Millions of users choose Megafon tariff plans in Moscow, the Moscow region and throughout Russia, thanks to the operator’s high-quality and maximum coverage, as well as high-speed and uninterrupted 3G/4G Internet. We are also pleased with the large selection and prices, especially for unlimited packages. The more you communicate, use traffic and use other company services, the cheaper they are for you.

What tariffs of the mobile operator Megafon are available for ordering?

  1. and “Turn on.” If you make a lot of calls or spend a lot of time on the Internet, this best choice. At a good price you will get the right amount of minutes and mobile data.
  2. . If you often go on business trips to other countries, or you need to make a lot of calls abroad, choose among these packages. They will allow you to save big on mobile communications.
  3. . The packages are suitable for you if you need a lot of mobile traffic at a good price and the ability to choose additional Internet options. There is no subscription fee.
  4. Other tariffs. Branded universal straight line. Select if you need a direct Moscow number with the prefix 495 or 499.

What is the cost of Megafon tariffs, and how can I order inexpensively?

MegaFon's "All Inclusive" series tariffs are ideal for smartphones whose owners want to act on the "pay and forget" principle. “All inclusive L 12.16” - a full range of services in this line.

Description of the tariff "All inclusive L"

For just 800 rubles, a smartphone for a month will turn into a means of communication with the whole world, working uninterruptedly - just keep the battery charged.

Monthly package includes:

MegaFon traditionally does not charge money for incoming calls and messages, and owners of a SIM card with the “All inclusive L 12.16” tariff receive incoming calls even when the balance is zero ( maximum term this service is valid for 90 days).

To work with e-mail, the operator introduced the “MegaFon Mail” service into the package, and for everyday entertainment - as many as 50 MegaFon television channels and 4 free films from a huge catalog of works of cinematic art.

The package includes caller ID and free (until August 31, 2017) voicemail, the recorded messages of which can be listened to by calling 0525 (in the region where the contract is concluded, the call is free, in other regions - according to the operator’s tariffs).

If the tariff package limits have expired

When the limit of included services ends, the following prices apply:

Internet from MegaFon can be renewed automatically - but there must be at least 30 rubles in the account. This is exactly how much a 200 MB additional traffic package costs, and in total you can order 15 such packages per month.

If they are not enough for you, you can connect to a 1 GB traffic package (175 rubles) by dialing *370*1*1# and pressing the call key, or for 5 GB (400 rubles) - *370*2*1# and call.

Sending an MMS will cost you 7 rubles.

The services included in the monthly package are valid throughout Russia - forget about roaming within the country. The only exceptions are Sevastopol and the entire Crimean peninsula (the telephone code of Crimea is +380 and the prices for calls and SMS within Ukraine apply there), and the Internet will cost 9.90 rubles per megabyte in the following places:

  • Norilsk city
  • city ​​of Sevastopol
  • Republic of Crimea
  • Republic of Yakutia
  • Taimyrsky district
  • Magadan Region
  • Kamchatka Krai
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Also, if your call to a MegaFon number (non-tariffed) lasts more than a day, a tariff of 1.60 rubles per minute is included.

How to activate the All Inclusive L tariff?

  • Communication salon. Buy a SIM card on which the tariff is already activated, or entrust the salon employees with the responsibility of changing the tariff plan.
  • MegaFon call center. Dial the number and inform the operator of your desire to change the tariff to "All inclusive L 12.16".
  • Service Guide. A convenient system for working with a mobile operator is located on the official MegaFon website in your personal account. Just log in, then select a tariff and activate it.

Good news: when connecting to the All Inclusive L 12.16 tariff, you do not have to have the entire amount on your balance - half of it is enough.

From the 1st to the 15th day of use, you will be connected to half of the package (that is, 500 minutes, 500 short messages and 3.5 GB of Internet). The second half of the subscription fee will be charged on the 16th day with the accrual of the second half of the package. From the second month of use, the fee will be debited in full on the first day.

Services will not be activated if there is not enough money in the account and will resume when the necessary funds are credited to the account.

How to disable the All Inclusive L tariff?

  • Change your tariff plan. In the communication salon, in your personal account on the website, or with the help of a contact center operator, select a new tariff. As soon as it is activated, the All Inclusive L 12.16 tariff will turn itself off.
  • Terminate the contract. In this case, the service at the All Inclusive L 12.16 tariff will cease. This can be done at any MegaFon salon. You will need a passport.

The mobile communications services industry is constantly evolving. Cellular operators present more and more new offers that are beneficial for different categories of users. Clients try to get acquainted with all the offered tariffs and services and choose the most suitable ones for themselves. Connect the most favorable tariff and necessary services, and probably the most necessary thing that is on a smartphone, for modern man- this is the Internet. Demand creates supply, and the mobile operator Megafon introduces the Internet L option.

This service is perfect for those people who are used to using the Internet on their smartphone, doing everything on the go:

  • communicate on social media networks and correspond via e-mail and in online messengers;
  • use the Internet to watch news, music, etc.
In addition, when high-speed Internet is connected to your smartphone, you can distribute Wi-Fi to friends and colleagues, or use it as a modem for your own laptop.

The speed provided by the Internet L option is not limited, so the user can watch movies, exchange large files, and download information without any problems.

Internet l Megafon tariff description

For full and comfortable use of the Internet, Megafon provides users with the option "Internet L". It includes several gigabytes of mobile traffic at unlimited data transfer speeds. The service is provided on 30 calendar days . That is, you pay the tariff and get about 50 GB Internet traffic with unlimited speed. After 30 days or if the traffic limit is exceeded, the service will be suspended.

The amount of traffic provided is based on your home region. Note that half of the data is available during the day, from 7:00 to 00:59, and the other half is available at night, from 1:00 to 6:59.

The Internet access service will be suspended if the traffic limit is exceeded by the user. You can restore access after paying for the service or by activating the “Extend speed” option.

That is, if the user spends more than the allocated amount of traffic, the mobile Internet speed will be reduced to the base speed of 64 kbps. And to return unlimited speed, you need to either enable the “Extend speed” option or pay for a new traffic package.

To check how much traffic has been spent and how much you have left, use the command on your smartphone: *558# “Call”.
Megafon's "Internet L" service is valid throughout the entire territory Russian Federation. The amount of traffic allocated per user allows you to download 4 movies per month. Television content from the Megafon TV channel package is also available.
The "Internet L" option is not available for all tariff plans. Check on the official Megafon website to see if you can connect it.

How to connect the Internet on Megafon

There are several ways to connect to this tariff:

  1. Using the command USSD. Just send a special request with mobile device: *246*4*1# "Call". There is no connection fee.
  2. Via SMS. Send SMS-message with the text: " 1 "to a special number 05009124 . Connection via SMS is free.
  3. Through the Internet assistant

The subscriber does not need to purchase a new tariff package of mobile communication services in order to expand its capabilities if he wishes to use Internet access.

If you are already accustomed to your current tariff plan from Megafon and are satisfied with it, the most profitable option would be to purchase one of the Internet line options.

In this case, we will consider the third option dimension of the option of the mobile operator Megafon. Option "Internet L» - a fairly capacious amount of Internet traffic for Megafon subscribers.

Megafon Internet L service

The Megafon operator offers its customers 15 GB of Internet traffic monthly, with favorable payment terms for this option.

Any resident or guest of Russia can purchase it, exactly where the 4G+ network is technically available, if the subscriber has a mobile device that supports LTE (4G+) technology and a USIM card. The speed capabilities of the option are not limited when the technical capabilities of the network and equipment from which Internet access is accessed have high quality indicators.

A subscriber who has reached the threshold for Internet traffic set in the option and wishes to extend its validity in the current month can take advantage of the offer of additional options to extend the speed: “ Extend the LITE speed" or " Extend MEGA speed" But their connection to the action will occur only after the volume of traffic for the main option is completely exhausted.

The remainder of unused traffic in the current month is written off. The subscriber can find out information about the remaining traffic when dialing a USSD command *925# (call).

How to connect Internet L on Megafon

Option " Internet L", like all options, Megafon's Internet line, is paid for by charging a monthly subscription fee, its amount is 890.00 rubles. The subscription fee for the first month is charged immediately when the option is activated. Further debiting of the subscription fee will be made on the connection date of each next month.

If there is no required amount in the subscriber's account to charge the subscription fee for the next period of validity of the option, Internet access is automatically blocked.

By making an advance payment for a long period of using the “Internet L” option, the subscriber will be able to profitably save on the subscription fee, receiving a 10% discount for 3 months, 20% for 6 months and 30% for a year. The option can be activated using USSD commands: for 1 month - *236*3# (challenge), for 3 months - *105*376# (challenge), for 6 months - *105*377# (challenge), for a year - *105*378# (call).

Date: 11 Feb 2018

"Internet L"- plastic bag mobile internet from Megafon, which connects to your tariff on your phone, tablet or modem. First of all, this package is suitable for modems and routers, therefore it is posted on the official Megafon website in the appropriate section.

If you don’t look closely at the option, you might think that for 890 rubles per month we get 36 GB.

This is not entirely true. Traffic is divided into night and day - 50% everywhere. That is, we get 18 GB of daytime traffic (from 07:00 to 00:59) and 18 GB of night traffic (from 01:00 to 06:59). And this is a completely different story. Besides the fact that Megafon deliberately hid important aspect of the service provided, and the option becomes not so attractive.

For example, with MTS you can connect “Internet-MAXI” - 15 GB during the day and unlimited at night for 800 rubles per month, while the night starts at 00:00, not at 01:00. True, for trips around Russia, the MTS option is much worse (an additional 50 rubles per day).

By the way, even on the page describing the “Internet L” option, information about dividing traffic into night and day is hidden behind the “More details” link. Well, Megafon doesn’t want to tell customers that the options are not that good. On the one hand, it really turns out to be 36 GB per month, but on the other hand, this is not a full 36 GB, since 50% of it can only be spent at night.

Unlike MTS, Megafon’s option is valid throughout Russia at no additional cost. But the mobile operator would not be a mobile operator if all of Russia really were all of Russia. The option is valid throughout the entire Russian Federation except: Magadan, Sakhalin regions, the Republic of Yakutia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Kamchatka Territory, Norilsk and Taimyr MR, as well as the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. In these regions, the Internet L mobile Internet package is not spent - instead, traffic is paid - 9.9 rubles per 1 megabyte. This, so you understand, is 10,137 rubles per 1 GB.

Do you think that Megafon put this important information on display? No! Even on a separate page, you need to click on the “More details” link to find out that “all Russia” does not mean “All Russia”.

This option is clearly not the most profitable among mobile operators - if you use the Internet exclusively in your home region. If we are talking about trips around Russia, then the option is quite competitive.

Although, for me personally, after considering this option, Megafon left an extremely unpleasant aftertaste. Perhaps they were hiding something else? It is also worth saying that in detailed description The pdf file says that “the cost of the option may change.” Quite an interesting statement, because the cost of options changes quite often. Or does Megafon mean that it can change the cost of an option already connected to the tariff? I wouldn't be surprised if so.

Video on the topic

How to activate the “Internet L” option on Megafon?

If, after all of the above, you still decide to enable the option, then know that you can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Personal account Megafon
  • Short command *236*4#
  • SMS with the text “YES” to the number 05009124

How to disable the “Internet L” option on Megafon?

If you have learned a lot of new and interesting things about the option, and have decided to disable it, then you can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Personal account Megafon
  • Short command *236*00#
  • SMS with the text “stop” to the number 05009124