Target: development of non-standard thinking.

Description. A pair (group) of children receives a card with five questions presented on it. After the discussion, a representative of the pair (group) comes to the board, voices a question and gives a prepared answer. The teacher invites the children to discuss other possible options.

Card 1

1. Did A. Pushkin like to listen to the radio? (In the time of A. Pushkin there was no radio.)

2. December came, three cornflowers bloomed, and then another one. How many cornflowers have blossomed? (Not at all: there are no cornflowers in December.)

3. What is a “cool thing”? (Fishing.)

4. Who is grasping at straws? (The one who drinks the cocktail.)

5. Who sits with his back to the king? (Coachman.)

Card 2

1. 7 brothers were walking, each brother had one sister. How many people walked? (8 people.)

2. My father's child, but not my brother. Who is this? (Sister.)

3. From under the gate you can see 8 cat paws. How many cats are there in the yard? (Two.)

4. When can you cut your hand on water? (When she is in a state of ice.)

5. What did the merchant use to buy the hat? (For money.)

Card 3

1. On what road do they drive for half a year and walk for half a year? (By water.)

2. The children made a snow woman, after which 14 wet mittens dried on the radiator. How many children have made a snow woman? (Sevens)

3. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down).

4. Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend? (10 minutes.)

5. Which is easier: a pound of iron or a pound of hay? (They weigh the same.)

Card 4

1. Which river is the scariest? (Tiger.)

2. How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (Not at all.)

3. Can a whale call itself a fish? (No, because he can't speak.)

4. When they build new house What do you drive the first nail into? (In a hat.)

5. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)

Card 5

1. Who throws themselves into work? (Diver.)

2. What is not in the river, but is in the lake, sea, ocean? (Letters O.)

3. Which key does not strike and does not unlock? (Note.)

4. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All months.)

5. How to divide 6 pears between six girls so that each gets a pear and one pear remains on the plate? (Give one girl a pear along with the plate.)

Card 6

1. What is thrown away when there is a need, and picked up when this need disappears? (Anchor.)

2. Who is a jack of all trades? (Glover.)

3. Which chain cannot be lifted? (Mountain.)

4. How to write the word “mousetrap” in five letters? ("Cat".)

5. How can you read the word “mother”? (Left to right only.)

Card 7

1. How to divide five potatoes equally among two people? (Cook the puree and divide into portions.)

2. What question cannot be answered with the word “no”? ("You are alive?".)

3. To what point does the hare run into the forest? (To the edge of the forest, then he runs through the forest.)

4. What do fish and chatterboxes have in common? (Both of them open their mouths endlessly.)

5. How to make four out of three sticks without breaking them? (Add the Roman numeral IV.)

Card 8

1. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken.)

2. The name of which river is in your mouth? (Gum.)

3. What has a head but no brain? (Onion garlic.)

4. How to write “dry grass” in four letters? ("Hay".)

5. What stands between the mountain and the valley? (Letter I.)

Card 9

1. What mathematical operation teaches you not to be greedy? (Division.)

2. Can there be summer in autumn? (Yes, Indian summer.)

3. Which day of the week is neither feminine nor masculine? (Sunday.)

4. Who is upside down above us? (Fly.)

5. The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made? (Two.)

Card 10

1. Who didn’t find work on the land? (To the astronauts.)

2. Who did the proverb deprive of boots? (Shoemaker.)

3. Did Peter I like to watch TV? (In the time of Peter I there were no televisions.)

4. Grandma Masha has a grandson Sasha, a cat Ryzhik, and a dog Pyzhik. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (One grandson.)

5. The name of which river can be found among girls of almost any class? (Lena.)

Is your child going to first grade in a couple of months? He is already so mature and independent. Soon he will begin to gnaw on science and absorb knowledge... Many mothers are very worried whether the baby is ready for school, whether it will be difficult for him there. The issue of a child’s readiness for school is very important, since the first impression of school and the subsequent desire or reluctance to attend it, as well as success, depend on readiness. Experts (teachers and psychologists) will help you find out how ready your child is for school. Wherein psychological readiness to school is very important aspect, so you shouldn’t neglect it.

Today we invite you to check the general erudition of your “without five minutes” student, his general level thinking, outlook. To do this, we offer a list of 35 questions that a 6-year-old child should answer:

  1. What is your name? Your last name? Surname?
  2. How old are you, how old will you be in a year, and in 2 years?
  3. When's your birthday?
  4. How is your mother's name? Full name with surname and patronymic.
  5. What's dad's name? Full name with surname and patronymic.
  6. When is your mom's birthday? (it is enough to name only the month)
  7. When is your dad's birthday? (it is enough to name only the month)
  8. Where do your parents work? By whom?
  9. What country do we live in?
  10. What is the name of the city where you live?
  11. Give me your address phone number mom or dad.
  12. What to do if you suddenly get lost?
  13. What to do if you cut yourself?
  14. How much does a loaf of white (gray) bread cost?
  15. Do you smell gas in the apartment? What to do?
  16. What to do if you offended a friend?
  17. Where is the ice thicker - near the shore or in the middle of the reservoir?
  18. Why can't we, visitors, feed the animals at the zoo?
  19. What day is today? What will it be like tomorrow? What was it like yesterday?
  20. Name the seasons.
  21. How are squirrels and crows similar and different?
  22. How to call it in one word: pear, rose, nettle, oak?
  23. Why do they lower the barrier before the train leaves?
  24. What time is it now?
  25. When do you go to bed?
  26. What is the name of a baby cow, sheep, or horse?
  27. Why does a car need brakes?
  28. What do a hammer and an ax have in common?
  29. What is the difference between a nail and a bolt? How to distinguish them?
  30. Name 5 domestic and 5 wild animals.
  31. Name 5 cities.
  32. What types of transport do you know?
  33. What is the difference an old man from a young man?
  34. Why play sports?
  35. Why go to school?

It is worth paying attention if the child cannot answer most of these questions. Perhaps he should study some more, or perhaps he does not understand what is being asked, or perhaps he simply does not want to answer... If only a few questions remain without the correct answer, then your 6-year-old has a broad outlook and has a fairly high level of erudition .

1. What is the name of the liquid cosmetic product for washing hair? (Shampoo.)

2. What is a rubber pacifier for a baby called? (Dummy.)

3. What is another name for the children's toy top? (Yula.)

4. How many months does a year consist of? (12.)

5. What is a strand of hair that is curled or curly called? (Curl.)

6. What is the name of a children's winter cart with 2 runners? (Sled.)

7. What month begins winter? (December.)

8. What is the name of the special book in which students’ progress is noted? (Magazine.)

9. What is the name of a measure of length equal to 10 centimeters? (Decimeter.)

10. Name the colors of the stripes on the flag in order Russian Federation. (White blue red.)

11. Which animal ate the grasshopper in the song from the cartoon “The Adventures of Dunno”? (Frog.)

12. Which note is followed by the note “D”? (Before.)

13. What color is obtained when red and yellow are combined? (Orange.)

14. What bird has forty “A”s in its name? (Magpie.)

15. What is the name of the household electrical appliance for grinding coffee beans? (Electric coffee grinder.)

16. What is the name of the device for preserving food at low temperatures? (Fridge.)

17. What is the name of a vehicle designed to fly people into space? (Spaceship.)

18. Which character from E. Uspensky’s fairy tale shot pigeons with a slingshot? (Old woman Shapoklyak.)

19. Which character in K. Chukovsky’s poem “Telephone” asks to send galoshes? (Crocodile.)

20. What book did Carlo Buratino’s dad buy when he sold his jacket? (ABC.)

21. Which character captivated main character poem "Tsokotukha Fly"? (Spider.)

22. What is another name for the boletus mushroom? (White.)

23. To what celestial body did Dunno and Donut fly? (Moon.)

24. What bird does not have its own nest? (Cuckoo.)

25. Which bird has the smallest body size in the world? It can be confused with an insect. (Hummingbird.)

26. Who sings this song?

If I'm scratching my head, it's okay.

There is sawdust in my head, yes, yes, yes. (Winnie the Pooh.)

27. What is the stem of a word? (Part of a word or word without ending.)

28. Baba Yaga's home. (A hut on chicken legs.)

29. Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the prince’s wife? (Frog.)

30. What did Cinderella lose? (Crystal slipper.)

31. The device on which Baba Yaga flies. (Mortar.)

32. Cheerful onion man. (Cipollino.)

33. Hero of the Russian folk tale traveling on a stove. (Emelya.)

34. How many brothers did Ivan the Fool have? (Two.)

35. The smartest shorty of the Flower City. (Knowledge.)

36. Postman of the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin.)

37. Who spoke magic words: “Fly, fly, petal, through the west, to the east...”? (Zhenya.)

38. Who caught the unusual pike? (Emelya.)

39. Who did the ugly duckling become? (Swan.)

40. Who got into Through the Looking Glass? (Alice.)

41. There are only three in this tale: three heroes, each with three objects. Name this fairy tale. ("Three Bears".)

42. What city were the heroes of the fairy tale “The Bremen Town Musicians” from? (Bremen.)

43. It flashes over the flower, dances, and waves its patterned fan. (Butterfly.)

44. The miracle stove stretched out like an accordion under the window. (Battery.)

45. That was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ. (Maria.)

46. ​​Strong wooden house

With a small round window.

He stands on a long leg,

To prevent cats from getting in. (Birdhouse.)

47. People always have it,

Ships always have them. (Nose.)

48. Lives in the water, has no beak, but pecks. (Fish.)

49. Relative of the bench. (Shop.)

50. They don’t sow, they don’t plant,

They grow up on their own. (Hair.)

51. He will come running and hide the sun, and then cry some more. (Cloud.)

52. A beautiful picture that can be stuck anywhere without glue. (Sticker.)

53. A farm cat, whom Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino loves very much. (Matroskin.)

54. They are rowed while sailing a boat. (Paddle.)

55. In it salty water, you can’t drink it at all. (Sea.)

56. What the long snake lay down in the middle of the street,

As soon as you turn on the tap, it will flow and flow? (Hose.)

57. Who is in charge on the ship? (Captain.)

58. Warm house in the garden for cucumbers and tomatoes. (Greenhouse, greenhouse.)

59. What was the name of the owner of the Little Humpbacked Horse? (Ivan.)

60. Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver;

He must know a lot

Because he... (artist).

61. What was the famous fairy tale soldier made of? (Tin.)

62. I need this notebook to put grades there. (Diary.)

63. According to Shapoklyak, so green and flat. (Crocodile Gena.)

64. From whom did the dishes run away? (From Fedora.)

65. This is what your mom and dad’s vacations are called. (Vacation.)

66. What is the name of the number that appears in a schoolchild’s diary? (Grade.)

67. First you need to brew it, and then drink it. (Tea.)

68. What is the short name for a flying saucer? (UFO.)

69. This is what they call an orange, an apple, and a tangerine. (Fruit.)

70. The sailors “tear” her. (Deck.)

71. What is another name for a good or evil sorceress in fairy tales? (Fairy.)

72. His scythe will mow the field,

In winter, cows feed on it. (Hay.)

73. Seven brothers in the calendar - 5 work and 2 rest. (A week.)

74. He is afraid of everything in the world. (Coward.)

75. He gets to his house on the roof using a motor on his back. (Carlson.)

76. In the fog, he sends his light to ships - a saving signal. (Lighthouse.)

77. They lay me on the mattress, I call it... (sheet).

78. Inside it is cold, cold, it is opened by a hungry person. (Fridge.)

79. There is glass in the window and a picture on the wall. (Frame.)

80. A lamp standing on the floor on a long leg. (Floor lamp.)

81. Neither a ship, nor a boat, nor oars, nor sails, but if it floats, it does not sink. (Raft.)

82. What were the names of the first two people whom the Lord created? (Adam and Eve.)

83. This product, which is made from milk, is usually eaten with pancakes. (Sour cream.)

84. Hanging in the garden, among the trees, you can swing in it and sleep. (GIamak.)

85. This boy was raised by animals. (Mowgli.)

86. We have Santa Claus, and in Europe - ... (Santa Claus.)

87. Satirical children's film magazine. (“Jumble.”)

90. What did the Wolf use to catch fish in the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”? (Tail.)

91. Frozen water. (Ice.)

92. If you don’t abandon it, the ship will sail away. (Anchor.)

93. Sugar in pieces. (Refined sugar.)

94. Bottom of shoes. (Sole.)

95. Bed sheet for the little ones. (Diaper.)

96. Granddaughter of Santa Claus. (Snow Maiden.)

97. Fairytale hat. (Invisible.)

98. Not attending school without a good reason. (Absenteeism.)

99. The shortest month. (February.)

100. Chief chimney specialist. (Chimney sweep.)

Ivanova Olga Yurievna
Quiz for children 6–7 years old

Station "Warm-up".

Questions for the 1st team:

Last month of the year? (December)

Cow as a child? (calf)

A bun overgrown with needles? (hedgehog)

A device for measuring time? (watch)

List the 7 days of the week?

What day of the week was yesterday?

How to cross the road correctly if there is no traffic light nearby?

What means "bite your tongue"? (shut up)

What is the name of our city? (Cheboksary)

Questions for team 2.

Last day of the week? (Sunday)

How many months are there in a year? (12) List it.

Chicken as a child? (chick)

Appliance for washing clothes? (Washing machine)

What 7 colors does a rainbow consist of?

What means "beat the buck"? (sit back)

What should you do if there is a fire?

At what time of year do birds build nests? (spring)

Name of the country where we live? (Russia)

Station "Fairy tale".

Questions for the 1st team:

What did Cinderella's carriage turn into? (into pumpkin)

What color is Malvina's hair? (blue)

Who was the owner of the house in the village of Prostokvashino? (Uncle Fedor)

What did Pinocchio get from the turtle? (Golden Key)

Who had size 45 feet? (Uncle Styopa)

What is the name of the fairy tale in which the cat wore shoes? (Puss in Boots)

What was the name of the hen that laid the golden egg? (Ryaba)

Questions for the 2nd team:

Who grew up in the jungle? (Maungli)

Gena's crocodile friend? (Cheburashka)

Which fairy tale character ate Kolobok? (Fox)

Most "the best flyer in the world"? (Carlson)

What is the name of the girl to whom her grandmother gave a red riding hood? (Little Red Riding Hood)

How many dwarfs did Snow White have? (seven)

The most terrible and treacherous hero of fairy tales? (Baba Yaga)

Station "Folk Crafts"

Questions for the 1st team:

Let me be your best friend

It will become a Russian toy.

And it’s not for nothing that all the museums

They value it and are proud of it.

The girlfriends are different in height, but they look alike

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (Matryoshka)

Scarlet silk handkerchief

Bright sundress with flowers,

The hand rests on the wooden sides.

And there are secrets inside:

Maybe 3, or maybe 6.

The first doll is fat, but inside it is empty,

It splits into two halves.

There is another doll living in it in the middle.

Got a little flushed

Our Russian (matryoshka).

Merry white clay,

Circles, stripes on it,

Goats and lambs are funny,

A herd of colorful horses,

Nurses and water bearers,

And the riders and the children,

Dogs, hussars and fish.

Well, call me!


This painting

On white porcelain -

Blue sky, blue sea

Blue cornflowers,

Ringing bells.


On thin branches.


The dishes are not simple,

And it’s definitely golden!

With bright patterns

Berries and leaves.

It's called-

(Golden Khokhloma)

Questions for the 2nd team:

In blue swimsuits,

In red buds,

Large and small

Green leaves

They brought a casket

From the city …. (Gorodets).

It’s not flashy, it’s round – not open... (bud).

She won't feel hot in the heat. She is in the water, she is... (kupavka).

It’s like a miracle is blooming here and there... (rosan).

She is round, like a cup, and her name is... (chamomile).

Stripes red, green,

There are pine branches on the legs.

Striped goat,

Very attractive.

(Filimonovskaya toy)

Who will answer the question

What a fabulous tray?

There is a large, bright bouquet in it

In the middle the color is hot

He shines, and around,

It's like children stood in a circle

Many small flowers

And blades of grass and leaves

And a patterned border

Slipped across the tray

We answer the question -

This is a Zhostovo tray.

You saw it, you saw it

To make the bears dance?

Didn't you see anything?

I'll show it to you -

He's a little clumsy

And shy too.

He can't resist

He really wants to dance.

(Bogorodskaya toy)

Publications on the topic:

Quiz for children on traffic rules for older children Traffic rules quiz with older children preschool age in kindergarten “Children are supposed to know the rules of the road” Goal: developing skills.

Quiz for preparatory children “Experts of transport” children of preparatory group No. 4 on the topic: “Experts of transport.” Compiled by: Shipitsyna L. S. 2016 Abstract "Experts of Transport".

Interesting questions and tasks - jokes.

In mathematics classes, children are very active in perceiving problems, jokes, puzzles, logic exercises. They persistently search for a solution that leads to a result. When an entertaining task is accessible to a child, he develops a positive emotional attitude To her. The child is interested in the final goal: folding, finding the right shape, transforming. At the same time, children use two types of search problems: practical (actions in selecting, rearranging) and mental (thinking about a move, predicting the result). During the search, children show guessing, i.e. as if they suddenly come to the right decision. In fact, they find a way, a solution.

When working with older preschoolers, it is necessary to use riddles, joke problems, and entertaining questions. Entertaining tasks with a mathematical meaning encourage children to use resourcefulness, ingenuity, and a sense of humor, and introduce children to active mental activity.

Great importance in the development of thinking, imagination, perception and other psychological processes have mysteries. When getting to know numbers, you can invite children to solve riddles that mention certain numerals.

For example, when introducing the number 4, I invite children to guess:

4 wings, not a butterfly. Flapping its wings, but not moving. What it is? (windmill.)

Has 4 teeth. Every day he appears at the table and does not eat anything. What is this? (fork.)

I stand on four legs, but I can’t walk at all? (Table.)

When studying the number 5, you can think of:

5 brothers: are they equal in years, different in height? (Fingers.)

Five boys have five closets, but only one way out? (Glove.)

When familiarizing yourself with the number 8, a riddle will be useful:

8 legs, like 8 arms, embroider a circle with silk. The master knows a lot about silk. Buy silk, flies! (spider.)

When forming spatial representations, the following riddles are suitable:

It's green at the top, red at the bottom, and has grown into the ground. (carrot.)

Two people stand side by side, looking right and left. Only they can’t see each other at all, which must be very offensive to them. (eyes.)

Entertaining mathematical questions contribute to the development of ingenuity and resourcefulness in children, teach children to analyze, highlight the main thing, and compare.

Examples of such interesting questions the following may serve:

Grandmother Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (one granddaughter Masha.)

7 candles were burning. 2 candles were extinguished. How many candles are left? (7.)

Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, two tits. How many birds, answer quickly. (3.), etc.

Logical endings help in the formation of spatial and temporal ideas.

If Sasha left the house before Seryozha, then Seryozha... (left later than Sasha.)

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother... (younger than the sister.)

If right hand right, then left... (left.)

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair... (below the table.), etc.

Children really like problems in poetic form.

A hedgehog walked through the forest

I found mushrooms for lunch:

2 – under the birch tree,

1 – near aspen.

How many will there be?

In a wicker basket?

Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

Seryozhka fell into the snow,

And behind him is Alyoshka.

And behind him Marinka,

And behind her is Irinka.

And then Ignat fell.

How many were there? Guys?

Card file "Fun account"

Problem 1. Pencils argued

The pencils in the box got into trouble. Blue said:

I am the most important, the children love me more. The sea and sky are painted with my color.

“No, I’m the most important,” the red pencil objected. - I use my color to paint berries and holiday flags.

“Well, no, I’m the most important,” said the green pencil. - Children use my color to paint the grass and leaves on the trees.

“Argue, argue,” the yellow pencil thought to himself. “I already know who is the most important. And why the children love me the most. After all, they paint the sun with my color.”

Question. How many pencils were there in total in the box? (4)

Task 2. Counting guests and chairs

For her birthday, Mukha-Tsokotukha invited guests. Covered festive table, arranged the chairs.

The first 2 caterpillars crawled and sat on the chairs. Then 3 butterflies flew in and also sat down on the chairs. Soon the grasshoppers came up and sat down on two chairs.

And when everyone was already sitting at the table and drinking tea, there was a knock on the door - a beetle crawled in and took another place.

Questions. How many chairs were occupied? (9)

How many guests were there? (8)

Task 3. Bees treat animals

A magpie flew through the forest and said that the bees would treat the animals with honey.

The first to run to the hive was a bear with a barrel. The second squirrel came up with a mug. The third to rush in was a hare with a bowl. The fox came fourth with a jug. The wolf hobbled in fifth with a saucepan.

Questions. At what time did the hare rush to the hive? (Third.)

Who had the smallest dishes? (At the squirrel.)

Who had the biggest dishes? (At the bear.)

Task 4. A family came to the photographer

A family came to see the photographer.

Please take a photo of us.

Okay, but first you need to be properly seated.

Mom and Dad were seated on chairs. Grandma - in the chair. Grandfather stood next to grandmother. The brother and sister were seated next to each other on a bench. And the smallest member of the family, curly-haired Alyosha, was placed in his mother’s arms.

Questions. How many people are there in the family? (7)

How many adults? (4)

How many children? (3)

Task 5. Animals in a forest hut

Animals lived in a forest hut.

Guess who?

Red, fluffy, cunning (fox).

Long-eared, short-tailed, cowardly (hare).

Round, prickly (hedgehog).

Gray, feisty, toothy (wolf).

Clumsy, fat, grumpy, shaggy (bear).

Question. How many animals lived in the hut? (5)

Task 6. Count the mushrooms

Tanya and Kostya went to pick mushrooms.

When we walked past the birches, Kostya found a boletus. When they walked near the oak trees, Tanya found White mushroom. We passed by the stumps, Kostya found 2 honey mushrooms.

And when we entered Pine forest, Tanya found an oil can, a saffron milk cap and a fly agaric.

Questions. How many mushrooms did Tanya and Kostya find in total? (7)

How many mushrooms will the children fry? (6)

Problem 7. Anton has a birthday

Guests came to Anton's birthday party.

Makar gave him a live parrot, Stepan gave him a wind-up tractor, Lisa gave him a wooden construction set, Valya gave him a set of decals.

Questions. How many gifts did Anton receive? (4)

How many children were at the birthday party? (5)

Problem 8. Who has the bigger catch?

A fox and a wolf got together to go fishing. The fox took a small fishing rod with a short line, and the greedy wolf thought:

“I’ll take the biggest fishing rod with a long, long line - more fish I'll catch it."

We sat down to fish. The fox only manages to pull out the fish: either crucian carp, then bream, then catfish, then pike.

And the wolf caught the roach, began to pull it out of the river, and got entangled in the long fishing line.

By the time I've unraveled, it's time to go home.

Questions. Who caught more fish? Why?

How many fish did the wolf and the fox catch? (5)

Task 9. Children and birds

Winter came. The children made a bird feeder, hung it on a tree and began to observe.

First, 2 titmice flew in and pecked at the lard; 3 bullfinches decided to eat rowan berries; A sparrow flew in to eat some millet,

and 3 crows walked importantly under the feeder, picking up scattered crumbs of bread.

Questions. How many birds flew to the feeder? (9)

How many small birds? (6)

How many big birds? (3) .

Task 10. Me and my family

We have a large and friendly family.

Mom is a doctor, dad is an engineer, older brother is a driver, elder sister- teacher,

my grandmother is a pensioner, and I go to kindergarten.

Questions. How many people are in our family? (6)

Problem 11. Who became the postman?

The animals gathered in the clearing to choose a postman.

They announced a competition: whoever runs first to the finish line will become the postman.

The hare came running first. The second was a fox. The third squirrel jumped up.

The elk came in fourth. The wolf came in fifth. The hedgehog rolled in sixth. The bear hobbled seventh.

Questions. Who will be the postman in the forest? (Hare.)

Which one ran to the finish line: fox? elk? hedgehog? (Second, fourth, sixth.)

Task 12. Guests from fairy tales

On New Year children were invited to visit fairy-tale heroes.

The Snow Queen appeared before everyone else. Puss in Boots came for her. Then Buratino and Malvina came running.

Then Carlson appeared, bringing Cinderella and Thumbelina with him.

They arrived a little later Gray wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.

Questions. How many fairy-tale characters came to the children's holiday? (9)

From how many fairy tales did guests come to the Christmas tree? (7)

Problem 13. I'm already an adult

Semyon turned 7 years old. “I’m already an adult, now I need to study. Can I give away my toys to little children?” - he asked his mother.

Mom allowed it.

He gave the cubes and a teddy bear to his sister Olya.

He offered the plane, steamship and lunar rover to his neighbor Vasya. He gave soldiers and a tank to his friend little Boris.

And Kuzma, after thinking a little, kept the beautiful car “Chaika” and the big fluffy hare for himself.

After all, they are the most beloved.

Questions. How many toys did Semyon have? (9)

Problem 14. What do hares eat?

The hares got hungry and decided to climb into the garden to eat.

And in the vegetable garden, it is visible - invisible. One hare picked cabbage and beets, another picked carrots and turnips, a third picked cucumber and zucchini, and the smallest bunny picked onions and garlic.

Suddenly the hares saw the guard and ran away.

We reached a hillock, sat down, and began laying out vegetables.

And the old hare looked at them and laughed:

“Little bunny, why did you pick onions and garlic? After all, hares don’t eat them.”

Questions. How many hares got into the garden? (4)

How many vegetables did the hares pick? (8)

How many of the picked vegetables will the hares eat? (6)

Task 15. Your own library

Children, let’s make our own library,” suggested Natalya Grigorievna.

“Come on,” the guys were happy.

The next day, Seryozha brought the book “Little Red Riding Hood” to kindergarten. Lucy brought the fairy tale "Cinderella". Tanya - the book "Three Bears". Vasya brought the fairy tale "Teremok", and Andrey - "The Golden Key".

Tamara brought two books: “Ryaba the Hen” and “Kolobok”.

But the children said: “We already know these two fairy tales by heart, let’s give them to the kids.”

Questions. How many books did the children bring? (7)

How many books are left in the library? (5)

Problem 16. Concert

Zoya Petrovna announced: “Come dressed up tomorrow, we will go to the concert.”

The concert was wonderful. First, one girl sang a Ukrainian folk song.

Then the girls and boys danced with flowers. The kids came up behind them and showed an interesting folk game,

and someone's dad showed wonderful tricks.

I liked this number the most. I tried to repeat these tricks at home, but nothing worked.

Question. How many numbers were there in the concert? (4)

Task 17. Children at the party

The children came dressed up for the holiday, with balloons.

Roma brought blue and pink balls. Katya had one ball long and the other round.

Nastya brought yellow ball, Alyosha - red and green. And Slava brought a ball tied to a flag.

Question. How many balloons did the children bring? (8)

Problem 18. Stepashka and ice cream

Stepashka wanted ice cream. He bought some fruit - delicious!

“What if dairy tastes even better?” And bought some dairy.

“And I want some cream too.” Ate some cream.

“I haven’t tried ice cream for a long time,” thought Stepashka and bought an ice cream.

The seller opened a new box, and there... a popsicle. “Eskimo! My favorite! I’ll eat it at home,” thought Stepashka and bought himself three more servings.

Questions. How many servings of ice cream did Stepashka buy? (7)

What will happen to Stepashka now?

Problem 19. Animals visiting a moose

The elk bought a TV and invited all the animals to watch cartoons.

Guests came to the elk, and he only had two benches: one large, the other small.

An elk and a bear sat on the big one. And for the small one - squirrel, hedgehog, marten, hare, gopher and mouse.

Questions. How many animals watched TV? (8)

Which bench accommodated more animals? Why?

How many animals fit on the big bench? (2) How many animals fit on the small bench? (6)

Task 20. Let's move!

We got new apartment. Everyone helped move the furniture.

The wardrobe was brought in by dad and grandpa, the sofa by Uncle Kolya and Uncle Vova.

Mom and grandmother brought the table, sister Olya brought the chair, and Roma and I brought one chair each.

Questions. How many pieces of furniture are there in our apartment? (6)

How many people moved the furniture? (9)

Problem 21. I got scared myself!

The red cat Vasily wanted to be like a tiger. He began to ask the cat Barsik:

“Draw me stripes with black paint so the dogs will be afraid of me!”

Barsik began to color it: he drew one stripe on his head, one stripe on each ear, and three thick stripes on his tail.

He wanted to draw a stripe on his back, but he looked at Vasily, threw down the paint and brush - and quickly ran away from him: he thought that there really was a tiger in front of him.

Question. How many stripes did Barsik manage to draw? (6)