Fish They are common in all types of reservoirs, from marine waters to the smallest ponds, eriks and rivulets. Tropics and eternal ice are also rich in unusual varieties of fish. In the reservoirs of Russia, aquatic inhabitants are very diverse and distinguished by their beauty. In the territory Russian Federation there are more than 120 thousand rivers, about 2,000,000 lakes, 12 seas, 3 oceans, and all of them are habitats fish. Even in fresh Russian reservoirs, over 450 animals have adapted to live. fish species, and many live permanently, while some arrive temporarily until a certain period.

general information

According to the presence and nature of rays in the fins of most bony fish a fin formula is compiled, which is widely used in their description and definition. In this formula, the abbreviated designation of the fin is given in Latin letters: A - anal fin (from the Latin pinna analis), P - pectoral fin (pinna pectoralis), V - ventral fin (pinna ventralis) and D1, D2 - dorsal fins (pinna dorsalis). Roman numerals indicate the numbers of prickly rays, and Arabic numerals indicate the numbers of soft rays.

The gills absorb oxygen from the water and release carbon dioxide, ammonia, urea and other waste products into the water. Bony fish have four gill arches on each side.

Gill rakers are the thinnest, longest and most numerous in fish that feed on plankton. In predators, the gill rakers are sparse and sharp. The number of rakers is counted on the first arch, located immediately under the gill cover.

The pharyngeal teeth are located on the pharyngeal bones, behind the fourth branchial arch.

The ocean is not the only place where you can find giant fish. Freshwater inhabitants are smaller than their counterparts in sea ​​waters, there are a select few that can grow to enormous sizes.

website We have compiled for you a list of the 10 largest freshwater fish in the world:

Siberian taimen, also known as Siberian salmon, is a species of fish belonging to the salmon family Salmoniformes.

These fish come in a variety of colors depending on geographic location, but usually have olive green heads that are mixed with a reddish-brownish tint on the tail. Some of their fins are dark red in color and their bellies are usually white but sometimes dark grey.

Taimen are the largest salmon in the entire world and reach a weight of 13.5 to 27 kg. Largest representative Siberian salmon was caught in the Kotui River in Russia - 105 kg. and 2.5 m in length.

Carp is a series various types freshwater fish belonging to the family Cyprinidae, which is a very large group.

Indian carp, which had the largest maximum length, reached 182 centimeters.

It is native to the Nile, Congo, Senegal and Niger rivers. Perch are silver but have a unique blue tint to them. You'll notice its distinct black eyes, which have a bright yellow ring on the outer rim.

The Nile perch is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, in some cases reaching a length of more than 180 cm. The largest of these fish weighed more than 180 kg.

Catfish is a bottom inhabitant of lakes. Some of the largest catfish have had sizes recorded above 220 kg. Live in freshwater environments usually in shallow running water.

Paddlefish feed on plankton and swim constantly open mouth. They reach a length of more than 2 meters and a weight of 90 kilograms. They were found in abundance in river systems of the United States, but due to overharvesting their populations have declined significantly. The main reason for the decline in paddlefish numbers is the number of dams that block their migration routes, which is very important for their reproduction and health.

Bull shark or bull shark

You can find a bull shark in warm oceans, in coastal areas and freshwater streams if they are deep enough.

Female bull sharks are larger than males. At birth, their length can be up to 91 centimeters. Adults average about 2.5 meters in length. Heaviest recorded weight bull shark amounted to 320 kg.

The bull shark is considered a super-aggressive species. They often hide on shallow beaches and, at the slightest danger, demonstrate their completely unprincipled behavior.

The white sturgeon is a freshwater fish species that plays an important role in British Columbia's social heritage and culture. This is the largest species of sturgeon and the largest freshwater representative in all of North America. A white sturgeon that was almost 4 meters long and weighed half a ton was recently caught in British Columbia.

White sturgeon have an extremely long life. Some of them lived more than 100 years. Capable of reproducing many times during their life. Due to their long lifespan, white sturgeon grow slowly and do not reproduce until males are 14 years old and females are over 18 years old.

Mississippi shellfish, alligator gar

The Mississippi shellfish is a streamlined fish with a flat head and at first glance may appear to be an alligator. The alligator gar is the largest of the gar species. It can grow up to 3 meters in length and weigh more than 165 kg. They are an aggressive species, but no attacks on humans have been recorded.

The giant freshwater stingray is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, weighing between 500 and 590 kg.

Unfortunately, the numbers of these fish are rapidly declining due to overfishing and ongoing habitat loss. In Thailand, the giant freshwater stingray is considered critically endangered.

A giant freshwater stingray can pull a boat under water if it gets caught in a net or on a spinning rod hook.

Beluga (not to be confused with white whale) is a member of the sturgeon family. And rightfully takes first place in the list of the largest freshwater fish. They can grow to monstrous sizes - partly because their lifespan is 180 years and during this entire period they do not stop growing.

The largest beluga recorded was 7 in length and weighed 1,569 kg.

Beluga black caviar is considered a delicacy throughout the world. Due to the fact that this fish is endangered, caviar is very expensive.

The diversity of river fish has interested people since ancient times. Our ancestors fed their families by fishing. Nowadays, fishing is most often a hobby or recreation. This fact does not negate the benefits of fish products in the diet of children and adults.

List of river fish in Russia quite big. Let's look at its main representatives.



A schooling predatory fish with valuable meat, which contains the entire list of amino acids. Distinctive feature– camouflage color in the form of dark vertical stripes on the back. Lives at the bottom of clean rivers, in pits. Feeds small fish, frogs, crustaceans. For a fisherman, pike perch is considered a trophy. You can fish with a spinning rod and a float rod using live bait.





Lives in cool water of fast rivers. It feeds on larvae, fry, and frogs. Capable of jumping out of the water to catch an insect. It reaches 70-80 cm in length. The body and head are large. - difficult prey, as it is shy and cautious. You can catch them in the spring using dough and May beetle larvae. Summer bait - grasshoppers, dragonflies, flies.



Outwardly similar to a roach or chub. The scales are silvery and darken with age. Omnivorous. Lives in pools, under a bridge, near a tree lying in the water. Ide gathers in flocks in winter. Tolerates temperature changes well. It is an object of sport fishing.



Lives in swift waters, under dams and locks. Predatory fish with in an original way hunting. jumps out of the water and falls on the victim, stunning him. It grabs food with a bony protrusion on the lower jaw and grinds it with pharyngeal teeth. Reaches a size of 120 cm. The body is wide, laterally compressed, with a powerful back. The scales are light silver in color. A valuable trophy for a fisherman.



A schooling, usually small fish. Lives in clean water. Feeds on insects. The bait is actively biting. Bait can be maggots, silicone bait, grasshoppers. Taste qualities are appreciated. Before cooking, remove the gills.



Lives in rivers with fast currents. It feeds on bottom algae and larvae. May eat eggs. Prefers cool water. Fishing is good in summer.



A schooling fish that lives in surface waters. The omnivorous bleak is often caught in the bait in summer and late winter. Distributed everywhere.



Outwardly it looks like bleak. A distinctive feature is a dotted stripe on the sides of the body. The size of the bystryanka is 10-12 cm. It feeds on algae and zooplankton. Inhabits rivers with fast currents.



This small fish is found everywhere. Selects places with a sandy bottom. The gudgeon has a cylindrical body with large scales without mucus. Active during the day, goes to the bottom at night. It feeds on small invertebrates, insects, and larvae. In spring they eat the eggs of other fish. They are valuable as bait for catching large predatory fish. It bites well on small worms.

White amur

White amur

Herbivore big fish, reaches 1.2 m. Cupid scales are large, with a black rim. Loves warm water. Fishing lasts from May to October. Fishing takes place in the coastal area overgrown with reeds. Bait can be semolina, dough, peas, potatoes. is a commercial fish, its meat is white, dense, fatty.

Silver carp

silver carp

A large fish that lives in rivers with moderate currents. Lives in warm water, with the onset of cold weather it goes into hibernation. feeds on zooplankton. Schooling fish, weight reaches 20 kg. Caught on dough and vegetable baits.



A solitary predatory fish. It is distinguished by the absence of scales and the presence of mustaches. lives in the depths, inhabits underwater pits. It feeds on mollusks, frogs, and fish. May eat dead fish. He also eats plant foods. Weighs up to 300 kg. Catfish are active at night, after rain and during fog. It is at this time that fishermen hunt him. They catch it on a boat, using a bunch of worms, mollusks, locusts, frogs, and live bait.



The river eel lives in places with a gentle current and a clay bottom. Predator, similar to a snake. It feeds on crayfish and worms. Crawls into another body of water on wet grass. It grows up to 47 cm. It lives in the European part of Russia and goes to the Sargasso Sea to spawn. After spawning the fish dies. Eels are caught with float and bottom fishing rods using live bait. The bait is thrown in the evening and checked in the morning. The meat is nutritious, smoked eel is considered a delicacy.



Industrial bottom fish, lives under snags. It feeds on mollusks, small fish, and frogs. Grows up to 1 m. Spawning and active fishing occur in winter. They fish with float rods. Bait – pieces of fish, worms, bird giblets.



A small fish with a thin elongated body and a yellow back. Length up to 30 cm. Lives in quiet areas of the river. IN dangerous situation buries itself in the mud. During drought, it looks for another body of water, crawls across land, and at this time it is caught in puddles. While being caught, the loach squeaks. It feeds on larvae and eggs of other fish. Moreover, a school of loaches can cause significant harm to the population of carp, crucian carp or tench. Due to its repulsive appearance, it is rarely eaten, although its meat is tender, fatty and tench-like.



A member of the salmon family. The back is brown, the body has small spots. There are no scales. The meat does not shrink in volume during heat treatment and contains Omega-3 fatty acids. It feeds on larvae and fish eggs. You can catch it using bloodworms.



Found in the Kuban and Don basins. Lives in clean running water, lives on a sandy bottom. The larval period of the lamprey lasts 5-6 years. The larvae feed on plankton and small invertebrates and grow to 17-23 cm. Adult lampreys do not feed. The adult state lasts about a year, then the lamprey spawns and dies. The fish is listed in the Red Book.



A predatory river inhabitant weighing up to 30 kg. Outwardly similar to a snake, it fiercely guards its territory. Defeats an enemy of any size. In a reservoir it destroys fish and looks for another one rich in food. While searching for another body of water, it is able to breathe air for up to 5 days. To fish, you need a boat without a motor and a strong fishing rod. The bait is a fish from the same reservoir. Snakehead meat is tasty and suitable for cooking



Valuable fish Lives at a depth of fast rivers. It feeds on larvae, small crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish. The fish is dark gray-brown in color. Characteristic– narrow long nose. Instead of scales, there are five rows of bone growths on the body. The sterlet is classified as an endangered species. The regions have approved rules for catching it. Fishing without a license is prohibited.

Brook trout


Lives in fast cold waters, enriched with oxygen. The body is thin, elongated. The scales are small and dense. Coloring from brown to yellow. The head is black with golden gill covers. The body is covered with spots. The meat is white or pinkish. It feeds on crustaceans, tadpoles, and larvae. Eats caviar, even its own relatives. They catch it by wading or from a boat.

European grayling


An agile fish with a remarkable appearance. There are bright yellow spots on the dorsal fin of grayling. Lives in northern Russia in fast waters. You can catch it with any bait. Fishing is permitted only with a license. Sport fishing object. Grayling meat is prized, it is soft and tasty.

The list of Russian fish can be continued. River fish have common features– this is an elongated body, which is an element of adaptation to life in water of a certain density. Their appearance and habits are varied and depend on the habitat, type of food and other factors.

On the territory of the former CIS countries there is a huge number of rivers - in Russia alone there are 78 largest of them. The number of species of freshwater fish living in them is more than 60. We will list only the most significant species.

Distinctive features of freshwater fish

Unlike sea fish, freshwater (river) fish are able to live only in a fresh environment with a low degree of mineralization. Suitable habitats for it are running waters, waters of most types of lakes and even some swamps.

Some river fish are predators, but they pose a danger only to the inhabitants of reservoirs - their diet includes small fish or fry. Freshwater predators include burbot, catfish, pike, perch, grayling, etc. Carp, crucian carp, roach, gobies, carp, gudgeons, bream and many other freshwater animals feed on plant foods.

List of fish - names, descriptions, fishing features

Sturgeon (Acipenser)

In Russia they are found in Pecher and the Ob, Amur and Yenisei basins. The body of this royal fish is elongated and resembles a spindle, and the head is small, with an elongated snout. Distinctive feature are a skeleton consisting only of cartilage tissue, without vertebrae and complete absence scales.

The sturgeon, which always stays close to the bottom, does not bite on the fishing rod. It is allowed to catch the Siberian and Russian species only in paid reservoirs using bottom or float gear or a float rod. The sturgeon prefers steamed millet, corn porridge or dough. It also bites on baits of animal origin: fry or pickled herring.

Perch (Perca fluviatilis)

This predatory fish lives throughout Eurasia and northern Russia - it is even found in the Kolyma region. The size of the perch, the number and color of fins may vary depending on the species. A distinctive feature is the shape and structure of the dorsal fin, spiny in the anterior part, pinkish ventral fins, small scales and small stripes throughout the body, which in some species may be barely noticeable.

Although perch hunts during the day, it bites best in the evening or in the early morning hours in cool weather - it does not like heat and hides from it. You can catch it only at depth using maggots, bloodworms, mosquito larvae and traditional dung worms.

Ruff (Gymnocephalus cernuus)

Another fish of the perch family. It is found both in rivers of the Baltic Sea and Trans-Urals and in the north of Russia at depth or near shores with a sandy bottom or gravel. Its food is mainly benthic invertebrates, small animals and plants, but it readily bites on bloodworms, maggots, fish eyes, and dung worms. They catch it with fishing rods with a thin line - up to 0.2 mm in diameter - with a small hook and a small float so that small twitches are more noticeable.

Roach (Rutilus rutilus)

A small schooling fish of the carp family is called chebak in the Urals, on Baikal, Yenisei, in Siberia, Nenets district, Vologda, Arkhangelsk - sorogoy. Subspecies of roach have proper names– for example, roach and ram.

This species differs from the rudd in its larger scales and eye color - they are not blood red, but orange, with a small red spot at the top. The roach's back is dark, with a slight greenish or blue tint. The tail fins are reddish-gray-green, the pectoral fins are yellow, and the ventral fins are red.

Roaches refuse to bite only in the dead of winter and during spawning; during the rest of the year they can be safely caught with a fishing rod. In the summer heat, it is more difficult to catch it; you only need to look for it at depth, but in the fall the bite improves. Best time For fishing - spring, when it approaches the shore in flocks. At this time, the roach is fattening up. Active biting occurs both during periods of first ice and during last ice– at this time it lives in the depths or in thickets.

In winter, roaches prefer animal baits; in summer, worms, bread, corn and peas. In spring, she is more timid and picky, and the bait has to be selected experimentally.

Pike family (Esox lucius)

The genus of pike unites 5 species of fish with small scales, a dorsal fin displaced back, a large mouth and an elongated snout. One more characteristic feature is the lower jaw slightly pushed forward. The activity of pikes varies depending on the season - at least they bite all year round, more actively searches for food after wintering, in March-April, and from mid-September until the onset of frost. catch her better at night, in the morning a couple of hours before sunrise and in the afternoon before sunset.

In early spring, pike are not particularly careful and attack most baits: spinners, twisters, blanks, uralkas, etc. In April it is better to use noise baits, and in May turntables and wobblers with a bright game. In winter they bite mainly on live bait.

Bream (Abramis brama)

Fish from the carp family, which in the south of Russia is called chebak and kilyak, has a characteristic tall body, a small head and a mouth ending in a retractable tube. Back adult has gray or brown tint, abdomen yellow. Between it and the anus there is a scaleless keel.

Bream stay in groups at depths covered with plants. In winter on the Volga they can go to sea. Experienced fishermen know that a good bait for bream is steamed pearl barley, brand, corn or peas. The standard bait is also suitable - muckworm. Bloodworms are very effective in the spring – at this time they simply won’t go for other bait. Although a lot depends on the habitat - perhaps it is better to replace it with dragonfly larvae, caddisfly, clepsin leeches, pieces of lard or cut up toothless.

Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

You can find this freshwater fish in the basins of the Aral, Black and Caspian seas, Far East, Kamchatka, Amur and rivers flowing into Pacific Ocean. There is especially a lot of it in the lower reaches. It has a massive head with a short mustache on the upper lip, a thick, slightly elongated body with large scales. The back is slightly darker, and the sides are golden, although their color may vary depending on the habitat. Each of the scales has a darker spot at the base, and along the edges it is outlined by a dark stripe.

Carp are caught using a “running” tackle with a reel and rings. This fish is omnivorous, and due to the lack of a stomach, it feeds without interruption. Both aquatic plants and caviar of frogs and fish, mollusks, insects, worms, leeches, etc. are used. As bait you can use potatoes boiled with a strong-smelling bay leaf and dill, millet, dough, peas and corn, bread, berries. If you have nothing at hand, you can even use the core of a reed. In spring or on clear, fine days, it is better to fish with maggots, worms, wasp and bee larvae, or artificial baits imitating small fish. Active feeding of carp begins from the first days of spring and lasts until the beginning of July. It bites well in August and September. The best time is morning, evening or night.

Carp (Cyprinus)

Carp is a domesticated cultivated subspecies of carp. Thanks to selection, it differs large sizes– among carp there are larger individuals. The head of this species of carp is much smaller. A naked carp may not have scales at all; a mirror carp has them only on the body and near the dorsal fin, but a scaly carp is evenly covered with it, just like a carp.

Carp is the most voracious fish that can grow to enormous sizes. But, if the carp grows only in length, then the carp also increases in width. The gear used for catching carp is also different - it does not need a “running” tackle, but a float rod.

Crucian carp (Carassius)

A common fish of the cyprinid genus. Common (golden) crucian carp is found in the European part of Russia and the CIS countries up to the Lena River basin. In Belarus it is called crucian carp zalaty. Silver crucian carp is found both in Europe and Siberia. Outwardly, both of these species are similar, with the exception of the shade of the scales and the shape of the head - in the golden one it is more rounded, and in the silver it is pointed.

A dung worm, which attracts fish with its rich color, and maggots (they can be used together with a worm) are suitable for fishing at any time of the year. By the way, fishermen often paint fly larvae to make them brighter and more noticeable. In spring and summer, crucian carp becomes more capricious, so it is better to offer it bloodworms, and use it as bait.

Tench (Cyprinidae)

Another fish of the carp family. It differs from crucian carp in having a thicker body, thick skin, small slimy scales, rounded fins and a short tail. At the corners of the small mouth there is a short antennae.

Tench does not like silted reservoirs - the bottom must be hard. If crucian carp comes aground only for spawning, then tench stays near the boundaries of vegetation at depth only during the period of ice melting until May. In summer, it prefers shallows and the thickest grass. Fishermen often even mow it down in order to get to the tench’s habitat.

Strong individuals can easily break telescopic rods - it is better to take a short match rod with a thick line and a short leash. To lift these fish out of the thickets, you need constant movement of the bait so that they notice it. Only after this they cast a fishing rod baited with snails, worms, leeches and insect larvae. Tench are very attracted to red maggots.

Pike-perch (Sander lucioperca)

This large fish with large fang-shaped teeth of the perch family lives in Eastern Europe, rivers of the Baltic, Azov, Aral, Black and Caspian seas. It is a typical predator and feeds on fish and invertebrates. Since it is sensitive to the oxygen content in water, it lives only in wetlands.

At night it is better to look for it in shallow water or near the surface of the water. During the day it goes deeper under snags and stones. For fishing, bait is used in the form of fish with a narrow body - gobies, bleaks, minnows - these are the species that are their main food.

Our planet has been inhabited by many different animals for millions of years. Among them, a special type stands out - fish. They filled rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. These animals play a large role in the natural food chain, as well as in the human environment. Both sea and river fish serve as a source of food, medicine and fertilizer for people. Agriculture, as well as raw materials for light industry. What are these inhabitants of the rivers of our country, how do they survive and what do they eat? This issue deserves due attention, because all living organisms on Earth are necessary parts of nature.

Fishes of Russian rivers

The most common fish that live in Russian rivers are beluga, pike, burbot, catfish, sturgeon, stickleback, crucian carp, salmon, carp, perch, carp, rudd. And this is not a complete list of them. The fastest river fish include salmon, dace, podust, asp and sabrefish, and the most nimble include rudd, bream, roach, bream, tench and crucian carp. These aquatic vertebrates are divided into predatory and peaceful inhabitants. What river fish eat directly depends on this division. The former feed on smaller representatives of this class, while the latter spend most of their time searching for plankton and plant food. In the reservoirs of Russia, especially in the summer, various algae grow rapidly, which are a haven for crustaceans and mollusks. And this is not just food, but a kind of delicacy for fish. Predators (for example, pike, pike perch, perch), in turn, feed on smaller fish.

The largest representatives of river fish

Nowadays, any river fish whose length is more than 1.80 meters and weighs at least 90 kg is considered a large specimen. The record holders for size are several species of these aquatic vertebrates. One of them is the beluga. Its weight reaches 1400 kg, and its length is about five meters. Beluga and pike keep up with the size. Its largest representatives are found in the northern rivers of Russia.

The European (common) catfish weighs about 350 kg and is up to 4.5 meters long. He lives in almost all big rivers both Russia and the CIS. The catfish is unusual in that its body consists of a huge head and a huge tail.

The most valuable freshwater fish

River fish of Russia have their most valuable specimens. The most expensive of them is the Russian beluga. For example, a female caught in the Tikhaya Sosna River, weighing 1227 kg, produced 240 kg of very high-quality caviar. Its value today is about two hundred thousand dollars.

The second most expensive is carp. It belongs to the category of especially valuable commercial fish. For example, in the seventies in the Volga River delta, the catch of carp was at least ten thousand tons per year.

Fishes of the rivers of Primorye

Russia has a vast territory, the reservoirs of which are home to many different species of fish. Thus, considering the inhabitants of fresh water bodies of the Primorsky Territory, one can count about one hundred and fifty of their varieties. Some, such as Sakhalin taimen, are even listed in the Red Book. Other river fish of Primorye can boast the most unusual names- for example, snake catcher, guar horse, yellow-cheeked and top gazer. In addition to the fish mentioned above, the local fresh waters are inhabited by Amur pike, catfish, crucian carp, carp, salmon, lenok, counj and grayling. One of the most unpretentious and widespread fish of the Primorsky Territory is the rudd. And although many locals consider it too bony, its taste is excellent. There are two types of rudd: small-scaled and large-scaled. Typically this fish grows up to half a meter in length and weighs up to one and a half kilograms.

Fishing in the Moscow region

For those who like fishing, the Moscow region has remained a favorite place for a relaxing holiday for many years. Amazing nature, quiet evenings, clean air and plenty of fish in the reservoirs - everything you need for Russian fishing. The rivers Pakhra, Severka, Ruza, Istra, Nerskaya, Protva, Nara, Besputa, Dubna, Sestra and others hide in their waters various popular and tasty fish. This includes perch, and carp, and crucian carp, and roach, and pike, and gudgeon, and bream, and chub, and bream, and asp, and bleak. River fish in the Moscow region are caught using fishing rods, spinning rods, fly fishing rods, boats and bales.

Pike - the queen of Russian rivers

Speaking about the fish that are found in Russia, one cannot fail to mention the heroine of Russian fairy tales - the pike. It lives not only in the reservoirs of our country, but also in the rivers of European countries, as well as Asia and the United States of America. The size of pikes is determined by the food supply: the larger the average size of fish in the river, the larger the pike can grow. It is rightfully considered one of the most predatory freshwater fish. Her appearance fully demonstrates this: a long flattened head with a huge mouth and a large number of sharp teeth looks terrifying. Many river fish have become prey for this agile predator. The color of pikes is mainly gray-green, with speckles. Thanks to their slippery cylindrical body, they move quickly and swiftly. Pike feed mainly on smaller fish (roach, perch and others), but there are often cases of eating individuals of their own species. In addition, the diet of these predators includes amphibians, reptiles, large insects, various garbage, small mammals, and even waterfowl chicks.

Rare and endangered fish

Today, on the territory of Russia, many river fish need human participation and care, the list of which is growing every year. These include Azov beluga, sterlet, Volga herring, Volkhov whitefish, black carp, Baikal white grayling, Baikal sturgeon, common sculpin, Kamchatka salmon and others. All these fish are on the verge of extinction. Take the Volkhov whitefish, which earlier, before the construction of the Volkhov hydroelectric power station (1925), played a big role in the fishery and was found in huge quantities in the Volkhov, Syaz, and Svir rivers.

The catch of Baikal sturgeon in the nineteenth century reached three thousand centners, and in the nineties of the twentieth century it decreased to two hundred centners. Today, most often these river fish are found in Lake Baikal and the rivers flowing into it - Angara, Kitoye, Belaya, Selenga, Barguzin and Khamar-Daban. A similar fate befell the Baikal white grayling, which was also previously widespread in these waters.

Another endangered species is black carp. Due to a sharp decrease in the number of this fish in the seventies of the last century, a ban on its fishing was established. Today, black carp is found in Lake Khanka, as well as in the Amur and Ussuri rivers.

Impact of the environmental situation

Unfortunately, today the environmental situation is affecting many river systems. Quite often there are cases of river pollution by emissions from factories and industrial enterprises, storm water, which contain various hazardous chemical substances. Under such circumstances, river fish, crayfish, turtles and other inhabitants not only change their usual way of life, but also become victims of mutations or disappear altogether. And it’s no secret that insufficient attention from outside human society may lead to irreparable environmental disaster.