Surgical sutures are the most common method today for connecting biological tissues: the walls of organs or the edges of wounds of various locations, which is used to stop bleeding or in the process surgical intervention. For suturing, a variety of medical suture materials are used: non-absorbable or absorbable threads of synthetic or biological origin, as well as metal wire.

Sutures are divided depending on the timing of application: primary, delayed primary, provisional, early secondary and late secondary suture, as well as removable and embedded sutures.

A removable suture is a type of surgical suture when the suture material is removed from the tissues after healing of the wound, and when performing a submerged suture, the suture material remains in the tissues, is absorbed and encapsulated in the lumen of a hollow organ.

Primary suture - applied to the surgical wound immediately after the end of surgery or to a random wound immediately after its surgical treatment. A delayed primary suture is applied within a period of 24 hours to 7 days, before granulation develops in a random wound, and after its growth in the wound, an early secondary suture is applied after 8-15 days. A provisional suture is one of the varieties of a delayed primary suture, when the threads are applied during surgery and tied two to three days after surgery. And a late secondary suture is applied within a period of 15 to 30 days or more when scar tissue develops in the wound.

It is important to remember that removable sutures must not only be applied correctly, but also removed in time, since inflammation may begin due to the fact that the suture fixing material is foreign to the body, and if synthetic threads grow into biological tissues, it will be very difficult to remove them later . It should also be noted that it is not recommended to remove suture material at home - there is a very high risk of infection and the development of inflammation or divergence of the edges of the wound, if early stages removal of surgical sutures. It is necessary to avoid a situation in which the suture festers. The timing of suture removal depends on various factors: the regenerative characteristics of the body, the anatomical area of ​​the wound and its trophism, the age and condition of the patient, the nature of the surgical intervention and the presence of local complications of the wound. On average, the time required to remove removable sutures from the skin or mucous membranes ranges from six to fourteen days. If you decide to remove these sutures at your own risk, then you need to understand how to remove the sutures correctly.

But there are situations when, for some reason, it is impossible to go to a medical institution to remove the stitches, and if you are confident that the wound has completely healed, they can be removed on your own. But this is only possible if sterility and safety conditions are fully observed (you should not remove sutures in the face area or in an inconvenient location yourself). To do this, you need to carefully remove the bandage or plaster applied to the area where the stitches are located and be sure to treat them with medical alcohol or iodine. To directly remove the sutures, you need to take tweezers, scissors and a sterile napkin (the instruments must also be treated with disinfectants and sterile). Using tweezers, one end of the thread is pulled up, and then it is carefully cut near the skin and pulled out with tweezers. You need to be careful that the thread located on the outside does not get inside, otherwise it may infect the wound. Don't forget to be aware of how to treat sutures after surgery. After removing all the sutures, it is necessary to treat the scar with an antiseptic and apply a sterile bandage.

The timing of suture removal varies widely depending on the location and dynamics of wound healing. As a rule, interrupted sutures from linear wounds are removed using the “halving” method on the 5th, 7th and 9th days. When removing sutures from a wound of complex configuration, they are removed from the tops of the flaps first (5th day), every second suture - on the 7th day, and the remaining sutures - on the 9th day.

To improve the healing of the wound edges and facilitate the removal of sutures, the nodes should be shifted to one side of the wound line.

Surgical tweezers and pointed scissors should be used to remove sutures. The use of a scalpel blade for this purpose is unacceptable.

Technique for removing interrupted sutures

1. After pre-treatment of the edges of the wound (suture area) with an antiseptic solution, the knot is fixed with surgical tweezers.
2. The seam is pulled up by 2-3 mm so that the part of the thread that was under the skin appears. At the same time, its characteristic whitish coloring is visible.
3. Using pointed scissors, cross the thread in the area of ​​characteristic staining under the knot.
4. The thread is removed and placed on a napkin or gauze ball.

1. To make this action as non-traumatic as possible, the surgeon’s hands must be supported.

2. After crossing the thread with the slightly open tips of the scissors, you can hold the skin while pulling the thread.

Removal of adapting interrupted sutures

1. Using tweezers, pull up that part of the thread that is on the surface of the skin on the side opposite to the knot.
2. The part of the thread that passes intradermally is crossed at the surface of the skin.
3. Cut the thread passing through the subcutaneous fatty tissue.
4. Having grabbed the knot, the threads are pulled out.

Use a gauze ball to hold or even slightly pull the skin along the suture line in the direction opposite to the movement of the thread.

When removing continuous double-row sutures over 10 cm in length, pull up and cut both threads under one of the knots. While pulling up the remaining knot, separately grab the subcutaneous thread, pull it out and cross it directly at the knot. The remaining intradermal thread is pulled out further late dates, holding the skin with a gauze ball and gently pulling it with your hand in the opposite direction.

Finally, the skin scar is treated with an antiseptic.

G.M. Semenov, V.L. Petrishin, M.V. Kovshova

After surgery, a scar remains on the body - an area of ​​connective tissue. Existing methods There are many different ways to get rid of unsightly marks on the skin. Therefore, the question of how to remove a scar after surgery should be preceded a short excursion into the typology of scars. The reasons for differences in the effectiveness of the same products are due to different characteristics postoperative skin damage.

How are different types of scars treated?

Many methods are available to specialists in medical and cosmetic clinics. To choose a method for removing scars after surgery, you first need information about the type of damage. It is necessary to diagnose the condition of the patient’s skin and the whole body.

Features of scar correction

Types of scarsWhat they look likeHow to remove a scar after surgery
Physiological (normotrophic)It is located at or slightly below the rest of the skin.-Sometimes it becomes invisible without treatment.
-Silicone film or plate.
-Light massage after healing of the incision with oils and creams.
-Superficial peeling with fruit acids.
Pulled into the skin.-Start treatment as early as possible.
-Chemical peeling.
-Use of dermal fillers.
-It is not recommended to operate.
Dense to the touch, rises above the skin.-Silicone plates.
-Ointments with enzymes, hormones.
-Laser resurfacing.
-Surgical treatment (surgical excision, plastic surgery).
Significantly rises above other areas of the skin. Causes itching, burning, pain.-Difficult to correct.
-Electrophoresis with hydrocortisone, lidase.
-Injections of steroids into the scar area.
- with enzymes, hormones.
-Surgical methods can stimulate enlargement and relapses.

How to remove scars on the stomach?

Minimally invasive surgery has almost disappeared side effects surgical interventions in the form of long and wide scars. With a gentle technique, almost no traces of punctures remain. If scars after laparoscopy are properly cared for from the very beginning, the cosmetic effect will be excellent. Much depends on where the punctures are made. Typically, during laparoscopy, the doctor makes 3-4 small holes (about 1 cm or less):

  • 1 - below the navel for introducing a mini-video camera into the abdominal cavity.
  • 2–4 - in the lower abdomen for introducing microsurgical instruments.

Caring for punctures after laparoscopy is carried out in two stages and includes measures aimed at preventing the formation of scars:

  1. Applications with a substance that stimulates healing (Curiosin gel).
  2. Lubrication with a drug that softens scar tissue (Kontraktubeks gel).

Removing a scar on the abdomen after surgery

Correction methodsWhat actions are performedWhat is the expected effectHow many procedures are recommended?
Surgical excisionRemoval, application of cosmetic suture.Elimination of scar and deformation.1
Chemical peelsTreatments with solutions of AHA acids.Scar surface smoothing, whitening, exfoliation.1–8
MicrodermabrasionTreatment of the scar with aluminum oxide powder, grinding the surface.Elimination of small scars.1–10
Laser resurfacingReduction of scars.
Physiotherapeutic treatmentVarious proceduresSoftening scars.5–15
Hormone therapyAdministration of glucocorticoids to the keloid.Reduction of scars.
Silicone pads and othersUse simultaneously with drugs for resorption of scars after surgery.Scars become soft, flat, and elastic.
Application of ointmentsApplying to problem areas.Flattening and normalization of scar color.

Video about keloid scars after surgery

Cicatrix cream from the Spanish company Catalysis (test results)

The most accessible ones - special creams and ointments - promote resorption and healing of scars. Such medications are varied, but their methods of use have much in common. Basically, it is necessary to apply the ointment to postoperative skin lesions 1–2 times a day and continue the course of treatment for at least 8–10 weeks.

The advantage of medications for topical use is a small number of contraindications compared to peelings, laser resurfacing, and surgical removal of scars.

Visible results from using the Cicatrix restorative cream from the Spanish company Catalysis appear after 3 weeks (on fresh scars). In 2007–2010 medical centers in Western Europe and Russia, they assessed the effectiveness of the use of Cicatrix cream in a group of patients with fresh scars. Here are the results of the study published by the Testing Laboratory Center of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Data from the testing laboratory of special dermatological products of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The researchers explained the positive results of using Cicatrix cream by the synergistic effect of the interaction of the components:

  1. Asiatic and madecassonic acids in the Asian centella extract stimulate the activity of fibroblasts and improve microcirculation.
  2. Pine extract (Pinus sylvestris) has antioxidant properties far superior to vitamins E and C. Prevents collagen destruction.
  3. A unique lipid complex of ceramides and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid retain moisture.

According to the results of a study of Cicatrix cream, 84% of patients noted an acceleration of the regeneration process after surgical damage to the skin.

The restorative drug "Cicatrix" promotes proper healing of wounds by resorption and reducing the formation of scar tissue. The synthesis of collagen types I and III is activated, which compensates for the lack of the main building material of the skin. Cicatrix cream reduces chronic inflammation in damaged tissues and ensures normal epithelization.

In contact with

Sutures are placed either during surgery or when a serious injury occurs. The question of when and how to remove sutures correctly depends on many circumstances: on the nature of the damage, on the part of the body on which the sutures are applied, on the age of the patient and on how quickly the human body recovers.

The healing of the wound and the aesthetic appearance of this place depend both on the accuracy of its application and on the timely removal of the suture. Therefore, it is better if a professional medical professional removes the stitches. But if you are sure that your wound has completely healed and will not cause discomfort, you can try to remove the stitches yourself.

When can stitches be removed?

  • after head surgery - after 6 days;
  • after appendectomy (removal of appendicitis) or hernia repair - after 7 days;
  • after laparotomy, as well as after transection - after 9-12 days;
  • after thoracotomy (chest surgery) - after 10-14 days;
  • after carrying out - in 12-14 days;
  • after operations in elderly people, as well as in people weakened by infection, patients with oncology (the body of such people has a reduced ability to regenerate tissue) - at least after 14 days.

How to remove stitches correctly?

  • First you need to carefully remove the bandage, holding the skin with something so that it does not stretch too much. If you have a bandage glued to your wound, you need to moisten it and then remove it along the wound (but not across, so as not to inadvertently open the wound!). A very dried bandage can be moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide using a gauze swab.
  • If the bandage is on the foot or arm, you can soak it with a manganese solution. To do this you need to pour warm water into a sterile container, add a few drops of a 30% solution of potassium permanganate to it until an intense Pink colour. Next, lower your leg or arm there for about 5 minutes. You can remove the limb from the water after the bandage has already been removed.
  • The bandage that is on the wound does not need to be twisted during removal; it is better to simply cut it.
  • The seam area must be treated with medical alcohol or solution.
  • After this, you need to take surgical tweezers, a napkin and scissors. Using tweezers, carefully pull up one end of the thread (which is tied to the side of the seam). After pulling out the white thread a few millimeters, bring the scissors under it and cut the thread close to the skin. Using tweezers, carefully and slowly pull out the cut thread with the knot. It is important that the thread on top does not go deep into the tissue and infect it.

The most common method of joining the edges of wounds is the application of surgical sutures.

Before we figure out how many days to remove the seams, let’s clarify that there are two types of seams: immersed and removable.

Immersed seams(or non-removable) - made from a material that dissolves over time in the tissues of the body.

Why is it important to remove stitches on time?

The authors of these consumer health information handouts have made significant efforts to provide accurate, current, and easy-to-use information. The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne is not responsible for any inaccuracies, information perceived as misleading, or the success of any treatment regimen detailed in these handouts. The information contained in the handouts is updated regularly and you should therefore always check that you mean the most latest version handouts.

For permanent sutures, a natural material called catgut, made from thin sheep intestines, is used.

He's good because he doesn't get rejected human body, but the material does not provide great strength of tissue connection.

Removable seams must be removed after the edges of the wound have fused.

Removable seams are much stronger. They are made using various materials:

It is your responsibility, the user, to ensure that you have downloaded the most current version of the Consumer Information Newsletter. What types of skin surgery are there? What kind of skin surgery do we perform at the dermatology practice in Munich? From Dr. med. Harald Bresser, dermatologist, Munich.

One of the areas of our practice is skin surgery. These include surgical procedures with a scalpel, as well as laser devices, icing procedures, or electrosurgical procedures. The following notes help ensure that your skin surgery procedure runs smoothly.

  • natural threads - silk and linen;
  • synthetic threads - nylon, nylon, mersilene;
  • metal parts - wire or brackets.

Correctly applied surgical sutures firmly connect tissues, do not disrupt blood circulation in the tissues adjacent to the wound, and do not leave cavities in the wound. This method of treatment provides optimal conditions for wound healing.

Today, skin specialists work with all problems related to the skin or mucous membranes of the skin. These include all types of skin cancer surgery, skin cancer precursors, veins, varicose veins, problems with the oral mucosa, hemorrhoids, aesthetic problems such as wrinkles or liposuction. Most skin surgeries can be performed on an outpatient basis in a dermatology practice. Major operations are performed on an inpatient basis in dermatological clinics.

Before each surgical procedure, a written and oral examination is performed. Carefully read the information about the planned procedure and possible problems. You should not take aspirin for 2 weeks before skin surgery, otherwise the bleeding will increase. If the administration of sedatives has been agreed upon with you, you must be accompanied by someone after surgery.

After the edges of the wound have fused, the skin sutures are removed: the knot is pulled upward until a thread hidden in the tissue appears above the skin, which is cut at the surface with scissors.

If the wound is very long, first the stitches are removed after one, and the second half after a few days.

The average time for removal of surgical sutures is 6-9 days after application, but usually the timing differs depending on various factors.

“Is skin surgery painful?”

There are many amazing procedures available to make skin surgery painless. Skin surgeries are usually performed under local skin anesthesia. Anesthesia is administered by injection into the skin after preliminary icing of the skin. After a few hours, anesthesia sounds. There is usually little or no sensation of painful pain.

“How are skin wounds closed?”

If a suture is necessary, wound closure is performed using the most modern plastic-surgical suturing techniques. Optimal wound healing and cosmetically unobtrusive scar formation are achieved. Often we use an "absorbable" suture material that remains in the skin, dissolves after a few weeks to a few months and therefore no longer needs to be removed. During this time, you will feel a slight hardening under the scar. The surface of the skin is additionally stuck with paper clips.

Features that affect the timing of suture removal

From parts of the body with good blood supply (neck and face), sutures are removed earlier - on days 4-6. From places with reduced regeneration (foot or lower leg), sutures are removed later - on days 9-12.

Also, a lot depends on the nature of the wound itself. If the wound is infected, some of the sutures are removed the day after application so that the wound heals better open method. From a clean wound, the sutures are removed after 5-7 days.

“How should I behave after skin surgery?”

After surgery, the wound is treated with a bandage for approximately 7 days. If the waterproof plaster has been covered, you can shower the next day. Regular patches should not be wet for 4-5 days. If you use self-releasing sutures, you can remove the dressing after 1 week, after which the wound will heal. Sauna and strenuous physical and sports activities are prohibited until the wounds have healed. The result of microscopic examination of tissues is approximately 5-7 days.

The characteristics of the body of the operated patient are also important, because the ability to regenerate tissues is different people different. Thus, older people must wear stitches longer; their stitches are removed no earlier than after 14 days. Also, the period of wearing sutures is extended for seriously ill people whose bodies are weakened by a long-term illness.

The period for removing sutures depends on the complexity of the operation and the depth of the wound incision. Surgeons themselves claim that the edges of wounds during abdominal operations heal faster if the patient does not have excess fat deposits.

The cosmetic result of the operation largely depends on external conditions wound healing and individual tissue healing of the patient. Scarring or even eruption of scars depends on mechanical stress, wound infection, solar radiation, as well as skin type and wound location. The scars are completely gone in about 6-9 months. Until this point, the scar usually becomes thinner and thinner. Only then is the final cosmetic result visible. However, any excessive stress on the scar can still result in “widespread” scarring.

When sutures are removed from a wound after common operations

This is the time frame for sutures to be removed after the most common surgical operations and for various parts body:

  • after cesarean section: on the 8-10th day;
  • after amputation: on the 12th day;
  • after laparotomy: on day 7;
  • after scleroplasty: on day 7;
  • on the abdominal cavity: on day 7;
  • on the chest: on the 7th day;
  • on the face and neck: on the 7th day.
  • Sutures should be removed only when the edges of the wound have fused securely. However, if the suture is not removed on time, this can also lead to problems. The stitches may fester and the threads may grow into the skin, leaving a more noticeable mark from the wound.

    Some general recommendations for beautiful scarring. Move the affected area as little as possible until dressing is completed. Day, the wound can be covered with waterproof film shower plaster, but the seal must be ensured. If sewing techniques with non-absorbable threads are used, the threads should be removed after 4-14 days. The day after the explosion, water again enters the scar. Protect fresh scar 4-6 weeks before sun exposure. If there is re-circulation, redness or pain in the wound area, immediately contact your scalping surgeon as soon as possible. Some people are typically referred to as "keloids." When fast processing A cosmetically satisfactory result can be obtained even in the case of an overlapping scar.

    • Avoid wetting the dressing.
    • Keep the wound away from water for 8 days.
    Outpatient and inpatient skin surgeries are among the most common operations.

    In any case, the decision on the need or possibility of removing sutures should be made by the surgeon after examining the wound.

The article will tell you about what happens in the body after surgery, why stitches are needed and how soon they need to be removed.

Guided by an experienced dermatologist, they are painless and should lead to medically and aesthetically satisfactory results. These pages are for our patients' information only. Duplication, also partial, is permitted for personal use only.

Many people carry small or large scars around their bodies where they are reminders of minor accidents or major surgeries. Surgeons are on hand when it comes to adjusting the edges of the wound so that you end up with little more than a fine line of scarring on the skin. Plastic surgeons work with great precision. Partially with materials that are barely thicker than silk thread. In this way, they often manage to keep people from becoming distorted and almost unnoticeably reunite bloody wounds.

On what day are the sutures removed and does it hurt after a Caesarean section, childbirth, episiotomy of the perineum, or on the cervix?

Any surgical intervention leaves behind a mark - an incision, sutured with special threads or fastened with staples. The speed and ease of healing of any scar depends on how complex and deep the problem was.

If after carving the wound gaps are pulled

Sometimes complications are brought to the attention of the medical profession: wounds that have been carefully sutured, glued or trimmed widen again after the suture is removed. “This can happen when the skin is under tension or if the sutures are removed too early,” says Prof. Jutta Liebau, plastic surgeon at the Florence Nightingale Hospital in Kaiserswerth and member of the expert committee for treatment problems at the Medical Association of North Rhine-Westphalia. Depending on the location of the stitch, it may take seven days to two weeks until the sutures, staples, or staples are removed from the wound.

The most common operation in the world is “Caesarean section”, which in most cases is simply a necessity (difficult position of the child in the womb, entanglement of the umbilical cord, narrow pelvic bones of the mother). This intervention is characterized by a strip incision in the lower abdomen (horizontal or vertical).

The suture is placed on the incision after a cesarean section in the maternity ward. The surgeon applies the sutures under general anesthesia, and during the entire stay in the maternity hospital, the nurse constantly treats the suture with antiseptic agents, changing the bandage.

Until then, the injury usually heals. In the first phase, this is confirmed by platelets that adhere to damaged vessels. Coagulation has begun and acute bleeding stops. Superficial forms of scab that temporarily cover a wound until new tissue cells have formed. On the third day, the second phase begins - the granulation phase. Rana produces new fabric and new vessels that supply blood to fresh tissue. In the last, so-called epithelialization phase, the wound closes. Connective tissue fibers are formed.

The wound shrinks and becomes more stable. The result is a scar that is barely noticeable at best. Large encyclopedia of painkillers. But it is not always the case. In older people, wounds may take longer to heal because their tissue is not well perfused. According to Liebau, nutrition also has an impact: "When you are malnourished, important micronutrients such as zinc or selenium are missing, which are important for the healing process," the plastic surgeon said. Other nutritional deficiencies, such as insufficient protein and vitamin C, can have such an adverse effect that wounds linger.

If the suture is made with catgut threads, there is no need to remove it, since the thread dissolves over time (it is made of natural material and completely dissolves from 60 to 80 days without any residue). If the seam is made with silk threads and staples, they can be withdrawn in 5 or 7 days, depending on the complexity of the healing process.

Doctors call wound healing problems. Certain risk factors make it more likely. This includes poorly regulated diabetes. In addition, diseases such as tumors, infections, or immune diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis can have the same adverse effects on wound healing as certain medications. Using cortisone or certain antirheumatic drugs, drugs that inhibit cell division, or that suppress the immune system can lead to such problems.

After a cesarean section, a scar is formed, which begins to form around the 7th day. You should not wet the seam with water for the first week, and therefore you can take a shower only after 7 days. It is worth knowing that this intervention is very painful, because as a result of the operation, all layers of the abdominal wall are damaged.

In the case of natural childbirth, the situation is a little simpler. However, it should be noted that for each woman, childbirth can occur differently: difficult or easy. It all depends on the physiological structure of the woman, her experience, the number of births, health status, ability to push and the correct behavior of the medical team during childbirth.

It's in the doctor's hands

Therefore, before surgery, it is necessary for physicians to decide individually whether it is reasonable to stop the effect of the drug in question shortly beforehand. This is recommended by the German Society of Rheumatology. The correct suture technique also affects whether wounds can heal well or open scars some time after surgery. The wound should be cut smoothly so that the edges of the wound are as smooth as possible. In the case of surgery, the stress lines of the skin must be taken into account to ensure scars are not noticeable, says Liebau, some of the factors that should be considered by the doctor to ensure an optimal healing process.

Episiotomy- This is an incision that is made to a woman in the perineal area (in the vagina) in order to facilitate the process of childbirth. As a rule, this incision is made after the administration of a local anesthetic, if the birth is “quick” there is no time for this.

Stitches are usually removed after childbirth for 4-5 days, if the tissues heal well and there are no complications. In some cases, the process may take some time. 7-10 days maximum. In the case when a woman cannot give birth, relax, or during accelerated or induced labor the cervix does not open, the process of its rupture is irreversible. Then the sutures are applied to her in the same way, their healing lasts up to 7-10 days.

Also releasing the stitches under the skin, which can reduce tension on it, helps ensure the wounds don't flare up again. If this happens, doctors call it dermatitis. Joint seams tend to be more vulnerable because there is a lot of movement in the game. If the wound is not too deep, a new stitch may help, but sometimes complex and lengthy wound dressing procedures are necessary.

If there are tears of tissue under the scar

In addition, patients and surgeons also create additional complications: the lungs of the stitched abdomen are reduced. Some time after the procedure, the fascial tissue in the surgical scalp area is torn, but sometimes it is painful. After major abdominal operations, this occurs statistically in ten percent of cases. After this initial shock, about a thousand people often encounter a second one if the suffering from the scar is felt.

Removing stitches after caesarean section And natural birth

On what day are the sutures removed and does it hurt after surgery for appendicitis, hernia, laparoscopy?

A disease such as appendicitis occurs quite often in all segments of the population: children, adults, men and women. The disease can only be treated with surgical intervention. At its core, appendicitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the “cecum,” or rather in its appendix, the functions and purpose of which have not yet been fully studied by medicine.

Many may initially have no explanation for the symptoms, which usually only occur one year, but sometimes up to three years after a major procedure. Soon after this, an ever-growing bulge on the abdomen becomes visible. This is caused by weakened muscle skin. Normally, it contains, along with several layers of muscle tracts, internal organs and intestines in the abdominal cavity. However, through surgery, the skin, underlying muscle tissue, and abdominal skin are torn. Although these layers grow together, the resulting scar tissue is less elastic and resilient.

Anything can provoke an inflammatory process:

  • Mechanical bruise
  • Infection in the body
  • Poor circulation in the body
  • Endocrine system disorders
  • Digestive tract dysfunction

IMPORTANT: Statistics show that women suffer more from appendicitis than men. The disease most often worsens between the ages of 20 and 40 years.

Emergency appendectomy will help completely eliminate the problem. As a rule, this intervention does not entail serious consequences or danger. If appendicitis is excised immediately after an exacerbation, recovery and improvement in the patient’s condition will follow the very next day.

The incision to remove the appendix is ​​made in the lower right abdomen. After excision of the skin, a scar remains that requires proper care. The length of the scar, on average, is 3-4 cm. To make the incision look neat and heal easily, the doctor requires responsibility, professionalism, and experience.

If there were no complications after the operation (fever, infection, germs getting into the wound) and the scar is healing well, the doctor is allowed to remove the sutures after 10-14 days. If the doctor places sutures from catgut threads, then their resorption occurs within 2-3 months. Over a period of 10-14 days, the tissue will recover. But it is important to know that even after the sutures are removed, the patient needs to be on a gentle and sedentary regimen for about 6 weeks.

Another surgical intervention that can be performed in the abdominal area is “cutting out” the hernia. A “hernia” is a disease manifested by the protrusion of internal organs (intestines) from the cavity in which they were intended to be. This can happen for several reasons, but treatment always involves surgery, which results in plastic surgery. Excessive protrusion is reduced surgically.

In the case of a “light” operation and sutures made of silk threads or staples, they are removed after a week. The suture removal procedure itself occurs quite quickly within a few minutes. It is worth noting that this is quite unpleasant. The bandage, which is usually worn after surgery and should not be removed during the rehabilitation period after the stitches are removed, is worn until the muscle mass in the area of ​​the operation is toned. In addition, the bandage will hold the scar itself so that it cannot come apart after the sutures are removed.

Laparoscopy is a minimal surgical intervention that is necessary in order to correct health problems and cause minimal damage to the body. Laparoscopy is performed by inserting special needles (surgical instruments). However, this intervention also requires sutures for speedy healing.

As a rule, the scars remain quite small. Sutures can be sutured after laparoscopy using catgut or silk threads. The latter can be removed in a week. But it all depends on individual characteristics person and the course of his disease. Only the surgeon himself can say exactly how soon the suture can be removed.

IMPORTANT: Any scar produced as a result of surgery, strip or as a result of laporoscopy requires appropriate care: treatment with antiseptic agents, keeping the body calm, following a diet and careful supervision of the attending physician or nurse.

Laparoscopy: surgery

On what day are the sutures removed and does the gum hurt after tooth extraction or implantation?

A tooth can be removed only when it is destroyed, there are inflammatory and putrefactive processes in it, it hurts due to an inflamed nerve, and it poses a threat to neighboring teeth. Only a dentist with a surgical license can extract a tooth. Tooth extraction can occur in both public and private clinics.

It is worth noting that most often people pull out “wise” teeth because they bring them discomfort and pain. Pulling out the upper teeth is a little easier than the lower ones, but, nevertheless, such an intervention requires a number of important measures.

Tooth extraction occurs under anesthesia. During the process of pulling out a tooth, a person can only feel pressure, pulling sensations and a cracking sound (if the doctor breaks a “complex” tooth into two parts to pull it out). Painful sensations after tooth extraction come only when the effect of the painkiller wears off. But a good and attentive doctor will always prescribe his patient to take additional medications that improve well-being and dull pain.

If the lower teeth (and especially the wise ones) are pulled out, there is a possibility that bacteria will frequently enter the wound, and therefore (to avoid infection) the doctor will apply sutures. This way, the gums heal and grow together faster, do not bleed heavily and do not cause discomfort to the person.

After removing a tooth, the doctor must clean the wound from excess torn pieces of gum, check for the presence of residual tooth fragments, blunt the bleeding with a tampon and carefully stitch it up. After 2-3 days, the patient comes to the doctor in order to exclude the presence of an inflammatory process. Stitches can be removed after 6-7 days. By this time, the gums have healed and grown together.

Removing such stitches is almost painless. The patient only feels the moment of cutting the thread and the sensation of an elongated thread (fishing line) from the gums. It doesn’t hurt because the thread itself is very thin, and the gums are not the most sensitive part of the body.

Gum stitching

On what day are the stitches removed and does the wound on the arm, leg, or face hurt?

The removal of any surgical sutures depends only on how difficult the surgery itself was and how hard the patient endured the entire operation. The pain of the intervention site depends on how deep the incision was and what type of operation was performed.

Why stitches? This is a necessity. Surgery is stressful for the body and organism. The surgeon helps you survive this stress, cope with the consequences of the intervention and help you recover as quickly as possible. Sutures are placed at the incision site to prevent infection from entering the wound, leading to inflammation or bacteria, and to protect against blood loss and death.

Healing of any incision on the arm, leg, face or other parts of the body usually occurs within the first 7-10 days. This is exactly how long it takes tissues to produce special “collagen” cells that build up connective tissue. It is worth noting that these temporary norms are very conditional because what younger man, the faster the healing process occurs. In an “old” body, the process of regeneration (production of new cells) is much slower than in young people and children.

IMPORTANT: Removing sutures is quite simple. A doctor or nurse, using medical scissors and tweezers, first cuts the stretched threads and then pulls them out by the ends. The process is unpleasant, but completely tolerable.

Healing of stitches on the body

On what day are sutures removed and does it hurt after rhinoplasty or blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that is necessary to remove a drooping eyelid by cutting out “excess” tissue. As a rule, sutures during such an operation are applied with special catgut threads, which tend to dissolve and be accepted by the body. This is done in order to once again do not disturb the delicate skin, do not provoke its swelling and give pain (after all, the face is sensitive to the slightest touch).

When performing blepharoplasty, incisions and sutures are placed as close as possible to the line where the eyelashes grow. This gives the advantage of the seams being minimally noticeable. Large scars can be removed with a series of cosmetic procedures prescribed by the doctor. Under no circumstances should you touch the seams or process them yourself. This should only be done medical workers. Sutures are always removed in different ways, depending on the individual characteristics of each organism and age, as a rule, the minimum is 3 weeks and the maximum is 6.


Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to correct the shape of the nose. After the operation, the doctor applies special gauze bandages soaked in antibiotics, as well as a “splint” - a rigid plaster cast, which in no case should be disturbed during the wound healing period.

Each rhinoplasty operation occurs differently and it all depends on the extent of the surgical intervention. As a rule, after 2-4 days the doctor can remove tampons and bandages soaked in antiseptic agents and 4-5 after the operation the stitches can be removed if everything goes well and healing is not long in coming. The wounds from the sutures resolve on their own in about 2-3 weeks. The cast can be removed 10-14 days after surgery.