Twenty years ago, most canteens operated inside large industrial facilities, government agencies, schools or universities. These were secure facilities that no outsider could enter. Now the situation has changed - canteens are becoming more “popular”. This is a popular and inexpensive way to have a normal lunch or hold an event with the whole team. This is also a rather interesting business, which is becoming more and more relevant due to the current crisis.

Types of canteens

Opening of the dining room - difficult, but profitable business, which, with the right approach, completely pays for itself in a year and a half.

The canteen is a profitable and profitable white business

Canteens are divided into two types:

  1. Closed.
  2. Open.

Closed canteens operate to provide food for a specific group. The option is interesting, but launching such an establishment is not easy. Open dining rooms serve a large number of visitors. This is the most dynamic format of work.

Also, catering establishments are classified by:

  • location (office, school, hospital, free-standing);
  • principle of operation (closed type, semi-finished products, pre-cooking kitchen);
  • type of customer service (waiters, self-service, distribution line);
  • type of payment (non-cash, cash, credit cards).

Note:In most cities there is an acute shortage of quality canteens. Many people would not mind having a full lunch or breakfast in a cozy place at an affordable price.

Bankers almost always positively view the decision to provide a loan to open a canteen, since it is a completely transparent, legal and profitable business.

Pros and cons of canteen

The canteen is open at simple principle— provide a large flow of people with high-quality food in a minimum amount of time. On average, a person spends no more than 15 minutes in the canteen, with the average bill being 200 rubles.

This speed is achieved through a complex menu: visitors are offered a choice of several first, second and third courses, already prepared by the chef. This solution has certain advantages:

  1. High traffic, no queues.
  2. Minimum number of staff (savings on wages and taxes).
  3. Predictability and “planning” of cooking.
  4. A simple way to pay visitors.
  5. Practical use of available space and equipment.

A small canteen requires a minimum of staff and investment

It also has one serious drawback: the lack of a wide range of dishes. The visitor can only order what is in stock - they will not cook separately, as in a cafe.

The most suitable work option

The most convenient type of dining is considered to be the classic free flow, which accepts bank cards and cash. Free flow is self-service. Ready-made dishes are displayed in display cases, and the visitor, passing by them, chooses the ones he likes and goes to the cash register. At the checkout, he literally pays in a few seconds and goes into the hall to have lunch. This is a very practical mode - no one imposes a choice of dishes on the client, waiters are not needed for such work, payment occurs instantly. No queues, delays or misunderstandings.

Note:The dining room differs from cafes and restaurants in its format. People come here to eat, not to relax.

Step-by-step instruction

So, how to open a canteen: where to start? The first step is to draw up a business plan, find suitable premises and employees, and conduct a market analysis. It is recommended to open canteens near office buildings, business centers, large enterprises, near key public transport stops and other crowded places. After this, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Concept development. Think about how much space the dining room should occupy, what style you will decorate it in, draw yourself a portrait of the average visitor to study his needs and capabilities.
  2. Find a canteen equipment supplier. Often large suppliers also offer space design services.
  3. Develop a design project according to your concept. Clearly define the purpose of various rooms, the location of the kitchen, equipment, and bathroom.
  4. Based on the design project, it is necessary to create a working project, which includes all engineering systems.
  5. Based on the completed projects, a general estimate is made.
  6. Find a good contractor to take on your project.
  7. Coordinate the available documentation with the relevant authorities. You will have to obtain permission from the SES, UGPS, Technical Supervision, and the Property Management Committee.
  8. After approval, you can begin renovating the premises and connecting utility systems.
  9. While the renovation is underway, you need to purchase everything you need for the job. You will need a cash register, accounting and warehouse systems.
  10. After the renovation is completed, the premises are rented out to various commissions.
  11. Supply of equipment and furniture for the dining room. It is most practical to purchase this in one place and on a turnkey basis. This will solve the problem with the warranty and maintenance of the equipment, and will also reduce the overall cost.
  12. Buy dishes and cutlery.
  13. Hire staff.
  14. Open up.

The set menu is not very varied, but nutritious and tasty

Some nuances

Before opening, you should develop a work plan: how many cooks are working, how many employees serve food on the distribution line, what time your establishment is open. In parallel with this, you should do advertising - you will need a sign, banners, leaflets, banners and other outdoor advertising. Also, be sure to provide the cash register with a terminal for paying with cards - now more than 80% of the active population use them rather than cash.

Please understand that this is only general information about how to open a canteen from scratch. In the process, you will have to do many more small tasks: train staff, obtain permits for cash registers, agree on the menu. But all this is routine, which is done once - you will not return to this again.

Equipment selection

The equipment in the canteen plays a key role - it determines the cost of opening and the number of customers served. For a small dining room for 10-20 people at a time, you can get by with a classic cafe kitchen. If you are visited by 30-50 or more people at the same time, then you will need a good mini-kitchen with display cases. If there are more than a hundred clients, then you need a full-fledged kitchen and a distribution line that allows you to serve people the finished dish.

Mandatory equipment in a catering establishment must include:

  1. Tilting boilers of suitable size.
  2. Refrigerated tables.
  3. Electric stoves.
  4. Powerful meat grinders.
  5. Convection ovens.
  6. Vegetable cutters.
  7. Several refrigerators.
  8. Good dishwasher.
  9. Scales.
  10. Production tables.

Kitchen utensils are purchased separately: you will need a set of frying pans, pots, saucepans, knives, graters, rolling pins, bowls and other small items.

Your dining room should be cozy and beautiful - keep order and cleanliness

Business plan

Now let's look at the approximate business plan for a canteen. Of course, everything greatly depends on its location and other factors, but we use average figures for megacities (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk) for a dining room with a capacity of up to 40 people at a time.

Expenditure part:

  1. Renting premises and public utilities will cost you approximately 1.5 million per year.
  2. A complete set of equipment, dishes, furniture - 1 million rubles.
  3. Staff salaries, taxes - 2 million per year.
  4. Other expenses - 500,000 per year.

In total, to open you will need approximately 2.5 million, expenses for the year will be equal to 5 million rubles.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The catering industry is of great interest to entrepreneurs and investors. The number of cafes and restaurants increases every year. Of course, this industry is very profitable and promising. However, the competition in this market is so great that already a year after opening, almost half of the catering establishments close. The reasons for most failures in this business are related to the high level of competition, the wrong location and the specialization of the establishment. Experts are confident that even under such conditions, new players have every chance of success with proper positioning.

Of all the catering establishments in our country, cafes, restaurants and snack bars predominate. However, there is another format of establishments that is familiar to each of us, has a centuries-old history and is undeservedly ignored these days. It's about about canteens. As a matter of fact, this catering system, established by one of the first decrees of the Soviet government in 1917, has no analogues in the world. Although during perestroika almost all canteens closed along with the enterprises on which they operated, this format of catering establishments did not cease to exist. There are still relatively few modern canteens that belong to the corporate catering segment, the potential of which, according to experts, is very great. But cafeterias are gradually appearing, which are designed for eating outside the home and work and compete (sometimes quite successfully) with the usual cafes and restaurants.

So, modern canteens are divided by target audience into closed and open. Indoor canteens are intended for corporate catering for organized groups (enterprise employees, students, etc.), while open canteens welcome all visitors. Canteens can be located on the territory of a specific institution or complex (school, hospital, holiday home, manufacturing plant, office center). They also differ in technological principles. There are full-service establishments where dishes are prepared from scratch, and canteens where the kitchens only go through the final stage of preparation or even just warm up. Canteens also differ in the form of service: with a serving line, with waiter service or free-flo (“free movement”). The latter option involves the absence of waiters and the presence of an open kitchen, when dishes are prepared right in front of the visitors of the establishment.

The main principles of a real dining room: a not very varied menu, which usually includes a first course, a second course, snacks and soft drinks; maximum use of space (compact tables and chairs, no partitions); ascetic decoration of the hall. In order to decide on the format of the dining room, you need to take into account several factors at once: budget, location of the future establishment, price category. Getting into the corporate sector, although possible, is difficult. This market already has its leaders - the largest corporate catering operators. To beat such competitors, considerable investments are needed. But a public catering facility, even one with a small capacity of fifty seats, has every chance of success. However, if you choose this option, carefully select the location of the dining room and the target audience. For example, it is most profitable to open a cheap canteen in the industrial zone of the city, where there are large manufacturing enterprises, close to universities and institutes. A win-win– open a canteen near the student campus, but the option with office centers is much more risky. Although the format of the canteen evokes nostalgia for the Soviet past among adults, it does not give the impression of respectability.

Of course, to carry out business meetings such establishments will not be suitable, but ordinary office clerks will prefer to go “for lunch” not to the canteen, but to a cafe. Experts also do not recommend organizing a canteen on or near large shopping centers. In any of these centers, as a rule, there are already chain cafes, pizzerias, and sushi bars. Only people working in the shopping center will eat in the canteen, but you can’t count on high attendance.

Ready ideas for your business

First, you need to choose the organizational and legal form of running your business and prepare all the necessary documents. To open a canteen you can register as individual entrepreneur or legal entity (LLC). If the business is small, then the most suitable form is individual entrepreneur.

Simultaneously (or better in advance) with the registration of all necessary documents start looking for a place for a dining room. It must meet the following requirements: have a good location and preferably a minimum of competitors nearby. Direct competitors include other canteens, cafes, restaurants, stalls and shops that sell ready-made food and even semi-finished products. It is advisable to visit the nearest ones (within walking distance from the chosen place), see the interior, study the menu, and watch the visitors. In the process, note the shortcomings of your competitors in order to prevent them from happening in your establishment. These may include a monotonous menu, poor taste qualities dishes, dirty dishes, uncomfortable furniture, lack of signboards and other identifying marks, etc.

The dining room premises are subject to the same requirements as other catering establishments. All these standards can be found in the following documents: Civil Code RF ( retail); Law on Consumer Protection; Government Decree Russian Federation dated August 15, 1997 N 1036 On approval of the rules for the provision of public catering services; SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them,” approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on February 25, 2000.

The next step is to determine what you need to purchase. First of all, you will need gas or electric ovens, cooking and frying cabinets, cutting and production tables, sinks, tables and chairs for visitors, dishes, cutlery, various tools and containers for preparing dishes. Don't forget about textiles (curtains). Unlike a restaurant or cafe, the interior of the dining room is as simple and no frills as possible. You can style it like Soviet times(for establishments located near factories) or make the interior in a modern style (for student canteens). If possible, do not skimp on the designer. Good specialist will give your establishment a special atmosphere, which will subsequently attract new customers to you.

Ready ideas for your business

By the way, it would also help to get help from a professional to create a menu. Many canteens give preference to “home-cooked” dishes prepared according to classic Soviet recipes. The daily menu may include a small number of dishes within one category (for example, one or two types of soup, several salads, etc.), but this set must be changed every day. This is not as difficult as it seems, because, firstly, canteens are often open only five to six days a week on a reduced schedule (for example, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Secondly, since visitors to the dining room cannot wait long for their order to be ready, all dishes are prepared in advance, and then only heated and poured/laid out on plates. The most difficult thing is to calculate the number of servings per day. Subsequently, when you receive data on dining room attendance and consumer preferences, you will be able to determine with relatively high accuracy how much and what kind of food needs to be prepared on a given day. In addition to preparing and selling breakfast, lunch and dinner, canteens also provide their customers with the opportunity to take food to go, and also cater for corporate events and various celebrations. Consider courier delivery food to take home. This will increase your costs, but can be a highly sought after service.

Decide on your pricing policy in advance. Yet, despite all the tricks of the owners, the canteens are designed primarily for clients with an average (tending to low) income level, for whom it turns out to be too expensive to dine every day in a restaurant or even in a cafe. Prices also depend on the region and competitors. However, in an effort to reduce the cost of food, there is no point in degrading their quality. Better make the portions a little smaller. Dumping is also not the best solution, which only leads to price races, but has an adverse effect on all competitors and negatively affects the loyalty of visitors.

Finally, great importance The success of your entire business is played by its people. There are no excessive demands placed on him. You don't need chefs who specialize in preparing complex, exotic dishes. As a rule, any cook can prepare hodgepodge or buckwheat porridge with cutlets. The main criteria for selecting personnel are conscientiousness, efficiency of work (this applies to both waiters and cooks who work “on the fly”) and politeness. A small canteen will require a manager (you can take on these functions, at least during the first time of work), two cooks working in shifts, two kitchen workers to help the cook, a dishwasher, a handyman, a cashier (salesperson), cleaners, waiters ( if the format of the dining room requires their presence).

If the dining room is located in a favorable location, it does not require special advertising, except, perhaps, for attention-grabbing signs, signs (if your establishment is located in the courtyards) and announcements about the opening of a new establishment posted around the area. Slightly more expensive, but effective method attracting new customers - distributing leaflets or booklets with information about your canteen, examples of dishes from the menu with prices and address.

Ready ideas for your business

So, let's try to calculate the costs of opening a small canteen with fifty seats in the industrial zone of your city. Renting the premises will cost from 900 thousand rubles per year, but if repairs are necessary, the sales amount will increase significantly. All necessary equipment, furniture, inventory and utensils will require at least 450 thousand rubles. Another 200 thousand rubles will go towards wages staff for the first time of work. Overhead costs range from 150 thousand rubles. Thus, to open a small canteen you need from 2-2.5 million rubles. Under the most favorable circumstances, it is possible to recoup all expenses by the end of the first year of operation. However, a period of two years or more seems more realistic. As a further development of the business, it is worth considering the possibility of opening an entire network of canteens and creating your own franchise.

Sysoeva Lilia

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

Here we will look at an article on how to open a canteen, ready-made example business plan for opening it from scratch.

Whatever the city is - the capital or the province, the number of canteens in them is small. Why did this happen? And all because for many people, especially the younger generation, the word “canteen” evokes associations with something old-fashioned, reminiscent of the times of the USSR. That’s why modern businessmen often call their establishments “restaurants,” because it sounds much more attractive. Hence, two views arise on one problem - on the one hand, this is an interesting innovation, on the other, this is a dining room that was presented to visitors from the other side.

Canteen business plan

So, how to open a canteen from scratch? We present to your attention a ready-made example for opening it.

Form of business

The form of doing business for this project – individual entrepreneurship – is the most best option. And if the suppliers of raw materials and components necessary to open a canteen are legal entities, then you will have to open entity. If this does not happen, then the best option is individual entrepreneurship.

Analysts, having analyzed all the necessary indicators, claim that such a business as opening a canteen is very successful. And all due to the fact that many settlements do not have such establishments.

About the establishment

Since the canteen is created for clients with an average level of income, the prices for the products in it should be low, but appropriate.

Services to be provided

The business plan is drawn up so that the following services will be provided in the canteen:

  1. creation and sale of hot breakfasts;
  2. production and sale of obels;
  3. cooking for corporate parties, funeral services, alumni meetings, etc.

Market and competitors

This paragraph reveals and contains all the necessary information about canteens that are located in a specific city or locality. Determine which of them are competitors and which are not. Knowing all the mistakes of competitors, you can take them into account and prevent their occurrence in your establishment.

Production part

The most important point The search for premises for the dining room will begin. A place that, with its amenities, can become a popular catering area. It is for this reason that due attention must be paid to finding a place. The best place The location of the canteen will be the area where the largest enterprises are located, and even better if the canteen will be located on the premises of these enterprises. Another a good option– this is the placement of a dining room in a new mall. At first, the center builders will become your first clients.

In order to pass all kinds of checks, as well as authorities, you should take into account the presence of a main and emergency exit in the dining room, as well as its division into two parts: one of which is the kitchen, and the second part is the hall. As for the level and size of the room, everything will depend on your financial capabilities.

Particular attention should be paid to the equipment that is needed for the dining room. A large number of companies ready to provide the necessary equipment for the canteen are presented on the market. The only difference is price and quality.

Equipment needed for the canteen:

  1. stoves that are necessary for making hot products;
  2. frying and cooking cabinets;
  3. production and cutting tables;
  4. washing;
  5. tables and chairs for clients;
  6. utensils for cooking and serving dishes.

The very result of its work will depend on the canteen staff. Therefore, when choosing personnel, treat this matter carefully and selectively.

After this journey, the next step should be taken, which will be an advertising campaign for the canteen. The success of any establishment depends on this business. And here any means are good - you can use regular advertising, but guerrilla marketing is much better.

Experienced chefs should be able to prepare any dish of Russian cuisine. To do this, it is necessary to indicate that the menu will consist mainly of Russian cuisine, and then everything else. The business plan provides for the presence of the following employees in the canteen:

  • one manager;
  • two cooks;
  • two kitchen workers;
  • one dishwasher;
  • one auxiliary worker;

One cleaner, one cashier.

The menu opened by the dining room should contain a list of the most important dishes of traditional Russian cuisine. As a rule, this list includes: borscht, a couple of soups, solyanka, potato dishes, meat dishes, various salads.

When all of the above has been taken into account and implemented, then we begin the discovery. Due to the location of the canteen, large-scale advertising company will not need. The food must be at the highest level in order to win the love and respect of future customers. In the future, this will make it possible to steal customers who already eat in establishments of this kind.

Financial plan of the establishment

This item of the canteen business plan was created to calculate both expenses and income, which are so necessary for an overall assessment of the payback of this establishment.

Costs include:

  1. rent of the selected premises - 1 million rubles/year;
  2. acquisition, total necessary equipment— 500 thousand rubles;
  3. remuneration for personnel - 2,040 thousand rubles/year;
  4. and other overhead costs - 100 thousand rubles.

A total of 3,640 thousand rubles came out. – this amount is necessary for the initial investment.

Let's look at the income:

  1. sale of hot food;
  2. provision of food at banquets, evenings, etc.

Based on these data, the payback period for the canteen will be 1-1.5 years, which is quite good performance in modern both environmental and social conditions. Let this business plan help you open a cafeteria and start your own business. All that remains is to wish you good luck.

A good catering establishment can compete with fast foods. Adherents of healthy food will always give them preference and become regular customers, bringing stable income.

This idea is best implemented in the format of a dining room located in a good location. With a thorough approach to business, it is quite possible to get excellent profits in a relatively short period of time.

The first choice that a novice entrepreneur should make is to decide whether he will go on an independent voyage or turn to the services famous brand. Each of these activities has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Utilities such as the ventilation system should be carried out before cosmetic repairs begin.

Dining room equipment

High speed of customer service will be ensured by modern professional equipment good quality. To organize smooth operation you will need:

  • Refrigerators. For fish, meat, dairy and confectionery products.
  • Stoves and ovens
  • Professional hoods
  • Production and finishing tables
  • Trade displays that maintain the temperature of food and are protected from visitors by glass, combined with selling distribution lines
  • Professional dishwashers
  • All kinds cookware and cabinets for storing it
  • Kitchen electrical appliances for professional kitchens, such as slicer, coffee maker, microwave oven, electric meat grinder.

Absolutely all canteen equipment must have a high level of resistance to constant disinfection.

Furniture for the hall, and these are tables and chairs, must comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards and fit into the interior of the dining room.


A smiling girl at the checkout and efficient cooks are the key to smooth operation of the dining room. Before putting the business into operation, it is worth involving the entire team in preparatory work, in order to see them in action.

From the 2-5 options offered, the visitor selects one ready-made set and takes it to the checkout. In this case, you need to carefully think through the menu so as not to lose a particularly demanding client.

The interior should be decorated in gentle, unobtrusive colors. It wouldn’t be out of place to have some interesting twist that would set the dining room apart from its competitors.

It's better not to install wireless Internet, this can create a significant delay and will increase the visit time, which will reduce availability free seats and fast flow of visitors.

Registration of documents and permits

Of course, you can’t do without registering an individual entrepreneurship. A sample of filling out an application for state registration of an individual entrepreneur, form P21001, can be downloaded below for free.

After the premises have been selected, you need to apply for permits from the City Property Management Committee, the Committee for State Control and Protection of Cultural Monuments, and Technical Supervision.

Before commissioning, after completing repairs and installation of equipment, contact the Fire Service and the City Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

Arrangement of a dining room on the ground floor of a residential building will require the transfer of space to non-residential stock, which will entail additional paperwork.

The canteen's profit comes from the sale of prepared meals. With the cost of a set lunch at 250 rubles, and an average visit of 350 people per day, we can predict a turnover of 30-40 million rubles. in year.

The profitability of a canteen is approximately 25%; accordingly, the approximate payback period and net profit will be 1-1.5 years.

Even if there is high level competition, but with a serious approach to business, it is not difficult to reach a decent level. And grateful visitors will be the best reward for a budding entrepreneur.