
average daily temperature

average night temperature

sunny days


sea ​​water temperature

* Weather in Israel - November

November, which in Russia is a cold, damp and rather gloomy month, in Israel is rightfully considered a quite worthy continuation of the holiday season. Perhaps the only thing that can to some extent darken the mood of vacationers is the rains, which happen quite often (which is not surprising, since the so-called “rainy season” has begun). In general, in Israel in November, according to the findings of meteorologists, there are eight rainy days. Most of the precipitation falls on the coast Mediterranean Sea.

For example, in Tel Aviv the average rainfall is 79 millimeters, which is three times more than in the previous month. Other Mediterranean resorts - Netanya, Haifa, Tiberias - demonstrate approximately the same indicators. Therefore, an umbrella and a light waterproof jacket should become a mandatory part of the equipment of a traveler traveling to Israel in November.

True, other regions of the country are not so humid, although, of course, the traditionally rainy weather in Israel in November affects them as well. Quite damp in excursion and pilgrimage centers- for example, in Jerusalem the amount of precipitation is sixty-one millimeters. Of course, you shouldn’t refuse to visit holy places, but you need to make sure that your shoes are durable and waterproof, because walks along ancient streets can be very long. Despite the rainy weather, November is considered a convenient time for worshiping shrines, both due to the absence of intense heat and because the influx of pilgrims, as in subsequent Christmas months, has not yet been observed.

Comfortable shoes are useful not only for visiting places of worship, but also for shopping - the weather in Israel in November is not able to spoil the pleasure of sales, which usually begin here at the end of the month. You can buy inexpensive small electronics, children's and adult knitwear, Leather Products and, of course, the famous Dead Sea cosmetics.

However, it is not at all necessary to limit yourself to cosmetics, because at the end of autumn you can take a natural course of healing on the banks of this unique body of water. It is still quite warm here: the average daytime temperature in Ein Bokek is 27°C, and the night temperature is about eighteen degrees. Swimming enthusiasts will also enjoy sea ​​water, because its temperature is 25 degrees. One of the features of the Dead Sea is that in winter it is warmer than the air, so you can practically swim here all year round.

Mediterranean resorts are still waiting for vacationers, however, here it is not only humid, but also quite cool - only 23°C during the day and 15 degrees at night (in Netanya and Tel Aviv). The water in the sea is still warm, but you can’t swim in it for too long, because by the beginning of winter it cools down to 23°C. It is becoming relevant to have indoor heated swimming pools in hotels. sea ​​water, as the weather on the Mediterranean coast can be quite unpredictable.

The weather in Israel in November leaves a certain imprint on Eilat, although to a lesser extent than on the Mediterranean coast. It is also quite humid here, but at the same time warm: during the day up to 27 degrees, but at night - 16°C, so a windbreaker or light sweater will not be superfluous. The Red Sea remains warm and welcoming, because the temperature of its water at the end of autumn is twenty-four degrees.

In general, a holiday in Israel in November will be appreciated by those who cannot tolerate extreme heat and prefer to spend time not only on sea beaches, but also on interesting, educational excursions.

Despite the fact that classic autumn is already well established in November, the weather in November continues to delight tourists who come to the Holy Land on vacation with its warmth and friendliness. Is it true, autumn mood cannot but affect temperature fluctuations in the country. It's getting a little cooler even in sultry Eilat. The air temperature in the south of the country still continues to remain in the warm zone – up to +28 degrees.

However, other areas of the country are not too inferior to Eilat and the Red Sea coast. Near the Sea of ​​Galilee, the air temperature is around +25 degrees, on the Mediterranean coast it is at +22 degrees, in Jerusalem, however, it drops to +19 degrees. But even the minimum temperature threshold does not allow us to call the weather in Israel in November truly autumn in our Russian understanding.

Of course, it is even cooler in Israel at night in November - the temperature can drop to +12 degrees. This feature of the weather in Israel at the end of autumn is worth taking into account - it would be very useful to take warm clothes with you. In addition, at this time of year the rainy season is already in full swing, so a little coziness will be very useful.


Climate and weather in Israel in November 2020. What is the temperature of the water and air. Beautiful video about Israel

It's November outside the window and at this time of year it is better to stay at home than to walk outside or sit in the park. But this is if you are in Russia, and if you are in Israel, then you don’t need to sit, you need to enjoy your vacation, walks and admire beautiful places and sights of the country. The thing is, the weather in Israel in November 2020 is warm and sunny. There is almost no rain, especially in resort areas, and the water and air temperatures are such that you can safely swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beach. We invite you to find out why Israel is better than neighboring countries in November and whether it is worth coming here for a beach holiday.

November is the end of autumn, but not the end of the beach season in the country. In the south of the country, where the popular resort of Eilat is located, the weather is generally summer, and the lack of rain makes this place the most desirable for all tourists who want to soak up the beaches at the end of autumn and do it inexpensively.

Yes, Eilat is not only best resort countries, but also the best place for a holiday in November. During the day the temperature here is always above +27, and at lunchtime the air can easily warm up to +30. In such weather, sometimes you should take a break from the sun and go into the shade. But the nights at the resort are cool, and if you want to take an evening walk along the sea, then warm clothes will be very useful. The sea is warm this month, and the water temperature is about +23 degrees. There are waves on the sea, but they will not interfere with your vacation, since they are not very large. It may rain once in a month and during this time 3-5 millimeters of precipitation may fall.

Tel Aviv also popular city from tourists. In November the climate here is like in Russia in September. During the day the air is warmed up to +23 +25 degrees Celsius. But this does not last long and by evening it becomes cold. IN evening time it can be only +18, and at night it is even colder and not higher than +13. The sea is the same as in Eilat, about +23 degrees. But there is much more rain here. Usually there is precipitation for at least 7 days, and its amount is 80 millimeters.

The capital of Israel, Jerusalem, is the most popular excursion holidays. Therefore, the weather does not affect the flow of tourists into the city. But it’s still better to walk and sightsee in the sun than in the rain. And there will be sunshine, albeit not much. During the day it’s +19 +21 degrees Celsius. At night it gets cold to +10 +12. It can rain 5 times a month and 60-70 millimeters of precipitation may fall.

As you can see, the weather and climate of the country at the end of autumn are quite suitable for a holiday, including a beach holiday. Therefore, tourists rush here and book hotels. There is another advantage for Russians - they do not need to apply for a visa. A low prices contribute to a large flow of tourists.

Where is the best place to relax in Israel in November: resorts and cities

Look at the table below with the weather in famous cities and resorts in Israel, and you can determine for yourself where it is best to relax.

Israel in November: weather and tourist reviews


“I went on holiday to Israel for the first time in September and it was hell. It's hot and unbearable here. Now I’ve been coming here in November for several years in a row and I’m always happy. It's warm during the day, not so warm at night, but not cold either. The sea is gorgeous. You can swim in it. Prices are sometimes high, but if you buy food and cook it yourself, it will be much cheaper.”


“It’s just great to vacation in Israel this month. It’s warm even in cloudy weather, and when the sun is shining, you can go to the beach. The sea is simply incredible and you can swim in it all day. You can also sunbathe and the beaches are full of vacationers this month. It rained and there were thunderstorms 3 times during my vacation. But twice at night and only one day it rained completely. In general, I liked everything, I want to come here again.”

While many Mediterranean resorts have already said goodbye to their guests in November, Israel continues to welcome more and more tourists. True, not in such volumes as before. Tour-Calendar offers to find out whether this country is so good for spending the November holidays, and what will surprise the Holy Land in the last month of autumn.

Weather in Israel in November

The first thing that will please you immediately upon arrival here is the weather. Escaping from damp and cold everyday life, you find yourself somewhere sunny and warm. And even though the rains in Israel begin to become more frequent in November, this does not spoil the holiday at all. Moreover, the weather prevailing at this time can be compared with that in many regions of Russia in August. Well, if we are immediately talking about precipitation, it should be said that the northern coastal cities of Tel Aviv (96 mm) and Haifa (91 mm) are the wettest this month - on average 6-7 rainy days. In Jerusalem (57 mm), located in the center of the country, there are slightly fewer of them - about 5 days. As for the southern regions, due to its proximity to the Negev Desert, the climate there is quite arid. As a result, during a holiday in Eilat (3 mm) in November, an umbrella will be unnecessary: ​​no more than 1 rainy day is expected here. By the way, this is the warmest and sunniest Israeli resort at the end of autumn, besides those located on the Dead Sea coast: during the day the thermometer rises to +27 °C. But in the evening things are somewhat different, again due to the proximity of semi-desert zones, which are characterized by sharp changes in daily temperatures. Thus, with the onset of twilight, the temperature drops to +16 °C. The capital is somewhat cooler - from +15 °C at night to +23 °C during the day. Approximately the same values ​​are recorded in Netanya. In the northern resort of Haifa, the daytime is usually cooler - +22 °C, but the evening mercury readings are higher - approximately +17 °C. When going on an excursion to Jerusalem, take a warm jacket with you for the evening: during daylight hours it is still moderately warm here - +19 °C, but at dusk the air cools down to +12 °C.

Jerusalem Tel Aviv Haifa Eilat

What to do in Israel in November?

Despite the fact that in November weather reports are encouraging with optimistic forecasts, this month is quite unstable in terms of climate, so count on ideal beach holiday we would not recommend it (although this option also exists). Of course, be sure to put your swimsuit in your suitcase, but also keep in mind that nature can make its own adjustments to your plans. However, this in no way concerns excursion activities. On the contrary, the stifling hot days with brutal heat have passed, and now is the time for educational trips. In addition, there is no big tourist rush, and nature, due to the beginning of the rains, pleases with an abundance of greenery, including in desert regions, which are beginning to abound with a variety of vegetation.

Beach holiday

Israel is a land of three religions and three seas. Last fact especially affects the country's resort sector. In November official beach season is coming to an end, resulting in fewer people holidaying in coastal hotels. Nevertheless, for this month, the flow of entry to the resorts is quite good. The highest occupancy rates are observed in hotels in Eilat. Here there are the fewest days with partly cloudy weather and plenty of sun - up to 9 hours a day (for comparison in Haifa - about 7 hours). The water temperature in the Red Sea is at least +25 °C. The same mark is recorded off the coast of the Dead Sea. November is the last month before the cool winter season, when it makes sense to come here for recovery. After all, as you know, healing properties The waters of the Dead Sea appear sufficiently only when it is well warmed up. The Mediterranean Sea has already cooled down by this time. However, not enough to talk about the closure of the swimming season.

According to meteorologists, +23 °C is observed off the coast of Netanya, Ashkelon, and Haifa. In the latter resort, the climate is somewhat cooler due to its northern location. It is also worth considering the likelihood of cold western and northwestern winds, during which it is not possible to make long swims.

Entertainment and excursions

As was already said a little above, November weather good for sightseeing, of which the country has a huge number - from the times “BC” to the present day. Of course, the former are more popular, since Israel, after all, ancient land, imbued with the spirit of sacredness. We recommend starting with one-day excursions to the ancient cities of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Caesarea, Jaffa with visits to religious shrines. During this period of time there is not such a huge concentration of pilgrims and tourists as at least at the beginning of autumn or in the subsequent Christmas months.

After a rich cultural and educational program, it’s time for relaxation, which can be spent in Hamat Gader for the benefit of soul and body. Firstly, because they are medicinal thermal springs, and secondly, if you believe the legends, Jesus Christ himself performed ablutions here. Children won't be bored either. The resort has the largest crocodile nursery in the Middle East, there are water slides, and various shows with animals are regularly held.

Holidays and festivals

When you come to Israel, you never know what kind of celebrations might be taking place in the country at this time. The whole point is that all religious and National holidays are celebrated according to the Jewish calendar, which has a number of features. One of them is the annual date shift. In 2013, this month marks the 8-day Jewish candlelight holiday of Hanukkah (November 28) to commemorate the miracle that occurred during the post-war illumination of the Temple in 164 BC. During this period, school holidays are held and children are given money or toys.

There are not many countries in the world where you can combine a beach and social holiday with a visit to places that are sacred to many people. Israel is just such a country.

Israel in November: fabulous holidays and affordable prices.

ABOUT rich history Many people have heard about this area, its shrines and monuments. In addition, the climate here is very mild, which allows you to bask on the beaches almost all year round. Israel is also attractive for those who want to improve their health (medical tours) or for those who want to perfect their appearance in cosmetic clinics of the Dead Sea.

What kind of weather awaits you in November?

For Israelis (not for Russians) it is cool with a high level of humidity. Especially on the Mediterranean coast. For example, in Haifa in November the air temperature is no higher than +20-22°C, and the water is no warmer than +21-23°C. The pilgrimage centers of Nazareth, Jerusalem and Bethlehem are even cooler at +17-19°C.

The resort of Eilat in November pleases with a mild climate: air temperature +25-27°C, water temperature +23-25°C. There is almost no rain, but there are often cloudy days. The Dead Sea is also warm: the water never cools below +20-22°C.

Where to vacation in Israel in autumn

Where can you relax in November? For a resident of Russia, autumn is the most comfortable for any type of holiday: not hot, but not cold either. Moreover, the resort regions are located in warmer climatic zone. Here you can bask in the gentle sun, swim, and scuba dive near the reefs. All excursion programs are also available, and playing sports in this weather is a real pleasure.

  • Tours to the Dead Sea are popular at this time: the sun warms, but does not burn, and the water has comfortable temperature. But it is worth saying that “water” is not an entirely accurate name. This substance is more like glycerin. But she is very rich mineral composition and is widely used in cosmetic clinics and sanatoriums located on the coast.
  • November is a great time to visit famous biblical shrines, cultural and architectural monuments. The sun is not as hot as in the summer months, but the temperature is quite comfortable, the humidity is certainly high, but not so much that it is difficult to breathe.
  • It is useful to go to shops and markets. Here, prices are traditionally reduced at this time: the peak season has passed, there are fewer people and shops and boutiques attract customers with significant discounts and various promotions.
  • The Jerusalem Marathon also takes place in early November, which is significant for the country. sporting event. It can also be included in your entertainment calendar.

Prices for holidays in Israel in November

November is the low holiday season, so vacation at this time is one of the most profitable of the year. A pleasant combination of good weather and reasonable prices. What makes Israel so attractive is that here at any time you can find offers suitable for wallets of any size. At the end of November, prices become even slightly lower than usual. A little later, on the eve of the new season, they will rapidly shoot up, but for now, you can relax and enjoy decent savings.

How much will a person who dreams of delaying summer have to pay? A person who loves when the sun warms gently without burning. Then, with equal pleasure, you can sunbathe on the beach, dive into the clear waves of several Israeli seas at once, and stroll slowly through the places described in the Bible.

Let's calculate how much a ten-day tour for two adult travelers will cost, including a flight to iron bird. And also breakfast at the hotel. Fans of the all-inclusive system would like to respectfully note that you will not be able to resist the temptation to pass by the restaurant with interesting name and a renowned chef inside. As a result, if you want to save money, you will pay more.

Traditionally, prices in Tel Aviv are much higher than in Eilat. For example, for a three-star vacation in a resort that never sleeps, you need to pay 94,000 rubles, and in a southern city - only 75. Of course, this is not all the spending in the Promised Land. Budget for food and excursions (the cultural program in Israel is very rich), moving around the city and entertainment. If desired, go shopping and souvenirs, because prices for goods in November are quite affordable.