The gift of extrasensory perception can be developed. But what to do if the third eye is closed and there is a block on it that prevents you from seeing the world of spirits?

The more people learn about esotericism and the occult, the more irresistible the desire sometimes becomes to gain psychic powers and open the third eye. Moreover, some psychics assure: each of us has hidden paranormal abilities. Many, knowing this, have already tried special exercises to open the third eye. But it happens that even after diligent training, the third eye continues to be closed.

In this case, we can say that you either do little exercise, or the block in your third eye has not come off. The barrier is necessary and natural for a person so that he, not being initiated into the affairs of higher powers, is not subjected to shock every time he encounters the other world. Much of what can be seen after removing such a block will turn out to be unpleasant and even sometimes very scary. Therefore, the Universe often protects us, and we need to find a common language with it so that it trusts you with its secrets.

Why might this block not be removed? There may be several reasons:

  • you have an unstable emotional background;
  • your consciousness is not yet expanded enough;
  • you do not believe that you can develop your abilities;
  • there were too few practices to develop abilities.

The last two can be fixed quite easily. For this there are daily exercises that will help you discover your abilities. But the first two will require long and hard work. The fact is that if your third eye opens and your emotional background is not stable enough, everything can end very sadly: your energy field, which is still quite weak, will not protect you effectively enough, which is fraught with consequences. In the world of spirits there will definitely be those who want to take advantage of you and harm you. Once you open your third eye, you will become visible to them.

Expansion of consciousness is necessary because a huge flow of information will pass through you. If you are not ready for this, then you are at great risk: after all, this can lead to anything, even madness.

How to remove the block and open the third eye.

You can only learn about this from real psychics. Not all of them reveal their secrets, but the finalist of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Victoria Raidos shared the secret of how to remove the “damper”. And the most important thing she advises is to meditate. It is meditation that will strengthen your energy shell and gradually expand your consciousness. This must be done as follows.

Sit comfortably and completely relax. Remember that during meditation you should not be disturbed by any thoughts. So get rid of them first. If you feel comfortable meditating with eyes closed, then do so. You need to concentrate on yourself. First, look inside yourself and understand your internal energy volume. Continue doing this until you feel that expansion is actually happening.

If you have never tried to meditate before, first learn the simplest meditations for beginners: after all, without their help you will not be able to expand your consciousness. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.09.2016 03:04

People have been wondering about the existence of witches for centuries. Now we can say with certainty that...

Energy blocks are most often felt at the body level. Even those who are not particularly accustomed to listening to sensations in the physical body can notice that sometimes something wrong happens to them. As a rule, such conditions, which most closely resemble stiffness, occur at the most important points life. Exams, meetings, public speaking, making an important decision, fateful conversation, etc. All these are excellent reasons to experience pressure that seems to come from within.

Manifestation of energy blocks in the human body

A person begins to tie himself into a knot, nausea may begin, blood pressure may rise or, on the contrary, fall, dizziness is common, and along with it a loss of stability. Surely you are familiar with all these symptoms, and maybe what you had to feel is even worse, who knows... In any case, at least once in our lives each of us has had to experience something similar.

What are energy blocks and how are they formed?

Indeed, the above question suggests itself.

Suppose that a person has all sorts of unpleasant sensations, but what should you do with them, and most importantly, how did they, these same blocks, get into his body? Well, let's figure it out.

Today, even the most dense person knows or has at least heard something about the aura, chakras and meridians. In fact, all Chinese medicine, which is one of the most effective in the world today, is based on the doctrine of energy. Energy that flows along meridians, which in turn are, as it were, sealed into the human body and are not visible to the human eye. If energy flows freely through the channels, without encountering obstacles on its way, a person is healthy and happy, everything is fine with him. He is in a resourceful state and can handle any problem. The energy entry and exit points work perfectly, the energy circulates, everything is great. How better energy passes through energy channels, the better a person feels, both at the physical and mental levels.

If the channels become clogged, if suddenly, for some reason, energy stops flowing as nature itself originally intended, the body begins to malfunction. The aura darkens, energy nodes and (or) energy blocks (nodes of fear) appear. In the area of ​​the formed nodes, the energy begins to refract, and sometimes even turn around. Such a picture leads to diseases at the level of the physical body, and not only it.

If you touch upon psychological aspect human component, then everything is not so wonderful here either. After all, energy nodes contribute to the fact that a person is in a depressed state most of the time, experiencing negative emotions. Nothing makes him happy, he doesn’t want anything. Refracted energy, instead of a creative function, begins to slowly but surely destroy a person from the inside.

Reasons for the formation of energy blocks

Naturally, information about energy nodes will not please anyone. However, there is no need to rush to panic. Let's figure out what contributes to the incorrect flow of energy.

The first emotion that triggers an energy malfunction is fear. Oddly enough, a child can experience his very first fear while in his mother’s womb. It would seem that this is almost the most safe place?! On the one hand, yes, but on the other... The mother, who experienced fear during pregnancy for various reasons, unwittingly transfers the emotion of fear to the child through the umbilical cord. It is for this reason that at moments when a child who has already been born and matured suddenly begins to experience fear, he may feel unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.

But there is no need to rush to think that fear acquired in the womb can ruin your whole life. Of course, this is not always true. Although, if your mother, while pregnant, experienced truly strong negative emotions, they certainly did not pass without a trace for you.

At the same time, the child, growing up step by step, learns the world, with all its delights and troubles, and, as a consequence of this knowledge-growing, he receives more and more new portions of fear and other negativity.

Thus, strongly expressed negative emotions, repeated very often, and bearing a bright emotional coloring, do not promise anything good. Sooner or later they will lead to a weakening of energy, and then to a breakdown of the channels through which energy moves. There is only one conclusion: you should treat yourself more carefully, trying to focus not on problems and negativity, but on methods of solution and the good things that this or that situation has taught you.

Energy storage location

In the body of any person, regardless of his gender, there is sacred place, where the lion's share of energy is actually stored. Following the Slavic names of the chakras, this place is called Istok. Hindus and other peoples are more familiar with another name - Muladhara. This is the first chakra, which is located in the tailbone area. It is in this place that there is a huge number of nerve endings, as well as 2 lymph nodes. Any problems in the coccyx area can lead to very disastrous consequences. In order for the energy center to function properly, nature came up with the ovaries for women and the prostate gland for men. It is these organs that contribute, so to speak, to heating up the energy.

When a person stands, the energy he has processed comes out and is directed downward. In a lying person, energy flows are redistributed. It is for this reason that anyone who feels unwell is advised to lie down. This body position promotes faster recovery.

The energy located in the human body most resembles two counter flows. One of which is ascending - a person receives energy. The other is downward. The processed energy leaves the human body.

As mentioned above, energy nodes are the primary enemies, placed like saboteurs on the paths along which energy flows. Particularly dangerous are the nodes formed at the exit from the body, because it is through them that waste energy is released. And the first sign indicating the presence of energy nodes caused by the same notorious fear that a person feels permanently is frequent constipation. At the same time, a sudden and strong outbreak of fear can lead to a sudden urge to urinate or even diarrhea. If this happens, it is worth knowing that at these moments the spent energy, striving for an exit and not finding it, literally tears to shreds other energy centers located above the point of energy exit. Such scenarios lead to problems related to the intestines, liver, and also lead to problems of a sexual nature. Energy that is not released on time or released incorrectly, like swirling energy, can cause many troubles that will not slow down to manifest themselves at the level of the physical body: obesity, hemorrhoids, hernia, lumbago, etc.

On psychological level problems are no less. A person begins to experience all sorts of fears that develop into phobias; he is haunted by failures and disappointments in everything. A person whose energy channels do not work correctly, without visible reasons, can be aggressive or, on the contrary, be overly apathetic. He loses sleep and appetite, everything irritates him, and he is not happy with himself. Someone advises him to go to the doctor, someone to look for a grandmother who would remove the damage or curse from him. But neither the first nor the second brings visible changes. But where is the way out? And does he exist at all?

How to remove energy blocks?

You need to understand that knots of fear will never disappear on their own. These knots can only be “untied” through a lot of internal work that a person must do on his own. This is a kind of work on mistakes. There's a lot to go through here. This is awareness, this is a change in habits that have already become second nature, this is a change in one’s own attitude towards life, which can be changed, oh, how not easy!

Among the techniques that give good results include rebirthing. This is a breathing psychotechnics that allows you to free yourself from all kinds of traumas and, above all, birth traumas. It is recommended to practice rebirthing under the supervision of a specialist, especially for the first sessions.

And of course, it is worth remembering that the best medicine is prevention. Try to be as aware as possible and remember that much is in your and only your hands.

We often understand at the level of internal sensations that there is something inside that prevents us from accepting on time correct solution, some kind of stopper. There is some unconscious mechanism that includes doubts about own strength, something inside seems to whisper: “Not now, I’ll do it another time, it’s not for me, not mine,” etc.

How many times have you realized that “the train has left”? That procrastination threw you to the sidelines of success, that your head, stomach, etc. hurt so untimely?

So what or who is making you procrastinate?

It is no secret that a person is not only a physical body, it is a complex system interactions various types matters that combine in a certain way and generate energy flows invisible to the eye, but quite perceptible. In Eastern medicine they are called meridians. They have entry, interaction and exit points in the human physical body, called energy centers or chakras.

Our health, both physical and mental, directly depends on the strength and completeness of these flows. But sometimes there are disruptions in the movement or formation of such flows.

From the point of view of esotericism, as a result of such violations, for a number of reasons, a person develops blocks or energy nodes, something that changes the true vibration of any particular organ and the whole person, something called an aura. The flow of energy, passing through such nodes, is distorted, weakened, or even reversed. This is one of the causes of pain and even illness. And at the mental level there is a change in the biological impulse that generates negative emotions. Imagine that an energy node is a kind of prism that focuses a certain spectrum of radiation.

It’s as if we imagine a flow of energy in the form of a white stream of light, which contains 7 color spectra, which, when refracted, disintegrate into a rainbow. In other words, depending on the angle of refraction, we will see any one color (spectral analysis of objects is based on this).

Today we will look at one of the reasons for this “refraction”, which manifests itself in the vibration of fear and forms a “knot of fear” in a person.

How and when does the vibration of fear begin to sound in a person?

For some people, this happens in the womb, if she is afraid of giving birth, does not want to give birth, is thinking about abortion, etc.

It is then that the mechanism of formation of the fear node starts. In this case, the main link between mother and child is the umbilical cord - it is also the main energy center. This is where the block is localized. Do you agree, everyone knows the feeling of discomfort in the stomach at the moment when we are afraid of something? This is his manifestation.

The next stage is the moment of birth, when the baby passes through the mother's birth canal. When the fear factor through pain triggers the self-preservation phase and turns on the release of adrenaline into the blood, thereby including all the glands of the body. Pain-feeling and fear-emotion release a powerful flow of vital energy, at the same time, the main energy center of a person, which is directly related to the movement of a person’s vital energy, is “chipped”.

It should be noted here that the same center in the brain is responsible for pain and joy. It is no coincidence that both in pain and in joy we cry out “Oh!” This also explains the fact that the facial expressions of crying and laughter are the same; out of fear and out of joy we begin to cry.

But, ideally, a child who was expected and desired, and whose mother expected and was not afraid of pregnancy, is born without a knot of fear, which ensures a happy fate for him in the future. Since the self-preservation mechanism is triggered under the influence of endorphins, as a result, the child does not experience any pain (something akin to anesthesia), and is born in a state of euphoria. For such children, the moment of birth is comparable to the highest pleasure.

By the way, babies born by cesarean section partially bypass the vibration of the fear node, if there was one, have a fairly high pain threshold and are quite fearless.

Vital energy is the gold of life, which is collected by a person throughout the life of the soul, multiple reincarnations. This is her experience, which, bit by bit, like a pearl, grows in her energy space. The density of this substance determines the strength of the individual and the expression of his abilities. As if you were put behind the wheel of a Mercedes or Oka - feel the difference.

Where is it stored?

Many people have heard or read about Kundalini energy. This concept is taken from yoga.

Yes, indeed, Kundalini energy is our reserve of vital energy, about which we're talking about. It is “stored” in the area between the bladder and coccyx in 1 chakra (center), or otherwise called Muladhara (among the Slavs - Source). There is one of the most important centers - the node of nerve endings, the two largest lymph node. A kind of womb of life, a “nuclear reactor”. In women it is warmed by the ovaries, in men by the prostate gland. That is why the work of this center is related to the sexual sphere.

Where is it headed? Oddly enough, the direction of this energy goes downward if a person is standing, thereby providing an outlet (the release of processed energy). When a person lies down, the withdrawal process slows down or is redistributed. That is why the sick person is put to bed. Let's just say, in order to reduce the consumption of this vital energy. Overall, the movement and distribution of this energy can be compared to a water tower. First, the energy is drawn into the energy channel along the spinal column, and we feel a surge of joy, euphoria and warmth in the spine. Next, it “turns on” (warms up) the endocrine glands, which triggers the process of movement and interaction of other types of energy, each drawn in by its own center, along the main energy meridians to ensure the vital functions of the body. After which it is removed through 1 chakra, on the physical plane this is the place near the anus.

Life energy, as I said earlier, is available to a person in limited (accumulated) quantity, has the appearance of a coiled snail or spring, its vibration spectrum is red. It is released evenly as needed and is consumed without being replenished.

Every time, like a pulsar, this energy feeds our body, while passing through the fear node, it draws in this vibration, which distorts its main “sound”.

For example, the desire to have material or other benefits will give rise to envy, love will turn into jealousy, a strong desire to be sincere will turn a person into a liar, etc.

If you are engaged in practices to raise this energy, hoping to pump up the Muladhara center, then you are very mistaken. Having a knot of fear, at this moment you are simply wasting your life-giving spring. Inept or incorrect practice will disrupt the flow, which will cause negative health consequences and destroy your energy protection.

Astral energies and entities feed on the gold of life subtle world. So choose practices consciously so as not to provoke the “opening of a restaurant” for the astral plane; this also triggers the aging process, as the glands overheat for no reason. For as Kundalini moves upward, it fan-like “turns on” the endocrine glands.

What blocks life energy? Energy nodes on its way. And the most important block is the output block - the fear node. Because of it, energy destroys the body like radiation. One of the manifestations of a fear node is constipation.

While a flash of fear, on the contrary, generates the astral fire of Kundalini (such as a grenade explosion), which is expressed by diarrhea or sudden urination. She looks for a way out and breaks other energy centers, in particular the 2nd chakra, which is located in the stomach (approximately in the navel area).

Chakra 2 works to draw energy from our navel through energy cocoon. But if the movement is disrupted, the energy of Kundalini, colliding with the energy of the 2nd chakra, generates a swirl and reversal of the movement of the energy flow of Svadhisthana - the energy center of the 2nd chakra.

What happens when this happens? If a reversal occurs in the 2nd chakra, then the energy is not drawn in by this center, but, on the contrary, flows out of it. This causes disruption of the intestines, liver, pancreas, and sexual problems. When the energies swirl, an umbilical hernia and hemorrhoids develop, and the belly begins to grow.

What does this mean? On the energy plane, a person loses money, material well-being, business, and luck. And most importantly, a person begins to be haunted by fear (for example, losing something or someone of a material plane: money, property, also a loved one) and this fear grows. Phobias develop.

You can take pills, go to a therapist or psychiatrist, remove the damage, etc. But there will be no result. Or rather, negative life situations and health problems appear again and again after some time, or even in increasing numbers. This condition is also called panic attacks or depression. The knot of fear does not resolve on its own. It can be broken by changing your attitude towards life, radically reviewing your habits, etc., which, you see, can sometimes be very, very difficult to do. Or, if we consider it from an esoteric point of view, this knot can be removed using certain techniques, provided that the cause that gave rise to it is identified.

There is a technique for breaking knots - rebirthing

You can try making it yourself. This is a special form of breathing.

Attention! There are contraindications. If you have diseases: hypertension, heart disease, heart failure, cerebrovascular diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, glaucoma, asthma, then in this case this technique is not suitable for you (only under the supervision of a specialist).

The technique is performed like this: you need to put a watch in front of you. You can neither drink nor eat during practice. Performed in the morning or afternoon. In the evening or at night - I do not recommend it.

Stage 1. Standing, arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart, shoes off, eyes open. We begin to take a short and sharp breath in and out through the nose, closing our lips. (This resembles very rapid breathing). We do this without rest for 7 minutes, looking at the clock. Then a short pause (no more than 1 minute)

Stage 2. Sitting on a sofa or chair, back straight, eyes open, hands on knees, shoes off. We take another block of short inhalations and exhalations through the nose - another 7 minutes. You can help yourself by slightly “bouncing” your body up and down. Then a short pause of no more than 1 minute.

Stage 3. Lying on your side on the sofa. You can bend your legs slightly and place your arms as comfortably as possible. We do another intense block of short inhalations and exhalations through the nose for another 7 minutes.

At the end of the practice, sit down and restore your breathing for as long as necessary.

During practice and at the end, tears, reaction of the nasal mucosa, cough, dizziness, distension are possible, painful sensations in different places of the body. These are manifestations of broken nodes and the release of stagnant energy.

In order to understand the mechanisms of empathy, you can acquire

I decided to type into a search engine what energy blocks are. Alas, I found only quotes from one book, which many people quote on their website. A couple of sites with statements from psychologists who are far from the truth of the world of energies and esotericism, but are trying to understand it. That's all. Unfortunately, I never found accurate information about what it really is, what it looks like and what it all consists of. I needed this in order to give a link for reading to interested people, making my work easier, without explaining on Skype full course by energy. Faced with such confusion, I decided to try to describe on my website what an energy block is.

Energy blocks are stagnant energy areas of negative or dirty energy in the aura that have become denser and compressed. As a result, they have a more dense formation in their structure. Energy freezes in these formations. Nothing in the aura goes anywhere. Everything remains, settles as ballast and is distributed so that a person can live. From a human point of view, to describe it to you, and to help you visualize it, I will say closer to the meaning. These blocks feel like "resin". When you look with clairvoyance, you see spots in the aura that are dense and dark.

The block looks in aura differently. It's like a spot, a belt, a train, a ring, etc. designs. Usually with my eyes, looking through the aura, I see these blocks in the form of gray-dirty, brown and dark colors of different shades. The sensation is sticky and heavy, reminiscent of mucus. Energy blocks are like a piece of dirt, blocking the area of ​​the body in which they are located. From the block, in an area of ​​our physical body, energy stagnates. Often blocks cause spasms in the muscles of the body or internal organs, provoking diseases of the physical body leading to tumors, destruction of organs and bone tissue. Energy blocks also block the movement of energy in the chakras of different parts of the body, which creates problems for a person in this world for development and progress. Blocks can be located in any part of our egg-shaped aura. Settle like slag, ballast at the bottom, spot at the top, etc. For example, if the block is in the head area, then this is damage to the blood vessels of the brain and the hormonal system due to the pituitary gland. Damage to the nervous system, as well as to the command area controlled by this part of the brain, which can affect any part of the body. But for example, when work is done with a person’s aura with the goal of harming a person with dark practices, the contamination of the aura always comes from below, capturing the legs and lower chakras. Since magicians or sorcerers who use dark forces to cause damage, they work at the level of 1.2.3 chakras. They cannot raise themselves any further. Since they do not work through the energy of love, this is the prerogative of the Anahata chakra.

Energy blocks are formed from our emotions and experiences (let's call them psychological blocks), this is one part of what the energy block consists of, but also from negative dirty energy sent in our direction by other people as damage, from the dirty energy of the place in which we live and everything that does not correspond to the purity of the energy of the Universe and the primordial light from which this world and man were created, and energies on Earth are different in their radiation.

Energy blocks affect the subtle bodies up to the causal body. If these blocks are not processed in time (not dissolved, not healed, not purified), then they already pass into the karmic body and form a karma or karmic block. Karmic blocks can move from reincarnation to reincarnation.

Energy blocks can form from prolonged experiences, emotions, anger, grief, fear and other emotions that a person easily splashes out into and out of himself. Damage. Slanders. Negative energy sent in our direction consciously and unconsciously. Blocks consist of very dense energy, this is how you see it during a cleansing and healing session, you dissolve this resin or concrete cement in the aura with pure energy using various methods, since the block is very dense energy, it sticks tightly to the subtle body like resin, it is concreted like a dense layer of concrete and is not easy to quickly heal and cleanse. It all depends on the duration and strength of the experiences and emotions that gave rise to this block or negativity in the aura. Blocks greatly hinder a person. They are like spots and areas on the body of dense energy, which, like a mountain, block the streams of energy of the Universe from flowing through your subtle bodies, nourishing the chakras and physical body. Therefore, when we are dealing with an energy block, we need to heal it differently. Dissolve with the pure energy of the Universe or love, work with energy practices for pumping the aura. Cleanse using cosmoenergetics or energy-cleansing channels. It all depends on the strength and density of the block. Every person needs to cleanse and heal energy blocks. different time. One 3 sessions and a session for healing a psychological block. For others, unfortunately, there is a long path to cleansing. And this may take a month or months. Especially if the core of the energy block is strong psychological blocks of this or past life.

Blocks can be cleaned mechanically by sending healing energy of light and love there through hands, eyes, etc. You can work with the elements of Air, Water, Earth and especially Fire. But you can also stand still. Since the energy block may consist of many psychological traumas received in at different ages, but related to the same problem or experience. This is where more subtle work is needed through dissolving and working through the block with the energies of love and purity. This is soul healing and regression.

In any case, it is advisable to remove energy blocks from the aura. It is more practical to learn some aura cleansing practices yourself, to initiate into the energy and cleansing channels. Those who practice will feel a difference in mood, gain progress in healing health and good luck. Since you can control energy and send it to those areas of the aura that need cleansing and healing. More often than not, such people are more successful, much more optimistic, healthier and achieve success in life. A clean aura is the key to a healthy body and good luck. And that's always good.

Clairvoyant Arina Yurchenkowww .arinastar .ru

The reality around us very often puts pressure on us, subjecting us to stress, even if we have become optimists and know how to think positively. Maybe life teaches us to endure more and more strong blows and more and more difficult situations without losing balance, harmony and your essence? Whatever the reason, it is obvious that life helps us constantly train our character and personality! And if we can postpone going to the gym to train the body or even abandon it, then negative impact We must confront situations and people against us, whether we want it or not. As a result of these constant “trainings,” not only our personality, but also our nervous system either adapts and strengthens, or vice versa. If a person loses in the game called “Life”, then it comes to the destruction of personality, health, neuroses and depression, various dependencies, destruction of relationships, failures at work, etc.

It is obvious that the human psyche has a certain level of stress resistance. Some people remain calm in almost any situation, while others react violently to even the smallest troubles. It turns out that these are not random and not only genetically determined qualities. A person’s stress resistance or reactivity also depends on the level of his cleanliness. subtle bodies– mental and emotional, from the level physical health human and other factors.

What is purity of the emotional and mental bodies? The less a person is clogged with negative emotional energy, that is, past grievances, claims, condemnations, fears, etc., the less his memory stores information about past psychological trauma– the purer his emotional and mental bodies, the freer the energy flows in both subtle and physical bodies. The more free space in the emotional body, the less a person unconsciously reacts to the world, and, most importantly, the more opportunity a person has to be active, healthy, happy and aware.

What are psychological blocks

If the psyche is not able to withstand the emotional load, then harmony and balance, i.e. the normal functioning of the body is disrupted. As a result, a phenomenon occurs that psychologists call a psychological block or psychotrauma. In fact, any psychological block is a condensed energy created by mental understanding of the situation, but for one reason or another, squeezed inside a person, in his mental field, emotional body and in his organs and systems.

The psyche tries to maintain the integrity of the personality, its activity and health. Therefore, the entire human system struggles with psychotrauma. The best option interaction with energy stuck inside is its release. But, unfortunately, the psyche is not always able to free it on its own. Why? Let's figure it out. Often, from childhood, parents teach their child to suppress negative feelings, emotions and pain. You can easily notice that such emotions and feelings as joy, admiration, inspiration never get stuck in a person, but resentment, claims, shame, condemnation, dissatisfaction with someone can live in us for years, decades. This is the result of the work of our educators - from birth to adulthood they teach the child to hide negative emotions, not to share negative thoughts and not express your feelings openly. That is why almost all people are masters of creating emotional blocks and storing psychological trauma. We completely unconsciously, automatically block negativity within ourselves - first in the emotional body, and if there is no longer room there - in the organs of our physical body, from which our body gradually begins to hurt and collapse.

There are many options for storing unexpressed emotion, fear or pain within yourself, that is, psychological trauma. By preserving it, a person unconsciously constantly feeds this block, as if it were his personal and valuable property.

Here are just a few options for storing and growing psychological trauma within yourself:

  • Going into depression, little activity - just not to spill, not to release what has accumulated inside...
  • Strong, uncontrollable reactions are an active but unconscious defense against one’s inner pain, that is, a block that has long been stored inside.
  • Emotional and regular experiences of similar traumatic situations. With this, a person feeds the block compressed inside with similar energies.
  • Frequently repeated psychotraumas or very emotionally charged emotional blocks, as well as frequent memories of a traumatic experience, can become entrenched not only in a person’s emotional body, but also in his subconscious. Such a transfer of the energy of psychotrauma into the deep layers of one’s subtle bodies means the unconscious definition of what has been lived as a life-determining event, requiring constant control by subconscious, automatic programs.
  • The inclusion of the instinct of self-preservation, which is capable, against the will of a person, in the opinion of his psyche and nervous system, of protecting a person from a repetition of what happened, through numbness, or a violent defensive reaction, or flight from situations and people. Our system does this so that the individual can “live in peace” or at least somehow exist.
  • At the level of the physical body for preservation negative energy our body is capable of creating “storages” that connect organs and systems in a similar way to a tin can. This is not visible on an x-ray, but healers and psychics see it. For example, a person may hide their grief in the space between their heart, shoulder, and knee. By connecting these three parts of the body, a person unconsciously creates a “storage” for this heavy energy in order not to feel pain and live. But, unfortunately, this option for getting rid of grief leads to heart disease and joint destruction.

There are many other options for creating repositories for repressed negative energy from awareness.

One way or another, it is obvious that in the process of evolution the body has chosen some methods to preserve human life. However, the above methods do not save, but become the cause of other, more serious problems and disorders.

The retention of the energy of experience in the human body creates real blocks, affects character, creates such thinking patterns that interfere with the normal existence of a person.

Let's look at a simple example. Let's say an adult man is afraid of water. Hiding this from himself and others, he, with unreasonable anger and violent reaction, resists his wife’s desire to spend a vacation on the seashore or lake. A man on an unconscious level is ready to go without vacation, get sick, quarrel with his wife, or send her on vacation alone. If you ask him about the reason for this reaction, he will not be able to explain it. Perhaps in early childhood he was suddenly thrown into a lake or sea, he was very frightened, then it seemed to him that he could drown. If at the same time his natural fear was ridiculed by his parents or friends, who pushed him into the water, then within this child, within a few moments, conclusions could be drawn about the betrayal of loved ones, about the danger that comes from the water. Wild embarrassment and shame could arise from the fact that he does not have the same swimming skill that others have. As a result, it could arise low self-esteem, deep condemnation of oneself or friends or parents. In one day, thousands of emotional thoughts could be born in this child’s head, filled with energy that the boy compressed inside, hid, did not express. These compressed energies, the tension created by the suppression of natural feelings, formed the inner world the boy had an emotional block, which over time could be strengthened by some other experiences in similar situations, creating a psychotrauma that continues to control the choice of an adult on a subconscious level.

If you have resistance in your behavior that is incomprehensible even to you ordinary things, a violent reaction to quite ordinary events, such as fear of relationships, fear of being the center of attention, then remember what from your past experience could have caused the formation of an emotional block in your inner world and these experiences. Maybe you had a fear of being ridiculed or judged that you don't even remember as an adult, but it stayed inside forever? Perhaps it is this unreasonable childhood fear that prevents you from learning to make decisions, choosing what you would really like to do, deciding to move or new job, relationships or other important life changes?

There are many difficult situations in the life of every person. It is important to understand, however, that not every negative event becomes an injury or a block. Only that event becomes a psychotrauma that is lived by a person unconsciously, out of weakness, out of fear, that is, with the loss of a resource. The smallest and most insignificant event, which is lived from a position of weakness or fear, can cause the formation of powerful psychological trauma. And vice versa, the most difficult event, a great grief, for example, but lived consciously, actively, from a position of strength, acceptance, love, from the awareness that life gives only feasible experience, may not leave an emotional block inside a person.

The psyche, which has accumulated many such traumas and blocks, weakens. And a weak psyche has difficulty coping with new problems and situations. An unhealthy human mental system seems to forget about the ability to freely pass through itself the energy of experiences, or to release energy that has been trapped for some time. Such a “spoiled” system of interaction with outside world as a rule, it only drives negativity deeper, creates new emotional blocks, paralyzing a person’s will. Remember how much effort it takes to keep a lightly inflated ball underwater. Likewise, it is difficult to keep any emotional energy locked up because its nature is to move freely. A person needs to spend enormous vital energy simply to contain the emotional energy squeezed inside,

As a result, psychotraumas seem to take away a person’s energy, which he could spend on good deeds, a career, etc.

Injuries and blocks cause the development of deep complexes. A person constantly limits himself in something, not understanding the reasons for his behavior.

Trying to feel one of the blocks and remember the situation that led to it gives rise to difficult sensations, doesn’t it? Immediately fears and excitement arise, you want to run or hide, the body becomes stiff, perhaps sweats, and unpleasant sensations arise in the pit of your stomach. And all this can only be felt because of the memory of a dramatic experience. Think about what it costs your body to “unnoticeably” store negative emotional energy compressed inside throughout your life? How much vital energy and strength goes into keeping all this emotional trash in the hidden corners of the psyche and subconscious...

Blocked energy does not participate in general energy exchange, which not only causes impotence and weakness, but can also cause various diseases.

Is it possible to remove blocks yourself?

Once a person gets rid of the psychological blocks hidden inside, changes come almost immediately - the level of energy rises, it begins to circulate freely. Activity increases, cheerfulness appears, personal, social and business aspects of life improve.

After working through the blocks, a person becomes truly unrecognizable, as if he is renewed.

The procedure for releasing negativity may not be easy, because you have to get to know your subconscious fear, or remember an insult, feel a claim, pain. The release of negativity is accompanied by various manifestations: chills, tears, nausea, a sharp increase in activity, emotional outbursts.

Various methods are used to destroy blocks. It is more efficient and safer, of course, not to work independently, but together with a specialist or at least an assistant who will monitor the condition and help if necessary.

However, independent work is also possible. It is possible to achieve sustainable results, but it may take longer. You will need knowledge, the choice of a method of cleansing and liberation that is suitable for you, patience, the desire to dive inside yourself, see the problem, pump up the compressed energy and release it.

Independent work on emotional blocks, and especially on complex, old, deep psychological traumas, has contraindications. Under no circumstances do psychoanalysis on your own if you suffer from severe neurosis, epilepsy, severe depression, or if you are taking any medications that affect your mental health. nervous system, if you feel exhausted, if you suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

This is due to the fact that when using any psychological or spiritual practice, an exacerbation of such conditions and diseases is possible. Monitoring by a specialist and doctor is always recommended if you suffer from such diseases or observe such conditions.

It is important to understand that working with emotional blocks is not just a way to immerse yourself in memories. We must remember that by directing the energy of thought, we transfer new energy to what we are thinking about. And the goal of the qualitative method is precisely the complete release of the negative energy trapped inside, and not the feeding of the old negative block with new energy! It is necessary to find a method that will help not only free up energy, but also return the resource in the form of a sense of personal freedom, the ability to act actively, the right to make your own choice, etc. If you do something wrong, you can strengthen the memories and fill the block with new energy. In this case, the block will only become stronger and will poison your life even more.

You can work independently with not very serious problems and fears, in severe cases This must be done with the help of a specialist.

Small blocks go away easier and faster. Working through difficult moments will require time and the use of more resources.

It is likely that during independent work you will have to work through the problem several times until the symptoms and negative manifestations completely disappear.

How to work through blocks yourself.

I want to offer you a completely safe method of freeing yourself from simple, not very deep and complex emotional blocks. Each of us has enough of these “small” blocks, and they do their job: they depress our psyche and altogether eat up a lot of our energy. Why not do a subbotnik for yourself and cleanse yourself of what has been asking for cleansing for a long time!

Let's call this method: "Swing"

  1. First you need to choose a quiet place and a position that is most comfortable for you.
  2. Lie down or sit more comfortably. The main thing is that you can relax. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the absence of strangers. At the same time, it is good if you are assisted close person, but you should be able to relax as much as possible with him and show any emotions.
  3. Relax your body from your toes to the top of your head, slowly nourishing every part of your body with your love.
  4. Focus on the present moment. Stay in the here and now. Ignore the thoughts that come. Just feel your body.
  5. You need to go back to your past memories. Remember the events that happened to you in the past, starting from this moment. Don't jump from one period of life to another. Remember life as if you were watching it in a movie, but in reverse order– from today until the moment of birth.

At the same time, it is important to observe your condition and emotions. And if some event caused an emotional outburst and, most importantly for this method, negative sensations in the body, then it is this event that requires processing using this method. Stop there. You have found a block for this practice, and if it is not a very serious injury, then you can work with it yourself right now.

  1. In releasing small emotional blocks, it is good to use your body through alternating tension and relaxation. Start by clenching and relaxing one fist, then the other, then both. Add one leg, then the other. Finally, clench both fists and both legs at the same time, then relax them. You can make various movements with your hands during tension and relaxation, shake them, and make sounds. At the same time, think about the problem situation. If you have thoughts, you can express them out loud. Words spoken out loud also help relieve tension. You might want to scream. Great! Shout out to your health!
  2. It is very important that, having scrolled through the situation in your head, after a series of tensions and relaxations, you eventually change it in your thoughts into positive side. For example, you lost your wallet, were afraid of a scandal at home, experienced numbness, trembling, and felt sick. Scroll through the story in your head as if you found a wallet or a neighbor returned it to you. But live this situation in your thoughts beautifully, courageously, intelligently, with acceptance. You lost your wallet, you collected your thoughts, remembered where it could have happened. You believed that you would find him and you found him!
  3. Need to finish practice complete relaxation and feeling positive emotions from the fact that you dealt with it in a new, reasonable way.

The strength of blocks varies. If the situation is simple, then it will take you a little time and practice to release the energy trapped in it. Strong, outdated blocks require lengthy development. And the stronger the block, the more emotions are trapped in it, the more emotions coming out of the block you will experience in the process of liberation. Get ready for this, don’t be afraid, rejoice that the energy will find the long-awaited freedom, and your inner space will be cleansed!

You need to work through a traumatic situation to the end, which is why you need an environment in which no one can distract you and interrupt the process. But work with one situation at a time.

There is no need to work through your entire life in one day! Come back to practice another day. Start practicing from point 1.

Work with physical body in this method it is important for the reason that the emotion is stuck in the body. Therefore, getting rid of the block in this case can occur through the physical body.

You must come to the realization that this traumatic situation no longer bothers or affects your real life.

You are in charge of your own memories. If you think that you did something wrong in the past, didn’t have time to do something, were late somewhere, offended or offended someone - go back, replay the situation in your thoughts in a new scenario, and direct your energy in a positive direction. Did you once not get what you wanted and are you still worried about it? Look at the situation realistically. She's not worth your troubles. But you got much more - experience working with energies stuck in you! Let go of resentment, anger, feelings of injustice. The situation no longer controls you, you are now the director of your life.

Complex and deep blocks can be felt in the area where the chakras are located - these are some kind of vortex energy centers of our body. When such a block is being worked through, pain and other unpleasant sensations are possible. If the sensations are very strong, you should not work with the injury yourself.

What to do if you can’t work with the block

Sometimes it happens that the psyche very strongly protects the block, preventing you from working with it. Perhaps this was a very dangerous traumatic situation and, if it comes out, it can greatly affect your condition. In this case, it is better to work together with a specialist.

You won’t even be able to remember some situations on your own; they are closed very deeply, and the subconscious protects you from remembering them. Such problems very often have their origin in early childhood, in the life of the family, in past incarnations. Such deep and dangerous blocks should not be worked through on your own.

After all, today new very effective methods releasing the energy compressed inside a person.

EMOTIONAL HEALING TECHNIQUE RPT is a modern, effective and gentle way to solve many life problems. Author of the method: Simon Rose (Australia) This amazing healing technology in different countries called differently: TOT, RPT, RPT, Reference Point Therapy, Instant Personality Transformation, Instant Transformation Technology, Instant Healing Technique.

If we summarize the opinions of specialists and those who have already experienced this technique on themselves, we can say this:

RPT is a technique with results that are on the verge of a miracle:

One process of RBT can permanently heal dozens and even hundreds of accumulated traumas that affect a person’s perception and personality. These changes are measurable and visible immediately after the process. Experts from many countries around the world are amazed at the effectiveness of this method.

RPT is a technique that shows lasting results:
By working with the root cause of the problem, rather than the symptom, changes are truly sustainable. After an RPT session, you not only feel better – you stop “attracting” the problem.

RPT is a method of restoring one’s own internal resources:

The principle of RPT is not just improving a condition, but restoring a person’s own internal lost resources, such as self-love, confidence, energy and healthy boundaries. And incorporating them into your real life.

RPT is a method for developing intuition and awareness:

The use of RPT not only increases the level of intuition, but also dramatically expands the level of consciousness, allowing you to see the world around you at a systemic level.

Sign up for a free mini-consultation and find out what to do with your psychotraumas and blocks on the website

Your consultant: Diment Victoria Sergeevna. Canadian certified coach and therapist of RPT techniques.