Lavash at home

You don’t always want to eat traditional bread, so we recommend that you give preference to lavash. This is a symbol of Georgia, which you can cook yourself, thereby adding variety to your family’s daily diet. Thus, you will not be able to cook pita bread at home. Therefore, we invite you to take advantage of our sufficient simple tips and try to replicate the taste of this famous dish.

Make your own lavai at home

It should be noted that pita bread is usually made using time-tested technology. It is baked from flour, and in order for the lavash to be tasty, it must be cooked on huge hot stones. It is worth noting that this dish exists independently, but very often it is one of the components of a very delicious dishes. So, people often prepare pita bread in order to later use it when preparing shawarma.

Making lavash yourself

We invite you to make pita bread according to a traditional recipe and bake it in an ordinary 21st century kitchen. To make lavash at home, you will need the following products to prepare it. The set of ingredients is very simple, the most difficult thing is the baking technology, but with our tips, you can easily cope with this task. So, in order to surprise your family and delight your guests, you will need 250 g of whey or water, at your discretion.

You need to buy flour, 500 g is enough for you, as well as a packet of yeast. The yeast must be dry. It is very important. 1 sachet will be enough for you. To make it easier for you to navigate, it is worth noting that one bag contains 8 g of dry matter. Please note that in Asia this dish is often desalted. Therefore, adding salt and spices is at your discretion.

What to do with pita dough

If you want to get a classic taste, then it will be better if you don’t add salt. It’s not difficult to prepare pita bread at home, but it will require maximum attention and skill from you. The next stage, after acquiring all necessary products, will be their preparations. You must thoroughly mix all the available ingredients and get a thick dough.

What to do with lavash dough

Moreover, the dough should be not only dense, but also elastic. This is very important nuance. Then you need to divide the dough into equal parts. We recommend that you form each part into small balls, let the diameter of each ball be about 7 cm. Then leave the dough covered under a thin towel. This is necessary so that it can rise and acquire the required dimensions.

Cook at home like a pro

The DIY lavash recipe must be followed very precisely, only then you will be able to get the classic taste of lavash. After the dough has risen, you will need to knead each of the balls separately, and then form each of them into a cake, and its thickness should not exceed 5 mm. It is very important.

You can make the cake yourself if you use the fist of your hand. Yes, it's very simple. To do this, you simply need to roll out each of the balls as thinly as possible, and then, using your hand bent into a fist, begin to pull out the cake, which must first be rolled out with a rolling pin as thin as possible. But do not overdo it so that it does not tear when you pull it out with your fist.

Recipe homemade pita bread with your own hands provides a certain baking technology. You can choose your own baking technology for this dish. You can use a hot cauldron. If you don’t have such a device at home, then a familiar frying pan will do. Please note that you do not need fat to bake pita bread.

Therefore, this dish is considered to be dietary, and it is perfect for dieting. Each side of the pita bread should be baked for no more than 15 seconds. If you overdo it, the taste of the lavash will be different. When the pita bread is cooked, it must be placed for some time between two lightly moistened napkins. This is done to prevent the dish from drying out and also to prevent it from losing size. The coolness will prevent the pita bread from shrinking in size.

Proper preparation depends on practice

After the dish has cooled, it can be eaten or used in other dishes. Lavash is often used as bread. This is an excellent replacement for this product. Lavash contains less fat, and therefore this product is considered more acceptable for people who care about their health. Such a dish as shawarma in pita bread can be considered already a familiar dish in our country; its photo can be found at any eatery.

How to properly prepare lavash at home

This great way have a snack on the road. But ask yourself whether you know the quality of all the products that are used in the preparation of shawarma and whether the cook follows all the rules of hygiene when preparing it. You can't be sure of a chef's professionalism. Therefore, you can prepare shawarma in pita bread yourself. This dish is very compact and therefore it will be very convenient to take it to work. You already know how to make pita bread at home, now it’s time to learn how to prepare a dish from it.

To prepare shawarma. You will need to first bake pita bread, and then purchase the following products. You will need to buy lamb or chicken. As a meat component, these ingredients are ideal. You also need to purchase mayonnaise and ketchup. You can prepare these sauces yourself; if you do not want to spend time on this, then buy them ready-made.

Lavash dough must be special

Shawarma is prepared with various additives. It could be mushrooms or corn. You will determine this in accordance with your taste preferences. To prevent the dish from seeming overly rich, it is necessary to include a sufficient amount of vegetables. Let it be cabbage and cucumber. The cucumber can be taken either fresh or pickled.

Bake shawarma in the oven

You can give shawarma a unique taste if you decide to prepare a marinade. To do this, you need to mix paprika, garlic and cinnamon, and then add nutmeg, all this should be supplemented with vinegar. Once the marinade is prepared, you can begin to cook the meat. It is preferable to choose lamb.

Cooking pita bread in the oven

It must be cut into narrow pieces and pour the pre-prepared marinade over it all. The meat should be marinated all night, and in the morning it should be fried and baked in the oven. After this, finely chop the lamb and put it in pita bread. Top with additives, vegetables and preferred sauce. Then simply roll the pita bread and enjoy the unique taste of shawarma.

You know how to bake lavash yourself, to understand how it is done in Georgia, you can watch the video. Lavash is a symbol of traditional cuisine that any housewife can prepare. Bon appetit!


Lavash dishes

How to cook thin Armenian lavash at home. Exquisite taste in a special way step by step recipe with photos and video instructions. Bon appetit!

30 min

210 kcal

5/5 (2)

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen appliances:

  • spacious frying pan with non-stick coating with a diameter of 23 to 26 cm;
  • several spacious bowls with a capacity from 200 to 950 ml;
  • wooden spatula;
  • sieve;
  • sharp knife;
  • cutting board;
  • medium or large grater;
  • metal whisk;
  • measuring utensils or kitchen scales;
  • cotton and linen towels;
  • oven mitts;
  • blender and food processor.

The basis:


  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 7 g ground black pepper;
  • 25 g of greens (onion, dill, parsley).


Cooking sequence


  1. Pour the flour into a sieve and sift thoroughly several times.
  2. Boil water, then let it cool until room temperature and bring to a boil again.
  3. Melt the creamy margarine for frying in a water bath or in the microwave.
  4. Chop the boiled eggs using a knife or a special attachment in a food processor.
  5. Finely chop the greens with a knife or grind in a blender.

At this stage, you can use your imagination and come up with additional components to enhance the aroma of pita bread and give it a more appetizing appearance. For example, I highly recommend adding your favorite spices - in my case, curry, rosemary or thyme. However, if you are not sure what flavor a particular seasoning will give to a dish, it is better not to add it.



Important! Armenian lavash can be easily prepared in microwave oven. To do this, place the prepared flatbread in a wide microwave-safe container and sprinkle it with filling. Bake the pita bread on the highest setting for about a minute or two, without turning it over or opening the oven door during the process.

Ready! Now you know exactly how to do Armenian lavash. Amazingly tasty products do not cool down for too long, so serve them immediately on one common dish so that your family can take them to their plate one at a time.
My aunt, who has a particularly wild culinary imagination, often sprinkles finished lavash products dried garlic , mixed with sour cream or full-fat kefir, and the dish is decorated with green onion feathers.
But keep in mind that if you have prepared pita bread, store it in a plastic bag, otherwise it will dry out and lose all its taste.

Attention to video

Watch the video on how to properly knead the dough and fry excellent lavash in Armenian style.

I prefer to eat lavash without filling with mayonnaise, full-fat sour cream or other suitable sauce. However, my husband cannot imagine an evening without shawarma made from homemade pita bread.
Below I would like to offer you more Several variants using Armenian lavash as a side dish or main dish.

  • Serving lunch give up bread, which we usually serve with soups or borscht. It’s better to serve fresh, still hot lavash instead - it’s much lower in calories and is incredibly suitable for first courses.
  • Season your products Caesar, chili or Tabasco sauce. Soy sauce also goes great with them.
  • Come up with products original filling: This can be anything from sour plums and apples to minced meat.
  • Lavash is great for cooking great sandwiches: Just bake them thicker and use them as bread. Also from thin pancakes Makes excellent cakes and pies.
  • Cut the cooled pita bread into thin and long strips to get amazingly tasty homemade noodles.

Having cooked delicious pita bread, you will definitely want to improve your skills in preparing the most famous dish of Armenian cuisine.
Try to cook the most tender

In our house we use lavash great love. This is such a “magic wand” - wrap the most different fillings and any snack is ready. A lavash roll will decorate any festive table. IN home conditions do large sheets Armenian lavash is impossible, for this you need special devices. But every housewife can bake in a frying pan.

There are many recipes for making lavash; I use yeast-free lavash. It’s not at all difficult to prepare it at home. To do this, pour flour into a deep bowl. Be sure to sift the flour. We take hot water and dilute salt in it.

Make a well in the flour and add water, gradually stirring the flour.

Then dump the dough from the bowl onto a cutting board or table and knead the dough.

Knead the dough for seven to ten minutes until it becomes elastic and smooth. While kneading the dough, we stretch it slightly along the board and, as it were, wrap air in it, which then produces a lot of bubbles in the finished pita bread when baking. Place the finished, well-kneaded dough into plastic bag, can be wrapped in cling film or covered with an inverted bowl. Leave it like this for half an hour so that the dough, as they say, rests. After this, the dough rolls out easily.

After half an hour, make a sausage out of the dough and divide it into equal pieces approximately the size of a chicken egg. Cover them with a towel to prevent them from airing.

Roll out the flatbread thinner to the size of your pan.

Bake in a well-heated frying pan for two minutes on each side without oil.

Do not overdry so that the pita bread turns out soft and does not break when folded. Place the finished Armenian lavash on a dish, be sure to sprinkle it lightly drinking water and cover with a clean towel. We bake the rest of the pita bread in the same way. For storage, we put the finished pita breads in a plastic bag, as they can dry out quickly. I usually make a big batch at once and then store them in the freezer.

Bon appetit!

Ruddy, aromatic, with a crispy crust and airy crumb, lavash will undoubtedly appeal to lovers of homemade baked goods. To make lavash you will need the simplest and most common products that are found in every family and a little of your patience. From the amount of ingredients given in the recipe, you can prepare two pita breads with a diameter of about 25 cm or one large pita bread. You can sprinkle sesame or sunflower seeds on top of the pita bread.

Prepare the necessary products.

Sift the flour. Leave a little flour for mixing.

Combine flour, salt, sugar and dry yeast. Stir.

Pour warm water in a thin stream and knead the dough with a wooden spatula.

Pour in vegetable oil.

Knead the dough with your hands.

Grease the bowl vegetable oil, transfer the dough, cover with a towel and place in warm place for 1 hour.

Then punch down the dough and put it in a warm place again for 30-40 minutes.

Grease your hands and baking sheet with vegetable oil, divide the dough into two parts. Cover one part with a towel. Place the other part on a baking sheet, form into a round cake, flatten it and make grooves with your fingers. Sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired. Leave the dough to rise for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle with water.

Bake the pita bread in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for about 30 minutes until golden brown. Focus on the features of your oven. The baking time may need to be increased/reduced.

Sprinkle the finished pita bread with water, cover with a towel and leave to cool completely.

Rosy and delicious lavash ready.

Delicious experiments to you!

And Bon Appetit!

Not a single meal is complete without bread. Moreover, for each nationality, this general name means a certain type of baked goods.

Rolls, loaves, baguettes... The list is endless! There are dozens of flatbreads alone.

Lavash is also a flatbread. It is popular in the Caucasus, Iran, and some Asian countries, but it is the Armenians who consider it their national dish.

Real lavash is baked in a tandoor - a special clay oven installed outside. The dough for lavash is unleavened, mixed from a minimum set of ingredients. That is why in inept hands such flatbreads can turn out thick, hard and at the same time unbaked.

Real craftsmen bake lavash. They roll out the elastic dough so thin that it shows through. Then, masterfully throwing it from hand to hand, in one movement they stick this thin juice to the wall of the tandoor. A few seconds - and the lavash is ready!

Properly baked pita bread should be soft, with an unevenly swollen surface covered with crispy spots. The lavash hardens almost instantly when exposed to air. Thanks to this quality, it can be harvested for future use. To do this, fold it in a stack and store it in a dry, well-ventilated place.

If the pita bread is going to be served for lunch, immediately after baking it is sprinkled with water and covered with a towel. After a few minutes it becomes soft and pliable, like a pancake. And then you can roll it in four, into a tube, and serve it with any filling, making a kind of sandwich.

You can also cook pita bread on a regular stove. But to do this, you need to strictly follow the recommendations that experienced lavash baking masters generously share with everyone.

Lavash at home: subtleties of preparation

  • The dough for lavash is kneaded hot water. It turns out to be brewed, so during baking it rises well - swells with bubbles.
  • The juice for pita bread is rolled out very thin - the table should be clearly visible through it. To make the pita bread even, cut out a circle from the dough using a lid or plate. Its diameter should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the frying pan.
  • The rise of the dough during baking also depends on the heat of the pan. In an insufficiently hot frying pan, the pita bread will turn out pale and flat. This means that even such a thin layer of dough may not be baked. If you fry pita bread over high heat, it will burn.
  • Lavash is fried in a dry frying pan without oil. Therefore, you need to take a frying pan with a thick bottom, such as cast iron or non-stick.
  • Lavash bakes very quickly. Literally after 15-30 seconds, the underside of the pita bread is covered with delicious light brown spots. The flatbread should not be overheated, otherwise it will harden.
  • To prevent the pita bread from drying out, it is sprinkled cold water from a spray bottle or lubricate with a brush. Then cover with a damp towel.

Thin Armenian lavash: method 1


  • flour – 350 g;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • salt – 1/2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Place the sifted flour in a bowl and make a well in the center.
  • Dissolve salt in a glass of water heated to 50-60°. While stirring, pour the liquid into the flour. Add oil.
  • Mix the dough first with a spoon, and when the flour has absorbed all the liquid, start kneading with your hands. Turn the dough out onto a floured counter and continue kneading for another 5 minutes. Your dough will become very pliable and will not stick to your hands at all.
  • Place the dough in a bag or cover cling film. Leave for half an hour.
  • Place the rested dough back on the table. Give it the shape of a thick sausage. Divide into 9-12 equal parts. The size of the pieces will depend on the diameter of your pan.
  • Take one piece and cover the rest with a towel so that they do not dry out. Shape the dough into a thick cake. Place on a lightly floured table and start rolling out with a rolling pin into a thin piece, the thickness of which should not exceed 2 mm.
  • Roll out all the dough in this way. Since lavash bakes very quickly, all the juices must be rolled out in advance. Also prepare a cutting board on which you will place the finished pita bread, and a slightly damp towel.
  • Place a clean, dry frying pan on the fire. When it is well heated, reduce the heat to medium. Place in a frying pan. Literally before our eyes it will begin to swell. Lightly hold back its “rush” with a spatula, since the appearance of one large bubble should not be included in your plans.
  • When the bottom side is lightly browned, carefully flip the pita bread over to the other side. Place the finished flatbread on a board, sprinkle with water, and cover with a towel. Bake the rest of the pita bread, stacking it on top of each other. Don’t forget to sprinkle each subsequent cake with water.

Thin Armenian lavash: method 2


  • flour – 3 tbsp;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

The principle of making pita bread is the same as in the first recipe, but the dough for these flatbreads is kneaded without adding oil.

  • Pour flour into a bowl. Make a crater-shaped hole in the middle.
  • Dissolve salt in hot water.
  • Constantly stirring the flour with a spoon, slowly pour in the water.
  • When all the liquid has combined with the flour, start kneading the dough with your hands. At first it will be very viscous and sticky, but gradually it will turn into one pliable lump and will stop sticking to your hands.
  • Place it back in the bowl and cover with a damp towel. Leave for half an hour.
  • After this exposure, the dough will be easy to work with. Divide it into several pieces the size of a chicken egg.
  • Take one piece of dough and shape it into a thick round cake. Place it on a floured table and start rolling it out with a rolling pin. You need to make it very thin, no thicker than 2 mm, very round.
  • Place the future pita bread on a dry, well-heated frying pan. Almost immediately it will begin to become covered in bubbles. After a few seconds, the underside will be covered with crispy light brown spots. Immediately turn the pita bread over to the other side.
  • Place the finished pita bread on a plate or board, sprinkle with water, and cover with a towel.

Yeast dough pita bread


  • flour – 3 tbsp;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • salt – 1/2 tsp;
  • dry yeast – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

Lavash from yeast dough it turns out not as thin as the one made from unleavened. It is difficult to roll into a tube, so it is not suitable as a base for filling. Serve it as an independent dish instead of bread.

  • Place flour in a bowl and make a well in it.
  • IN warm water stir salt, sugar and yeast. The water should not be hot, otherwise the yeast will lose its ability to rise.
  • Gradually add this liquid to the flour, stirring the dough with a spoon.
  • When there is no water left, continue kneading with your hands. You should have a soft dough. Cover it with a towel and leave to rise for one hour.
  • Divide it into several koloboks. From this amount of dough you should get 10-12 pieces.
  • Form each piece into a thick flat cake, which you then roll out into a thin round just the size of your pan.
  • Place a dry frying pan on the fire and heat it well. Reduce heat to medium as high heat will burn the cake. Place the juice in the pan.
  • Almost immediately it will begin to bubble, and the underside will be covered with light brown spots. Turn the juice over to the other side and cook for a few more seconds.
  • Place the pita bread on a board or dish and cover with a slightly damp towel.
    Using the same recipe, cook pita bread in the oven. But you need to take a little less flour, since tight dough does not rise well in the oven. Before putting the future pita bread in the oven, let it rise a little on a baking sheet lightly sprinkled with flour. The temperature in the oven should be approximately 220°. Continue baking until the flatbread is covered with a light crust.

Note to the hostess

Any pita bread can be served with broth, soup, meat or vegetable dishes, and even tea. And wrap a variety of fillings in thin pita bread, making a delicious roll.