Magnetic storms in October 2017 will not be too strong. However, in combination with the inevitable seasonal cooling, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and autumn depression, even weak fluctuations can significantly worsen the condition of weather-dependent people.

The influence of magnetic storms Many people often refer to magnetic storms under various circumstances, but not everyone knows what exactly the essence of this natural phenomenon is.

Inside the Earth is a liquid core that generates currents that create the planet's magnetic field. When an ejection occurs on the Sun and flies towards the Earth, it is the magnetosphere that protects our planet from the “aggressive” solar wind.

The result of the collision of two cosmic energies is magnetic storms. All organs in the human body also have a certain magnetic field.

When a magnetic storm does not coincide in frequency with a certain organ, it malfunctions. In addition, our psycho-emotional state may change. Thunderstorms have a similar effect, so during a rainstorm with lightning, some kind of inexplicable fear often arises.

Magnetic storms will continue on Earth from October 24 to October 27. However, as experts report, these magnetic storms will be much weaker than the September ones.

Due to magnetic storms, even healthy people may have problems with their health - malaise, weakness, irritability, headache.

Weather-dependent people who react even to changes in the weather may complain of surges in blood pressure. There may be malfunctions in the operation of various devices, as well as communication providers and satellite systems.

In general, October 2017 and November 2017 will most likely not upset us with frequent and strong magnetic storms. No particularly serious solar flares are expected yet, and scientists are warning us only about very minor geomagnetic fluctuations.

Any geomagnetic disturbances occurring on our planet directly depend on the processes that are occurring on the Sun at this time.

While flares occur in the regions of dark spots on our star, plasma particles enter space and rush at high speed to the planets of the solar system. When these particles reach the atmosphere of our planet, they cause geomagnetic fluctuations in the Earth.

I would like to warn suspicious and impressionable people from inventing false symptoms and illnesses attributed to geomagnetic fluctuations. Of course, everyone has their own reaction to magnetic storms.

In addition, the issue of the influence of geomagnetic vibrations of the earth on human well-being has not yet been thoroughly studied by scientists. However, it should be noted that the state of our health at the moment directly affects how we react to solar activity.

If you are susceptible to some disease, you have a weakened immune system, you are in a stressful situation, overstressed and emotionally exhausted, then your body may malfunction and react to magnetic storms with a serious deterioration in your condition.

If, on the contrary, you are cheerful, cheerful, healthy and cheerful, most likely you will not even notice the passing magnetic storms and will spend this day no worse than any other.

For the most sensitive people, doctors have developed a system of recommendations. Partial or complete compliance with these rules will help you survive the magnetic storms in October 2017 - November 2017 without any health problems.

In the days preceding magnetic fluctuations and on the days of magnetic storms themselves, refrain from drinking alcohol and eating large amounts of food, including fatty, spicy, and salty foods. During this period, it is better to observe moderation in food and try to focus on healthy foods.

Drink more clean water. Do not neglect teas, compotes, herbal mixtures, chicory. Try to drink drinks that do not have a strong effect on your cardiovascular system. Try to refrain from coffee, strong and invigorating teas.

Try to spend more time outdoors and less time indoors. It is recommended to postpone any heavy physical activity for another period. Walking in the fresh air, on the contrary, will do you good.

During magnetic storms, you can drink soothing herbal tinctures or add them to tea. Motherwort, valerian, sage and some other herbs can help you survive magnetic fluctuations more easily.

Try to avoid quarrels and conflicts. In addition, it is recommended not to take on work that requires concentration or monotony.

If you have any chronic diseases, make sure in advance that you have the necessary medications at hand at all times.

Try to give your body and psyche rest during this difficult period, and then you will survive periods of magnetic fluctuations without any problems!

The essence of magnetic storms is as follows: under the Earth there is a liquid core that generates currents. These currents create the planet's magnetic field. At the moment when currents are released from the Sun and are directed towards the Earth, then the magnetosphere protects planet Earth from the strong solar wind.

As a result, two cosmic energies collide. This phenomenon is called magnetic. The organs in our body also have a certain magnetic field.

If the magnetic storm does not match the frequency with some organs, then our body suffers some malfunction. Plus, it is possible that during magnetic phenomena the psycho-emotional state of a person will change.

Thunderstorms have almost the same effect on humans, the site writes. This factor explains why people have an incomprehensible fear when rain and lightning appear.

To date, scientists have recorded 2 different winds that come from different points of the large star. The planet meets them once every fourteen days.

It is predicted that the Earth will encounter a denser flow after the sixth and seventh of November. Another stream, which is weaker, will meet the planet already on the twenty-fourth, twenty-seventh of October.

It is reported that the coming magnetic events will be of moderate strength. Scientists have measured that the strength of magnetic storms will range from two to five. A five-point storm scale is taken into account here.

The influence of magnetic storms will only be at geographic latitudes of sixty degrees and above. In this case, the impact will be directed towards energy systems.

In the last days of September, as expected, a fairly noticeable magnetic storm occurred, the strength of which turned out to be noticeably higher than what was predicted. If astronomers correctly guessed the dates of this storm, then its level was underestimated. The forecast made in early September called for a G1 storm, which is considered weak, while the storm reached G3 strength on September 28, which is considered a severe storm. Let's find out when magnetic storms are expected in October 2017, and get acquainted with the preliminary schedule of storms by day, made by Russian astronomers.

Magnetic storm forecast for October 2017: preliminary schedule by day

As of the last day of September, the forecasts of astronomers at the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Lebedev Physical Institute indicate one fairly long magnetic storm, which will open the second ten days of the month.

The schedule for the October magnetic storm is as follows:

  • October 11-14 – storm level G1 (classified as weak),
  • October 15-16 – a slightly increased background of solar activity, which does not take the magnetosphere beyond the norm.

Let us remind you that this is a preliminary schedule, and, based on the experience of September, astronomers may miss the upcoming storm.

As early as September 3, astronomers’ forecast for the next four weeks indicated only a weak storm in mid-September, but already on September 6, quite strong solar flares were recorded, which led to a storm in the next few days. These flares came as a complete surprise to astronomers, since in general the Sun was in a quiet phase.

Solar activity at the end of September, as we noted above, was also underestimated. We will continue to monitor the forecasts of Russian astronomers regarding solar activity and the schedule of magnetic storms for October.

As for the hourly schedule, it is compiled closer to the beginning of the storm, when astronomers can track events already occurring and give accurate forecasts of when the flare will reach the Earth's magnetosphere.

Magnetic storm forecast for the second half of October 2017

In mid-October, as predicted at the beginning of the month, a rather strong magnetic storm occurred. According to the latest forecast of astronomers from the Russian Institute of Physical Sciences, another magnetic storm of the G2 level is expected towards the end of October, which was not in the forecast from the beginning of the month. The storm itself is expected on October 24-25, two more days after it residual disturbances of the earth's magnetosphere will be noticeable.

The first month of autumn brought a lot of problems to all of us. In October, the Sun will be relatively calm, so you should not expect serious magnetic storms. Despite the relative calm, a couple of surprises await us.

Of course, in the modern world, Earth's magnetic activity due to the solar wind is rarely a surprise. Weather-sensitive people can know in advance the most dangerous days in any upcoming month.

Possible magnetic storms

Perhaps the solar wind will excite the magnetosphere as early as October 1st. This will be the aftermath of a strong outbreak that occurred at the end of September. The probability that excitement will develop into a storm is approximately 2%, which is extremely low.

It is also worth noting the possible excitation of the Earth’s magnetosphere during the period from October 23 to October 26. These days a storm of the first level or a long period of excitement is possible. Analysis of sunspots cannot yet give an exact answer, but the probability of a storm will be about 10%.

Magnetic storm from October 11 to 14

The solar wind caused by the solar flare on October 9 will reach Earth around October 11. The negative impact will immediately be quite strong. Almost all weather-sensitive people will feel this effect by the second day of magnetic excitation. Proper rest will help you cheer up - walks in the fresh air, meditation, relaxation.

Since the storm will be protracted, it will be harder and harder to hold on every day. Even healthy people can feel this pressure from the outside. Fatigue will be increased. It may seem to you that absolutely everything is against you, but no burden of problems will break you if you set yourself up correctly.

Increase your energy using any available methods: water procedures, walks, communication with pleasant people, and practicing your hobbies will help with this. Your health always depends to a large extent on yourself, so don’t try to look for reasons - look for solutions to problems.

Magnetic storms are a common occurrence that leads to deterioration in the health of weather-sensitive people. During the period of magnetic activity, emissions occur on the surface of the sun, the so-called solar wind appears, which brings disturbance to the geomagnetic field of the Earth. As a result, a number of people suffer from headaches, blood pressure and other disorders. Experts have compiled a schedule of magnetic storms in October 2019 by day and time, which will help you prepare.​

Dates of magnetic disturbances

Experts make fairly accurate forecasts 27 days before solar flares, and 3 days before the event they provide a 100% accurate disturbance schedule.

These unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in October can be alleviated if you prepare in advance for magnetic field disruption.

Who is at risk

Women are most sensitive to storms due to solar wind. Among them, pregnant girls especially stand out. Changes in the magnetic field are no less difficult for infants and people over 50 years of age.

    Do magnetic storms affect your health?

Weather-sensitive people should be placed in a separate category. These can be adults and children, people with or without chronic diseases. On favorable days they may seem completely healthy, but when the geomagnetic field is disrupted, a number of negative symptoms arise.

What effect do magnetic disturbances have on humans? Symptoms may vary:

  1. and dizziness. People who suffer from migraines are especially prone to pain.
  2. Irritability, emotional instability. A person can suddenly fall into apathy, experience bouts of sadness, and become angry at others for almost no reason. If mental abnormalities are present, they intensify during storms.
  3. Increased blood pressure. Sudden jumps can lead to adverse consequences.
  4. Cardiac dysfunction. Often, during strong magnetic storms, the number of heart attacks increases.
  5. Increased menstrual pain if girls are exposed to the disorder during the corresponding period of the cycle.
  6. Exacerbation of a number of chronic diseases, mainly associated with joints.

If on the days indicated in the table some of the listed symptoms or a combination of them occur, then the person is weather sensitive.

But you shouldn’t stop at self-diagnosis. It's better to see a doctor. He will determine how the storm affects a person and prescribe therapeutic medications or preventive measures.

How to prepare for storms

Depending on how the storm affects a person, they can either prepare pain medications in advance or abandon all their plans and stay home. To reduce the likelihood of the second option, you should prepare in advance for disturbances on favorable days:

  1. 2-3 days before the storm begins, exclude fried, highly salted, fatty or spicy foods from your diet. Eat mainly stewed or steamed foods.
  2. Be outdoors more often. A walk in the park will help reduce the intensity of pain.
  3. Avoid physical, mental and emotional stress.

Prevention consists of strengthening blood vessels. A weekly visit to the pool, contrast showers and aerobic exercise will help improve your cardiovascular system.

Where is the impact greatest?

For weather-sensitive people, in October they will feel it much more strongly if they find themselves in the metro or near the airport during storms. These objects enhance the Earth's magnetic fields. As a result, travelers, as well as those who simply go to work or school, experience headaches and irritation more than others.

This is due to the fact that residents of northern regions generally receive less solar influence on humans. We are not talking about ultraviolet radiation, but about the impact on magnetic fields. As a result, people who are not accustomed to disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field react sensitively to even slight deviations. For those who grew up in the middle zone or in the south, this effect is not terrible: the body develops a kind of “immunity”, so the impact of the sun is felt weaker.

What can be concluded? Those who seriously suffer from magnetic storms should temporarily avoid traveling by underground transport and air travel. Then the negative impact on a person will partially decrease.

So, October is the mildest period of 2019 for weather-sensitive citizens. There are 28 favorable days, and only 3 potentially dangerous ones. If you prepare for unrest in advance, then the symptoms may not manifest themselves at all.

Our planet will be hit by a powerful magnetic storm caused by a massive explosion on the Sun. A high degree of geomagnetic disturbances will not only affect human health, but also create serious interference in the operation of technical devices. Be vigilant: an increase in industrial accidents and traffic accidents is expected.

Magnetic storm today 2017

The distinctive feature that it has is its growing nature. If the first critical day is of low intensity, then already on October 26, 2017 we can talk about a real geomagnetic storm!

Experts say that there will be two flares on the Sun, so two streams of solar wind alternately rush towards the Earth. The overlap of two energy flows will give the magnetic storm special brightness and power.

Solar flare October 2017

The density of the solar wind on “critical days” will double and provoke a sharp deterioration in the health of weather-sensitive people. Scientists warn that the number of magnetic storms will only increase in the future, as it becomes increasingly difficult to predict events in advance.

The daylight behaves unpredictably, as proven by the most powerful solar flare in the last 12 years in September. Now the daylight is experiencing the final period of its 11-year cycle of activity, but the powerful explosions shaking it indicate the complex nature of these phenomena.

What to do when there is a magnetic storm 2017

The best recipe against “critical days” in the Sun is healthy sleep, a balanced diet, avoiding watching news on TV and warm clothes in bright colors.

Scientists have found that warm shades such as orange, red and yellow increase the content of happiness hormones (dopamine, endorphin and serotonin) in the brain. Therefore, a new scarf, handbag or brightly colored gloves will have a beneficial effect on your overall well-being. On the days when strong magnetic storm October 25-27, 2017 comes into its own, do not forget about preventive treatment. So, aspirin will come to the aid of hypertensive patients, a gentle diet is indicated for diabetics, but people with diseases of the central nervous system need to drink sedative pills and medicinal herbs.