Basic military training is the basis of a strong state and the formation of national consciousness of the younger generation. Formation of basic concepts, training in tactics and technology, and the ability to protect yourself if necessary are the basis of the program. A synonym for this term is pre-conscription training, which is the idea of ​​modern youth about military affairs.

Organization of training

Previously, pre-conscription training was carried out without interruption from studies, classes were parallel to the main learning process. As a subject it was introduced from the ninth grade. Both boys and girls of pre-conscription and conscription age underwent training.

Teachers were selected from officers or other military personnel who, due to their length of service, had retired to the reserve. Officially, they were assigned the title of military leader, and they taught a class or entire groups. On average, two classes were held per week. During the process, training weapons were used, which appeared to be small-caliber rifles or dummies of hand grenades, and funds were given personal protection in the form of respiratory masks and gas masks, also radiation and chemical reconnaissance equipment and training posters with mock-ups on which one could train.

Modern primary military training at school is based on a standard training concept, but in addition to the main classes, electives and additional clubs can be formed.

Program elements

The learning process can be divided into several stages. The initial stage included the definition of the armed forces and its tasks, the study of the composition, structure and division into different types of troops. Also in the classes, the structuring of the system of military ranks and distinctive signs was presented, and the procedure for completing military service was studied.

Basic military training included the study of drill and fire tactics. Classes were conducted on the theory of combat and the actions of military personnel during combat, protection from weapons mass destruction and medical training was taught. Thanks to a superficial study of first aid, it was possible to help those who were wounded and injured, regulations were studied and elements of topographical training were given.

Some classes included engineering training and learning how to equip and camouflage military positions. After completing the program, students were required to be taken to a military unit for training, where they could test their knowledge in practice and take a full course.

The combination of theoretical and practical elements helped to fully implement the initial military training program and obtain a high-quality result.

Additional organizations

During the training process it was possible to receive additional training in voluntary society assistance to the army, aviation and navy, whose representatives were in every regional center or district. This included courses in driving trucks, tracked vehicles, and radiotelegraph operators.

Also, those interested were taught parachute jumping, motorcycle driving and motorcycling, sports radio direction finding and modeling. DOSAAF was engaged not only in the military-patriotic education of youth, but also in the quality training of young men who wish to enter the military higher schools.

Modern training

Primary military training at school today is based more on theoretical study and structuring of acquired knowledge. They get acquainted with the general tasks and goals that the armed forces set for themselves, study the elements of the composition and structuring of the armed forces, as well as the order in which military service takes place. As for practical classes, they are carried out after familiarization with the theoretical part in the form of active educational games and sports competitions.

Modern basic military training in the Russian Federation is focused on developing physical endurance and increasing strength indicators. Therefore, the training process includes sports exercises and physical exercise.

Situation in countries

Today, some countries have excluded basic military training from training programs, but there are a number of states where the discipline is considered basic and compulsory. These include Kazakhstan and Belarus, where the formulation of pre-conscription training is used. This concept is synonymous with the main one.

In Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan, preparations began in 2012 and 2014. Also, countries where the initial military training program is practiced are Uzbekistan, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. As for Russia, the teaching of CVP in schools was resumed only in some secondary educational institutions.

Relevance of training

The basics of initial military training allow students to develop not only patriotism and nationalism, but also a clear understanding of their role for the state. Thanks to this discipline, self-esteem, self-confidence, a sense of usefulness and a desire to prove oneself for the good of the Fatherland are formed.

In the process of fully studying the subject, students gained knowledge not only from the field of military science, but also from topography, medicine, drill training and physical development. Basic military training institutions were a stage in the formation of a disciplined, patriotic person. After graduating from colleges and military schools, you can continue your military career.

Other states

An example in this regard can be Israel, where pre-conscription training begins compulsorily at the age of 13, and both boys and girls are drafted there. Training is carried out by youth battalions, compulsory two-week training camps in military camps.

The program is structured in such a way that more attention is paid to practical exercises and the opportunity for students to practice their acquired knowledge. The training process is monitored by experts who issue conclusions on the level of training at certification and give grades on the basis of which military specialties can be selected.

Also in these systems there are aviation and naval sections, where students can learn not only planning, driving and control technologies, but also practice on the sites. As for Great Britain, here the basics of basic military training are not included in the general educational system, but are represented by voluntary organizations of schools and colleges that are aimed at the paramilitary type.

There are joint cadet units, an aviation training corps, and a naval cadet corps. Girls and boys between the ages of 11 and 18 are accepted here; they are first enrolled for one year, and after the expiration of the period, their studies can be continued.

Also, department management monitors the development of successes. The process includes not only vehicle maintenance, communications, overcoming natural obstacles and horse riding, but also a theoretical part, where various information is provided that will be useful for learning.

Benefits of Discipline

Completing a course of basic military training helps a student form his worldview and become more disciplined. In most cases, young men choose to continue their military career and enter military schools. What remains from the military training course is knowledge that is universal in terms of usefulness, basic skills in medical care and terrain orientation. Also, thanks to practical blocks, physical abilities develop and the endurance of schoolchildren increases.

Course Description

The “Special Purpose Force” course is the main training course in our training center, designed to comprehensively, from scratch, prepare cadets for combat situations using small arms, form a military-patriotic detachment and a circle of like-minded friends who can support each other in difficult life situations.
In fact, this is the only full-fledged course of special military training for citizens in Russia.

The training program consists of three courses and goes on continuously, moving from one topic to another, from one course to another.Classes are held 3 times a month on Saturdays, exercises 1 time a month on Saturdays or from Saturday to Sunday.

Training program

Stage I. Young fighter course.

From this point ontraining begins, we take on classes both prepared and unprepared people. This program lays the foundation for training; cadets are taught simple, but at the same time very important basics, without which it is impossible to receive special military training. Having completed this training program, the KMB graduate must make an important decision for himself - to seriously engage in military training for the next few years or to abandon this idea. Because otherwise it is impossible to become a pro, but to teach« for check» not our way.

We have been teaching special military training for more than 2 years and have come to the conclusion that it is mandatory for everyone who comes to training to undergo the CMB. Everyone wants to be able to perform like a special forces soldier, but almost no one has the necessary foundation. The KMB program is designed to lay the necessary foundation.
Course program
Topics of theoretical classes
1 Introductory lesson
2 Equipment and equipment
3 Assembling and disassembling AK
4 Radio negotiations
5 Military topography

Practical topics

1. Basic knowledge in military affairs;
2. Opportunity to continue training and gain special knowledge and skills;
3. A circle of like-minded people with whom you can not only study, but also relax together;
4. Understanding the readiness to seriously engage in military training.

Course duration: 2 months
Theoretical lessons: 2 lessons * 7 hours / 14 hours
Practical lessons: 6 lessons * 7 hours / 42 hours
Total: 8 lessons / 56 hours / 2 months

After completing the first course, the group immediately moves on to the next course of study.

Stage II. Special military training course.

In this course, classes are conducted on tactical and special training of small groups. This is the main course where fighters are formed.

Course program

What do graduates of a special military training course receive?

1. Skills of acting as part of a small group;
2. Practice of using skills in exercises and competitions;
3. Opportunity to continue training and gain special knowledge and skills;
4. Formed circle of friends.

Course duration: 9 months
Practical lessons: 26 lessons * 7 hours / 182 hours
Exercises: 9 exercises * 7-24 hours / 114 hours
Total: 36 lessons and exercises / 296 hours / 9 months

After completing the second course, the group immediately moves on to the next course of study.

Stage III. Special forces squad.

At this course, a military-patriotic detachment is formed, commanders, medical instructors, riflemen, art. shooters, machine gunners, snipers, etc.

After completing training, the detachment, as a permanently operating independent unit, is invited to the Voivode’s events, these are primarily exercises and competitions, as well as military-patriotic events.
Conditions are created under which people can save each other, improve skills and teach their family and friends among friends.

Training program

Course duration: 9 months

Practical lessons: 27 lessons * 7 hours / 189 hours
Exercises: 9 exercises * 7-24 hours / 114 hours
Total: 36 classes and exercises / 303 hours / 9 months

Final exam

What will the student receive?

  • Specialized knowledge and skills;
  • A circle of like-minded friends who are always ready to support;
  • Development of male instincts and qualities that are modern world extinguished;
  • Increased strength and endurance;
  • Desire for world peace;
  • Camping;
  • A place where all the bustle of life will be forgotten and fade into the background, and calm and tranquility will appear in its place;
  • A circle of friends where you can bring your children and raise the younger generation.

What happens after graduation

  • Graduates will receive a certificate of completion of a specialized course with a list of disciplines completed;
  • Graduates will be able to continue studying as part of their groups, attending classes on the OSN course, exercises and competitions for free;
  • Graduates will be able to order classes with instructors on topics of their choice at a nominal price;

    Further improvement of skills and knowledge;

    The most prepared graduates who demonstrate team skills will be able to improve as commanders of new groups of cadets.

The main differences between our course and other courses

  • An integrated approach to preparing a specially trained fighter with the skills and knowledge to act in almost any situation;
  • Long training periods allowing the formation of stable skills and knowledge;
  • High intensity of classes, at a commensurately low cost.
  • Studying in regular groups with new friends;
  • The opportunity to further improve and learn new specialties, occupy new positions within their groups;
  • Formation of your own sets of equipment, equipment and safety equipment according to uniform standards;
  • A circle of friends who will remain together after graduation;

What you will need for training

  • Strong desire and willpower;
  • Sufficient amount of time;
  • Money for training, for the purchase of equipment, equipment and technical means;

Admission criteria for training

  1. Citizenship of Russia (residence permit), member states of the CSTO, LDPR;
  2. Age from 14 to 55 years;
  3. Healthy heart, knees;
  4. No criminal record / outstanding criminal record under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  5. Love for Russia, adequate political and religious views (in the normal understanding of this);
  6. Gender male/female.

What we don't do

  • We do not train fighters for PMCs;
  • We don't send anyone to fight;
  • We do not prepare inadequate individuals;


Payment method Monthly In 3 months For the entire course
Duration of training 20 months / 662 hours 20 months / 662 hours 20 months / 662 hours
Course fee 140,000 rub.
140,000 rub.
140,000 rub.
Discount 0% 10% 20%
7000 rub. RUB 18,900 112,000 rub.
Savings per course 0 rub.
14,000 rub. 28,000 rub.
Additional discounts
for a minor,
studying together
with an adult
for a minor,
studying together
with an adult
for a minor,
studying together
with an adult
Cost of 1 hour of classes 211 rub. 190 rub. 169 rub.
Possibility of changing the tariff Yes Yes No


Municipal budgetary educational institution

Vidnovskaya secondary school No. 4


Director of MBOU _________________________

"_______" __________________ 20___


According to the elective course

at the profile level

" Basic military training "

10 - 11 grade

Teacher: _ Isaev V.A.



Explanatory note

The choice of the program is due to the fact that the school has been working in the area of ​​cadet education and patriotic education since 2002. This program is aimed at achieving the goal -military-patriotic education based on mastering the cultural tradition of serving the Fatherland in the military and civilian fields. At the present stage of Russia's development, responsible, moral, loving and concerned people are needed for their homeland.

The program of the elective course “Initial military training” has been compiledin accordance with the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2010 No. 134-r, approving the Concept of the federal system of preparing citizens of the Russian Federation for military service for the period until 2020 and in order to implement state policy in the field of sports and patriotic education of citizens, improving the system of patriotic education, formation in students of high patriotic consciousness, loyalty to the Fatherland, readiness to fulfill constitutional dutiesbased on the section “Fundamentals of Military Service”, based on the approximate curriculum of the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” for educational institutions, the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation, program for educational institutions “Fundamentals of Life Safety” - profile level, M., “Bustard ", 2004
The “Initial Military Training” course is aimed, first of all, at preparing the younger generation for service in the Armed Forces, fulfilling the constitutional duty to defend the Fatherland, military-patriotic education of high school students, consolidating the theoretical knowledge acquired during the study of the “Fundamentals of Military Service” section of the life safety and health course acquisition of necessary practical skills of military service by students.
Structurally, the CVP course program consists of five main sections: tactical training; fire training; general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; drill; military topography.

– “Tactical training” - Study of the articles of the “Combat Manual of the Ground Forces” that determine the order of combat operations of the unit. Practicing actions as part of a unit during defense and attack.
– “Fire training” - Study of small arms in service with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, rules and safety measures when handling weapons, practicing techniques when handling weapons, conducting practical shooting with pneumatic weapons.
– “General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” – Study of the fundamental articles of general military regulations regulating military service.
– « Drill» - Study of the general provisions of the “Drill Regulations” and practical training of drill techniques.
– “Military topography” – Study and practical testing of techniques and methods for determining the sides of the horizon and orienting oneself on the ground.

Goals and objectives of the course.

To ensure the study of military affairs to the extent of training a young soldier, so that young men, being drafted into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and entering higher military educational institutions, can quickly master modern weapons and military equipment.
At the end of the CVP course, students should know and be able to:
For tactical training: know the organization of a motorized rifle squad, the basics of combat operations and the responsibilities of a soldier in battle; be able to perform the actions of a soldier in offensive, defensive and reconnaissance; become familiar with the techniques of fighting tanks and firing from a machine gun at enemy planes and helicopters.
Fire training: know the combat properties and material parts of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, PM pistol and hand fragmentation grenades; have skills in performing the techniques and rules of shooting from a machine gun and throwing hand grenades; become familiar with the rules for saving and storing small arms; Get practice in air rifle shooting.
According to the regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: know the requirements of military discipline, the duties of a soldier, a company orderly and a sentry; be able to address elders (superiors), act when carrying out orders and giving a military salute, and observe military politeness; become familiar with the general responsibilities of military personnel, the tasks of internal and guard services.
For drill training: know the responsibilities of a soldier before formation and in the ranks; be able to correctly carry out commands in formation and single combat maneuvers without weapons; become familiar with performing drill techniques with weapons.
In military topography: be able to determine the sides of the horizon and your location, report on it in relation to landmarks and local objects; become familiar with the procedure for determining azimuths to local objects.

The course program “Initial military training” is designed for 70 training hours.
35 hours – 10th grade, 35 hours – 11th grade.


Introductory lesson. “Introduction to the basics of the subject “Basic military training”” (1 hour).
Familiarization of students with the CVP course program, with the requirements for compliance with safety precautions, order and discipline during classes, compliance with rules and safety measures during training with weapons. The importance of the CVP course in the practical preparation of students for military service.

Section I Tactical training (4 hours)
Topic 1 Department management – ​​(1 hour).
Contents of the squad commander's work in organizing combat. The place of the squad leader in battle.
Topic 2 Responsibilities of a soldier in battle – (3 hours).
Responsibilities of a soldier in battle.
Section II Fire training – (12 hours).
Topic 1 Basics and rules of shooting. Firing from a machine gun (theory) – (2 hours).

Topic 2 Basics and rules of shooting. Firing from PM (theory) – (2 hours).
Selecting a sight and aiming point when shooting at stationary targets. Safety measures during shooting. Loading the magazine with cartridges. Preparation for prone shooting. Shooting production. Stop shooting. Internal and external ballistics.
Topic 3 Study of fire training manual. “The procedure for conducting training shooting.” (1 hour).
Studying the fire training manual. “The procedure for conducting training shooting with a Kalashnikov assault rifle.”
Topic 4 Practical training of actions at the firing line. (1 hour).

Topic 5 Practical shooting with weapons. Performing training shooting with an air rifle. (3 hours).
Topic 6 Practical shooting with weapons. Performing training shooting with an air pistol. (3 hours).
Section III Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation – (5 hours).
Topic 1 Military personnel and relationships between them – (1 hour).
General duties of military personnel. Military ranks. Military insignia. Superiors and subordinates, senior and junior. The procedure for issuing and executing orders and commands. Giving a military salute. Rules of military courtesy and conduct for military personnel. Appeal to superiors and elders.
Topic 2 Responsibilities of a soldier – (1 hour).
Topic 3 Combat regulations. Part III – (3 hours).
Responsibilities of a soldier. Responsibility of soldiers in service.
Section IV Drill training – (8 hours).
Topic 1 Buildings and their management – ​​(1 hour).

Topic 2: Formation techniques and movement without weapons – (3 hours).

Topic 3 Giving a military salute without weapons. Breaking down and approaching the boss – (2 hours).
Giving a military salute on the spot. Giving a military salute while moving. Failure and return to service. Approaching the boss and leaving him. Reply to a greeting.

Topic 5 Building a department – ​​(1 hour).
Formation of the squad in deployed and marching formation. Opening and closing the compartment. Rebuilding the department.
Section V Military topography – (5 hours).
Topic 1 Determining the sides of the horizon. Report your location. Magnetic azimuth and its determination on a local object. – (3 hours).
Topic 2 Orientation on the map. Movement in azimuth – (2 hours).

Repetition of the main questions of the course – (1 hour)

Grade 10. (35 hours, 1 hour per week)


Names of topic sections


form of control

Tactical training


№ 1

Branch management

Responsibilities of a soldier in battle

Fire training


№ 2

Basics and rules of shooting. Firing from a machine gun (theory)

Basics and rules of shooting. Firing from a PM (theory)


Studying the fire training manual. “Procedure for conducting training shooting”


Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation


№ 3

Military personnel and the relationships between them


Responsibilities of a Soldier

Combat regulations. Part III



№ 4

Construction and management



Branch buildings

Military topography


№ 5

Determining the sides of the horizon. Report. Magnetic azimuth and its determination on a local object.

Orientation on the map. Azimuth movement


Review of the main course questions

Section I Tactical training – (10 hours).
Topic 1 Fighting tanks and armored vehicles. Combating air attack weapons – (1 hour).
Combat characteristics and vulnerabilities of enemy tanks and armored vehicles. The capabilities of weapons and motorized rifle squads to combat tanks and armored vehicles. The use of small arms to combat low-flying aircraft and helicopters.
Topic 2 Engineering barriers. Engineering equipment of the squad position – (2 hours).
Anti-tank mines. Anti-personnel mines. Setting min. Mine explosive barriers. Trenches and crevices.
Topic 3 Movement of a soldier in battle. Actions of a soldier on the offensive. – (2 hours).
Flash Actions nuclear explosion. Methods of movement in battle when operating on foot. Actions in preparation for an attack and the order of movement to attack. Techniques for destroying the enemy during an attack. The advancement of a soldier during an attack on the move and his taking a place in the squad's battle formation. Overcoming barriers along passages and attacking.
Topic 4 Actions of a soldier in defense. – (2 hours).
Selecting and occupying a firing position. Equipment and camouflage of a trench for prone shooting (self-digging). Actions when the enemy uses nuclear weapons and with the start of fire preparation. Techniques for destroying the enemy in front of the front line of defense and the enemy breaking into a trench (trench). Actions on alerts.
Topic 5 Actions of a soldier in reconnaissance. – (3 hours)
Section II Fire training – (8 hours).
Topic 1 Practical training of actions at the firing line. (1 hour).
Practicing the actions of students during shooting: execution of the command “to fight”; aiming order; aiming training.
Topic 2 Practical shooting with weapons. Performing training shooting with an air rifle. (5 hours).
Topic 3 Practical shooting with weapons. Performing training shooting with an air pistol. (2 hours).
Section III Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - (7 hours).
Topic 1 Military discipline, rewards and disciplinary sanctions – (1 hour).
The essence and significance of military discipline. Responsibilities of military personnel to maintain military discipline. Incentives applied to soldiers. Disciplinary sanctions imposed on soldiers.
Topic 2 Daily squad of the company - (1 hour).
Responsibilities of a company orderly. Equipment of the place where the next orderly performs his duties.
Topic 3 Responsibilities and actions of a sentry – (2 hours).
Duties of a sentry. Post, its equipment and equipment. The position of the weapon of the sentry at the post and methods of protecting the post. The procedure for loading and unloading weapons. Actions of the sentry and guard when accepting and handing over the post. Actions of a sentry on duty.
Topic 4 Combat regulations. Part III (3 hours)
Section IV Drill. – (10 hours).
Topic 1 Buildings and their management – ​​(2 hours).
Construction and its elements. Deployed and marching formation. Formation control. Responsibilities of a soldier before formation and in the ranks.
Topic 2 Formation techniques and movement without weapons – (4 hours).
Combat stance and execution of commands. Turns in place. Movement. Turns while moving.
Topic 3 Giving a military salute without weapons. Breaking down and approaching the boss – (1 hour).
Giving a military salute on the spot. Giving a military salute while moving. Failure and return to service. Approaching the boss and leaving him. Reply to a greeting
Topic 4 Formation techniques and movement with weapons – (1 hour).
Combat stand. Performing techniques with a machine gun.
Topic 5 Building a department – ​​(2 hours).
Formation of the squad in deployed and marching formation. Opening and closing the compartment. (1 hour) Rebuilding the department. – (1 hour)

Grade 11. (35 hours, 1 hour per week)



form of control

Planned dates for completing the program

Adjusted program completion dates

Tactical training

Test No. 1

Fight against tanks and armored vehicles. Combating air attacks

Engineering barriers. Engineering equipment department position

Actions of a soldier on the offensive


Actions of a soldier in reconnaissance Actions of a soldier in defense

Actions of a soldier in reconnaissance

Fire training

Test No. 2

Practical training of actions on the firing line.


Practical shooting with weapons. Performing training shooting with an air rifle.

Practical shooting with weapons. Performing training shooting with an air pistol.

Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Test No. 3

Military discipline, rewards and disciplinary sanctions

Daily company outfit

Duties and actions of a sentry


Combat regulations. Part III


Test No. 4

Construction and management

Drill techniques and movement without weapons


Giving a military salute without weapons. Breaking down and approaching the boss

Drill techniques and movement with weapons


Branch buildings

Rebuilding the department.


When working under this program, the following forms of control are provided:

Stage 1 – preliminary control to determine the initial preparedness of students, which is carried out in the first classes. This control can be carried out in the form of questioning and passing standards.

Stage 2 – current monitoring is carried out to determine the level of assimilation of the program content. Forms of control: observation, individual tasks, participation in competitions among pre-conscription and conscription youth.

Final control(Test) - diagnosing the level of quality of education and development of students in accordance with the goal, i.e. analysis of knowledge, skills and abilities at the final lesson. Final classes can be conducted in the form of a regular lesson, test, passing standards, or competition.

Standards for military training are passed by all students. The check is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the “Collection of standards for combat training for ground forces” book 1 (for motorized rifle, tank and reconnaissance units) 1990 (SNBP-90), the Course of shooting from small arms, tanks and combat vehicles KS-2000, General Military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Rules of the “Bullet Shooting” competition of the Shooting Union of Russia.


1. General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. M.: Military publishing house 2010.
2. Military encyclopedic Dictionary– M.: Military Publishing House 1983
3. Magazine “Life Safety. Fundamentals of life safety." Lesson planning of the program “Fundamentals of Life Safety” (author A. Smirnov). – 2004
4. “Initial military training”, edited by Yu.A. Naumenko – 5th ed., revised. – M.: Military Publishing House. 1990.
5. HANDBOOK ON MILITARY TOPOGRAPHY edited by A.M. Govorukhin -
Second edition, revised. – M.: Military Publishing House. 1980.
and 5.45-mm KALASHNIKOV LIGHT MACHINE GUN (RPK74, RPKS74, RPK74N, RPKS74N) – M.: Voenizdat. 1976.

INTERNET RESOURCES: website “September 1”, “Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia” video lessons, website of the Russian State University of Physical Education.

Electronic manuals: collection of the State Emergency Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, “School of Survival”, “First Aid”, “Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”.


extracurricular activities course

"Basic military training"


I. Explanatory note.

II. General characteristics of the training course.

1. We are Russians!

2. Ethics and aesthetics

3. Basics of military service:

4. Fire training

5. Military topography

6. Medical training

7. School of survival.

III. Place of the subject in the curriculum.

IV. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course.

Love for the native land, native culture, native

speech begins with small things - with love for your family,

to your home, to your school. Gradually

expanding, this love turns into love for

native country, to its history, past and

to the present, to all humanity.

D. Likhachev.


The problem of patriotic education of youth is more relevant than ever. The concept of patriotism evokes rather mixed feelings and emotions in everyone. For some it’s very important, for others it’s nothing special, and still others have no idea what it’s about. we're talking about. But still, for many it is very important to be a patriot yourself, and to raise your children in the same way. In the recent past, our society lost traditional Russian patriotic consciousness, widespread indifference, cynicism, aggressiveness and a decline in the prestige of military service formed a complex of inferiority and inferiority of the nation. A significant portion of conscripts lack positive motivation for conscientious military service. Some of them perceive it as an unpleasant inevitability and a thankless task that should be performed only to avoid criminal liability. Involvement in the defense of the Motherland, pride in belonging to the Armed Forces, military honor and dignity - these concepts are losing their significance in the eyes of conscript youth. Therefore, the urgency of solving the most pressing problems of instilling patriotism as the basis for consolidating society and strengthening the state is obvious.

The most common association about a patriotic person is a person in uniform, especially in military uniform. But in order to be a patriot, it is not necessary to be liable for military service, wear a uniform, and take an oath of allegiance to the Motherland. Patriotism lies in our behavior, respect for ancestors, honoring traditions, maintaining our physical and moral health, creating a strong family, and raising children on the same principles. Every person has a feeling of patriotism in their soul, but you just need to awaken it, be able to get through and set the right life priorities.

An important integral component of patriotism is military-patriotic education and, in particular, military-patriotic education of schoolchildren.

In our country, more than 300 years ago, a system of early military education and training was born, fine-tuned and constantly improved for many decades. This was started by the great transformer of Russia, Peter I.

In the system of primary military education of Tsarist Russia, until April 1917, state educational institutions, cadet corps were widely used, the age of admission to the cadet corps and the period of study varied, but by the beginning of the twentieth century the period of study was set at five years, and the first year accepted 13 - summer boys.

After the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, in order to prepare young people for service in the Red Army on a personnel basis, the Council of People's Commissars in October 1922 adopted a decision: “On the creation of special military preparatory schools.” Such schools were opened in Moscow, Petrograd, Baku, Fergana, Tbilisi and Kharkov with different periods of study, from 9 to 3 years. Boys and teenagers aged 8 to 17 years old were accepted into the schools; education was fully supported by the state.

In the post-war 40-50s, a network of Suvorov and Nakhimov schools was created in the manner of the tsarist cadet corps, in which mainly children of those killed in the war and orphans studied. Later, with a reduction in their numbers, the main military educational functions were transferred to secondary schools. In the dashing 90s there was no time for military-patriotic education and no time for education in general. However, the 2000s determined the need to conduct such work.

The centuries-old, dramatic history of our Fatherland, which has long borders and a special geopolitical position, has always been associated with the solution of complex tasks to protect its borders and defend national interests means and methods of armed struggle. Therefore, it is no coincidence that strengthening the country’s defense capability has become the most important area of ​​state activity, a priority task and a sacred cause for all Russians. At the same time, the formation of readiness among all segments of the country’s population, especially young people, to defend the Fatherland was of enduring importance.

In this regard, it is becoming increasingly urgent to solve the problem of a fundamental and comprehensive solution to the entire complex of problems that have accumulated in the activities of instilling patriotism and ensuring the readiness of young people to fulfill their civil and military duty to defend the Fatherland.

The implementation of this task is impossible without a deep and serious understanding of all those issues on the solution of which the level of organization and the effectiveness of patriotic and military-patriotic education depend. Pedagogical and military pedagogical science has a special role to play in this. The school is gradually becoming the main military educational link for young people; it is in schools that the foundations of patriotism are laid in schoolchildren.

Forming young people’s readiness to defend the Fatherland involves extensive and long-term work carried out in the context of all multifaceted activities with the younger generation. The role and significance of this work, as one of the types of social activities carried out in our society for a long time and on the widest scale, in modern conditions increases even more. This is confirmed by the presence of a number of objectively acting factors - socio-political, spiritual, military-technical. The combination of these factors, which manifest themselves interconnectedly and comprehensively, presupposes not only the further implementation of activities related to preparing young people to implement the function of protection, but also the need to optimize such work.

I. Explanatory note.

The main educational program of military-patriotic classes at MBOU Secondary School No. 9 in Berdsk is developed in accordance with: the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, the characteristics of the educational institution, educational needs and requests from students and their parents. This program determines the content and organization educational process at the level of basic general education and is aimed at the intellectual, cultural, physical, spiritual and moral development of students, their adaptation to life in society, creating the basis for preparing minor citizens to serve the Fatherland in the field of state civil, military, law enforcement, and municipal service. The program meets the requirements:

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ;

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on March 6, 1998, current edition dated September 1, 2013) ;

    Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2010 No. 96/134 “On approval of instructions on the organization of training of citizens of the Russian Federation in basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education , educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education in training centers";

    general military regulations of the RF Armed Forces;

The main educational program is formed taking into account the characteristics of the first stage of general education as the foundation of all subsequent education. The characteristic features of a military-patriotic class are also taken into account, in which the leading activity is educational activities, as well as additional educational programs on the basics of military service, musical, choreographic, physical training of students, and aesthetic programs.

When determining the strategic characteristics of the basic educational program, the uniform features in the pace and directions of children’s development, high individual characteristics in their cognitive activity, perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, motor skills, associated with the age-related, psychological and physiological individual characteristics of children are taken into account. adolescence.

The purpose of the implementation of the educational program is to ensure the planned results for the achievement by a graduate of a secondary school of knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies determined by the personal, social, state needs and capabilities of a secondary school child school age, individual characteristics of its development and health status.

The educational program provides for the achievement of the following educational outcomes:

    the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination, the formation of their motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, systems of significant social and interpersonal relationships, value-semantic attitudes reflecting personal and civic positions in activities, social competencies, legal awareness, the ability to set goals and build life plans, the ability to understand Russian identity in a multicultural society;

    interdisciplinary concepts and educational actions mastered by students, the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice, independence in planning and implementing educational activities and organizing educational cooperation with teachers and peers, building an individual educational trajectory;

    skills mastered by students during the study of the academic subject that are specific to this subject area, types of activities to obtain new knowledge within the framework of an academic subject, its transformation and application in educational, educational-project and social-project situations, the formation scientific type thinking, scientific ideas about key theories, types and types of relationships, knowledge of scientific terminology, key concepts, methods and techniques.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards LLC, the following are decided at the level of basic general education: tasks:

    education of Russian civic identity: patriotism, respect for the Fatherland, past and present of the multinational people of Russia; awareness of one’s ethnicity, knowledge of the history, language, culture of one’s people, one’s region, the foundations of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and humanity; assimilation of humanistic, democratic and traditional values ​​of multinational Russian society; fostering a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland;

    formation of a responsible attitude towards learning, readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge, conscious choice and construction of a further individual educational trajectory based on orientation in the world of professions and professional preferences, taking into account sustainable cognitive interests, as well as on the basis formation of a respectful attitude towards work, development of experience of participation in socially significant work;

    the formation of a holistic worldview that corresponds to the current level of development of science and social practice, taking into account the social, cultural, linguistic, spiritual diversity of the modern world;

    the formation of a conscious, respectful and friendly attitude towards another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, language, faith, civic position, history, culture, religion, traditions, languages, values ​​of the peoples of Russia and the peoples of the world; willingness and ability to conduct dialogue with other people and achieve mutual understanding in it;

    mastering social norms, rules of behavior, roles and forms of social life in groups and communities, including adults and social communities; participation in school self-government and public life within the limits of age competencies, taking into account regional, ethnocultural, social and economic characteristics;

    development of moral consciousness and competence in solving moral problems based on personal choice, the formation of moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own actions;

    formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, older children and younger age, adults in the process of educational, socially useful, teaching and research, creative and other types of activities;

    formation of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle; mastering the rules of individual and collective safe behavior in emergency situations that threaten the life and health of people, rules of conduct in transport and on the roads;

    formation of the foundations of an ecological culture corresponding to the modern level of environmental thinking, development of experience in environmentally oriented reflective-evaluative and practical activities in life situations;

    awareness of the importance of family in the life of a person and society, acceptance of the value of family life, respectful and caring attitude towards members of one’s family;

    development of aesthetic consciousness through the development of the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world, creative activity of an aesthetic nature.

II. General characteristics of the training course.

The program consists of 7 blocks:

I. We are Russians!

II. Ethics and aesthetics

III. Basics of military service:

IV. Fire training

V. Military topography

VI. Medical training

VII. School of survival.

I. We are Russians!

In the first block it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the structure of our state, the Russian Federation, the political and economic components of the state. Basic legislative documents, the procedure for their adoption and application. National and quantitative composition. population. Geographical features of the territory.

The main stages of the formation and development of the Russian Army, reform of the Armed Forces at various stages Russian history.

Main events and dates in the history of the country, the connection between the development of the RF Armed Forces and events in Russian history.

State symbols of Russia. Story. Traditions Great names in the history of Russia.

Samara region - our native land, acquaintance with the history of our native land.

Russian military and Orthodoxy. The main religions of Russia. The connection between Orthodoxy and the military, traditions. What's happened Orthodox church, rules for visiting it.

Students’ awareness of the value of involvement in the fate of the Fatherland, its past, present, and future.

The educational objectives of the educational block are to carry out the spiritual and moral education of students based on:

– their assimilation of the concepts “sacred”, “holy”, “cherished” (“Russia is our sacred power”, “sacred duty”, “cherished words”);

– instilling a respectful attitude towards the State symbols of Russia (the State Emblem, Flag and Anthem);

– familiarization with the most important sacred pages of our native history - the Great Days of Victory, which brought independence and glory to Russia (Victory Day on the Kulikovo Field, Victory Day in Patriotic War 1812, Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 and others);

– instilling a respectful attitude towards monuments of Great Victories, sacred places of great battles;

– familiarization with the names and exploits of outstanding rulers of Rus' (holy princes Vladimir the Red Sun, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy), national heroes(Minin, Pozharsky, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Ushakov), great saints of the Russian Orthodox Church (Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov);

– acquaintance with the world-famous monuments of Orthodox culture in Russia: icons (Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev), churches (Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Church of St. George the Victorious on Poklonnaya Hill), monasteries (Trinity of Sergius Lavra);

– mastering the basic spiritual and moral principles that are reflected in Russian chronicles, historical stories, legends, traditions, lives of saints, proverbs and sayings, Russian folk tales, as well as outstanding works Russian classical literature;

– mastering basic spiritual and moral concepts: goodness, goodness, mercy, conscience, commandment, duty, honor, virtue, and through this - socially significant virtues: gratitude, friendship, responsibility, honesty, caution, hard work, mercy;

– developing skills of respectful attitude towards parents, educators, trustees, teachers, elders, as well as skills of caring for younger ones;

– fostering a friendly attitude towards classmates, all students at school, and all surrounding people;

– formation of a benevolent attitude towards bearers of other religious cultures, a different worldview.

II.Ethics and aesthetics

The block “Ethics and Aesthetics” is intended for study by students of all years of study; the problem of ethics is relevant and timely, since there is an acute shortage of careful and caring attitude to each other, kindness and justice, honor and nobility.

The problem of spirituality is very important in our society, and therefore it is necessary to constantly look for ways to solve this problem in the correct upbringing of a person at the very beginning of his journey, in childhood.

Aesthetic education involves developing the ability to feel, evaluate and create beauty. It is known that art has a wide range of effects on human development. Towards perception spiritual potential people, and especially children, need to be specially prepared.

The main thing in work on this block is three main directions:

    Acquaintance with the properties and characteristics of the human personality, understanding of one’s “I”;

    Based on an analysis of one’s own feelings, reflections, and examples of behavior, teach a teenager to understand the characteristics of the people around him, to be able to explain their actions and actions for communication and interaction with the environment: peers, teachers, parents, etc.;

    A systematic and consistent study of the origins and causes of the emergence of social norms of human behavior, achieving an understanding of the laws and rules adopted in society in a wide variety of situations.

By the end of the course, students should:

    master the basic concepts of the course: ethics, etiquette, ethics, morality, culture, good manners, politeness, delicacy, tact, tolerance, speech culture, fashion, beauty, harmony, honor, dignity, conscience, decency;

    have a clear idea of ​​who can be called a well-mannered, cultured person;

    know that in friendship and love you need to give more than you take; in communication, be polite, tactful, respect other tastes and views, respect the individual in every person;

    be able to analyze your actions and compare them with the concepts of decency, honor and dignity;

    observe school etiquette;

    observe the rules of behavior at school, at home, on the street and in public places;

    be able to dress according to the event;

    be able to behave culturally when visiting and give gifts;

    know and have the skills to receive guests at home;

    strive to improve physical beauty and morality.

In classroom groups, relationships should be based on politeness, tolerance, and respect.

III.Basics of military service:

Completing the topics of the block should ensure that students receive the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to prepare for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Civil Service.

1). Knowing possible threats national security Russia international terrorism and drug trafficking.

2). On the state system for ensuring the protection of the country's population from emergency situations peacetime and wartime.

3) Knowledge of the basics of state defense and military service: legislation on state defense and military duty of citizens; the rights and responsibilities of a citizen before conscription, during conscription and military service, statutory relations, the life of military personnel, the procedure for performing service and military rituals, drill, fire and tactical training;

4) Knowledge of the main types of military professional activity, features of military service under conscription and contract, dismissal from military service and being in the reserve;

5). Knowledge of the basics of the state system, Russian legislation aimed at protecting the population from external and internal threats;

6) Knowledge of basic protective measures (including in the field of civil defense) and rules of behavior in dangerous and emergency situations.

Students' mastery of content:

    the main provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws in the field of state defense and counter-terrorism;

    regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation defining the procedure for preparing citizens for military service in modern conditions and measures to counter terrorism.

IV.Fire training


Study of the design of small arms samples and the operating principle of their parts and mechanisms: air rifle, Kalashnikov assault rifle, Makarov pistol, small-caliber rifle.

Study of general information from internal and external ballistics. Familiarization with the phenomenon of bullet dispersion and shooting accuracy.

Safety measures and commands given during practical shooting.


Mastering the skills of handling weapons, preparing weapons for shooting, rules for loading and unloading weapons, preparing for shooting.

Disassembly and assembly of the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Practicing the rules of aiming with and without the use of an aiming machine.

Shooting techniques, shooting techniques from a rest and standing without a rest. Compliance with air rifle shooting standards.

Participation in shooting competitions.

Practical preparation of hand training grenades for use.

Mastering physical exercises that increase shooting performance

As a result of completing the firearms training program, students must:

    have an understanding of the operating principles of the parts and mechanisms of the weapon being studied;

    have solid firearms safety skills;

    be able to aim correctly and shoot effectively.

Know the rules for handling hand grenades and mines for various purposes.

Mastering the initial skills of knife throwing.

V.Military topography

Students are trained on the following main topics:

    measurements and orientation on the ground without a map,

    movement in azimuths,

    preparing the map for work, taking measurements on the map, determining coordinates

    target designation and basic rules for maintaining a working map and drawing up combat graphic documents.

    Tasks and purpose of topography and terrain orientation.

    Map and compass. Types of maps and diagrams. Map scale Reading maps. Conventional signs.

    Representation of the terrain on the map

Familiarization of students with the data of the combat regulations of the Ground Forces, guidance on topographical and cartographic

works, textbooks and manuals on military topography and topographic geodetic

provision of troops

VI.Medical training

Form an idea about healthy way life as a means of ensuring the spiritual, physical and social well-being of the individual;

Instill strong beliefs against factors that have a detrimental effect on human health, exclusion from your life bad habits(smoking, drinking, etc.);

VII.School of survival.

The ability to apply acquired knowledge in the field of safety in practice, to design models of personal safe behavior in Everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations;

the formation of ideas about the culture of life safety, including the culture of environmental safety as a vitally important social and moral position of the individual, as well as a means of increasing the security of the individual, society and the state from external and internal threats, including the negative influence of the human factor;

the ability to anticipate the occurrence of dangerous and emergency situations based on their characteristic features, as well as to use various information sources;

III. Place of the subject in the curriculum.

Classes in the program of extracurricular activities "Military-Patriotic Orientation" are conducted, as a rule, during extracurricular hours. The developed program strengthens the variable component of general education: the content of the program examines aspects that are offered within the framework of basic subjects (Russian language and literature, history and social studies, fundamentals of life safety, physical culture)

The main forms of work in this area are: theoretical classroom lessons, thematic discussions, collective creative activities, competitions and quizzes

The implementation of this program improves the system of patriotic education, forms in the younger generation high feelings of patriotism and civic responsibility, and creates a system of value orientations.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    stimulate cognitive interest in the historical past and present of the country, region; – to develop the ability to communicate, empathy, moral education;

    develop creative abilities, introduce the traditions of the region, country, and people’s achievements;

    cultivate diligence and careful attitude to the results of labor;

    teach to take care of your school, be proud of the history of your school;

    teach respect for the public domain;

    instill respect for the culture and traditions of other nationalities;

    instill a feeling of love for one’s Fatherland;

    develop a sense of national dignity based on a tolerant attitude towards other peoples of Russia;

    promote the physical development of students, develop a sense of responsibility for their health and lifestyle, create conditions for the opportunity to engage in sports and physical education.

IV. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course.

Planned results of students mastering the extracurricular activity program.

Personal results:

    the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and knowledge,

    social competencies, personal qualities; the formation of the foundations of Russian civil identity; patriotism, respect for one’s people, a sense of responsibility to the Motherland, pride in one’s land, one’s Motherland, the past and present of the multinational people of Russia, respect for state symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

    civic position as an active and responsible member of Russian society, aware of their constitutional rights and obligations, respecting law and order, having self-esteem, consciously accepting traditional national and universal humanistic and democratic values;

    readiness to serve the Fatherland and protect it;

    the formation of a worldview that corresponds to the modern level of development of science and social practice, based on the dialogue of cultures, as well as various forms of social consciousness, awareness of one’s place in a multicultural world;

    moral consciousness and behavior based on the assimilation of universal human values;

    aesthetic attitude to the world, including the aesthetics of everyday life, scientific and technical creativity, sports, social relations;

    acceptance and implementation of the values ​​of a healthy and safe lifestyle, the need for physical self-improvement, sports and recreational activities, rejection of bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs;

    careful, responsible and competent attitude towards physical and psychological health, both one’s own and other people’s, the ability to provide first aid;

    conscious choice of a future profession and opportunities to realize one’s own life plans; attitude to professional activity as an opportunity to participate in solving personal, public, state, and national problems;

    formation of ecological thinking, understanding of the influence of socio-economic processes on the state of the natural and social environment; gaining experience in environmentally-oriented activities;

    responsible attitude towards creating a family based on the conscious acceptance of the values ​​of family life.

Meta-subject results- universal learning activities mastered by students (cognitive, regulatory and communicative);

Subject results- experience acquired by students in the course of studying academic subjects in activities specific to each subject area to obtain new knowledge, its transformation and application, as well as a system of fundamental elements scientific knowledge, which underlies the modern scientific picture of the world.

Expected result: At the end of the course, students should have developed a patriotic consciousness, expanded and deepened their knowledge of the history of their Fatherland, their small Motherland; the beginning of an aesthetic, ethical worldview was laid, moral foundations were instilled.

Students must be able to carry out assignments, lead research work, find non-standard solutions in different situations, take a creative approach to any task.

Students should know the folk traditions of the region and country.
Children should develop universal human concepts of kindness, politeness, morality, and patriotism

V. Thematic plan

for discipline

I. We are Russians!

II. Ethics and aesthetics

III. Basics of military service:

IV. Fire training

V. Military topography

VI. Medical


VII. School of survival

I. Public and state preparation.

1. Our Motherland is Russia.

Our country is Russia. What is a generation? The role of different generations in the history of our country. The concepts of “Motherland” and “Fatherland”. Spiritual traditions and their role in the life of family and society.

2. History of the Russian army and military art

3. Main events and dates in the history of the country.

4. State symbols of Russia. Story. Traditions

5. Great names in the history of Russia.

6. Samara region is our native land.

7. Russian military and Orthodoxy.

8. Historical foundations of Orthodox culture.

II. Ethics and aesthetics

1. Speech etiquette

2. Ethics in relationships with others.

3. Ethics of relationships in a team.

4. Aesthetic grammar

III. Basics of military service:

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are the defenders of our Fatherland

1. History of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Organization of the armed forces of the Moscow state in the XIV-XV centuries. Military reform of Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century. Military reform of Peter I, the creation of a regular army, its features. Military reforms in Russia in the second half of the 19th century, the creation of a mass army.

Creation of the Soviet Armed Forces, their structure and purpose.

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the main prerequisites for military reform.

2. Organizational structure Armed Forces. Types of the Armed Forces, types of troops. The history of their creation and purpose.

Organizational structure of the Armed Forces. Types of the Armed Forces and types of troops.

Ground forces, history of creation, purpose, types of troops included in ground troops.

Air Force, history of creation, purpose, types of aviation.

Air defense troops, history of creation, purpose, tasks to be solved. Incorporation of air defense into the Air Force.

Navy, history of creation, purpose.

Certain types of troops.

Strategic Missile Forces, Airborne Forces, Space Forces, their purpose, support high level combat readiness.

3. Functions and main tasks of the modern Armed Forces of Russia, their role and place in the system of ensuring the country’s national security.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are a state military organization that forms the basis of the country's defense. Leadership and management of the Armed Forces.

4. Other troops, their composition and purpose.

Border agencies of the Federal Security Service, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, civil defense troops, their composition and purpose.

Combat traditions of the Russian Armed Forces

1. Patriotism and loyalty to military duty- qualities of a defender of the Fatherland.

Patriotism is the spiritual and moral basis of the personality of a serviceman - the defender of the Fatherland, the source of the spiritual strength of a warrior.

Devotion to one's Fatherland, love for the Motherland, the desire to serve its interests, to protect it from enemies are the main contents of patriotism.

Military duty is a duty to the Fatherland for its armed defense. The main components of the personality of a serviceman - a defender of the Fatherland, capable of fulfilling his military duty with honor and dignity.

2. Memory of generations- days of military glory of Russia.

Days of military glory of Russia - days glorious victories who played a decisive role in the history of the state.

Basic forms of memorialization Russian soldiers who distinguished themselves in battles associated with the days of military glory of Russia.

3. Friendship, military camaraderie- the basis for the combat readiness of units and subunits.

Features of a military team, the importance of military camaraderie in combat conditions and the everyday life of units and subunits.

Military camaraderie is a military tradition of the Russian Army and Navy.

Symbols of military honor

1. Battle Banner of the military unit- symbol of military honor, valor and glory

The Battle Banner of a military unit is a particularly honorable sign that distinguishes the characteristics of the military mission, history and merits of the military unit.

The ritual of presenting the Battle Banner to a military unit, the procedure for its storage and maintenance.

2. Orders- honorary awards for military distinction and merits in battle and military service.

History of state awards for military distinctions in Russia. The main state awards of the USSR and Russia, the titles Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation.

3. Rituals of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The ritual of taking the military oath. The ritual of presenting the Battle Banner to a military unit. The procedure for handing over weapons and military equipment to personnel. The procedure for seeing off military personnel transferred to the reserve or retired.

4. Basics of preparing citizens for military service. Introductory lesson. Excursion to the military unit Familiarization with the history of the unit, its combat path, the exploits of the unit’s soldiers in wartime and peacetime, military traditions and the tasks of the unit, solved in peacetime in preparation for the defense of the Fatherland. Familiarization of students with the class schedule and daily routine, with the requirements of safety rules during training with weapons and military equipment. Meaning training fees in practical preparation of students for military service.

5. Accommodation and life of military personnel.

Accommodation of conscripted military personnel, maintenance of premises. Fire protection. Environmental protection.

Distribution of work time and daily routine.

Distribution of time in a military unit, daily routine. Rising, morning inspection and evening verification. Classes, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dismissal from the unit. Visiting military personnel.

6. Daily duty, duties of persons on daily duty

Purpose and composition of the daily outfit of a military unit. Preparing the daily outfit.

7. Organization of guard duty, duties of a sentry.

Organization of guard duty, general provisions. Guard outfit, guard preparation. Hourly. Duties of a sentry.

8. Tactical training.

Basic types of combat. The actions of a soldier in battle, the duties of a soldier in battle, the movements of a soldier in battle. Commands given for movement in battle, the order of their execution. Choosing a place for shooting, self-digging and camouflage.

IV. Fire training

Safety measures when handling weapons and shooting.

Safety measures when handling weapons and ammunition. Safety measures when conducting shooting at a shooting range and at a military shooting range.

Material part of small arms.

The purpose and combat properties of the Kalashnikov assault rifle and light machine gun. The general structure, the principle of operation of the automation and the procedure for incomplete disassembly and assembly of weapons.

Purpose and design of machine parts and mechanisms. The device of the cartridge. Features of the device of a light machine gun.

The position of parts and mechanisms before loading and their operation during loading and firing (firing).

Accessory to the machine. Procedure for cleaning and lubricating the machine. The procedure for storing the machine.

Inspection and preparation of the machine gun and cartridges for firing. Possible delays and malfunctions of the machine gun when firing, ways to eliminate them.

Purpose, characteristics and general design of binoculars. Field of view, scale and the price of its divisions. Preparing binoculars for use. The procedure for observing and measuring horizontal and vertical angles to determine range. Caring for and preserving binoculars.

Purpose and combat properties of hand-held offensive, defensive and anti-tank grenades. Construction of grenades and fuses for them. Safety precautions when handling hand grenades. Preparing hand grenades for throwing. Operation of grenade parts and mechanisms.

Purpose and combat properties of rocket-propelled anti-tank and assault grenades. Design and operation of parts and mechanisms. Safety precautions when handling grenades.

Basics and rules of shooting.

The phenomenon of a shot, the initial speed of a bullet. Weapon recoil and bullet departure angle. Formation of a trajectory and its elements. Direct shot: covered, targeted and dead space, and their practical significance. Normal (tabular) shooting conditions. The influence of external conditions on the flight of a bullet. Penetrating (killing) effect of a bullet.

Shooting accuracy, target selection. Selecting a sight and aiming point when shooting from a place at stationary (appearing) and moving targets day and night. The influence of target elevation angle, wind and air temperature on shooting, determining and taking into account corrections for them. Correction of shooting.

Methods for determining distances to a target. Determining distances using angular values. Problem solving.

Fire (shooting) training.

Safety measures during fire training classes.

Practical air rifle shooting.

Equipping the magazine with cartridges and loading the machine gun. Preparation for shooting and shooting (installation of the sight and translator, positioning, aiming, pulling the trigger, holding the machine gun) from a lying position with the hand and from the rest. Stop shooting, unload and inspect the machine gun after shooting. Features of preparation for shooting in the mountains. Positions for shooting from the knee, standing, from short stops and on the move at ground and air targets.

Improving knowledge on the design of parts and mechanisms of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Elimination of delays and malfunctions in the Kalashnikov assault rifle during shooting. Improving knowledge and skills in servicing and maintaining a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Developing skills in monotonous aiming.

Reconnaissance of targets, determination of ranges and target designation in various ways. Determining the installation of the sight and the aiming point in height and lateral direction. Solving fire tasks when firing from a place, from short stops and on the move, taking into account corrections for the target elevation angle, wind and air temperature. Correction of shooting.

Throwing hand grenades at a distance and accuracy from a place (from a trench).

Performing the 2nd (3rd) initial shooting exercise (from a machine gun).

V. Military topography

1. Topography and orientation.

2. Map and compass. The concept of azimuth.

3. Plan, map. The concept of scale. Image of the terrain.

4. Topographic and sports maps. Conventional signs of cards.

5. Determination of distances on the map and on the ground.

6. Orientation on the terrain with a compass and map.

7. Orientation based on auxiliary and local features.

8. Design of combat and command cards.

VI. Medical training

First aid for emergencies

1. First aid for acute heart failure and


Heart failure and its causes. General rules

providing first aid for acute heart failure. Stroke,

the main reasons for its occurrence, signs of its occurrence. First medical

help with stroke.

2. First aid for injuries

The concept of a wound, types of wounds. Sequence of rendering first

medical care for injuries. The concept of asepsis and antiseptics.

3. Basic rules for providing first aid

The most appropriate sequence of first medical care

4. Rules for stopping arterial bleeding

Signs of arterial bleeding, methods of temporary stop

bleeding. Rules for applying a pressure bandage, rules for applying a tourniquet.

.5. Methods of immobilization and carrying of the victim

The purpose of immobilization, possible means for immobilization. Methods

carrying the victim.

6. First aid for musculoskeletal injuries


The main types of musculoskeletal injuries and their causes. Prevention of musculoskeletal injuries. Basic Rules

providing first aid for injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

7. First aid for traumatic brain injury, chest injury,

abdominal trauma

Traumatic brain injury, the main causes of its occurrence and possible

consequences. First aid for traumatic brain injury.

Chest injury, causes, possible consequences. First

medical care for chest trauma.

Abdominal injury, causes, possible consequences. First

medical care for abdominal trauma.

8. First aid for injury in the pelvic area, with

damage to the spine, back

Trauma in the pelvic area, causes of its occurrence, possible consequences.

First aid for injury in the pelvic area.

Spinal and back injuries, main types of spinal and back injuries, possible consequences. Rules for providing first aid for injuries

spine and back.

9. First aid for cardiac arrest

Resuscitation. Rules for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Indirect

heart massage. Artificial ventilation of the lungs using the “mouth to mouth” or “mouth to nose” method. A combination of chest compressions and artificial ventilation

10. First aid for heat and sunstroke. Fainting.

11. Animal, snake and insect bites.

12. Prevention of etching and first aid for it.

13. Transportation of victims, rules and methods.

14. Home, travel and personal first aid kits.

VII. School of survival

1. Man in conditions of autonomous existence.

1. 1. Obtaining water and food.

1.2. Producing fire and food.

1.3. Construction of simple dwellings and shelters.

1.4. Survival in middle lane Russia.

1.5. Survival in cold climates.

1.6. Survival in the taiga.

1.7 Survival in the desert and tropics.

1.8. Survival at sea.

1.9. Survival in the mountains.

1.10. Survival in combat areas

Municipal educational institution gymnasium

municipal district city of Nerekhta and Nerekhta district

Kostroma region


Head of the Ministry of Defense


"___" ______ 20___


Deputy Director for HR

/_________________ /

"___" _______ 20___


Director of the gymnasium


"___" _____ 20___


Galkin Maxim Nikolaevich

according to the training course

"Basic military training"

10-11 grade

2014-2015 academic year

Explanatory note

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, in pursuance of the order of the Governor of the Kostroma Region dated January 25, 2010 No. IS-0-03pr, by order of the Director of the Department and Science of the Kostroma Region dated January 28, 2010 No. 114, course "Fundamentals of initial military training."

This course is designed for 2 years of study: 10th and 11th grade. The curriculum of the subject “Fundamentals of Initial Military Training” provides for a practice-oriented study of the fundamentals of pre-conscription training of young people for military service, rules and methods of providing first aid.

The objectives of teaching students in the field of initial military training are:

    Formation of moral, psychological and physical qualities of a citizen necessary for military service and training in military educational institutions;

    Fostering patriotism, respect for the historical and cultural past of Russia and the Armed Forces;

    Practice-oriented study of the fundamentals of military service, fire, tactical, topographical, combat and medical training.

The curriculum is designed for 35 hours (18 hours – 10th grade; 17 hours – 11th grade) and has a modular structure:

    Module “Fundamentals of State Defense”

    Module “Basics of pre-conscription training”

    Module "First aid"

    Integrated test

Thematic planning of NVP lessons was compiled in accordance with the program developed by the Department of Health Preservation and Psychological Support of the Educational Process of the Kostroma Regional Institute for Educational Development and approved by the Governor of the Kostroma Region I.N. Slyunyaev. The software is the following textbooks:

Smirnov A.T., Vasnev V.A. Fundamentals of military service, M.: Bustard, 2007

    Edited by Naumenko Yu.A. Basic military training, M.: Education, 1987

    Edited by Yu.L. Vorobyov. Fundamentals of life safety. Grade 10. Section "Basics of military service". M.: Astrel. AST, 2003

    Edited by Yu.L. Vorobyov. Fundamentals of life safety. Grade 11. Section "Basics of military service". M.: Astrel. AST, 2003

    V.N. Latchuk, V.V. Markov, S.K. Mironov. Fundamentals of life safety. Grade 10. Section "Basics of military service". M.: Bustard, 2003

    V.N. Latchuk, V.V. Markov, S.K. Mironov. Fundamentals of life safety. Grade 11. Section "Basics of military service". M.: Bustard, 2003

Requirements for the preparation of students when studying the course “Initial military training”

Students should know:

    purpose, history of creation and structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

    assignment of types and branches of troops

    purpose, history of creation and main provisions of general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,

    performing internal and guard duty, duties of an orderly and company duty officer,

    life and everyday life of military personnel, military uniforms and insignia,

    basic drill techniques and movements without weapons

    basics of combined arms combat

    actions of a soldier in battle (in defense and in attack)

    main types of firearms, ammunition and armor protection equipment in service in the Russian Armed Forces

    purpose and general design of the AK-74 assault rifle and hand fragmentation grenades

    basics and rules of shooting

    safety measures when handling weapons and ammunition.

Students should be able to:

    give commands to the orderly

    change the guard

    carry out the commands “Stand up”, “Be equal”, “At attention”, “At ease”, “Refuel”, etc.

    adapt on the spot and on the move

    make turns on the spot and in motion

    move at a marching and drill pace

    change directions of movement

    give a military salute on the spot and on the move

    get out and get in line

    report to your boss

    disassemble and assemble the AK-74 assault rifle, clean and lubricate the assault rifle

    prepare hand fragmentation grenades for battle

    be made for shooting, shoot an air rifle from various positions, adjust shooting

    navigate using a compass and topographic map

    use a curvimeter

    implement methods of movement in battle.

Thematic planning of NVP lessons

10th grade (18 teaching hours)


Number of hours


Fundamentals of state defense




Differentiated credit


Lesson planning.

Lesson topic

Basic Concepts


Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Armed Forces, structure of the Armed Forces, types of Armed Forces, types of troops. Central bodies of military command, rear of the Armed Forces, ground forces, air force, navy. Defense capability, security, security system, security forces, aggression, armed defense.

Military reform, unified command and control system, contract service, military-technical policy, optimization of the military education system.

Combined arms regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Drill regulations.

General military regulations. Formation regulations, formation elements: flank, front, rear side of the formation, interval, distance, formation width, formation depth; drill techniques, formations of units and units.

Combined arms regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Charter of garrison and guard services.

Garrison and guard service, rights and obligations of military personnel when performing garrison and guard services, composition of the guard, sentry, post, actions of the sentry and guard, garrison activities, military discipline

Story, viewing a multimedia presentation, discussion, working with the text of the charter.

Basics of pre-conscription training. Drill. Drill techniques and movements without weapons.

Drill stance, basic commands, turns in place, marching step, marching step, step in place. Deployed formation, closed formation, marching formation.

Topographic preparation. Location orientation.

Orientation, compass, azimuth, orientation by the sun, clock, polar star. Orientation based on local characteristics.

Story, viewing of presentation, group work with handouts.




Basics of first aid. Types of bandages, rules for their application, transportation of victims.

Asepsis, antiseptics, infection, dressing, bandaging. Types of bandages: cross-shaped, mitten, cap, Deso bandage, etc.

Story, demonstration, work with a thematic table, performing practical exercises on applying bandages in pairs


Bleeding, methods of stopping bleeding, immobilization and transportation of the victim.

Bleeding: capillary, venous, arterial, parenchymal. General condition, nature of damage, improvised stretcher, stretcher straps, pole, transport bag, drag stretcher.

Story, discussion, work on defining concepts, drawing up schemes for the provision of primary healthcare.


First aid for injuries.

Trauma, environmental factors, destruction of skin integrity, closed injuries: bruises, sprains, ruptures, dislocations, fractures, compression; open injuries, bleeding.

Story, conversation, work with tables, drawing up an algorithm of actions for providing primary care for various injuries


First aid for injuries.

Dressing material, bandage application, gauze bandage, tubular bandage, elastic bandage, individual dressing package.

Sterile dressing.

Story, demonstration, watching videos on the topic, practical training in applying bandages to the chest, abdomen, upper and lower extremities. Work in groups and pairs.


First aid for bleeding.

Bleeding, temporary stop of bleeding, application of a tourniquet, twisting, digital pressure of the artery, maximum flexion of the limb, pressure bandage, wound.

Working with thematic tables, demonstration, performing practical exercises on providing primary care, completing test tasks.


Differentiated test on the topic “Fundamentals of pre-conscription training.”

All concepts and terms on the topic “Basics of pre-conscription training” are repeated

Drill review, test on the topic “Incomplete disassembly and assembly of AK”

Differentiated credit on the topic “First aid”.

All concepts and terms on the topic “First aid” are repeated.

11th grade (16 teaching hours)


Number of hours


Fundamentals of state defense


Basics of pre-conscription training


Providing first aid


Differentiated credit

Lesson planning.

Lesson topic

Basic Concepts


Symbols of military honor. Battle Banner of a military unit.

Story, drawing up a diagram “Structure of the RF Armed Forces”, discussion “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.”

Symbols of military honor. Orders and medals.

Story, viewing a multimedia presentation, discussion, working with the text of the charter.

Rituals of the Russian Armed Forces.

Rituals of the Russian Armed Forces. Military oath.

Story, viewing a multimedia presentation, discussion, working with the text of the charter.

Basics of military service. Basic military training.

Legislative basis for the creation of the Armed Forces. Military duty and military service. Combat traditions of the Armed Forces. Military training.

Story, demonstration, watching videos on the topic, practical training of drill techniques and movements without weapons.

Drill. Techniques for exiting and returning to duty, and changing formations.

Leaving the ranks and returning to ranks, approaching the boss and leaving him, basic commands. Double-rank formation, single-rank formation, rank, column. Guide, trailing. Preliminary team, executive team.

Story, demonstration, watching videos on the topic, practical training of techniques for getting out and returning to duty, and changing formations.

Tactical training. The actions and responsibilities of a soldier in battle, movement and choice of shooting location.

Tactics, modern combined arms combat, offensive, attack, defense, camouflage, engineering support, chemical support, combat readiness. Methods of movement: accelerated step, running, dashing, crawling. Trench, firing position. Basic commands.

A story, watching videos, a workshop on practicing a soldier’s actions in battle (movement, crawling, trench-digging techniques)

Tactical training. Overcoming obstacles, engineering obstacles, carrying out commands and basic actions in battle.

Practical lesson, overcoming an obstacle course.

Topographic preparation. Features and methods of working with the map.

Topographic map, map scale, numerical scale, linear scale, scale magnitude. Compass meter, curvimeter. Coordinate system, coordinate grid. Symbols on the map (scale, non-scale, explanatory).

Story, viewing of presentation, group work with handouts.

Fire training. Kalashnikov assault rifle, main parts and mechanisms, procedure for partial disassembly and assembly of the AK.

Kalashnikov assault rifle, barrel with receiver, sighting device and butt; receiver cover; bolt carrier with gas piston; gate; return mechanism; gas tube with receiver lining; trigger mechanism; forend; shop; bayonet knife.

Partial disassembly, assembly of AK. Security measures.

Story, demonstration, work with the training program, practical actions for incomplete disassembly and assembly of AK.

Fire training. Incomplete disassembly and assembly of a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Practical training of incomplete disassembly and assembly of weapons.

Operation of machine parts and mechanisms.

Basics and rules of shooting.

Hand fragmentation grenades.

Operation of parts and mechanisms F-1, RGD-5. Device. Security measures.



Practical work


Practical work

Differentiated credit

Test on the topic (theory and practice)