By using gypsy fortune telling at 36 playing cards You can get not only information about the future, but also see the present and the past. The method of fortune telling is quite short and does not require special skills.

Preparing for fortune telling

The cards you are going to use to tell fortunes should only be used for fortune telling. Hold a deck of cards in your hands for a while, mentally focusing on the side of life that interests you - this can be either success in business or a question about your personal life. Shuffle the deck thoroughly, then remove it from it with your left hand.

Layout method

Lay out the cards in three horizontal rows of three cards each. The first row symbolizes the past, the second the present, and the third the future. Then draw one card from the deck at random, which will represent your deepest thoughts and desires. You can begin to interpret the alignment. If the cards do not give a clear answer to your questions, you can clarify the situation with the help of additional cards, which should be taken from the middle of the deck at random, but no more than one card for each row.

See other methods of fortune telling with playing cards:

Video: Fortune telling gypsy maps. Gypsy fortune telling on love and relationships

The meaning of cards in fortune telling


Ace - native home, house of a brown-haired or brown-haired woman;

King- middle-aged brown-haired man;

Lady- for a man - a wife or lover, for a woman - a rival, relative or friend (depending on neighboring cards). Sometimes this card represents the mother.

Jack- troubles related to personal life, concerns of a brown-haired man or woman;

Ten- interest or sympathy;

Nine- happiness in love, a bright feeling for a brown-haired or brown-haired woman;

Eight- romantic conversation, conversation with a brown-haired man or a brown-haired woman;

Seven- a romantic meeting, a date with a fair-haired man;

Six- a road, but not a long one.


Ace- government house, work environment, house of a dark-haired man;

King- middle-aged brunette;

Lady- for a man - an employee, wife or lover (depending on neighboring cards), for a woman - an ill-wisher, an envious friend, a rival;

Jack- the troubles of a dark-haired man, work;

Ten- the interest of a brunette or brunette, in some cases - the pretense of the immediate environment;

Nine- love of a dark-haired man, new sympathy;

Eight- conversation with a brunette, talk about work;

Seven- meeting with a dark-haired man;

Six- business trip, road of a brunette or brunette.


Ace- news, solving problems with documents, house of a blonde or blond;

King- young unmarried guy, blond;

Lady- for a man - a daughter or a young lover, for a woman - a younger relative or rival;

Jack- concerns of a fair-haired man, work with documents;

Ten- interest of a blonde or blond, success at work;

Nine- love of a fair-haired person, passionate love;

Eight- conversation with a blond or blonde, business conversation;

Seven- a love date or a meeting of a business nature (depending on the cards that fell nearby);

Six- a close road, a visit or departure of a blond or blonde.


Ace- point up - meeting with friends, drinking, point down - severe shock;

King- chief, official, military man, old man;

Lady- an influential and evil woman;

Jack- failure of plans;

Ten- surprise, which can be both pleasant and undesirable;

Nine- separation, health problems, grief;

Eight- next to the king or queen - booze, bad environment. In other cases, it means an unpleasant conversation, a scandal;

Seven- mental anguish, tears;

Six- long or late journey. Next to a picture card can indicate a foreigner or a person who often travels on business trips. Sometimes it is interpreted as belated sees, being late.

Video: The meaning of cards when fortune telling for the future (layout of a deck of 36 cards)

Gypsy fortune telling with 10 cards is a very famous and simple way of fortune telling. It came from ancient times and with its help you can learn about the past, present and future. For fortune telling, a regular deck consisting of 36 cards is used.

Rules of the gypsy layout for 10 cards

Gypsy fortune telling “10 cards” is considered very reliable. But to do this you need to use a deck that has not previously been used for the game. Some professional fortune tellers claim that it is better to use a special deck of black and red gypsy cards, painted in the traditional colors of the nomadic people. It is believed that such a deck carries special energy, which means it provides reliable information during fortune telling.

The basic rule of successful fortune telling is a person’s sincere desire to receive a correct prediction. Fortune telling should be done in a secluded place. It is very important to shuffle the cards well, this will allow you to establish an energetic connection with them. You should remove cards with your left hand towards you.

Fortune telling with gypsy cards for free begins with one card being randomly drawn from the deck. It is called a fortune card and indicates what is in a person's heart. This card is placed at the bottom of the layout. Next, three rows of three cards are laid out above it. In this case, the top row tells about a person’s past, the middle row symbolizes the present, and the bottom row predicts the future. It is important to interpret each card in the layout separately, and then pay attention to the combination of cards as a whole.

The peaks in this alignment indicate existing problems and obstacles on the path to happiness. In addition, the cards focus attention on a person’s internal anxieties that interfere with him.

The basic values ​​of cards in the suit of spades are as follows:

  • An ace portends serious trouble. Sometimes the card is a harbinger of a serious blow or death to a person in the immediate environment. In combination with the Queen of Spades, the Ace predicts separation, litigation, and imprisonment. With the nine of hearts, the card foretells making a profit, and with the six of hearts, it predicts the onset of a happy time.
  • The king symbolizes the official person. With the nine of spades, this card is a harbinger of a serious illness, and with the seven of clubs, it predicts an unsuccessful meeting. When the king and queen of hearts appear, you should expect the end of the black streak.
  • The lady symbolizes an insidious and cunning woman. With the nine of hearts, the card predicts the occurrence of obstacles in love; with the seven of spades, the lady warns of a threat.
  • Jack foreshadows the receipt of unpleasant news. With the jack of clubs, this card predicts useless troubles.
  • Ten is a harbinger of difficult things life period, which will be filled with hard work.
  • Nine predicts a period filled with troubles and illnesses.
  • The number eight symbolizes scandals, disappointments and resentments.
  • Seven warns that you will encounter deception or theft.
  • Six emphasizes that life will be filled with disappointments.

The club cards in the layout tell about business sphere the person on whom fortune telling is being performed.

They mean the following:

  • The ace symbolizes the state house and warns of serious matters that will require immediate resolution. Next to the king of clubs, the card gives hope that you will receive timely help. With the Ace of Hearts, the card draws attention to the fact that assistance will be provided by an official. With the nine of diamonds, the ace predicts a big profit.
  • The king symbolizes a middle-aged man. With the nine of clubs, the card predicts great joy, and with the seven of hearts, it foretells prosperity and good luck.
  • The lady symbolizes a middle-aged woman. With the Ace of Spades, the card predicts the occurrence of interference in work that will interfere with career advancement.
  • The jack symbolizes the arrival of news, and its nature can be judged by the neighboring cards.
  • Ten symbolizes entrepreneurship and business interest.
  • Nine predicts the onset of a successful period in work.
  • Eight is a harbinger of tears and sadness.
  • Seven foretells a meeting in a government house.
  • The number six symbolizes a person's hopes and dreams, sometimes indicating a romantic journey.

Cards of the diamond suit describe the state of a person’s soul.

Their basic values ​​are as follows:

  • The Ace symbolizes cash or important papers, but can be a harbinger of exciting news.
  • The king symbolizes a young free man.
  • The lady symbolizes the young unmarried girl, sometimes focuses on the fact that a rival has appeared in life.
  • Jack foreshadows disappointed hopes and emotional distress.
  • Ten focuses on monetary interest; in addition, the card can be predictive. that all plans will come true if other cards in the layout are positive.
  • Nine portends receiving a large amount of money.
  • Eight indicates that a pleasant conversation or meeting will take place in the near future.
  • Seven predicts successful money transactions and the conclusion of lucrative contracts.
  • Six is ​​a harbinger of a short journey.

Cards of the heart suit tell about the spiritual sphere of a person.

They describe relationships between people and can be interpreted as follows:

  • Ace is a symbol hearth and home and a harbinger of a happy and prosperous life.
  • The king symbolizes a married young man.
  • The lady symbolizes a married young woman.
  • Jack foretells pleasant and joyful chores.
  • Ten speaks of a certain interest or surprise, in addition, it indicates that a secret desire will come true.
  • Nine symbolizes mutual feelings.
  • Eight foretells that a cordial, very sincere conversation with a loved one will soon take place.
  • Seven indicates a romantic date.
  • Six symbolizes a short-term love interest.

As you know, gypsies are famous for their ability to various fortune telling. Since ancient times, people have tried to find an interpretation of fate using cards. And, by the way, fortune telling in gypsy is already over a hundred years old. In our article we will tell you about this ancient way to find out your future. For fortune telling, you only need a deck of 36 cards. You will be able to get a prediction and clarify many points in your life.

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Photo gallery: Gypsy fortune telling with cards: the meaning of the cards, how to tell fortunes in Gypsy on playing cards

Gypsy fortune telling with playing cards

So, take the deck. It is best to take a new one or one that is intended for fortune telling, and not for games. Mentally ask a question of interest. Shuffle. You only need to remove cards with your left hand towards your heart. Lay out three rows of three cards. Place the tenth in the middle down. The top row represents your past. The middle row tells about the present. The bottom row is your future. And the last hidden card will predict the most important events in your life. Next, we will give the meaning of the cards. Note that you can search for free gypsy fortune telling on the Internet. As a rule, online, people are offered to find out their destiny using Tarot cards or using a simple regular deck.

The meaning of gypsy cards in fortune telling

Each card has its own and general meaning. Spades indicate worries and problems, hearts are responsible for love and relationships, clubs tell about work and career, diamonds help to look into the soul.

  • Ace is a serious matter
  • King - denotes a man, perhaps there will be a meeting with the boss
  • The lady is your business partner
  • Jack - problems at work
  • 10 – good map, indicating a salary increase
  • 9 – attachment to someone
  • 8 – talk about work-related matters
  • 7 – meeting with business partners
  • 6 – business trip

Let's move on to the tambourines.

  • Ace is news
  • The king is a single man
  • Lady - friend or lover
  • Jack - problems and experiences
  • 10 – your plans and desires
  • 9 – flirting
  • 8 – heartfelt conversation
  • 7 – business meeting
  • 6 - travel

There are peaks left. Pay attention to them Special attention, they symbolize dangers and obstacles on the path to happiness.

  • Ace is bad news
  • King means swipe
  • The lady is your enemy, aggression and anger
  • Jack - experiences
  • 10 – all plans and dreams can collapse like a house of cards
  • 9 - illness
  • 8 - unpleasant conversation
  • 7 – meeting with an unpleasant person, tears and resentment
  • 6 - long journey

Gypsies are an amazing people who have been famous since ancient times for their abilities in fortune telling, predictions and hypnosis. There are special fortune telling on gypsy fortune telling cards, but they are not so easy to find, so fortune telling on them is not so simple and accessible. However, any gypsy will tell her fate even after a quick gypsy fortune-telling on simple playing cards.

Gypsy fortune telling with 10 cards

Many are sure that only fortune telling with gypsy cards “Gypsy” can give concrete results. However, to learn all the most important things, it is not at all necessary to purchase any special tools. You can perform gypsy fortune-telling using 36 cards, which can be bought anywhere. If you have such a deck and have never played it, it is quite suitable for predictions. If the deck was previously used for the game, you cannot guess: the cards will tell a lie.

So, take a new deck, shuffle it, remove it with your left hand to the heart and lay out three rows of three cards, and place the last one, the tenth, in the center below. The top row is your past, the middle row is the present and near future, the bottom row is the future. The last card indicates what is in your heart and foretells the most important events for you.

As a rule, fortune telling on cards such as the gypsy layout provides very deep knowledge and a good understanding of the current situation.

General gypsy layout

Shuffle the deck, move it towards your heart with your left hand, and lay out 7 cards in order: the first in the center, and the rest below in two columns of 3 cards each. You need to understand them like this:

  1. 1 – how things are;
  2. 2 – how a person tries to show this situation to others;
  3. 3 – what hides;
  4. 4 – what he strives for, what he desires;
  5. 5 – what will come of it;
  6. 6 – what will it give in the future;
  7. 7 – how it will affect life.

Both fortune telling should be interpreted based on the classical method of determining cards by meaning. In addition, if the meaning of any card from this layout is not too clear, then you should take one card out of the deck at random and place it next to the unknown card. This way you can clarify the meaning. There is no need to add an add-on to every card - use it only where it is really necessary.

Gypsy fortune telling: the meaning of the cards

As a rule, all crosses have a meaning that speaks of affairs, work, finances, all diamonds mean something related to your personality, hearts - matters of the heart and spades - various anxieties and problems. In addition, each card has a separate meaning:


  • 6 – business trip;
  • 7 – business meeting;
  • 8 – talk about business;
  • 9 – strong heart;
  • 10 – profit, money;
  • Jack - troubles, problems;
  • Lady - mother, relative, partner;
  • King - boss or colleague;
  • Ace is the deal.


  • 6 – road,
  • 7 – love meeting;
  • 8 – heart-to-heart conversations;
  • 9 – love;
  • 10 – hopes, plans and dreams;
  • Jack – problems and questions;
  • Lady - woman, wife;
  • King - married man;
  • Ace is a home.

No one can know their fate... But when you really want to, you can try, especially since the art of fortune telling on cards contains a huge number of different layouts that allow you to look into a person’s future, consider the dangers that await him, and determine the main milestones of his life. life path. The best of these alignments are rightfully considered to be ancient fortune-telling techniques, practiced to this day by a rather narrow circle of specialists. This, in particular, is the “Thirty-two cards” fortune telling on cards. It is believed that it is one of the most vivid fortune-telling gypsies, with the help of which they accurately tell everything about a person - from his childhood to his last breath, predicting joys and sorrows, ups and downs. Of course, perhaps the very fact that this technique is practiced by this particular nation may arouse suspicion among many people, but we should not forget that the gypsies have become very skilled in sorcery over the years of wandering and wandering around the world. And in Europe of the 19th century, this alignment was very popular, which clearly indicates in its favor. So, let's begin!

You can also check out one of the fortune telling options in the video:

  1. To carry out this fortune telling, you will need a standard deck consisting of thirty-six playing cards. It is better if it is new, freshly purchased or already “tamed” by the one who will make the layout. All sixes should be selected from it, resulting in the desired deck of thirty-two cards. This is exactly what the gypsies used to guess in the old days.
  2. As in every classic scenario, the purpose of which is to clarify certain life circumstances specific person, in fortune telling “32 cards”, first of all, you need to decide on the suit and value of the card that will symbolize the one you are telling fortunes about. And here a non-usual determination technique is used (choosing a card depending on age and marital status personality), and the method of portrait resemblance, based on the features of a person’s appearance. For example:
    • A brunette woman is designated as the queen of spades, a brunette man is designated as the jack of spades.
    • A woman with dark brown hair is the queen of clubs, a dark brown man is the jack of clubs.
    • A woman with light brown hair is the queen of diamonds, a light brown man is the jack of diamonds.
    • The blonde woman will be represented as the queen of hearts, the blonde man will be the jack of hearts.
  3. After selecting the main “client” card, it is put back into the deck, and now you can proceed directly to fortune telling.

As you can see, age and the presence of a family do not affect the choice of card in any way; probably, all these points will become clear during fortune telling. Another oddity of this layout: men are designated by jacks, not kings, as is usually the case.

How to lay out the cards correctly

  1. First, you should shuffle the deck well, and then ask the person to whom the fortune is told (whose card was chosen as the main one) to remove most of it from the deck and put it on the table.
  2. You have two stacks: one is smaller, the other is larger, now you need to repeat the procedure of removing most of the cards, but from the second stack.
  3. When you have three groups of cards, you will need to last time remove some of them from the third pile.
  4. As a result, there will be four small piles of cards left on the table.
  5. At the next stage, it is important to correctly collect all the cards taken by the one who is being told fortunes, together. To do this, you need to follow the following sequence: the first stack of playing cards is placed on the second, the resulting stack is placed on the third, and then all together is placed on top of the fourth stack.
  6. As a result, we have a system of cards that fully corresponds to the karma and fate of the person for whom it is being read. Please note that the resulting order of cards must not be changed under any circumstances!

The hardest part is over, now all that remains is to lay out all the cards in our non-standard deck in the order in which they lie, and begin to interpret the fortune-telling.

  1. The cards should be laid out in four rows of eight pieces each, while the deck should be held in the left hand, the cards should be removed from above, without disturbing the order.
  2. When considering this fortune telling using playing cards, you should start with the “heart” of the layout - the main or client card. Everything that is located next to it is fundamentally important, fateful phenomena and events that determine the life of a given person.
  3. The farther this or that card is from the main one, the less its significance for a person.
  4. The most distant cards need not be read, since they are practically insignificant for the individual.

So, with an eye on this information, we begin the interpretation from nearest maps, gradually moving away from the main one.

Let's move on to the interpretation of cards

First of all, it should be understood that in this layout all cards with images of people symbolize specific individuals and have no other meaning (as is the case in traditional layouts). Even moreover, cards of the same suit as the client himself represent his closest relatives: jacks and kings - men (father, brother, husband), queens - women (mother, sister, wife). Cards of the same color as the client’s suit are friends, colleagues and associates (the person’s inner circle), but cards of the opposite color are strangers, who, however, may have some influence on this person. But if a jack and a queen appear side by side in a layout, then they symbolize a married couple.

The interpretation of the remaining cards should be found in this list:

Note! When interpreting this layout, it is also important to note the relative position of the cards, since they can complement and explain each other’s meanings.

This fortune telling is considered one of the most reliable that exists today. No wonder it is called gypsy and is in demand among professional fortune tellers. The layout is time-tested and rarely fails. However, if you have such an opportunity, you can once again confirm the future forecast obtained on the basis of such divination by using alternative options, such as fortune telling with Tarot cards. In addition, it is believed that Tarot was also brought to European countries from the east thanks to the nomadic gypsy tribes.