The rowan fruits on the first snowfall glow brightly with lights on the branches. This plant is widespread throughout our country and beyond its borders. Its fruits have a distinctive taste, they are healthy and can cure many diseases. On the eve of the rowan season, the site offers a discussion of its benefits and ways to use it.

What is the difference between black and red rowan?

Even songs were dedicated to the mountain ash - this plant was so valued in Rus'. It’s hard to say how long ago it appeared on our table - the opinions of scientists on this issue differ, but it has been known for many centuries, and even in ancient Rus' Rowan was used in cooking, desserts and canning.

There are two types of rowan - sorbus aucuparia, or common red rowan, and aronia melanocarpa, or chokeberry. They also distinguish yellow-fruited, nevezhinskaya, and Crimean varieties - these varieties were bred by breeders; today there are only about 100 varieties.

The main difference between black and red rowan is the origin: if the red one is our compatriot, then the chokeberry is its foreign relative, brought to our country in the 20th century from North America. Michurin himself was involved in its “improvement”, increasing its fruits and ennobling its bushes.

What are the benefits of chokeberry

Chokeberry, or chokeberry, is a small berry with a tart, sweet and sour taste and an inimitable aroma. Aronia juice can be compared to the elixir of youth and health - it is a concentrate of substances and vitamins beneficial to humans.

First of all, it contains a lot of vitamins A and E, almost more ascorbic acid than lemons, as well as a lot of vitamin K and rutin. Chokeberry also contains a lot of B vitamins and carotene. It is especially valued for its content of microelements - it contains a lot of potassium and calcium, magnesium, and slightly less sodium, phosphorus and iron. The fruits also contain iodine, boron, copper and manganese; there is especially a lot of iodine in it, which is useful for problems with the thyroid gland.

Red and black rowan: the difference, beneficial features, application

In addition, chokeberry contains a lot of carbohydrates and healthy sugars - fructose and glucose, it is rich in dietary fiber, which is why it helps for constipation , it contains a lot of phytoncides, fruit acids and starch. If you store the berries at zero temperature, they will remain fresh until spring.

The fruits are used fresh, frozen in the freezer or dried.

What does chokeberry treat?

Regular consumption of chokeberry reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood serum and regulates blood pressure.

For treatment or prevention, chokeberry is recommended for diabetes mellitus, allergies, atherosclerotic vascular damage. It helps with blood clotting disorders, attacks of rheumatism, strengthening the immune system , at eye diseases and decreased vision . Due to the pectins in its composition, chokeberry helps remove toxic substances and heavy metals from the body.

It is used as an antispasmodic, a blood pressure lowering agent, and an anti-inflammatory agent. It has choleretic, astringent and laxative properties. It is included in the complex of therapy for radiation sickness and hormonal imbalances.

For hypertensive patients, chokeberry is a mild, pleasant-tasting medicine for blood pressure.

  • To reduce pressure you need to drink juice squeezed from chokeberry (50 ml each), or eat 100 berries three times a day. Usually the course lasts for a month and a half.
  • For the prevention of hypertension Every day, morning and evening, you need to eat 2 tablespoons of berries, pureed with sugar or mixed with honey.
  • A for those who have these problems combined with obesity or diabetes, you can make an infusion: take 10 g of dry berries per full glass of boiling water. After half an hour, you can drink the infusion.

The benefits of red rowan

These fruits are very actively used in traditional medicine in their practice. Rowan has a very high vitamin A content (more than carrots), carotenoids, which give color to the berries, help in the fight against tumor processes.

Rowan fruits contain microelements and vitamins, the composition of which is not inferior to chokeberry. It contains a lot of B vitamins.

It is used as an anti-inflammatory hemostatic agent, strengthening the walls of capillaries, and a multivitamin preparation. In addition, rowan has a mild laxative, diuretic, antipyretic, and diaphoretic effects. It is used in the treatment of hypertension, it reduces blood pressure and improves blood clotting.

Berries are recommended for hypertension, diabetes mellitus , problems with the thyroid gland, liver and kidney diseases, hemorrhoids. Red rowan juice is used for gastritis with low acidity of the juice, for hemorrhoids and intestinal problems. Due to phytoncides, it destroys microbes in the intestines.

Due to sorbic acid, rowan juice is choleretic, it is useful for lowering cholesterol, and pectin from the berries reduces fermentation processes.

Rowan is used fresh, frozen or dried. Rowan juice can be preserved - it does not lose its bactericidal properties.

Who should not eat rowan and chokeberry?

Berries and juice from red and black currants have few restrictions on consumption, but they should be used with caution for gastritis with increased acidity and peptic ulcers, with blood clotting disorders and increased bleeding, with diarrhea and thrombophlebitis. In addition, due to the effect of lowering blood pressure, you should not take the berries if you have hypotension.

Which rowan do you like better – black or red?


" Rowan

Black (chokeberry) and red rowan are distant relatives. Both plants belong to the same family, but different genera. Red - to the genus Rowan (Sorbus), chokeberry - to the genus Aronia.

Rowan is called “chokeberry” only due to the external similarity of inflorescences and fruit: juicy false drupes collected in a brush. Another unifying feature is the benefits and medicinal properties fruits

Cultural chokeberry, widespread in Russian gardens, is the brainchild of Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin. Its ancestor is a wild North American shrub (Chokeberry) with inedible fruits, which is considered a harmful weed in its homeland. Having received its seeds, the Russian breeder began lengthy experiments on the hybridization of the “American”.

According to various sources, the crossing took place either along the line Aronia chokeberry - Chokeberry plum-leaved, or along the line Aronia chokeberry - Rowan. As a result, a new plant appeared with tart, slightly dry fruits, which in fruit growing are called “apples.” In honor of its creator, it received the name Aronia Michurina.

Composition of chokeberry

Let's start with the question: what are the benefits of chokeberry? The dark purple, almost black color of chokeberry fruits speaks for itself: they contain a lot of anthocyanins. These substances in the plant not only play the role of pigment, but also protect tissues from oxidative stress. Why is this important for a person? Because anthocyanins are those same notorious antioxidants that have entered the vocabulary of cosmetologists and pharmacists. They neutralize free oxygen radicals that can cause cellular mutations.

The astringent taste of chokeberry is due to tannins. These are so-called “tannins” that bind carcinogens and reduce the risk of tumor formation.

The fruits of chokeberry, despite their sweetness, are quite low in calories - only 55 kcal per 100 g. The vitamin and mineral composition is rich:

Chokeberry fruits accumulate iodine, which is absorbed by the roots from the soil. Thus, the content of this microelement depends on the region of growth: the richer the soil in iodine, the more of it there is in the fruits. And the greater the usefulness of the berries.

Treatment with black rowan

Now let’s look at the medicinal properties of chokeberry. The fruits of chokeberry have long been used as medicinal raw materials. People with cardiovascular problems and diabetics should pay special attention to them. If you eat just 100 grams of chokeberry daily, you can quickly regulate your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The use of these fruits in medicinal purposes indicated for many diseases:

  1. Hypertension. Chokeberry has a diuretic effect, which reduces blood volume and blood pressure.
  2. Atherosclerosis. Flavonoids and vitamins C, E and A strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Decreased immunity and inflammatory processes. Aronia anthocyanins can also help with infectious diseases bacterial etiology.
  4. Hypoacid gastritis. Chokeberry fruits increase the acidity of gastric juice.
  5. Sleep disorders, nervousness. Chokeberry reduces excitability, acting as a natural sedative.
  6. Toxicoses of pregnant women. The hepatoprotective effect of chokeberry fruit helps to cope with nausea.
  7. Diarrhea. Tannins have an astringent effect, normalizing digestion.
  8. Visual impairment. Vitamin A, which is part of visual purple, normalizes many processes. Chokeberry is especially useful for “senile eyes,” reducing the risk of glaucoma and cataracts.
  9. Aronia fruits recommended for people exposed to radiation or living in areas with poor ecology. In this case, you need to ensure that the fruits you eat are grown in safe regions.

The benefits of chokeberry are obvious, but we should not forget about precautions. People with thrombosis, ulcerative processes of the stomach and intestines, colitis, constipation, hyperacid gastritis and hypotension should use these fruits with caution.

Red rowan

Red rowan is a common element of Russian phytocenoses. It is found everywhere, includes many species and two life forms: shrub and tree. But on personal plots it is almost never planted on purpose. And in vain.

Firstly, mountain ash lends itself well to shaping and can become an interesting accent in decorative plantings. Secondly, its fruits are no less useful than the widely used chokeberry fruits.

Composition of red berries and benefits for the body

The fruits of red rowan are bitter, and this is good. Their bitterness comes from parasorbic acid, a substance with very high antimicrobial activity. Back in the middle of the 20th century, the legendary biochemist Mikhail Mikhailovich Shemyakin conducted experiments with mice infected with salmonella. After injection of 1 mg of diluted parasorbic acid into the peritoneum, the experimental animals recovered.

Other valuable substances found in rowan “apples” are flavonoids, which can increase the body’s resistance to radiation, and pectins. The jelly-forming properties of the latter are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine - to bind and remove toxins.

Calorie content of rowan fruits is 50 kcal per 100 g. They are invaluable as multivitamin raw materials. Rowan is a record holder among other plants in many respects.

The chemical composition of red rowan fruits clearly shows that in terms of the content of carotene and vitamin A, this plant will give a head start to carrots. Rowan juice contains greatest number vitamin C among all fruit juices.

The percentage of vitamin C in rowan leaves is even higher than in the fruits. During the flowering period, they contain 108 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of raw material.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of red rowan

Now let’s look at what diseases rowan treats. In ancient medical books you can find many recipes for treatment from the fruits of red rowan. Since ancient times, they were considered a panacea for dysentery, scurvy and hemorrhoids, and were used as a disinfectant, diuretic, laxative, choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent. WITH Contemporary research confirms the findings traditional medicine. Today, red rowan (dried and fresh) is used in cases where:

  • rapid strengthening of the immune system is required in case of a viral or other infection;
  • you need an anti-inflammatory drug to complement drug therapy for tonsillitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, otitis, and so on;
  • it is necessary to strengthen the vascular walls;
  • a remedy for anemia is needed;
  • it is necessary to stimulate appetite and increase intestinal tone;
  • a natural wound healing or antimycotic agent is required.

Contraindications to the consumption of red rowan fruits are hypotension, thrombosis, hyperacidous gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers, diarrhea, ischemia, heart attack, pregnancy and early childhood.

Unripe red rowan fruits should not be consumed. You can eat them “from the branch” only after the first frost.

Harvesting and storing rowan fruits

Chokeberry fruits are harvested from mid-September until frost. It is better not to delay too much in picking, because these berries are readily pecked by birds and fall off when overripe. They are collected by cutting off the whole fruit from the branch, and then picking the berries into a bowl. Then they are washed and sent to dry.

Red rowan is best harvested at the end of October or November, when it is slightly affected by frost. Such fruits are not stored, but they are guaranteed not to be toxic. After collection, they should be processed immediately. For example, you can make rowan juice with pulp for the winter.

RECIPE. The berries, freed from the stalks, are washed and blanched for 3-4 minutes in boiling water, after which they are rubbed through a sieve. Add sugar to the blanching water and boil 20% syrup. Combine it with mountain ash puree and heat it without letting it boil. Pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Followers healthy eating and everyone who suffers from vitamin deficiency in the off-season is interested in the benefits of chokeberry and why it is so actively recommended not only by traditional healers, but also by representatives of official medicine, and even by those who like to enjoy berry desserts.

Description of the plant

Chokeberry is a low tree or branched shrub. This medicinal plant is also called black rowan, chokeberry, chokeberry. Its berries are deep black, slightly purple, round shape, the taste is sweetish-tart, astringent, with sourness. The flesh of the ripe fruit is deep ruby ​​in color, the leaves are shiny, and resemble cherry leaves in appearance.

Chokeberry is a fairly common berry. You can meet it in gardens and summer cottages. Beneficial properties and contraindications have been known since ancient times. Canada is considered the birthplace of the medicinal plant, where chokeberry grew in huge quantities. The wild species of chokeberry came to Europe, and then to Russia, in the 19th century. The fruits of the bushes were inedible, without any special taste, and the trees themselves had more of a decorative purpose.

Like fruit cultivated plant such rowan began to be accepted only after the breeding work of the Russian scientist I.V. Michurin. It differs from the wild variety in increased frost resistance, unpretentiousness and improved taste properties. Chokeberry began to be consumed en masse when the benefits and contraindications of the berry were studied. Now it is officially included by the Ministry of Health in the list of medicinal and medicinal herbs

Fruit composition

The beneficial properties of chokeberry and its beneficial effects on the human body are due to its rich biochemical composition. Berries contain a lot of useful substances.

  • Phenolic antioxidants - are found in greater quantities than in or.
  • Vitamins - groups B, C, E, K. The fruits of the plant contain twice as much vitamin P, which is recognized as an anti-aging substance.
  • Tannins, beta-carotene, starch.
  • Glucose, sucrose, fiber.
  • Microelements - iodine, manganese, bromine, phosphorus, copper, potassium, fluorine, iron, sodium, magnesium.
  • Organic acids - oxalic, malic, citric in small quantities.

This is interesting!

The benefits of black rowan are undeniable: it contains vitamin P in such quantities that it can replenish daily requirement in this natural compound. To do this, it is enough to eat 3 tablespoons of berries.

The calorie content of chokeberry is quite low - 55 kcal per hundred grams of fruit. Not only the rowan bunches, but also the leaves have medicinal properties.

Beneficial features

Due to its beneficial properties, black rowan is popular in folk medicine. It is worth considering what its positive properties are, the activity of which organs it normalizes and which body systems it strengthens.

  • Consumption of chokeberry reduces the risk of developing certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Positively affects digestive system, stimulates work gastrointestinal tract, improves and speeds up the process of food digestion. Fruit-based products are taken as stimulants for weight loss.
  • Black rowan berries are considered natural source multivitamins. They are used to boost immunity during seasonal illnesses, strengthen it, and help with hypovitaminosis.
  • They reduce blood pressure and thin the blood, which is indicated for those with a tendency to thrombosis.
  • Thanks to its unique composition, rowan is able to cleanse the body from the inside, activate protection against different types radiation.
  • Applying compresses and ointments based on chokeberry to the skin improves the condition, rejuvenates, heals wounds, skin diseases facilitates the course of the disease, cleanses the skin surface.
  • A large amount of iodine in fruits helps with diseases of the thyroid gland and is necessary to cure radiation sickness.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Fights depression, apathy and weakness.

The benefits of chokeberry are priceless, but the harm from using the berry for some diseases is colossal.


Having studied everything positive traits chokeberry, worth considering possible harm and contraindications to its use.

Diseases that berries can aggravate:

  • hypotension - due to the property of the plant’s fruits to reduce blood pressure, which is not necessary for such a disease;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • varicose veins;
  • cystitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • an ulcer that occurs against a background of increased acidity (chokeberry has the ability to increase acidity);
  • stones and sand in gallbladder, kidneys.

Chokeberry berries can cause heartburn, discomfort, and possible allergic reactions. It has an astringent effect, which can lead to constipation.

Unacceptable use medicinal plant children under 3 years old.

The harm of chokeberry has not been fully studied. Therefore, when deciding to eat it or prepare tinctures, compresses or masks based on the berries, you should carefully monitor your well-being.

Harvesting fruits

A distinctive feature of the plant’s fruits is that with the onset of the first cold weather, the amount of sugar in them increases. The berries become more palatable and sweetish.

Chokeberry berries are good for health in any form. They retain their properties fresh, frozen and dried. Fresh fruits can be stored in clusters for several months in a cool, dark place. To preserve valuable berries for a longer period of time, they need to be dried properly.

Only whole, unspoiled fruits, carefully separated from excess debris, are suitable for drying. They need to be washed and dried on a towel. Then place the rowan berries in bulk on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven at a temperature of at least 40°, the door should be slightly open.

After the drying process, chokeberry should be left in the fresh air to cool. Ready berries can be stored in paper bags for more than a year.

Aronia is used to make jam, jam, compotes, nectars, fruit drinks, infusions, decoctions, liqueurs and wine.

The benefits of rowan for the female body

Chokeberry, whose beneficial properties have a beneficial effect on the female body, will become a storehouse of vitamins during pregnancy. Its use will make up for the lack of important nutrients and will provide valuable compounds necessary for the development of the child.

Black rowan is called a cure for old age. It is widely used in cosmetology. There are recipes for preparing face masks based on berries; the most popular ones are presented below.

  • Take a glass of chokeberry fruit, grind it, add olive juice (1 tbsp) and dry yeast (25 g). Mix all ingredients thoroughly, apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse warm water. The use of such a cosmetic home remedy will have a positive effect on the skin.
  • Grind 2 cucumbers on a grater, put 1 tbsp in a container. l. grated berries, add 1 drop of lemon juice. Mix everything and apply to face for 15 minutes. This nourishing mask will disinfect the skin.

Healthy recipes with chokeberries

  • General strengthening decoction

To prepare, you need to take 20 berries of the plant, put them in a container, pour boiling water (200 ml) and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. Afterwards, the liquid should be cooled and strained. This decoction stimulates activity immune system, you need to take 100 ml three times a day.

  • Remedy for hypovitaminosis

Every day you need to eat 250 g of chokeberry with and. The product will help cope with “vitamin starvation”.

  • Black rowan wine

Place unwashed chokeberry fruits (2 kg) into a container, add granulated sugar or sugar (0.5-0.6 kg) and add black varieties (200 g). Fill the contents of the container with water up to half and close. Place in a dark, dry place for 2 weeks, but do not forget to stir the mixture daily and gradually add the remaining amount of sugar. Afterwards, do not touch the wine for 30 days. When the berries are completely lowered to the bottom of the container, strain the liquid and leave for 10–20 days.

To prepare a healthy treat, you need to take 1 kg of chokeberry berries, add a little to the container hot water and boil for 2 minutes. Prepare syrup for jam as follows: dissolve 0.5 kg of granulated sugar in 400–450 ml of water. Pour syrup over boiled rowan and boil for several minutes. Leave the berries to sit overnight, add sugar (700 g) in the morning and cook for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, pour the still hot jam into jars.

The benefits of chokeberry are undeniable with a responsible approach to therapy. When deciding to be treated with valuable berries, you need to contact a specialist - he will determine which method of treatment is suitable for each person individually.

In Russia, they learned about the beautiful and healthy chokeberry (Chokeberry) thanks to the famous domestic breeder I. Michurin. It was he who developed a cultivated variety of plant from a wild bush, which quickly gained popularity in horticulture and medicine. The lush shrub grows up to 3 meters in height, fits perfectly into the garden landscape and produces healthy, tasty berries.

The fruits of chokeberry are sweet and sour, with a slight tartness due to the presence of tannin-like substances in it; they have a tanning effect. Because of this, you can’t eat a lot of these berries - because of their strong astringent ability. The most delicious chokeberry berries become after the first frost, at which time they are collected and stored for the winter.

To understand the benefits of chokeberry when consumed, it is necessary to consider its components.

IN chemical composition chokeberry contains the following components:

  • Organic acids (folic, nicotinic)
  • Carbohydrates, proteins, fats
  • Alimentary fiber
  • Ash compounds
  • Dextrins
  • Starch
  • Sahara
  • Vitamins A, PP, E
  • Riboflavin, ascorbic acid, thiamine, folate, pyridoxine
  • Beta-carotene, niacin, rutin
  • Iron, potassium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium
  • Pectin
  • Tanning compounds

The nutritional value of fresh berries is low - 100 g contains about 55 calories.

“Black-eyed” chokeberry is a storehouse of vitamins and biologically active components, and the content of vitamin P (rutin) in the berries is 20 times higher than in citrus fruits. It strengthens the vascular wall, helps reduce blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on vision.

This berry is also distinguished by an abundance of iron and manganese. It is also an excellent antioxidant due to the presence of vitamin E.

Chokeberry is also one of the leading berries in Russia in terms of iodine content, the deficiency of which has a particularly detrimental effect on the body. Use it to prevent iodine deficiency and treat memory, etc. The therapeutic dose of this astringent berry is set to be low - only 10-20 pieces per day.


Chokeberry: contraindications

Despite the benefits that chokeberry brings to the body, when actively consumed, you should definitely take into account the contraindications of this berry.

Chokeberry is one of the plants that sharply lowers blood pressure, so people with hypotension should drink drinks made from chokeberry berries carefully and avoid concentrated fruit drinks.

Contraindications for chokeberry apply to persons who have been diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • Ulcerative lesions of the digestive organs (especially in the acute stage)
  • Thrombophlebitis, varicose veins
  • Cystitis, diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Gallstones or kidney stones
  • Tendency to constipation, because the berry has a strong astringent effect
  • High stomach acidity, gastritis, frequent heartburn
  • Allergy to berry components, individual intolerance
  • Low pressure

Chokeberry is also contraindicated for people who have been oversaturated with vitamins C and PP. It is not recommended to introduce berries into the diet of children under 3 years of age. Abuse of chokeberry leads to incomplete absorption of calcium by the body and, as a consequence, problems with the musculoskeletal system. The diuretic properties of rowan can lead to dehydration and impaired kidney function.

It is no coincidence that chokeberry contraindications are indicated for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis - the berries of the plant significantly thicken the blood, which can lead to the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels and their blockage.


Benefits of chokeberry

The healing properties of chokeberry allow it to be used as a supplement to the main diet for high blood pressure. The benefits of chokeberry have been identified in the treatment of allergies, scarlet fever, measles, and rheumatism.

Regular consumption of the berry leads to cleansing of the body from radionuclides and toxic substances (due to the sorption effect of pectin contained in the chokeberry), therefore it is recommended for consumption in contaminated and radiation-prone regions.

Useful properties of chokeberry:

  • Strengthens blood vessels, improves heart function, respiratory system, can be used as an expectorant.
  • Qualitatively reduces arterial pressure before normal indicators.
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels, helps overcome atherosclerosis, and is included in the diet for this disease.
  • Prevents swelling and has a good diuretic effect.
  • It is recommended for consumption by diabetics; it contains little sugar and the berry can be consumed fresh.
  • Strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with vitamins, and prevents colds.
  • It is used for thyroid diseases, as it supplies the body with a sufficient amount of iodine.
  • Increases stomach acidity, activates the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Helps with low blood coagulation and bleeding tendency.
  • Supplies the body with anthocyanin, a substance that prevents the emergence and growth of cancer cells.
  • Stimulates the waste of bile, stimulates the liver.
  • Calms nervous system.
  • Has a beneficial effect on vision functions.

Scientists have proven that chokeberry helps in the treatment of cancer, especially pancreatic cancer. The extract obtained from its fruits increases the effect of anti-cancer drugs and supplies the body with antioxidants that prevent the spread of pathology to other tissue areas.

Chokeberry during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the period of bearing a child, a woman must include healthy chokeberry in her diet, if there are no contraindications to its use.

Chokeberry berries are a natural source of multivitamins and valuable substances that facilitate pregnancy, reduce toxicosis and enrich the mother’s body with valuable components. This is the best natural remedy, which, if a woman is allergic to multivitamin preparations, will completely replace them.

The benefits of chokeberry for a pregnant woman are manifested in increasing hemoglobin levels and cleansing the body of toxins. In addition, chokeberry is resistant to pests, and when growing it, the bushes are not treated with pesticides. Future mom can safely consume fresh and frozen chokeberry berries, receiving only benefits from it.

If during pregnancy a woman actively consumed chokeberry, during breastfeeding you should not give up delicious berries, however, it is worth reducing its amount a little. The berry stimulates lactation, increases the amount of milk, strengthens the immunity of mother and child, and also has a positive effect on digestion.

Chokeberry for children

Chokeberry is contraindicated for use in children under 3 years of age, despite its beneficial qualities. The berries greatly lower blood pressure and can cause constipation, so it is better to introduce chokeberry into the diet gradually and in small portions in early preschool age.

A decoction of the leaves of the plant is used as steam inhalation for coughs. To increase immunity and enrich the child’s body (after 3 years) with vitamins, it is recommended to prepare jelly, juices, jams from berries, dry, freeze berries and take a healthy treat at any time of the year.

Chokeberry under pressure

According to doctors and scientists, the best benefits of chokeberry are in the treatment of blood pressure due to its rich rutin content. Moreover, the healing berry should be consumed:

  • Fresh, three times a day
  • Drink 3/4 glass of fresh juice per day half an hour before meals
  • Take the infusion 4 times a day
  • Helps with hypertension sugar syrup from chokeberry, which is taken in a volume of 3 spoons per day

To reduce blood pressure, chokeberry can be consumed on its own or as a dessert. It is useful to add syrups, berry jams to tea, make drinks, compotes or fruit drinks.

The effect of normalizing blood pressure will noticeably increase if, during this disease, the chokeberry is supplemented with Antonov apples, which contain substances that will also help to quickly normalize blood pressure. For example, you can cook delicious jam from rowan and Antonov apples.


Chokeberry tincture

The healing tincture of chokeberry is used for iodine deficiency, low blood pressure, vitamin deficiency, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Moreover, during heat treatment and when interacting with alcohols, the berries do not lose their beneficial qualities.

The process of preparing the tincture is simple:

  1. Mash 1 kg fresh chokeberries with a wooden spoon
  2. Sprinkle 500 g sugar on top
  3. Add 3 cloves
  4. Stir, leave at room temperature
  5. After 2 days, pour 1 liter of vodka into the mixture
  6. Close the lid and place in a dark place
  7. Leave for 2 months, strain before use

You can also make a water infusion from chokeberry:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of rowan (or 2 bunches of berries)
  2. Pour a liter of boiled water over them and let them steep in the water for a while.
  3. Store in the refrigerator, consume 50-70 g 3-4 times a day

They use a drug to reduce blood sugar, as well as a choleretic effect and atherosclerosis. After the course of treatment, the blood vessels are well cleared of cholesterol. Those with low blood pressure should not drink.


A low branched tree with large feathery leaves, fragrant inflorescences, and then red clusters of berries that can remain on the branches until spring, has long attracted the attention of people. Red rowan is glorified in many songs and legends; in ancient times it was considered a talisman against anything that could cause harm, and the remains of the cult of this tree were preserved among many peoples, including the Slavs.

To this day, there is a custom of stringing beads from ripe berries and decorating girls with them. It was believed that the healing properties of red rowan are so great that even standing under a tree, the patient feels relief; This was especially true for women.


IN natural conditions The most common is red rowan, which grows in temperate climatic zone all countries of the Northern Hemisphere. In total there are more than a hundred varieties, of which the most common in our area is common appearance. It is often bred as an ornamental plant, used as a honey plant and as a material for crafts.

Natural red rowan ripens in early autumn, but its small fruits have a sour-bitter astringent taste. Berries are usually picked after the first frost, when they lose their bitterness.. Recipes and types of their use were very diverse: they were eaten fresh, especially with honey, and they were also prepared into jam and pastille, used as a filling for pies, soaked, pickled, and dried. The liqueur has an original taste, especially with cognac.

In gardens you can often find a plant with larger and sweeter fruits, for example, Nevezhinskoe. Chokeberry or chokeberry is widely known; decorative yellow and other varieties are also found. All of them are close relatives of the apple tree. The berry also resembles an apple both in shape and chemical composition.

Red and chokeberry species are rich in pectin, organic acids, iron, sugars, and vitamins.

In addition, their fruits contain flavonoids, especially rutin, phytoncides, and dietary fiber. The combination of biologically active substances provides high healing characteristics of this plant, including antiseptic ones. Chokeberry contains valuable microelements such as iodine, manganese, and copper.

Treats and medicines

Fruits touched by frost or kept in the freezer can be eaten raw, after sweetening them. Very simple recipes for original and healthy sweets: defrosted and dried berries are dipped in sugar syrup, then rolled in powdered sugar. Jam is cooked in the same way as any other, but the product is pre-soaked for 10 minutes.

Always welcome festive table there will be a liqueur. It can be prepared using alcohol, vodka, cognac, and red wine. A liqueur from 100 g of dry fruits per half liter of cognac has an original aroma and is very good remedy, eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. More refined recipes call for 300 g of mashed berries, 30 g of honey or caramelized sugar, which are poured into a bottle of cognac and infused for a month. Chokeberry is also a good choice for this drink.

The ingredients that provide the medicinal properties of red fruits take a long time to dissolve in alcohol, but you can also use quick recipes. For them, the workpiece is doused with boiling water, ground in a meat grinder and mixed with half the amount of sugar. Then the mixture is poured with the same amount of vodka and the medicinal liqueur is ready. In order not to cause harm, all types of such drinks should be consumed no more than 25 g per day with constant use or 50-100 g with a single dose.

In folk medicine, rowan juice, fruits, leaves and flowers are used. The recipe for a decoction from any dry parts of these plants is the same - 15 g of raw material per glass of boiling water is boiled for 10 minutes. The usual dosage is 2 tablespoons three times a day.

For stomach diseases, an infusion of 2 tablespoons of berries poured with half a liter of boiling water is recommended, which is drunk throughout the day.


Wild and garden plant has many useful qualities. Using fresh mashed leaves, fungal diseases are treated. Unripe fruits (up to fifty) are eaten for diarrhea. The juice (a tablespoon three times a day, washed down with water) is used in the treatment of heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, vitamin deficiency, and hemorrhoids. It is also useful for diabetes, pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, strengthens the immune system, and cleanses the blood.

For bronchitis, liver diseases, goiter, therapy is carried out using a decoction of flowers. A decoction of the fruit is recommended for vitamin deficiency, low acidity, kidney disease, and gynecological bleeding. Fruit juice, jam, syrup are pleasant medicines for heart disease, liver disease, stomach atony, rheumatism, and polyarthritis.

Chokeberry is no less useful. It is recommended, first of all, as an antihypertensive agent (juice, fresh berries, infusion), as well as for restoring immunity, including during radiation sickness, and normalizing the functioning of the endocrine system. In any form, it is an effective prevention and treatment of immune diseases, vision impairment, and thyroid dysfunction. It is recommended for diabetes, treatment overweight bodies, during the period of rehabilitation after serious illnesses, carry out effective treatment dermatitis, eczema, skin fungi.


Despite the high medicinal properties of red rowan, its improper use can be harmful. Consumption is not recommended in cases of increased acidity, a tendency to blood clots and high blood clotting, during the recovery period after a stroke or heart attack, coronary disease hearts. Chokeberry can cause similar harm - it can increase the formation of blood clots, aggravate cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. We should also not forget about individual intolerance to the ingredients that make up these plants, and begin therapy only after testing for sensitivity to the juice.