Once upon a time there lived a little girl. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, the girl wore it everywhere. The neighbors said this about her:

- Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!

One day my mother baked a pie and said to her daughter:

- Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to grandma, bring her a pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy.

Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother.

She walks through the forest, and a gray wolf meets her.

- Where are you going. Little Red Riding Hood? - asks the Wolf.

– I go to my grandmother and bring her a pie and a pot of butter.

– How far does your grandmother live?

“Far,” answers Little Red Riding Hood. - Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house on the edge.

“Okay,” says the Wolf, “I also want to visit your grandmother.” I will go along this road, and you go along that one. Let's see which of us comes first.

The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path.

And Little Red Riding Hood took the longest road. She walked slowly, stopping along the way, picking flowers and collecting them into bouquets. Before she even had time to reach the mill, the Wolf had already galloped to her grandmother’s house and was knocking on the door:
Knock Knock!

- Who's there? - asks the grandmother.

“It’s me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood,” the Wolf answers, “I came to visit you, brought a pie and a pot of butter.”

And my grandmother was sick at that time and was lying in bed. She thought that it really was Little Red Riding Hood and shouted:

“Pull the string, my child, and the door will open!”

The wolf pulled the string and the door opened.

The Wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her at once. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days. Then he closed the door, lay down on grandma’s bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.

Soon she came and knocked:
Knock Knock!

Little Red Riding Hood was scared, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold, and answered:

- It's me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter!

The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:

“Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.”

Little Red Riding Hood pulled the door rope and opened. The girl entered the house, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and said:

“Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me!”

Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:

- Grandma, why do you have such big hands?

- This is to hug you tighter, my child.

- Grandma, why do you have such big ears?

- To hear better, my child.

- Grandma, why are your eyes so big?

- To see better, my child.

- Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?

- And this is so that I can eat you quickly, my child!

Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the Wolf rushed at her and swallowed her.

But, fortunately, at that time woodcutters with axes on their shoulders passed by the house. They heard a noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they cut open his belly, and Little Red Riding Hood came out, followed by her grandmother, both safe and sound.

Once upon a time there was a little girl in one village, so pretty that there was no one better than her in the world.. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more.

For her birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, the girl went everywhere in her new, elegant red cap.

The neighbors said this about her:

Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!

One day my mother baked a pie and said to her daughter:

Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to grandma, bring her this pie and a pot of butter, and find out if she is healthy.

Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother in another village.

She walks through the forest, and a gray wolf meets her.

He really wanted to eat Little Red Riding Hood, but he didn’t dare - somewhere nearby, woodcutters were banging their axes. The wolf licked his lips and asked the girl:

Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?

And Little Red Riding Hood did not yet know how dangerous it was to stop in the forest and talk to wolves. She greeted the wolf and said:

I go to my grandmother and bring her this pie and a pot of butter.

How far does your grandmother live? - asks the wolf.

Quite far away,” answers Little Red Riding Hood. - Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house on the edge.

Okay,” says the Wolf, “I also want to visit your grandmother.” I will go along this road, and you go along that one. Let's see which of us comes first.

The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path.

And Little Red Riding Hood took the longest road. She walked slowly, stopping along the way, picking flowers and collecting them into bouquets.

Before she even had time to reach the mill, the Wolf had already galloped to her grandmother’s house and was knocking on the door:

Knock Knock!

Who's there? - asks the grandmother.

It’s me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood,” answers the Wolf. - I came to visit you, brought a pie and a pot of butter.

And my grandmother was sick at that time and was lying in bed. She thought that it really was Little Red Riding Hood and shouted:

Pull the string, my child, and the door will open!

The wolf pulled the string and the door opened.

The Wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her at once. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days.

Then he closed the door, lay down on grandma’s bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood. Soon she came and knocked:

Knock Knock!

Who's there? - asks the Wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood was scared, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold and that’s why she had such a voice.

It’s me, your granddaughter,” says Little Red Riding Hood. - I brought you a pie and a pot of butter.

The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:

Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.

Little Red Riding Hood pulled the string and the door opened. The girl entered the house, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and said:

Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me! You must be very tired.

Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:

Grandma, why are your hands so big?

This is to hug you tighter, my child.

Grandma, why are your ears so big?

To hear better, my child.

Grandma, why are your eyes so big?

To see better, my child.

Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?

And this is to quickly eat you, my child!

Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the Wolf rushed at her and swallowed her along with her shoes and Little Red Riding Hood.

But, fortunately, at that very time, woodcutters with axes on their shoulders passed by the house.

They heard a noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they cut open his belly, and Little Red Riding Hood came out, followed by her grandmother - both safe and sound.

A long time ago, there lived in a village a girl so pretty that there was no better person in the world than her. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother loved her even more.

For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, the girl went everywhere in her new, elegant red cap. The neighbors said this about her:

Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!

One day my mother baked a pie and said to Little Red Riding Hood:

Go, daughter, to your grandmother, bring her this pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy.

Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother in another village.

Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest, and the gray Wolf is meeting her.

He really wanted to eat the girl, but he didn’t dare: somewhere nearby, woodcutters were banging their axes. The Wolf licked his lips and asked Little Red Riding Hood:

Where are you going, girl? But Little Red Riding Hood did not yet know how dangerous it was to stop in the forest and talk to wolves. She greeted the Wolf and said:

I go to my grandmother and bring her this pie and a pot of butter.

How far does your grandmother live? asks the Wolf.

“Far away,” answers Little Red Riding Hood. In the village, behind the mill, in the first house on the edge.

Okay, says the Wolf, I also want to visit your grandmother. I will go along this road, and you go along that one. Let's see which of us gets there first.

The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path.

And Little Red Riding Hood took the longest road. Little Red Riding Hood walked slowly, stopping every now and then along the way, picking flowers and collecting them in bouquets.

Before Little Red Riding Hood had even reached the mill, the Wolf had already galloped to her grandmother’s house and was knocking on the door:


Who's there? asks the grandmother.

“It’s me, your granddaughter,” the Wolf answers in a thin voice. I came to visit you, brought a pie and a pot of butter.

And my grandmother was sick at that time and was lying in bed. She thought that it really was Little Red Riding Hood and shouted:

Pull the string, my child, the door will open!

The wolf pulled the string and the door opened.

The Wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days.

Then he closed the door, lay down on grandma’s bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood. Soon she came and knocked:


“It’s me, your granddaughter,” says Little Red Riding Hood. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter!

The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:

Pull the string, my child, the door will open.

Little Red Riding Hood pulled the string and the door opened. Little Red Riding Hood came in, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and said:

Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me! You must be very tired.

Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:

Grandma, why do you have such big hands?

This is to hug you tighter, my child.

Grandma, why do you have such big ears?

To hear better, my child.

Grandma, why are your eyes so big?

To see better, my child.

Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?

And this is to quickly eat you, my child!

Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the evil Wolf rushed at her and swallowed her along with her shoes and Little Red Riding Hood.

But, fortunately, at that very time, woodcutters with axes on their shoulders passed by the house.

They heard a noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they cut open his belly, and Little Red Riding Hood came out, followed by Grandma, both safe and sound.

Char Perrault,
The pictures were drawn by the artist S. Yarovoy.

AND there was a little girl. She was modest and kind, obedient and hard-working. The mother could not be happier that she had such an assistant: her daughter helped her with the housework, and when all the work was done, she read something out loud to her mother.

Everyone liked this sweet girl, but her grandmother loved her the most. She once sewed a cap out of red velvet and gave it to her granddaughter for her name day.

The new hat suited the girl very well, and because from that day on she did not want to wear any other, people nicknamed her Little Red Riding Hood.

One day my mother decided to bake a pie.

She kneaded the dough, and Little Red Riding Hood picked apples from the garden. The pie came out great! His mother looked at him and said:

- Little Red Riding Hood, go and see your grandmother. I’ll put a piece of pie and a bottle of milk in your basket, and you’ll take it to her.

Little Red Riding Hood was delighted, she immediately got ready and went to her grandmother, who lived on the other side of the forest.

The mother went out onto the porch to see the girl off and began to give her farewell words:

“Daughter, don’t talk to strangers, don’t turn off the road.”

“Don’t worry,” answered Little Red Riding Hood, said goodbye to her mother and went through the forest to the house where her grandmother lived.

Little Red Riding Hood walked along the road, walked, and suddenly stopped and thought: “What beautiful flowers grow here, but I don’t even look around, how loudly the birds sing, but it’s like I don’t even hear! It’s so nice here in the forest!”

Indeed, they made their way through the trees Sun rays, the clearings were fragrant with beautiful flowers, over which butterflies fluttered.

And Little Red Riding Hood decided:

“I’ll bring grandma a bouquet of flowers along with the pie. She'll probably be pleased. It’s still early, I can always make it to her.”

And she turned off the road straight into the forest and began to pick flowers. He picks a flower and thinks:

A girl is walking through the forest, picking flowers, singing a song, and suddenly an angry wolf meets her.

But Little Red Riding Hood was not afraid of him at all.

- Hello, Little Red Riding Hood! - said the wolf. -Where are you going so early?

- To Grandma.

-What do you have in your basket?

– A bottle of milk and a pie, my mother and I baked it to please my grandmother. She is sick and weak, let her get better.

- Little Red Riding Hood, where does your grandmother live?

“Have a nice journey to you, Little Red Riding Hood,” muttered the wolf, and thought to himself: “Nice girl, that would be a tasty morsel for me; tastier, perhaps, than the old woman; but in order to capture both, you need to do the job more cunningly.”

And he rushed as fast as he could along the shortest route to his grandmother’s house.

Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest, not in a hurry, but Gray wolf is already knocking on grandma's door.

- Who's there?

“It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood, who brought you a pie and a bottle of milk, open it for me,” the wolf answered in a thin voice.

“Press the latch,” the grandmother shouted, “I’m very weak, I can’t get up.”

The wolf pressed the latch, the door opened, and, without saying a word, he went straight to grandma’s bed and swallowed the old woman.

Then the wolf put on her dress and cap, went to bed and closed the curtains.

And Little Red Riding Hood kept collecting flowers, and when she had already picked so many of them that she could no longer carry them, she remembered about her grandmother and went to her.

Little Red Riding Hood approached her grandmother's house, and the door was open. She was surprised, went inside and shouted:

Good morning! - But there was no answer.

Then she went up to the bed, parted the curtains, and saw her grandmother lying there, her cap pulled down over her face, and she looked strange.

- Oh, grandma, why do you have such big ears? - asked Little Red Riding Hood.

- To hear you better!

- Oh, grandma, what big eyes you have!

- This is to see you better!

- Oh, grandma, why do you have such big hands?

- To make it easier to hug you.

- Oh, grandma, what a big mouth you have, though!

- This will make it easier to swallow you!

The wolf said this, jumped out of bed - and swallowed poor Little Red Riding Hood.

The wolf ate his fill and went back to bed, fell asleep and began to snore loudly and loudly.

A hunter walked past.

He heard some strange sounds coming from the house and became wary: it couldn’t be that the old woman was snoring so loudly!

He crept up to the window, looked inside - and there was a wolf lying in the bed.

- There you are, gray robber! - he said. - I've been looking for you for a long time.

The hunter wanted to shoot the wolf first, but changed his mind. What if he ate the grandmother, but she can still be saved.

The hunter then took a pair of scissors and ripped open the belly of the sleeping wolf. Little Red Riding Hood and Grandmother got out of there - both alive and unharmed.

And all three were very, very happy. The hunter skinned the wolf and took it home. Grandma ate the pie, drank the milk that Little Red Riding Hood brought her, and began to get better and gain strength.

Little Red Riding Hood understood that you should always obey your elders and never turn off the road in the forest.

Char Perrault, artist S. Yarovoy.

A long time ago, there lived in a village a girl so pretty that there was no better person in the world than her. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother loved her even more.

For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, the girl went everywhere in her new, elegant red cap. The neighbors said this about her:
- Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!
One day my mother baked a pie and said to Little Red Riding Hood:

- Go, daughter, to your grandmother, bring her this pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy.
Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother in another village.
Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest, and the gray Wolf is meeting her.

He really wanted to eat the girl, but he didn’t dare: somewhere nearby, woodcutters were banging their axes. The Wolf licked his lips and asked Little Red Riding Hood:

-Where are you going, girl? And Little Red Riding Hood did not yet know how dangerous it was to stop in the forest and talk to wolves. She greeted the Wolf and said:
– I go to my grandmother and bring her this pie and a pot of butter.
– How far does your grandmother live? - asks the Wolf.
“Far,” answers Little Red Riding Hood. - In the village, behind the mill, in the first house on the edge.
“Okay,” says the Wolf, “I also want to visit your grandmother.” I will go along this road, and you go along that one. Let's see which of us gets there first.
The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path.

And Little Red Riding Hood took the longest road. Little Red Riding Hood walked slowly, stopping every now and then along the way, picking flowers and collecting them in bouquets.
Before Little Red Riding Hood had even reached the mill, the Wolf had already galloped to her grandmother’s house and was knocking on the door:
- Knock Knock!
- Who's there? - asks the grandmother.
“It’s me, your granddaughter,” the Wolf answers in a thin voice. “I came to visit you, I brought a pie and a pot of butter.”
And my grandmother was sick at that time and was lying in bed. She thought that it really was Little Red Riding Hood and shouted:
“Pull the string, my child, and the door will open!”
The wolf pulled the string and the door opened.

The Wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days.

Then he closed the door, lay down on grandma’s bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood. Soon she came and knocked:

- Knock Knock!
“Who’s there?” asks the Wolf.
And his voice is rough and hoarse. Little Red Riding Hood was scared at first, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold and that’s why she had such a voice.
“It’s me, your granddaughter,” says Little Red Riding Hood. – I brought you a pie and a pot of butter!
The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:
“Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.”
Little Red Riding Hood pulled the string and the door opened. Little Red Riding Hood came in, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and said:

“Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me!” You must be very tired.
Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:
- Grandma, why do you have such big hands?
- This is to hug you tighter, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such big ears?
- To hear better, my child.
- Grandma, why are your eyes so big?
- To see better, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?
- And this is so that I can eat you quickly, my child!
Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the evil Wolf rushed at her and swallowed her along with her shoes and Little Red Riding Hood.
But, fortunately, at that very time, woodcutters with axes on their shoulders passed by the house.

They heard a noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they cut open his belly, and Little Red Riding Hood came out, followed by her grandmother, both safe and sound.