sauces and ketchups contain high amounts of sugar and starch, so avoid them. Buy plain breakfast cereals, avoid salted or sugar-coated nuts, and avoid multigrain cookies.

14. You skip meals to cut calories.

Many people are interested: why do I practically not eat and lose weight? The thing is, this trick doesn't work. When you skip meals, your brain function slows down, as does your metabolism and digestion. Plus, you'll eat more next time because you'll feel hungry. And allow yourself to eat more food. However, the body will store this excess energy as fat. Eat every 3 to 4 hours, watch your portion size and don't skip breakfast.

15. Eat too often

Some people eat too often, which causes them to become overweight. Even if you eat healthy foods and work out regularly at the gym, eating too often creates a calorie surplus. As mentioned above, you need to eat every 3 to 4 hours, not every hour. Drink more water. Quite often we confuse thirst with hunger.

16. Overindulging in healthy eating

Have you given up the habit of buying unhealthy products? Great! Are you sure that you are not consuming too many “healthy” foods? Vegetables, fruits and grains also contain a lot of sugar and carbohydrates. And when you eat large amounts of these foods but don't exercise, the extra calories accumulate and are stored as fat. Control the amount of food you eat to lose weight.

17. The heaviest burden is on your shoulders.

Stress, anxiety and depression can harm your mental and physical health. These negative emotions stimulate the production of cortisol, which accumulates fat receptors in the abdominal area. It leads to internal obesity. Stress also produces large amounts of toxins, which can affect the proper functioning of cells. You should try to relax regularly. Although this is easier said than done. Talk to your friends or a personal therapist, travel, relax, read interesting books, take up new hobbies. Don't be hard on yourself. You can keep a special journal and mark tasks there that need to be solved during the day. Celebrate what you have accomplished. This way, you will worry less and stop procrastinating.

18. You don't get enough sleep

Sleeping less than seven hours a night can lead to weight gain. The brain works constantly and needs rest to control body functions. If you play sports, your muscles also need recovery. They are restored during sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to slow reflexes, hormonal imbalance and weight gain. Have dinner no later than 7 – 7:30 and go to bed at 10 – 10:30. This regime will eliminate the habit of staying awake for a long time and eating at night. Plus, you'll wake up earlier and have time to get your workout done and have a good breakfast.

19. You diet too strictly

“Why am I on a diet, but the weight doesn’t come off?” Your weight will stagnate if you are too strict with your diet. You need to give yourself one day of relaxation in your diet once a week so that your weight loss does not stop. Eat 500 calories more on this day than on other days of the diet. Be careful not to exceed this amount. This way, the body will not get used to a consistently low calorie intake and metabolism will remain high.

20. You overexert yourself during training.

Increasing your training load will not help you lose weight faster. This will cause injury. Many people start lifting heavy dumbbells on the first day of their workout, hoping it will help them burn calories faster. But this won't happen. You need to select your load in accordance with your level of training. As you build muscle and train your body, you can increase the intensity of your exercises. Overload can lead to a situation where muscle tissue loses weight, and you will look like a “fat skinny woman”.

21. You are taking medications that prevent you from losing weight

Many medications such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, cortisone, contraceptives, medications for allergies and blood pressure disorders can be the answer to the question “why can’t I lose weight.” Talk to your doctor, he may suggest a replacement for one of the drugs. Also let your trainer and nutritionist know that you are taking certain medications. This will help them develop a specific training and nutrition plan.

22. You get distracted while eating

Often, many of us combine eating with watching TV, working on the computer or chatting with friends. It's not very good. You should be focused on your food during meals. This way you will notice how much you eat, and your brain will receive the appropriate signal that you are full. When people don't watch what they eat, within an hour they want to snack on yet another piece of junk food.

23. Lack of moral support

This is one of the most important factors influencing successful weight loss. If you have support from loved ones who understand your desire to become slimmer and support you in this, the result will come faster. The lack of public support will be expressed in the fact that in a restaurant they will order food in front of you that you cannot afford while on a diet. Drinking alcohol, lack of motivation to exercise and following any other points listed above will be the reasons why you cannot lose weight with proper nutrition. Talk to your friends and family and ask them to support you. Communicate more with people who are also concerned about the problem of excess weight.

Video - 6 main mistakes why excess weight does not go away

So, we have analyzed 23 points that will help answer the question “why can’t I lose weight, although I do everything for it.” Losing excess weight is not easy, especially if you have relatively little to lose. You should take care of and love your body more than anything else. Start now if you have figured out what exactly is stopping you from becoming slimmer. Put a reminder on your refrigerator door so you don't return to this bad habit. Good luck!

Do you want to lose weight, but diets don't help? Do not despair! Find out about 10 reasons to stop losing weight and continue your path to perfection!

So, you were a diligent girl - you dieted for weeks, worked out, etc., but then you stepped on the scale and the number didn't go down at all? Why? Don't worry, honey. There are many reasons why you are not losing weight, and some of them are quite easy to fix. So before you give up healthy food and go back to your oversized pants, let's see what's wrong. Here are 10 reasons why you are not losing weight.

You're just not realistic

Let's face it: no matter how hard you try, no matter how crazy a diet you go on, you won't lose 10 kg in 2 days. Set realistic goals for yourself so you don't get disappointed and quit. After all, if you quit, you’ll stop losing weight.

Not watching your calories

Remember math! The calories you consume should be less than those you burn - this is the only way you will lose weight. If you can't lose those extra pounds, maybe you just don't count calories? It's worth starting with this.

Undecided on portion size

Let's experiment: take a bowl of oatmeal and pour it into a plate that you think should be perfect. Now measure it and compare it with the serving size that is written on the box itself. Most likely, you poured 2.5 servings. It's okay... of course, if you count calories for 2.5 servings, and not for one. Morality? Pay attention to your portion sizes and count calories.

Not exercising or not exercising enough

Diet alone will not get rid of extra pounds. You should definitely play sports, regularly and diligently. If you don’t do this, you will not only not lose weight, but you will also become the ugliest girl on the planet with saggy and not toned skin, but we don’t need that, right?

No crazy diets

Does the Atkins diet work? Yes... but there's a catch. Once you return to your normal life (you can't live without carbs forever), your old habits will take over and you will gain weight again, quite quickly. Forget about hunger strikes and crazy diets. Sit on a safe one and “finish off” it with regular training, and you will lose all the extra weight much faster and safer.


Listen to an advertisement for any medicine, and at the end you will hear an impressive list side effects. These may include weight gain... so if you've been taking any pills or medications, it's worth looking at this list - maybe that's why you can't lose weight.

Period of stagnation

You've been successfully dieting for several weeks or months, everything was going well, but suddenly the scales are stuck in one place (and you're still doing everything right). This is so common that a word has already been invented for it: stagnation. Don't worry. Continue to follow your regime, and soon you will overcome this “bump” and begin to lose kilograms and centimeters again.

You don't sleep well

This may sound strange, but did you know that people who get enough sleep lose weight more effectively than those who don't get enough sleep? Maybe the sleeping beauty knew about this and that’s why she remained so slender and beautiful? Although, everything should be in moderation, of course.

Three big meals

Another strange reason, but nevertheless, it is true. It is better to eat five small meals a day than three large ones. This will help your metabolism work better to digest food, which in turn will help you lose weight much faster.

Your scales are broken

And finally, an explanation that makes sense. If you're following a diet and continuing to exercise, if your clothes fit much better, and if you're sure you've lost a few pounds, but your scale keeps telling you otherwise... then maybe you just need a new scale?

Do you see? It's not all that scary. Go through this list and check if you are doing everything correctly. Perhaps your problem lies here. If not, there may be a medical reason and you should consult a doctor. And don't give up! You will succeed! Your tight jeans are waiting for you!