Usually towards the end primary school Children develop a stable basic skill of reading one word at a time. Most people do not further increase their reading speed, leaving it at the 4th-6th grade level. Before the advent of the Internet and the subsequent information explosion, this situation suited many, but now this is no longer enough to achieve success. Why?

The first disadvantage of slow reading: I look at the book and see nothing

Try to answer the question that I always ask during speed reading classes: “Does it ever happen to you that, while reading some text, you are distracted by extraneous thoughts?” The answer “yes” is chosen by 99% of people, because reading at first speed (when a person pronounces every word) is too slow compared to the speed at which the brain perceives information. Therefore, when reading this way, the brain automatically occupies itself with something else.

In other words, the average person's speed of thinking and perceiving information is usually three or four times faster than the speed of reading one word at a time. Our thinking is too developed to not be distracted during slow reading. Let me give you an example from life.

An ordinary person reads page 1 of an A5 book at speed in two minutes, and his brain is able to understand what is written in 30 seconds, which is what happens most often. As a result, a person is left with a minute and a half, which the brain tries to occupy with at least something more or less useful and is distracted from reading.

Is this bad? In principle, this indicates your desire for efficiency and time optimization and at the same time your inability to achieve this efficiency without compromising the quality of reading. Let me give you another example.

If you drive a car, remember how you feel when you get stuck in a traffic jam. While the car was moving, you were completely focused on the road. Stuck in a traffic jam, you can no longer use the horsepower and potential of your car to its full potential, and therefore you start switching to something else: listening to the radio, calling your mother, finding something else to do.

To be less distracted while reading, you need to increase its speed at least twice and bring it at least to the speed of your thinking. However, some people, trying to equalize the speed of reading and thinking, make mistakes that cause the second disadvantage of slow reading.

The second disadvantage of slow reading is fatigue.

Let me ask you the second question (which I ask my listeners): “Do you ever get tired quickly while reading? Or that you get bored working, for example, with contracts, documentation, textbooks and similar materials? About 60% of our class participants note that they regularly encounter the second disadvantage of slow reading - fatigue and boredom. Very often, children do not want to pick up a book because they are simply bored with reading texts slowly, and they do not yet know another speed.

When does fatigue occur? When a person tries to keep all the power of his mind at a low speed of perception, adapting it to slow reading. A huge amount of energy is spent on slowly perceiving the text and not allowing the mind to be distracted by other important thoughts, and it is because of this that a person gets tired very quickly.

Remember the example of a driver stuck in a traffic jam. Imagine that he is trying to occupy himself with something, and concentrates all his attention on the road: his car stands in one place for ten minutes, and all this time the man is sweating, carefully watching the back of the car standing in front of him. It would seem great - such an attentive driver! But after such a trip, a person most often gets out of the car, squeezed like a lemon, he will have no strength left for anything.

The biggest benefit of slow reading at Speed ​​I is that you can read. Perhaps sometimes the text is read slowly, boringly, its content is difficult to understand and remember. But if you can, in principle, read what is written, understand its essence and even remember it, then you are 99.9% able to work with texts meaningfully.

The third disadvantage of slow reading is the consequences of the information explosion

And now I will ask the third question: “Did you know that, according to statistics, the volume digital information doubles every 18 months, the number of information blogs on the Internet doubles every six months? Do you feel like you don’t have more and more time to learn everything you need to know?”

Since the end of the 20th century, a global information explosion has begun in the world. More and more new technologies are appearing. A person acquires one profession, and after 5-10 years it ceases to exist. For example, in the 1980s and 1990s, a Polaroid camera expert thrived, but with the advent of digital cameras, he urgently needed to retrain.

The processing speed of computer data is increasing: five thousand operations per second in 1944 for the first ENIAC computer, one quadrillion for the IBM Roadrunner in 2008, 20 quadrillion operations per second for the Titan in 2012 - and the race continues!

Do people increase their ability to process the resulting flow of information faster? Do you train your thinking to work faster and better? Remember the first phrase that the boss says to a university graduate on his first day at work: “Now forget everything you learned at the institute. The first task is to master this direction.” If a person cannot quickly learn and get involved in a process that is new to him, then he will continue to hang around in lower positions.

The strategy of the last century was to learn one thing in some area and then spend your whole life doing just that, without really learning anything else. Just as you learned to knit bast shoes, you use the same acquired skills. This is hardly possible to achieve success in our time. Even if you opened your own store and learned to keep records on paper, modern retail chains will push you out of big cities with their modern systems, cost optimization, and as a result, lower prices and many other modern tools used.

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Comment on the article "3 reasons to learn to read quickly. For adults and children over 13 years old"

It also manifests itself in slowness - he dresses slowly, gets ready, does everything in general. Don’t believe me, mine is the same - he just thinks slowly, that’s all. I didn't find a way out, baby...


An osteopath once helped us solve a similar problem. And quite quickly, in three sessions. The reason, as he said, was the insufficient activity of brain cells; uh, neural connections were slowly being created. The difference was obvious, for example if earlier child I tormented the poem for half a day and was still not sure, then after class I began to memorize poems of 16-20 lines in two or three readings. Well, in general, less time was spent on lessons. The osteopath also worked with emotions, the child became more open and friendly.
It was definitely easier for about two years, then the workload at school increased and it became more difficult again. But, in my opinion, the “factory” did not end, it’s just that the phone, even if it was wrong, has become more difficult to control. :(The virtual world seems to be eating up the RAM in the brain...

09/12/2018 10:20:11, Doesn’t matter

I had such a student in my class. I simply (after agreement with the parents and the student) gave him the opportunity to write a test after the main lessons. Under the auspices of additional classes. (For highly curious eyes). One on one with me and without time limit. The result is excellent!

09/11/2018 16:22:40, Irina.

The disadvantages of slow reading - and one advantage. What can speed reading do? Most people do not further increase their reading speed, leaving it at the 4th-6th grade level.


At one time I downloaded from the Internet the computer simulator “Checking reading speed”
Cool thing: it offers texts of different complexity with an indication of the number of words and automatically shows at what time the baby finished. And he submitted the assessment to the magazine with various pleasant tips.
Mine really enjoyed training on it!

Download - I don’t know where, I bought these:
Nefedova, Uzorova: Educational texts with questions and assignments for counter. and tests on reading techniques. 1 class

But there is a downside: reading takes a long time, and reading slowly does not necessarily improve comprehension. Will Bowen writes a lot in his book about people having breakdowns...


Place a bottle of water while reading and drink instead of eating :) After all we're talking about just about habit, as I understand it, and not about the feeling of hunger?

I share my experience - nuts, dried fruits. And also apples and pears. I can even cut and gnaw bell peppers. Water is a must (although I replace it with chaga - my husband brought the real thing from the forest, it suppresses the uncontrollable desire to eat something very well).

Reading volume in first grade? School. Child from 7 to 10. Cons of slow reading - and one plus. What can speed reading do? Print version.

2 Ash - about reading. Useful literature. Child psychology. 2 Ash - about reading. I remember you mentioned somewhere that you have a collection of materials (links, ideas, thoughts...


How about some ash thoughts? There are children who love to read, but unfortunately there are others who are the opposite, incl. with reading parents. Parents often complained about this topic. Perhaps it depends on the type of information perception - auditory, visual. The second aspect is family traditions. Does your son like to be read to? I loved it very much as a child, then, when I learned to read - and this was at six - I began to read voraciously and read all through school. Those. first there was my beloved family tradition of reading, and then I discovered the beauty of visual perception of information (my favorite).
If there are fears that a child will not like reading, then you need to be careful with him, otherwise he really won’t like it.

Oh-oh, the ideas are more and more in my head, and the materials - from Borges to the ideas of Ella Prokofieva at this conference several years ago, chaos with such a light, barely outlined structure, I will not undertake to systematize quickly into a digestible system:((

Before the upcoming entry into school, I decided to check my child’s reading speed. I took reading tests and made Natasha read. the first text is 79 words per minute, the second is 81 words.

Disadvantages of slow reading. And you need 100% reading and writing. Teaching reading to a preschool child.


1. I didn’t teach you to move your finger. Most often we move to another line without problems. If it “jumps”, it detects the error itself and looks for the required line with the help of a finger
2. The way my son writes is actually a song. We skip letters at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end. I don't stress. 5 years is not yet the age and level of development when you need to write carefully and competently.
3. We begin to write letters in a completely random order and always in different ways. To be honest, I didn’t teach my son to write at all, and he probably doesn’t know how to write. In our kindergarten, teachers are slowly teaching this. And if they don’t teach you, let him learn to write at school. It is more important for me that my son draws more diligently and accurately.


I am the mother of such a “champion” who read 138 words per minute in 1st grade, and with expression. How did you achieve it? No way... It just so happened that he started reading for me early, from the age of three. I read a lot, though mostly to myself, plus the computer (we program it), in most cases the text pops up quickly, whether you like it or not, you will read it. And so it happened.

03/20/2007 19:39:11, YanaI

For me, at school, checking my reading speed was torture... and when my son went to school, I was worried about it. But the teacher, announcing the results of the test, added that they check not so much speed as the method of reading (by syllables, words, fluently in words or words, but difficult words by syllables), correctness of reading, awareness and ability to retell what was read.

03/20/2007 15:13:05, Kirina

Francis Bacon said: “Some books are to be tasted, some are to be swallowed, and few are to be chewed and digested.” We are accustomed to chewing on every book, even if we are not sure that we need it or that we are able to digest it, or, on the contrary, we do not touch a four-volume book, realizing that the process will take a long time. T&P decided to understand reading techniques and understand why we read slowly and how to speed up this process without losing quality.

Reading is one of the basic skills that we master between the ages of four and six. But having learned to read confidently in the first or second grade, for some reason we decide that we have reached heights and no longer pay attention to developing this skill. Speed ​​reading is completely shrouded in many myths. The fear that by increasing the speed of reading a person will stop doing it thoughtfully is quite naive. Here we can draw an analogy with sports, because speed reading is a kind of sports reading. And if the ability to run fast does not lead to a person forgetting how to walk, then why should this happen to reading?

In short, the problem is precisely the perception of the norm. A normal speed is 200–250 words per minute. In this case, the catch lies in the very unit of measurement - words per minute. Speed ​​reading is not reading words as such, but rather reading in blocks of meaning, due to which it is largely possible to increase the volume of reading by five to ten times. So why do we read slowly and what prevents us from speeding up? There are many reasons for low reading speed: some of them are related to the psyche, some are related to physiology. However, any barrier to dynamic reading can be overcome.

Internal prompter

The most common enemy of speed reading is subvocalization (speaking to yourself). Have you noticed that even when reading street signs, people often whisper new names? Duplicating the text you read to yourself (sometimes even with articulation) is one of the most serious obstacles to speed reading. Firstly, because when reciting what we read, we reduce the speed of reading to the pace of oral speech, and secondly, this is a habit that we have unconsciously practiced almost all our lives and which is not easy to unlearn.

To remove internal articulation, you need to reorient your internal prompter from pronunciation to recognition. Pronunciation is activated mainly when confronted with new information Therefore, it is necessary to work with unfamiliar vocabulary. When a complex word appears in a text for the first time, you need to read it slowly and carefully. If the meaning of a word is not entirely clear, it is necessary to clarify it so that there is a correlation between the visual image and the content. “Photograph” words with your eyes. Every time you stumble upon an unfamiliar word, try to close your eyes and imagine how it is spelled. The good news is that recognition is an automatic process: once you remember a word, it will happen effortlessly. For example, by slowly saying “deoxyribonucleic acid,” clarifying the meaning, and “photographing” the phrase, the next time your brain will understand that we are talking about DNA before you physically have time to finish reading it.

The main physiological limiter for fast reading is a narrow field of view. As already mentioned, speed reading is reading not in words, but in blocks. Many people are faced with a low visual ability to comprehend a certain amount of information at one time. But, again, good news The point is that peripheral vision can be developed, and quite quickly.

Try to stop your gaze on some object and focus. Then, without moving your gaze or changing focus, try to visually take in maximum amount objects around you. If you read newspapers, reading columns is a great exercise for you. Try to cover the entire line of one column: one visual fixation - one line of the column. At the initial stage of training, a vertical line drawn in the middle of the column will be a good help. This will help you quickly train your eyes to focus on the middle of the line.

It is not only and not so much knowledge of specific speed reading techniques that is valuable, but an understanding of the reasons for slow reading and habits that prevent you from increasing speed

For those who decide to take the development of lateral vision seriously, Schulte tables are suitable: you can make them yourself, or you can find ready-made ones on the Internet or even download the appropriate one for yourself mobile app. There are many variations of Schulte tables. The most common is a 5x5 square, in the cells of which the numbers from 1 to 25 are located in a chaotic order. The task is to move your gaze from 1 to 25 as quickly as possible. And the goal is to do this with a gradual increase in speed. However, to train peripheral vision, one condition must be met: the gaze must be fixed on the central cell of the table, that is, you need to look for numbers without shifting focus.

It is curious that everyone has developed peripheral vision. It’s just that in some cases we use it (for example, while driving a car or when the object of our love or boss has entered the room), while in others (as in the situation with reading) we simply have not developed this habit. If you increase the importance of reading for yourself and extend the habit to this area of ​​life, you will soon notice the result.

Repetition is not always the mother of learning

Most of us have a not particularly productive habit of looking back at the text we just read: before we even finish reading the right page, we are again clarifying something on the left. Re-reading takes quite a lot of time. Such “regressions” in the form of repeated reading are directly related to the processes of memorizing information, so the key to solving them is in the development of memory. Similar to familiar exercises like studying foreign languages or memorizing poetry, as well as lesser-known mnemonics. For example, try to remember a chain of unrelated words. A gradual increase in the number of links helps to increase the amount of RAM.

After each page you read, come up with a figurative title for it. This will help consolidate what you read and save you from having to go back. This activity is more suitable for children, but adults may also find it useful. The simplest exercise that will help you get rid of repeated reading is tracking your eye movements. You need to agree with yourself that you can return to what you read only after the text has been read to the end. At the same time, you will practice discipline, since the force of habit will constantly push you to break the agreement. The second point, which is very important: you need to return to the text not mechanically, but consciously, mentally asking yourself a question, the answer to which you need to find.

As for household habits, you can reduce the use of organizers and all kinds of reminder devices. You can start by going to the store, when the list of necessary purchases is only in your head. Visualizing your list can help: mentally put everything you are going to buy into a bag, figuratively imagining what it looks like. It often happens that during a lecture or heated argument, a phrase said a couple of minutes ago is forgotten. Returning to the previous page in such a situation is a little more problematic, so the ability to retain information in your head will be useful in many situations and will save resources.

I didn’t even notice the elephant

Inattention and absent-mindedness are also serious obstacles to the development of speed reading. Reading itself requires increased attention from us, as it uses many parts of the brain at the same time. As reading speed increases, the requirement for concentration also increases. It’s like when driving a vehicle: a pedestrian at a speed of 5 km/h requires a certain level of attention and reaction speed, and a driver, even at a minimum speed of 60 km/h, needs to be 12 times more attentive! Thus, one of the most important skills for developing speed reading is the ability to maintain attention. Exercises to suppress internal dialogue and reduce reactions to external stimuli, as well as work with psychophysiological causes of inattention.

An effective exercise for concentrating is reading words backwards. This warm-up can be done anywhere: on the way to work or while doing some routine activities. Choose a word, imagine how it is spelled, and then read it backwards. It's better to start with simple words: milk - near, holiday - kindzarp and so on, gradually increasing the length and complexity of the words. It is important not to write anything down, but to do everything in your mind. If this activity seems boring to you, buy a developmental board game, which includes similar tasks, and combine the development of mindfulness with communication with friends. In the game “Equivocs,” for example, there is a task called “Infernal Reverse,” which not everyone can do. Reading with a metronome also teaches you to concentrate. Download the program to your phone and set the speed you need (number of beats per minute) in the settings. It is convenient to use a metronome when reading newspaper columns (see exercises for developing peripheral vision). Adjusting your reading speed to a metronome helps not only keep the pace, but also temporarily turn off critical thinking and focus on the reading process.

The cause of inattention may also be purely psychological barriers. For example, lack of interest in reading. The best remedy here, of course, is to choose literature that interests you. If this is a text from the “really necessary” series, then you can awaken interest in yourself: you need to look for it in why exactly you need it, what will change in your life with the acquisition of new knowledge. Absent-mindedness is also often a consequence of physical fatigue, so the universal advice here is to take breaks every 20 minutes for at least one minute, preferably with eye relaxation.

The development of attentiveness is extremely important, since the amount of information absorbed largely depends on this ability. Increasing your reading speed technically without being ready to assimilate what you read is a pointless exercise. It’s like Franz Kafka’s ironic statement: “Life distracts our attention all the time; and we don’t even have time to notice why exactly.”

Look to the root

One of the basic reasons for low reading speed is the inability to highlight the main thing. What's your favorite book? Can you summarize her idea in one sentence? What about the idea of ​​a movie you recently watched? If you have difficulties with this simple task, then working on the ability to highlight the main thing is another area of ​​your growth. The ability to formulate thoughts can be developed by training logic and ingenuity.

Prepare a vertical strip (to begin with, 3–4 cm wide) from any non-transparent material (preferably a plain one, so that the drawing or text does not distract from reading). Take any unfamiliar text, cover it with this strip and read it, trying to understand the logic. When it becomes easy to assimilate text with such a percentage of closed text, the width of the strip can be increased. The skill of highlighting the main thing is perfectly developed by taking notes. If you are a student, you have a suitable field for training, and if not already, then you can practice on brief retelling heard at a meeting, taking notes on articles or books read. To develop logic, notes can be made in the form of diagrams. Processing text into diagrams perfectly develops systems thinking and helps you see the big picture.

Beginners are often advised to use the zeroing method. Dictionary Ushakova explains the word “zeroing” as “test shooting to determine the distance to the target and establish the correct sight.” This is exactly what you need to do with the book. Open any page of an unfamiliar book (popular science texts are ideal for this exercise). Look at the text for 30 seconds, then close it and try to think of three facts that stand out to you. Visualize them and think about what is missing, what information you would like to glean the next time you access the text. Repeat this several more times, each time you turn to the text, noting something new (as a result, at least 10 interconnected facts about what you read should remain in your head). This exercise teaches so-called skimming reading, as it develops the ability to quickly search for main ideas in the text. In addition, the skill of highlighting the main thing can be extremely useful already at the stage of choosing reading material. Since modern texts are redundant not only in quality, but also in quantity, choosing the right book that best suits your task can significantly reduce the time spent studying the subject.

Having a goal directly affects your reading speed because it determines your level of interest. Having a pre-defined task and expected outcome helps make reading more effective. For those who need speed reading skills for professional purposes - for reviews of highly specialized literature or for quickly mastering new areas - a working dictionary will be a good help. Our brain stops at unfamiliar words, and this stops the process. If you are a microbiologist and you need to quickly dive into, say, questions of geodesy, then counting on general erudition is probably quite safe. Compiling a basic dictionary and memorizing basic words will help in as soon as possible master large amounts of information and significantly increase reading speed.

Thus, speed reading is a skill that can be developed. But at the same time, it is very important to realize that the whole combination is necessary for effectiveness: speed - understanding - memorization. Therefore, it is valuable not only and not so much to know specific speed reading techniques, but to understand the reasons for slow reading and the habits that prevent you from increasing speed. At the same time, it is not necessary to place an equally strong emphasis on all skills at once: Maxim Gorky, for example, looked through books extremely quickly, perfectly mastering the technique of reading diagonally (and having a developed ability to highlight the main thing even with a quick glance), Theodore Roosevelt read in large blocks, covering two sentences at a time (since he had developed peripheral vision), Honore de Balzac completely fixed his gaze on an entire paragraph, managing to restore the meaning of the text from one or two words (due to his surprisingly developed ingenuity), and Pushkin could retell biographies after reading them almost verbatim (which was a consequence of both a huge vocabulary and a well-developed memory).

The following exercises can be done as a morning warm-up. Daily exercise for the brain has a positive effect on many areas of life, positively affecting the quality of thinking. The Guardian recently published research showing that people who read live longer and reading has a “survival benefit.” Speed ​​reading specialist Irina Lando claims that “the speed of reading is equal to the speed of thinking.” And understanding that speed reading is synonymous with quick thinking increases motivation to develop this skill, doesn’t it?

Irina Lando

Doctor of Science in Management, specialty - knowledge management

I cannot agree with the statement that at high speed the quality of reading decreases. This happens to those who try to skim through a text faster than their brain can comprehend what they are reading. Let's use logic. When does your attention span increase: when is information presented quickly or slowly? In which case will you understand what you read better: if you read with more attention or with less? At fast reading the brain is forced to process information at a higher speed, so attention increases. Another thing is that the speed of reading cannot exceed the speed of the reader’s thinking. Therefore, the first limiter is the speed with which a person can process text information, and the second is the number of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs that the reader is able to see in the text.

Those who have the skill of speed reading do not read any literature quickly. They choose their reading speed depending on the complexity of the text and the purpose of reading. The same book can be read for different purposes and, accordingly, with different at different speeds. The speed at which fiction is read will depend on the speed at which the reader's brain is able to transcode the text into film. Enough people can understand fiction in paragraphs. Without just capturing the essence, but having time to feel what is happening. It depends on whether you read with your child as a child. This perfectly develops imaginative thinking.

Adults are increasingly faced with the problem of functional illiteracy: they know letters, they can read, but they cannot understand what they read. With the advent of the Internet, new habits arose: not reading to the end, grabbing information in parts, and so on. Many people get used to the fact that, having snatched some pieces from the text, they can figure out the rest themselves. This could be done, for example, by a university professor when reading term papers first year students in their specialty. But the same first-year students will not be able to piece together texts from a fourth-year textbook and explain the subject, thinking it through.

What can I recommend? First of all, read! Reading is a practical skill. Those who read a lot do it quickly. Find books that you are interested in reading; when you want to know how it all ends. While you read, your brain learns to recode small black squiggles from a sheet of paper into images, paintings, films. Secondly, when reading complex literature, on which you have to think for a long time, think about every phrase (for example, philosophical works), dilute it with reading easy literature, on which you can accelerate. It's better if it's a story, not short story. An experienced reader follows the author’s train of thought, highlighting the main idea and linking other details of the story with it. An inexperienced reader is betrayed by the inability to distinguish the main from the secondary, when instead of the essence, only a particular example is retold.

It is also important to understand that reading and listening to books are completely different processes and different tasks for our brain. When listening to audiobooks, the temporal lobes work, and when reading, the posterior lobes work. And they are weaning themselves from using this part of the brain more and more more people. I really hope that the number of people reading will increase. After all, reading develops healthy skepticism, the ability to analyze and think critically.

Icons: Microphone by Edward Boatman, Eye by Carin Marzaro, Refresh by Viktor Vorobyev, Circus Elephant by Solène Troussé, bookmark by Nicholas Menghini - all from the Noun Project.

Reading time: 5 minutes

The end is near school year: tests, cut-offs, final grades... Many parents are worried about the question “What to do if a child reads slowly?” I would like to be sarcastic and answer: “It’s too late to drink Borjomi...”, but let’s understand the situation and not create panic and torment the unfortunate (already tormented by vitamin deficiency) schoolchildren, forcing them to sit behind a book with a stopwatch and shake over a diary.

Reading speed in primary grades

1 class: 25-30 words per minute - 1st half of the year; 30-40 words per minute - 2nd half. In specialized classes and advanced schools (for example, gymnasiums), a higher reading rate is possible - from 60 words per minute.

2nd grade: 40-50 words per minute - 1st half of the year; 50-60 words per minute - 2nd half of the year. In specialized classes and advanced schools - 85-90 words per minute in the 1st half of the year and 90-95 words in the second.

3rd grade: 60-70 words per minute - 1st half year;70-80 words per minute - 2nd half; 95-105 words per minute at increased requirements. A third grader should read 20 or more words faster silently than out loud.

4th grade: 80-90 words per minute - 1st half year; 100-120 words per minute - 2nd half of the year. The speed of silent reading is 50 or more words faster than when reading aloud.

Let’s make a reservation right away: in school it is customary to “measure” reading speed and technique using average indicators. But, dear caring and worried mothers, do not forget that these standards are EXAMPLE. How many words a child reads per minute is far from the most important indicator of his intellectual development, so it’s not worth focusing on your neighbor Vanechka, who flies ahead of the rest and gives out 120 by the end of the first class. I'll explain why...

What are the reasons for a child's slow reading?

Reading speed depends on the reading method (by syllables; syllable + word, whole words). However, it often happens that a child reads whole words, but still slowly. Why is this happening?

If a child reads slowly, it means there are some reasons for this. Let's figure it out and look for them together:

  • Small lexicon child. In this case, many of the words he comes across will be unfamiliar to him, which will slow down the reading process. Try to enrich your baby’s vocabulary, talk to him more, communicate. Read diverse literature.
  • Lack of attention. If a child reads inattentively, if something constantly distracts him from reading, he will not be able to concentrate on pronouncing the text and will not be able to understand its meaning. Try to concentrate his attention on reading - the child must understand the essence of what he read.
  • Develop your child's operational field of vision- this way he will be able to read not 2-3 letters at a time, but cover the word with his gaze. To do this, just sit down and read as often as possible.
  • Poorly developed articulatory apparatusanother reason slow reading. Develop it, do special exercises with your child. Often those children who have problems with speech development, who started speaking late and did not pronounce some sounds, read slowly.
  • Poorly developed memory level. Often, after three words read, children already forget what was discussed. This is bad for reading memory and comprehension.
  • Regressions. While reading, the child constantly skims the word he has just read. The eyes move backward and the child reads the text twice. This is the most common drawback. You can determine the presence of regressions by observing how a child reads an unfamiliar text. If you notice that the eyes are moving, the child first reads the word to himself, then says it out loud, then says a few words again to understand the meaning of what he read, then there is regression. The reason may be habit, lack of attentiveness, or the child simply finds the text difficult.
  • Difficult literature. Select literature for your child that is appropriate to his developmental level and age. Don't rush into making tasks more difficult.


If in life a child is slow and melancholic, then you should not expect a choleric reaction from him. This applies to everything, reading in this case is no exception. A balanced and “impenetrable” phlegmatic person is also unlikely to rush and, eating up the endings, “swallow” page after page. If in ordinary life a child thinks for a long time before answering a question, draws out his words, then he will read more slowly than usual. And there is nothing bad or scary in this.

The main thing is not the number of words read, but awareness. What is the use of the fact that Vanechka flew in a minute, but could not answer the questions about what he read? What's the point of mixing words together, not seeing any periods or commas, and then making wide eyes, surprised at misunderstood phrases.

What should you never do?

  • Laugh at mistakes, reproach for misread words.
  • Stand over your soul “with a belt.”
  • “Punish” with reading. Like “You won’t go for a walk on the street if you don’t read it all the way through...”, “You won’t get a toy if you don’t read 40 words per minute,” etc.

How to help your child improve their reading technique?

  • Read your favorite stories before bed. Part of the text can be read by mom or dad, and then by the child himself. The main thing is to do it regularly, but not to force it, but to motivate it with a “carrot”. Praise, even if it was “so-so”, say that “I won’t be able to sleep without your fairy tale” and come up with all sorts of little tricks so that the child loves the process of reading and voluntarily picks up the book. Good advice is in an interview with Olga Davletbaeva: .
  • If there are younger children in the family, attract “free ears”, let them listen as the elder reads to them. There is communication and learning at the same time!

  • Practice reading passages of text at different paces: slow, medium-fast, maximum fast.
  • Let your child try to read when something bothers him. For example, the ticking of a clock, clicking of the tongue or counting (mom calls numbers in a low voice, claps her hands, etc.).
  • Reading through the bars.

  • Encourage reading of any printed materials: children's magazines, comics, horoscopes, etc. Let children read whatever interests them! Children's literature should always be available in the house. A book with bright pictures accidentally forgotten on the table, a magazine opened to a page with the announcement of a new children's cartoon - anything that would make you want to pick it up, leaf through it, read it.
  • Buy an encyclopedia, where the text is presented in an accessible way and is divided into small blocks. Test each other on various topics eg why it's raining, why there are rainbows, etc.
  • If your child is interested in a cartoon or television show, pick up a book on this topic and offer to find out whether the author’s version differs from the television version.

Subject children's reading, today, is very relevant, less and less fewer children read books enthusiastically. What can we, adults, do when there are so many “temptations” around us in the form of electronic gadgets and television news? The simplest thing to pay attention to is the by example show that you CAN enjoy the process of reading books. And no matter how popular e-books and audio recordings are literary works, nothing can replace the rustling of paper pages. Read for yourself and let your children see you with a book in your hands more often!

Dear readers! Is the topic of increasing children's reading speed relevant to you? How many words per minute does your child read and how often do you pay attention to this issue at home? Perhaps you have your own recipes for improving reading technique and they will be useful to someone else. Share your tips in the comments.

Karaulshchikova Elena Andreevna
Educational institution: GBPOU MO "Elektrostal College"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-03-12 Formation of reading competence through the slow reading technique Karaulshchikova Elena Andreevna Entering the world of culture is impossible without a meaningful attitude towards reading as the leading way of obtaining information from the text. This means that it is necessary to create an environment in the classroom where the student will comprehend the basics of information, scientific, and creative culture through textual activities. This statement allowed me to formulate the main goal of my work in this direction: nurturing a personal attitude towards learning within the framework of a specific lesson through the formation of reading competence.

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Formation of reading competence through the slow reading technique

Relevance of experience

According to P.A. Florensky, “culture is an environment that grows and nourishes personality» . Entering the world of culture is impossible without a meaningful attitude towards reading as the leading way of obtaining information from the text.This means that it is necessary to create an environment in the classroom where the student will comprehend the basics of information, scientific, and creative culture through textual activities. This statement made it possible to formulate the mainthe purpose of my work in this direction:nurturing a personal attitude towards learning within a specific lesson through the formation of reading competence.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to fulfillnext tasks :

    Develop the habit of meaningful reading through the organization of text-based activities in the classroom (the “slow reading” algorithm);

    improve analysis and interpretation skills through expressive reading of text (the “stopwatch for reading” technique);

    to form reading competence through solving philological problems ( laboratory work according to the text).

Text activity, being a catalyst for mental and creative activity, becomes the basis for the formation of reading competence. Its use determines the form, structure of the lesson, and the choice of technologies. In my lessons, this technology most often becomes the technology of problem-based dialogue learning.

Existing approaches to slow reading techniques.

Text activity in my lessons begins with developing the habit of meaningful reading as a necessary condition for entering the worldinformation culture. A the formation of reading competence is impossible without solving the problems of adequate understanding of the text.

The use of elements helps students improve this skillhermeneutic in content approach to teaching (authors G.I. Bogin, I.R. Galperin). The focus of the lesson is the interpretation of the text using the slow reading technique. There are many approaches to implementing this technique, but I relied on the most famous ones, includingreading “under a linguistic microscope” (N. M. Shansky), structural analysis text work of art(Yu. M. Lotman), “first reading” and “re-reading” (M. L. Gasparov), work with semantic “wells” (I. R. Galperin), procedural “chain of understanding” (V. M. Bukatov).

Algorithm for working using the slow reading method.

As a result of interpreting and applying these approaches in the classroom, I developedalgorithm for working using the slow reading method:

1) identification linguistic features text, i.e. performing analytical exercises on the text (the result is “living in” the text);

2) searching for “oddities” and formulating questions (the result is the emergence of semantic connections, meaning “out of nothing”);

3) commenting (searching for answers to questions posed);

4) comparison of interpretations (clarification of meaning);

5) attracting expert opinion regarding the text chosen for analysis.

The presented algorithm providesa combination of analytical and interpretative activities, which leads to the creation of a natural communicative environment in the lesson, developing into a dialogue with the text and with each other. The result of such a semantic exchange is the emergence of a new creative product:text concepts; systems of questions on the text; text as a result of disobjective understanding (i.e. one’s own text based on what has been read).

Formation of expressive reading skills and training of memory and attention through slow reading techniques.

Using the slow reading technique in my lessons, I noticed that it helps to work on expressive reading artistic texts. Here we can recall the “Stopwatch for reading” technique, which forms the ability to “live” the text, the reading of which is slowed down due to the system of pauses thought out by the student himself, the meaningful placement of logical stresses, and the intonation highlighting of the most significant parts text.

The slow reading technique can also become the basis for training memory and attention (mnemonic exercise “Very Slow Reading” - we carefully read a short text once, then close the book and answer questions related to the content and composition of the text). Also slow reading can bediagnostic tool, revealing the difficulties some students have when interpreting the text.

Philological tasks as a special form of textual activity.

Reading competence is also formed in the course of working on philological problems, the solution of which is a special form of textual activity (the author of the idea and many problems is Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Henrietta Grigorievna Granik and her co-authors - S.M. Bondarenko, L.A. Kontsevaya, S. A. Shapoval).

Philological tasks are based on the psychological laws of understanding and perception of text, and the solution of such problems is aimed at the formation of these mechanisms. Such tasks are based on the principle of redundancy or insufficiency of text information.

The advantage of philological tasks is the following:

1) perception mechanisms are formed on examples available for viewing (small texts become the object of research). The child learns to understand the text, being, as it were, in “laboratory conditions”;

2) to solve philological problems, texts of high semantic richness (“point contexts”) are selected;

3) the “background knowledge” and “cultural code” of the reader are replenished, since texts “not from the school curriculum” are often taken for analysis;

4) the habit of a professional reader is formed - “returning to what has already been read” (Yu.M. Lotman);

5) such tasks are aimed at the formation of regulatory, cognitive, communicative and personal results (self-determination and meaning formation).

Types of philological tasks

You can select the following types philological tasks:

    restoration of text by fragment, phrase, sentence;

    separating one information from another in a mixed text;

    predicting the ending of the text;

    working with text title;

    filling in the “semantic wells” of the text (analysis of reminiscences, allusions, quotations, artistic details, etc.)

The use of philological tasks at various stages of activity

I use solving philological problems both as an independent stage of the lesson (at the beginning of the lesson as a warm-up, as a way to approach the problem), and as the main element of the lesson - text analysis. Homework, formulated in the form of such a task, immediately becomes creative. Effectively use such tasks when conductingeducational dialogues, during lessons-discussions , where children learn to express their positions, create hypotheses based on solving a problem, and correct them in the process of interaction with others.And one more thing - students begin to create philological problems themselves. And this is the creative component of working with information.

I also use solving philological problems as an element of preparing gifted students for subject Olympiads.


Reading activity is truly universal, it unites people of different generations, worldviews, and forms a “cultural code”, without which it is impossible to adequately understand and interpret any text, especially literary text. The habit of reading is the basis for the formation of a personal attitude towards education, towards life, and becomes a necessary condition for readiness for a dialogue of positions, points of view, and cultures. This is the path from the meaning of the text to the meaning of life.


1. Bakhtin M.M. The problem of text in linguistics, philology and other humanities. Experience of philosophical analysis. // Literary critical articles. M., 2010.

2. Bogin G.I. Typology of text comprehension. // Tutorial. Kalinin, KSU, 1986.

3. About poetry. M. Languages ​​of Russian culture, 1997

4.Granik G.G., Bondarenko S.M., Kontsevaya L.A. When a book teaches. M., 2007.

5.Granik G.G. Literature: Problem book-workshop for grades 8–11. / Ser. “Learning to understand a literary text” / G.G. Granik, L.A. Kontsevaya, S.M. Bondarenko, S.A. Shapoval. M., 2001.

6. Shapoval S.A. Understanding texts as a result of solving educational philological problems: abstract. diss. for a candidate's degree. psychol. Sciences / S.A. Shapoval. M., 2006.

Appendix No. 1

Solving a philological problem based on S. Krzhizhanovsky’s fairy tale “Three Sisters”.

Very often in life, with a small amount of information, we need to make a correct forecast. This skill is what this philological task helps shape.

The task:

Predict the continuation of the text based on its first sentence.In order to do this, we must decipher the meaning of each word in this sentence:

They worked, as always, the three of them

Solving the problem - laboratory work based on the text

They – some creatures (possibly people).Worked - performed some activity.Three of us – performed some kind of activity together, this cannot be done alone, perhaps this activity consists of three operations, and in order for there to be a result, each performs its own function.As always - from day to day, for a long time, monotonously, perhaps mechanically.

So, let's summarize our hypotheses: some creatures (possibly people) perform some activity together, because You cannot do it alone. Suppose that to achieve the result of this activity, three operations must be performed. Activities are carried out day after day, monotonously, for a long time.

This is our forecast. What's the correct answer?

Here is an excerpt from the story “Three Sisters” by Sigismund Krzhizhanovsky (cycle “Tales for Child Prodigies”):

The three of them worked, as always. Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos. Human destinies passed through their thirty fingers. Clotho carefully twisted the threads of the days. Lachesis stretched them along the measure of the years. Atropos waited with open scissors, their blades closed - and the unlived ends of lives fell down into a basket of reeds plucked from the shores of Lethe.

And indeed, we turned out to be right in many respects - the coordinated monotonous eternal work of the three sisters consists of three operations, as a result of which human life appears, passes and ends.

Did you read the text slowly? Did you remember main information in the text? Then we continue our movement from small to large:

One day it happened that one of the sisters said:

- Dear parks, let's just switch places for fun. Well, at least for one life.

The sisters agreed. Atropos moved to Clotho's place, Clotho, touching Lachesis with her elbow, laughing at a joke, forced her to move slightly to Atropos's empty place.

And the sisters got to work .

Test yourself (card No. 1b)

Comment on the table.

Summarize the result: due to a violation of the sequence of operations, a system failure has occurred that will lead to an unknown result. It is impossible to learn something in a short period of time, which means that the sisters in someone else’s place will do what they did before.

Let's see if our guesses are correct : Atropos cut with the short snap of her scissors new life from all those who preceded it. Clotho, who did not know how to pull a thread, but was a skilled knotter, made her life short, but made up of many threads. And Lachesis, who knew only how to stretch the thread when it came to death, kept pulling and pulling her hand into eternity.

We are pleased to note that we made the correct forecast. But the text, like any system, has a sign of completeness. He hasthe final. Here he is:

Then the sisters, laughing, sat down again in their usual places and continued their work at the park.

What happened on this day?

But there is a legend that on this day came into the world...

What are your options?

A man appeared. What do we know about him?

“His birth breaks the thread of generations.

- He has a short, but “twisted from many threads” life (lives several in one life)

“And this life stretches on to infinity, it leaves a mark forever.”

He is a genius, an unprogrammed, non-standard person.

Let's check:

But there is a legend that on this day he came into the world genius.)

Our forecast turned out to be correct. From the small we came to the big – the meaning of the text. But this is not the final result. The meaning of the text became the starting point for the search for the meaning of life, oneself, oneself in life.

Card No. 1 a


usual operation


unusual operation






"As always"

"For one life"



Card No. 1 b


usual operation


unusual operation


spins the thread of life


pulls the thread of life


cuts the thread of life



"As always"

"For one life"


birth, life and death of a person


, . .

Mnemonic exercise "Very slow reading"

Name. Mnemonic exercise "Very slow reading"


The exercise is aimed at developing memory, or more precisely, the quality of memorizing material.

Many people are “obsessed” with developing their ability to speed read. Of course, this ability will not be superfluous, especially if the quality of information processing does not suffer during speed reading. For many professions, speed reading is important element competence. Many specialists do not so much read books as skim them in search of unknown/necessary information. But this is viewing a book, not reading it.

When it comes to reading specifically, people often forget that there are books (for example, on quantum physics) that, in principle, cannot be absorbed at the speed of one hundred pages per hour, and those books that can be read at that speed are, for the most part, not worth reading at all. attention of a specific reader.

Pick up a book you've been wanting to read for a long time. It can be a fiction book, a journalistic book, or a specialty book. It is important that it is not very simple. If this is a fiction book, then let there be many foreign names in it. If it’s journalistic, then about something unknown to you.

Start reading it from the place where you have not read before (if you have not yet picked up this book, then from the very beginning). Read out loud and read very, very slowly. As slowly as possible. While reading, focus on each letter, each punctuation mark. Remember everything thoroughly: you have a lot of time for this. An important point is to read slowly, but constantly moving forward. Going back in search of forgotten information is not a very good habit; you need to remember everything right away.

Do this exercise systematically until you feel a significant change in the nature of your daily reading. Don't be afraid that this exercise will teach you to read slowly. It will teach you how to read efficiently, and you can always determine your reading speed arbitrarily.

1. Mnemonic exercise “Very slow reading” [Electronic resource] // A. Ya.. 06/18/2012..html (06/18/2012).