Contrary to popular belief, cats of different breeds can differ greatly not only in appearance, but also in character. Anyone who is suitable for a Sphynx is unlikely to get along with a Persian cat. Have you ever wondered what kind of cat is yours? Fortunately, on our website we have selected a cat breed for everyone based on their zodiac sign.


Aries are active, fearless and energetic. They want a cat who is as dynamic as they are. Therefore, on our website we suggest that Aries get a Siberian cat as soon as possible. These fluffy balls are very playful. Even when the Siberian cat reaches adulthood, she will not stop running around the house, performing acrobatics and playing with her favorite toys.


Tactile by nature, Taurus will agree that they like to experience the world through touch. Like people of this zodiac sign, the Laperm cat constantly touches everything with its paws. They are known for rubbing against everyone and everything in their path. A pleasant addition for Taurus owners will be the fact that Laperms have curly fur.


The most sociable sign is Gemini. They always know what to say, when and how to say it. Siamese cats are the most vocal of all other breeds; owners will constantly hear their “meow” from all over the apartment. Famous distinctive feature This breed has canine habits: the cat will protect its household and guard the house.


Cancers are sensitive and emotional people. They want a cat breed that will always be on their side. Of course, a Somali cat is perfect for Cancers. These guys can be quite active, but also just lie on their laps if the owner is not in the mood for games right now.

a lion

Leos have a vital need to always be the center of attention. They constantly seek praise and admiration from others, which is why Abyssinians are best suited for them. The owner will be very similar to his cat, who will want to be the only cat in the house and will not tolerate other pets.


Virgos are known for being a little shy, so they always take time to accept new people. The same goes for the Persian cat. These furry guys may be a little aggressive and distrustful at first, but will be yours forever once you win their respect and love.


Libras always want to be in company; loneliness is completely unbearable for them. The Ragdoll cat will be their most loyal companion. These plush creatures will follow you around all day and make ideal sofa or bed neighbors. In addition, they are incredibly cute and affectionate.


Scorpios know what they want and will do anything to get it. They are natural leaders who are not afraid to be assertive, so the Russian Blue is the kitten that is just meant for them. They know how to get what they want, be it games or treats. Russian Blue cats can be a little mischievous at times, but owners will be embarrassed to be angry with these cute creatures.


Sagittarius is interested the world, so they constantly strive to travel and learn new things. People born under this sign are also incredibly open-minded compared to the rest of the zodiac, which is why they need a Sphynx cat. Many people find hairless cats unattractive, not realizing that they are very affectionate and loyal creatures. And they are quite funny cats, which reflect Sagittarius' humorous personality.


For Capricorns, nothing is more important than family. They love to spend time with their loved ones as often as possible, which is why the Korat cat is the best cat for them. Like Capricorns, these cats form strong bonds with the people in their lives and are always nearby. They are more than just pets - they are true family members.


The Ragamuffin cat is ideal for Pisces. Pisces are always reserved and calm and do not like it when people try to upset them. This is why the Ragamuffin cat is an ideal breed for them. They love to curl up on their lap while their owner watches TV, listens to music, or reads a book. Ragamuffins also have a calm and patient nature, which allows them to be in the company of a wide variety of people.

People are divided into two camps: those who love cats and those who prefer dogs. For the latter, we have prepared a selection of dog breeds for each representative of the zodiac circle. And if furry four-legged animals are not for you, then read the material about exotic pets.
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Line from the song “Probably in the next life,
when will I become a cat” begs the question:
what kind of cat would you be in a past life?
Affectionately purring cat, stray cat or
a rat-catcher? Or maybe homemade
a kitty lying on the couch all day long?
It is not necessary to wait for the next life, much less
becomes a cat when there is our comic horoscope,
in which astrologers presented each
Zodiac sign in the form of a cat.
Read and recognize yourself in your prototype!

Aries is an energetic cat

Aries would become a beautiful, fluffy and stately cat. You can't help but love such a cat! True, sometimes he destroys everything around him, scratches the walls and jumps on the cabinets. He admits guilt for his cat pranks, but rarely corrects himself. It’s unlikely that you’ll shit in your beloved owner’s slippers, but guests are welcome.

Taurus is a cat with a capital letter

Taurus in the comic horoscope personifies the real image of a domestic cat. He spends most of the day lying on the couch or by his bowl. As a rule, as an adult, such a cat gains weight and becomes like a large teddy bear. He easily gets along with children and can even tolerate being pulled by his tail and whiskers.

Gemini is a cat you won't get bored with

This cat's energy is simply overflowing. He will find a common language with any other pet - he will teach the parrot to speak and the dog to meow. Sociable, inquisitive and active. Sometimes his desire for new things and curiosity leads to bad consequences. The Gemini cat boldly climbs into the washing machine or oven, without thinking about what might happen.

Cancer is the most affectionate cat

This cat appreciates home comfort and loves its owners. He prefers to watch guests from under the sofa or from the height of a closet. You shouldn’t offend him - he can be offended, and then take revenge by messing up his owner’s business. In general, this is a friendly cat who lives by the principle: how they treat him is how he treats others.

Leo is a cat with royal demeanors

Leo in the comic horoscope represents the king cat. He loves surroundings, attention and praise. As soon as you say “meow,” everyone immediately begins to flicker in front of him. This is a real master of the house, who, due to his generosity and mercy, allowed people to live next to him. “Feed me and pet me!” - you can read it in his eyes.

Virgo is a decent cat

Virgo in the cat's horoscope appears in the form of a neat and decent cat. Tall landscapes from closets in the house and scattered slippers of the owner, with which you can have fun not for him. He seems to be responsible for the cleanliness and comfort of the house, and will never ask for more, as he monitors his health and figure.

Libra - a cat with aristocratic habits

This cat is distinguished by its beauty and lordly habits. He is picky and knows a lot about food. Loves to attract attention. She values ​​her appearance very much and takes good care of it. It plays mainly at night, when no one sees, since it is not a royal thing to run, bite and scratch.

Scorpio - the philosopher cat

Looking at this cat, one gets the impression that he came from an enchanted forest, where for a long time lived with a witch. This is a philosopher cat who loves to sit in the most comfortable places in the house and reflect on life. You have to guess about his desires, since he will never show that he wants to steal the sausage from the table.

Sagittarius - hunter cat

The Sagittarius cat looks very warlike. All dogs, birds and even the neighbor's cockroaches are afraid of him, as he protects his house from the invasion of uninvited guests. He is friendly with others and can cheer you up. But everything changes when he feels that the house is facing an apocalypse in the form of an invasion of some living creature. He will not give up his territory to anyone.

Capricorn is a wise cat

This cat has true feline dignity. He is smart and not intrusive. Purrs on weekends, and only if the plan for catching rats can be fulfilled. He is emotionally reserved and allows himself to be stroked only by those closest to him.

Aquarius - a cat with adventures

This cat is constantly finding adventures. He would like to become a ship's cat and surf the oceans, or fly into space and study the Moon. But no! He has to sit at home and play the role of a pet. Although even at home he will find something to have fun with. Why is a bathtub not an ocean, and a microwave not a space plane?

Pisces - cat artist

This cat has a fine mental organization. His purring is like a song or a poem. He should perform in Kuklachev's circus. Already there he would have shown all his talents! The cat of this Zodiac Sign is very sensitive - you cannot be angry or scold him, as his revenge will be poured out on your shoes in far from purring songs and poems.

ARIES - Vol.

A beautiful, charismatic and stately cat. It's impossible not to love this! This cat won't lie on the couch all day. He will destroy everything around him, hang on the curtains and destroy the family service. He will not be ashamed at all for his pranks; on the contrary, the Aries cat will proudly demonstrate the disgrace he has done to others.

TAURUS - Red cat "Parrot Kesha".

A homely, calm and docile purr, valuing his own peace and comfort most of all. He spends most of the day lying on the sofa. He gets along easily with other animals, the main condition is that his bowl is not touched. The Taurus cat loves children and will philosophically tolerate tugging on its tail and whiskers.

GEMINI - Kitten named Woof.

An overly inquisitive cat that you just want to cuddle. Due to his charm and childish spontaneity, he will remain a kitten until old age. You definitely won't be bored with this one. He is sociable, energetic and active. The Gemini cat is a cute fidget - he will knock down the Christmas tree, eat all the “rain” from it, and then boldly climb into the washing machine or oven, without thinking about the consequences.

CANCER - Leopold.

This cat appreciates home comfort and loves his loved ones. A pathological tidy - incapable of breaking or tearing anything, he basically tries not to shed, so as not to litter. The Cancer cat has the grace of a panther and the habits of an English queen. But you still shouldn’t offend him - he can be offended, and then take revenge by making his own affairs worse for the offender.

LION - Cat Baby "Sly Crow".

This cat imagines himself to be a king and doesn’t want to do anything with his paws. He loves care, attention and praise. At the first “meow”, all his demands will be fulfilled, the bowl will be filled, the milk will be poured, and the owner’s hands will be freed from all unnecessary things so that the Leo Kitty can calmly enjoy the owner’s caresses.

A born gourmet and lover of exotic cuisine: today he can squeamishly refuse meat, and the next day he will gladly eat rotten fish from a trash can.

VIRGO - Cat Matroskin.

The Virgo cat is a neat and decent animal, which has secretly taken upon itself the responsibility of maintaining cleanliness and comfort in the house. For scattered slippers, he will take revenge on the slob in the most sophisticated way. If the tray, in the cat’s opinion, is not clean enough, he will do it nearby. This cat easily and reliably removes any obstacles; he will find a way to open a tin can and grind off all the goodies.

LIBRA - Duchess "Aristocrats".

This cat is distinguished by its beauty and lordly manners. He is picky and knows a lot about food. Loves to be the center of attention. The Libra cat is for world peace, hates conflicts, and in case of swearing, he will hiss those swearing, and proudly retreats under the sofa.

She values ​​her appearance very much and takes good care of it. He is ashamed to play in public, since it is not a gentleman’s thing to run, bite and scratch.

SCORPIO - Cheshire cat.

Mysterious, mystical and mysterious cat from through the looking glass. This is a philosopher cat who loves to sit in the most comfortable places and think about his cat affairs. At the same time, the Scorpio Cat is completely fearless and loves to take risks. He disguises his intentions perfectly and will never show that he actually intended to steal the sausage from the table. It yells not only in March, but practically all year round, because... has a strong libido, watch out for everything that moves!

SAGITTARIUS - Puss in Boots.

This cat looks very warlike. The storm of all yard dogs, pigeons and insects. Uninvited guests who enter his territory should immediately go to the veterinarian. He is always hungry - no matter how much he eats, it is not enough for him. With loved ones, on the contrary, he is friendly and can lift even the worst mood. Freedom-loving is an open window for the Sagittarius Cat, this is the beginning of an exciting journey.

CAPRICORN - Cat-Scientist “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak..”

This is who has true cat dignity. He is smart, tactful and not intrusive. He will never wake up the owner at 6 am, demanding Whiskas. The Capricorn cat is emotionally reserved, but when in a good mood, he allows himself to purr. He allows himself to be stroked only by those closest to him; strangers who allowed him to touch his majesty will run to treat their wounds with hydrogen peroxide.

AQUARIUS - Kitten from Lizyukov Street.

This cat constantly finds adventures with his fluffy tail. Even if left alone in the apartment, he will find a way to have fun. Why is a curtain not a palm tree, and a chandelier not a liana? Such a cat always knows when to turn on the “fool” so that all the shoals can get away from his paws. The Aquarius cat has a very high IQ and no conscience at all.

This purr also loves to troll others.

PISCES - Kitten Stuffed Animal Meow.

A very willful cat. Since he decided to catch that mouse for dinner, it couldn’t be any other way! In addition, this cat has a fine mental organization. Cat-Pisces is the most important star of the Kuklachev Theater. Like all creative personalities, the cat is very sensitive, you can’t get angry or scold him - without hesitation he will immediately put the offender on the banlist.

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Aries: Clow, Rambo, Fez, Negar, Hooligan, Bruiser, Topsy, etc.

Cats born under the sign of Aries are perhaps the most boisterous of all their relatives (some may even seem boisterous), because the need for independence is combined in them with an insatiable interest in everything new. They want to try everything in life. These cats are confident, determined and have a strong character. They are convinced that they can do anything they set their mind to! If someone mistakenly decides to stand in the way of Aries, he will not want to repeat this again. Such cats can behave very cockily. They attack any living creature with the only desire to win and show everyone around who is boss.
Having arrived in its new home for the first time, a kitten or adult Aries cat will happily run around the apartment, noticing every object and trying to play with it. Several hours filled with fun, entertainment and pranks await you. Aries seems to enjoy simply living under the same roof with you. However, be careful - you may be given the false impression that it is safe. Having secured your favor and mastered their territory, Aries will want to conquer the whole world and will begin by exploring the surrounding area. Get out of your head the thought that your mischievous child will run away from home. No, he would prefer to act differently. Without changing his semi-homeless lifestyle, Aries will spend a little more time than usual wandering. He will become one of the local cats, who will immediately understand: a new leader has appeared, gathering his own personal army. Aries are not the kind of cats that try to hide or run away from danger; on the contrary, sometimes it seems that they are just getting into a fight. They know no fear - they are ready to fight with any cats or other animals that dare to set foot on their territory, so be prepared for the fact that sometimes your pet will return home not in the best shape. Don’t grab your head if he doesn’t sleep at home for several days: this is most often caused by the fact that he needs to complete some business. Moreover, if Aries understands that he cannot decide for himself when to come home, and that you are trying to deprive him of his freedom of movement by locking him in four walls, your furniture and clothes will have a hard time!

Aries likes fresh food, and he will get it himself, and the very sight of it may make you feel unwell. Thus, if an Aries cat lives near you, the local mouse population is under control. Aries are completely unpretentious when it comes to food. There are days when gluttony seems to come over them, and they may demand food only when they see you at the door, but at other times these cats refuse to eat at all, because they are simply bored with the same monotonous food. It is better for Aries' diet to be as varied as possible, because they like everything new and interesting. They get great pleasure and joy from chasing prey, but you will not be laughing when you have to collect scattered leftovers after a meal or take your pet to the veterinary clinic.

What is the favorite game of Aries cats? Of course, cat and mouse!

They love to hunt. It doesn't matter who or what. It could actually be a living rodent, or it could just be a piece of fur or a brightly colored tassel on the end of a stick. The cat enjoys playing with them for at least a few minutes. However, as soon as something brighter or moving quickly attracts her attention, she freezes. Spinning toys that make sounds and spinning tops on the floor can keep pets occupied for hours.
You can buy a fashionable basket for your kitten so that he can sleep in it, like in a cradle. However, rest assured that he will still fall asleep where he sleeps: near a warm radiator, near the TV, on your bed, wherever he likes.

If you have no desire to fight the kitten (the outcome is clear in advance), the easiest way is to give up and leave everything as it is. The little prankster leads such an active lifestyle that he simply does not have the strength to move anywhere from the nearest relatively safe place where he can rest. If you try to return the naughty girl to his bed, you will have to disturb his sleep every time. After all, you just need to touch him, and he opens his eyes and instantly comes into combat readiness. An excited Aries is a real punishment, and it takes nerves of iron to cope with it.

You can try to awaken love and affection in your pet, but try to interpret his behavior correctly. Aries is not at all the kind of cat that will rub against its lap, emitting a gentle purr. The manifestations of her feelings, be it love or hatred, are quite sharp. While caressing her owner, she usually doesn’t make a sound. The cat hits him with its head, puts its paws on his shoulders, digging its claws into them. She looks straight into the eyes, baring her teeth in a wide grin. However, it is necessary to firmly understand that this is just a cheerful grin, and not a manifestation of a threat. At least hope so! But it's not all that bad. It's just that Aries are extraordinary swindlers. After they think they have finished with all their chores, of which they certainly have much more than other cats, they happily return home. Aries jumps onto the owner's lap, not at all interested in whether he likes it at the moment or not!


Owner - Aries
Two Aries, whether human, cat or both, tend to avoid bumping into each other. If this is unavoidable, as a rule, sparks flare up between them. However, they can live peacefully side by side for years if they allow each other to be themselves.

Owner - Taurus
The Aries cat may be too wild for the calm Taurus. She often throws him off balance with her antics. However, a completely prosperous relationship can be established between them, since the cat is usually not at home.

Owner - Gemini
By carefully observing the habits of Aries, Gemini people can begin to behave exactly like these cats! They form a well-coordinated team. However, their neighbors don't quite understand them!

Owner - Cancer
People born under the sign of Cancer often have the same angry look as their Aries cats. This is due to the desire of Cancers to show the whole world that their pets are the softest and fluffiest, and any pestering is not at all typical of Aries cats!

Owner - Leo
They feel good together. Aries is so comfortable with a Leo man that sometimes the cat starts to think she is a human. The owner easily controls his pet. Their relationship is characterized by harmony and mutual respect.

Owner - Virgo
Virgo gets indignant every time the Aries cat throws some litter out of the litter box. Sometimes it seems that the cat is deliberately trying to scatter the litter, just to have fun at the owner’s sermon. Or maybe this is true?

Owner - Libra
These two get along great. True affection flares up between them, and they consider themselves to belong only to each other. Wonderful couple.

Owner - Scorpio
As long as Scorpio does not dare to punish the Aries cat for a minor offense, nothing threatens their coexistence. But if the owner decides to point out to the tailed pet that stealing sausages from the kitchen table is not good, their relationship may become complicated.

Owner - Sagittarius
An explosive union! The house in which Sagittarius and Aries live cannot become an oasis of calm. On the contrary, a source of tension will constantly burn in it, it will become an arena of constant battles and battles with unpredictable results.

Owner - Capricorn
"Let me go!" An Aries cat may feel cramped in Capricorn's house, even if he lives in a castle. A person of this zodiac sign loves to invent endless rules and give out countless instructions, which his pet does not understand at all as it should. The cat feels much better outside, where it behaves as it pleases.

Owner - Aquarius
The Aries cat and the Aquarius owner can somehow find a common language. They have mutual trust and strive to please each other. No games, no fights, just polite coexistence.

Owner - Pisces
To be honest, Aries will push Pisces around. People of this sign will never muster up the courage to say “No!” or “You can’t!” unbelted cat. But this does not mean that there will be dissatisfied people. It’s just that just such a relationship can be established between them, and no others. But everyone is happy! What else do you need?

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Taurus: Lerry, Flaber, Henry, Dior, Tom, etc.

Despite the fact that Cats born under the sign of Taurus can be peace-loving and good-natured, they are still not the most pleasant creatures. And all because they love only the best. They themselves look simply luxurious - it is difficult to find pets more beautiful than them. In addition, they know their own worth very well. Most cats lead an independent lifestyle - this is a completely normal behavioral feature of this species. But Taurus cats are not shy about expressing their feelings. They strive at all costs to demonstrate how much they love their owners, and at the same time express gratitude for the expensive basket. Taurus happily rubs against their legs, purring gently at the same time.

These are the only representatives of the cat tribe who most appreciate the comfortable and beautiful things that you buy for them. At the same time, they are not too keen on fancy toys. Sure, they might play with them a couple of times, but then they invariably lose interest. They think it was made for kittens. Perhaps it is not worth spending money on purchasing such things. Taurus people love to be stroked and brushed. Physical contact with a person is very important for them. The actions of a person picking through their fur gives them a feeling of security and peace. This may be why the item they need most is a separate fur brush.

When a kitten (or an adult cat) first gets into its new home, at first it sits for a long time and watches everything that surrounds it: people, what is happening outside the window, the TV screen. If you try to involve him in a game, he wanders away: “Have fun yourself, but I don’t care about that!”
And yet this is a very attentive creature. It is virtually hassle-free. If you need to mind your own business, the kitten can do without you. Once he finally settles into the house, you will feel that this creature is firmly on the ground. And soon you will catch yourself thinking that you cannot imagine how you lived without him until now.

Taurus is one of the most tolerant and obedient companions. True, he cannot adapt to everything. For example, if you take his immediate needs lightly (by simply moving his litter box to a new location), you may have to endure difficult times for both him and you.

Since his behavior is determined mainly by his usual routine, Taurus does not like to be disturbed. One single attempt to remove him from his favorite chair can lead to him walking around you for a good fifty meters. He doesn't like loud noises, clapping and screaming. In such an environment, it is difficult to hold a cat in your arms - it always tries to run away and hide in a secluded place. Many people believe that it is almost impossible to accustom a Taurus cat to this lifestyle.
It is not in the nature of Taurus to wander away from home. This cat does not have a very developed sense of direction, so it can easily get lost. Not finding familiar objects around him, the pet becomes very upset, and the unfamiliar surroundings and smells have a depressing effect on him. If you move to a new place of residence, it is best not to let the cat leave the house for quite a long time so that it gets used to the new environment.

Taurus are not too picky when it comes to food. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is their dislike for dry food. The cat will be quite happy if you get yourself a personal chef. True, despite the fact that in any circumstances she will behave like a jaded connoisseur of haute cuisine, Taurus will not refuse to eat, as she loves to indulge in gluttony. For Taurus, there is a danger of being overweight, because he loves to eat, but at the same time avoids any physical activity.

Despite their almost complete apathy, there is one area of ​​activity in which Taurus always show enviable activity. This is a love of experimenting with new types of food. They love to try everything that is available, from avocados to overseas delicacies. There is another activity that lazy cats of this zodiac sign can indulge in for hours - a competition with their owners to see who can remove food from the fork the fastest. While a person brings a fork to his mouth, what was on it can quickly migrate into the stomach of a cat sitting peacefully next to him. In this case, everything happens completely unnoticed!

Considering the danger of excess weight, it is very important to persuade Taurus to regularly go outside and take part in outdoor games. Regular exercise is the only recipe for maintaining his weight at normal levels.

Pets born under this zodiac sign love to look at others, whether people or cats. They spend most of their time sitting in a secluded corner of the garden, enjoying the aroma of flowers, fresh earth, and watching what is happening around them.

If you need four-legged friend, which you can spend hours looking for around the neighborhood, you will get a terrier, right? However, if you dream of a kind, friendly and peaceful companion with whom you can spend long evenings lying on the sofa in front of the TV screen, you will undoubtedly choose a cat born under the sign of Taurus.


Owner - Aries
They get along quite peacefully with each other, although there is no close spiritual intimacy between them. The fact is that Aries does not have the patience to wait for the cat to start doing something interesting (for example, lazily yawning).

Owner - Taurus
A very promising combination. Taurus will be able to spend a lot of time together, entertaining each other. Since a person of this zodiac sign has a penchant for gourmetism, but prefers to dine at home, his companion is guaranteed freshly prepared meals, perhaps delivered from quite decent restaurants.

Owner - Gemini
As unexpected as it may seem, the Taurus cat is absolutely what Gemini needs. The relaxation of movements and the need of furry pets for physical contact is a miraculous balm for Gemini, tormented by life.

Owner - Cancer
This couple's relationship will almost certainly be comfortable. They won't have to persuade each other to spend all their evenings on the couch, eating sweets in incredible quantities.

Owner - Leo
A completely acceptable relationship. Leo cannot live without universal love, expressions of admiration and admiration for his person, so the Taurus cat is the best fit for him.

Owner - Virgo
The relationship remains excellent if the owner and his pet spend a lot of time outdoors together. However, due to natural laziness, Taurus prefers to stay at home. His fur scattered everywhere sometimes infuriates Virgo.

Owner - Libra
It is quite possible that Taurus is not dynamic enough from the point of view of a person born under the sign of Libra. In turn, the cat considers the owner not attractive enough. However, they share a love for the sophisticated life, so they get along well.

Owner - Scorpio
Taurus and Scorpio understand each other perfectly. However, in the event of a disagreement, the cat will demonstrate all the strength of character it is capable of before forgiving the person and returning to his home.

Owner - Sagittarius
Taurus has a wonderful quality that cats of other zodiac signs lack - only he can patiently wait for his willful owner to return home.

Owner - Capricorn
They are tuned to the same wavelength, and their paths rarely cross. However, if they meet at home, then there is no limit to the manifestations of mutual tenderness. The owner scratches the cat behind the ear, and it rubs against his lap.

Owner - Aquarius
The relationship is not brilliant, but not terrible either. Aquarius is independent, like a cat, so he understands her perfectly and does not judge her. There is no close intellectual or physical connection between them; the companions are content with restrained politeness.

Owner - Pisces
Great combination! The relationship is exactly what it should be between a person and a cat. When the owner indulges in daydreams while relaxing, the pet, curled up on his lap, serves as a link that connects him with the real world.

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Gemini: Liki, Tikli, Trixie, Felix, Mittens, Icarus, Hekla, Jekyll, Hyde, etc.

Cats born under the sign of Gemini are business people; they always have something to do. Their curiosity knows no bounds. They penetrate everywhere and strive to make friends with all your neighbors and their pets, not at all interested in the opinions of others about themselves. Geminis poke their noses everywhere, sniffing out what's going on in this world. You can be sure: if something happens somewhere, your cat will be the first to know about it! And if you don’t have neighbors, she will still hang around nearby, just so as not to sit at home. But although strangers seem very attractive to her, she still behaves very independently.

Don't blame this cat for idle curiosity. Her behavior is driven by curiosity, satisfying which Gemini realizes the vital energy that overwhelms them.
The Gemini cat is distinguished by dexterity, agility and unprecedented cunning. She often gets into trouble, but can find a way out of a variety of situations on her own.
If one day you see excited neighbors rushing towards your house at full speed with gardening or sports equipment in your hands, don't be surprised. Nothing bad happened. Your cat just scattered their neatly stacked boxes or broke all the pots with ornamental plants. Perhaps she decided to walk along the back of the dog dozing in the sun to find out if he wanted to play tag with her, and now the dog came to her owner to sort things out.
Soon you will get used to explaining to everyone and everything that Geminis do not wish harm to anyone and everything that they do is a forgivable consequence of the instinct of a natural scientist.
The Gemini cat loves heights, and at the same time she never gets dizzy. Fleeing from a pursuer or observing the surroundings, she strives to climb to the top of a tree. And the more formidable the enemy who catches up with her, the higher she climbs, thereby demonstrating to the stupid shaggy dog ​​the enormous intellectual distance between them. Gemini's favorite game is hunting. However, unlike Aries, who like to chase their prey, Gemini cats like to be chased. Fleeing from the pursuer, your pet will show high artistic skill. He strives to stretch out the game as long as possible, dragging the enemy up hills and down hills, forcing them to run in zigzags, abruptly changing directions and confusing them. This is where the cat’s remarkable cunning and intelligence come into play. She takes pleasure in teasing whoever is chasing her!

What about food? Geminis don't make food a problem. They are rather indifferent to food. They will be satisfied with a wide variety of types of food: dry granules, canned food, and much more. The cat will not be capricious, but it is desirable that the food be varied and tasty. She is not a glutton who swallows her portion in the blink of an eye. On the contrary, she tries to leave something in reserve so that when she returns from a walk, she can refresh herself during the day. There are exceptions only if Gemini shares shelter with a Taurus or Cancer cat. They quickly learn that if they don't eat everything at once, they can easily lose their lunch. What to do? You have to learn to survive by changing your habits!

Typically, Geminis have a graceful physique, even with abundant regular meals. The slender thinness of a pet often confuses owners and causes disapproving glances from neighbors. However, at one point, completely unexpectedly for you, your cat may begin to gain weight. She's still lively and happy, you're not overfeeding her, so what's the big deal? Everything is very simple. It turns out that your pet has begun to lead a double life and eats somewhere else! Don't punish him too much, remember the zodiac sign under which he was born. Keeping him locked up for a couple of weeks is enough. After this period, look in the local press for advertisements about missing animals. And, of course, you will see a photo of your pet, which “disappeared” from one of your neighbors. How to get out of this predicament? The only thing that can be done is to agree with the second owners on a feeding schedule. After all, it’s not their fault either: they sincerely believed that your cat was their cat! Be careful: you need to be careful in this matter, as you may be drawn into pointless arguments about who is tastier and feeds this cunning Gemini better.

Now about sleep. Geminis sleep very little and very lightly, so they make vigilant night guards. They silently wander around the house, walking around their possessions. Some people feel like they don't sleep at all. Even after a difficult day filled with all sorts of activities, completely deprived of strength, the cat falls asleep only “with half an eye.” She is always ready to jump to her feet so as not to miss a single interesting event. However, if you want to make a devoted friend who will love you tenderly and show it in every possible way, you need to look for him under a different zodiac sign. The Gemini pet is not made for this. He is too reasonable, he lacks the need for emotional contacts with the owner, which is inherent in other representatives of the cat tribe. However, this does not mean that he does not appreciate the company of the people he loves. He enjoys having fun with them.

The Gemini cat loves to fool around. She rejoices when her owner chases her throughout the apartment, lies on the bed with her, or jokingly wrestles with her, grabbing her on the sly when she comes to say hello in the morning. This playful animal never grows up. It will make you laugh until you are old and act like a kitten. Oddly enough, this behavior does not get boring, and the pet firmly wins the hearts of its owners.


Owner - Aries
The owner is crazy about his pet! He simply cannot imagine life without the Gemini cat. They find solace in hugs and caresses, especially if one of them is in trouble; they love to sit at home, entertain and make each other laugh.

Owner - Taurus
Possible a good relationship. They are completely different from each other, so they must learn to live independently. Nevertheless, they still have a little in common, and this is enough for a friendship to begin between them.

Owner - Gemini
Complete unity. Their joint fantasies are limitless, and what dialogues there are between them! Everyone will talk about their own things, and they will begin to discuss completely different things, but once they start talking, they are unable to stop.

Owner - Cancer
Cancer is a caring owner, he bestows care, while Gemini is a consumer, they accept it favorably. By mutual agreement, a pleasant relationship is established between them, devoid of any catch. They absolutely trust each other.

Owner - Leo
“This is so much fun!” - Leo will say and he will not be mistaken. These two are literally made for each other. No one can interfere with their love: neither other people, nor other pets.

Owner - Virgo
They make a great team! Deeds, deeds and more deeds! There is never any disagreement between Gemini and Virgo. Despite the fact that their points of view do not always coincide, they are very interested in being together.

Owner - Libra
There is never any disagreement between them. They love to spend evenings together, confident that they fully understand each other's thoughts, needs and desires. Relationships are built on the basis of equal partnership.

Owner - Scorpio
Scorpio has the habit of forcing Gemini to follow the strict rules of conduct in the house that he has come up with. The cat will not be able to avoid this in any way, so he will have to obey.

Owner - Sagittarius
Relationships are “wave-like”, mood swings occur. However, people and their pets get along well with each other. Sagittarius sometimes complains about Gemini's uncontrollability, but cannot imagine life without them.

Owner - Capricorn
Over time, the owner catches himself thinking that this playful kitten will never grow up, although it is high time. The cat learns to treat its owner carefully, having experienced his hot temper more than once.

Owner - Aquarius
Is it possible to talk to cats? Yes, if you are an Aquarius! Do cats understand? human speech? Gemini, definitely yes! Gemini and Aquarius are perfect for each other, just like two cats or two Aquarius!

Owner - Pisces
A smart Gemini cat can live next to an owner born under the sign of Pisces, sincerely considering him a fool who is easy to deceive. However, she is constantly surprised that she still fails to do this, because the person incomprehensibly predicts her actions and for some reason does not forget to put the half-eaten canned fish in the refrigerator immediately after lunch.

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Cancer: Kushi, Mango, Opal, Lunatik, Babe, Muffin, Nala, Duchess, etc..

Cats born under the sign of Cancer simply love to eat. “Which pussy licked the sour cream?” - you can safely answer this question in advance that this is a Cancer cat. The Cancer cat loves to lie on the sofa with its owner. Especially if he takes something tasty with him! Friendliness and love for tasty food are the main traits of pets born under this zodiac sign. If you are one of those people who only eat while sitting at the table in a tuxedo and tie, you will have irreconcilable differences with your cat. She will unceremoniously jump on the tablecloth or beg for pieces, spinning around your feet.

This trait cannot be eradicated. Moreover, the cat believes that you simply have to share food with it.
She sees this as the simplest and most universal way to establishing friendly relations. And only then does she feel completely safe. She accepts food not only from the hands of her beloved owner, but also from other people. Despite this slight weakness, the Cancer cat is a sweet and friendly creature.
It is very important to ensure that your pet receives all kinds of handouts only after eating the main food. The fact is that he likes to interrupt his appetite and in the future is no longer interested in the dry food that you prepared for him for lunch. When the next feeding time comes, the cat does not want to eat what has been in the bowl for several hours, he is waiting for a new portion of fresh food.

A true Cancer can be easily recognized by its characteristic round belly. The cat looks contentedly at those around him, as if she had just swallowed the Moon. But this luminary is the same celestial object that rules the sign of Cancer.

The pet loves his home very much. Apparently, Cancers have a more pronounced sense of their territory than cats of other zodiac signs. He rarely leaves his home and does not strive to leave the yard. If the owner does not have dogs, the cat plays the role of a faithful guard, always protecting front door. She guards her house and raises the alarm, warning the owner about the appearance of uninvited and unexpected guests.

In fact, the cat is friendly towards guests and favorably allows them to enter the house. However, she can't stand new animals! You can easily understand this by the dissatisfied expression on the face of the vigilant guard, which appears every time guests try to bring their pet into the house. This is a big shock for Cancer; he loses his temper for a long time, losing his mental balance.

People who don't like cats become the first "victims" of the incorruptible watchman. He instinctively senses antipathy on their part and seeks to urgently correct the situation by jumping into their arms. Cancer is unusually sensitive to a person’s mood and tries to improve it with his caresses. At the same time, he does not pay attention to people's reactions. Just don’t think that his pestering is another way of begging for treats! You can't be so cynical! The Cancer Cat really has developed intuition and feels all the nuances of the emotional atmosphere. If there were witches among cats, undoubtedly, the first of them would be the Cancer cat. She can extinguish very naturally negative emotions and relieve mental stress.

Help your cat find a suitable place to sleep. This could be piles of sheets or towels in the linen closet, although, like most pets, she may prefer the undeniable convenience of special baskets or houses. It is advisable that the sleeping place be equipped with pillows and covered with something soft. After all, Cancers are such sissies! Meanwhile, when the cat is absent and does not see your actions, you should periodically carefully shake out its basket. The fact is that the pets of this zodiac sign drag everything they like into their nest. Real treasures of “treasures” can be hidden under the litter, many of which are also very “fragrant”.
The Cancer Cat loves a variety of games. One of its favorite outdoor pastimes is to stalk its prey, hugging the ground tightly, ready to spring like a released spring. Cancer perfectly imagines how tasty all these birds and squirrels would be if they could be caught! He tries to hunt constantly, but luck most often turns away from him. After all, he is not as agile and dexterous as his wild relatives. The greater the value of any of the trophies that he manages to obtain. Success inspires and increases self-esteem, so he strives to keep the remains of his spoils forever. But if you are worried about dirt in the house, keep in mind that the Cancer cat can easily learn any rules.

This cat is just a godsend for the home! She has her own ideas about how a household should be run. She can even easily drag the tray for her natural needs to a place that seems more convenient to her, for example, next to a coffee table with flowers.
Yes, indeed, this is a very proactive and enterprising nature. The Cancer Cat will help turn both your house and apartment into a real cozy nest. Thanks to her love and support of the owner, a feeling of well-being and warmth is always maintained. It is not without reason that they say that by getting a cat, which is patronized by Cancer, a person starts a family.


Owner - Aries
In Aries's mind, the Cancer cat is a little more demanding than necessary, so the pet may suffer slightly from a lack of attention. It is better for such a person to get a cat with a more independent character, who will not hang on his arms every time he leaves the house.

Owner - Taurus
Taurus is exactly the owner who can fully appreciate the wonderful qualities of a Cancer pet, if only because they both love to lie on the couch, feasting on goodies.

Owner - Gemini
In general, this is a good union, and the person loves to be in the company of his pet. However, he can be so daydreaming that he won’t even notice how his Cancer moves away from home in the company of a charming Taurus.

Owner - Cancer
Their contact is maintained both on an emotional and intuitive level. Each of them always knows where the other is and when he will return home. Whichever of them comes first, he will always meet the second one at the front door on time.

Owner - Leo
The generous Leo often pampers his pet, thinking that he is just a little cat, and not a formidable king of beasts. But no matter where the owner goes and no matter what he does, the cat will not leave him for a minute.

Owner - Virgo
The cat is quite satisfied with the numerous rules and requirements that the owner sets and puts forward. The only thing she can't understand is why she can't lie on the couch. Just because the owner himself doesn’t like it? And what's wrong with hair that remains on the upholstery? It's completely unclear.

Owner - Libra
Libra loves good company, but prefer a pet that is more inquisitive and physically active than Cancer. Nevertheless, they find a common language perfectly. The only condition for the union is the presence of a large, fenced garden with tasty birds.

Owner - Scorpio
A cat patronized by Cancer is charmed by Scorpio more easily than other people. Since they have many things in common, for example, love for their own home, a trusting relationship is quickly established between them, and they understand each other very well.

Owner - Sagittarius
They feel good together. True, the union is not without problems. Sagittarius spends little time at home, so it is advisable to have someone else live with him, otherwise the cat will be too sad.

Owner - Capricorn
This is not a bad combination at all, although it cannot be called ideal. Capricorn is distinguished by a heightened sense of responsibility, so the cat will not need anything. However, moments of emotional intimacy and affection between them will be rare.

Owner - Aquarius
Although this person likes the attention and friendliness of the Cancer cat, he cannot tune in to her active emotional wave. The cat will have to invent a different, less intrusive way of communicating with the owner.

Owner - Pisces
A strong bond can be established between them. They understand each other without words. A person feels what his cat needs, even if she has never meowed.

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Leo: Caesar, Leo, Lucky, Napoleon, Rex, Dandy, Goldie, Tsarina, etc.

A cat born under the sign of Leo is a truly happy creature. She always and everywhere feels at ease. She does not have the complexes characteristic of her fellow tribesmen, for example, when cats identify themselves with people. She is content with what nature has given her, is proud of her sophisticated elegance and takes every opportunity to demonstrate herself in all her glory in front of people. She has a bright personality, since she is sincerely convinced: “All living creatures on Earth want to become cats!” Although all kittens love to fight at a young age, Leo games are real battles of conquerors. They respect strength and authority, and experience great excitement from dangerous adventures. They are used to standing their ground, and all their character traits indicate royal origin. Leo cats are strong-willed and you can always rely on them. They are able to tenderly love their owners, they adore being caressed and their fur stroked. At the same time, Leo will never beg a person to show him attention, and the owners of such cats must constantly remember this. Give them freedom and they will begin to behave impeccably, like little princes and princesses.

It is also true that of all cats, Leo cats are the proudest. Look at the Leo cat from the side. She always walks with her head raised majestically and her nose raised to the sky. The royal person seems to constantly expect that she should be honored and served. You will never see a cat of this sign behave like an ordinary street cat (for example, lying on the bed or fidgeting nervously while feeding). She simply sits next to her bowl in a royal pose, her tail gracefully curled around her. Even if you turn your back to her, she will stare at the back of your head until you serve her. Sometimes it seems that Leos behave somewhat condescendingly towards their owners, as if bestowing their highest attention on them. Usually this character trait is not paid attention to when they begin to accustom a kitten to life in a human home, but it can complicate the entire learning process. That's why you need to start working with these furry pets as early as possible. In this case, good manners will be established in them much earlier than they begin to realize who they really are.

Your Leo baby may be majestic and proud, but he is not nearly as demanding as you think. Despite his special character traits and origins, he should not be attributed the qualities that people believe are characteristic of all royalty. In fact, its needs are very modest, since it is a naturally noble animal. It is not at all necessary to install an ornate gilded throne in his house, although if this item appears, the Leo cat will undoubtedly pay attention to it. Moreover, when guests come to you, she will quietly make sure that everyone knows in what environment she lives. Even the youngest Leo will never miss an opportunity to show off in public. He prefers to use high-quality, very comfortable things that have a long service life. These are the ones you should purchase before the kitten arrives at your home.

Leo is a hunter by vocation, so he loves fresh meat, preferably with blood. Of course, his diet can be limited to dry food, but one day you will see how he will be sniffing at the neighbor's garbage container because beef bones have just been thrown there. Passion to raw meat The Leo cat will also strive to satisfy by hunting birds in the garden.

Generosity and generosity are traits inherent in real kings of nature, and Leo cats are not without them. Send the Lion Cub for a walk, and he will proudly come home with a “gift” clenched in his teeth. By this he proves to you that not only at home, but also in the wild, he is respected and feared. And as soon as he understands that his beloved owner is not able to catch either mice or birds, he will do this with even greater pleasure. No matter how you feel when an offering of a dead mouse lands at your feet, be sure to thank your pet for his generosity, generosity, and his skill as a hunter. Of course, Leo’s subtle nature will suffer severely if the prey he brings does not arouse admiration.

In fact, this is the only weakness that is not difficult to satisfy. Otherwise, Leo is a self-sufficient person. When Leo is admired, when he feels that his grace and intelligence are valued (however, he himself knows about his merits), his sense of security is strengthened and confidence in his abilities appears. You can buy him some clothes or jewelry, and also pay attention to his appearance in the room every time. You will soon see that this will bear fruit. Pedigree Leo cats make excellent show winners as they love to perform in front of an audience. Some of them bring owners a fortune if the fame of excellent breeding sires is added to the championship title. However, even a mongrel Leo can outshine many purebred upstarts who have never dreamed of such nobility and purity of lines as his.

With age, Leos prefer to spend their time in idle laziness, doing absolutely nothing. Usually cats like to lie in the shade of a bush or in a secluded corner in the kitchen. Most people do this, but not your pet. For relaxation, he chooses the middle of the garden path, a place near the refrigerator door, or even the corridor - that is, those places where people most often walk. In order not to step on the overlord, you have to step over him or go around him. He draws attention to himself again, as if to say: “Don’t expect to forget about me! This will never happen! And this is the honest truth!


Owner - Aries
They develop a strong friendship. Aries gives Leo just as much love, respect and admiration as he needs without overwhelming him. A cat can live in the rhythm that suits it best. The owner and the pet match each other perfectly.

Owner - Taurus
It seems to Taurus that Leo is too demanding, and he is unlikely to be able to satisfy all his whims. Everything the owner does is designed for a person, and this upsets the little ruler. A way out of this situation could be active games in the fresh air.

Owner - Gemini
Geminis are completely devoid of imagination; they are very down-to-earth personalities. Just what Leo needs from a person. A cat and its owner will be wonderful partners in the dance of life. They will have a great union.

Owner - Cancer
Relations are built on the basis of peaceful and equal partnership. Cancer has a calming effect on the temperamental Leo. They are the best fit for each other. Their interactions are full of sweet pleasure.

Owner - Leo
Not an obvious combination. They will compete with each other, trying to figure out who is boss. At one point, the person will stamp his foot and try to restore order, and the cat, in response, will do everything to gain complete freedom.

Owner - Virgo
The classic master-servant relationship. From the outside it seems that the person is waiting for the cat to deign to condescend to him. And this is not far from the truth. A committed and dutiful owner will always have something to do for the royal pet.

Owner - Libra
A pleasant partnership because neither of them pays attention to the demands of the other. Leo will behave naturally and at the same time firmly know his place. For Libra, it is enough to realize that they own such a treasure as Leo, and they will be happy to show it off to others.

Owner - Scorpio
The relationship between them is not easy. Annoying disagreements happen every day. Companions always find each other's shortcomings and reasons for discontent. Naturally, Scorpio will win in this bloodless struggle - he is still bigger and stronger.

Owner - Sagittarius
If cats could laugh, then Leo would constantly giggle and smile, but not mocking the owner, but simply rejoicing with him. In any case, one cannot expect order in the house.

Owner - Capricorn
In the presence of Capricorn, the Lion Cub can turn into an unhappy child. He looks at the owner in surprise and seems to say: “Is that all?” or “And you want me to eat this?” The fact is that, from the point of view of the Leo cat, Capricorn leads a Spartan lifestyle.

Owner - Aquarius
Love, love and love again! This is exactly how things are between Aquarius and Leo. When the owner hugs his pet, even if he really wants to go mark the territory, he remains sitting on his lap and does not move from his place.

Owner - Pisces
An owner born under the sign of Pisces will not have a cat who is a homebody. The fact is that his lethargy irritates the active Leo, and that is why he will spend a lot of time outside the home. After all, there is always something to do outside!

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Virgo: Cedie, Sweep, Mopsy, Twinnie, Prissy, Leopold, etc.

A cat born under the auspices of Virgo devotes much more time to caring for its appearance than everyone else. She constantly licks, combs and preens her fur. Of course, all cats do this. Thorough toileting plays a very important role in their lives. It is believed that an additional layer of saliva applied to the surface of the fur increases its insulating properties, and on hot days, moisturizing the fur helps cool the body. In addition, our pets strive to get rid of the smell of a person, which is left by his hands after touching. They prefer to emit their own individual scent. Usually a cat licks itself in a strictly defined order. The cult of cleanliness for all four-legged pets is of paramount importance, but Virgo cats take especially good care of themselves, devoting a lot of time to this activity. And everything would be fine if it completely coincided with their owners’ ideas about hygiene. But be careful! The cat will go on a hunger strike if there is a spot left anywhere on her bowl! And if the filler in the tray is slightly damp, she will never step foot there! Therefore, if you want your kitten to be calm and happy, everything he comes into contact with must be absolutely clean. Although he will eat anything, he would prefer to understand what his food is made of. If he had a choice, he would eat only the freshest, organic foods. If you could prepare him entrecote and vegetables every day, seasoned with a little gravy, and serve them warm (never hot!), he would be happy. You can cook a lot of food at once and then freeze it in individual portions. You should defrost food one serving at a time before each feeding. Soon you will be convinced that the kitten will take over your thoughts so much that you will begin to copy his habits and do everything like he does, including when you are at the table.

Virgo behaves excellently both during meals and between feedings. You can set your watch by this cat. Whatever the young pet is doing, when it’s lunch time, he suddenly appears in the middle of the kitchen, seemingly out of nowhere! You will see, he will never make a mistake. If the food is not ready or at least not served immediately, you will certainly listen to everything that the baby thinks about it. Virgos do not mince words and love to raise their voices when they criticize their owners for slowness and sloppiness!

The little Virgo kitten plays the same way as all his peers. He acts deftly and dexterously, quickly and easily on his feet. However, he prefers games similar to hide and seek. Whenever a ball or a bow on a cord appears in the room, he first of all tries to understand where it came from. There is nothing more comical than watching how a tiny fluffy ball tilts his little head first one way or the other, how he looks with wide eyes and tries at all costs to solve an impossible task. As he grows up, he will throw balls and be fascinated by exploring his own territory. And soon his real all-consuming passion will come! As you may have guessed, this is taking care of your own appearance.

It should be noted that thanks to their dexterity, intelligence and analytical way of thinking, Virgo cats easily solve quite complex problems that abound in their life together with people. The first one is how to deal with door handles. Soon the cat understands that it first needs to jump onto the desk, and then run towards the doorknob and hang on it. Then you need to break away from the handle and, grouped, land on all four paws. Just at this moment the door will open slightly. Having mastered this technique, the prankster will be able to enter and exit any room, even if he is accidentally locked there. And if so, then he will always be able to have access to the toilet tray. This is very important point, because if for some reason access is blocked, the kitten begins to get very nervous. This happens not so much because he religiously observes the rules of conduct, but because of his firm conviction: to do his business somewhere in flower pot- humiliating. In the same way, the inability to find an answer to the question of how to subjugate a person greatly upsets him and turns him into an unhappy creature.

What else needs to be said about Virgo cats is that they like to be useful. These are very smart pets who do not like to make trouble with or without reason. They are characterized by self-sufficiency and self-esteem.

Virgos don't need anything special to sleep. They can simply put the bedding in a designated place (for example, next to the kitchen) or put a simple, no-frills basket in one of the rooms. The only thing you need to pay close attention to is cleanliness. If the place and bedding are not tidy enough in the cat’s opinion, she will simply refuse to use them.

In general, Virgo pets do not require much care. They are quite unassuming. However, they value order and cleanliness in the house and need good nutrition. If everything goes well with this, cats will not express dissatisfaction on any other occasion. If you notice that your cat suddenly refuses to eat or does not pay due attention to hygiene, you should urgently show it to a veterinarian. Such symptoms indicate a serious disease that cannot be cured with a bunch of ordinary fresh grass.

Virgos aren't as playful as Geminis, or as imaginative as Leos, or as loyal as Taurus, but they're for real. Good friends and interlocutors. Tell them about your problems, and they will be happy to help you, snuggling and caressing you. And the moment you start saying nonsense, they will let you know about it with a characteristic movement - tilting their head. A long, friendly yawn will indicate that your thoughts have taken the right direction!


Owner - Aries
Friendships are easy to establish because Virgo always wants to help. She understands that if she pushes the rights, Aries will only get angry and start screaming. Even if nothing follows this, it is still better to avoid noise.

Owner - Taurus
Virgo thrives in the company of a Taurus man. She enjoys a calm atmosphere, with him she is less likely to acquire neurosis. At the same time, it may be worth paying more attention physical exercise to burn excess calories - the result of overeating.

Owner - Gemini
Initially, both the cat and the person will be having fun. However, gradually the thought may begin to dawn on Virgo that her not always predictable friend is a little crazy. She will begin to avoid direct contact, preferring to communicate at a safe distance.

Owner - Cancer
The Virgo Cat loves to feel needed. She usually behaves delicately and politely, trying to maintain distance in relationships. However, she trusts Cancers more and behaves quite frankly with them.

Owner - Leo
There is no doubt that the most delightful people, from a Virgo's point of view, are Leos. These cat owners spend more time outside the house than others. Leos pay a lot of attention to show off, while they don’t always have the strength for sincere relationships.

Owner - Virgo
This is a wonderful union. Each side is pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness of the other. At the same time, two such secretive natures living under the same roof rarely establish a strong emotional connection.

Owner - Libra
“My little mirror, tell me...” How many times has the cat been ready to answer this exclamation: “You are the sweetest in the world...” She does not do this only because she rightly believes that there are more important things in life.

Owner - Scorpio
The Virgo cat is a little cutesy and prim for Scorpio. He would prefer his pet to be more active and aggressive. They can develop friendly relationships, but without a strong emotional connection.

Owner - Sagittarius
Despite the fact that the Sagittarius man does not pay attention to cleanliness, Virgo finds a common language with him, and they get along well. The only “but”: during long absences from home, Sagittarius will have to find a person who will take care of the cat.

Owner - Capricorn
Great combination. They respect each other and they both have a relatively simple characters. It doesn't matter who they are outside of their home. In each other's company, they know very well who is worth what.

Owner - Aquarius
Aquarius is ready to tiptoe in front of the Virgo cat. However, this can eventually lead to low self-esteem in his pet. And all because, as soon as the cat begins to sort things out with the neighbor’s bullies, this person grabs her under the arm and takes her away with him.

Owner - Pisces
The cat likes many aspects of the Pisces man’s nature, but the passion for a melancholy pastime is not one of them. Despite the fact that it is very difficult to correct the owner, the cat can try to do something by distracting him and switching him to another activity.

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Libra: Adonis, Kashmir, Greta, Gucci, Esther, Leonardo, Romeo, Tsatsa, etc.

Cats born under the auspices of Libra are the friendliest: they seem to smile at you all the time. They simply love people and appreciate their company. These creatures are so friendly and affectionate that they happily greet anyone who rings the doorbell. Libra cats always have an attractive appearance, regardless of what breed they belong to. There is something refined and elegant in their appearance; they know how to present themselves, even if it is just a small kitten. Their gait is so graceful that when they walk, barely touching the surface of the floor with the tips of their paws, it seems that they are simply gliding along it. They jump onto a windowsill or table without any effort, literally fly up like butterflies, as if the force of gravity does not exist for them. “Graceful” - this is what they say about every cat patronized by Libra. Libras cannot stand being alone. This cat will follow a person around the house like a tail. However, since her manners are impeccable, she won't be jumping on your lap or rubbing up against your legs all the time. The kitten will simply stay nearby, choosing a place in the room where you can clearly see what you are doing. He will run to his owner only if he is called. The increased need for company may not always be convenient, since a person has to leave the house or take a bath from time to time. The cat subtly senses all the shades of the owner’s structure. Friendly relations between them develop very early. She also looks for friends among the neighbors' pets so that she will never be alone. There is no problem with this if you have a cat, but with a cat it is much more difficult. By observing how a cat behaves when she is in love, you can see how she attracts the attention of males. By emitting a special smell and making unusual guttural sounds, she notifies all the cats in the area that she is ready to become a mother! This is somewhat reminiscent of Hollywood films about passionate love. The entire process of courtship and mating lasts only a few days. As for bedding, all Libras (including cats) prefer cozy beds made of satin or lace. If you are not happy with your pet's preferences, these fabrics can be replaced with others. The main thing is that everything looks beautiful. They like materials with clear geometric and symmetrical patterns. In any case, the bed should be soft and comfortable.

If you still want to give your pet special pleasure, you can give him a small silk thought. After all, he loves refined things so much! But you shouldn't overdo it. It is not at all necessary to purchase bed linen from the most fashionable designers, as well as collars decorated with rubies. Although if you decide to do this, the cat will not be offended. She will try to thank you by pressing herself even closer to your legs, tickling your hands and face bushy tail. Whirling around you, she will show with all her appearance how much she loves such a generous and kind owner.

This is a smart tactic, and Libra knows how to use it. The following fact will tell you about this: the next time you return from the store, you suddenly find in your bag a large tin of French foie gras, which you don’t know when you bought. But it costs a fortune! Don't pinch yourself in bewilderment - it was your luxury-loving cat who sent you a telepathic message. Here main reason! Charm - powerful weapon in the cat's arsenal, and she knows how to use it perfectly!
Everyone knows that representatives of the cat tribe are famous for their sense of balance. However, it is Libra who has surpassed all other zodiac signs in this area. They have a special, ideal sense of balance. On those rare occasions when a cat falls from a height, it always flips in the air so that it lands on all fours. This instinctive action takes a split second. Incredible! Keeping an eye on its prey, a cat born under the sign of Libra assesses the distance and prepares to jump. Have you noticed that she moves her head from side to side? This is what allows her to correctly calculate the distance and speed with which she needs to throw in order to catch the victim. It seems that sometimes she thinks for so long that there is only a split second left to attack. But she always has time! There is no doubt that she is not attracted to hunting as such, but to the intellectual puzzle that she is interested in solving correctly.

Libra cats prefer to eat with their owner literally from the same bowl. From the outside it looks comical. The cat seems to copy human behavior. She is so convinced that she is human that she even tries to eat by scooping up food with her paw, rather than grabbing it with her teeth, as usual. This behavior once again demonstrates the special skills and rules of good manners that your pet has learned. Moreover, if the cat is not too hungry, then it can sit over its bowl for many hours, waiting for the owner to sit down at the table, and only then start eating.

Intelligent and sociable, the Libra pet is an excellent companion for someone who needs frequent reminders that beauty and grace are values ​​of the highest order. This cat is perfection. And she will soon become your best and most devoted friend.


Owner - Aries
They interact like Fire and Air, two elements that extinguish each other. A good atmosphere is established in their home. They do not claim mutual independence and movement in space. They don't need words to understand each other.

Owner - Taurus
Being under the auspices of Venus, the Libra cat and its owner establish close friendly relations. Their interaction resembles an endless meal, with one serving as a piece of sweet pie and the other serving as whipped cream. This union cements complete mutual understanding.

Owner - Gemini
Libra cats like to feel light and carefree, and this is exactly the feeling that the presence of a Gemini man gives them. There are no disagreements or struggle for leadership between them. In such company, the cat needs only food, affection and a warm place to sleep.

Owner - Cancer
Their union may not be perfect, but they certainly treat each other well. Their relationship is permeated by mutual respect, which removes all problems.

Owner - Leo
Libra cats can live with Leo simply because he adheres to high standards of living and buys first-class food and expensive fabrics. This suits the luxury-prone pet quite well.

Owner - Virgo
Virgo is such an attentive owner that she pays attention to the smallest, but important details. Her pet can do anything. Nevertheless, he will have everything his soul desires (even if at the moment it desires nothing at all!)

Owner - Libra
Like attracts like. These two think exactly the same. They eat at the same time and go to bed at the same time (often in the same bed). The owner and pet even begin to look the same and acquire similar manners.

Owner - Scorpio
They complement each other. Despite different image life (Scorpio strives to comprehend the essence of things, while Libra is content with the external side of events), they understand each other perfectly.

Owner - Sagittarius
Libra likes the way Sagittarius lives. He is so wild and unbridled! Libras are characterized by sophistication and grace. Although this is just a cat, Sagittarius will be crazy about such a friend.

Owner - Capricorn
Periodic omissions and cooling are possible in their relationship, but they will remain together. Useful observation: Capricorn will feel happier in the company of a Libra cat than without her.

Owner - Aquarius
Libra will find many interesting traits in Aquarius' personality, whereas Aquarius will not. They will simply coexist, enjoying freedom. After all, love can be found on the side!

Owner - Pisces
Pisces are more suitable for cats with developed emotional sphere. At the same time, Libra prefers more active and mobile people. However, this does not mean that their relationship has no future.

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Scorpio: Caligula, Sonic, Katie, Diggy, Ebony, Fani, Giss, Spenky, Lily, Magic and so on.

Scorpio Cat - CAT to all cats! This can be understood just by her voice. You can hear a grin in him, and not some simple “meow!” Roguely and arrogant, but very smart, she is the most imperturbable of the cat tribe. You will have to get up very early because that's when she wants to play. She knows perfectly well where the most delicious treats are stored - of course, in the trash container. Quite often in the morning you will find a complete mess in the kitchen, when the entire floor is covered with scattered garbage. There will be no doubt about who did it.

You should know that Scorpios are naturally cunning creatures. Having done a mischief, the outrage disappears out of sight and does not return until the storm subsides. If she fails to hide, she sits on the windowsill with an indifferent look, as if this does not concern her and she has nothing to do with it. This does not mean at all that the cat should not be scolded, but this should be done only after catching it at the crime scene. And to expose the prankster, you will have to spend several sleepless nights in the closet.

The Scorpio cat seems to have a bundle of energy. Overflowing with vitality, she uncontrollably scratches the furniture and scrapes the upholstery. Aries, also boiling with energy, discharges it outside the home, Taurus strives not to demonstrate it at all, and Scorpios are eager to show their strength. However, they do it disgustingly. They scratch and scratch non-stop, especially if they are not allowed outside often. Of course, every cat needs to sharpen its claws to clear them of the old dead layer, but Scorpio does not choose a suitable object for this; a polished table will suit him. In addition, small predators mark their territory in this way, leaving marks in the form of scratches and their own scent. More importantly, by scratching the surrounding objects, they exercise their front legs, keeping them in proper shape.

They really must be strong, because with their help cats catch prey, climb trees and even fight. So, scratching is an important natural instinct, and it is not easy to wean your pet off of it. If this is still possible with other cats, then with Scorpio all attempts will be unsuccessful. The only solution is to find a way that allows you to satisfy the animal's instinct without causing much damage to you.

The cat can be allowed to walk longer in the fresh air so that it can sharpen its claws on tree trunks. If you live in an apartment on a high floor, you will have to purchase special boards or posts for scratching at the pet store.

Scorpios are characterized by a heightened perception of information by all senses. It is known that cats can sense changes in the Earth's magnetic field and predict earthquakes. However, they feel people's emotions very well. They were once accused of witchcraft and executed as real witches. It was believed that they served as carriers of information between witches. The fact is that these animals perceive the vibration of objects and the earth, which people do not feel. Very often, when you open your eyes in the morning, you see your furry pet sitting calmly and looking into your eyes. A legitimate question arises: who was the first to sense that you were waking up? Why did you wake up? Was it because they were looking at you intently? Or did Scorpio perceive your body's wake-up signals and decide to greet you politely?

Be that as it may, scientists are still trying unsuccessfully to find an answer to this question.

As for Scorpio's habits, he prefers to sleep somewhere secluded safe place. The shopping cart is not suitable for this because its contents are visible to everyone. Even if you buy a luxurious bed for your pet, decorated with all sorts of accessories and, undoubtedly, very comfortable, it is possible that he will refuse it. Don't be surprised if you find it making its home in the closet or closet where you store blankets and bedding. Try to purchase
crib in the form of a portable box. This is a good solution that your cat might also like. If you do not make any efforts, then all your blankets, sheets and towels will acquire a persistent, incomparable cat smell.

Scorpio prefers fresh food, especially meat with blood. But he is not too picky and will not complain if this dish does not appear on his menu too often.
He loves to hunt and can stalk his prey for hours, waiting for an unsuspecting bird to come within jumping distance. This is both an exciting game and a good way to get food.

A cat born under the sign of Scorpio cannot become your friend suddenly or in short term, even if she grew up in your home, and you worked with her a lot. However, over time, she becomes calmer, friendlier and easier to make contact with.

The Scorpio cat sincerely becomes attached to a person, establishing strong emotional and psychological connections with him. You will belong entirely to her, just as she belongs to you, so don’t even think about petting another cat in her presence. Scorpio is so jealous that you will have to bandage your hand!


Owner - Aries
Aries may have some problems with the secretive Scorpio, who prefers to do everything on the sly. However, the owner perfectly understands the need of his pet to sharpen his claws and will provide him with such an opportunity.

Owner - Taurus
Scorpio will constantly test Taurus's patience, tearing at his magnificent furnishings and destroying everything in his home. The owner will also not like the fact that his pet will bring prey into the house, scattering its remains on the floor. Otherwise, they will get along great with each other.

Owner - Gemini
These two will never be able to understand each other, despite the fact that they are both very smart. Nevertheless, their relationship will not be tense: periods of unanimity will alternate with moments of disappointment, that’s all.

Owner - Cancer
Most of the time they dote on each other, as they have the same mentality. But when Scorpio begins to demonstrate the most unsightly sides of his nature, sensitive Cancer will be greatly offended.

A playful fight between them can develop into something more serious. At the same time, neither a person nor, especially, a cat will consider it necessary to give in to each other. Don't worry! They don't attach much importance to it. They'll just develop that kind of relationship and like it.

Owner - Virgo
Virgos will most definitely not like to find disgusting remains of torn to pieces hidden in different corners of the house. At the same time, Virgo owners are able to generously forgive their pets, realizing that their instincts are to blame.

Owner - Libra
Libra understands Scorpio's rebellious soul very well. The owner can even bring a piece of tree trunk with a hollow into the house, in which his pet will sleep with pleasure. After this, you shouldn’t be surprised at the whims and eccentricities of a cat, which, while exploring its territory, can create an artistic mess in the pantry.

Owner - Scorpio
An atmosphere of partnership reigns between the owner and the cat. These two will not only completely understand, but also admire each other. They instinctively feel when to give in and allow others to express their individuality, and when to lend a helping hand (or paw).

Owner - Sagittarius
Sagittarius will be amazed by the hunting skill of their pet, and it will not take them much time to establish such psychological contact with each other, which for Sagittarius is, in principle, possible exclusively with Scorpio.

Owner - Capricorn
In this combination, problems do not arise, since each understands what can be expected from the other. Everyone lives their own own life, sincerely believing that whenever they need a little more attention, just saying so or saying “meow” will be enough.

Owner - Aquarius
The way Scorpio catches his victims and plays with them may shock the humane feelings of Aquarius, but I will! exclusively his problems! Moreover, in this tandem, it is the cat who chooses the person with whom we want to share shelter. Once they both understand this, things will go smoothly.

Owner - Pisces
These are not individuals, but real invisible people! And it is difficult to say which of them is more invisible - a person or a cat. One fine moment, all the secret techniques of his pet will be revealed to the owner, and he, in turn, will feel when their paths may cross.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Sagittarius: Gypsy, Bali, Abby, Dallas, Hunter, Plateau, Soda, Rover, Lofty, Joy, etc.

Cats born under the sign of Sagittarius are the wildest among their tribesmen. Full of vitality and energy, they simply love to play. They are not made for life indoors. If you try to keep them at home by force, they will still find a way out. Harry Houdini, the great magician, was probably a Sagittarius in his previous incarnation! If your pet runs away, don't expect him to come home. Having felt the taste of freedom and the charm of street life, he will spend several days exploring the surrounding area. He can disappear for a longer period without suffering in the least from the person’s absence. For normal development, he needs a large space where he could give vent to his energy. And the wider the boundaries, the more free it is for the cat, which loves freedom so much that it is almost impossible to return it to the house. Despite the fact that such habits can greatly disturb the owner, there is usually no cause for concern. These cats rarely get lost, as they have a highly developed sense of orientation in the area.

This reckless adventurer seems to love the whole world. He suffers from the inability to take in everything at once, so he tirelessly explores the Universe in parts. Surprisingly, Sagittarius territory can extend for kilometers from home, especially in rural areas. From time to time the traveler returns to the house, and then it becomes obvious that during his travels he met large animals, such as a fox or a raccoon. Sometimes he is so injured that urgent veterinary attention is required. The owner, of course, is worried and upset, but cats of this type are quite strong and recover very quickly. If they could talk, they would tell us the most fascinating stories, and we would no doubt want to join them next time! The tendency to wander is apparently explained by the fact that Sagittarius cannot stand conventions and established rules. They are cramped in a stuffy, regulated home atmosphere. Another reason, sometimes more significant than the first, is that they like to show off. That’s why the larger forest inhabitants try to teach the pet a lesson.

To defend themselves from enemy attacks, cats usually arch their backs and raise their fur on end. Sagittarius does this more often than other representatives of his tribe in order to appear larger than he actually is. Cats seem to strive to intimidate larger enemies. Due to their fighting nature and fearlessness, Sagittarians get into trouble twice as often as their fellow tribesmen, and the raised hair technique does not always work.

Cats born under the sign of Sagittarius do not always behave this way. From time to time they need recuperation and rest. Usually at such moments they return home, where they enjoy a calm environment and blissfully feel safe. Have you ever seen a cat lying on its back with its fluffy belly on full display and all four paws stretched up? As a rule, only Sagittarians behave this way, because even during sleep they strive to occupy as much space as possible. more space. During periods of calm, they can sit on the windowsill for hours, watching what is happening around them and hatching plans for the next adventure. Studying the habits of people and animals that come into their field of vision, cats get so carried away that they lose touch with the real world. Even a noisy group of children bursting into the room sometimes does not attract their attention.

Sagittarius feels so at ease at home that he begins to believe that everything is allowed to him. He sleeps on the owner’s bed and considers this quite natural, because it is always soft, warm and made with clean sheets. And one more argument - you can unceremoniously fall apart on top of the owner! Sagittarius is always in a good mood, he is never unkind. His gaze radiates optimism. The cat sincerely believes that her desires and yours completely coincide.

If you decide to share your home with a Sagittarius pet, do not expect politeness and good manners from him. He will drag into the house the prey caught during the hunt, and without a twinge of conscience, lay it out right on the expensive Persian carpet. For the next half hour, he will play with the corpse of a bird or mouse, dragging it around, tossing it and catching it, as if the victim was still a living creature. This cat loves to hunt, so it spends most of its time in ambush, lying in wait for unfortunate victims or playing with caught prey. She is always in perfect condition physical fitness and often jumps on the couch, doing dizzying somersaults, or sprints around the house. She especially likes to do this at night, when everything around calms down, there is silence, and you dream of a cozy bed. And at this moment your pet decides that now is the time to engage in sports exercises! He doesn’t care, because he sees perfectly in the dark.

He is true to himself in everything: even when he comes to eat, he looks dirty. True, he has an excellent appetite, unlike most of his fellow tribesmen. He happily pounces on everything he is given, but first tries to play with the food as if it were a living creature. He pushes the bowl, pushing it along the floor, or spins it in a circle. By these actions he convinces himself that he is hunting and catching live prey. Having played enough and eaten everything without a trace, he proudly leaves the kitchen, leaving the owner with dirt and disorder. What a wretch! However, there are so many attractive traits in the Sagittarius character that people again and again adopt kittens born under this sign. Indeed, these are such brave and amazing creatures. How can you resist them?


Owner - Aries
This is a match made in heaven, so a person and a cat form a well-coordinated duet. If within six months their house does not fall into complete disrepair, it will cause sincere surprise. However, they don't notice it. They feel good together, and they never get tired of each other.

Owner - Taurus
These signs have little in common, but the owner and the cat will tolerate each other for lack of better partners. Taurus will provide the pet with everything necessary, but the cat will not be able to stay near the person as much time as he would like.

Owner - Gemini
Geminis adore their pets and love the way they jump and play. They have no problem using space because they understand each other perfectly. The problem lies in coordinating the activity rhythms of both.

Owner - Cancer
Cancer spends a lot of time with his pet, trying to completely tame him. This is useless, since Sagittarius is an unusual cat. She is naturally wild and freedom-loving, so it’s best to leave her to her own devices.

Owner - Leo
The element of both signs is Fire, so both the owner and the pet are somewhat similar to each other. Sagittarius has no choice and has to obey some rules set by Leo. This is probably the only time Sagittarius becomes controllable.

Owner - Virgo
Professing different points of view, Virgo and Sagittarius will behave like strangers, and misunderstandings will terribly upset them. Thank God that one of them can spend almost all of his time outdoors.

Owner - Libra
People of this sign prefer cats with a lively and active character. Despite the fact that Sagittarians are difficult to control, good character Libra allows them to live in love and harmony. If the house has a garden, no problems arise at all.

Owner - Scorpio
At first, Sagittarius may be afraid of the Scorpio man, but later everything returns to normal. Friendships are established between them, developing into true love. They never bother each other.

Owner - Sagittarius
This is a very spiritual couple. It's amazing how they manage to keep the house in order. They have to hire an au pair to do regular cleaning. There are never any quarrels between a cat and its owner.

Owner - Capricorn
The Sagittarius cat must learn that Capricorn must be treated with care and attention. It’s as if a three-meter fence has been erected around him, and the cat has to climb it in order to penetrate the person’s soul. When she gets tired of doing this, there is always another way out - back to the street through the window.

Owner - Aquarius
The home atmosphere of Aquarius is shaken by invisible vibrations and electrical discharges. Sagittarius doesn't have time to figure them out. He simply charms his master, and both benefit from the relationship.

Owner - Pisces
Although Pisces puts up with the primitive disposition of Sagittarius, he behaves worse and worse. In the end, the time will come when a person’s patience will come to an end, and no one knows what will happen then. However, it is too early to worry now; all this will not even happen tomorrow, but much later.

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Capricorn: Abraham, Ebi, Marshall, Hershey, Fonzie, Frosty, Cool, Hillary, Garfield, etc.

Cats born under the sign of Capricorn are recognized authorities among all their relatives! They radiate with inner superiority, which makes other cats give up the idea of ​​fighting them even as a joke. The fact is that an innocent game can turn into a real fight. Even as a kitten, Capricorn behaves like an adult animal. He seems to be much smarter than the other kids. His actions are leisurely and well thought out. Often he is averse to games and then strives to acquire useful skills that will help him become a real cat. Most of the time, Capricorn learns to hunt and overcome various life difficulties, but he understands that after such active actions it is necessary to restore spent energy, and pays no less attention to rest and sleep.
So, Capricorn is an independent creature, so passionate about himself and self-sufficient that those around him try not to disturb him, so as not to encounter a cold shoulder.
However, Capricorn can also be in a playful mood. Sometimes he acts like a clown and cannot hide his surprise when others do not understand that he was just trying to get you to “keep your distance.” Your cat was just trying to stay calm and didn’t want to use her claws at all! Probably Capricorn is not the best choice for those who have small children.

Capricorn considers it necessary to carry out full research the surrounding world; he wants to fully explore the place where he is. However, you may be slightly annoyed by the way he will do it. Try to be more gentle with your pet, because it is very easy to offend him. He is extremely sensitive to punishment and always takes it seriously. But, although he often turns his back to you and it may seem to you that he is offended and does not want to look at you, this is not so. He knows exactly what you mean when you say no. He knows when he is wrong and respects your commands, if only because you are superior in size to him.

This is a completely natural behavior for cats: they try not to meet the gaze of someone who scolds them. Therefore, do not think that by turning away your Capricorn is expressing contempt or questioning, he is simply trying to show his respect to you and recognize that you have more power and occupy a higher position in the hierarchy than him.
Capricorn is a born climber. He never misses an opportunity to climb somewhere higher. This mischievous man is seduced by heights. Therefore, Capricorn can often be seen on a closet, bookshelves or on a tree. He sits there not at all because the neighbor's dog drove him there: he simply likes this place and the advantages that the view from above provides. In addition, he loves to overcome difficult obstacles, and when he climbs to the top, he feels that he has mastered one. So, except in those rare cases when you have to call the fire department with their tall ladders, do not touch your pet, because he knows exactly what he is doing. Why does he like the panoramic view? It gives Capricorns the opportunity to observe a large area and spot prey earlier. These are strategic hunters, they strive to find out where their prey is most likely to appear and in which direction it will move.

All cats are endowed with an innate hunting instinct - that is why, before killing their prey, they play with it. Capricorns, like other cats, track down birds and mice not only to feast on them fresh meat. Even when well-fed, these animals feel the need to chase someone. They will spend all their time trying to catch someone unless they are given a toy specifically designed for this purpose. Their behavior is not at all as cruel and merciless as some people think. By hunting small animals, cats only satisfy their internal needs.

Capricorns like their sleeping place to be at a height. It will not be difficult for you to please them if you live in a two-story house or if your apartment has a flight of stairs. It's best to set up your pet's basket or box where he can see everything that's going on below. But if you have a one-story living space, you can often see Capricorn sleeping on the back of the sofa or even on the kitchen cabinet. It may seem cold and hard to you, but comfort is a secondary thing for this cat. Advantageously located location and good review much more important to her.

Capricorn can eat as much food as neither Taurus nor Cancer could handle, even if they lived nine lives. At the same time, he is unpretentious: he is quite happy with ordinary cat food. All the calories received by this slender and flexible handsome man are immediately burned during his active movements. Capricorns are the longest-living cats. In old age, when they move less and limit their desire for heights to the lower branches of trees, these cats can gain excess weight. Now, to show their advantage, Capricorns use their size rather than their speed.

It is very important for Capricorns to be treated with respect. They can do without constant stroking or hugging by the owner and without playing with him. However, you should always treat these cats with respect, reward them for their achievements, and remember to feed them regularly. By following these simple rules, you can gain the trust of your pet, who will not demand to be pampered all the time. The Capricorn cat is an unpretentious pet for busy people who, in their rare free time, want to feel that a living creature loves them.


Owner - Aries
Perhaps Capricorn will not be able to capture the imagination of his Aries owner, who wants to see something extraordinary in his cat. However, he may be awarded the privilege of being the leader in a pair, which is not granted to anyone else. They will make a very strong impression on its owner. inner peace, strength and wisdom.

Owner - Taurus
These sober-looking creatures get along well with each other. While living together with a Taurus owner, Capricorn will become addicted to style and luxury, which can make him look like a proud Leo.

Owner - Gemini
Their relationship may develop in such a way that the owner and his cat simply ignore each other. This will undoubtedly upset Gemini, who loves frivolous conversations and entertainment. The Capricorn cat, unfortunately, finds this behavior stupid and annoying.

Owner - Cancer
Although they manage to achieve complete mutual understanding in most issues, Capricorn always underestimates the tender affection that the owner feels for him. From his point of view, it is much more important that he remembers to feed him!

Owner - Leo
Capricorn will not disappoint its owner if he needs to demonstrate self-esteem or inner strength, but his attitude towards this warm-hearted and good-natured person may be too cool.

Owner - Virgo
This is a good combination of zodiac signs, so the partners get along well with each other. Capricorn is very attentive to the needs and expectations of its owner. The cat tries to fulfill its duty as a devoted friend, while demonstrating a professionalism that is not only impressive, but also inspiring.

Owner - Libra
Although Capricorn's slender and elegant physique may awaken a Libra owner's desire for aesthetics, this cat will not be impressed by any attempts to make her appearance more spectacular. She will categorically reject all the ruffles and frills with which her owner tries to decorate her, and will only agree to an elegant collar.

Owner - Scorpio
When you see these highly self-sufficient owner and cat together, it is difficult to imagine that they would compromise their principles in order to find a common language. At first, the basis of their relationship is only mutual respect, but then the inexhaustible inner strength of Capricorn awakens a whole range of feelings.

Owner - Sagittarius
Capricorn will begin to experience truly warm feelings for his owner, realizing that he does not pay too much attention to any of his misdeeds. When punishments are kept to a minimum, the harmony in their relationship will reach its maximum.

Owner - Capricorn
The basis of good mutual understanding between the owner and the cat is respect for each other’s feelings. They like to have fun and play together. This effect cannot be achieved with any other combination of zodiac signs, because only Capricorns are endowed with a kind of “black”, somewhat sarcastic humor.

Owner - Aquarius
Despite the fact that Capricorn is not at all like a comedian, he can easily entertain his owner. Unfortunately, there is no need to talk about the owner’s response; some of the eccentric qualities of Aquarius can deprive his cat of confidence.

Owner - Pisces
Capricorn is the ideal companion for absent-minded, dreamy people born under the sign of Pisces. The punctuality of his cat in carrying out everyday tasks will tell the owner the right path to come down to earth.

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Aquarius: Dude, Freaky, Kinky, Lincoln, Buddy, Louis, etc.

Cats born under the sign of Aquarius are true explorers. They enjoy being in the company of, and sometimes even communicating with, other animals and people, and they feel most comfortable as a spectator watching events take place. Because of this, Aquarians are not the most successful hunters among cats. They don't have enough practice! Meeting any living creature gives them pleasure. They can catch the mouse and play with it. True, sometimes they kill her, but Aquarians take all this too lightly. They are never truly passionate about hunting.

Have you ever observed how some cats, as soon as they leave the house, ask to be let back in, or vice versa? With Aquarius, this can go on indefinitely, which is why a hinged door was invented, allowing them to independently enter and exit the house. Most likely, the first such door was installed in the house where the Aquarius cat lived - a true connoisseur of freedom.

Somewhere deep in the soul, every cat has a hidden desire to walk freely wherever it pleases. Therefore, doors that separate the space of one room from another irritate them - much more than cats themselves irritate their owners when they cannot decide whether to go out or enter. Aquarians do not see anything good in doors. They would feel much more comfortable if they never closed. Then cats could sleep when and where they wanted, come and go as they pleased, and eat when they were hungry.

Aquarians are some of the most unpredictable and amazing cats ever known to mankind. They can sit on the windowsill for several months, watching what is happening on the street and not paying attention to you or what is happening at home, and still be absolutely happy. Further more. One day, without any reason, you will not be able to enjoy your favorite television series just because your cat thinks that something much more educational is on another program. You will be shocked by how she, putting her paws on the control panel, expertly begins to change channels. The pinnacle of Aquarius' activity will be that in the end you will not be able to take a single step without his intervention. This will even apply to food. As soon as you decide that freshly cooked chicken with gravy is your pet's favorite treat, his tastes will immediately change, and he will only eat canned cat food. No one and nothing will make you rack your brains more than Aquarius does.
Aquarians prepare for bed in a very strange way. It is important for them that you arrange a comfortable sleeping place for them: a basket, a box, or something equally comfortable. They will not use it every night, preferring to sleep where they find it most comfortable at a certain moment. This could be your bed or a guest bed, even the kitchen table. Let's say you see that Aquarius is not using the new basket, and you remove it. After this, Aquarius will wander around the house all night, trying to figure out where she went, and will raise everyone around her to their feet. This does not at all speak of the possessive qualities of Aquarius; he just needs to be sure that he has his own place in case it occurs to him to show himself and you that he is an ordinary cat.

But don't believe him! This is an unusual creature. Aquarius's observations of what is happening around him and communication with neighbor's cats contribute to the development of his ability to deduce. He will learn to distinguish smoke from a barbecue and from burnt electrical appliances by smell. Aquarius will be the first to raise the alarm, gathering all the nearby cats and even some dogs together, warning them of the danger. He cannot look indifferently at those in trouble. This cat will stand up for those who are unable to fend for themselves, and will extend a helping paw to every stray that it meets on its way, be it a fellow dog or a human.

When you share shelter with an Aquarius, you can never be completely sure of anything - sometimes it’s an ordinary cat, sometimes it’s a very, very strange creature. One thing is for sure: if you are looking for a loyal friend who will never get boring, Aquarius is just the one for you.


Owner - Aries
Great combination. When the owner needs to work or go to a party, Aquarius will not interfere with him. Despite the fact that sometimes he will not be fed on time or will be left without lunch at all, mutual understanding reigns between him and Aries.

Owner - Taurus
The relationship between them can be accompanied by difficulties not only at the beginning, but also for a long time. However, when Aquarius learns that it is the owner who provides him with not the worst standard of living, he will become more attentive to his needs.

Owner - Gemini
The owner will be completely captivated by his unusual kitten, who, in turn, will understand that he was lucky to end up with an attentive owner. This is perhaps the best choice for both cheerful and cheerful creatures.

Owner - Cancer
Aquarius may be bored at home, but he returns there every time he feels hungry to enjoy home-cooked food. It will be easier for the owner to find a common language with his pet, giving him the opportunity to walk in the fresh air for as long as he likes.

Owner - Leo
The only person to whom the Aquarius cat will truly want to return may be Leo. They provide each other with the freedom they both need so much. When they find themselves together, they feel so good that it can postpone their next separation indefinitely.

Owner - Virgo
Life with a Virgo owner may seem too predetermined to Aquarius. He doesn't understand why he has to return home exactly at six o'clock in the evening every day to get a portion of fresh food. Why can’t you just prepare a meal for him when he arrives?

Owner - Libra
They are made for each other. Their easy and relaxed relationship does not require effort on either side, because all events happen exactly as they expect. Over time, the affection between a cat and its owner grows into a strong friendship.

Owner - Scorpio
If the Aquarius cat wants to take revenge on someone, it will be Scorpio, who directs all his irritability at his incomparably happier pet. Of course, they will not cause any harm to each other, but the atmosphere in their home can become tense.

Owner - Sagittarius
They enjoy each other's company. From this mutual admiration comes mutual adoration. No one can understand Aquarius, let alone himself, but the Sagittarius owner comes closest to this.

Owner - Capricorn
Their relationship is built on the contrast of love and hate. If the owner speaks the same language with his cat, disputes will constantly arise between them, followed by periods of mutual understanding. However, they cannot imagine themselves without each other. This is true love.

Owner - Aquarius
Don’t be surprised if you see the owner rushing to attack like a cat, and next to him is his extravagant pet, who imagines himself to be a human and is puzzledly watching the owner’s strange behavior. Behind the closed doors of the house where Aquarians live, many amazing things happen.

Owner - Pisces
The owner and his cat are very different from each other, and although it may seem that communication brings them only torment, it is precisely this that makes them happy. They understand without words what their partner wants or needs.

Nicknames suitable for cats born under the sign of Pisces: Infinity, Poppy, Spirit, Snacks, Bacardi, Nirvana, Dustin, Flecky, Merli, etc.

It may seem that CATS born under the sign of Pisces do nothing but sleep. But this only applies during daylight hours. No one knows what they do when night falls on Earth! Even if you get up at night and are lucky enough to find your pet, you will never guess what he just did. He will sense your approach long before you open the door and will be waiting for you with the most charming and innocent expression. You will feel that something happened here before your arrival, but what exactly will forever remain a mystery to you. Remember, what you don’t know cannot cause harm. This will be better for both you and your pet.
Undoubtedly, this is the most delightfully serene and cuddly cat. She is calm, unpretentious and rarely demands anything from her owner. You might even forget she's around because of her habit of staying out of your way. Sometimes you may think about the disappearance of your Pisces, because they tend to disappear for a long time. Don't worry, your pet may not have disappeared at all, but is simply enjoying some of the cat's joys somewhere. One of them is the catnip plant (catnip). If you don't bring it home, Pisces will start looking for it somewhere else. They can easily become addicted to it. Everyone loves to watch a cat literally go crazy with happiness at the sight of a small bag of catnip. However, remember that catnip is the feline equivalent of drugs. Consuming it in large quantities is harmful.

Calm and eager to please, your pet is ready to eat almost anything you offer it. He rarely makes a fuss while feeding and will no doubt be satisfied with his diet. Only in one single case can Pisces demand their food, circling around your feet with a loud meow - without finding it in its usual place. Perhaps you were too sad that your cat disappeared somewhere, it could have been stolen, it ended up in someone's house and decided not to come back to you, and you stopped keeping an eye on its bowl. Have you ever seen people walking around nearby neighborhoods at lunchtime and asking everyone they meet if they have seen his cat? When they return home, they discover that she was there the whole time, sleeping under the bed. And while there's no denying that cats and all their nine lives can disappear from view, Pisces always come home.

Even when your pet gives you clear evidence of its presence, sitting in the middle of the room or on a light-filled windowsill, it seems to you that it is more of an apparition than a real, flesh-and-blood, fur-covered cat. Pisces so quietly and gracefully jump onto furniture, descend to the floor and travel around the house as if they were made of some kind of anti-gravity liquid. There is something hypnotic in their movements.

These cats, due to their shyness, will prevent you from seeing them often. They don't really like to communicate. You can spend hours watching how, hidden in tall grass, they silently creep up on the chosen victim, but you will never see the moment of the attack itself. It always happens exactly when you are literally distracted for a second by something else. Fish rarely bring their prey home. They seem to understand that you won't be happy to see their trophy on your carpet.

Cats born under the sign of Pisces can easily do without excessive, insincere praise and encouragement. They prefer quiet, calm manifestations of tenderness and affection from the owner. They are drawn to you even when you are resting. If you are sitting and looking out the window, your cat will quietly approach you and gently place her paw on your knee to see if you are pleased with her presence. If you react in any way to her movement, she will immediately move away from you, but if your position does not change in any way, the cat will climb into your arms, trying to disturb you as little as possible. Here it is, a moment of real bliss for your pet - Pisces. He is connected to you, to his loved one, by some mysterious connection that neither of you has ever thought about. This is the highest and most difficult to achieve degree of affection that can arise between a cat and a person. The Pisces cat trusts you very much, and you can often see her roll over onto her back in front of you. By this she wants to show that she is at your complete disposal - you can do whatever you want with her. A cat will never behave like this with strangers, and you should be pleased to know that she really loves you.

Pisces will need toys only at a very young age. Nothing keeps kittens more occupied than a ball. Rolling on the floor, it seems to enchant them. Perhaps it is from the ball that cats learn to move smoothly and silently. As Pisces gets older, they lose interest in games and devote all their attention to the claw point post, especially if it is located in the same room as the stereo system. Music has a particularly attractive effect on cats: they move to the rhythm of the rhythmic melody, enchanting their eyes.
Pisces are not as playful as Geminis, not as enthusiastic as Aries, and are not as charming as Cancers, but one amazing quality makes them excellent companions. You may never know what it is like, but once you communicate with a Pisces cat, you will never part with her.


Owner - Aries
This is exactly the case about which they say that opposites attract. The Aries owner will be fascinated by his dreamy and leisurely pet - he will allow him to wake up whenever he wants. However, sharing shelter with an owner whose energy seems to be overflowing, Pisces will try to wake up even less often than usual!

Owner - Taurus
By taking a calm, pragmatic approach, the Taurus owner will help Pisces become more sociable and teach them to trust him. His pet will feel more secure and will be able to overcome his natural shyness.

Owner - Gemini
The owner admires the gracefulness of his pet, and he is much more interested in him than in any other creatures (with the exception of cats). However, neither of them knows what the other is doing next to him.

Owner - Cancer
If the owner does not deliberately make excessive efforts to establish an emotional connection with his pet, but allows events to develop naturally, over time the cat will openly express his affection to him. Between them there will appear that mystical attraction that is so necessary for both of them.

Owner - Leo
An owner with a bright nature tries more than other people to entertain his cat, which in response to all his efforts only yawns from boredom! Leo, who expects admiration from his pet, may misunderstand this reaction.

Owner - Virgo
As long as Virgo, a fighter for cleanliness and neatness, is not irritated and nervous by the fact that her pet can doze off, sitting on a pile of bedding in a basket for dirty laundry, a very harmonious relationship will develop between them. The owner and the cat complement each other in many ways.

Owner - Libra
Nothing can give Libra such pleasure as the presence of a creature as graceful and courteous as himself in his home. Perhaps the idle-loving cats born under the sign of Pisces are not distinguished by outstanding mental abilities, but they look very good!

Owner - Scorpio
An energetic Scorpio owner can try to turn his pet into a real cat - he wants to teach it to sneak up, hunt, pounce on prey, etc. However, Pisces provide him with worthy, albeit passive resistance: at such moments they simply disappear.

Owner - Sagittarius
The Sagittarius man and the Pisces cat have a similar vision of life, so one would expect more from their relationship than is actually the case. It's not that they don't get along, they just don't have enough time spent together.

Owner - Capricorn
This cat seems to know how to entertain her Capricorn owner, but since she doesn't do much at all, it's hard to see how she does it. The secret must be known only to herself, because she is always ready to shock the owner with her next trick.

Owner - Aquarius
Aquarians never seriously think about how to improve their relationship with their cat, although they try their best. The owner cannot understand that the strongest connection between him and his pet is established when he sleeps and he dreams about her.

Owner - Pisces
An excellent relationship is established between them, although from the outside it is difficult to understand how this is possible, passing by, they did not even notice each other. Needless to say, they are connected by intangible ties.

Find out more about your pet and yourself: why did this particular kitten fascinate you so much? Why exactly “today” do you need a furry friend so much?

What is Horoscope? This is an astrological forecast that allows us to determine the main character traits, the possibilities of the best interaction with the outside world, the ability to adapt to current conditions, possible health problems... All this is quite fair in relation to our pets. Zodiac signs also reward them with a special character, forming basic habits and behavior patterns, preferences in food and relationships with people.

ARIES (21.03. - 20.04.)

Element: Fire.

Well compatible signs

Since Aries Cats are very curious and very active, they love to be in the center of attention of all the inhabitants of the house, their most favorable alliance is with the owners Libra and Aries. They get along quite comfortably with Sagittarius, Aquarius and Gemini. But with representatives of the Leo sign, who have charm and strength, the Aries Cat will most likely have disagreements.


Cats born under the zodiac sign Aries are born leaders, courageous and fearless, possessing a huge reserve of internal energy. If several animals live in the house, then most likely the Aries Cat will become the leader. Stubbornness and an indomitable fighting spirit define your pet's character. At the same time, Aries Cats are very curious. They can sit motionless on the windowsill for hours, looking at the street. And at the first opportunity they can run away from home. If possible, give the Aries cat free range. She will happily transfer her energy into a “peaceful channel” while climbing trees, hunting, exploring the territory. When locking your cat within four walls, it is better to take care of the safety of fragile and expensive items in advance.

The Aries cat loves to show off, he needs admiration, is always curious and ready to try something new. There are practically no obstacles for him. This allows such a cat to easily learn various tricks, and he is ready to work, bringing their performance to brilliance. The result of such a violent temper is a “wolfish” appetite. The Aries cat is not particularly picky about food; he prefers quantity, but all his food must be absolutely fresh.

Aries cats can show affection towards a person, but very indulgently and on their own terms. They will let you know when they can be petted. If you want to keep your restless cat under control, you need to show him who's boss, otherwise the cat will immediately take advantage of any weakness you allow. He loves to play with children, but at the same time wants them to fulfill his whims and fantasies, he must always be the ringleader. You need to talk to him without coercion or violence, without even raising your voice. It is absolutely forbidden to hit! Otherwise it will be an enemy for life. If a kitten has misbehaved, you need to explain everything to him firmly, but kindly. You'll see, he'll understand everything. If you truly love him, then you will not find a more devoted creature.

Came to the house

In the month of Aries (March 21 - April 20), a cat appears when one of the family members needs energy support. In addition, a cat coming at this time will force you to open up to the world around you: it seems that energy reserves in the house have been depleted, and the wind of change is passing you by. True, the Aries kitty will bring a lot of trouble: she is capable of running away in the middle of the night, scratching at the door at any time of the day, and demanding attention. In search of your beloved pet, you will run through the streets or climb trees to remove the unfortunate animal from the branch. But this is for your own good: your home and you are too closed. Typically, cat families do not settle in such “blocked” houses and do not have kittens. By the way, about cat families: the right cat, who has not lost her sense of smell and professional skills, will breed kittens only if there is a human magician nearby - at least a weak one, even if she is unaware of her magical potential.

The magic of color

If a cat was born under the Sign of Aries, then the occult significance of coat color is enhanced. Consequently, a white Aries cat (despite its restless disposition) will have the greatest healing abilities, and, for example, a black cat is a born battle magician.

TAURUS (21.04. - 21.05.)

Element: Earth.

Well compatible signs

Taurus cats choose an imposing rhythm of life, they do not really like to move a lot, they are clumsy and leisurely, they prefer to lie peacefully on the windowsill. This often irritates owners who are not known for their patience. Among such inappropriate signs are Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius. The best partner for a Taurus Cat is a representative of his own sign, because they both love warmth and peace in a beautiful, cozy home. Taurus also gets along well with their master Pisces and Libra.


Taurus cats attract attention with their prudence and desire for peace. These lazy beauties definitely won’t destroy anything and are quite capable of becoming a decoration for your home. They are not very interested in games and intrigue. They are simple-minded and cannot be bribed. They exude nobility. Taurus cats do not get involved in any adventures and do not cause trouble. They are big owners and will not share their bowl, basket or toys with anyone. Taurus cats are homebodies and most of all do not like change. It takes a very long time to get used to any moves or changes. As a result of their good-natured and lazy disposition, they gain weight very easily. Compliance with the “diet regime” is more important for them than a variety of dishes.

Taurus are very sensitive to rudeness and can take offense for a long time. These good-natured animals are difficult to anger (but if you succeed, beware of their anger). They are attached to their owners and love to look after children. They are distinguished by tender love, subtly feel the mood of the owner, guess his intentions. They will happily lie down on your lap, purring for a long time. They love affection and need signs of attention. The Taurus cat feels happy in a small harmonious family, where no one makes excessive demands on her. Loves comfort. Buy him a comfortable, soft and beautiful bed and place it in a certain place - the Taurus Cat will be grateful to you..

Came to the house

In the month of Taurus (April 21 - May 20), a cat will bring protection from energy losses, from thieves, from loss of material assets, and from negative emotions.

If a cat appears at this time, it means that someone wants to rob you or damage your property. All this applies not only to apartments and houses, but to offices. By the way, a “Taurus” cat can charge your wallet, savings book or credit card. Stroke your pussy with these symbols of material success, let him rub your back against them, and you’ll see, the negativity will go away.

The magic of color

A cat under the Sign of Taurus protects against property losses and wards off thieves. In this Sign will manifest themselves most magical abilities « Gray cardinals“, that is, the gray Taurus cat acquires the properties of a money talisman and can charge wallets or credit cards.

GEMINI (22.05. - 21.06.)

Element: Air.

Well compatible signs

Geminis are somewhat arrogant and cunning. Although cats of this sign are friendly, curious and charming, being nice for a long time is not their style. They need an owner who is active and young at heart, and who sometimes understands the pet’s desire to be alone. The most harmonious is their union with Sagittarius, who is also freedom-loving, like Gemini.


Geminis are made of contradictions and mood swings. They are sociable, inquisitive, everything is interesting to them. Surprisingly inventive in pranks. They are capable of bringing people to a white heat with their pranks, but usually they are quickly forgiven: it is not easy to resist their charm. These sociable cats purr more often and louder than others. Gemini cats love the menu to be varied and, of course, of the highest quality. If you ignore their refined tastes, they will take what they like from the plate and leave the rest. For people who love their pets with all their hearts, Gemini will bring great joy. In any company, Gemini will be present nearby and communicate with new people in his cat language. Be sure to let him get enough sleep so that the nervous system can fully recover after unrestrained games. Close washing machines, windows and other dangerous things, because The main property of the Gemini kitten is its curiosity, because of which it gets into all sorts of unpleasant stories.

When guests arrive, the Twin Cat is the first to run to meet them. You can pull it by the tail, turn it over from its back to its stomach, i.e. squeeze and torment him in every possible way, but he not only does not let out his claws and does not bite, but does not even take offense at all. She loves to play tag with kittens, run races with the babies, and then lick them like a father. His Kotovsky pride is not at all hurt by the fact that he can be the last one to approach the bowl, letting the cats and kittens go first. The main thing for him is to be aware of everything that happens in your home.

Came to the house

A cat that appears in the month of Gemini (21.05 - 21.06) will save the owners from bad connections and unnecessary people in the house. She is excellent at relieving headaches and can improve the memory of her owners: this is exactly what the four-legged healer does, purring under your ear.

The “twin” cat will help pupils and students prepare for tests and exams. If the learning process is not going well, pay more attention to your pussy: play with it, chase a ball or a plastic mouse. And when the animal gets tired of chasing the bow on the string and curls up into a ball, place notebooks, textbooks, and a record book under it to clean it. And most importantly, don't forget

stroke the purr's fur, the positive charge perceived through the hands will have a positive effect on intellectual abilities.

The magic of color

Cats under the Sign of Gemini help to establish fruitful contacts and save the owner from unprofitable connections, bad people and uninvited guests. "Mercurian" cats gray- the best companions for women involved in entrepreneurship, trade, law and

intellectual work. They improve memory, so they are also good in a house where there are schoolchildren.

CANCER (22.06. - 22.07.)

Element: Water.

Well compatible signs

A cat born under the constellation Cancer is very attached to its owner - as soon as he sits down, the pet immediately settles down next to him. The Cancer cat is caring, she loves to be with her owner and will bask in his arms. Such a cat gives warmth, but she must be sure that she is loved in return. Suitable and appreciative positive traits pet are signs such as

Taurus, Capricorn and Cancer. The tenderness of the Cancer cat will seem unnecessary to Aquarius, Aries and Gemini - these people will not be able to be responsive owners for such a pet.


The Cancer Cat attracts attention with its “fine nervous organization.” Any trifle can throw him off balance. If you do not pamper your pet and indulge his weaknesses, this can seriously affect his condition. Such cats are usually distinguished by a fragile, graceful physique. They often look tired and incapable of physical effort and get their way by playing on your kindness and sympathy for them. They pretend that they have no appetite, and they only eat to please you. They are not mischievous, they do not have destructive tendencies. But even the quiet, modest Cancer cat doesn’t want to stay in the background forever; she likes to live with strong man. Deep down she wants her family to make her life is easy and pleasant. In this case, very soon she begins to trust you and becomes gentle and affectionate. A very trusting creature - he goes to a person with an open soul and it is very important not to betray his trust, not to offend him in any way, otherwise he will withdraw into himself and you will lose true friend. For Cancer, it is necessary to follow a healthy, balanced, nutritious diet, take care of health constantly, since due to increased sensitivity it is susceptible to all sorts of bad influences external environment. You also need to be very careful when choosing new dishes to avoid problems with digestion. Cancer does not like to be alone for a long time, and also does not like confined spaces.

Cancer is very attached to his home; if possible, do not move him from one place to another. Create comfortable conditions for him, your own cozy corner, where he can curl up in a ball and sleep and where he will not be disturbed by small children, if there are any in your house.

Came to the house

If a cat bestows its company on you in the month of Cancer (06/22 - 07/22) or in the month of Taurus, it means that a lot of things saturated with negative energy have accumulated in the house. Feel free to throw everything out of the closets directly onto the floor - let the cat roll on the stale clothes. And at the same time, you’ll figure out what’s worth keeping and what’s time to get rid of. Sometimes a cat appears at this time if one of the older relatives is in poor condition and is ready to leave this world. If a cat has enough strength and capabilities, it will certainly save your loved ones from a crisis. And also, keep in mind that the “crayfish” cat is very sensitive to the quality of food: you can safely use it as an expert.

The magic of color

Under the Sign of Cancer, exceptionally sensitive cats are born - sensitive ones. They are very suitable for women not only in terms of energy, but also in character. If a woman is irritable or often sick, it is necessary to throw out some of the things saturated with stagnant energy from the closet and let the cat lie on stale sweaters and skirts. White cat-Cancer helps with hormonal disorders and mastopathy.

LEO (23.07. - 23.08.)

Element: Fire.

Well compatible signs

A cat born in this Sign is a true noble lion who graciously accepts the admiring attention of its owner. The Leo cat is the master of the house, and the Leo cat is the embodiment of elegant nobility. But despite their proud and independent disposition, these animals are very attached to their owners and love to be the center of attention of the whole family. Leo cats have the most harmonious alliances with their owners Cancer and Libra. Relations with representatives of your sign will be overshadowed by frequent disagreements and struggles for power in the house.


The Leo Cat, a proud and independent person, goes through life with his head held high. He loves the thrill of the hunt, but is sober enough to waste time on a hopeless pursuit. She devotes a lot of time to beauty, loves to be photographed and receive compliments. As for diet, his favorite foods are fresh meat and liver. Just don't make him wait too long for an invitation to dinner! Never allow a condescending attitude towards the Leo cat: he claims equality with you and does not forgive patronizing treatment. He is trusting, friendly and not afraid of strangers. The Leo Cat makes many friends among women who respect his strength and are not going to boss him around. In personal relationships, he claims the lion's share of adoration and believes that he has achieved success if those around him have duly flattered his vanity. Under no circumstances should you shout or scold the Leo cat. Especially in the presence of other cats. He must be the best! And it is completely useless to force him to do something by poking him with his nose or pulling his ear. You will only achieve that the kitten will do everything out of spite. The best thing to do is to calmly but firmly ask him for what you want from him and to your surprise, he will understand. Praise the lion cub often, especially when he did everything right. The Lioness cat is an ideal mother.

Came to the house

In the month of Leo (July 22 - August 22), cats appear in order to save their owners from unnecessary expenses and from invasion dark forces. In especially dangerous cases, not one, but several cats may settle in the house to protect you and your children from destructive emotions and destructive addictions.

The magic of color

The sign of Leo most enhances the energy of ginger cats. At the same time, some negative properties of the red color are lost, and only positive ones remain. Such a “koshkolev” literally saves you from the invasion of dark forces, protects you not only from destructive emotions, but also from accidents. Red Leo cats enhance the charm of women in creative professions.

VIRGO (24.08. - 23.09.)

Element: Earth.

Well compatible signs

Virgo cats are very clean; they can tidy up their appearance all day long. Cats born under this Sign are not inclined to show their feelings clearly, so do not expect her to immediately demonstrate her affection. She is willful and independent - in order to make friends with her, you will have to try. Geminis are the best owners for such pets, because they are the ones who are best able to appreciate the independence of a pet.


The Virgo cat is endowed with keen powers of observation and is calculating by nature. Her reason and logic are stronger than her natural instincts. The only thing that can stop her on the way to her goal is the danger that she senses a mile away. If she happens to be climbing a tree or performing acrobatics on furniture, she will first make sure that an accidental fall is unlikely. Virgo lives in her own way own rules, try not to impose your views on her. Never lose sight of your cat for long because she takes every opportunity to mischief. A set table is a temptation that Virgo cannot resist. She likes to eat the same food that you eat, even if it's mushrooms or pickles. Virgo loves everything around her to be absolutely clean. She gets along quite well with other animals if they are sufficiently restrained and willing to put up with her love of order. Your kitten is a terrible neat freak. Never and under no circumstances will he allow himself to make a puddle in the wrong place. This is simply impossible for him. He will lick himself for hours, even when his fur shines and shimmers with cleanliness. Perhaps if you teach him to bathe as a child, he will enjoy doing it as an adult.

The Virgo kitten is prone to allergies, so carefully select food, which should always be fresh. Give more vegetables and cereals so that digestion does not stagnate. A Virgo needs to be stroked and caressed, groomed and cherished more often, otherwise he will always be a little withdrawn.

Came to the house

In the month of Virgo (August 23 - September 22), cats come to the homes of seriously ill people, as well as to places where major repairs are required. They are the best fighters against the dominance of any evil spirits, both ordinary and astral (mice, cockroaches, all kinds of drummers). Such cats do not stay in the house for a long time: this is a crisis - managers of your life. They show up, do their job and go home.

The magic of color

The Virgo cat is indispensable for elderly ladies, as well as those suffering from diseases that are accompanied by acute pain. The snow-white Virgo cat is the most active fighter against physical ailments.

LIBRA (24.09. - 23.10.)

Element: Air.

Well compatible signs

Libra cats are balanced and self-sufficient homebodies; their character successfully combines intelligence and charm. They are friendly and able to yield to the owner and other pets. the main objective Libra cats - to achieve love and admiration, in return they will please the owner with the same. As soon as the cat hears the steps of its owner, it immediately rushes and rubs against his legs. Libra cats are pets and are always happy to have a cozy evening with their beloved owner. Their character helps to find a common language with almost any sign of the zodiac, because by their presence they already symbolize harmony and mutual understanding.


A high standard of living and an elegant environment are very important to Libra. The Libra cat is balanced, does not tolerate conflicts, loves harmony in the home and will do everything to establish a good relationship with you. This cat's favorite pastime is watching people while they work. She can sit like that for hours, watching your every move. Even as adults, these cats love to play. They are not picky and moderate when it comes to food. They love children very much and can be ideal playmates with them. Often follows on the heels of a loved one, like a dog. Prefers a nice, soft bed. If she chooses yours, it will not be easy to convince her. You will be lucky if you manage to teach her to sleep on the edge of the bed, and not take up your entire pillow. A good-natured, not capricious, sociable little bundle. He gets along with people easily, but at the same time maintains his independence. Growing up, it becomes an elegant, beautiful animal. At any age, he must be protected from physical overload, excessive excitement and rudeness, because... due to disorder nervous system he may even get sick. The Libra kitten should never be physically punished, nor should one even raise one’s voice, not only when addressing it, but also when talking between family members. He cannot stand shouting and scandals. Violence and rudeness kill him in literally. It is harmful for him to catch a cold, so when transported to winter time be sure to wrap him in a blanket. Also avoid drafts in the apartment and pay great attention to his complaints and ailments.

The Libra kitten vitally needs long and deep rest, so if you have small children in your family, explain to them that the kitten is not a toy, it must be allowed to sleep. Don’t limit him in anything, give the kitten complete freedom, but always and everywhere be there, don’t leave him to the mercy of fate, be sensitive and attentive to him, then he will definitely grow up to be a very kind, cozy cat.

Came to the house

In the month of Libra (September 23 - October 22), a cat appears with the goal of saving your home and family from falling apart. It will help you cope with negativity and damage caused by slander on your personal life, on property - especially if someone is going to sue you for it. If a cat has moved in with you at this time, I advise you to insure the house against all possible damage, just in case. And an animal that comes to you at this time indicates a possible change of housing, and not without judicial intervention (forced sale, exchange).

The magic of color

SCORPIO (24.10. - 22.11.)

Element: Water.

Well compatible signs

The Scorpio cat is a very capricious animal, whose favor must be earned. Such pets sense the emotional strength of the owner, so a Taurus owner is most suitable for them. They will definitely find common interests, among which the main thing is constancy and, of course, the fluffy Scorpio will respect its strong owner. Cancer and Pisces can also be excellent owners, thanks to whom the animal will feel the comfort, warmth and security that it so needs. The Scorpio cat is actually a very gentle animal, but skillfully hides it.


The Scorpio cat sometimes demonstrates unusual strength of character. He is patient and too proud to accept help. Wants a share of everything - from the ham on your sandwich to the seat on your new chair. His inventive mind can find completely new uses for your furniture and household items. He can stand up for himself when meeting other animals, and will not be afraid even of an adult shepherd dog. He eats everything, sometimes he can even vomit from indiscriminateness, but whatever he does, he does it with dignity. If he let you into his heart, he will consider you his property, constantly demanding your attention. Sex life your cat will be disorderly: a scratched face and torn ears are almost indispensable attributes of a Scorpio in love. But even in this form, he is able to captivate his chosen one, just as he captivated you. Being partly an aggressive egoist, he asserts his primacy in battle, from which he always emerges victorious. This kid is crazy. Either he is a bully and a fighter, or he is thoughtful and quiet. At the moment when energy overwhelms him, he must be given the opportunity to escape. Hang a thick rope in your apartment, like in a children's sports corner, and nail a piece of felt to the corner of a wall. Let the kitten climb it vertically. If he has nowhere to dump his energy, he can become viciously aggressive and then all the unspent energy can pour out in the form of aggression on your family members. Punishing a Scorpio kitten makes him even more stubborn, angrier and harder. But if you are calm, affectionate and respectful, then you can always come to an agreement with him. The Scorpio kitten is very clean.

Came to the house

In the month of Scorpio (October 23 - November 22), the cat comes to specifically fight black magic. The appearance of a four-legged magician directly indicates a strong dark influence, most often directed at one of the spouses (all kinds of love spells).

The magic of color

The energy of cats born under the Sign of Scorpio is especially strong. This Sign allows you to maximize the energy potential of a cat, regardless of color.

SAGITTARIUS (23.11. - 21.12.)

Element: Fire.

Well compatible signs

Sagittarius cats are cheerful and restless. Curiosity pushes them to perform various feats that amuse their household. It is worth noting that these cats like to sleep less than others. They are very active, constantly in a state of search, and this is why they do not like to lie still and wait to be petted. They do not waste time, but look for adventure. This character of Sagittarius will appeal to the Aries owners; their communication brings mutual pleasure. Also, the union of the Sagittarius cat will be very successful with Aquarius, Leo and Gemini.


Sagittarius Cat is an eternal adventurer. An incorrigible optimist, he never learns from his mistakes and immediately starts a new risky adventure. He is by no means a homebody; he cannot stand confinement within four walls. Constantly locked indoors, he spends excess energy on mischief, causing a lot of harm. He is always hungry, but this does not reduce his demands on the quality of food. He likes to spend time close to his owners, but at night he must be able to leave the house. He likes to take risks, so take care of his safety. The Sagittarius cat easily gets along with everyone who does not interfere with his habits. He behaves friendly with other cats, but is somewhat aloof. The Sagittarius cat does everything he can to continue the cat family. The life of Sagittarius cats is one endless adventure, full of love dates, separations and unplanned children. There is nothing you can do about it, so it is better not to pay attention to it. A cheerful creature, always in good mood, always cheerful, friendly, peaceful. His bioenergy is quite strong, but it is very harmful for the Sagittarius kitten to freeze and overheat. It should not be overfed, fatty or smoked, as it can cause serious problems with the liver, as well as excess weight. The Sagittarius kitten is easily and often injured with possible suppuration and extensive inflammatory processes. Therefore, you need to be very careful about every scratch on his cat’s body. He loves to be the center of attention. If guests come to you, then the Sagittarius kitten will certainly come out to show off, show off, receive admiration, and just chat. if you have Vacation home- take your pet out for a walk on the grass, he should really like it. Among the cat society that may be at the dacha, he will certainly be a leader. All the cats in the area recognize his primacy, and the cats will be happy to get to know each other better.

Came to the house

In the month of Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21), a cat rarely comes into the house, but if this happens, consider this a serious warning: negative energy is directed at your home

The magic of color

The energy of cats under the Sign of Sagittarius works better at a distance. This cat is most suitable for a woman whose work involves traveling and business trips. The cat will be an invisible companion, protecting you from troubles and losses along the way.

CAPRICORN (22.12 - 20.01.)

Element: Earth.

Well compatible signs

Capricorn cats are very stubborn and often even harmful. At the same time, they can become true friends if they become attached to their owner; they are capable of this more than it might seem at first glance. A harmonious partnership of such pets is possible with Taurus people - after all, they are united by a love of comfort and security. With their stability, Cancers and Libra are also suitable for Capricorns. An ambiguous but favorable union is characteristic of Gemini and Capricorn cats, although it is characterized by inconstancy.


Capricorn cats are cunning, smart and have their own minds. If your Capricorn pet has started some kind of enterprise, it is impossible to force him to abandon it. He is so smart that he can anticipate “slippery” situations and avoid them. Capricorn is extremely ambitious. Brave, inventive and always goes to the end. However, having achieved what he wanted, he is completely satisfied with himself and his life. Appreciates quality food, but does not pursue delicacies. Stability and peace are more important to him than good nutrition. His desire to communicate alternates with the desire to be alone. If you allowed them something once, you will never be able to prohibit it again. Good way to cope with his tendency to dominate - take into the house another, younger cat, to whom he can explain “who is in charge here.” While the kitten is small, it would be good not to leave it alone in the new home at first. He needs to be protected from accidents, especially when he is pulled onto the roof of a house, a window or a fire escape. As a child, he is often weak and sickly. Diseases should be treated very carefully; it is better to play it safe and go to the veterinarian. But with proper care, he is guaranteed a long life, and with age his health becomes stronger and all sores go away on their own. And the frail Capricorn kitten turns into a strong and healthy cat. Add more vegetables and cereals to his food, because... Possible problems with slow digestion. Don't scare him or he'll have a nervous breakdown. When guests come to your house, it is more comfortable for him to hide in a closet or under the bed. Don’t drag him out, he doesn’t like noisy gatherings, and as soon as the guests leave and the apartment becomes quiet again, he will crawl out of his secluded place on his own. And with his family members he is gentle, calm and affectionate. A very neat and clean kitten. It is unlikely that, even at a very tender age, he will allow himself some kind of hooliganism in the form of a puddle in the wrong place.

Came to the house

In the month of Capricorn (December 22 - January 20), the cat's arrival indicates that you are too closed and it's time to let someone else into your home. If at this time a single woman becomes the owner of a cat, know: in the near future she will not be able to get married or make friends. Don’t take a cat—it’s better to try to get rid of loneliness as quickly as possible and transform yourself and your home. You can even let in tenants, as long as the apartment does not completely turn into a lonely den. Sometimes in the month of Capricorn, a cat comes before the death of an older female relative.

The magic of color

Capricorn cats are under the influence of Saturn, the planet of loneliness and restrictions. A black Capricorn cat will not be beneficial to a single woman who wants to get married.

AQUARIUS (21.01. - 19.02.)

Element: Air

Well compatible signs

Aquarius cats are characterized by excessive arrogance. If the Aquarius cat could speak, then his word would always be the last. Such animals often repel attempts to communicate with them closer, although this does not mean that they are not receptive to affection and tenderness. Such pets are pleasant to watch from the outside, so Libra and Virgo, who are similar to them, would be suitable owners for them. But the most ideal union is a partnership with Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius - after all, such people will never try to invade the personal territory of an independent pet.


The Aquarius cat is often at odds with himself: he wants to be loving and affectionate, but is also not averse to showing his claws. Aquarius has an extraordinary need for love; if he is scolded, he does not sulk for very long. The Aquarius cat itself is a balanced animal who rarely comes up with stupid ideas. But once he gets an audience, his behavior becomes exuberant and attention-grabbing. In food, his tastes are very changeable: tomorrow he may refuse a dish that he ate with pleasure today. The Aquarius cat needs an owner with strong nerves who will not allow himself to be commanded. In relation to children, he easily becomes a tyrant and will not calm down until everyone starts dancing to his tune. But at the same time, you will never be able to stop loving him. The Aquarius kitten is very sociable, easily gets along with any people, is open and friendly, treats everyone equally and equally. Likes to be in noisy and fun company and at the same time happily communicates even with strangers. But after such noisy communication, the best medicine is peace and quiet.

If you like to travel outside the city, take your pet with you, he should like it. You can even take a walk into the forest together, but, of course, protecting it from oncoming dogs. The food of an Aquarius kitten should not only be tasty, but also complete, varied, and most importantly, fully consistent with unexpected, sometimes unpredictably radical changes in its taste. Its overall vitality is not very high, so overloads are, in general, harmful. Any conflicts raging around cause anxiety and trauma. If you have an Italian family, where everyone speaks in a raised voice, then it will be difficult for the kitten to constantly be in such a noisy atmosphere.

Came to the house

In the month of Aquarius (January 21 - February 19), a cat will bring a wind of freedom and change into your life. She is literally ready to kick you out of the house if you don’t stop being a recluse, don’t expand your social circle, don’t finally decide to have a child - or at least get any pets: dogs, birds, turtles. This month, your cat is ready to set up a cat kindergarten in your home just to fill the space with fresh energy. With all her might, she shows that your home lacks warmth, love and friendship.

The magic of color

A cat under the Sign of Aquarius brings the “wind of change” into a woman’s life if it has a striped color.

PISCES (20.02. - 20.03.)

Element: Water.

Well compatible signs

Pisces cats sit with great pleasure in their arms. If a cat makes friends with someone, then it will be for almost a lifetime. She is very scrupulous about choosing a partner, because he must be both gentle and strong. The most harmonious is the union with Cancer and Taurus. Pisces cats have serious and deep feelings for their chosen owner, and believe that betraying loyalty is the worst act. The Pisces cat dreams of a comfortable home, and it doesn’t matter which zodiac constellation its patron is a representative of - his main thing is to be a homebody.


The Pisces Cat develops its own rules and lives according to them. He has a gentle character and will not get angry if you wake him up. However, he learns from his mistakes and next time he will try to hide better before falling asleep. He feels good in a family where there are no strict rules, and everyone lives on their own. He quickly figures out what benefits him and what benefits you, but if he is confident in your devotion to him, then he will very touchingly try to please you and will become an ideal pupil. Instinct helps him accurately capture human moods and respond to them. He tends to focus his attention and feelings on his human partner and will be jealous of your friendships with other animals or people. A gentle and affectionate creature that cannot tolerate rough treatment. He really needs a peaceful and affectionate atmosphere, protect him from swearing and noise - do not quarrel or shout in his presence. This kitten cannot be frightened by anything, otherwise he may get sick from a nervous breakdown. Diseases in a Pisces kitten develop in a strange way, and it is sometimes very difficult to make a diagnosis. It's better to play it safe and go to a good, experienced veterinarian. The Pisces kitten likes to be alone, daydream, sitting on the windowsill, watching the bird. Organize him a cozy bed, which is located in a secluded corner - he will be comfortable and safe there. You can buy a Cat House - there is now a huge selection of them in Pet Stores.

If guests come to you, do not take it out for everyone to see, because... a large number of people are stressful for him. But if you have a headache, your kitten will be your cure. Take it with you on your pillow and you will feel better in a few minutes.

Came to the house

In the month of Pisces (February 19 - March 20), a cat will come to your hearth if it emits a sharp smell of loneliness, if your house, like, strictly speaking, has a magical sign of widowhood or a “crown of celibacy” on it. During this month, cats also come to the homes of magicians and sorcerers, helping them perform magical work.

The magic of color

Pisces cats are conductors of subtle plans and enhance women's intuition.

The black cat-Pisces promotes prophetic dreams, helps to guess, make magical rituals. The white cat-Pisces is a subtle psychologist, helps to get rid of addictions, as well as with nervous disorders and headaches.