...When I graduated from technical school and received a diploma with honors, it was as if my wings had grown. I wanted to tell everyone - I am a hairdressing fashion designer! I can do EVERYTHING! I want to bring people joy with my work! The euphoria did not last long - until the first client with “complicated” hair. I realized that I would have to study for a long time. As it turned out, all my life. As soon as I gain confidence that now no most difficult task can confuse me - a man with such hair and such an order sits in my chair that I understand - I am still learning.

Even with experienced professionals, it happens that when they first meet a client and his order, they experience embarrassment, a state in which even approaching a person sitting in a chair or standing at the reception desk is simply scary. Of course, this is caused by self-doubt. But how to deal with it without showing it, and, most importantly, how to deal with its cause?

There are different situations that cause self-doubt. If the master is simply young, there is still no confidence that he will be able to fulfill the visitor’s order at all. But, of course, it is still necessary to approach and start a conversation with the client. So how can you calm down the treacherous pounding of your heart, remove the expression of panic from your face, how to collect thoughts that are scattering in different sides and how to urgently find the very words that will convince the client of your professionalism and deep competence? The first thing you should remember is that you are not the only one! This happens to everyone who adequately assesses their abilities and treats themselves critically. You can praise yourself for this - yes, this is commendable - you don’t turn your nose up and don’t consider yourself a star! A person who criticizes himself is always ready for self-criticism and improvement. The non-self-critical, self-confident type loses clients at any stage of his career. He pushes people away because... their opinion interests him little. But being critical of yourself beyond measure, constantly developing internal complexes, is also not an option. So, back to the situation - I propose to do what has always helped me. Take a deep breath - not so deep that you are mistaken for being extremely tired, just focus on your breathing. This will help restore your heartbeat and give you the opportunity to start a conversation without a squeaky voice, as happens from excitement. What is the most important thing at the beginning of communication with a client? Give him the opportunity to feel that you are glad to see him! Let the person who comes to you see in you a master who greets him with a smile. If you always find it difficult to start a conversation, remember by heart: a deep and imperceptible breath, a smile (required) and the words “hello, what did you want”?

This is very simple and very difficult at the same time for beginners, but believe me that over time this phrase and image will become automatic for you. This is already good, considering that tongue-tiedness is a big enemy of your work; you need the ability to convey your thoughts to a person; if you keep them to yourself, no one will recognize them.

After such a phrase, the client begins to explain what he needs. Sometimes these are incomprehensible explanations, because... people have a very vague idea of ​​both haircut models and the terms used by professionals. For example, a man’s order for a haircut, which sounds like “cut your sideburns flush, and pull your butt over your neck,” will confuse an experienced men’s salon master, even if his experience amounts to dozens of years. By the way, this is a phrase from a real dialogue. What was the master to do? He started asking by zone, touching his hair and showing which one he meant: how much shorter is this? And from above? And below? On the side? With or without edging? It turned out that the order was an ordinary classic “Canadian”.

In order to be confident and not worry about what you will have to do, talk with the client for a long time, you do not need to cut him off mid-sentence with phrases like “everything is clear.” Don’t be overconfident, especially since clients appreciate the attention with which every word is taken and it wouldn’t hurt to say: “everything you say is important to me, because thanks to this I have a better idea of ​​what you want.”

Please be aware that some people in public place just real “bugs”, but don’t take everything personally. Sometimes people come to the hairdresser not in a good mood, often they are not in the mood to talk about anything or anyone, they often just stopped by on the way from work, and sometimes communication with the hairdresser baffles them. If you feel this way after your greeting, try to ask the questions you need with restraint and concentrate on own actions, doing them slowly and attaching importance to each stage of preparation for a haircut: having seated the client, carefully lay out all the tools for work, put on a belt with a sheath for scissors, fasten a disposable collar, put a peignoir on the client - all this without words, then turn to the one who is imbued with preparations for a person's haircut, whether the clasp of the peignoir is fastened too tightly, and this manifestation of care will always cause a positive reaction from the visitor.

After this, it’s a good idea to pick up a massage brush and simply comb the client’s hair, while inspecting the previous haircut - touching the head and hair, you will add some “intimacy” to communication, because no stranger ever combs another’s hair, this is done by mother in childhood and subconsciously, your client is already taking you to another level, starting to trust you.

Male clients require special attention from the hairdresser.

A hairdresser who works with both women and men knows how different communication is with them. A woman is most often much more approachable, she gladly responds to suggestions for changes or additions to her hairstyle, she likes the process of working on her appearance, she likes to participate in creating her appearance, and listen to information about innovations.

A man is a more “closed” client; you can rarely immediately read something from the face of a man who enters the salon; even when he sits in your chair for the first time, he is silent more than he speaks, his gaze is most often directed at his reflection in the mirror, and this gaze is often incomprehensible by value - does he like what you did or offered him? The easiest way to find a common language with a male client is to introduce his social circle, then you will stop worrying about what and in what way to talk to him. A logical question is how do I find out about his social circle, it’s easy to say...

In fact, everything is very simple– who does a man trust, with whom does he openly communicate throughout his life? Of all the women, this is his mother, wife and, perhaps, sister. How do you talk to your father, husband, brother? It is not difficult to recreate the model of this communication - simple, open, friendly words will help you understand how to talk to any man without losing your dignity and without descending to vulgar “flirting.” Do not forget that the men of our country are full of consciousness of their own importance - from a high school student to a gray-haired pensioner. There are simply more women in our country and fewer men. Great, let’s make lemonade out of lemons – emphasize his importance as a client of your salon, emphasize your respect for him, and don’t try to reduce the distance between you. And if, instead of a cold question about what haircut he wears, you ask a question about whether he would like to change something in his hairstyle, he will most likely talk to you about it. Men often have a lot of questions for hairdressers, because their fashion for haircuts is more conservative, information about hair washing, care and styling products for every day very rarely comes across to them, so the topics for your conversations may be enough for more than one haircut . And the more competence in these matters you discover in a conversation with your new client, the more firmly he will be convinced that he has finally found a suitable master. Men are attentive to a person who is competent in his field, try to tell them as much as possible about what new types of hairstyles are now in fashion, how they should be styled or how to wear them without styling - this will ensure you the respect of your client. Do not try to simplify your speech, speak in professional terms and immediately explain what you mean. A competent specialist always attracts attention. Once, after such a conversation, a young man, who had spoken to the master in this way for the first time, asked in bewilderment: “Why don’t you speak like a hairdresser?” The master laughed and asked a question - how do hairdressers talk? And really, what should this guy have heard before to ask such a question... But we'll talk about that later.

Visitors to “cool” beauty salons

The next type of communication difficulty– visitors to “cool” salons. A person who usually visits more expensive salons can enter any hairdressing salon. In the provinces, this is a resident of the capital; in the capital, he is a visitor to fashionable and expensive salons and spas, as well as a resident of another country, looking down on the staff of the establishment he has honored with his presence. Unfortunately, most often ladies flaunt their financial wealth and belonging to the “elite”. This, of course, is a question of their upbringing, truly wealthy people They rarely talk about how expensive and exclusive the salons they go to all the time are. But you have to deal with the contemptuous manners of such clients, and “the client is always right.” This is a rule in which there are no exceptions, there is only your flexibility in communicating with any person.

Ask yourself again – what does this person want? Obsequious curiosity? Humiliated agreement with the fact that the master, of course, cannot provide any such services? Perhaps this is true, and this is exactly what this client is thinking. But don't forget about your dignity. You know for sure what you are capable of, how you work and, perhaps, you see on this person’s head traces of not so good work with his hair? If such a client finds himself in your chair, first of all, firmly and calmly talk about the salon he visited, since he really wants to talk about it, and ask the question - for what reason did the person have to contact you? He will be happy to answer you. I don’t think his needs are much different from what you can do. Calmly tell him about it.

Most likely, the client will doubt your abilities only due to the fact that you work in a different place from where he was previously served. Offer to continue working without reacting to statements like “of course, I’m not used to the hands of others,” “God knows what will happen now...”, “Yes, if my master were here now, he would definitely show you how to do it.” cut…” Keep a low profile, keep things to the point, ask questions professionally, and don’t be shy about talking about your work and successes, the training you’ve completed, the experience you may have. From own experience I can say that such clients gradually come out of their, as it seems to them, exclusive image if you start asking them in detail which stylist they usually visit, which salon they visit and which company’s products their stylist uses. If you tell us that you are familiar with the products of this company, you know the style in which that salon works, and you yourself have been trained at the same level, but work here (of course, you shouldn’t lie) - the pretentious monster will gradually turn into ordinary person, with whom you can later become great friends.

If you don’t understand what the person is talking about - for example, your salon does not do hair extensions, and the client needs to remove the extensions, openly say so. Don’t be like the master who can be cited here as an example: knowing from hearsay about haircuts with “hot scissors,” he brought an alcohol lamp, put it on the work table and on its fire heated the blades of his scissors, using them to cut the client’s hair, who also had no idea about this service. When he cut his hair and got blistered, he had to straighten it with cold scissors because... the strands in some places were sealed as if with a soldering iron. This, of course, sounds like a joke, but nevertheless it is real case from hairdressing practice.

In this chapter, we discussed in detail the question of how to get acquainted with a client without worrying too much ahead of time. From general recommendations Let's move on to the targets:

Practical recommendations for students of hairdressing courses, schools, and colleges

After theoretical classes, they usually move on to practical ones. Usually people are rarely happy when they are asked to entrust their head to a trainee. Don't be embarrassed, every great stylist today was once an aspiring student. Before practice, practice saying out loud the greeting given as an example in this chapter. Try to rehearse it even in front of a mirror. It is possible that you will find yourself funny; this often happens at first. The longer you repeat this phrase, the easier it will be to say it when you need it. Prepare yourself for the fact that everything you have to do may seem simply impossible at first, despite its apparent simplicity. Remember more often how others do it, watch the masters already working, go into an existing salon and see how a professional confidently performs this simple job. Learn to look at the client in the mirror - this is a feature of your work, train your powers of observation. You should at least have an idea social status, the client’s mood to enter into a dialogue with him

Try to practice talking on the street with people you don’t know – young and old. Try to find nice words for everyone, saying them simply in passing and not expecting anything in return. It is especially interesting to engage in conversation with customers in departments that sell consumer hair dyes and hair care products. Maybe, based on your theoretical knowledge, you can give them the first professional advice.

Any of you can get good training by answering the questions below - either you ask them yourself or have a friend play the role of your client.

- Tell me, do you know how to cut a haircut called “Debut”?

- And you won’t spoil me?

- How do you want to cut my hair?

- Do you know how to cut hair with a clipper with an attachment?

- You won’t burn my hair with dye?

- At a nearby hairdresser they said that I have thin hair. And what do you think?

- You are a young master, you can be trusted, you won’t make me old-fashioned, will you?

- Do you know how to blow-dry? Yes? And how long will it last if I leave the salon?

- I don’t want to wash my hair before cutting my hair; I washed it in the morning. Why should I wash again, what if your shampoo doesn’t suit me?

- The way you cut my hair is simply disgraceful. I don't wear it like that. What should I do about it now?

- Don't try to persuade me, this color doesn't suit me. I want to redo it, can I do it right now?

- Yesterday I liked the way mine looked new haircut, and today I understand that it doesn’t suit me at all. Can you cut my hair?

- After washing my hair at home, styling doesn’t work, what am I doing wrong?

- If you don’t know the name of my haircut, how will you cut it?

- Do you have computer modeling of hairstyles? I heard this is the best way to choose an image.

- You are so young, you probably won’t be able to do anything to me...

- I use balms all the time, but after bleaching my hair gets drier and drier, why is this?

- I don't want to get my hair cut with a clipper. The male hairdresser in my salon always cut my hair only with scissors, can’t you do the same?

- What kind of lightener do you bleach? My master told me that it gives off a yellow tint. There is no other?

- Do you know how to do “white” highlights?

Probably, after such a blitz tournament, young masters will decide that some questions are too implausible, and some are too simple, but in our profession there are no unanswered questions. Questions were presented that are asked in one form or another in real practice. And in order to answer them, you need serious theoretical training; it will help you not to stutter when choosing words, but to answer clearly if the question is from theory. If this psychological aspects– the client expresses concern because of your lack of experience or, as it seems to him, has already become a victim of your experiences – keep in mind: the client is always right!

Now you may be indignant and say - yes, of course, not always! Don't get excited! By admitting that the client is right and saying, “Yes, you are right,” you stop the angry accusations. A person who tells you “you’re wrong” and receives the answer “yes, I’m wrong” can’t say the same thing again? Remember the brilliant response of pre-revolutionary clerks in shops: “Excuse me, your lordship, fool, sir!..”

This moment should be a turning point in your conversation. The client is convinced that he was understood correctly, that no one is going to interrupt him - on the contrary, they listen attentively and are ready to help. Remember and repeat to yourself often as a reminder - by admitting to yourself the mistake that the client is accusing you of, you continue to have a constructive conversation. Once you start making excuses, you automatically create a block of problems between yourself and the client - how to find a common language, how to convince each other that you are right? Save your strength, your work time, your nerves and your reputation - even if you are young, even if you have little experience, even if you didn’t do the service as well as you wanted - you couldn’t handle the texture of your hair, you used the wrong hair processing technology, etc. If you are honest with yourself and open to dialogue, many will forgive you for your apprenticeship.

I remember an incident– a girl with little work experience who came to a high-class salon was worried all the time and diligently worked on every visitor that the administrators provided her with. In turn, the administrators tried to prevent regular or simply “difficult” clients from sitting down to be served by this girl; if there were many clients, they were warned that this master had been working recently. One client, a lady with strong gray hair, decided to dye the roots of this young girl. The cheerful, chattering hairdresser charmed the client with her truly open nature, but, unfortunately, she dyed her hair poorly. Both the master and the client noticed the mistake in coloring, but the master, without saying a word, began styling it with a hairdryer. The client stopped her and leaned closer to the mirror, examining the roots of her dyed hair. “But the gray ones haven’t been colored?” - she turned to the girl. "Yes?" - the master said in a naive voice. “Yes, it’s not very noticeable, but the paint didn’t show up here. But you’re still studying?” - the lady asked directly and looked into the girl’s eyes. “Yes, I’m still learning,” came the answer and a shyly downcast gaze.

The client paid at full list price for the entire unsuccessful experience of her young master. But a scandal could have arisen with the return of money and the client would have turned from a regular visitor into a “defector” - they were put almost in the same place as a student, the paint was poorly painted. But they admitted their guilt immediately and unconditionally. And the girl is so nice, she tried so hard. From now on, this lady went only to her.

Don't expect every story to have such an idyllic ending. dissatisfied client. But the lesson learned from this incident is too revealing to ignore - sometimes our mistakes turn into a chance to win a new client. You just have to acknowledge them.

When working with men, do not expect that your youth and attractiveness will bring you crowds of admirers of your talent. Rather, on the contrary, a client seduced by the visual attractiveness of a young hairdresser, having received a careless haircut and being upset because of this, will conclude that it is better to get a haircut from an older master - at least it won’t ruin it. You should not start being familiar and communicate “short” - keep your distance.

How can you convince a male client that they can trust you with their head for a haircut?

With your diligence. Only. Men's haircut is a precise job, every stage is important here - look at the client's hair, after sitting him in a chair - where does he comb his hair? What does he look like when he first arrived? He wears his hair just like you see him. Remember this style of combing your hair, it will come in handy when you do your styling. Often men's hairstyles are conservatively added with small additions in the form of changing the oblique edges of the temples to straight ones, etc. For the most part, our male population is not ready to radically change its image. And you should always remember this when setting up your next client for a haircut. When performing a consistently ordered haircut, address the client: “Did I understand correctly? Did you want this length or a little shorter?” Look at him in the mirror more often, check your haircut horizontally - men appreciate the symmetry of your work. Just don’t be shy to look at their faces - you are working, look at what you are checking or comparing, you should get a “look through the face”, and the expression on your face will reflect your deep inner concentration. And if everything is so, the man will excuse your not too fast speed of cutting his hair, he will appreciate the thoroughness of the work.

The word “culture” translated from Latin means “cultivation, improvement, upbringing, education.” Culture characterizes both the degree of development of a particular sphere of human activity and the person himself.


The most successful artists focus on building relationships with clients. If a hairdresser treats each client as a partner, is friendly, helpful, and honest with the client, then he is on the right path and will undoubtedly achieve success.

People really like to buy when they are sold to skillfully. What does a true professional do when offering services to a client? Tries to make the purchase of services pleasant for the client, so that he feels satisfaction from his action, helps the client buy those services that he really needs.

You cannot be annoying, hypocritical, overly verbose, or talk down to others. It is not permissible to use slang expressions or use terminology that is unclear to clients. You cannot show your client your fatigue from communicating with him. This will scare him away and will only bring up unpleasant memories of the salon as a whole and of the master personally.

Creating a pleasant atmosphere for the client is very important. To begin with, you can invite the lady who comes into the salon to sit quietly in a chair with a cup of free coffee to get acquainted with the price list and look at hairstyle magazines. It would not be amiss to remind you that these magazine issues must be in excellent condition: fresh, relevant, fashionable.

If the master is delayed with the previous client, he should personally go out into the hall and apologize to the next client for the delay.

Yes, and don’t forget to smile at the client!

If the client arrives earlier than the appointed time, and the master is free, you need to accept the client immediately. This behavior, called counter service, will be very pleasing to the client. The shorter the wait time for service in the salon, the more positive customers are towards it.

After service, invite the client to come again and promise him your help on all issues related to services or products. Don't expect tips - only in this case you will receive more than usual.

The behavior of craftsmen who receive a percentage of turnover and therefore impose on the client the maximum number of services and goods at the same time is very short-sighted. Those professionals who build their customer service with a long-term perspective behave more professionally. The best client is not the one who came today and bought a lot, but the one who will come constantly. Therefore, take care of the wallet of your regular customer, offer him favorable conditions, discounts, sales. This is the only way to count on the future and positive recommendations “by word of mouth.”


The word “objection” does not mean rejection of something. An objection is an expression by an interlocutor of an opposing opinion.

If your client objects, this indicates that he is interested in the services of your salon and at the same time feels a sense of uncertainty and anxiety about them. It is possible that he was not satisfied with the service or you could not convince him at the previous stages of selling the service.

Preventing an objection is easier than correcting it. How to respond to objections if they arise? Learn to deflect. There are three stages in this process.

Stage 1. Ask the client again. This is very important for the master. This is the only way to find out what is bothering the client. The reasons for objections can be business-related (for example, an allergy to paint) or emotional (last time we had to wait too long).

The most common objection is the high price. When a client says that the price of a haircut at your salon is high, she may be thinking the following:

“In other salons I went to before, the price was lower.”

“The price of a haircut here is much higher than I expected.”

“I don’t have that kind of money with me.”

“I can’t afford this haircut – it doesn’t fit into my budget.”

“I’ll have to ask my husband for money.”

“If I haggle, maybe they’ll offer me a discount.”

"I'm not actually going to cut my hair."

The task of the salon staff is to find out which of the listed options motivates the client. This can be done using clarification questions:

“What price were you expecting?”

“How much higher is our price than you expected?”

Stage 2. Agree with the client’s objection, but at the same time bring your own compelling arguments.

Agreeing does not mean saying: “I completely share your opinion.” This means acknowledging the client's thinking rather than their objection. This means making a case for your salon’s unique offerings (additional services).

What arguments can be made regarding price? It is necessary to make the quantitative expression of the price understandable to the client, using the following words:

High-end technology;

Intensively active composition of the drug;


Optimal hair care;

Dermatologically tested, etc.

Stage 3. Parry the objection. This means giving the client an answer that will dispel his doubts. For example, a client comes to you who is interested in a facial cleansing program from a cosmetologist. After looking at the price list and listening to your suggestions, she sighs and notices that the price is too high for her.

Answer to the client: “Indeed, the price is quite high, but the program includes not only manual cleaning, but also peeling with a polishing brush, skin cleansing with special preparations (trademark), a disinfectant mask, and also (if necessary) vacuum massage. After such a cleaning program with our cosmetologist, you will not have to sit at home for two days, as there will be no irritation on your skin. The program is absolutely safe even for the most sensitive skin.”

Such arguments will overcome all objections and convince any client. When selling services, it is always easier to deal with objections than with a categorical refusal.

So put your polished sales techniques at your clients' disposal and help them find solutions to their problems.

Basics of running a small hairdressing business
Mysin A.A.

The peculiarity of the hairdresser's profession is that he has to constantly communicate with the client, show tact, restraint, and composure. The most important indicator of the success and skill of a hairdresser is his professional behavior, which serves as an indispensable condition for winning the sympathy and goodwill of clients. Professional behavior, like the uniform, is designed to distinguish the “contact zone” worker from those present in the salon. But, as you know, workwear is not only a uniform. It also performs a protective function, preserving the workers’ own clothing. In the same way, professional behavior protects nervous system masters from excessive overload. Thus, it serves as a means to smooth out rough edges in tense customer relationships. Therefore, each contact zone employee needs to develop a line of professional behavior taking into account their individual psychological characteristics. Thus, a sanguine person should develop greater responsibility for business, a choleric person should develop restraint, a phlegmatic person should develop activity, and a melancholic person should develop emotional stability.

There are certain requirements for the professional behavior of a contact zone worker. So, he must be friendly and welcoming. It is these qualities that should underlie the behavior of a hairdresser. But this is not achieved so easily. In response to cordiality and warm attitude, most clients behave in a similar way. At the same time, they become more benevolent and quickly begin to trust the service personnel. To win the client’s favor, you need to convincingly show him sincere interest in his concerns and wishes, singling him out from the general crowd of those present during the service. From the very first minutes of being in the salon, the client should feel like a welcome guest here. This can be evidenced even by the tone of the question with which the master addresses the client. After all, the success of service often depends on the form in which the conversation with the client is conducted. The behavior of contact zone workers is in many ways similar to the acting of actors, which they must master perfectly. Professional skill allows an employee to approach work creatively, to be not just a performer, but a virtuoso of his craft. Good master will immediately understand what the client wants, even if he does not clearly and clearly state his request for the nature of the haircut or hairstyle. A true specialist knows how to combine modern fashion with individual characteristics client. So, distinguishing feature Hairdressing art is that the hairstyle should emphasize the individuality of the client, harmonize with his appearance and at the same time correspond to the spirit of the time.

Mastery also manifests itself purely externally. It's nice to watch how the employee quickly, but without fuss, serves the client. A contact zone worker is the face of a consumer service enterprise. His professional knowledge and breadth of outlook largely determine the reputation of the entire team. And if the contact zone employee did not answer the question very tactfully or incompetently, then the client has only one conclusion: the service culture here is not good. It is unlikely that this client will come here again. Moreover, when heading to another hairdresser, he will think: is this the same style of service here? Conversely, the employee’s desire to give a comprehensive, detailed answer makes the client feel grateful to him. Leaving the hairdresser's good mood, the client often tells his friends and acquaintances what kind of craftsmen work here.

A master hairdresser must also have the skills to a certain extent educational work. Direct condemnation of the behavior of rude people is usually ineffective. In this case, the contact zone worker can influence them by personal example, showing tact and delicacy. Therefore, a hairdresser should not skimp on a kind, heartfelt word.

The profession of a hairdresser requires compliance with certain ethical standards when communicating with clients during the performance of professional duties and compliance with the rules of service culture.

Ethics and etiquette in hairdressing oblige workers to be polite and attentive to any client, ready to provide services, making the most of professional knowledge, skills and habits.

A real hairdresser is a person endowed with special moral qualities. For him, the quality of service is important, so the main content of the work cannot be reduced only to earnings. A real hairdresser is characterized by aesthetics, politeness, respect, patience, the ability to compromise, a positive attitude towards the client and his responsibilities, self-control, discipline, and neatness.

Hairdressing is a business where there is a rule: “The image of the institution will depend on how each employee treats the people with whom he deals. When starting to communicate with new people, an observant hairdresser with well-developed intuition can guess what impression he has on the client.

The vast majority of people, after their first acquaintance, form an image based on its appearance. The hairdresser's beautiful and neat clothes emphasize respect for the client. The hairdresser's idea of ​​the client and the client's idea of ​​the hairdresser are formed not only by appearance. An important feature of a psychological portrait is body language, facial expression (facial expressions), expressiveness of movements (pantomime), dynamism and expressiveness of language (intonation, rhythm, voice vibrations), which can be decisive regarding ideas about a person.

The first minute of a meeting between a client and a hairdresser and a hairdresser with a client is decisive in creating a social and psychological portrait; it determines the nature of their further relationships. It is difficult to change such a thought later. Therefore, once a visitor arrives, it is important to make a correct assessment of his personality and intentions regarding the service.

The following factors influence the decision to use a service:

client's mood;

character traits of the client;

the cost of the service and its relevance to fashion;

range of services and materials offered. When helping a client make a decision about services, you can apply the method of concentration (focus the client’s attention on positive aspects models), compensation method (prove the advantages of the model) and demonstration method (use albums or visually display a similar model on another person).

The salon employee must specify the recommendations and justify the cost of the service, the model’s compliance with fashion, its practicality in accordance with the age and character traits of the client. If it is impossible to provide the service in this moment, you can offer another time. Appointing new meeting, you need to clearly agree on the date and time and, when the client arrives, begin work exactly at the appointed time.

A client’s refusal of a service may depend on many reasons, for example, inattentive treatment of him, which causes disappointment and even irritation. If a visitor refuses services, you should not reveal your dissatisfaction so as not to spoil the impressions. The client should be given a chance to come back to you again.

After the service process, when saying goodbye to visitors, it is important to emphasize that the salon will be happy to see him again.

The prestige of beauty salons largely depends on the professional skills and image of the hairdressers and makeup artists working there. For the client, the image of the master is associated with the quality of services.

What does it consist of? professional image?!
There are such important factors as: appearance masters, demeanor, communication skills, craftsmanship.

Correctness and accuracy.
What this includes: punctuality; do not smoke, eat or chew in front of customers; keep the tools clean, the work table tidy (cut hair is removed from the floor, mirrors are clean, there is no debris around the chair and table).
Remove personal items from the table and leave personal problems at home. When communicating with a client, you should avoid hot topics, do not discuss competitors, clients and colleagues. Try to remain calm in all situations. And remember: “The customer is always right”

Appearance of the master.
As for clothing, it should be clean, neat, and suit your figure in color and cut.
Avoid provocative or provocative clothing or accessories. Avoid extremes: your clothes should be neither too extravagant nor homey.
Shoes should be clean and comfortable.
Don't wear too much jewelry, rings, bracelets...
Makeup should be modest and tasteful. Hairstyle (styling) should be modern and neat. Hands are clean, with a neat manicure. For clients, your haircut or hairstyle (makeup) is an example of what you can do with their own hair or face. Don't wear heavy or strong scents.

Master's hygiene.
Take a shower every day and keep your hair clean and well-groomed. Use antiperspirants or deodorants. You should always look fresh and cheerful. Make sure your hands are clean and your nails are well-groomed and trimmed. Remember to brush your teeth regularly and rinse your mouth after eating.

Communication with the client.
Communication is the main and important means for establishing a trusting relationship between a master and a client. By developing this skill, the hairdresser (makeup artist) begins to better understand the client's wishes and how to satisfy them.

- negative or critical remarks towards the client. They will limit the conversation and cause dissatisfaction and discomfort.
- force a conversation, as this may confuse the client.
- interrupting the client - this will lead to his irritation and the end of the conversation.
- to rush - this will cause anxiety and alienation in the client.
- persistently examine the client’s appearance - this can cause aggression or depression.