Many diets do not stand up to criticism, as they deplete the body and plunge a person into a depressive state, reducing performance and turning him into a sluggish and weak “vegetable”. Everyone knows this feeling when you constantly want to eat, but you can’t. However, there are also power systems to which such accusations cannot be brought. After all, they are based on cereal dishes: quite high in calories, nutritious, but at the same time still helping in the fight against excess weight. For example, wheat porridge is considered an ideal option by many nutritionists.

Benefits for weight loss

There is no doubt that wheat is beneficial for health due to the bioactive substances that it contains in its composition. But why did the idea of ​​eating porridge made from it suddenly appear when losing weight? After all, this dish cannot be called low-calorie: cooked in water contains 105 kcal, in milk - 130 kcal or more (depending on the fat content of the milk).

When consumed daily, processes are activated in the body, which ultimately lead to persistent and guaranteed weight loss. Here's what happens:

  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, digestion is improved, and this is the first step towards getting rid of extra pounds;
  • the body is cleansed of toxic substances and toxins, thanks to fiber, which is very abundant in wheat;
  • blood begins to circulate more intensively, since this cereal has the property of lowering the level of bad cholesterol, and this leads to adequate nutrition of tissues with oxygen, which is a catalyst for almost all metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • so that metabolism and lipolysis are accelerated, burning fats, converting carbohydrates into energy, and not storing them in reserve in problem areas of the body;
  • a long-lasting feeling of satiety prevents you from going hungry;
  • endurance increases (which means you can exercise more, longer, more intensely, which entails burning a large number of calories).

So the benefits of wheat porridge for weight loss are obvious. The main thing is to create all the conditions for her to fulfill the functions assigned to her.


Before you go on a diet, you need to objectively assess the harm that this dish can have on your health. It turns out that even such an ideal product has its hidden disadvantages.

There are contraindications for its frequent use in such volumes as required by the weight loss process. These include:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • gastritis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • flatulence;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • reduced stomach acidity;
  • postoperative period;
  • celiac disease.

If you ignore the contraindications, you will end up in a hospital bed. All these diseases will worsen and force you to interrupt your diet in order to be treated. Therefore, if you have these health problems, it is strongly recommended to choose another product for weight loss.

Diet options

There is a special diet based on wheat porridge with different weight loss periods - for 3, 5, 7 and 14 days. It is not recommended to sit on it for longer, because as a result you can develop vitamin deficiency and exhaustion, because carbohydrate foods without the support of proteins and fats are harmful not only to the stomach, but also to health in general. So choose your version of the hunger strike and don’t put off organizing it.

  • Fasting day

To find out how the body will react to wheat porridge in the diet, start with. It’s very easy to organize: distribute 300 grams of porridge over 6 meals (you get 50 grams each time). You need to eat slowly, stretching out the pleasure. This is if you adhere to a strict scheme.

There is a more gentle one, which allows you to supplement the main product with auxiliary ones: fresh fruits and vegetables (no more than 1 kg), dairy drinks (about 1 liter). But the second version of the fasting day will not give such amazing results as the first.

  • Strict diets for 3 and 5 days

If you urgently need to lose the maximum number of kilograms, these are created especially for you. If you feel a pang of hunger, eat wheat porridge as much as you want. But you won’t be able to consume a lot, because it’s filling and you’ll get bored, and even without salt its taste won’t please you. There seems to be no appetite, but it’s still hard to bear. For comfort, when it becomes completely unbearable, you can add salt or fruit. The result is minus 1 kg daily.

  • Gentle diets for 1 and 2 weeks

You can’t eat wheat porridge alone for so long, because it will clog your stomach with fiber, and it will simply stop functioning normally. Therefore, a more balanced diet is prepared with proteins and even a small amount of fat. The main thing is to monitor the daily calorie content of the menu, which should not exceed 1,200 kcal.

What can you eat as part of such a diet: wheat in all its variations is at the forefront. To prevent your diet from getting boring on the second day, look for different ways to prepare it: in the oven and slow cooker, with pumpkin and dried fruits, with milk and water - there are many options. In addition to it, other cereals are allowed, but in limited quantities (, etc.), low-fat milk, fresh vegetation (vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs). Every other day you can indulge in boiled chicken breast, steamed fish, eggs, and seafood.

To make the porridge truly dietary, you need to know how to cook it. If you strictly follow the recipes, you won’t have to wait long to lose weight. And for everything to go without disappointment and side effects, the diet must be followed correctly. So follow the recommendations of nutritionists, otherwise you will not get any results.

  1. Introduce your body to porridge in advance: a week before the diet, start including it in your breakfast.
  2. Wheat groats “Poltavskaya” No. 1 are ideal for weight loss: they are large, only partially freed from the germ and shells, and slightly polished. The remaining varieties are no longer so healthy, as they have gone through many additional stages of processing.
  3. Keep in mind that boiled wheat is not as healthy as sprouted or even steamed wheat: it loses valuable properties as a result of heat treatment.
  4. Before cooking, it would be a good idea to soak the cereal in water for at least 2-3 hours.
  5. After this, it must be washed in several waters to remove contaminants.
  6. It would not be amiss to remind you that for weight loss it is better not to add salt to your porridge.
  7. In order for plant fiber to perform all its cleansing functions in full, it requires liquid. Therefore, you must definitely drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.
  8. Sports activities are welcome.
  9. Exiting the diet should be smooth: we return harmful foods to the diet in small portions, gradually.

Wheat porridge can work for weight loss only if the following conditions are created for it - simple, but mandatory.

Best Recipes

Results will depend on which recipe you choose. If you cook it in full-fat milk, flavor it with plenty of butter, sugar, and dried fruits, you will agree that the kilograms will only increase from such an abundance of high-calorie delicacies. Therefore, the preparation method should be as simple as possible and with a minimum amount of additional ingredients.

On the water

The ideal option for weight loss is wheat porridge with water.


  • a glass of wheat;
  • 3 glasses of water.


  1. Boil.
  2. Cook, stirring constantly, over low heat for 20-25 minutes.

With milk

If the milk is 1 or 1.5%, such porridge will also fit well into the diet.


  • 2 glasses of water;
  • a glass of wheat;
  • 3 glasses of 1% milk.


  1. Pour cold water over the washed grain.
  2. Boil.
  3. Cook, stirring constantly, until all the liquid has evaporated.
  4. Slowly, stirring constantly, pour pre-boiled milk into the cooked cereal.
  5. Wait for it to thicken.
  6. Leave covered for half an hour.

In a slow cooker

This device for quick cooking is found in almost every home today. Therefore, we offer a recipe for cooking in a slow cooker - it will save all the useful substances in this dish, and free up half an hour of time for you.


  • a glass of grain;
  • 3 glasses of milk.


  1. Pour 1% milk at room temperature over the grain.
  2. Place in the multicooker bowl.
  3. Turn on the “Milk porridge” mode.


Steamed wheat is sometimes used for weight loss. It retains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, because it takes much less time to cook than raw cereal.


  • a glass of wheat;
  • 2 cups boiling water.


  1. Pour the grain into a thermos.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Leave under insulation overnight (or for 8-9 hours).
  4. The next morning, the swollen wheat will be loose and soft. It can be eaten in this form - it will retain all the beneficial substances in full.

If you are looking for a diet that will help you avoid depression, irritability and lethargy, take a closer look at wheat porridge. It will provide the body not only with vitamins and microelements, but also with carbohydrates. Despite the fact that they are enemies of weight loss, in this case they, on the contrary, turn into helpers. They are not converted into fats, but they provide much-needed energy and allow you to maintain good health and good spirits throughout the hunger strike. It's worth experiencing it yourself.

Composition and properties of wheat porridge

Wheat porridge is a worthy replacement for traditional oatmeal or buckwheat. Like all porridges, it contains “slow” carbohydrates, which take a long time to be broken down by the body. This ensures a feeling of fullness. Wheat porridge also contains fiber - coarse dietary fibers that swell when interacting with water. Fiber swells in the intestines, so you don’t want to eat for a long time. In addition, it acts like a sponge - it attaches toxic substances and promotes their natural elimination from the body.

A diet based on wheat porridge is effective not only because the product helps improve the functioning of the digestive system. Depending on the cooking method, the glycemic index (GI) of the product is 45-65 units. This indicator demonstrates the rate of breakdown of the product and the increase in blood sugar levels. This GI is considered average, but with proper preparation (without oil, milk and sugar) it can be reduced.

The lower the index, the less the body has to deal with high levels of glucose in the blood and the faster it can switch to processing its own fat deposits. When losing weight on wheat, this transition occurs approximately on the 3-5th day of the diet.

You should eat wheat porridge because:

  • it contains a lot of choline, which is involved in lipid (fat) metabolism. Often, excess weight is caused by impaired breakdown of fat cells;
  • normalizes the acid-base balance, due to which products are processed faster and of better quality;
  • provides the body with energy, so you don’t have to give up high physical and intellectual stress during the diet;
  • contains many vitamins: , , , , group B. These substances improve the condition of the skin, normalize vision (including twilight vision), prevent hair loss and brittle nails. Thanks to diet, you can not only become slimmer, but also improve the quality of intellectual operations. And all because wheat contains B vitamins. They improve the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to working tissues and organs;
  • thanks to the zinc content, those losing weight improve blood clotting and wounds heal faster;
  • During epidemics, wheat porridge allows you not only to lose weight, but also to resist microbes. It contains ascorbic acid, which is responsible for immunity.

The essence and principles of the diet

Cereals play an important role in the diet - an energy depot and, at the same time, a stimulator of intestinal motility. Wheat is no exception. There are two types of diets: short-term, designed for three days, and longer - from 7 to 14 days. The choice of one or another nutrition option depends on the goal. If you need to restart your digestive tract, remove toxins and give it a short break, you can stop on a three-day diet.

If the goal is more global - losing weight, you will have to go on a diet for at least 10 days.

In both cases, the matter will not be limited to dietary cereals. You will have to completely reconsider your attitude to diet and resort to the following rules:

  • regulate and systematize food intake. There should be at least 5-6 of them per day. Moreover, a single volume of food should not exceed 300 ml. The intervals between meals are no more than 3-3.5 hours so that the body does not experience hunger;
  • improve the flow of water into the body. Moreover, tea and coffee do not count. The ideal option is non-carbonated mineral water. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day. Kissels, fruit drinks, compotes with a minimum amount of sugar (no more than 2-3 tablespoons per 2 liters) are considered additional, and not the main sources of liquid;
  • give up fast food, sweets, smoked meats, alcohol, baked goods, marinades, fried and fatty foods. The basis of the diet should be products that have undergone minimal heat treatment (this applies to all products except meat).

Rules for selecting and preparing cereals

The benefits and harms of wheat porridge are determined by its quality. Spring wheat is considered the best, but it is more difficult to find in stores. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy it in the fall, since the new harvest has not yet been harvested, and the old stocks are no longer so useful. An alternative option is winter wheat.

When choosing cereals, be it oatmeal or wheat, give preference to cereals that can be stored for no more than 8-10 months. Otherwise, there will be practically no vitamins left in it.

When assessing flowability, make sure there are no lumps. On the packaging, manufacturers indicate numbers from 1 to 4, which indicate the degree of grinding. The higher the number, the more the grain is crushed, which means the less benefit it contains. The least healthy option is wheat flakes.

As for preparation, there are two options: boiling and soaking overnight. It is believed that soaked cereal retains more nutrients, and then you need to cook it less. Some nutritionists still advise boiling the cereal, as it is better absorbed. But before cooking, be sure to rinse the grains to get rid of flour dust and possible contaminants.

To make the porridge crumbly, take 300 ml of water per 100 g of product. You should not cook porridge with milk (as a last resort, you can dilute it with water in a 2:1 ratio - 2 parts water, part milk). During cooking, it is better to cover the cereal with a lid and open it all the way (there is no need to stir it).

Store cooked porridge for no longer than two days.

List of permitted and prohibited products

You can combine porridge with:

  • fruits and berries that contain a minimum of sugar. Light sourness will add piquancy to the porridge;
  • vegetables that contain a minimum of starch (turnips, potatoes, beets are not suitable);
  • lean meat - chicken, turkey, rabbit, pork and veal;
  • mushrooms and onions;
  • sour cream and milk (but not cream).

All products must be prepared with a minimum amount of vegetable oil (frying is excluded). You can bake them, stew them, boil them. It is better not to heat-treat vegetables in order to retain more vitamins.

Diet options with sample menu

During a three-day diet, the menu could be like this:

  • breakfast – porridge and natural yogurt, green tea;
  • lunch - porridge and vegetable or chicken broth, a piece of lean meat;
  • dinner - porridge and salad of leafy greens, dressed with olive oil.

2 hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of kefir (if you want something sweet, sprinkle the kefir with ground cinnamon).

Dish recipes

  • Porridge with vegetables. Ingredients: a glass of wheat cereal, medium carrots, onion, salt, pepper, Provençal herbs, dill.

Preparation. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, chop the onion. In a frying pan, sauté the onion until transparent in a small amount of vegetable oil, add the carrots. Simmer everything together for 6-8 minutes.

Rinse the cereal and boil over low heat. A few minutes before readiness, add the stewed vegetables, cook everything together for another 5-7 minutes. Add spices, let it brew with the lid closed (the cereal will swell a little more). Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

  • Porridge with apples and nuts. The preparation of wheat cereal is the same. 5 minutes before it’s ready, add a coarsely grated apple (it’s better to take a green one) and a handful of chopped nuts to the porridge. Before serving, sprinkle the porridge with cinnamon. If you want something sweet, add a teaspoon of honey.

Contraindications and possible harm

Porridge is contraindicated for:

  • celiac disease (gluten intolerance - wheat protein);
  • digestive disorders;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • flatulence;
  • postoperative period.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is better to consult a doctor.

Expert opinion

Certified nutritionist. 5 years of experience.

Nutritionist advice. Another type of wheat variety is bulgur. This name was given to wheat grains that were first boiled and then dried by passing them between two cylinders. This processing method is used for longer storage in general, that is, to prevent cracks on the surface. To prepare this type of wheat, you simply need to pour boiling water over it and let it brew for a short amount of time. With this preparation, we get a fairly soft and light taste of grains that have a slight nutty flavor. This variety of wheat is used both as a complete side dish and as an ingredient in various salads. Bulgur is allowed for use in healthy diets.

Wheat porridge for weight loss is best consumed for breakfast. Firstly, a person will receive a maximum charge of energy, and secondly, the feeling of hunger will not make itself felt until lunch.

You can learn more about the benefits of wheat and other cereals from the video below.

It is by far the most effective method used to get rid of extra pounds. The main thing, as nutritionists recommend, is to carefully follow all the necessary recommendations. It is with the help of this diet that you can quickly and easily achieve a slim figure.

Wheat cereal is used in many countries not only as a complete product, but also as a low-calorie diet.

Benefits of wheat products

The offered cereals are made from durum wheat. But, as nutritionists note, this does not reduce the beneficial properties.

So the wheat diet, reviews of which speak of a number of main advantages over other types of various cereals:

It is the most valuable source of necessary energy; - has a beneficial effect on the activity of the entire circulatory system; - normalizes the functioning of all digestive organs; - reduces sugar levels; - prevents the formation of cholesterol; - regulates fat metabolism; - stimulates the immune system; - is the main source of essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins; - has a restorative and restorative effect on the entire body; - slows down the aging process of the body; - is a low-calorie and easily digestible product; - promotes the rapid removal from the body of not only accumulated harmful substances, but also salts of heavy metals.

Another great diet for weight loss:.

Contraindications to the wheat diet

Wheat diet reviews nutritionists which suggest special caution.

This method of losing weight has a number of contraindications, such as:

Chronic constipation; - gastritis; - low stomach acidity; - diseases of the thyroid gland; - gluten intolerance; - pregnancy.

Wheat diet for weight loss and its main characteristics

It is worth noting that a huge number of different dishes can be prepared from the proposed cereals. But, according to nutritionists, the proposed porridge is still most suitable as a diet. To prepare porridge, you can use any brand of cereal. The main condition is that it must be done correctly. It is from this kind of grain that a tender and soft dish is obtained.

The main duration of the diet is 7 days. Experts conducted a series of studies and came up with a special fast diet scheme. In other words, it is also called wheat diet 7 days 10 kg. The duration of the proposed diet is 7 days, during which you need to eat porridge without salt.

When carrying out this diet, weight loss experts strongly advise enriching your diet with vegetables. Also, achieving the fastest result is not possible without meeting certain requirements. Firstly, the entire diet should be divided into three meals. Secondly, the last meal should be no later than 6 pm. Thirdly, in addition to vegetables, the diet must be supplemented not only with vegetables, but also with low-fat fermented milk products and herbal teas without sugar. Fourthly, you need to consume plenty of water between meals. It is if you follow these recommendations that a wheat diet of 7 days 10 kg will give excellent results.

It is worth noting that when following the proposed diet, foods such as spicy, salty, fried foods, smoked foods, semi-finished poultry and fish products, baked goods, sweets, and any drinks containing sugar are strictly prohibited. The exception in this case is honey. Nutritionists allow its use, but not more than 3 tbsp. spoons a day.

The main secret of the wheat diet

The wheat diet, reviews of which reveal a small but proven secret. So, before directly cooking the cereal, you need to heat it a little in a frying pan, and then rinse and cook.

As nutritionists note, this is done so that the cereal cooks faster and retains the greatest amount of useful and nutritious substances.

Also, a diet based on wheat porridge has a positive effect only if the cereal was chosen correctly. So the bright yellow color indicates properly grown and high-quality grain.

Wheat bran diet

Wheat diet implies not only the consumption of porridge from this cereal, but also the use of wheat bran. Bran is the hard shell of the grain, which contains a huge amount of useful substances.

According to nutritionists, bran is considered an effective product not only for weight loss, but also for medicinal purposes.

So they are allowed to be consumed by elderly people and children, which only confirms their beneficial properties:

Lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels; - prevent the formation of cholesterol; - reduce blood sugar levels.

The exception is people with diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and stomach. For them, bran is a difficult to digest product.

But, despite all the positive aspects of the proposed product, they must be eaten very carefully. You should never exceed the recommended daily intake. 30 grams is the permissible maximum that a person can consume per day.

Wheat bran is very easy to replace a full breakfast. Since they are quite filling and nutritious, and therefore retain a feeling of fullness for a long time. The main advantage of this product in losing weight is that bran contains a small amount of calories.

In addition, bran contains a large amount of valuable fiber, or so-called dietary fiber. Once in the stomach, these fibers begin to actively work - to collect and remove accumulated waste, toxins, heavy metals, and cholesterol. At the same time, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract is normalized, blood composition is improved, and appetite is reduced. Consequently, they effectively burn extra pounds. It is worth noting that even doctors of Ancient Greece and Rome recommended their patients to eat wheat bran as not only a preventive measure against many diseases, but also the main treatment.

The wheat diet will allow you to lose 4-5 kilograms in a week. This diet, as you can easily guess from the name, is based on wheat porridge, which must be cooked in water, without salt, sugar or other additives.

Unlike most strict mono-diets for weight loss, the wheat diet is not limited to eating wheat porridge alone. The diet can include, in small quantities, fresh fruits (except bananas), fresh or boiled vegetables (except potatoes), as well as low-fat dairy products.

Wheat diet rules

Wheat porridge can be consumed without restrictions during this diet. At a minimum, it should be present in each of the main meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner and make up the majority. Here is an approximate daily diet menu:
breakfast: wheat porridge, 125 gram jar of yogurt;
lunch: porridge, a small plate of vegetarian soup or vegetable salad (without fat dressing: butter, sour cream, mayonnaise, etc.!);
dinner: wheat porridge, a glass of kefir, an orange or an apple.

You can also make 1-2 snacks, the diet of which can consist of a small fresh fruit or vegetable or half a glass or a glass of kefir or other unsweetened fermented milk drink.

When cooking porridge, you can add some finely chopped fruits or vegetables to it.

During the diet, you need to drink more, plain water is best, teas (black, green, herbal) are also allowed, and a small amount of black coffee, of course, without sugar.

The maximum duration of the diet is 10 days, but it is better to limit it to one week. The wheat porridge diet is not as strict as most other mono-diets, since it allows you to somewhat diversify your diet with vegetables, fruits and dairy products and does not impose strict restrictions on the amount of food. However, it is quite difficult to tolerate and has a number of contraindications, in particular, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, before starting it, you should definitely consult a doctor.

It is important to carefully exit the wheat diet, gradually and little by little adding new foods to the diet.

Wheat porridge and bread are products from the same grain, but radically different from each other. And it's not at all a matter of taste or appearance. During processing and grinding of grain into flour, the product loses its basic value. But all the benefits remain in the porridge. In the production of cereals, a lazy technology has been used, proven over the years - crushing. It allows you to preserve everything valuable that nature has given and use it for the benefit of the human body.


Main beneficial properties

The value of wheat cereal is its abundance of fiber. The dish is useful for people who want to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of constipation, and improve digestion. Coarse fibers help cleanse the body of waste and toxins, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and prevent narrowing of the lumens in blood vessels and impaired blood circulation. Properly prepared meals will be an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

What else is the benefit of wheat porridge:

  1. The product has a low glycemic index, therefore, does not cause sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels, can be used for weight loss, saturates for a long time and suppresses hunger well.
  2. The dish contains a lot of choline. This substance helps to establish fat metabolism, which is also important when losing and maintaining weight.
  3. Normalizes acid-base balance.
  4. The dish gives energy and strength, increases the body's endurance.
  5. Wheat porridge accelerates blood clotting and promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  6. The dish is useful for people who have suffered serious illnesses, treatment with antibiotics and other chemicals. Porridge will restore the body, increase immunity, and remove residual medications from the body.
  7. Wheat porridge will help cope with constipation, as well as relieve the unpleasant consequences of dysbacteriosis and restore microflora.

Wheat porridge contains many vitamins, various minerals, and proteins. It is useful for men and women of any age, and can be used for general health improvement and prevention of various diseases.

Video: Healthy wheat porridge with vegetables

Contraindications and harm

Any product will lose its value if the preparation technology or terms of use are violated. Only fresh porridge is considered tasty and healthy. Even in the refrigerator you should not store it for more than 12 hours. But even if the conditions are met, not everyone can introduce it into the diet.

Main contraindications:

  • celiac disease;
  • digestive disorders;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • flatulence;
  • postoperative period.

The harm of wheat porridge is a relative and individual concept. It largely depends on the quantity of the dish, frequency of use, and method of preparation. If you season food with butter, add sugar or jam, then it will be contraindicated if you are overweight or obese; there is no question of any dietary properties. A dish cooked with milk should not be consumed if you are lactose intolerant.

Features of choosing cereals for porridge

Cereals made from spring wheat have the highest value for humans. But it is not always available for sale, especially in the autumn. At this time, the new crop has not yet been harvested or processed, and the old product has lost its former quality. At this time, it is wiser to buy winter wheat grains than those produced last year.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Production date. It may differ from the packaging time. Sometimes old cereals are packaged.
  2. Best before date. It should not exceed 12-14 months, but for porridge it is advisable to choose wheat cereals no older than 8 months.
  3. Flowability. The grains do not stick together into lumps.

In stores, cereals are presented in several forms. The most popular are “Artek”, “Poltavskaya”, “Bulgur”, “Arnautka”. The polished product is distinguished by grind size from 1 to 4. The higher the number, the finer the grains. You can also find instant cereal on sale. It is not necessary to remember all the features, names and characteristics. It is enough to know that large crushed grain is of great value. The most useless porridges (flakes) are those that do not require cooking.

By the way! The well-known semolina is also made from wheat. But a high degree of purification, a changed appearance, taste, and a completely different composition of substances do not allow it to be classified in this category.

Cooking secrets

The taste and benefits of porridge largely depend on additional ingredients, as well as proper cooking. The amount of water may vary depending on the grind. On average, 1 part cereal contains 3 parts liquid. The dish is never prepared with pure milk; it is always diluted.

A few cooking secrets:

  1. Cereals must be washed regardless of grinding. Flour dust makes wheat porridge slimy and tasteless.
  2. If you add 3-4 tablespoons of milk during cooking, the dish will be tastier.
  3. There is no need to stir the porridge during cooking.
  4. As soon as “funnels” appear on top of the dish, the stove can be turned off.

Sweet porridges are seasoned with fruit, sugar, jam, syrups, condensed milk and cream. Boiled and fried vegetables, meat and fish products, mushrooms are added to salty dishes, and all kinds of sauces, oils, and spices are used.

Video: Tricks for preparing Artek wheat porridge

Wheat porridge for weight loss

Dry wheat cereal contains 340 kcal. If a dish is cooked in milk, seasoned with butter and sugar, then its energy value will range from 200 to 250 kcal per 100 g. Viscous porridge cooked in water contains only 65 kcal, and crumbly porridge 100. It is the latter types that can be used for losing weight. In combination with boiled and raw vegetables, the dish will contribute to weight loss, cleansing the intestines, while giving satiety and delighting with taste.

How to use porridge for weight loss:

  1. Eat for breakfast. This method is suitable for weight loss with proper nutrition and calorie counting.
  2. Spend a fasting day. A day in advance, consume a dish prepared in water from 200 g of cereal.
  3. Use in combination with other cereals, that is, follow a special diet of cereals.

Regardless of the chosen method, any fatty or sweet additives are excluded; it is not recommended to prepare complex dishes using a large number of ingredients based on wheat cereals.

Use in baby food

Wheat porridge will be a good source of protein and fiber, will give the child energy, will be a filling and healthy meal, and will improve bowel movements, but it is not suitable for everyone. In some cases, the dish will cause great harm to the child’s body. Cereals have many features and require caution; under no circumstances should you use wheat for the first feeding.

Main contraindications:

  • gluten intolerance, tendency or presence of celiac disease;
  • stomach diseases;
  • bowel dysfunction, bloating and other intestinal problems.

It is not recommended to introduce wheat porridge into the diet of children younger than 12 months. If you have any food allergies, the period shifts to 1.5-2 years. You cannot give the dish in large quantities and often; you need to carefully monitor the body’s reaction, since intolerance to the product may not appear immediately.

Wheat porridge during pregnancy

You should not get carried away with the dish during pregnancy if a woman suffers from increased gas formation, stool problems, or has digestive problems. In this case, porridge will only make the situation worse. Increased intestinal activity can provoke uterine tone, causing premature birth or the threat of miscarriage.

If the pregnancy is proceeding calmly and all indicators are normal, wheat porridge can be introduced into the diet, but not more than 2-3 times a week. To avoid unpleasant manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to cook the dish in water and avoid complex combinations with meat, butter, and full-fat milk.