Svetlana Parkhomenko
Didactic games for older preschoolers

Didactic games for older preschoolers

Didactic game“I am the question, you are the answer”

Target. Development of logical thinking, formation of the principles of ecological culture, expansion of children's horizons senior preschool age , instilling in them a readiness to create and protect all living things.

Progress of the game.

1. How is a frog different from a toad? (The frog is a diurnal animal, and the toad is nocturnal)

2. Which bird barks? (Male partridge)

3. Does a mosquito have teeth? (22 pieces)

4. Who has ears on their feet? (At the grasshopper)

5. Who drinks with their feet? (Frog)

6. Why can't polar bears live in the forest? (They eat fish)

7. How is a hedgehog similar to a bear? (sleeps in winter)

8. How many wings does a beetle have? (Two pairs)

9. Whose tongue is longer than the body? (At the chameleon)

10. Why do fish cough? (Cleans the gills from silt)

Didactic game"Riddles - answers"

Target. Development of cognitive interest, creative thinking, fostering a humane attitude towards surrounding nature at older preschoolers.

Progress of the game.

1. The peas ran along the path,

Sprinkled a little on the bush,

The path immediately became a furnace,

And the bush was soaked through.


2. In the forest - running,

Rushing down the mountain,

In the thick grass - he crawls in a hurry,

And all, to the bottom,

Glowing from the sun


3. Worth the sun

Hide in the clouds

And the rain will drizzle,

How in a hurry he is to reveal himself completely

And close us with yourself!


4. Under the pine tree,

Beautiful to look at

In a fashionable red hat,

The good fellow is standing -

No good.

Because his people

He doesn’t even take him into his house.


5. The belt stretched out,

Through the field and forest,

Don't take it with your hands,

Don't roll it up into a ball.


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Tatyana Zakharova
Didactic games for older preschool children


The mental education of a child, as A. N. Leontyev rightly emphasized, cannot be considered in isolation from mental development, from the wealth of interests, feelings of other features that form his spiritual appearance.

Concept preschool upbringing orient teachers toward the humanization of the educational process in kindergarten through “... the implementation of specific age mental development opportunities preschoolers... in age-appropriate activities...", as well as the search for effective methods to improve quality preschool education , for the purpose of quality training children to school.

Each period of a child’s life and development is characterized by a certain leading type of activity. In domestic psychology, leading activity is understood as one in the process of which qualitative changes occur in the psyche children, basic mental processes and personality traits are formed and developed.

Thus, during infancy (up to 1 year, the leading type of activity is direct emotional communication; in early childhood (from 1 year to 3 years)– subject activity; V preschool(from 3-6.7 years)– gaming.

Essence games as a leading type of activity is that children reflect in it various aspects of life, features of relationships between adults, and clarify their knowledge about the surrounding reality. Play is, in a way, a means for a child to learn about reality.

That is why psychologists and practicing teachers have developed the principles, content and methods of mental education children, allowing to increase the learning effect of education, which is essentially didactic game.

1. Main functions didactic game

Didactic the game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is also a gaming method of teaching preschool children, and a form of education, and independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child’s personality.

Didactic the game as a gaming method of teaching is considered in two types: games – activities and didactic or autodidactic games. In the first case, the leading role belongs to the teacher, who, in order to improve children interest in the activity, uses a variety of gaming techniques, creates a game situation, introduces elements of competition, etc. Using a variety of components play activity combined with questions, instructions, explanations, demonstration.

With the help of games and activities, the teacher not only conveys certain knowledge, forms ideas, but also teaches children play. Basis for games children formulated ideas about the construction of a game plot, about various game actions with objects. It is important that conditions are then created for the transfer of this knowledge and ideas into independent, creative games.

Didactic the game is used in teaching children math, native language, familiarization with nature and the surrounding world, in the development of sensory culture.

Didactic game as a form of learning children contains two beginnings: educational (cognitive) and gaming (entertaining). The teacher is both a teacher and a participant games. He teaches and plays, and children, while playing, learn. If the lessons expand and deepen knowledge about the world around us, then didactic game(games - activities, actually didactic games) Children are offered tasks in the form of riddles, sentences, and questions.

Didactic play as an independent play activity is based on awareness of this process. Independent play activity is carried out only if children show interest in the game, its rules and actions, if they have mastered its rules. How long can a child be interested in a game if its rules and content are well known to him? Children like games people who know them well enjoy playing them. This can be confirmed by folk games, whose rules for children known: “Colors”, “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did”, “On the contrary”, etc. Each such game contains an interest in game actions. For example, in the game "Paints" you need to choose a color. Children usually choose fabulous and favorite colors: gold, silver. Having chosen a color, the child approaches the driver and whispers the name of the paint in his ear. “Jump along the path on one leg,” says the driver to the one who named the paint, which is not among the players. There are so many interesting things here children play action! That's why children always play like this games.

Independent play activities do not exclude control by an adult. Adult participation is indirect character: for example, the teacher, like all participants games"lotto", receives a card and tries complete the task on time, rejoices if he wins, i.e. is an equal participant games. Children can play independently didactic games like in class, and outside of them.

Didactic games, are discussed in preschool pedagogy as a teaching method children plot-role-playing games: the ability to take on a certain role, follow the rules games, expand its plot.

Didactic games have great importance to enrich creative play older children. Such games, like “Smart Machines”, “Dairy Farm”, “Who Needs What for Work”, cannot leave the children indifferent, they have a desire to play builders, grain growers, milkmaids.

Didactic The game also acts as a means of comprehensive education of the child’s personality.

Mental education. Content didactic games form in children correct attitude to the phenomena of social life, nature, objects of the surrounding world, systematizes and deepens knowledge about the Motherland, army, profession, labor activity.

Children are given knowledge about the life around them according to a certain system. Yes, familiarization children it's hard to get through this sequences: children First, they are introduced to the content of a certain type of labor, then to machines that help people in their work, making work easier, to the stage of production when creating necessary items and products, after which the meaning of any type of labor is revealed to children.

By using didactic The teacher teaches games children think independently, use the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task.

Didactic games develop sensory abilities children. The processes of sensation and perception underlie a child’s cognition environment. Familiarization preschoolers with color, shape, size of the object made it possible to create a system didactic games and exercises for sensory education aimed at improving the child’s perception characteristic features items.

Didactic games develop children's speech: the vocabulary is replenished and activated, correct sound pronunciation is formed, coherent speech develops, and the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts. Some games require children active use of generic, specific concepts, for example, “Name in one word” or “Name three objects.” Finding antonyms, synonyms, and words that sound similar is the main task of many word games.

During games, the development of thinking and speech is carried out in an inextricable connection. In the game "Guess What We're Up to" you need to be able to pose questions to which children answer with only two words "yes" or "no".

Moral education. U preschoolers a moral understanding of careful attitude to surrounding objects, toys as products of adult labor, about norms of behavior, about relationships with peers and adults, about positive and negative personality traits. In the education of the moral qualities of a child’s personality, a special role belongs to the content and rules games. Working with younger children age main content didactic games is the acquisition of cultural and hygienic skills by children.

Usage didactic games in working with children more older solves slightly different problems - the education of moral feelings and relationships.

Labor education. Many didactic games form in children respect for the working person, arouse interest in the work of adults, and the desire to work themselves. For example, in the game “Who built this house,” children learn that before building a house, architects work on a drawing, etc.

Children acquire some labor skills by making materials for didactic games.

Aesthetic education. Didactic the material must comply with hygienic and aesthetic standards requirements: toys must be painted bright colors, artistically designed. Such toys attract attention and make you want to play with them.

Physical education. The game creates a positive emotional uplift, causes good health, and at the same time requires a certain tension nervous system. Particularly important games with educational toys, where the small muscles of the hands develop and strengthen, and this affects mental development, preparing the hand for writing, visual arts, i.e. to schooling.

2. Main types of games

All didactic games can be divided into three main type: games with objects(toys, natural material, desktop-printed and verbal games.

Games with objects

In games with objects, toys and real objects are used; by playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects and their signs: color, size, shape, quality. In games they solve problems of comparison, classification, establishing sequence in solving problems. As children acquire new knowledge about the subject environment, tasks in games become more complicated: children practice identifying an object by any one quality, combining objects according to this characteristic (color, shape, quality, purpose, etc., which is very important for the development of abstract, logical thinking.

IN older the group uses such objects in which the difference between them becomes noticeable. In games with objects, children perform tasks that require conscious memorization of the number and location of objects, and finding the corresponding object. While playing, children acquire the ability to put together a whole from parts, string objects (balls, beads, lay out patterns from various shapes.

IN didactic games widely use a variety of toys. They clearly express color, shape, purpose, size, and the material from which they are made. This allows you to exercise children in solving certain didactic tasks, for example, select all toys made of wood (metal, plastic, ceramics, or toys needed for various creative games: For family games, builders, etc. Using didactic games With similar content, the teacher manages to arouse interest in independent play and suggest to them the idea of ​​games with the help of selected toys.

Games with natural material (plant seeds, leaves, various flowers, pebbles, shells) The teacher uses when carrying out such didactic games, like “Whose children are these?”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Collect a bouquet from autumn leaves", etc. The teacher organizes them during a walk, directly in contact with nature. In such games, knowledge is consolidated children about their natural environment are formed thought processes (analysis, synthesis, classification) and a love for nature and a caring attitude toward it are fostered.

Games with objects include plot-based didactic games and dramatization games. In the plot- didactic In the game, children play certain roles: seller, buyer in games like “Shop”, bakers in games “Bakery”, etc. Games- dramatizations help clarify ideas about various everyday situations, literary works"Journey to the land of fairy tales", about norms of behavior "What is good and what is bad?"

Desktop-printed games

Desktop-printed gamesinteresting activity For children. They are varied in species: paired pictures, lotto, dominoes. The developmental tasks that are solved when using them are also different.

Selection of pictures in pairs. The simplest task in such a game is to find completely different pictures among them. identical: two hats, identical in color, style, etc. Then the task becomes more complicated: the child combines pictures not only by external signs, but also by sense: find two planes among all the pictures. The planes shown in the picture may be different in shape and color, but they are united by belonging to the same type of object, making them similar.

Selection of pictures by common feature. Some generalization is required here, establishing connections between objects. For example, in the game “What grows in the garden (forest, city?”), children select pictures with corresponding images of plants, correlate them with the place where they grow, and combine the pictures according to one feature. Or the game “What happened then?”: children select illustrations for some or a fairy tale, taking into account the sequence of the plot.

Memorizing the composition, quantity and location of pictures. For example, in the game “Guess which picture was hidden,” children must remember the contents of the pictures, and then determine which of them was turned upside down. This game is aimed at developing memory, memorization and recall. Gaming didactic The objectives of this type of games are also to consolidate children knowledge of quantitative and ordinal counting, the spatial arrangement of pictures on the table, the ability to talk coherently about the changes that have occurred with the pictures, about their content.

Making cut pictures and cubes. The purpose of this type of game is to teach children logical thinking, develop their ability to form a whole object from individual parts. IN seniors In groups, the whole is divided into 8–10 parts. For seniors the picture depicts a plot from familiar fairy tales, works of art familiar to children.

Description, story about the picture showing actions and movements. In such games, the teacher sets educational task: develop not only speech children, but also imagination and creativity. Often a child, in order for the players to guess what is drawn in the picture, resorts to imitation of movements, or imitation of the movements of an animal, its voice. For example, in the game "Guess who it is?" children depict the action depicted in the picture, others guess who is depicted in the picture, what people are doing there, for example, firefighters putting out a fire, sailors sailing on the sea, builders building a house, etc.

In these games such valuable qualities the child’s personality, as the ability to transform, to creative search in creating the necessary image.

Verbal games.

Verbal games built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them. Since these games require the use of previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Children independently solve various mental problems; describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features; guess from the description; find signs of similarities and differences; group objects according to various properties and characteristics.

These didactic games are held in all age groups, but they are especially important in education and training, as they contribute to the preparation children to school: develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, quickly find an answer to the question posed, accurately and clearly formulate your thoughts, apply knowledge in accordance with the task.

For ease of use of word games in the pedagogical process, they can be conditionally divided into four groups.

The first of them includes games, with the help of which they develop the ability to identify essential features of objects, phenomena: “Guess it?”, “Shop”, “Yes - No”, etc. The second group consists of games, used for the development of children's ability to compare, compare, do the right thing inferences: “It’s similar - it’s not similar,” “Who will notice the fables more?” Games, with the help of which the ability to generalize and classify objects according to various criteria is developed, are combined in the third group: “Who needs what?”, “Name three objects”, “Name in one word”, etc. In a special fourth group, highlighted games to develop attention, intelligence, speed of thinking, endurance, feelings humor: “Damaged phone”, “Paints”, “Flies - doesn’t fly”, etc.

3. Structure didactic game

Required structural elements didactic games are: teaching and educational task, game actions and rules.

Didactic task

Defining didactic task, we must, first of all, keep in mind what knowledge, ideas children about nature, about surrounding objects, about social phenomena) should be learned and reinforced by children, what mental operations should be developed in connection with this, what personality qualities in this regard can be formed by means of this games(honesty, modesty, observation, perseverance, etc.).

For example, in the well-known game "Toy Store" didactic the problem can be formulated So: "Consolidate knowledge children about toys, their properties, purpose; develop coherent speech, the ability to identify essential features of objects; cultivate observation, politeness, activity." Such didactic the task will help the teacher organize game: choose toys that are different in purpose, material, appearance; give a sample description of the toy, polite address to the seller, etc.

In each didactic The game has its own educational task, which distinguishes one game from another. As a rule, these tasks are solved in every game, but in some games you need to pay more attention to the development of memory, in others - thinking, in others - attention. The teacher must know in advance and determine accordingly didactic task. So the game "What has changed?" use for memory exercises, "Toy Store" - for the development of thinking, "Guess what you're up to" - observation, attention.

Game rules

Compliance with the rules of the game requires children certain efforts of will, the ability to deal with peers, and overcome negative emotions that appear due to a negative result. It is important to define the rules games, put children in such conditions, in which they would receive joy from completing the task.

Using didactic educational game educational process, through its rules and actions children correctness, goodwill, and restraint are formed.

Game actions

Didactic The game differs from game exercises in that the implementation of game rules in it is directed and controlled by game actions. For example, in the game “Does it happen or not?” rules games required: notice in the poem "Is it true or not?" L. Stancheva:

Warm spring now

The grapes are ripe here.

Horned horse in the meadow

In summer he jumps in the snow.

Late autumn bear

Loves to sit in the river.

And wash among the branches

Ha-ha-ga the nightingale sang.

Quickly give me the answer -

Is this true or not?

The game is played so often that the children take turns, raising their hands, calling out all the fables they notice. But to make the game more interesting and all the children to be active, the teacher introduces a game action; the one who noticed the fable while reading the poem puts a chip in front of him. There are six fables in this poem. This means the winner will have six chips. He will receive a prize.

The development of play actions depends on the teacher’s imagination. Sometimes children, preparing for the game, contribute their offers: “Let’s hide it, and someone will look for it!”, “Let me choose the driver with a counting rhyme!”

"Recognize the elements of the pattern."

Didactic task. To clarify and consolidate ideas about the main elements of any painting, to learn to isolate individual elements of a pattern, to develop observation, attention, memory and speed of reaction, to arouse interest in painting.

Material. Large cards, decorated with some kind of painting, in the lower part, of which there are three or four free windows. Small cards with separate elements patterns, including painting options that differ in color and details.

Game rules. Determine which of the proposed cards depicting elements of the painting fit the elements of the pattern of the main card.

Move games. Having received a large card and several small ones, having carefully examined them, the players select those elements that are found in the pattern and place them in empty windows. The leader monitors the correct completion of the task.

Options. The players are given large cards, the host is given small cards. He shows the cards one at a time. Which player has such an element in the pattern on big map, takes it for himself. The one wins who will collect all the elements of his pattern faster.

Players are given large cards, small cards are given to the leader. To get the right card, the player must describe it, For example: "I need a card on a red background with a black currant on it." If he completed the task accurately and correctly, the presenter gives him a card. If he makes a mistake in the description, he skips a move.

Before the beginning games The teacher makes a set of three to four cards, the elements of which correspond to the pattern of one of the products. Large cards are shuffled. Their task: match the existing set of elements with a card with the product. The one wins who completed the task.


The attention of scientists and practitioners is drawn to gaming activities. Research by domestic psychologists (Leontyeva A. N., Elkonina D. B.) showed that child development occurs in all types of activities, but, above all, in play. Essence games as a leading type of activity is that children reflect in it various aspects of life, features of relationships between adults, and clarify their knowledge about the surrounding reality. Elkonin DB emphasized that play is a complex psychological phenomenon that gives the effect of general mental development.

In turn, the methodological and theoretical foundations didactic game, its role, place in the system of pedagogical influence are considered famous teachers past and present. Over the problem of use didactic game Tikheeva E.I., Leontiev A.N., Elkonin D.B., Krupskaya N.K., Wenger L.A., Boguslavskaya Z.M., Dyachenko O.M., Veraksa N. worked as a means of forming and developing cognitive activity E., Smirnova E. O., Bondarenko A. K., Mikhalenko-Korotkova N. S., etc. Each of these representatives of science made an invaluable contribution to issues of theory and practice didactic game, each of them recommended its use to achieve different goals, to solve different didactic tasks, but views on the essence didactic game remain the same and its clear influence on the development of the child’s personality is indicated - preschooler, generally.

This work discusses the use didactic game as a way to guide cognitive activity children of senior preschool age for this purpose, an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature was carried out, content was selected didactic games for the purpose of building a system of work on the application didactic games as a way to guide cognitive development preschooler.

List of used literature

1. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. A manual for kindergarten teachers. – M., 2010- p. 154

2. Wenger L. A. Program "Development"/ Guidelines for educators. M., ed. from 2011 – 230s.

3. Wenger L. A., O. M. Dyachenko. Games and exercises to develop mental abilities in preschool children. M., edition from 2012. - With. 110

4. Childhood: Development and education program children in kindergarten /B. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva, Academy. 2010.- 362 p.

5. Kalichenko A.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V. Development of gaming activities preschoolers. ,2009- p. 221

6. Loginova V. I., Samorukova P. G. Preschool pedagogy. Ch. 1 : Infra, 2008 – p. 235

7. Maksakova A. I. Teach children playing: Games and exercises with sounding words. Manual for kindergarten teachers garden: INFRA, 2011 – p. 115

8. Education and training program in kindergarten / Vasilyeva M. A, Ed.: Academ plus - 287s

9. Sorokina A.I., Baturina E.G. Games with rules in children's garden: collection didactic and outdoor games. Bustard 2008.- p. 263

10. Udaltsova A. I. Didactic games. Manual for part-time students preschool faculties of the Pedagogical Institute / A. I. Udaltsova, Eksmo 2012 – p. 458

11. Uruntaeva G. A., Afonkina Yu. A Workshop on preschool psychology / G. A. Uruntaeva, Yu. A. Afonkina, Ed.: Dictionary 2011, p. 140

Consultation for teachers

Target: To systematize and deepen teachers’ knowledge on the topic “Didactic games for preschool children.”

Basic functions of a didactic game.

A didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of education, an independent gaming activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child’s personality.

Didactic game as a gaming method of teaching is considered in two types: games - activities and didactic or autodidactic games. In the first case, the leading role belongs to the teacher, who, to increase children’s interest in the activity, uses a variety of gaming techniques, creates a gaming situation, introduces elements of competition, etc. The use of various components of gaming activity is combined with questions, instructions, explanations, and demonstration.

With the help of games and activities, the teacher not only conveys certain knowledge, forms ideas, but also teaches children to play. The basis for children’s games are formulated ideas about the construction of a game plot, about various play actions with objects. It is important that conditions are then created for the transfer of this knowledge and ideas into independent, creative games.

The didactic game is used in teaching children mathematics, their native language, familiarization with nature and the surrounding world, and in the development of sensory culture.

Didactic game as a form of teaching children contains two principles: educational (cognitive) and gaming (entertaining). The teacher is both a teacher and a participant in the game. He teaches and plays, and children, while playing, learn. If the lessons expand and deepen knowledge about the world around them, then in the didactic game (games - activities, actually didactic games) children are offered tasks in the form of riddles, suggestions, questions.

Didactic game as an independent gaming activity based on awareness of this process. Independent play activity is carried out only if children show interest in the game, its rules and actions, if they have mastered its rules. How long can a child be interested in a game if its rules and content are well known to him? Children love games that are familiar to them and enjoy playing them. This can be confirmed by folk games, the rules of which are known to children: “Colors”, “We won’t tell you where we were, but we will show you what we did”, “On the contrary”, etc. Each such game contains interest in game actions. For example, in the game "Paints" you need to choose a color. Children usually choose fabulous and favorite colors: gold, silver. Having chosen a color, the child approaches the driver and whispers the name of the paint in his ear. “Jump along the path on one leg,” says the driver to the one who named the paint, which is not among the players. There are so many interesting play activities for children here! That's why children always play such games.

The teacher takes care of complicating the games and expanding their variability. If children's interest in the game wanes (and this is more true for board and printed games), it is necessary to come up with more complex rules together with them.

Independent play activities do not exclude control by an adult. The participation of an adult is indirect: for example, the teacher, like all participants in the lotto game, receives a card and tries to complete the task on time, rejoices if he wins, that is, he is an equal participant in the game. Children can play educational games on their own both in and outside of class.

Didactic games, especially in younger age groups, are considered in preschool pedagogy as a method of teaching children plot-based role-playing games: the ability to take on a certain role, follow the rules of the game, and develop its plot. For example, in the didactic game “Put the doll to sleep,” the teacher teaches children of the younger group the sequence of actions in the process of undressing the doll - carefully folding clothes on standing chair, treat the doll with care, put it to sleep, sing lullabies. According to the rules of the game, children must select from the lying objects only those that are needed for sleep. There are several such games in younger groups: “Katya’s doll’s birthday”, “Let’s dress Katya for a walk”, “Katya is having lunch”, “Katya’s bathing”. Games with dolls are effective method teaching children independent creative role-playing games.

Didactic games are of great importance for enriching imaginative play for older children. Games such as “Smart Machines”, “Dairy Farm”, “Who Needs What for Work” cannot leave children indifferent; they have a desire to play builders, grain growers, and milkmaids.

The didactic game also acts as a means of comprehensive education of the child’s personality.

Mental education. The content of didactic games forms in children the correct attitude to the phenomena of social life, nature, objects of the surrounding world, systematizes and deepens knowledge about the Motherland, the army, profession, and work activity.

Children are given knowledge about the life around them according to a certain system. Thus, familiarizing children with difficulty takes place in the following sequence: children are first introduced to the content of a certain type of labor, then to machines that help people in their work, making work easier, to the production stage when creating necessary objects, products, and then the meaning of any type of work.

With the help of didactic games, the teacher teaches children to think independently and use the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task.

Didactic games develop children's sensory abilities. The processes of sensation and perception underlie a child’s cognition of the environment. Familiarizing preschoolers with the color, shape, and size of an object made it possible to create a system of didactic games and sensory education exercises aimed at improving the child’s perception of the characteristic features of objects.

Didactic games develop children’s speech: the vocabulary is replenished and activated, correct sound pronunciation is formed, coherent speech develops, and the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts. Some games require children to actively use generic and specific concepts, for example, “Name in one word” or “Name three objects.” Finding antonyms, synonyms, and words that sound similar is the main task of many word games.

During games, the development of thinking and speech is carried out in an inextricable connection. In the game "Guess What We're Up to" you need to be able to pose questions to which children answer with only two words "yes" or "no".

Moral education. Preschoolers develop a moral understanding of caring for surrounding objects, toys as products of adult labor, norms of behavior, relationships with peers and adults, positive and negative personality traits. In nurturing the moral qualities of a child’s personality, a special role belongs to the content and rules of the game. Working with children younger age The main content of didactic games is the acquisition of cultural and hygienic skills by children.

The use of didactic games in working with older children solves slightly different problems - the education of moral feelings and relationships.

Labor education. Many didactic games develop in children respect for working people, arouse interest in the work of adults, and a desire to work themselves. For example, in the game “Who Built This House,” children learn that before building a house, architects work on a drawing, etc.

Children acquire some labor skills in the production of material for didactic games.

Aesthetic education. Didactic material must meet hygienic and aesthetic requirements: toys must be painted with bright colors and artistically designed. Such toys attract attention and make you want to play with them.

Physical education. The game creates a positive emotional uplift, causes good health, and at the same time requires a certain tension in the nervous system. Games with didactic toys are especially important, where the small muscles of the hands develop and strengthen, and this affects mental development, preparing the hand for writing, for visual activity, i.e. to schooling.

Main types of games.

All didactic games can be divided into three main types: games with objects (toys, natural materials), board-printed and word games.

Games with objects.

Playing with objects uses toys and real objects. By playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality. In games they solve problems of comparison, classification, establishing sequence in solving problems. As children master new knowledge about the subject environment, the tasks in the games become more complicated: the children practice identifying an object by any one quality, combine objects according to this characteristic (color, shape, quality, purpose, etc.), which is very important for the development of abstract , logical thinking.

Children of the younger group are given objects that differ sharply from each other in properties, since kids cannot yet detect subtle differences between objects.

IN middle group use items in which the difference between them becomes less noticeable. In games with objects, children perform tasks that require conscious memorization of the number and location of objects, and finding the corresponding object. While playing, children acquire the ability to put together a whole from parts, string objects (balls, beads), and lay out patterns from various shapes.

A variety of toys are widely used in educational games. They clearly express color, shape, purpose, size, and the material from which they are made. This allows children to be trained in solving certain didactic tasks, for example, selecting all the toys made of wood (metal, plastic, ceramics), or toys necessary for various creative games: for playing family, builders, etc. Using didactic games with similar content , the teacher manages to arouse interest in independent play, suggest to them the idea of ​​games with the help of selected toys.

The teacher uses games with natural materials (plant seeds, leaves, various flowers, pebbles, shells) when conducting such didactic games as “Whose children are these?”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Collect a bouquet of autumn leaves,” and etc. The teacher organizes them during a walk, directly in contact with nature. In such games, children’s knowledge about the natural environment around them is consolidated, mental processes are formed (analysis, synthesis, classification) and a love for nature and a caring attitude toward it are fostered.

Games with objects include plot-didactic games and dramatization games. In the plot-didactic game, children play certain roles, a seller, a buyer in games like “Shop”, bakers in games “Bakery”, etc. Dramatization games help clarify ideas about various everyday situations, literary works “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”, about norms of behavior “What is good and what is bad?”

Board-printed games.

Printed board games are a fun activity for children. They are varied in type: paired pictures, lotto, dominoes. The developmental tasks that are solved when using them are also different.

Selection of pictures in pairs. The simplest task in such a game is to find exactly the same ones among different pictures: two hats, identical in color, style, etc. Then the task becomes more complicated: the child combines the pictures not only by external features, but also by meaning: find two airplanes among all the pictures. The planes shown in the picture may be different in shape and color, but they are united by belonging to the same type of object, making them similar.

Selection of pictures based on common characteristics. Some generalization is required here, establishing connections between objects. For example, in the game “What grows in the garden (forest, city)?” Children select pictures with corresponding images of plants, correlate them with their place of growth, and combine the pictures according to one feature. Or the game “What Happened Then?”: children select illustrations for a fairy tale, taking into account the sequence of the plot.

Memorizing the composition, quantity and location of pictures. For example, in the game “Guess which picture was hidden,” children must remember the contents of the pictures, and then determine which of them was turned upside down. This game is aimed at developing memory, memorization and recall. The gaming didactic tasks of this type of games are also to consolidate children’s knowledge of quantitative and ordinal counting, the spatial arrangement of pictures on the table, and the ability to talk coherently about the changes that have occurred with the pictures and their content.

Making cut pictures and cubes. The purpose of this type of games is to teach children logical thinking, to develop their ability to form a whole object from individual parts. In younger groups, pictures are cut into 2-4 parts, then in middle and older groups the whole is divided into 8-10 parts. At the same time, to play younger group the picture depicts one object: a toy, a plant, items of clothing, etc. For older children, the picture depicts a plot from familiar fairy tales, works of art familiar to children.

For the curious. The birthplace of puzzles is England, born in 1763. The author is the English engraver D. Spilsbary, who made it from mahogany geographical map, cut along the borders of countries. The map was used as didactic manual At school. In the second half of the 19th century, puzzles appeared in Europe and America. They are starting to be made from cardboard. A revolutionary discovery was the invention of a special puzzle technique, namely, individual elements were fastened together and made up a compact pattern, which is how puzzles differ from mosaics.

Description, story about the picture showing actions, movements. In such games, the teacher sets a learning task: to develop not only children’s speech, but also imagination and creativity. Often a child, in order for the players to guess what is drawn in the picture, resorts to imitation of movements, or imitation of the movements of an animal, its voice. For example, in a game (“Guess who it is?” the child, who took the card from the driver, carefully examines it, then imitates the sound and movements (cats, rooster, etc.) This task is given to children in the younger group.

In older groups, more complex problems are solved: some children depict the action depicted in the picture, others guess who is depicted in the picture, what people are doing there, for example, firefighters putting out a fire, sailors sailing on the sea, builders building a house, etc.

In these games, such valuable qualities of a child’s personality are formed as the ability to transform, to creatively search for the creation of the necessary image.

Word games.

Word games are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them. Since these games require the use of previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Children independently solve various mental problems; describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features; guess from the description; find signs of similarities and differences; group objects according to various properties and characteristics. These didactic games are carried out in all age groups, but they are especially important in the upbringing and teaching of children of senior preschool age, as they help prepare children for school: they develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, quickly find an answer to the question posed, accurately and clearly formulate their thoughts, apply knowledge in accordance with the task.

For ease of use of word games in the pedagogical process, they can be conditionally divided into four groups.

The first of them includes games with the help of which they develop the ability to identify the essential features of objects and phenomena: “Guess it?”, “Shop”, “Yes - No”, etc. The second group consists of games used to develop children’s ability to compare , compare, make the right conclusions: “Similar - not similar”, “Who will notice fables more?” Games, with the help of which the ability to generalize and classify objects according to various criteria are developed, are combined in the third group: “Who needs what?”, “Name three objects”, “Name in one word”, etc. In a special fourth group, games based on development of attention, intelligence, quick thinking, endurance, sense of humor: “Broken phone”, “Paints”, “Flies - does not fly”, etc.

The structure of the didactic game.

The required structural elements of a didactic game are: a teaching and educational task, game actions and rules.

Didactic task.

To select a didactic game, it is necessary to know the level of preparedness of students, since in games they must operate with existing knowledge and ideas.

When defining a didactic task, it is necessary, first of all, to keep in mind what knowledge and ideas of children about nature, about surrounding objects, about social phenomena) should be acquired and consolidated by children, what mental operations should be developed in connection with this, what personality qualities in connection this can be shaped by the means of this game (honesty, modesty, observation, perseverance, etc.).

For example, in the well-known game “Toy Store” the didactic task can be formulated as follows: “To consolidate children’s knowledge about toys, their properties, purpose; to develop coherent speech, the ability to determine the essential characteristics of objects; to cultivate observation, politeness, and activity.” Such a didactic task will help the teacher organize the game: select toys that are different in purpose, material, appearance; give a sample description of the toy, polite address to the seller, etc.

Each didactic game has its own learning task, which distinguishes one game from another. When defining a didactic task, one should avoid repetition in its content and cliched phrases (“to develop attention, thinking, memory, etc.). As a rule, these tasks are solved in each game, but in some games more attention must be paid to the development of memory, in others - thinking, thirdly - attention. The teacher must know in advance and accordingly determine the didactic task. So, use the game “What has changed?” for exercises in memorization, “Toy Store” - for the development of thinking, “Guess what you are up to” - observation, attention.

Game rules.

The main purpose of the rules of the game is to organize the actions and behavior of children. Rules can allow, prohibit, prescribe something for children in the game, making the game entertaining and tense.

Compliance with the rules of the game requires children to have a certain amount of willpower, the ability to deal with peers, and to overcome negative emotions that appear due to a negative result. It is important, when determining the rules of the game, to place children in conditions under which they would receive joy from completing the task.

Using a didactic game in the educational process, through its rules and actions, children develop correctness, goodwill, and self-control.

Game actions.

A didactic game differs from game exercises in that the implementation of game rules in it is directed and controlled by game actions. For example, in the game “Does it happen or not?” the rules of the game require: notice in the poem “Is this true or not?” L. Stancheva all fables:

Warm spring now
The grapes are ripe here.
Horned horse in the meadow
In summer he jumps in the snow.
Late autumn bear
Loves to sit in the river.
And wash among the branches
Ha-ha-ga the nightingale sang.
Quickly give me the answer -
Is this true or not?

The game is played so often that the children take turns, raising their hands, calling out all the fables they notice. But to make the game more interesting and all the children to be active, the teacher introduces a game action; the one who noticed the fable while reading the poem puts a chip in front of him. There are six fables in this poem. This means the winner will have six chips. They will receive a prize.

The development of play actions depends on the teacher’s imagination. Sometimes children, preparing for the game, make their own suggestions: “Let’s hide it, and someone will look for it!”, “Let me choose the driver with a counting rhyme!”

"Recognize the elements of the pattern."

Didactic task. To clarify and consolidate ideas about the main elements of any painting, to learn to isolate individual elements of a pattern, to develop observation, attention, memory and speed of reaction, to arouse interest in painting.

Material. Large cards, decorated with some kind of painting, at the bottom of which there are three or four free windows. Small cards with individual elements of the pattern, including various paintings that differ in color and detail.

Game rules. Determine which of the proposed cards depicting elements of the painting fit the elements of the pattern of the main card.

Progress of the game. Having received a large card and several small ones, having carefully examined them, the players select those elements that are found in the pattern and place them in empty windows. The leader monitors the correct completion of the task.

Options. The players are given large cards, the host is given small cards. He shows the cards one at a time. Whichever player has such an element in the pattern on the large card takes it for himself. The winner is the one who collects all the elements of his pattern faster.

Players are given large cards, small cards are given to the leader. To get the right card, the player must describe it, for example: “I need a card on a red background with a black currant on it.” If he completed the task accurately and correctly, the presenter gives him a card. If he makes mistakes in the description, he skips a turn.

Before the game starts, the teacher makes a set of three to four cards, the elements of which correspond to the pattern of one of the products. Large cards are shuffled. Players receive one or two devices. Their task is to match the existing set of elements with a card with the product. The one who completes the task wins.

"Didactic games for preschool children"


Didactic task. To consolidate ideas about the main elements of any painting, to teach them to distinguish and compare them with each other, to name them correctly, using names invented by masters of the craft, to develop observation, attention, speed of reaction, and to arouse interest in painting.

Material. Rectangular cards divided into two parts. Each of them depicts a pattern element.; The options differ in color and details.

Game instillations. Players place cards so that the image of an element exactly matches the same image of another card. The first one to lay out all his cards wins.

Progress of the game. Two or more children can take part. All cards are laid out in the center of the table with the pictures down - this is the “bazaar”. Each player collects a certain number of cards, which is agreed upon before the start of the game. The one who has the doublet card makes the first move. The next player finds a card with the same element and places it next to the first one. If the player does not have what he needs, he uses the “bazaar”. If the “bazaar” is empty, he skips a turn. The winner is the one who gets rid of the cards first.

Option. The player makes a move and names the element of the painting. If the name is incorrect, the move is skipped.


Didactic task. Same as in Domino

Materials. Large cards depicting objects decorated with some kind of painting. Along the edges of the cards there are up to six cells depicting elements of bottom painting. Cards with variants of pattern elements, differing in color and details.

Game rules. Players select cards according to the pattern on the large cards. They carefully monitor the progress of the game, not missing elements on their map.

Progress of the game. Two or more children can take part. The presenter distributes one large card to everyone, and mixes the small ones. Then, taking out one card at a time, the presenter asks what kind of element is depicted on it and who needs such a card.

Option. The game can be played in the form of a team competition. In this case, each team is given several cards at once to fill out simultaneously.

"Find a match."

Didactic task. The same as in Domino.

Material. Rectangular cards divided into two cells: one with pattern elements, the other empty. Cards with variants of pattern elements, forming pairs to the drawings on the stripes.

Game rules. Players select cards according to the pattern on the large cards. The first person to match pairs of all the elements on their cards wins.

Progress of the game. Two or more children can take part. The presenter gives everyone the same number of double cards, the small ones are mixed in the center of the table. At the leader’s command, the players select a pair of elements on their cards.


    After completing the task, the player names all the elements of the painting. If the name is given incorrectly, the card is not counted.

    Players take turns taking cards from the pile. If the card does not fit, the player places it at the bottom of the deck and skips the turn.

    “Trickle” - two teams are made up of the players; one receives double cards, the other receives paired pictures. On command, a player from one group must find a member from another group with the same card to form a pair. In pairs, players approach the teacher, who checks the correctness of the choice. Forms a "stream".

    “Pass it around” - players have three large cards, the small ones are mixed and placed face down on the table. Taking a small card, the player covers an empty cell with it; if the element matches, the pair is found. In addition, he gets the right to take the next card from the deck; if the card does not fit, passes it on, i.e. misses a move.

Lesson No. 1

Subject:"Didactic game in the pedagogical process of kindergarten."

Target: Systematize and deepen teachers’ knowledge about the main functions, types, and structure of didactic games.


    Basic functions of a didactic game.

    Types of didactic games.

    The structure of the didactic game.

Lesson No. 2:

"Methods of organization and management of didactic games."

Target: To improve the knowledge and skills of teachers in the methods of organizing and managing didactic games.


    Pedagogical value of didactic games.

    Methodology for organizing didactic games.

    Guide to didactic games.

“Play must necessarily be present in a children’s group. A children’s group that does not play will not be a children’s group... Imagination develops only in a group that necessarily plays.”

Makarenko A.S.

2. Methodology for organizing didactic games.

The organization of didactic games by the teacher is carried out in three main directions: preparation for conducting the didactic game, its implementation and analysis. (Task for micro groups: write the main components of each stage of the didactic game).

Preparation for conducting a didactic game includes:

    selection of games in accordance with the objectives of education and training: deepening and generalization of knowledge, development of sensory abilities, activation of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech), etc.;

    establishing compliance of the selected game with the program requirements for the education and training of children of a certain age group;

    determining the most convenient time for the didactic game (in the process organized training in classes or in free time from classes and other routine processes);

    choosing a place to play where children can play quietly without disturbing others;

    determining the number of players (the whole group, small subgroups, individually);

    preparing the necessary educational material for the selected game (toys, various objects, pictures...);

    preparing the teacher himself for the game: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game, his place in the game, methods of managing the game;

    preparing children for play: enriching them with knowledge, ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life necessary to solve a game problem.

Conducting didictic games includes:

    familiarizing children with the content of the game, with the material that will be used in the game (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the children’s knowledge and ideas about them are clarified);

    explanation of the course and rules of the game. At the same time, the teacher pays attention to the behavior of the children in accordance with the rules of the game, to the strict implementation of the rules;

    showing game actions, during which the teacher teaches children to perform the action correctly, proving that otherwise the game will not lead to the desired result(for example, if one of the guys is peeking when you should close your eyes);

    determining the role of the teacher in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee. The degree of direct participation of the teacher in the game is determined by the age of the children, their level of preparation, the complexity of the task, the game rules. By participating in the game, the teacher directs the actions of the players (with advice, question, reminder);

    summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment in its management, because Based on the results that children achieve in the game, one can judge its effectiveness and whether it will be used with interest in the children’s independent play activities. When summing up the results, the teacher emphasizes that the path to victory is possible only through overcoming difficulties, attention and discipline.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children if they liked the game and promises that next time they can play a new game, it will also be interesting. Children usually wait for this day. Analysis of the game is aimed at identifying methods of its preparation and conduct: which methods were effective in achieving the goal, what did not work and why. This will help improve both the preparation and the process of conducting the game, and subsequently avoid mistakes. In addition, the analysis will help identify individual characteristics in the behavior and character of children and, therefore, correctly organize individual work with them. Self-critical analysis of the use of the game in accordance with the goal helps to vary the game and enrich it with new material in subsequent work.

3.Management of didactic games.

Successful management of educational games primarily involves selecting and thinking through their program content, clearly defining tasks, determining their place and role in the holistic educational process, and interacting with other games and forms of education. It should be aimed at developing and encouraging cognitive activity, independence and children's initiatives, their use different ways solving game problems should ensure friendly relations between participants and a willingness to help comrades.

In the process of playing with toys, objects, materials, small children should be able to knock, rearrange, move them, disassemble them into their component parts (collapsible toys), put them back together, etc. But since they can repeat the same actions many times, the teacher It is necessary to gradually transfer children's play to a higher level.

For example, the didactic task “teach children to distinguish rings by size” is implemented through the game task “assemble the turret correctly.” Children have a desire to learn how to do it correctly. Showing a method of action simultaneously contains the development of a game action and a new game rule. Choosing ring after ring and putting it on the rod, the teacher gives a visual example of a game action. He runs his hand over the put-on rings and draws the children’s attention to the fact that the turret becomes beautiful, even, and that it is assembled correctly. Thus, the teacher clearly shows a new game action - check that the turret is assembled correctly - invites children to do it themselves.

Developing interest in didactic games, formation Play activity in older children (4-6 years old) is achieved by the fact that the teacher sets increasingly more complex tasks for them and is not in a hurry to suggest play actions. The play activity of preschoolers becomes more conscious, it is more aimed at achieving a result, and not at process. But even for older preschoolers, the management of the game should be such that the children maintain an appropriate emotional mood, ease, so that they experience the joy of participating in it and a sense of satisfaction from solving the assigned tasks.

The teacher outlines a sequence of games that become more complex in content, tasks, game actions and rules. Individual isolated games can be very interesting, but using them outside the system, it is impossible to achieve a general educational and developmental result. Therefore, the interaction of learning in the classroom and in the didactic game should be clearly defined.

For children early age did. game is the most suitable form of education. However, already in the second, and especially in the third year of life, children are attracted to many objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, intensive assimilation of their native language occurs. Satisfying the cognitive interests of children of the third year of life, the development of their speech requires a combination of did games with targeted training in the classroom, carried out in accordance with a specific program of knowledge, skills, abilities. In the classroom, methods of learning are also formed more successfully than in the game: voluntary attention, the ability to observe, look and see, listen and hear the instructions of the teacher and carry them out.

It should be taken into account that in did. the game requires the right combination of clarity, the words of the teacher and the actions of the children themselves with toys, play aids, objects, etc. Visualization includes: 1) objects with which children play and which form the material center of the game; 2) pictures depicting objects and actions with them, clearly highlighting the purpose, main characteristics of objects, properties of materials; 3) visual display, explanation in words of game actions and compliance with game rules.

Special did types have been created. games: with paired pictures, such as picture lotto, dominoes with thematic series of pictures, etc. Initial demonstration of game actions by the teacher, trial run, incentive and control badges, chips - all this is also included in the fund of visual aids that are used to organize and guide games .

With the help of verbal explanations and instructions, the teacher directs the children's attention, organizes, clarifies their ideas, and expands their experience. His speech helps to enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers, master various forms of learning, and contributes to the improvement of play actions.

When directing games, the teacher uses a variety of means of influence on preschoolers. For example, acting as a participant in the game, he directs the game unnoticed by them, supports their initiative, and empathizes with them the joy of the game. Sometimes the teacher talks about an event, creates an appropriate gaming mood and supports him during the game. He may not be involved in the game, but as a skillful and sensitive director, preserving and preserving its amateur character, he guides the development of game actions, the implementation of the rules and, unnoticed by the children, leads them to a certain result. Supporting and awakening children's activity , the teacher most often does this not directly, but indirectly: he expresses surprise, jokes, uses various kinds of game surprises, etc.

We must remember, on the one hand, the danger of over-intensifying the teaching moments, weakening the beginning of the game, giving the educational game the character of an activity, and, on the other hand, being carried away by the entertainment, moving away from the task of learning.

The development of the game is largely determined by the pace of children’s mental activity, the greater or lesser success of performing game actions, the level of assimilation of the rules, their emotional experiences, and the degree of enthusiasm. During the period of assimilation of new content, new game actions, rules and the beginning of the game, its pace is naturally more slowed down. Later, when the game unfolds and the children get carried away, its pace quickens. Towards the end of the game, the emotional upsurge seems to subside and the pace slows down again. Excessive slowness and unnecessary acceleration of the pace of the game should not be allowed: an accelerated pace sometimes causes confusion in children, uncertainty, untimely execution of game actions, violation of rules. Preschoolers do not have time to get involved in the game and become overexcited. A slow pace of play occurs when overly detailed explanations are given, many small comments are made. This leads to the fact that game actions seem to move away, the rules are introduced untimely, and children cannot be guided by them, they commit violations, make mistakes. They get tired faster, monotony reduces emotional uplift.

In a educational game, there is always the possibility of unexpected expansion and enrichment of its concept in connection with the initiative, questions, and suggestions shown by children. The ability to keep the game within a set time is a great art. The teacher compresses the time primarily by shortening his explanations. Clarity, brevity of descriptions ,stories, and replicas are a condition for the successful development of the game and the completion of the tasks being solved.

When finishing the game, the teacher should arouse children’s interest in continuing it and create a joyful perspective. Usually he says: “ A new game it will be even more interesting.” The teacher develops versions of games familiar to children and creates new ones that are useful and exciting.

I would like to end my speech with the words of N.K. Krupskaya: “For preschool children, games are of exceptional importance: for them, play is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education.”

Pedagogical value of didactic games.

(What do you think is the pedagogical value of educational games?)

    In didactic games, children are given certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties.

    They promote the development of sensations and perceptions in preschoolers, the formation of ideas, and the assimilation of knowledge. These games provide an opportunity to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways of solving certain mental and practical problems. This is their developmental role.

    It is necessary to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child and serves to shape his abilities.

    Didactic play helps solve the problems of moral education and develop sociability in children. The teacher places children in conditions that require them to be able to play together, regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

Lesson No. 3:

Planning didactic games in the educational process.

Draw up a cyclogram of various types of didactic games for planning when working with children.


    Results of the thematic test: "Didactic game in the pedagogical process."

    Creation of a cyclogram for the use of didactic games in working with children in the educational process.

1.Results of the thematic test: “Didactic game in the pedagogical process of kindergarten”:

    didactic games are not always used in accordance with the age of the children;

    there is no system in planning didactic games;

    the time allocated for gaming activities is not fully used;

    Board-printed, musical and didactic games, verbal and didactic games are not used enough in educational work with children.

2.When planning it is necessary:

    Create the required conditions for organizing games indoors and on site; equip the pedagogical process with games and gaming material in accordance with the age, development and interests of children.

    Observe the time allotted for games in the daily routine; help ensure that their organization provides children with an interesting, meaningful life.

    In the process of joint play activities, cultivate perseverance, endurance, and form positive relationships between children: friendliness, mutual assistance, and the ability to follow the rules.

    Systematically develop gaming skills in children, facilitate the transformation of play into their independent activity, and encourage the exercise of initiative.

Planning didactic games should occupy a significant place in the planning of all educational work with children. Being effective means learning, they can be an integral part of the lesson, and in an early age group, the main form of organizing the educational process. In addition, during the hours allocated for games, games are planned and organized both in joint and independent activities of children, where they They can play as they wish as a whole team, in small groups or individually. The plan should provide for the selection of games and material for them in accordance with the general plan pedagogical work.

Observations of children’s independent games make it possible to identify their knowledge, their level mental development, behavioral characteristics. This can tell the teacher what games are useful for children, what they are strong in, and what they are lagging behind.

    Didactic games are short-term (10-20 minutes);

    It is very important to maintain the child’s enthusiasm for the gaming task throughout the game, to try to ensure that the mental activity of the players does not decrease during this time, and that interest in the task does not fall.

Children must be given the opportunity to play different time of the day: in the morning before breakfast, between breakfast and class, during breaks between classes, on a walk, in the afternoon. Games in the morning help create a cheerful, joyful mood in children for the whole day. Everyone can play their favorite games, if desired, team up with friends. It is not uncommon for children to come to kindergarten with certain play intentions, they continue the game they started the day before. If breakfast interrupts the game, it is necessary to give the children the opportunity to return to it again after breakfast, during the break between classes. In this case, the nature of the upcoming lesson should be taken into account. Before physical education, quiet games are preferable, and if the lesson requires monotonous position, more active outdoor games or verbal games with a motor component are desirable. It is necessary that the time allocated for games be completely devoted to the game. Sometimes, due to the excessive workload of children, organized educational activities or due to irrational use of time, the playing time is reduced. This should not be allowed!

When planning didactic games, teachers need to take care of complicating the games and expanding their variability (possibly coming up with more complex rules).

The classes use those games that can be played frontally with all children. They are used as a method of consolidating and systematizing children’s knowledge.

When planning d/games in the educational process, it is necessary that new games taken in class are then held in a block of joint activities with children and used by children in their independent activities, being the highest indicator of the ability to engage in activities that require the application of mental effort.

D/games in most cases are held when children have already acquired certain knowledge and skills in classes, otherwise it will be quite difficult to implement the game.

For example, a child, only on the basis of knowledge, can by touch identify an object in a “magic bag” and name it or find similar or different qualities objects depicted in pictures. These games rely on children’s ability to consciously remember and reproduce what they perceived. It is necessary that all children achieve certain results in d/games, and not just those who are most active.

D/games can also be used to test children’s knowledge and skills. An important indicator of learning outcomes is the assimilation of what has been covered in classes by all children.

Most often, this is checked by a game, during which the teacher establishes to what extent not only capable, but average and weak children have correctly understood and mastered the content of the lesson. Having identified the level of knowledge and skills of the children, it is necessary to outline further work to eliminate shortcomings.

D/game is a practical activity with which you can check whether children have mastered knowledge in detail or superficially and whether they know how to apply it when needed. Children learn knowledge the more fully the more widely it can be applied in practice in various conditions. Enough It often happens when a child acquires certain knowledge in a lesson, but does not know how to use it in changed conditions.

Due to the fact that e-games are an indispensable means of overcoming various difficulties in the mental development of children, it is necessary to plan the use of e-games in individual work with children. How often and how much? As needed, very individually, depending on the needs and level of development of the children. Individual work with children using d/games can be planned for all types and types of games. Individual d/games organized by the teacher , create favorable conditions for direct contact with the child, help to better understand the reasons for the child’s lag, promote more active exercise in educational material.

In the d/game, knowledge acquired in class is applied, information obtained through personal experience is summarized, cognitive processes are activated and the level of mental development of lagging children increases.

D/games contribute to the development of all aspects of the human personality. If they are conducted lively, by a skillful teacher, children react to them with great interest and bursts of joy, which certainly increases their significance.

A.M. Gorky, defending the child’s right to play, wrote: “A child under 10 years of age requires games, fun, and his demand is biologically justified and legal. He wants to play, he plays for everyone and learns the world first of all, and most easily in the game, by the game."

Education should be such that it causes an effort of thought, but does not require tension, does not cause fatigue, fear and reluctance to learn before the child comes to school.


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    Krupskaya N.K. About preschool education.-M., 1100%

    Kozlova S.A. Preschool pedagogy.-M., 2000.

    Maksakov A.I. Learn by playing.-M.-1981.

    Mendzheritskaya D.V. To the teacher about children's play. - M., 1982.

    Sorokina A.I. Didactic games in kindergarten. - M., 1982.

    Stolyar A. "Let's Play", M., Prosveshchenie, 1991.

    Smolentseva A.A. "Plot-didactic games with mathematical content", M., Prosveshchenie, 1987.

    Shvaiko G.S. "Games and game exercises for speech development", M., Prosveshchenie, 1988.

Game "Tops and Roots"

Target: consolidate general concepts in children’s speech. With some vegetables we eat what is on the surface of the earth (tops), and with others we eat what grows in the ground (roots).

Participants: children of the older group.

Educational areas:

- cognition

— communication

Game rules. You can look for your top or spine only when given a signal. You can’t pair up with the same player all the time; you have to look for another pair.

Game actions. Search for a pair; composition of a whole plant.

Progress of the game.

Option 1. After harvesting the crops in his garden, the adult gathers the children, showing them what a good harvest they have grown, and praising them for their useful work. Then he clarifies the children’s knowledge that some plants have edible roots - roots, others have fruits - tops, and some plants have both tops and roots edible. An adult explains the rules of the game:

- Today we will play a game called “Tops and Roots.” On our table are the tops and roots of plants—vegetables. We will now divide into two groups: one group will be called tops, and the other will be called roots. (Children are divided into two groups.)

Theoretical seminar:

Target: To systematize and deepen teachers’ knowledge on the topic “Didactic games for preschool children.”

A didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of education, an independent gaming activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child’s personality.

Didactic game as a gaming method of teachingis considered in two types: games - activities and didactic or autodidactic games. In the first case, the leading role belongs to the teacher, who, to increase children’s interest in the activity, uses a variety of gaming techniques, creates a gaming situation, introduces elements of competition, etc. The use of various components of gaming activity is combined with questions, instructions, explanations, and demonstration.

With the help of games and activities, the teacher not only conveys certain knowledge, forms ideas, but also teaches children to play. The basis for children’s games are formulated ideas about the construction of a game plot, about various play actions with objects. It is important that conditions are then created for the transfer of this knowledge and ideas into independent, creative games.

The didactic game is used in teaching children mathematics, their native language, familiarization with nature and the surrounding world, and in the development of sensory culture.

Didactic game as a form of teaching childrencontains two principles: educational (cognitive) and gaming (entertaining). The teacher is both a teacher and a participant in the game. He teaches and plays, and children, while playing, learn. If the lessons expand and deepen knowledge about the world around them, then in the didactic game (games - activities, actually didactic games) children are offered tasks in the form of riddles, suggestions, questions.

Didactic game as an independent gaming activitybased on awareness of this process. Independent play activity is carried out only if children show interest in the game, its rules and actions, if they have mastered its rules. How long can a child be interested in a game if its rules and content are well known to him? Children love games that are familiar to them and enjoy playing them. This can be confirmed by folk games, the rules of which are known to children: “Colors”, “We won’t tell you where we were, but we will show you what we did”, “On the contrary”, etc. Each such game contains interest in game actions. For example, in the game "Paints" you need to choose a color. Children usually choose fabulous and favorite colors: gold, silver. Having chosen a color, the child approaches the driver and whispers the name of the paint in his ear. “Jump along the path on one leg,” says the driver to the one who named the paint, which is not among the players. There are so many interesting play activities for children here! That's why children always play such games.

The teacher takes care of complicating the games and expanding their variability. If children's interest in the game wanes (and this is more true for board and printed games), it is necessary to come up with more complex rules together with them.

Independent play activities do not exclude control by an adult. The participation of an adult is indirect: for example, the teacher, like all participants in the lotto game, receives a card and tries to complete the task on time, rejoices if he wins, that is, he is an equal participant in the game. Children can play educational games on their own both in and outside of class.

Didactic games, especially in younger age groups, are considered in preschool pedagogy as a method of teaching children role-playing games: the ability to take on a certain role, follow the rules of the game, and develop its plot. For example, in the didactic game “Put the doll to sleep,” the teacher teaches children of the younger group the sequence of actions in the process of undressing the doll - carefully folding clothes on a standing chair, treating the doll with care, putting it to sleep, singing lullabies. According to the rules of the game, children must select from the lying objects only those that are needed for sleep. There are several such games in younger groups: “Katya’s doll’s birthday”, “Let’s dress Katya for a walk”, “Katya is having lunch”, “Katya’s bathing”. Games with dolls are an effective method of teaching children independent creative role-playing games.

Didactic games are of great importance for enriching imaginative play for older children. Games such as “Smart Machines”, “Dairy Farm”, “Who Needs What for Work” cannot leave children indifferent; they have a desire to play builders, grain growers, and milkmaids.

The didactic game also acts as a means of comprehensive education of the child’s personality.

Mental education.Contents of didacticGames form in children the correct attitude to the phenomena of social life, nature, objects of the surrounding world, systematize and deepen knowledge about the Motherland, the army, profession, and work activity.

Children are given knowledge about the life around them according to a certain system. Thus, familiarizing children with difficulty takes place in the following sequence: children are first introduced to the content of a certain type of labor, then to machines that help people in their work, making work easier, to the production stage when creating necessary objects, products, and then the meaning of any type of work.

With the help of didactic games, the teacher teaches children to think independently and use the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task.

Didactic games develop children's sensory abilities. The processes of sensation and perception underlie a child’s cognition of the environment. Familiarizing preschoolers with the color, shape, and size of an object made it possible to create a system of didactic games and sensory education exercises aimed at improving the child’s perception of the characteristic features of objects.

Didactic games develop children’s speech: the vocabulary is replenished and activated, correct sound pronunciation is formed, coherent speech develops, and the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts. Some games require children to actively use generic and specific concepts, for example, “Name in one word” or “Name three objects.” Finding antonyms, synonyms, and words that sound similar is the main task of many word games.

During games, the development of thinking and speech is carried out in an inextricable connection. In the game "Guess What We're Up to" you need to be able to pose questions to which children answer with only two words "yes" or "no".

Moral education.Preschoolers develop a moral understanding of caring for surrounding objects, toys as products of adult labor, norms of behavior, relationships with peers and adults, positive and negative personality traits. In nurturing the moral qualities of a child’s personality, a special role belongs to the content and rules of the game. When working with young children, the main content of didactic games is the children’s acquisition of cultural and hygienic skills.

The use of didactic games in working with older children solves slightly different problems - the education of moral feelings and relationships.

Labor education.Many didactic games develop in children respect for working people, arouse interest in the work of adults, and a desire to work themselves. For example, in the game “Who built this house,” children learn that before building a house, architects work on a drawing, etc.

Children acquire some labor skills in the production of material for didactic games.

Aesthetic education.Didactic material must meet hygienic and aesthetic requirements: toys must be painted with bright colors and artistically designed. Such toys attract attention and make you want to play with them.

Physical education.The game creates a positive emotional uplift, causes good health, and at the same time requires a certain tension in the nervous system. Games with didactic toys are especially important, where the small muscles of the hands develop and strengthen, and this affects mental development, preparing the hand for writing, for visual activity, i.e. to schooling.

Main types of games.

All didactic games can be divided into three main types: games with objects (toys, natural materials), board-printed and word games.

Games with objects.

Playing with objects uses toys and real objects. By playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality. In games they solve problems of comparison, classification, establishing sequence in solving problems. As children master new knowledge about the subject environment, the tasks in the games become more complicated: the children practice identifying an object by any one quality, combine objects according to this characteristic (color, shape, quality, purpose, etc.), which is very important for the development of abstract , logical thinking.

Children of the younger group are given objects that differ sharply from each other in properties, since kids cannot yet detect subtle differences between objects.

In the middle group, they use items in which the difference between them becomes less noticeable. In games with objects, children perform tasks that require conscious memorization of the number and location of objects, and finding the corresponding object. While playing, children acquire the ability to put together a whole from parts, string objects (balls, beads), and lay out patterns from various shapes.

A variety of toys are widely used in educational games. They clearly express color, shape, purpose, size, and the material from which they are made. This allows children to be trained in solving certain didactic tasks, for example, selecting all the toys made of wood (metal, plastic, ceramics), or toys necessary for various creative games: for playing family, builders, etc. Using didactic games with similar content , the teacher manages to arouse interest in independent play, suggest to them the idea of ​​games with the help of selected toys.

The teacher uses games with natural materials (plant seeds, leaves, various flowers, pebbles, shells) when conducting such didactic games as “Whose children are these?”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Collect a bouquet of autumn leaves,” and etc. The teacher organizes them during a walk, directly in contact with nature. In such games, children’s knowledge about the natural environment around them is consolidated, mental processes are formed (analysis, synthesis, classification) and a love for nature and a caring attitude toward it are fostered.

Games with objects include plot-didactic games and dramatization games. In the plot-didactic game, children play certain roles, a seller, a buyer in games like “Shop”, bakers in games “Bakery”, etc. Dramatization games help clarify ideas about various everyday situations, literary works “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”, about norms of behavior “What is good and what is bad?”

Board-printed games.

Printed board games are a fun activity for children. They are varied in type: paired pictures, lotto, dominoes. The developmental tasks that are solved when using them are also different.

Selection of pictures in pairs.The simplest task in such a game is to find exactly the same ones among different pictures: two hats, identical in color, style, etc. Then the task becomes more complicated: the child combines the pictures not only by external features, but also by meaning: find two airplanes among all the pictures. The planes shown in the picture may be different in shape and color, but they are united by belonging to the same type of object, making them similar.

Selection of pictures based on common characteristics.Some generalization is required here, establishing connections between objects. For example, in the game “What grows in the garden (forest, city)?” Children select pictures with corresponding images of plants, correlate them with their place of growth, and combine the pictures according to one feature. Or the game “What Happened Then?”: children select illustrations for a fairy tale, taking into account the sequence of the plot.

Memorizing the composition, quantity and location of pictures.For example, in the game “Guess which picture was hidden,” children must remember the contents of the pictures, and then determine which of them was turned upside down. This game is aimed at developing memory, memorization and recall. The gaming didactic tasks of this type of games are also to consolidate children’s knowledge of quantitative and ordinal counting, the spatial arrangement of pictures on the table, and the ability to talk coherently about the changes that have occurred with the pictures and their content.

Making cut pictures and cubes.The purpose of this type of games is to teach children logical thinking, to develop their ability to form a whole object from individual parts. In younger groups, pictures are cut into 2-4 parts, then in middle and older groups the whole is divided into 8-10 parts. At the same time, for the game in the younger group, one object is depicted in the picture: a toy, a plant, items of clothing, etc. For older ones, the picture depicts a plot from familiar fairy tales, works of art familiar to children.

For the curious. The birthplace of puzzles is England, born in 1763. The author is the English engraver D. Spilsbary, who made a geographical map cut along the borders of countries from mahogany. The map was used as a teaching aid at school. In the second half of the 19th century, puzzles appeared in Europe and America. They are starting to be made from cardboard. A revolutionary discovery was the invention of a special puzzle technique, namely, individual elements were fastened together and made up a compact pattern, which is how puzzles differ from mosaics.

Description, story about the picture showing actions, movements. In such games, the teacher sets a learning task: to develop not only children’s speech, but also imagination and creativity. Often a child, in order for the players to guess what is drawn in the picture, resorts to imitation of movements, or imitation of the movements of an animal, its voice. For example, in a game (“Guess who it is?” the child, who took the card from the driver, carefully examines it, then imitates the sound and movements (cats, rooster, etc.) This task is given to children in the younger group.

In older groups, more complex problems are solved: some children depict the action depicted in the picture, others guess who is depicted in the picture, what people are doing there, for example, firefighters putting out a fire, sailors sailing on the sea, builders building a house, etc.

In these games, such valuable qualities of a child’s personality are formed as the ability to transform, creative search in creation is necessary th image.

Word games.

Verbal games are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on their existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them. Since these games require the use of previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Children independently solve various mental problems; describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features; guess from the description; find signs of similarities and differences; group objects according to various properties and characteristics. These didactic games are carried out in all age groups, but they are especially important in the upbringing and teaching of children of senior preschool age, as they help prepare children for school: they develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, quickly find an answer to the question posed, accurately and clearly formulate their thoughts, apply knowledge in accordance with the task.

For ease of use of word games in the pedagogical process, they can be conditionally divided into four groups.

The first of them includes games with the help of which they develop the ability to identify the essential features of objects and phenomena: “Guess it?”, “Shop”, “Yes - No”, etc. The second group consists of games used to develop children’s ability to compare , compare, make the right conclusions: “Similar - not similar”, “Who will notice fables more?” Games, with the help of which the ability to generalize and classify objects according to various criteria are developed, are combined in the third group: “Who needs what?”, “Name three objects”, “Name in one word”, etc. In a special fourth group, games based on development of attention, intelligence, quick thinking, endurance, sense of humor: “Broken phone”, “Paints”, “Flies - does not fly”, etc.

The required structural elements of a didactic game are: a teaching and educational task, game actions and rules.

Didactic task.

To select a didactic game, it is necessary to know the level of preparedness of students, since in games they must operate with existing knowledge and ideas.

When defining a didactic task, it is necessary, first of all, to keep in mind what knowledge and ideas of children about nature, about surrounding objects, about social phenomena) should be acquired and consolidated by children, what mental operations should be developed in connection with this, what personality qualities in connection this can be shaped by the means of this game (honesty, modesty, observation, perseverance, etc.).

For example, in the well-known game “Toy Store” the didactic task can be formulated as follows: “To consolidate children’s knowledge about toys, their properties, purpose; to develop coherent speech, the ability to determine the essential characteristics of objects; to cultivate observation, politeness, and activity.” Such a didactic task will help the teacher organize the game: select toys that are different in purpose, material, appearance; give a sample description of the toy, polite address to the seller, etc.

Each didactic game has its own learning task, which distinguishes one game from another. When defining a didactic task, one should avoid repetition in its content and cliched phrases (“to develop attention, thinking, memory, etc.). As a rule, these tasks are solved in each game, but in some games more attention must be paid to the development of memory, in others - thinking, thirdly - attention. The teacher must know in advance and accordingly determine the didactic task. So, use the game “What has changed?” for exercises in memorization, “Toy Store” - for the development of thinking, “Guess what you are up to” - observation, attention.

Game rules.

The main purpose of the rules of the game is to organize the actions and behavior of children. Rules can allow, prohibit, prescribe something for children in the game, making the game entertaining and tense.

Compliance with the rules of the game requires children to have a certain amount of willpower, the ability to deal with peers, and to overcome negative emotions that appear due to a negative result. It is important, when determining the rules of the game, to place children in conditions under which they would receive joy from completing the task.

Using a didactic game in the educational process, through its rules and actions, children develop correctness, goodwill, and self-control.

Game actions.

A didactic game differs from game exercises in that the implementation of game rules in it is directed and controlled by game actions. For example, in the game “Does it happen or not?” the rules of the game require: notice in the poem “Is this true or not?” L. Stancheva all fables:

Warm spring now
The grapes are ripe here.
Horned horse in the meadow
In summer he jumps in the snow.
Late autumn bear
Loves to sit in the river.
And wash among the branches
Ha-ha-ga the nightingale sang.
Quickly give me the answer -
Is this true or not?

The game is played so often that the children take turns, raising their hands, calling out all the fables they notice. But to make the game more interesting and all the children to be active, the teacher introduces a game action; the one who noticed the fable while reading the poem puts a chip in front of him. There are six fables in this poem. This means the winner will have six chips. They will receive a prize.

The development of play actions depends on the teacher’s imagination. Sometimes children, preparing for the game, make their own suggestions: “Let’s hide it, and someone will look for it!”, “Let me choose the driver with a counting rhyme!”

"Recognize the elements of the pattern."

Didactic task.To clarify and consolidate ideas about the main elements of any painting, to learn to isolate individual elements of a pattern, to develop observation, attention, memory and speed of reaction, to arouse interest in painting.

Material. Large cards, decorated with some kind of painting, at the bottom of which there are three or four free windows. Small cards with individual elements of the pattern, including various paintings that differ in color and detail.

Game rules.Determine which of the proposed cards depicting elements of the painting fit the elements of the pattern of the main card.

Progress of the game. Having received a large card and several small ones, having carefully examined them, the players select those elements that are found in the pattern and place them in empty windows. The leader monitors the correct completion of the task.

Options. The players are given large cards, the host is given small cards. He shows the cards one at a time. Whichever player has such an element in the pattern on the large card takes it for himself. The winner is the one who collects all the elements of his pattern faster.

Players are given large cards, small cards are given to the leader. To get the right card, the player must describe it, for example: “I need a card on a red background with a black currant on it.” If he completed the task accurately and correctly, the presenter gives him a card. If he makes a mistake in the description, he skips a move.

Before the game starts, the teacher makes a set of three to four cards, the elements of which correspond to the pattern of one of the products. Large cards are shuffled. Players receive one or two devices. Their task is to match the existing set of elements with a card with the product. The one who completes the task wins.

Theoretical seminar:

"Didactic games for preschool children"


Didactic task.To consolidate ideas about the main elements of any painting, to teach them to distinguish and compare them with each other, to name them correctly, using names invented by masters of the craft, to develop observation, attention, speed of reaction, and to arouse interest in painting.

Material. Rectangular cards divided into two parts. Each of them depicts a pattern element.; The options differ in color and details.

Game instillations.Players place cards so that the image of an element exactly matches the same image of another card. The first one to lay out all his cards wins.

Progress of the game. Two or more children can take part. All cards are laid out in the center of the table with the pictures down - this is the “bazaar”. Each player collects a certain number of cards, which is agreed upon before the start of the game. The one who has the doublet card makes the first move. The next player finds a card with the same element and places it next to the first one. If the player does not have what he needs, he uses the “bazaar”. If the “bazaar” is empty, he skips a turn. The winner is the one who gets rid of the cards first.

Option. The player makes a move and names the element of the painting. If the name is incorrect, the move is skipped.


Didactic task.Same as in Domino

Materials. Large cards depicting objects decorated with some kind of painting. Along the edges of the cards there are up to six cells depicting elements of bottom painting. Cards with variants of pattern elements, differing in color and details.

Game rules.Players select cards according to the pattern on the large cards. They carefully monitor the progress of the game, not missing elements on their map.

Progress of the game. Two or more children can take part. The presenter distributes one large card to everyone, and mixes the small ones. Then, taking out one card at a time, the presenter asks what kind of element is depicted on it and who needs such a card.

Option. The game can be played in the form of a team competition. In this case, each team is given several cards at once to fill out simultaneously.

"Find a match."

Didactic task.The same as in Domino.

Material . Rectangular cards divided into two cells: one with pattern elements, the other empty. Cards with variants of pattern elements, forming pairs to the drawings on the stripes.

Game rules.Players select cards according to the pattern on the large cards. The first person to match pairs of all the elements on their cards wins.

Progress of the game. Two or more children can take part. The presenter gives everyone the same number of double cards, the small ones are mixed in the center of the table. At the leader’s command, the players select a pair of elements on their cards.


  1. After completing the task, the player names all the elements of the painting. If the name is given incorrectly, the card is not counted.
  2. Players take turns taking cards from the pile. If the card does not fit, the player places it at the bottom of the deck and skips the turn.
  3. “Trickle” - two teams are made up of the players; one receives double cards, the other receives paired pictures. On command, a player from one group must find a member from another group with the same card to form a pair. In pairs, players approach the teacher, who checks the correctness of the choice. Forms a "stream".
  4. “Pass it around” - players have three large cards, the small ones are mixed and placed face down on the table. Taking a small card, the player covers an empty cell with it; if the element matches, the pair is found. In addition, he gets the right to take the next card from the deck; if the card does not fit, passes it on, i.e. misses a move.

Lesson No. 1

Subject: "Didactic game in the pedagogical process of kindergarten."

Target: Systematize and deepen teachers’ knowledge about the main functions, types, and structure of didactic games.


  1. Basic functions of a didactic game.
  2. Types of didactic games.
  3. The structure of the didactic game.

Lesson No. 2:

"Methods of organization and management of didactic games."

Target: To improve the knowledge and skills of teachers in the methods of organizing and managing didactic games.


  1. Methodology for organizing didactic games.
  2. Guide to didactic games.

“Play must necessarily be present in a children’s group. A children’s group that does not play will not be a children’s group... Imagination develops only in a group that necessarily plays.”

Makarenko A.S.

2. Methodology for organizing didactic games.

The organization of didactic games by the teacher is carried out in three main directions: preparation for conducting the didactic game, its implementation and analysis. (Task for micro groups: write the main components of each stage of the didactic game).

Preparation for conducting a didactic game includes:

  1. selection of games in accordance with the objectives of education and training: deepening and generalization of knowledge, development of sensory abilities, activation of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech), etc.;
  2. establishing compliance of the selected game with the program requirements for the education and training of children of a certain age group;
  3. determining the most convenient time for conducting a didactic game (in the process of organized learning in the classroom or during free time from classes and other routine processes);
  4. choosing a place to play where children can play quietly without disturbing others;
  5. determining the number of players (the whole group, small subgroups, individually);
  6. preparing the necessary educational material for the selected game (toys, various objects, pictures...);
  7. preparing the teacher himself for the game: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game, his place in the game, methods of managing the game;
  8. preparing children for play: enriching them with knowledge, ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life necessary to solve a game problem.

Conducting didictic games includes:

  1. familiarizing children with the content of the game, with the material that will be used in the game (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the children’s knowledge and ideas about them are clarified);
  2. explanation of the course and rules of the game. At the same time, the teacher pays attention to the behavior of the children in accordance with the rules of the game, to the strict implementation of the rules;
  3. demonstration of game actions, during which the teacher teaches children to perform the action correctly, proving that otherwise the game will not lead to the desired result (for example, if one of the children is spying when you need to close your eyes);
  4. determining the role of the teacher in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee. The degree of direct participation of the teacher in the game is determined by the age of the children, their level of preparation, the complexity of the task, the game rules. By participating in the game, the teacher directs the actions of the players (with advice, question, reminder);
  5. summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment in its management, because Based on the results that children achieve in the game, one can judge its effectiveness and whether it will be used with interest in the children’s independent play activities. When summing up the results, the teacher emphasizes that the path to victory is possible only through overcoming difficulties, attention and discipline.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children if they liked the game and promises that next time they can play a new game, it will also be interesting. Children usually wait for this day.Analysis of the gameis aimed at identifying methods of preparing and conducting it: which methods were effective in achieving the goal, what did not work and why. This will help improve both the preparation and the process of conducting the game, and subsequently avoid mistakes. In addition, the analysis will allow us to identify individual characteristics in behavior and character of children and, therefore, correctly organize individual work with them. Self-critical analysis of the use of the game in accordance with the goal helps to vary the game and enrich it with new material in subsequent work.

3.Management of didactic games.

Successful management of educational games primarily involves selecting and thinking through their program content, clearly defining tasks, determining their place and role in the holistic educational process, and interacting with other games and forms of education. It should be aimed at developing and encouraging cognitive activity, independence and Children’s initiatives, their use of different ways to solve game problems, should ensure friendly relations between participants and a willingness to help their comrades.

In the process of playing with toys, objects, materials, small children should be able to knock, rearrange, move them, disassemble them into their component parts (collapsible toys), put them back together, etc. But since they can repeat the same actions many times, the teacher It is necessary to gradually transfer children's play to a higher level.

For example, the didactic task “teach children to distinguish rings by size” is implemented through the game task “assemble the turret correctly.” Children have a desire to learn how to do it correctly. Showing a method of action simultaneously contains the development of a game action and a new game rule. Choosing ring after ring and putting it on the rod, the teacher gives a visual example of a game action. He runs his hand over the put-on rings and draws the children’s attention to the fact that the turret becomes beautiful, even, and that it is assembled correctly. Thus, the teacher clearly shows a new game action - check that the turret is assembled correctly - invites children to do it themselves.

The development of interest in did-them games and the formation of play activities in older children (4-6 years old) is achieved by the fact that the teacher sets increasingly complex tasks for them and is in no hurry to suggest play actions. The play activities of preschoolers become more conscious, they are more is aimed at achieving a result, and not at the process itself. But even for older preschoolers, the management of the game should be such that the children maintain an appropriate emotional mood, ease, so that they experience the joy of participating in it and a sense of satisfaction from solving the assigned tasks.

The teacher outlines a sequence of games that become more complex in content, tasks, game actions and rules. Individual isolated games can be very interesting, but using them outside the system, it is impossible to achieve a general educational and developmental result. Therefore, the interaction of learning in the classroom and in the didactic game should be clearly defined.

For young children, educational games are the most suitable form of education. However, already in the second, and especially in the third year of life, children are attracted to many objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, intensive assimilation of their native language occurs. Satisfaction of the cognitive interests of children of the third year of life, the development of their speech require a combination of educational games with targeted learning in the classroom, carried out in accordance with a specific program of knowledge, abilities, skills. In the classroom, methods of learning are also formed more successfully than in the game: voluntary attention, the ability to observe, look and see, listen and hear the instructions of the teacher and carry them out.

It should be taken into account that in a didactic game, the correct combination of clarity, the words of the teacher and the actions of the children themselves with toys, play aids, objects, etc. is necessary. Visualization includes: 1) objects with which children play and which form the material center of the game; 2) pictures depicting objects and actions with them, clearly highlighting the purpose, main characteristics of objects, properties of materials; 3) visual display, explanation in words of game actions and compliance with game rules.

Special types of educational games have been created: with paired pictures, such as picture lotto, dominoes with thematic series of pictures, etc. The initial demonstration of game actions by the teacher, a trial run, incentive-control badges, chips - all this is also included in the fund of visual aids that are used for organizing and managing games.

With the help of verbal explanations and instructions, the teacher directs the children's attention, organizes, clarifies their ideas, and expands their experience. His speech helps to enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers, master various forms of learning, and contributes to the improvement of play actions.

When directing games, the teacher uses a variety of means of influence on preschoolers. For example, acting as a participant in the game, he directs the game unnoticed by them, supports their initiative, and empathizes with them the joy of the game. Sometimes the teacher talks about an event, creates an appropriate gaming mood and supports him during the game. He may not be involved in the game, but as a skillful and sensitive director, preserving and preserving its amateur character, he guides the development of game actions, the implementation of the rules and, unnoticed by the children, leads them to a certain result. Supporting and awakening children's activity , the teacher most often does this not directly, but indirectly: he expresses surprise, jokes, uses various kinds of game surprises, etc.

We must remember, on the one hand, the danger of over-intensifying the teaching moments, weakening the beginning of the game, giving the educational game the character of an activity, and, on the other hand, being carried away by the entertainment, moving away from the task of learning.

The development of the game is largely determined by the pace of children’s mental activity, the greater or lesser success of performing game actions, the level of assimilation of the rules, their emotional experiences, and the degree of enthusiasm. During the period of assimilation of new content, new game actions, rules and the beginning of the game, its pace is naturally more slowed down. Later, when the game unfolds and the children get carried away, its pace quickens. Towards the end of the game, the emotional upsurge seems to subside and the pace slows down again. Excessive slowness and unnecessary acceleration of the pace of the game should not be allowed: an accelerated pace sometimes causes confusion in children, uncertainty, untimely execution of game actions, violation of rules. Preschoolers do not have time to get involved in the game and become overexcited. A slow pace of play occurs when overly detailed explanations are given, many small comments are made. This leads to the fact that game actions seem to move away, the rules are introduced untimely, and children cannot be guided by them, they commit violations, make mistakes. They get tired faster, monotony reduces emotional uplift.

In a educational game, there is always the possibility of unexpected expansion and enrichment of its concept in connection with the initiative, questions, and suggestions shown by children. The ability to keep the game within a set time is a great art. The teacher compresses the time primarily by shortening his explanations. Clarity, brevity of descriptions ,stories, and replicas are a condition for the successful development of the game and the completion of the tasks being solved.

When finishing a game, the teacher should arouse children’s interest in its continuation and create a joyful perspective. Usually he says: “The new game will be even more interesting.” The teacher develops versions of games familiar to children and creates new ones that are useful and exciting.

I would like to end my speech with the words of N.K. Krupskaya: “For preschool children, games are of exceptional importance: for them, play is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education.”

Pedagogical value of didactic games.

(What do you think is the pedagogical value of educational games?)

  1. In didactic games, children are given certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties.
  2. They promote the development of sensations and perceptions in preschoolers, the formation of ideas, and the assimilation of knowledge. These games provide an opportunity to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways of solving certain mental and practical problems. This is their developmental role.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child and serves to shape his abilities.
  4. Didactic play helps solve the problems of moral education and develop sociability in children. The teacher places children in conditions that require them to be able to play together, regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

Lesson No. 3:

Planning didactic games in the educational process.


  1. To give recommendations to teachers on planning didactic games when working with children.
  2. Draw up a cyclogram of various types of didactic games for planning when working with children.


  1. Results of the thematic test: "Didactic game in the pedagogical process."
  2. Recommendations for educators on planning didactic games.
  3. Creation of a cyclogram for the use of didactic games in working with children in the educational process.

1.Results of the thematic test: “Didactic game in the pedagogical process of kindergarten”:

  1. didactic games are not always used in accordance with the age of the children;
  2. there is no system in planning didactic games;
  3. the time allocated for gaming activities is not fully used;
  4. Board-printed, musical and didactic games, verbal and didactic games are not used enough in educational work with children.

2.When planning it is necessary:

  1. Create the required conditions for organizing games indoors and on site; equip the pedagogical process with games and gaming material in accordance with the age, development and interests of children.
  2. Observe the time allotted for games in the daily routine; help ensure that their organization provides children with an interesting, meaningful life.
  3. In the process of joint play activities, cultivate perseverance, endurance, and form positive relationships between children: friendliness, mutual assistance, and the ability to follow the rules.
  4. Systematically develop gaming skills in children, facilitate the transformation of play into their independent activity, and encourage the exercise of initiative.

Planning didactic games should occupy a significant place in the planning of all educational work with children. Being an effective teaching tool, they can be an integral part of the lesson, and in an early age group, the main form of organizing the educational process. In addition, during the hours allocated for games ,d/games are planned and organized both in joint and independent activities of children, where they can play as they wish as a whole team, in small groups or individually. The plan should provide for the selection of games and material for them in accordance with the general plan of pedagogical work.

Observations of children's independent games make it possible to identify their knowledge, their level of mental development, and behavioral characteristics. This can tell the teacher what games are useful for children, what they are strong in, and what they are lagging behind.

  1. Didactic games are short-term (10-20 minutes);
  2. It is very important to maintain the child’s enthusiasm for the gaming task throughout the game, to try to ensure that the mental activity of the players does not decrease during this time, and that interest in the task does not fall.

It is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to play at different times of the day: in the morning before breakfast, between breakfast and class, during breaks between classes, on a walk, in the afternoon. Games in the morning help create a cheerful, joyful mood in children for the whole day. Everyone can engage in your favorite games, if desired, team up with friends. It is not uncommon for children to come to kindergarten with certain play intentions and continue the game they started the day before. If breakfast interrupts the game, it is necessary to give the children the opportunity to return to it again after breakfast, during a break between classes. At the same time the nature of the upcoming lesson should be taken into account. Before physical education, quiet games are preferable, and if the lesson requires a monotonous position, more active outdoor games or verbal games with a motor component are desirable. It is necessary that the time allocated for games be completely devoted to the game. Sometimes due to excessive workload children through organized educational activities or due to irrational use of time, play time is reduced. This should not be allowed!

When planning didactic games, teachers need to take care of complicating the games and expanding their variability (possibly coming up with more complex rules).

The classes use those games that can be played frontally with all children. They are used as a method of consolidating and systematizing children’s knowledge.

When planning d/games in the educational process, it is necessary that new games taken in class are then held in a block of joint activities with children and used by children in their independent activities, being the highest indicator of the ability to engage in activities that require the application of mental effort.

D/games in most cases are held when children have already acquired certain knowledge and skills in classes, otherwise it will be quite difficult to implement the game.

For example, a child, only on the basis of knowledge, can by touch identify an object in a “magic bag” and name it or find similar or different qualities of objects depicted in pictures. These games rely on children’s ability to consciously remember and reproduce what they perceived. It is necessary that In children's games, all children achieved certain results, and not just those who showed themselves most actively.

D/games can also be used to test children’s knowledge and skills. An important indicator of learning outcomes is the assimilation of what has been covered in classes by all children.

Most often, this is checked by a game, during which the teacher establishes to what extent not only capable, but average and weak children have correctly understood and mastered the content of the lesson. Having identified the level of knowledge and skills of the children, it is necessary to outline further work to eliminate shortcomings.

D/game is a practical activity with which you can check whether children have mastered knowledge in detail or superficially and whether they know how to apply it when needed. Children learn knowledge the more fully the more widely it can be applied in practice in various conditions. Enough It often happens when a child acquires certain knowledge in a lesson, but does not know how to use it in changed conditions.

Due to the fact that play is an indispensable means of overcoming various difficulties in the mental development of children, it is necessary to plan the use of play in individual work with children. How often and how much? As needed, very individually, depending on the needs and level development of children. Individual work with children using educational games can be planned for all types and types of games. Individual educational games organized by the teacher create favorable conditions for direct contact with the child, help to better understand the reasons for the child’s lag, and promote more active exercise in the educational material.

In the d/game, knowledge acquired in class is applied, information obtained through personal experience is summarized, cognitive processes are activated and the level of mental development of lagging children increases.

D/games contribute to the development of all aspects of the human personality. If they are conducted lively, by a skillful teacher, children react to them with great interest and bursts of joy, which certainly increases their significance.

A.M. Gorky, defending the child’s right to play, wrote: “A child under 10 years of age requires games, fun, and his demand is biologically justified and legal. He wants to play, he plays with everyone and learns about the world around him, first of all, and more easily It's all about the game, the game."

Education should be such that it causes an effort of thought, but does not require tension, does not cause fatigue, fear and reluctance to learn before the child comes to school.