The fortuneteller Vanga (full name - Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova) has become widely known in the world. And although she has been dead for almost 18 years, she is still popular. Vanga is even called a modern Nostradamus.

Vanga: life story

The life of the prophetess was not easy. She had to go through many trials of fate. These were poverty and poverty, overwork and illness, imprisonment and persecution.

However, she did not harden her soul; on the contrary, she sincerely believed that a person should do good, that is what he was born for. Evil people will certainly be met with punishment, which may also affect descendants. Therefore, Vanga did not predict for everyone and did not heal everyone; she showed some to the door if she saw evil in a person’s soul.

Despite all the difficulties, Vanga lived a long life. Her date of birth and death are separated by 85 years. She was born at the beginning of the century, and ended her earthly existence at its end. Before answering the question about what year Vanga died, we will learn about how her life unfolded.

They named the girl Vangelia

In a peasant family that lived in the settlement of Strumica, which was then part of the vast Ottoman Empire, a girl was born at midnight on October 3, 1911. However, she was so weak that the parents did not know whether their child would survive. They were in no hurry even to choose a name for him.

The girl survived, and her parents decided to name her Vangelia. This name means “good news” in Greek. It’s not for nothing that they say that a name influences a person’s destiny. Vanga's story is evidence of this. After all, she became a fortuneteller.

Unlike the girl, who survived and grew stronger, she collapsed. She fell apart. Türkiye, Serbia, Montenegro, and Bulgaria arose from its ruins. It was on the territory of the latter that Strumica was located, where Pande Surchev’s family lived. His wife died when his daughter was only three years old. Panda himself had to go to the front, because the First World War had begun. World War. And he left Vangelia alone, asking the neighbors to look after the girl.

Scary and strange incident

Pande Surchev returned safely from the front, got married again and began farming. However, soon the family had to move from Strumitsa to another village, Pande’s homeland. And although the Surchevs still lived poorly, Vanga did not have any special problems until she was 12 years old, because new wife her father turned out to be a good stepmother.

But one day a misfortune happened. The girl was playing with other children outside the village. Suddenly a dark cloud appeared in the sky, rose hurricane wind, he swirled dust, curled it into funnels and suddenly picked up Vanga and carried her into the field. What remains in the girl’s memory is as if someone’s hand touched her head. She lost consciousness. After some time, I woke up on the ground with a headache, my eyes were covered with dust and were very red.

They looked for Vangelia for a long time, because she was blown into a field by the wind, they found her and took her home, but the girl’s condition was serious, her eyes were especially damaged. Doctors said surgery was necessary. However, the father could not find money to pay for his daughter’s treatment.

My vision was getting worse every day. However, for several years she still saw, albeit faintly. However, Vanga soon became completely blind.

Shelter for the Blind

In Serbia, in the city of Zemun, there was a shelter for the blind. The girl’s parents sent her there. Surprisingly, Vanga’s years in the orphanage were her happiest. Here, in three years, she learned to play the piano, do various household chores on her own: washing, cooking, cleaning the house, and even knitting.

Here, in the shelter, her first love came to her. Young man name was Dimitar. He was also blind. But, unlike the girl, he came from a wealthy family. They fell in love with each other, and after some time Dimitar proposed to Vanga. Of course, she agreed and was happy.

Unfortunately, fate did not allow Vanga’s biography, which, on the contrary, was full of difficult events, to write a happy page. Another test was prepared for her.


The father, not taking into account the wishes of his eldest daughter, soon demanded her return home from the orphanage. His wife died while giving birth to their fourth child. Someone should help him with housework and raising small children. Only he could do it for free eldest daughter Vanga, despite the fact that she was blind.

The next years of Vanga's life were spent in poverty, which she encountered upon returning to her father's house. For three children aged from two to six years old, the girl became a mother. She shouldered all the worries around the house. This is where the skills she learned at the shelter came in handy.

Soon the villagers learned how quickly and beautifully Vanga could knit, and began ordering things from her. In payment for the work, they gave her old, unnecessary ones, which she remade for the kids. Then she learned to weave. It was necessary to somehow make ends meet. The money that my father earned as a shepherd was sorely lacking.

But Vanga never sat still, she did not let her children idle, teaching them to work.

The gift of prophecy has been revealed

Of course, this did not happen right away. Fortune telling on St. George's Day, the girls threw their things into the jug and left it overnight with one of the girls, who was supposed to predict the fate of all of them in the morning. Surprisingly, if the jug remained with Vanga, the next day everyone received predictions, which then came true.

Once a girl helped her father find a sheep that had disappeared from the herd. He didn’t even immediately believe her words, because then he would have to go to the neighboring village. But when Vanga said that she saw this in a dream, he went there and really brought the sheep home. Her father had already noticed that many of her dreams were coming true.

Hard, almost backbreaking work for a blind girl, constant malnutrition led to tragedy: Vanga became seriously ill. The date of birth and the day of her death could be significantly closer to each other due to pleurisy, because for some time the girl was on the verge of death. However, a miracle happened again and she recovered.

Vivid Vision

However, Vanga’s gift of clairvoyance finally manifested itself during the Second World War. Before this, according to her own words, she had a vision. A rider on a white horse stopped in front of her house, then entered and illuminated everything with divine light. Vanga heard his words that soon many people would die because the world would turn upside down. The horseman also said: “You will stand in this place and speak about the dead and the living.” He also urged her not to be afraid, since he would tell her what to predict.

In January 1941, Vanga’s biography, full of amazing events, was supplemented with this fact. Since then she has become a soothsayer.

During the war, people came to her to find out about the fate of their loved ones. She calmed many despairing people, gave advice, and encouraged them. People were grateful to her even for the news of where their loved one laid his head.

Unfortunately, she could not help her relatives, although she knew their fate in advance. For example, when her brother Vasil was about to leave for partisan detachment, Vanga begged him to be careful, predicted painful death at 23 years old. He didn't believe it. However, he was soon captured, suffered hellish torment and was shot. How hard it was for the fortuneteller! But she couldn't do anything. The date of Vanga’s death was also known to the clairvoyant, but she was not afraid of it.

Vanga becomes Gushtereva

The fortuneteller refused the young soldier Mitko Gushterov's request to name the names of those who killed his brother. She didn't want him to be like other killers. After all, widows and children become victims as a result. Vanga tried to explain this to the soldier. It is difficult to say whether he understood her. However, after that, no, no, he even went to talk to her, and soon asked her to marry him.

In May 1942 they got married, and Vangelia Gushterova appeared. However, the woman only had this last name in her passport. For the people, she still remained Vanga, who could predict.

Perhaps by that time many believed that the predictions made Vanga rich. However, at the wedding, her entire dowry was one samovar, with which she moved to her husband in Petrich.

The couple lived in harmony for twenty years, however last years Mitko began to drink heavily and became an alcoholic. They said that he was very worried about the fact that he and Vanga did not have children. Be that as it may, he died in 1962. The clairvoyant, of course, knew the date of her husband’s death (she herself also knew the upcoming date of Vanga’s death), but she could not do anything.

She knelt by Mitko's bed and cried with her blind eyes. Taking his last breath, Vanga fell asleep. She later explained that she escorted him to the place prepared for him.

She was visited by the souls of the dead

After the death of her husband, Vanga devoted herself entirely to helping people. People came to her from all over the world, and she never refused anyone. She prescribed treatment for the sick, warned those who were in danger from taking wrong steps, and helped some find their missing relatives.

Soon the fortuneteller realized that it was very difficult for her to cope with such a flow of people alone, and asked the authorities for help. And she was accepted to... public service. Yes, such an interesting biography of a fortuneteller named Vanga! The years of her life contain a lot of different events.

So, city services identified people who helped maintain order in the yard and provide her with at least minimal rest and tranquility. They kept records of those who wanted to visit the clairvoyant. By the way, the money also went to the state treasury, Vanga received only a small salary.

All these actions of the authorities can be regarded as official recognition unusual abilities Wangi. And these abilities of hers even began to be studied by specialists from the Institute of Suggestology and Parapsychology. But it was not easy to study them, because the ability to “communicate” with the souls of the dead cannot be recorded with any instruments.

Vanga talked about how the souls of deceased relatives or close acquaintances of the person who comes to her for help appear before her. By communicating with them, she can find out everything about him and give some advice for the future.

The clairvoyant had her own idea of ​​what happens to a person after his death. Vanga believed in immortality human soul, into reincarnation. It was on these issues that her views differed from those of the church. Vanga considered herself a believer; she observed fasts and celebrated holidays. With the savings she collected, she built the Church of St. Petka.

It would seem that the time has come to find out in what year Vanga died. But what then of her great predictions?

Predictions of Blind Vanga

Many people visited the Bulgarian clairvoyant famous people. She even predicted it for Adolf Hitler. By the way, I warned him about defeat. Only he didn’t want to listen to her and not go to war Soviet Union. And in 1942, III visited her.

They touched on the death of Joseph Stalin, the assassination attempt on John Kennedy, the events in Czechoslovakia, and the assassination of Indira Gandhi.

In the early 80s, she predicted that soon “important leaders would leave their posts...” and big changes would follow. These words of hers were then associated with the death of a succession of Soviet leaders: Brezhnev, Chernenko, Andropov, and the beginning of perestroika.

They say that Vanga foresaw the death of the Kursk submarine, a terrorist attack in America, and even that the president of the United States would be a “black man.” She also predicted the glory of Russia and its leader Vladimir.

There are memoirs of actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov and writer Leonid Leonov, who also visited blind Vanga. She surprised the first one with a question about why he did not fulfill Gagarin’s last request (it turns out that he promised to buy him an alarm clock), and she predicted the death of the second one after the publication of his novel “Pyramid”. By the way, Leonov wrote this novel for 12 years, but after its publication he died three months later.

Some of Vanga's predictions also concerned the world's future. She said that as a result of space expeditions, the secret of the appearance of life on Earth would finally be revealed, there would be a meeting with extraterrestrial civilizations, and humanity would get rid of cancer.

Unfortunately, the clairvoyant herself could not overcome this disease. Just as she could not delay the approach of her death. Although she knew about her date for sure. Now it would be appropriate to ask the question in what year Vanga died. This happened on August 11, 1996.

The clairvoyant suffered from an oncological disease such as breast cancer. However, she did not want to have the operation, leaving everything “to the will of the Lord.” Last days She spent her life in a hospital ward. At midnight, before the day of death, she asked for a piece of bread and a sip of water, then asked to be bathed. In the morning she reported that the spirits of her dead relatives had already arrived for her. After these words, she passed away into another world.


For fifty-five years, the Bulgarian blind Vanga helped people. There are statistics that during this time at least a million people visited her, and about 80% of her predictions came true. And although now we already know in what year Vanga died, more surprising fact that her fame in the world is still great.

Almost everything is known about the biography of the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant - how Vanga was born and when she died. Life path The psychic is not shrouded in secrets and mystifications, which distinguishes the seer from charlatans who deliberately surround themselves with an aura of mystery and lies.

In the article:

Where and in what year was Vanga born?

The clairvoyant was born in Strumica - small town Ottoman Empire, which today is located in Macedonia, near the Bulgarian border. It is known in what year Vanga was born - 1911, January 31, exactly at midnight.

The seer was born in poor family farmers. My father's name was Pande, and Vanga's middle name was Pandeva. The mother's name was Paraskeva, perhaps that is why the temple built with the money of the prophetess was named in honor of St. Paraskeva. The full name of the prophetess is Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, née Dimitrova.

According to Bulgarian folk custom, a name was chosen for the seer with the help of a random passerby. People went out into the street and asked the first person they met for the name and called the child that. The seer received the name Andromache, which her grandmother did not like, and became Vangelia. According to some sources, the full name sounded like “Evangelia” and was given to the girl to protect her from a serious illness.

The future seer was indeed born weak. The child was premature, seven months old. The ears were attached to the head, the fingers and toes were fused. At birth, Vanga was so weak that she could not even cry. The girl's relatives hoped that the name would help the baby survive. February 26 was the child’s second birthday, when Vanga’s health improved sharply. Soon the girl was christened under the name Vangelia.

The great fortuneteller Vanga - childhood

At the beginning of the First World War, my father was mobilized into the Bulgarian army and went to the front. Around this time she died and birth mother seers due to unsuccessful second births. Vanga was only three years old. The girl became Paraskeva’s first child; there were no siblings. A neighbor, a Turkish woman, Asania, raised the girl for three years, since her father was still at war.

People who knew Vanga as a child noted the girl’s activity and love of work. In adult life The seer was distinguished by her hard work. The advice contained recommendations that one should avoid laziness and work more. The girl grew up very thin, but she was full of cheerfulness. Already as a child, the psychic loved to play doctor and pretend to be blind. Perhaps this is how divination abilities manifested themselves: Vanga loved to blindfold herself and look for different things.

The neighbors who looked after the child decided that the girl would remain an orphan. But three years later, when Vanga was seven, his father returned home. Pande was unharmed, but very thin. The man lived with his daughter in an old house in Strumica.

The times were turbulent. The Serbian authorities issued another order: all women who are in relationships with Bulgarian soldiers must leave the city. The most enviable bride of Strumitsa, Tanka, was just preparing for her wedding to a Bulgarian officer. The girl’s parents did not want eviction and shame, and without unnecessary pomp they married the beauty to Pande. Tanka was not happy, but she became a good mother, wife and mistress in the house of a hard-working man.

The Serbian authorities wanted to get rid of those who sympathized with the Bulgarians. One of the first victims of the new law was Pande. The land of the psychic's father was taken away on the eve of the harvest - the family found itself on the brink of poverty. For some time the man was beaten and tortured in prison. Pande returned in 1922, when his son from Tanka, Vanga’s paternal brother, Vasil, was born.

Vanga's father.

After his release from prison, Pande worked as a shepherd, and Tanka took care of the children and housekeeping. At the age of 11, Vanga helped her stepmother around the house and her father with transporting wineskins of milk.

When the second child grew up a little, the family decided to change their place of residence. In 1923, the couple moved to Novo Selo (modern Macedonia). This is Pande’s homeland: Vanga’s brother, uncle, lived in Novo Selo, wealthy as a result of an advantageous marriage, but childless.

How the soothsayer Vanga lost her sight

In 1923, a tragedy occurred that caused the great healer to become blind. When the future clairvoyant was returning home with other children, the company decided to stop at the Khanskaya Cheshma spring to drink water. A hurricane has begun. A gusty wind knocked the children to the ground and carried Vangu several hundred meters away. It was only in the evening that the girl was found in a field, littered with branches and other debris.

The eyes of the future prophetess were covered with sand so that the child could not open them. The sand caused a serious injury that required treatment. The parents turned to local doctors, but the doctors could not help their problem. The capital's ophthalmologists could cope with Vanga's eye disease, but the family did not have money for therapy. The operation, which could save his sight, cost 500 leva. The girl prayed to God for a miracle, perhaps that’s why the Almighty gave the child different vision as compensation.

Vanga became completely blind only four years after the tornado tragedy. The clairvoyant said that she felt someone’s palm on her head when she was carried away by the wind into a field. The girl lost consciousness and woke up on the ground. Another cause of blindness is unhealthy diet, because the family lived in poverty, and in 1924 another child was born. Poor living conditions and lack of food became the last straw, which provoked final blindness after severe eye injury.

The blind girl became a burden in the family. The child could not care for himself. Neighbors advised Panda to send his daughter to the home of the blind. In 1924, when the girl turned 15, the teenager said goodbye to her home and went to Zemun, a city in Serbia where there was a school for the blind. The future psychic liked it there, they made a special impression school uniform, which seemed luxurious to the poor girl from the village, and the first hair cut in her life.

In the house of the blind, Vanga, along with the other children, studied the alphabet of the blind, school sciences and music. The girl quickly learned to play the piano. At practical classes for blind children, the future seer was taught how to make the bed, set the table, and even clean the room and cook food. Among the students at the home for the blind, Vanga met her future husband, Dimitar, the son of wealthy parents who later helped the young family.

Vanga's biography - difficult youth

In 1928, Vanga Tanka’s stepmother died during another birth. The clairvoyant had to return home - the father could not cope with raising the children. The fourth child, during whose birth her stepmother died, did not survive, leaving two brothers and a sister, who was born while the girl was studying in a home for the blind. Vangelia did an excellent job as a hostess.

The clairvoyant made a living by knitting, her father tended cattle and worked as a farm laborer. At this time, Vanga began to make her first prophecies, helped look for lost animals and solved other problems. everyday problems village residents. Big money there were no people in the family; they still lived on the brink of poverty.

In 1939, Vanga fell ill: the girl had to stand in line for benefits for the poor barefoot; a cold led to pleurisy. There was little hope for the recovery of the local knitter, but the clairvoyant survived.

The brothers grew up and went to neighboring villages to work. In 1940, Pande fell ill: his skin became covered with ulcers, and blood poisoning began. At the beginning of summer, the disease began to develop, and in the fall the man’s condition worsened greatly. Vanga did not hide her confidence that her father would soon die.

Pande died in November 1940 at the age of 54. The children had no money for the funeral, but the priest agreed to perform the ceremony for free. The brothers went to work as farm laborers in neighboring villages, but the clairvoyant remained to live with her sister.

War and post-war years - Vanga’s family life and the path to world fame

In 1941, an invisible horseman appeared to the prophetess and said the following:

The world will soon turn upside down, many people will die and be lost. You will stand in this place and speak about the dead and the living. Don't be afraid! I will tell you what to broadcast.

During World War II, Vanga told her fellow villagers where their husbands were, who had gone to the front. The predictions came true. The woman knew who would return from the war and who would die. People from nearby villages and towns came to the Bulgarian seer to find out their fate, insure against a wrong decision and be cured of illnesses. Vanga made many prophecies about famous personalities, but the first titled visitor to the seer was the Tsar of Bulgaria in 1943.

Vanga with her husband.

In May 1942, the girl again met with Dimitar Gushterov, who was able to find a blind colleague thanks to his fame as a clairvoyant. The man dreamed of avenging his dead brother, who left behind children and a sick wife. Vanga dissuaded her future husband from revenge. Before the wedding, the girl and her groom moved to big house in Petrich. Dimitar went to war immediately after the wedding.

The husband believed his wife’s predictions and followed her advice, so he survived the war. Returned from the front in 1944. Vanga's brother Vasil ignored warnings and died at the age of 23 in captivity. Dimitar was against his wife's popularity and believed that married woman You shouldn't make predictions. The husband’s prohibitions did not work: the seer was too famous, people came to the reception from all over the country.

Dimitar's health was seriously compromised after the war. The man recovered in 1945, but fell ill again in 1947. Doctors advised me to drink rakia for stomach pain. Vanga's husband could not stand the test and became addicted to alcohol. The seer was very worried, but admitted to her sister that there was no salvation. Dimitar stopped listening to his wife’s instructions.

In 1952, Vanga predicted the death of Stalin, for which she was imprisoned for 10 years without the right to correspondence. The prophetess was released from prison in just six months, because the prediction came true. Vangelia continued to practice divination. At this time it was recorded a large number of, and other countries. According to close people, the clairvoyant received up to 120 people a day.

In 1962, Dimitar died of cirrhosis of the liver. Vanga continued receiving people immediately after the funeral. From that day on, the seer never stopped wearing the widow's black scarf. After the death of her husband, the clairvoyant sheltered several orphans - there were no natural children. The woman did not live in Petrich and moved to Rupite, where the last years of the healer’s life passed.

Until 1967, visits to Vanga were free. The woman took what people themselves brought: food, household items and other gifts. In 1967, the prophetess became a civil servant with a salary of 200 leva. According to the soothsayer’s assistant A. Manchev, who was involved in her affairs from 1992 to 1996, Vanga made a substantial contribution to the budget of Bulgaria. For local residents, the cost of admission was equivalent to 20 euros at the modern exchange rate. Foreigners paid $50 for a meeting with a famous soothsayer.

The woman did not get rich from her career as a fortuneteller. The clairvoyant spent her personal money on helping people and building a church. The difference between the salary and the income generated by the receptions went to the state treasury and the Vanga Foundation. The foundation was run by the woman's godson.

Since 1967, the healer’s life was spent communicating with people, receiving receptions, visiting church and studying occult literature. For example, the fortuneteller was interested in the works of Elena Ivanovna Roerich and communicated with her son. In 1994, Vanga built a church in Rupite with her own funds. The architecture and wall paintings were non-canonical, so the building was not consecrated. The church is dedicated to St. Paraskeva.

How and when Vanga died

People are interested in how and when Vanga died. The clairvoyant fell ill in 1996, at the age of 85. The old woman went to see her regular doctor. The doctor later gave an interview for the NTV channel about prophecies and last words seers. Vanga’s predictions, as the whole country learned. A diagnosis of right breast cancer was made.

The seer categorically refused the operation. She didn’t mention the reasons, but her friends know about the psychic’s negative attitude towards traditional medicine. The woman knew what awaited a person after death, and was not afraid. Here's what Vanga said about death:

...After death, the body decomposes, like all living things, but part of the soul, I don’t even know what to call it, does not decompose. And continues to develop to reach a higher level. This is the immortality of the soul.

The prophetess claimed that she knew her own date of death, but she was mistaken. Vanga believed that she would live another three years after the onset of the disease, but a month before her death she announced a new date of death. The disease progressed quickly, and the woman refused treatment.

The seer did not die at home, but in the hospital. The healer was brought to the intensive care unit of a government hospital and placed in a luxurious separate ward for especially important patients. Vanga refused help and said that everything was God’s will. The clairvoyant spent the last days of her life in a coma. Close people said that death was the deliverance of the healer, tired of people and suffering from a painful illness. Almost all the time, journalists and cameramen with photo and video cameras were nearby the chamber. Only on August 3, 9 days before Vanga’s death, access to the ward was closed.

At midnight on August 10, there was a sharp improvement in the seer’s condition, as often happens before death. The pulse leveled out, breathing became free, Vanga asked for a glass of water and a piece of bread. Then she turned to close people with a request to swim and perfume her body. Afterwards the clairvoyant said that she was fine now. At 9 am on August 11, the seer said that deceased relatives came. The woman was talking to someone, making movements as if she was stroking someone on the head. At 10 o'clock Vanga died. In what year did Vanga die? 1996, six months after the diagnosis was confirmed.

How many years did Vanga live? At the time of her death, the fortuneteller was 85 years old. The years of Vanga's life are 1911–1996. The clairvoyant died on August 11, 1996. The seer's property, according to her will, went to the state. Vanga bequeathed to bury herself near the house in Rupite, where she spent the last years of her life. Vangelia’s last will was violated: the fortuneteller was buried on the territory of the Church of St. Paraskeva on August 14.

The attitude of the church towards Vanga

The church was built at Vanga's expense.

The Orthodox Church did not recognize Vanga for a long time and did not intend to distinguish the woman from other seers and occultists who saw more than others.

The visionary abilities of the clairvoyant were not considered a gift from God. The priests, especially the Bulgarian ones, were sure that either Vanga was deceiving people or was collaborating with evil spirits like a witch.

In the 20th century, neither sorcerers nor clairvoyants were persecuted; the church was not interested in the life, abilities and activities of the soothsayer. When Vanga died, people began to call the woman a saint. There were also letters to the Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church with requests for the canonization of the soothsayer. In particular, priest A. Kochev, who knew Vanga during his lifetime, advocated for canonization.

The church changed its mind when the clairvoyant built the church at her own expense. However, Vanga’s relationship with the church remained strained, even though the healer was a believer, observed fasts and church holidays. The Athonite hieromonk Vissarion believed that Vanga was either possessed by demons or a witch who accepted the help of dark forces.

Perhaps the recorded memories of the historian, theologian and leader of the anti-sectarian movement in Russia A.L. Dvorkin will shed light on Vanga’s relationship with the church. The prophetess, through messengers, conveyed to Metropolitan Nathanael an invitation to a reception. The minister decided to visit the prophetess with the cross, where there was a piece of the Honorable Cross of the Lord. When the Metropolitan approached Vanga’s house, according to A.L. Dvorkin, the following happened:

“Suddenly she interrupted and in a changed - low, hoarse - voice said with effort: “Someone came here. Let him throw this on the floor immediately!” "What is this"?" - the stunned people around asked Vanga. And then she broke into a frantic cry: “This, this! He holds THIS in his hands! It's stopping me from speaking! Because of this I can't see anything! “I don’t want this in my house!” the old woman screamed, kicking her feet and swaying.”

Vanga - the life story of the seer in monuments and museums

Books are published and films are made about Vanga’s predictions and life story. The woman’s prophecies will accompany humanity until people decide to leave the Universe and the end of the world comes in Vanga’s understanding. Many predictions about Russia, Putin, the USA and other countries have already come true.

Vanga's house in Petrich for a long time stood closed, and in 2008 a museum dedicated to the clairvoyant was opened there. The house in Rupite also houses a museum. Both houses of the seer, like Vanga’s grave, are often visited by people. The house in Rupite, where the healer spent the last years of her life, is considered a place of power: people visited these places even before the opening of the museum.

In 2011, in honor of Vanga’s centenary, a monument to the prophetess weighing 400 kg was erected in Rupite. In 2014, the Church of St. Paraskeva was consecrated. The chapel is popular: the great seer called the building a place of strength and purification. When Vanga died, the church she built, like the house where the soothsayer lived in her last years, became a place of pilgrimage for tourists and people who believe that even after death the soothsayer can help like saints.

Vanga left this world on August 11, 1996. She lived a total of 85 years and died of breast cancer. She refused to have the operation because she believed that her time was up. Vanga was born in a small village and became blind at the age of 12, and soon began to predict. People from all over the world visited her, including high-ranking persons. Some considered her an accomplice of the Bulgarian special services, others considered her a unique person who sees the past and the future.

The Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga foresaw not only the future of humanity, but also her own death. The clairvoyant died on August 11, 1996 from cancer, at the age of 85.

Date and cause of death

Vanga's death was the result of a long-term cancer. The famous fortune teller died of cancer of the right breast. This happened on August 11, 1996. The doctors had every chance of salvation, but the soothsayer, saying goodbye to the world and indicating not to mourn her body, refused surgical intervention.

Where is Vanga buried?

Figure 1. Vanga's grave

The place where Vanga is buried is considered unique today. Firstly, due to the fact that here is one of the strangest Orthodox churches peace. It was built with her personal savings in 1992. Due to the fact that it is very different from an ordinary temple, it was consecrated only 2 years after construction. There is a version that this happened only after a big bribe.

Another feature of the clairvoyant’s grave is that she was buried not in a cemetery, but in the courtyard of her own house, behind the strange Church of St. Petka of Bulgaria.

All this is located near the village of Rupite in Bulgaria (Blagoevgrad region, near the town of Petrich), where the soothsayer has lived for the last 20 years.

short biography

Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, nee Surcheva (Baba Vanga), was born on January 31, 1911 in the city of Strumica, in the Ottoman Empire (today North Macedonia). Her biography is considered one of the most mysterious in the last century. Fans of the gift believe that the predicted prophecies continue to come true, while skeptics believe the opposite.

Vanga's childhood and youth

Vanga was blind not from birth, but only from the age of 12. Before this, although the child had poor health, he no longer stood out from his peers. When she was 3 years old, her mother died, later her father went to the front - the girl was raised by a neighbor. The returning father married a young woman.

When the girl was 12 years old, the family lived in a small village located in modern Macedonia, called Novo Selo. One day, returning home, she was caught in a terrible hurricane. A strong gust of wind threw the child several hundred meters, after which she was discovered by adults under branches and a pile of sand - several hours later on the same day. The eyes were completely filled with sand, so the future soothsayer went blind.

When did you start predicting?

Figure 2. Home photo

Vanga's first unique abilities appeared after she was able to recover from complex shape pleurisy resulting from severe hypothermia. According to her memoirs, in 1941 there was a meeting with a “mysterious horseman”, after which the girl acquired the gift of clairvoyance. It all started with predicting to fellow villagers the fate of relatives who had gone to the front, speaking in a male voice. Vanga also began to interpret dreams.

The first official to visit the blind fortuneteller was the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III, this happened on April 8, 1942. Only in 1967 was the fortuneteller made a civil servant and money began to be paid for forecasts. From this moment on, famous people, mainly politicians, begin to appear in her house, wanting to know the fate of the country and their future.

“Fear, fear! Our American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river,” as many believe, Vanga’s prediction, voiced in 1989, came true 22 years later. In 2001, two planes hijacked by terrorists crashed into the New York towers of the World War II building. shopping center. But there is no documentary evidence to support this statement.

Friends, acquaintances

Figure 3. Until recent years, Vanga continued to engage in prophecy

Today nothing is known about Vanga’s friends, but this cannot be said about the acquaintances of the greatest fortuneteller. Over the course of 50 years of owning her gift, she received more than a million people, among whom were not only simple people, but also famous personalities. For example, if we talk about our compatriots, people came to her with questions:

  • actor V. Tikhonov;
  • children's writer and poet S. Mikhalkov;
  • director of the Institute for Brain Research N. Bekhtereva;
  • writer L. Leonov;
  • writer and poet V. Sidorov;
  • painter S. Roerich;
  • poet E. Yevtushenko;
  • actress A. Demidova;
  • psychotherapist A. Kashpirovsky;
  • pop singer F. Kirkorov.

Vanga has repeatedly met representatives and heads of other states.

Personal life

Figure 4. With husband Dimitar Gushterov

Vanga’s personal life could have developed well back in at a young age. At the end of the 20s. she dated a blind young man from rich family and was going to marry him, but, due to difficult family circumstances(my stepmother died during childbirth), she was forced to return to her father and take care of her younger brothers and sister.

She got married only in 1942 to serviceman Dimitar Gushterov. They lived together for 40 years. The husband died in 1962 from long-term alcoholism. During this time, the family did not have any common children, but the adopted children, Dimitar and Violetta, received a good education and became worthy people.

Facts from life

In addition to the fact that Vanga became known throughout the world for her predictions, throughout her life there were curious facts that defied explanation. Some of the most interesting ones include:

  • According to the recollections of the soothsayer’s relatives, one of the little girl’s favorite games (even before she lost her sight) was a game where she hid a toy and looked for it blindfolded.
  • Although it might seem that Vanga knows everything about our planet, to the question “Is there life after death?” she answered: “I have no right to answer this question.” A similar answer was heard on the topic of the apocalypse.
  • In addition to making predictions, Baba Vanga was engaged in treating people. Most often, herbs were used for this, and, according to experienced herbalists, most of them did not have any healing effect. Nevertheless, herbs picked at a certain time in a certain place led to the desired result.

Despite her gift to foresee the future and the ability to heal people, Vanga was unable to build her own happiness. For many years, her husband suffered from alcoholism and died of cirrhosis of the liver, and she herself died of cancer.

Modern research has shown that out of Vanga’s 99 predictions related to Russia, 43 can be considered fulfilled, 43 ambiguous and 12 unfulfilled. It follows from this that the probability of telepathic prediction is 68.3%. This result is considered incredibly high and does not fit into all the laws of probability theory.

However, many of the words attributed to her were not actually spoken. Most predictions are simple falsification for the sake of success among readers.


Documentary film “Vanga. Life and Predictions"

Baba Vanga is a world-famous Bulgarian clairvoyant with a unique gift of foreseeing the most important events in the world. The biography of the clairvoyant is considered the most mysterious among all famous people of the last century, since it contains no confirmed events. However, Vanga’s predictions are still an unsolved phenomenon, as the popular press claims. Fans of Vanga's gift are finding new evidence that prophecies continue to come true with incredible accuracy in modern world, while skeptics say the opposite.

Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova was born on January 31, 1911 in the family of Bulgarian peasants Pande and Paraskeva in the territory of the modern Republic of Macedonia. The newborn did not receive her name right away, as she was very weak and her family did not believe that the girl would survive. Immediately after birth, she was wrapped in a sheepskin coat and placed under the stove, where two months later she cried for the first time. This became a symbol that the future clairvoyant had grown stronger and would live. Therefore, the girl was immediately baptized in the church and given the name Vangelia, meaning “bringer of good news.”

Vanga’s childhood and youth cannot be called bright and joyful, since at the age of 3 the girl lost her mother and was left half-orphaned. After this, Vanga’s father was called to the front, and left her completely in the care of a neighbor. Upon returning from the war, Pande married a second time, and the future soothsayer was taken under her wing by her stepmother, who saw in her stepdaughter only labor force, which she used to the fullest.

As a child, little Vangelia loved to play a very strange game, which became a kind of symbol of her destiny - she loved to look for hidden objects in the room blindfolded, and also blindly treat her toys. At the age of 12, Vanga became blind under strange circumstances. She, returning from the pasture, was carried away by a tornado several hundred meters from the house and thrown into a field. When the girl was found, her eyes were tightly closed, as they were tightly clogged with sand. The father and stepmother tried to cure their daughter, but in vain - the required amount of money for the operation was too much for them, so after 4 years the girl became completely blind.

At the next stage, Vanga’s biography is connected with the House of the Blind in Serbia. It was perfect place for children with such problems, because the boarding school staff took very good care of the pupils and taught them to survive with such serious injuries. At the House of the Blind, Vanga was taught to knit, play the piano, clean the house and cook. The girl also took a course in school sciences, becoming acquainted with mathematics, the alphabet, music, drawing and other developmental sciences inaccessible to her due to blindness.

Three years later, Vanga had to return home to Strumitsa, since her stepmother died during the next birth and her father needed help. Despite her blindness, the girl became a real housewife - she managed to lead household and take care of her younger brothers and sisters, and also knitted and sewed for her fellow villagers, who, knowing the financial state of the family, paid the girl in food and clothing.

Extrasensory perception and prophecies

The blind girl's great gift began to manifest itself in 1940. Then she began to predict the fate of her fellow villagers and decipher their dreams, and she did this in a strange male voice. According to Vanga, during this period clairvoyant beginning hear the voices of the dead and communicate with God. During the same period, Vanga fell into her first trance, after which she predicted the outbreak of World War II, which began in April 1941.

Then the girl was afraid to admit her visions to anyone, since she could be considered crazy. But she still told close friends and acquaintances about her secret, which soon spread to the whole world.

Vanga was deeply religious; the woman belonged to Orthodox faith, in which such supernatural abilities were interpreted as witchcraft. But when Vanga’s predictions and healing gift began to help people, the prophetess became convinced that she had received a heavenly gift, and not a gift from the devil.

At first, Vanga’s predictions concerned male front-line soldiers - the girl told her family about their whereabouts and foresaw whether they would return home alive.

After this, people began to come to Vanga en masse for help, advice and predictions. According to historians, the woman received up to 130 visitors a day. The seer made her predictions on a piece of refined sugar, on which every visitor had to sleep the night before visiting Vanga. Statisticians have calculated that during the clairvoyant’s career, people brought her more than 2 tons of refined sugar, which indicates that she helped more than a million people.

In 1967, Vanga became a civil servant and began to receive a salary for her predictions, since before that she had received people for free. During this period, more and more people began to appear among its visitors. famous people and politicians who wanted to learn from the seer their own destiny and the future of the country, as well as receive valuable advice. Regular guests of the clairvoyant were the Bulgarian Tsar Simeon II, the leader of the Bulgarian Communists Todor Zhivkov, Soviet writers Leonid Leonov and Yuri Semenov, as well as representatives former president Russia.

Until the end of her life, Vanga remained religious. The clairvoyant urged people to believe in, to be kinder and wiser.

At the same time, Vanga interpreted biblical parables in a unique way and came up with her own prayers. The fortuneteller loved to retell to journalists the legend of the flood and Noah's Ark. According to Vanga, the famous ark was ten steps from the clairvoyant’s house, and the woman could touch the warm wood, which Vanga really liked to do. Fans of Vanga's prophetic gift interpret these stories in different ways: some see this as evidence of Vanga's direct connection with God, while others see it as a veiled prediction about the end of the world.

Personal life

Vanga’s personal life, like the entire biography of the clairvoyant, has no official confirmation. It is known that the clairvoyant of the 20th century found her first love in the House of the Blind. Then Vanga was even ready to marry her chosen one, but all plans were changed by her father, who urgently returned the girl home.

Vanga's only husband was Dimitar Gushterov, who married a blind soothsayer in 1942. Then Dimitar took his wife to hometown Petrich, which was located on the border of Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia. The couple lived for 40 years until the death of Dimitar, who passed away due to many years of drunkenness and its consequences for health.

Vanga's children are also one of the most interesting biography of the soothsayer. It is known that the clairvoyant was childless, but during her life she adopted two children - a boy, Dimitar Volchev, and a girl, Violetta. The seer raised her adopted children as worthy people, they were given a good education and the “right” start in life.


Vanga's death occurred on August 11, 1996. The clairvoyant predicted her own death a month before the incident. The great predictor was killed by an oncological disease (breast cancer), which began to progress rapidly in the last months of Vanga’s life.

Vanga accepted her own death with a smile on her lips. The clairvoyant called on the whole world not to mourn her, since the load that Vanga had to carry through life was unbearable. The achievements of the fortuneteller for humanity are highly appreciated in modern society. In honor of Vanga, a museum dedicated to the seer was opened in Petrich in 2008, and in 2011, a statue weighing 400 kg was installed in Rupite, where the clairvoyant lived in her last years.

Vanga's predictions that came true

Some of the clairvoyant’s predictions that came true appeared on the Internet in 2001, without primary sources indicating Vanga’s authorship. Skeptics claim that the Vanga phenomenon is a falsification started by the Bulgarian government and intelligence services in order to attract tourist flow and, accordingly, financial investments.

According to popular sources, over half a century Vanga made 7 thousand predictions that came true. In addition to World War II, the clairvoyant predicted events in Syria, Nicaragua and Prague. In 1943, Vanga predicted a loss in the war with Russia, to which the German Fuhrer only laughed, which turned out to be in vain.

Also among Vanga’s predictions that came true, it is worth noting the “velvet” revolution foreseen by the seer in Montenegro, the death of an Indian political figure, the death and collapse of the USSR. In addition to political forecasts, journalists became aware of Vanga’s predictions regarding the scientific world. The clairvoyant foresaw that the time of miracles would soon come, and science would make grandiose discoveries in the intangible world.

In 1980, Vanga predicted the tragedy with the Kursk submarine, which occurred in 2000 and claimed the lives of 118 crew members. And in the early 90s, the seer started talking about the terrorist attack in the United States in September 2001. Then Vanga said that “the American brothers will be pecked iron birds" Scientists claim that the Bulgarian clairvoyant also predicted the ascension to the presidency of the United States of a “black man”, who would become the last head of this country.

Vanga did not use dating in her own prophecies. The clairvoyant listed events sequentially and used vague language. Tying Vanga’s words to specific years and events is either a subsequent interpretation of the fortune teller’s statements, or falsification.

Vanga’s dream books and horoscopes are popular on the Internet, despite the fact that the clairvoyant did not compile collections of dream interpretations, but did it intuitively and in a trance and, being an Orthodox believer, did not believe in eastern horoscopes.

In 2013, the first fictional biographical series about the life of the famous healer and fortuneteller appeared. The serial film is named full name psychic and shows the life of Vanga as a person, illuminates various periods of the life of the mysterious seer. The role of Vanga was performed by five actresses: Natalya Nikolaeva, Daria Otroshko, Kristina Pakarina. This made it possible to convey Vanga’s life both in childhood and in old age on television.

In 2014, another series about the fortuneteller appeared - the documentary project “The Real Vanga.” In total, 18 feature and documentary films dedicated to the famous prophetess were released on television. Last – documentary NTV channel “New Russian sensations: Vanga. Prophecies 2017" - released in 2017.

Vanga's predictions for 2016, which appeared in the press, spoke of natural disasters and man-made disasters. During this period, the fortuneteller foresaw a war between the whole world and a Muslim state, as well as a conflict between eastern countries, after which one eastern country would eventually use nuclear weapon and Europe will be empty. According to Vanga, in 2016, Europe was supposed to be depopulated after a global chemical war, which would be unleashed by Muslims.

Biography Wangi. Prophecies and predictions of a clairvoyant. Memorable places and dates. Quotes and prophecies of the fortune teller, photo, documentary.

Years of life

born January 31, 1911, died August 11, 1996


We wish you good luck
In that unknown and new world,
So that you don't feel lonely,
So that the angels do not leave.

Biography of Vanga

She saved hundreds of people from illnesses, and she herself chose to face death, not wanting to fight her, as if knowing that she was destined to leave. Vanga met death with a smile on her face, grateful and dignified, as she probably should have been at her age. When Vanga died, the newspapers wrote that “the most informed grandmother on the planet has left this world.”

Vanga's biography dates back to 1911. Vanga's life began in the city of Strumica, Macedonia. The girl was so weak at birth that she did not even have the strength to cry. To kid with fused fingers and toes At first, her parents didn’t even give her a name, thinking that she wouldn’t survive, but she did. And then she was christened Vangelia - from Greek “bringer of good news.”

Vanga was left without a mother as a child, and she was raised by a caring stepmother, but at the age of 12 another misfortune happened to the girl - she was caught in a terrible storm that deprived her of her sight. There was no money for an emergency operation, and Vanga went blind for life. Starting at the age of 14, Vanga lived in the House of the Blind, where she learned to knit, sew, cook, read and met a young man whom she even planned to marry. But the death of her stepmother forced her to return home - her father needed her help. For the next 10 years, Vanga devoted herself to taking care of the house until she fell down with severe pleurisy. It seemed that she would no longer get out, when suddenly she not only recovered, but also I began to notice amazing abilities.

Vanga either fell into long trances, then began to speak in other people’s voices and predict people’s future.. Soon rumors about Vanga’s gift spread throughout the area and people from different parts of not only the country, but also the world began to come to her. They say, Vanga was almost never wrong in her prophecies- except in recent years, when she grew old and weak. She refused to help anyone, she only kicked out Kashpirovsky, Chumak and Juna’s students. Researchers who observed Vanga confirmed: predictions cannot be considered random coincidences, since they came true in 80% of cases.

One day Dimitar Gushterov came to the fortuneteller for help, and after a while he became Vanga's husband and took her to Petrich. Vanga could not have her own children, but one day she sheltered an orphan boy, Dimitar Volchev, who one day knocked on her house and became Vange's son. She was also brought up in the house of a fortune teller. Vanga's adopted daughter- Venetta. Later, Venetta admits that Vanga was her strict but fair mother, who loved cleanliness and cooked deliciously.

The year when the fortune teller found out that she had breast cancer and refused treatment became year of Vanga's death. She died on August 10, 1996, bequeathing all her property to the state, leaving nothing to her family. Vanga's funeral took place on the territory of the temple, built at Vanga's expense. In Petrich, in the house where Vanga lived, a Museum in memory of Vanga. The pilgrimage to Vanga’s grave continues to this day.
The assassination attempt on the 35th President of the United States John Kennedy, the rebellion in Czechoslovakia, the assassination of Robert Kennedy, the death of Indira Gandhi, the collapse of the USSR, the accident on the Kursk submarine - Vanga's prophecies can be listed endlessly. Some of them are overgrown with legends, some are inventions and frauds on the name of the famous fortuneteller. One way or another, for those people who turned to her, Vanga was a great person with the gift of clairvoyance and healing, who received more than a million visitors in her life.

For Bulgaria Vanga is certainly a holy woman

Life line

January 31, 1911 Date of birth of Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, née Dimitrova).
1923 Moving to Novo Selo in Macedonia, loss of vision.
1925-1928 Life in the House of the Blind in Zemun, Serbia.
April 8, 1942 Visit to Vanga by the Tsar of Bulgaria Boris III.
May 1942 Marriage to Dimitar Gushterov.
1962 Death of Vanga's husband.
1967 Vanga's registration as a civil servant, the beginning of paid receptions.
1994 Construction of the chapel of St. Paraskeva in the village of Rupite at the expense of Vanga.
August 11, 1996 Vanga's date of death.

Memorable places of Vanga

1. The village of Petrich, where Vanga was born and where the Vanga Museum is located on Opolchenskaya Street, 10 ( former house Wangi).
2. The village of Novo-Selo in Macedonia, where Vanga lived as a child.
3. Zemun district in Belgrade ( former city Zemun), where Vanga lived in the House of the Blind for three years.
4. The village of Rupite, where Vanga received her in her last years, where Vanga’s church is located (Chapel of St. Paraskeva) and where Vanga is buried.

Vanga's prophecies and predictions

One of the legends about Vanga’s predictions says that in 1943 Hitler himself visited her and that she told him: “Leave Russia alone! You will lose this war!. Hitler laughed in the fortuneteller's face, then she told him to send his soldiers to such and such a house, saying that a mare was foaling there and her foal would be of such and such a color. The soldiers left, then returned and conveyed what they saw, word for word, predicted by Vanga. After which Hitler left in heavy thoughts.