People planning their holidays often wonder what season is best to go to Bali. In this area, the season changes only twice a year and is divided into dry and wet. The island is located slightly below the equator, so absolutely any weather here will seem unusual to a tourist. And this is a significant advantage, because Bali will delight travelers with endless summers. There are just a few things people should consider before traveling.

The best time to travel to this Indonesian island is from mid-April to the very end of October. The end of April here marks the end of the wet season, and therefore the sun will warm tourists almost constantly. The wind at this time has a south-easterly direction, and air humidity decreases, which results in pleasant coolness. This does not mean that it will become cold on the island, just that the warmth will be perceived as joy rather than tiring heat. Temperatures at this time on the island are about 26-28 degrees Celsius, and the water in the Indian Ocean surrounding the island also warms up to similar temperatures.

Summer is the best time to surf on the famous island. It is during this season that the largest waves are observed off the coast. The ocean will encourage tourists to learn the art of surfing and raise their own level of skill in this sport. But beginners should be extremely careful, because sometimes the ocean gets really crazy, knocking even those surfers who know the basic techniques off their feet.

During the dry season, precipitation rarely occurs on the island of Bali, and if it does happen, it does not last long. This holiday season also has its downsides: travel operators raise air ticket prices. A flight to Bali in the dry season will cost much more than in the wet season.

Wet season on the island

If a tourist was unable to visit this luxurious place during the high season, then he has the opportunity to visit Bali from the end of October to March. The wet season on this island is not at all as bad as on other islands (for example, Goa, which floods). Weather conditions are changing: the air temperature drops slightly and it rains more heavily. There are many advantages to the low season in Bali:

  • The cost of flying to the island is significantly reduced.
  • The number of vacationers is also falling (except for the Christmas weekend), and the shore becomes quieter and more comfortable. There is an opportunity to fully enjoy relaxation and the harmony of nature.
  • Due to the abundant rainfall, the plants and trees bloom lushly and greenly, providing magnificent views and photo opportunities.

Rainy season in Bali

The rainiest period on the island occurs from December to the end of February. A tropical downpour always begins quickly and suddenly, and then ends just like that. It doesn’t rain every day, but it happens that one rain can last for two days. The amazing thing is that after the rain ends, even the largest puddles dry out very quickly. Temperatures during this period increase slightly (up to 30 degrees), but due to high humidity, the heat is less tolerated. This trouble can easily be experienced while in the shade or taking a walk on the ocean. Travelers will also not want to leave the water - during the rainy season its temperature can reach 30 degrees.

There are very few significant disadvantages to holidaying during the wet season in Bali. The only obvious disadvantage of such a holiday is that between the end of November and mid-January, the ocean throws onto the shores accumulated summer season garbage and waste. The picture on the coast of the island at this time leaves much to be desired. But throughout the day, the beach staff carefully perform their work, trying to make the tourists’ vacation as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

The island of Bali is beautiful both in summer and winter - each season on this Indonesian land has its own advantages. Drive away any doubts! This area will welcome you at any time of the year, demonstrating the seasonal advantages of nature and the delights of its weather conditions. Each person is able to determine for himself what he expects from the trip in order to have the most comfortable and memorable vacation on the island.

Climatic conditions are the reason why two seasons dominate here - rainy and dry. Each of them has its own characteristics, so they must be considered separately. Read below about when is the best time to fly to Bali, what time of year and where is the best place to book a hotel.

Summer reigns here all year round, and winter is replaced by the rainy season. The average daytime temperature is +30.+34, and the night temperature is +23.+25. It is distributed unevenly throughout Bali. This is due to the mountainous terrain of the island. Water temperature - +28 degrees.

Precipitation also varies across Bali. In high mountain regions their number is higher, as the mountains prevent the passage of clouds. Rain falls in the south and west of the island 150 days a year, and in the north - from 50 to 80.

And if you decide to go to Cuba, be sure to check it out.

Dry season in Bali

If we talk about when is the best time to relax on the island, and tourist season to Bali, it’s better to come here from April to end of October. During this period there is no rain and humidity is low. You can go on an excursion or hike to one of the volcanoes with complete peace of mind. This is a good time to laze on the beach.

Bali Island.

This is high season in Bali, so hotels and beaches can be busy with tourists. You should make hotel reservations in advance. That's why prices for tours are rising. If you have a modest budget, then it is better to choose months - May or June. This is the beginning of the season, so a holiday in Bali will not cost a very large amount.

Surf season is underway in Bali from July to August. Monsoons produce good waves, so it is great to practice this water sport during this time. These months are also ideal for diving or water skiing. Do you want to go to one of the volcanoes? In July or August can you do it.

Talking about when is the season for Bali? beach holiday month by month, we must not forget about September and October. A number of holidays on the island take place during these months. Surfing competitions take place in Kuta. They are also suitable for diving.

Rain season

In this section we will talk about the rainy season in Bali by month. It lasts all winter, early spring and late autumn. Most precipitation falls in winter.

The blowing monsoons cause storms at sea, and the rains will not allow you to fully enjoy sightseeing tours or hikes around the island.

Rainy season on the island. Bali.

This period has its advantages. One of them is that you won't see many tourists here, and the second is that the price of tours to Bali is much lower than during the tourist season.

One of the disadvantages of the rainy season is high humidity. Combined with the heat, it is very difficult to bear. In November it is not so unbearable, since it is a transition period. It is raining only a couple of hours a day, so the rest of the time you can calmly enjoy the bright sun on the beach.

From December to February The weather here is damp but warm. Professional surfers love to visit the island during these months, as the waves are quite high. In March locals celebrate their New Year, so it’s interesting to come to Bali during this period.


When is the season to fly to Bali? From late spring to late autumn is a great period to enjoy a holiday on this island. The downside is that tours are expensive, so you need to book them 2-3 months before departure. The rainy season lasts in late autumn, winter and early spring, during which rain is very frequent. Its advantage is the cheap prices for accommodation and excursions in Bali.

Bali's climate is formed by the monsoons. Dry southeast winds blow from April to October, and wet northeast winds from November to February, thereby dividing the island's climate into two main seasons - the dry season and the rainy season.

The amount of precipitation on the island is uneven. Where there is high mountains the amount of precipitation is higher because the mountains hold back the clouds, which causes frequent rain in these places. In the southern and western parts of the island, the number of rainy days is approximately 150 per year, while in the northern part of the island the number is approximately 50 to 80. Denpassar and Bukit Badung areas have a special microclimate, with either very little or no rain. happens regardless of the season.

The air temperature in Bali is not evenly distributed, since the island's topography has different heights.

The water temperature remains virtually unchanged throughout the year, remaining at 28 degrees.

When planning a trip, it is worth considering that the beginning and end of the rainy season in Bali can begin either earlier or later.

What's the weather like in Bali now?

You can find out the weather in Bali for 10 days by clicking on the informer.

Rainy season in Bali

The wet season lasts from December to March. Due to frequent tropical downpours, humidity in Bali's low season often reaches 95 percent, while in the dry season it is only 75 percent. This creates considerable difficulties for people who cannot tolerate high humidity and heat, so we recommend that such people refrain from traveling to the island at this time of year.

Despite the fact that it rains often, they usually do not interfere with tourists’ rest, since they usually last no more than two hours and begin in the afternoon or even at night, but there are also prolonged downpours which can last for several days. Beach lovers have nothing to do here at this time, since there are high waves on the sea, and a lot of garbage often accumulates on the shore due to storms, and the sun is often hidden behind clouds.

As for the prices for holidays in Bali in the low season, prices for rental housing, as well as all tourist services, drop noticeably, so if rain and humidity are not a problem for you, then you can save a lot. Many people come to Bali during the low season specifically to enjoy a spa holiday.

Is Bali good for New Year's celebrations? Yes, and yes again. On New Year's Eve, a real influx of Russian and European tourists begins on the island of Bali, who are not afraid of the vagaries of the weather.

Dry season in Bali

The high season begins in May and lasts until approximately October. The best time to holiday in Bali is May, June, July, August. This period is considered the most favorable for visiting the island. At this time of year the island remains moderate and not too heat and there is practically no rain, which creates excellent conditions for visiting excursions and attractions, beach holidays and practicing various sports.

The only drawback of holidays during the high season is that due to the sharp influx of tourists to the island during these months, prices for holidays, tourist services, hotel accommodation and rental of houses and villas increase sharply.

The bulk of European tourists prefer to holiday in Bali in June and August. Holidaymakers planning a holiday this time of year will not only enjoy the great weather, but also take part in several Indonesian festivities.

When is the best time to go to Bali?

In our opinion, the best time for a holiday in terms of price/quality is from May to June. During these months, the weather on the island of Bali is wonderful, and at the same time, there is still no large flow of tourists, and accordingly, prices also remain moderate. There will also be no problems with renting houses, villas and hotels during these months; there will be free options for every taste and budget.

Weather in Bali by month

Holidays in Bali are something you should definitely try in your life. Bali is a resort island that is visited by many tourists every year. With so many amazing landscapes, spacious beaches and clean waters Pacific Ocean, the island is called paradise. Holidays in Bali will bring many unforgettable experiences at any time of the year, which is why this place is always in great demand among tourists.


Location and ways to get there

Bali is one of the islands of the Malay archipelago, which is washed by the waters Pacific Ocean from the north side and Indian Ocean from the south. On the western side of the island is the island of Java, and on the eastern side is the island of Lombok.

To get to Bali, you can only use an airplane. There are several main flights. There is no direct flight from Russia to Bali, so you will have to make several transfers. This flight will take at least 16 hours. You can fly from Domodedovo with a transfer in Qatar to Bali. This route will cost the least, but will take 23 hours. This flight is operated by Qatar Airways and Es Seven. From Sheremetyevo you can get to Hong Kong, and from there to Denpasar on a Garuda Indonesia flight.

You can get to the resort from the airport by bus. It is best to choose hotel buses that will take you directly to your hotel. Trans Sarbagita buses also operate, allowing you to quickly get to the closest resorts on the island. The cost of one ticket is 3000-8000 IDR.

Another option is a taxi, but you will need to make an advance payment at the ticket office. Such a trip will cost many times more – 40,000-90,000 IDR, on average.

Beaches of Bali

Holidays by season

Tourists often ask when the season for holidays on the beaches of Bali begins. The uniqueness of the island is that you can come for a beach holiday in Bali at any time of the year. The climate on the island is monsoon-equatorial, so there is always good weather which allows you to fully enjoy your holiday. The average temperature throughout the year is 26-30 degrees on average, and the ocean water temperature is 26 degrees.

The weather on the island is divided into 2 seasons: wet and dry. In Bali, the holiday seasons are always conducive to a pleasant pastime, despite the fact that the first appears from November to March, and the second from April to the end of October. The rainiest period falls in mid-to-late winter, but the heaviest downpours last no more than 2 hours and most often occur at night. If you look at the weather by month, it becomes clear that it practically does not change throughout the year.


December in Bali is characterized by changeable weather, but it will not interfere with your vacation; it will be quite warm on the island - 24 degrees, and the water warms up to 28.

January will feature wetter weather, which, however, will not interfere with your vacation at all: the air temperature will be 24 degrees on average, and the water temperature will be 29 degrees.

In February the weather will be the same, however, there will be a little less rain. The air temperature will be 24-33 degrees, and the water temperature will be 29.

Holidays in Bali in winter, thanks to the warm climate, will also give you a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Bali in winter


The spring time for relaxation will be characterized by stability, so the spring season in Bali for a beach holiday is one of the most successful.

In March the air temperature will be 24-34 °C. Ocean waters heat up to 28 °C. The amount of precipitation begins to decrease.

Temperatures in April will be 25-34 °C, and the ocean will be heated by the sun to 28 degrees. Precipitation is unlikely for this month, so the weather is always sunny.

During May, the air temperature will be 24-33 °C, and the water temperature will be 28.


On Bali summer rest by month it will also be almost the same.

  1. Throughout June on the island average temperature will be 24-31 degrees. The water in the oceans will heat up to 27-28 °C. Low humidity will make your stay even more comfortable.
  2. In July the average temperature will be 23-30 °C and the water temperature will be -27 °C.
  3. August is characterized by the same air and water temperatures as July. This month is still hot, there is practically no precipitation.


In September, temperatures will vary from 23 to 31 degrees, and the water temperature warms up to 27 degrees. The air humidity is not too high yet, so the weather in Bali is quite favorable for holidays.

In October, there is a little more precipitation on the island, and at the same time the air and water temperatures are 24-34 and 27 °C, respectively. Air humidity becomes higher.

November is characterized by temperature changes from 24 to 33 °C, and the water will delight visitors with 27 °C warmth. Cloudiness is observed quite often.

Holidays in Bali

Districts of the island

There are several main tourist areas on the island, among which everyone can choose the one that best suits their planned vacation. The best areas to stay in Bali are: Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu, Bukit, Sanur, Ubud, Amed, Candidasa and Lovina.

Beaches of the districts

The best resorts in Bali for a beach holiday are Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu, Bukit, Sanur, Amed, Candidasa and Lovina. It is in these areas that best beaches Bali for relaxation.

  1. Kuta is an area whose beach is a strip of light sand that stretches for 5 km. On the beach you can rent a sunbed or use a beach break, which is several kilometers long. You can not only rent surfboards, but also attend classes where you will be taught all the intricacies of this water sport. The only drawback of the beach is the huge number of sellers with souvenirs. They create a fuss that is not very helpful complete relaxation while relaxing on the beach. There are several cafes where you can buy ice cream and drinks. You can also have lunch here.
  2. Seminyak is one of the most expensive areas. The beach here is the same as in Kuta, only there are not so many merchants who can distract you from enjoying your holiday under the bright sun. There are several establishments that occasionally host parties that are considered to be some of the best beach parties in the world. It is believed that Kuta and Seminyak have the best beaches in Bali for relaxation.
  3. Canggu is one of the areas where there is best schools surfing. The beach here is incredibly beautiful, right on the shore there is a small restaurant where you can have a pleasant time, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and beautiful views to the ocean and surfers.
  4. Bukit is characterized by a beach that is washed by the most big waves at the resort. This place is ideal for experienced surfers, but beginners will find it difficult. The local beach is not that big, but the sand is cleaned regularly. There are several cafes on the shore where you can try various seafood dishes. Since this area is not as interesting as the others, and besides the beach there is not much entertainment here, there are always a lot of people here, so sometimes you can find free place It's not so easy on the sand.
  5. Sanur is a quiet area with a small beach. Mostly locals and Japanese come here to surf. There is also the opportunity to try your hand at diving. The beach is not too big, but there are not many people here either.
  6. Amed – the beach in this area is quite large, stretching for 8 km. This is the diving center in Bali. At not too great a depth you can get acquainted with different types of corals and sea ​​inhabitants. There are almost never strong waves here, so here you can do not only diving, but also fishing. There are various establishments on the beach that will make your holiday more fun and eventful. The sunsets are especially beautiful here, which can be seen from beach restaurants.
  7. Candidasa and Lovina are an area where the beach is not so large, but not crowded either. At high tide, the beach is completely covered by ocean waters, so at such times you can’t really sunbathe on the sand. During periods of low tide, this place is perfect for a good rest away from the hustle and bustle.

Amed Beach

Top 15 hotels

In Bali, your holiday will be comfortable in the most popular 15 hotels.

  1. The Westin Resort Nusa Dua.
  2. Grand Hyatt Bali.
  3. Nusa Dua Beach Hotel& Spa.
  4. The Laguna Resort & Spa Bali.
  5. Conrad Bali Resort & Spa.
  6. Hilton Bali Resort.
  7. InterContinental Bali Resort.
  8. Melia Bali Villas & Spa Resort.
  9. Grand Mirage Resort & Thalasso Bali.
  10. Novotel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel & Residences.
  11. Sol Beach House Benoa.
  12. Santika Beach.
  13. The Ulin Villas and Spa.
  14. Ayodya Resort Bali.
  15. Bintang Bali Resort.

Whichever hotel you choose to stay in, you will be offered comfortable rooms, delicious meals and a relaxing environment. The services of most hotels include spas and massages.

Bintang Bali Resort

Holidays in Bali with children

Holidays in Bali with children always include availability interesting places, with the exception of the beach, where children would also have fun spending time.

  1. The island has a water park called Waterbom, which can be found in the Kuta area. This is one of the best water parks in Asia. Children will definitely enjoy the variety of slides, pools and play areas. Here you can have a great time with your family, because... In addition to children's slides, there are also higher and steeper ones designed for adults. In general, Kuta not only provides the best beach holiday in Bali, but is also the best area for families with children.
  2. You can visit the Bali Bird Park. Here are the most different types birds that will be interesting for even the smallest children to look at. Bright colors, amazing voices and beautiful well-groomed grounds of the park create a special atmosphere that promotes relaxation.
  3. Safari Park is another place that will diversify your holiday in Bali with children. Here you can see rare representatives of animals of the tropical region who live in their own natural environment a habitat. Among them are rhinoceroses, elephants, tigers, antelopes and many other fascinating fauna.
  4. Lollipop's Playland – Entertainment Center, intended for children aged 1 to 14 years. The center occupies a huge territory and combines a climbing wall, a water park, trampolines and many interesting attractions. If the weather is not conducive to visiting the beach, then you can go here - children can easily spend the whole day in this place and will not even notice how time has flown by.

Lollipop's Playland

Prices for food and entertainment

Tourists planning to visit the island are sure to ask themselves how much a holiday in Bali costs: in general, a holiday on the island will not be too cheap. The most expensive items are food and entertainment.

The cost of food in restaurants in Bali is quite high:

  • hot dishes will cost 300,000 rupees;
  • light snacks are no less expensive - 200-300,000 rupees;
  • side dishes - from 85,000 rupees;
  • meat-based dishes cost 400-500,000 rupees;
  • coffee is also not too cheap - 60,000 rupees, the cost of tea is the same;
  • beer costs on average 100,000 rupees;
  • tequila – 275,000 rupees.

During your holiday in Bali, you can provide yourself with food, because the prices for food in supermarkets are quite affordable.

The cost of excursions will be much lower if you do not order specialized trips, but organize them yourself.

There are quite a lot of holiday destinations in Bali. You can visit them on your own or as part of a group excursion, but the second option will be more expensive in any case, so it’s better to go sightseeing on your own. Prices independent visit Bali attractions (entrance fee):

  • a source called Empul Tirta - a place where you will not have to pay much to enter - 20,000 rupees;
  • Lake Tamblingan, which can be seen for 15,000 rupees;
  • the water palaces of Udung and Tirtaganga are cheaper - 20,000;
  • an amazing attraction of rice terraces - Jatiluvih, the cost of which is also not too high - 20,000 rupees;
  • entrance to the Besakih Temple will be 15,000 rupees;
  • you can visit the volcano and Lake Batur for a higher price - 25,000 rupees;
  • quite a fascinating attraction in the form of a lake - Bratan, which can be visited for 30,000;
  • botanical garden is one of the most beautiful places with amazing plants, it is definitely worth a visit, especially since the entrance price is only 18,000 rupees.

Besakih Temple

Traveling to another country always brings acquaintance with new rules, details, procedures, so advice from people who have already been there will help you prepare for your holiday in Bali.

Before going on a trip, calculate how much a holiday in Bali costs in your case. The resort is not the cheapest, so in order to prevent problems with money, it is important to determine in advance the approximate amount that you need to have with you.

  1. Since the most common type of transport on the island is a taxi, trips and their costs must be agreed upon in advance, because each company has its own tariff.
  2. To enjoy to the fullest amazing views island of Bali, it is recommended to use rickshaws.
  3. To see the main attractions, you can take a special tourist bus, which makes stops near the most significant and interesting places on the island.
  4. Payment for purchases will be made in cash, so if you go to the store, do not forget to withdraw money.
  5. When going for a walk around the city, you should not choose too revealing outfits - it is better to leave them for the beach. Try to dress more closed and simple.
  6. IN in public places It is better not to show too much emotion and behave calmly, without creating unnecessary noise. Local residents are accustomed to living in a quiet and peaceful environment, so this is always the atmosphere on the city streets.
  7. To save on food, visit warongi restaurants. Served here delicious dishes at very low prices.

Sights of Bali

These small tips will help you avoid minor troubles that can slightly ruin your holiday.
A beach holiday in Bali will give you many positive impressions and allow you to completely relax.

This heavenly place is great for family vacation all year round. It is always warm here, so even in winter, for a certain period, you can immerse yourself in the wonderful atmosphere created by the warm rays of the sun, calm ocean waters and soft sand.

With the opening of beach holidays, the rainy season begins. What dates are best for surfing? Among other things, we will learn about the weather of the wonderful island in different times year, with situational price changes depending on the current season.

Characteristic of the island tropical climate, with high air humidity of 70-80% during the main period of time. Approaching the coast, the climate changes to warmer compared to the mountainous areas. The ocean water temperature is +28C, the air temperature is almost unchanged: +30C during the day, +23C at night.

What about inexpensive tickets? Using the search engines Aviasales and Momondo, you can choose the most suitable price, look at the options offered on both sites, and compare by date. Also included are instructions for you to read on the correct method to find cheap tickets.

Reasonable prices for hotels on the island can be found using the Hotellook service - it offers options from a variety of different types of bookings.

Hotels on the Map of Bali (click to enlarge)

Top rated Hotels in Bali

Hotel Stardom Discount Price per night, from Select dates

W Bali - Seminyak


25 055 16 346

Amnaya Resort Kuta


5 627 4 555

Mercure Bali Legian


5 182 4 852

Grandmas Plus Hotel Legian


1 239 1 139

The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali


7 637 6 163

Novotel Bali Ngurah Rai Airport


6 431 5 862

Courtyard by Marriott Bali Seminyak Resort


7 871 7 168

Ayodya Resort Bali


7 235 6 498

Grand Hyatt Bali


10 731 9 428

Padma Resort Legian


11 388 10 518


13 465 11 589

Grandmas Plus Hotel Airport


1 189 1 105

Pullman Bali Legian Beach


8 441 7 687

Movenpick Resort & Spa Jimbaran Bali


8 240 7 784

Courtyard by Marriott Bali Nusa Dua Resort


6 548 6 146

The Stones - Legian Bali, Marriott's Autograph Collection Hotel


9 044 7 436

Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Beach Resort


11 197 10 479


5 024 4 622

The Royal Beach Seminyak Bali - MGallery Collection


15 705 14 614

Inna Grand Bali Beach


3 333 2 010

Rain season

This time period usually lasts about 5 months from November to March, and the maximum rainfall in terms of volume of precipitation falls in winter. Most of them fall on the southern and western territories of the island.

Clear “gaps” appear periodically during rare precipitation events. Among the unusual natural wonders, there is often a phenomenon where it is raining in one area of ​​the island, and in another at a considerable distance the weather is completely clear.

When the rainy season arrives, it is difficult to plan future excursions. The beach remains a good place to spend time, but the ocean is raging and can cause a storm, the water subsequently becomes very cloudy, and washes up on the coast. a large number of algae with debris. But the obvious advantages are the small number of vacationers, and the cost during these months is quite normal, along with various tours.

For some of the tourists best time Holidays in Bali are becoming low season in order to spend time in spas.

According to vacationers, this season the humidity is too high - more than 85%, and combined with the heat, this fact is not easy to accept out of surprise; the stuffiness at night is also very debilitating, so it is better to stay in rooms with air conditioning.

Search for a tour to Bali

When is the beach holiday season?

Judging by the reviews of vacationers, the best time is the dry season. That’s when it’s more pleasant to be on the coast for days. It comes in April. May-October is in high demand for tourists. At this moment, the most suitable conditions are created for excursions, sports activities, etc. There is no excess humidity and the rains stop.

Surfing in Bali

In principle, this hobby can be practiced for a whole year, but, of course, weather conditions change monthly. Surfers like July and August best; this is when the monsoons begin to be active on the island, which, combined with cool air, contribute to the formation of waves of a certain shape.

The downside is the overall financial cost. There are many visiting holidaymakers from all over the world, and the cost of different kinds travel services are increasing significantly. Considering the season and standard cost, the most profitable start for travel will be May-June. You can also save money by purchasing a tour in advance.

Weather in Bali


Rains prevail mainly at night, but during the day the weather is fine. Humidity is around 65%. The water reaches its warmest state.


The opening of the season for visitors begins. Not very high prices are the key reason to visit these places. Daytime weather +32C, at night +22C, water +28C. Rains of short duration occur mainly at night, and air humidity drops to 60%. Vacationers have fun mainly on the coast.


The sun is at its most active, so we strongly recommend using sunscreen. There are practically no showers, air humidity is 60%.

This period is the most attractive for relaxation, thanks to the paradise weather conditions: V daytime+31C for a day, and the sea is like fresh milk. The most suitable months for travel and walks. There are a lot of different events going on at any time of the day.

Here are a few ways to have a great time:

– watch dolphins and other local inhabitants of the ocean;

– surfing;

– diving;

- fishing;

- water skiing;

– jet ski.


The tropical winter is ending. But it’s still comfortable to rest at this time. The hottest area is in the southern part of the Bukit Peninsula, a little cooler in Ubud and the mountains on the northern coast.

Dampness prevails, generally warm, cloudy weather with little sunny days. The most precipitation falls and the humidity is 80%. For January, a hot day is usual with the air warming up to +34C, and at night +24C. The water temperature is approximately +29C.

Conditions are similar in February. Swimming stops due to the roughness of the ocean. Surfers move to the eastern region of the island due to the formation of high waves there.

Despite the unpleasant conditions, the demand for the opportunity to relax and visit these places does not subside. Especially on New Year Merry Christmas. Popular resorts are Nusa Dua, Sanur and the Gili Islands. The beaches of Kuta are the most crowded on New Year's Day. For those who want to do yoga or visit a spa, Ubud is the place to be.


There is little precipitation in May, mostly falling at night. About half the month is cloudy, with a humidity of 75%. Winter winds subside, and in the last days of March, spots for surfers begin to operate. Those who want to spend their holidays in a quiet, peaceful place should visit the beaches of Nusa Dua.