Anna Lyubimova

Different temperaments and perceptions of the world do not prevent this couple from getting closer on spiritual and intellectual grounds. Pisces, as more sensual and dreamy natures, attract Aquarius as their like-minded person, capable of supporting them in creative endeavors and inspiring them.

This couple has quite a lot in common. Both of them are dreamers and idealists who do not want to fit into reality, both are tuned to a creative wave. In the financial sphere they are also similar - they do not attach too much of great importance money, they spend it ineptly and impractically. They are more attracted to the implementation of ideas and the implementation of great plans.

At the same time, their life positions are very different. Aquarius all immersed in his activities and communication, sometimes showing selfishness towards Pisces, who are devoted to him with all their souls. In his eyes, Pisces are soft and pliable, ready to devote themselves entirely to caring for Aquarius, and such sacrifice is very flattering to him.

Pisces really admire the lively mind and reformism of Aquarius, do not blame him for unpredictability and impracticality, but sooner or later they begin to be upset by his inattention and complete immersion in his interests. Aquarius does not understand his partner’s dissatisfaction, believing that he is exaggerating the situation too much.

Aquarius lives by reason and logic, Pisces are prone to sensuality and intuitive perception of the environment. At some points in life, by combining these abilities, they can jointly achieve good heights. However, for the same reason, conflicts and misunderstandings may arise.

Aquarius’ increased attention to their interests and the surrounding society to the detriment of Pisces can lead to the fact that they cannot stand it and become indignant: after all, they have the right to basic gratitude and attention

Aquarius, although a romantic at heart, does not give love such a subtle and deep feeling that Pisces is capable of, and is not going to sacrifice the freedom of their actions.

In the end, Pisces chose their mission themselves. If they think about the motives of Aquarius’s behavior, appreciate his kindness and ability to give joy and make pleasant surprises, then the brewing conflict can be quickly stopped.

Compatibility of Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

The Aquarius man is able to appreciate the uniqueness of the Pisces woman. She is friendly and generous, is somewhat naive, and most importantly, is ready to sacrifice her interests in favor of caring for her partner.

In general, such a union can be called a unity of masculine and feminine principles. Soft and feminine Pisces is devoted and faithful to the strong-willed and purposeful Aquarius man.

Are they compatible in love?

Aquarius is initially attracted by the grace and difference of Pisces from other girls. He is capable appreciate its versatility inner world , spirituality and morality. However, falling in love rarely leads to the fact that he is ready to abandon his principles of life or tolerate encroachments on freedom.

Having gotten to know each other better, Pisces and Aquarius can easily transfer the status of their relationship from friendly to love story. The bright personality and fortitude of Aquarius attracts and exalts him in the eyes of Pisces. She is ready to bestow her care and attention on him and show tolerance for selfishness. But her incredulity does not allow them to come to an agreement.

Aquarius is able to adequately appreciate the sacrifice of his partner, be loving and caring, and make pleasant surprises

Aquarius guy and Pisces girl in sex

At the very beginning of development love relationship An Aquarius man can show reverent and passionate feelings in bed, supported by novelty.

Over time, his ardor noticeably fades; he just gets a little tired of the monotony. Therefore, so that the sensual and gentle Pisces woman is not disappointed, the couple should make sure that intimate life did not turn into a routine and did not become boring and monotonous.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

In such pairs Pisces woman is ready to give all the love and care for Aquarius, since children in these families appear quite late.

Aquarius and Pisces do not bother too much with economic issues, devoting their energies to higher goals. And the lack of amenities and comfort soon become a source of irritation and mutual claims.

The couple just needs to share responsibilities. The Aquarius husband must learn to find time to solve everyday problems and provide financial support for the family, and the Pisces wife must not forget in the process of caring for her husband and setting up a home.

The Pisces girl is an unusually soft, feminine and charming person.

Is there friendship if he is Aquarius and she is Pisces?

Aquarius open to friendship, sociable and reliable, ready to help at any moment. But emotionally, in friendship, he does not experience the warmth of feelings that are characteristic of a Pisces woman.

They may be like-minded people based on common interests and plans, but sincere and trusting friendship most likely will not work here.

How to win an Aquarius man?

Aquarius is a rather ambiguous type in terms of love, since the state of falling in love takes him out of his usual feelings, which is not always to his liking. He is afraid of encroachments on his freedom, realizing that this feeling sometimes leads to addiction.

And yet serious A girl who is extraordinary and original can attract the attention of such a man, moral and sophisticated, who will not impose her principles and desires on him, or demand an account of his actions and deeds.

The Pisces girl may well become the object of his adoration, since she is in many ways similar to him in nature. At the same time, she is able to admire his strength and unconventional thinking. In her he will see a faithful and devoted companion, ready to help and please in everything.

However, she should trust him more and try to be as sincere as possible, since Aquarius is not impressed by secrecy and omissions

How to get the attention of a Pisces woman?

Pisces girl – extraordinary soft, feminine and charming person, which attracts the stronger half with its weakness and naivety.

She can be attracted by intelligent and erudite men who are able to make decisions and become a reliable support and support in life.

Pisces feels the need for male attention and care, and Aquarius's fixation on his life spirals can prevent him from showing love to the fullest. We'll have to look for a compromise.

The relationship of such a couple may well ensure the spiritual growth of partners, but unions of such a combination are not always durable in comparison with the combination “He is Aquarius, she is Pisces.”

The problem lies in the fact that a woman is endowed with stronger character traits, and a man, on the contrary, is too soft

Unfortunately, they cannot provide each other with full mutual support. The Pisces man will be upset that his beloved does not want to completely devote her life to him, continuing to be active and communicate with numerous girlfriends, buddies and the right people.

Although they are able to grasp the inner desire of Pisces for creativity and creation, even inspire them.

The reluctance to submit to established life realities, which is inherent in both of these signs and often causes significant problems in everyday life, nevertheless contributes to their mutual spiritual growth. Pisces begin to get rid of the negative qualities of nature, such as opportunism, the desire to shift the solution of problems and responsibility to others. Aquarius, being able to appreciate the creative potential of his chosen one, will try to help him, achieve success and recognition in this.

True unselfishness and goodwill of Pisces They will not ignore the Aquarius lady, who is usually more rigid in her sensory perception of friendship and compassion.

Love relationship

The Pisces man adores his beloved, so unusual and bright. He is ready to do a lot for her, forgives hot temper and emotional resolution of conflicts, irritability and too obvious guarding of independence.

The romantic relationship of this couple can only begin with friendly sympathy and light flirting. Only after a long acquaintance will they, having gotten to know each other better, be able to completely trust their partner, and physical and spiritual feelings will begin to manifest themselves stronger.

Aquarius needs to praise his beloved more often, and Pisces needs to be sincere and open, then mutual love this couple will make them truly happy

Sexual attraction of a couple

At first, the initiator of the intimate relationship of this couple is more the Pisces guy. He is temperamental and passionate about his extraordinary girlfriend. The Aquarius girl is more doubtful whether such a relationship is necessary for them.

Incomplete harmony may arise in bed, since the temperaments of these signs are somewhat different. Sensual and emotional Pisces guy may come across some enslavement and lack of initiative of the Aquarius lady.

However, this happens at first. Having found kinship of souls, this couple is capable of a whole fireworks display of passions, and Pisces will be pleasantly surprised by the fantasies and ingenuity of Aquarius.

Aquarius needs to praise their lover more often, and Pisces need to be sincere and open


Married couples of this combination are not distinguished in society by their wealth and wealth. At first everyday problems they don't really care. But over time, they begin to understand that conflicts and dissatisfaction with each other are increasingly arising, the reasons for which are the disorganization and discomfort of their home.

The Aquarius wife will invite companies less often and be at home more often in order to gradually establish comfort, while the Pisces husband will become unstable financial situation families will be motivated by the desire to earn money, build a career and ensure prosperity.

How an Aquarius girl and a Pisces guy are friends

The friendships of this couple can be quite harmonious. Aquarius woman always can provide support to Pisces Not only good advice, but also by action.

The Pisces guy admires her sublimity, her desire for ideals and her reluctance to plunge into boring reality. He, like no one else, is able to understand the motives of her behavior and aspirations, since in this regard they are very similar.

Together they can talk on any topic and discuss issues that they cannot discuss with others

However, the Pisces guy may limit communication if a loved one appears on his horizon. He simply believes that in this situation it is unethical to communicate with another woman.

How to win a Pisces man and build a relationship with him?

The Pisces guy is a very delicate, sensitive and vulnerable nature. Mutual understanding and moral support are very important to him. Aggressive and rude girls will never get his attention.

A feminine, non-conflict and calm girl will quickly find a response in his soul. And if she is also endowed with a sophisticated and graceful appearance, under which lies a mysterious nature, then the Pisces guy is ready to fall in love with such a person without looking back.

The Aquarius girl, possessing charisma and charm, can easily arouse romantic feelings in the soul of a Pisces guy. He, possessing the ability of subtle perception, can feel in her your soul mate. She will not mock or be sarcastic; she is sincere and non-conflicting.

Is it possible to make an Aquarius woman fall in love with you?

To attract the attention of this extraordinary beauty and visionary, men should begin their courtship with a friendly relationship that allows only a hint of flirtation.

An Aquarius girl in a relationship will appreciate her reliability and ability to understand her. She values ​​freedom too much, so if she suspects that they are trying to limit her, this may serve as a signal that it is not worth starting a relationship.

For many it seems strange and incomprehensible. But not for the Pisces guy. He sincerely admires her, and the Aquarius girl will be able to appreciate the affection and devotion of such a suitor. She likes that he is soft and non-conflicting, able to feel her mood and share her interests, and will never oppress or force her into boundaries.

For a Pisces guy, a companion Aquarius can become a kind of Muse, inspiring creative deeds. But you should show maximum sincerity and trust, since this is extremely important for Aquarius.

January 11, 2018, 01:32

An Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman are a prosperous and wonderful union. Such partners will emanate tenderness, romance and love. The partner of the Aquarius sign and the partner of the Sagittarius sign are endowed with childish naivety, and they are also confident in their own love fidelity and affection. The views of such people are similar, and they also have many common hobbies and interests. The desires and dreams of such partners have their own common ground.

An Aquarius guy can meet a Sagittarius girl quite suddenly. Unpredictable circumstances will simply bring such people together unusual place. This is possible both in a vehicle and while on vacation, but not with the help of work or mutual friends. After a certain period of time, in the process of remembering their own acquaintance, both Sagittarius and Aquarius will admire the unexpected coincidence of circumstances that will lead to the emergence of a relationship.

Sagittarius women and Aquarius men can mystically attract each other, and none of them will even make an effort to conquer their partner. You also don’t need to find out how to conquer an Aquarius man with a Sagittarius woman. Everything will happen on its own, and the romance will begin to develop at amazing speed.

Also on topic: How to give your husband an unforgettable night?

If during the period of acquaintance there is no spark, then the representative of the fairer sex, whose Zodiac sign is Sagittarius, will be helped to conquer the Aquarius guy by her friendliness, sincerity, independence of judgment and erudition. Once you start making friends with your Aquarius partner, he will no longer be indifferent to the sincere smile and expressive eyes of the lady of the Sagittarius sign.

How to keep an Aquarius man?

At first, Aquarius and Sagittarius become infected with a single idea that they will have to implement together, and then love will flare up between such partners. Partners will desperately need each other without realizing the attraction, and this will not make their love less. On the contrary, such people are always comfortable to be around, because mutual understanding is the most important criterion for them. Aquarius does not like obligations, and the Sagittarius woman understands perfectly well that the relationship may require more from the couple, and therefore everything will be the same as at the very beginning.

Also on topic: How to win a Capricorn man with an Aquarius woman?

Over time, the Sagittarius woman will want to legitimize the relationship. She may be burdened by uncertainty and therefore, by any means, she will try to convey this idea to the Aquarius guy. As a result, the couple will come to one decision. If a lady is able to prove to her partner the merits of their union, then he will agree to her terms without hesitation. When trying to understand how to win and keep an Aquarius man, it is important to remember that it is unrealistic to achieve anything from such a partner with romance, feelings and tears. In such a situation, it is better to be guided by logic.

A Sagittarius woman is also not recommended to become clingy during an intimate relationship with an Aquarius. Instead you will have to open own feelings. An Aquarius man likes sincere relationships, and such an attitude from a lady will make him feel more comfortable. By moving past mutual stiffness, a couple can be truly intimate.

Also on topic: How to win a Taurus man over a Taurus woman?

What to do to prevent the union of Aquarius and Sagittarius from becoming boring?

According to the compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius, so that harmony in the family is not disturbed, partners are not recommended to allow boredom into own life. You also don’t need to look at your surroundings or build your own family life following the example of your parents. It is then that the question of how to win the heart of an Aquarius man will not arise. In such a family union there should always be fun and interest, and turning life into a series of identical boring everyday life is unacceptable. Joint travel, visiting, and, of course, self-development will help diversify the family life of an Aquarius-Sagittarius couple.

In addition, a representative of the Sagittarius sign always needs to have in her arsenal several ways to have a good time. Feeling that the partner of the Aquarius sign has begun to get bored or sad because plans are not being realized, it is worth organizing an adventure for him that will overflow with rainbow possibilities.

A complete collection of materials on the topic: how to win an Aquarius man over an Aries woman? from experts in their field.

Conquering an Aquarius man under the influence of Uranus is quite difficult.
This zodiac sign is incredibly contradictory, and besides, it does not allow anyone to get close to it.
Therefore, be patient and learn to understand and perceive your loved one for who he really is.

The Aquarius Man's Beginning Lover's Bible

There are several taboos, breaking which in communication with Aquarius is the right way put an end to the budding relationship. Let's list them:

  1. Don't expect too much. This zodiac sign will never make its companion the center of the universe. Yes, he will love you more than anyone, but his curiosity and thirst for new knowledge will always stand between you. Just accept that this young man will disappear from the radar from time to time because he suddenly wants to know a little more about the effect of the sun on shellfish or about craters on Mars.
  2. Don't do it out of feelings central theme for conversation. The broader your horizons, the higher your chances of becoming the one and only for Aquarius.
  3. Do not panic and do not make hasty conclusions if a man suddenly disappears. He will definitely show up, apologize and do everything possible to make amends. It’s just that this zodiac sign is prone to bouts of depression and melancholy. On such days, Aquarians prefer to distance themselves from the world.
  4. Don't rush things. Pressure is not appropriate in this case; Aquarians are afraid to commit rash acts. They approach any task thoroughly, so the transition to new level relationships will not be spontaneous.
  5. Don't look for what doesn't exist. Do you want to be with an Aquarius? Learn to trust him. Even if his excuses seem strange and implausible, do not try to figure out the truth on your own. Most likely, he forgot to call you back because he saw a new bookstore on the way home.
  6. Don't be jealous of his past. First love for Aquarius is an unattainable ideal. Perhaps he forgot the facial features of that girl, but in his mind she will forever remain the very best. Understand that this is only a ghost, half created by the imagination.
  7. Don't question his mental abilities.
  8. Don't think that he is silent because he is bored with you. The reason for this lies in the innate taciturnity.
  9. Do not offend. People under the power of Uranus do not forget about the pain caused. All their lives they can remember the moment from childhood when their sister threw a pillow at them and told their parents that their brother took it away.
  10. Don't make yourself look like a spender. This type of man does not like it when money is thrown away. They approach every purchase responsibly; they can travel the whole city in search of point of sale, where the desired product is cheaper.

To gain the trust of this sign, you need to be patient, not expect quick results, be a friend and ally, count to twenty before saying a rude word or making a scene, accept all his eccentricities and quirks, and believe in success.

Aries Woman

Between these signs there is common features, so it will not be difficult for an Aries woman to attract an Aquarius. Aries herself is an extraordinary, bright personality. She is an enthusiastic person with many hobbies.

She knows how to keep her distance perfectly and therefore Aquarius notices her immediately. He likes the spiritual fire of Aries. She talks not only about him and will never sacrifice her interests for his sake.

Can be found common decision, which will make two people feel great. This is what a man who needs free space likes. Aries listens with interest to Aquarius' dreams and believes his ideas. Moreover, together they are able to create a good creative union. The only thing that will interfere is the selfishness of both. Since winning an Aquarius man is not so difficult for an Aries woman, you just have to follow some small rules:

  • select non-trivial topics for conversations;
  • listen to your partner’s opinion;
  • Be prepared for changes in your chosen one’s mood.

Taurus Woman

The Taurus woman is used to wearing masks. She knows how to adapt to her partner’s mood and gain trust.

But with this sign it is best to be open. He loves sincerity and appreciates those who can freely talk about their feelings and experiences.
Taurus is more interested in the intimate side of life and is quite jealous. Therefore, hide these traits when communicating with your partner.

Otherwise, Aquarius can be attracted by a calm, measured lifestyle, a desire to create comfort, spend money wisely, etc. This attracts him because he himself does not possess such qualities.

  • hide your jealousy;
  • demonstrate your hospitality;
  • learn to dream.

How to win him over to a Scorpio woman

For some traits of your character, Aquarius will be ready to carry you in his arms. For example, for the love of order. This type of man also loves comfort and cleanliness. Take advantage of this, the result will be simply stunning.

An Aquarius man may be attracted to you by your unusual way of looking at things. He loves to seek the truth and learn something new. Become an inexhaustible source of information for him, and he will not be able to tear himself away from you. Just remember that starting an argument with Aquarius is pointless. This will not show you in the most favorable light.

A freedom-loving man will definitely notice the deep look of a Scorpio woman on simple things. In his thoughts, Scorpio turns to topics that Aquarius also likes to talk about. Therefore, in order to win his attention, you should talk about your observations more often. This way you will win friendship, and essentially nothing else is needed. After all, friends for your chosen one are like light in the window and for them he will do everything possible. Talk more with your chosen one about politics, literature, economics - what your hero is interested in.

  • think more in the presence of a man;
  • be there when your help is needed;
  • accept your partner as he is.

Tips for Pisces on seducing Aquarius

Union of two creative personalities can lead to anything. Unusualness will undoubtedly allow you to quickly find a common language. However, if both halves are in the clouds, then who will be the support?

Try to distribute roles and responsibilities as early as possible, otherwise the castle in the air of your relationship will fall under the attack of reality. Your gentle character and lack of desire for emancipation will undoubtedly help in this.

After all, one of the things that Pisces women appreciate is that they never try to dominate their men.

Pisces love to dream and live in their own world, which an extraordinary and unpredictable partner cannot help but appreciate. Therefore, communicate more about your ideas about life. The chosen one will listen to your aspirations and if he wants to help fulfill them, know that you have achieved your goal.

  • don't be afraid to dream in the presence of Aquarius;
  • ask for help more often;
  • expand your circle of hobbies, activities and friends.
Anna Lyubimova

Just having met, the guy and girl in this combination of signs are ready to plunge headlong into the whirlpool of their exciting feelings. A romance that has barely begun can quickly develop into serious passion and ardent love, the desire not to part and to walk hand in hand throughout life.

They easily get close and find a common language, harmoniously complementing each other and understanding each other perfectly. Both value independence and the right of a partner to their “little” secrets, and irrepressible optimism brings them together in achieving common goals and implementing plans.

Together they are ready to realize their wildest ideas, take risky adventures and make their fantasies come true

Free from routine, Aquarius attracts the eccentric Sagittarius with his eccentricity and ability to easily perceive his intemperance, and sometimes downright rude statements. At the same time, Aquarius is sincerely attracted to Sagittarius by the genuine openness and spontaneity, his energy and enthusiasm, which in a unique way “feed” Aquarius with the fiery element and passion.

Emotionally, Aquarius is somewhat dry in his expressions of feelings, but assertive and bright Sagittarius is ready to become his true “incendiary” comrade-in-arms and to reveal his inner potential.

By combining their elements, such people are able to maintain the flame of their love.

Compatibility chart for Aquarius and Sagittarius

Compatibility of Aquarius Man and Sagittarius Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

Such couples are always make a positive impression on others with its truly subtle sensual relationships and positive attitude. They are not only close in intimate relationships, but also spiritually, they look at things from almost the same point of view and support each other.

The Aquarius man perfectly understands Sagittarius’ motives to be sincere and say what is, even if too straightforward. Despite this, he will delicately try to defuse the situation with a joke or change of situation. In addition, he is more down to earth, and he likes the Sagittarius girl for her unobtrusive and understanding character, free and relaxed attitude to life. She will not put him in any framework, which is very important for Aquarius, since men of this sign are not very positive about attempts to control their actions.

The only downside to their relationship can be the lack of variety, regularity and boredom. This dulls their feelings, although they themselves try not to subject their lives to such tests and are constantly moving towards something new and interesting.

Are they compatible in love?

The partners of this iconic union have quite deep feelings for each other, and over the years this love symbiosis only grows stronger and binds them more and more closely. Minor disagreements are quickly resolved thanks to the easygoing nature of both. They simply cannot imagine themselves without their soul mate, and this is not a matter of habit, but of a subtle kinship of souls and mutual understanding.

Aquarius guy and Sagittarius girl in sex

Intimate relationships This couple is not burdened with painful jealousy and mutual claims. In bed they are quite harmonious, since the ingenuity of the Aquarius man and non-violation of dominance in the sexual actions of the Sagittarius girl allows them to achieve completely mutual satisfaction of passion.

They are ready to experiment and are not afraid of emotionality in expressing their feelings in a variety of circumstances.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

This is a wonderful married couple. With the advent of children, Aquarius and Sagittarius become more serious and responsible, trying to create a wonderful family atmosphere of harmony and close family community. Of course, they can quarrel, since everyday life and economic problems cannot be thrown out of everyday life. Very fast they are able to resolve the brewing conflict, because they believe that the little things in life should not affect their family happiness.

The Aquarius husband will not abuse the freedom that his wife provides him, and the tolerance of his Sagittarius other half does not at all mean that she is ready for too free relationships in the family. Reasonable limits of freedom and responsibility in relationships and family responsibilities make this marriage strong and reliable.

Is there friendship if he is Aquarius and she is Sagittarius?

These people actually live “on the same wavelength,” so they understand each other perfectly and think almost the same way. They quickly get along with each other as a team and even after a long separation they communicate as if they had never parted. They are mutually understandable and simple, so they often unite to achieve common goals and try to support each other in different life circumstances.

How to win an Aquarius man?

This man is, first of all, attracted to those young ladies who can intrigue him, fueling his interest. An extraordinary and visually spectacular girl who is not afraid to experiment with her appearance will impress him much more than a stylish, cold lady dressed in the latest fashion collection.

A woman who values ​​her independence, does not impose herself, and even behaves unapproachably, while constantly fueling interest in herself with mystery, can attract his attention. He does not accept unkempt young ladies who are ready to get bogged down in everyday life and everyday problems, he needs romance, new impressions. A girl with such qualities will certainly evoke a response in his soul, which he does not reveal to everyone.

A symbiosis can become a good couple if he is Aquarius and she is Sagittarius.

The Sagittarius girl doesn’t have to make much effort to win this guy. Nature has already done this for her. She is endowed with exactly those qualities that attract Aquarius the most

How to get the attention of a Sagittarius woman?

Girls of this fire sign cannot be considered too picky in choosing a partner. However, they may be interested in a man who is intellectually developed, has a sense of humor and is not boring. No matter how interesting a man may have, he will not can conquer a Sagittarius girl, if he conducts monotonous conversations, tells the same jokes over and over again, or tires long stories from your life and work.

The Sagittarius lady cannot stand whiners who complain about everything in the world; she needs a man who is active, cheerful, striving for novelty, sincere and open, without infringing on her freedom.

Compatibility horoscope for Aquarius Woman and Sagittarius Man

The Aquarius girl conquers Sagittarius with her extravagant appearance and originality of character. She is absolutely calm about his antics, which are sometimes quite childish. Sagittarius finds mutual understanding with her and ready for a trusting relationship. She does not try to remake him, to subordinate him to her desires, but looks at things from the same point of view as the Sagittarius guy.

This couple is friendly, active, their home is open to friends, they are not supporters of measured family life, subject to stereotypes and established rules.

In work, these are faithful partners, and it is Sagittarius who acts as the leader, and the Aquarius woman will become a source of advice for him. However, if the work is boring, they will together invent ways to evade it.

Sagittarius' desire to idealize his companion can lead to the appearance of “dark clouds” in family happiness. Sometimes his affairs with girls can displease Aquarius, which Sagittarius may not even suspect. After all, he is sure that his girlfriend does not suffer from conventions and prejudices.

Sagittarius is inclined to bow to the lady of his heart, which will be a sure guarantee of fidelity, so the girl must always be on top

Love relationship

The romantic relationship of this couple can develop quite quickly, since they are easy and pleasant to communicate with each other. The Aquarius girl is attracted by the sincerity and spontaneity of the Sagittarius guy; she does not focus on his sometimes harsh statements and is not offended. Sagittarius feels the inner kinship of souls and mutual understanding, which is very important for his sensual nature.

In each other’s company they are comfortable and at ease, they are relaxed and open, and often mutually come to the common opinion to never separate.

Sexual attraction of a couple

The Sagittarius guy, first of all, experiences sexual attraction to the Aquarius lady, only subsequently realizing what their commonality is in the spiritual sense. This couple is in bed loves mutual dominance, ingenuity and experimentation. The Fire of Sagittarius, supported by the Air element of his partner, immerses them in passion, indomitable energy and violent fantasies, ensuring complete harmony of intimacy.

They are temperamental and relaxed, have a great feel for each other and are emotionally attractive in expressing their feelings.


Despite the spiritual and physical compatibility, the premarital period can be quite long, since both of these signs value freedom. Therefore, they want to make decisions together, without any pressure from their partner.

Their openness and long-term communication lead to the disclosure of both positive and negative sides of character. As a rule, situations do not arise where before the wedding the partner was “white and fluffy”, and then began to show his true face. Such couples have studied each other well and know what to expect from their other half.

Aquarius is tolerant of the impulsiveness of Sagittarius, who is always extremely frank with his wife. Household responsibilities are distributed among themselves in order to quickly complete them as a boring but necessary routine. However, in marriage their enemy can be monotony and banal involvement in everyday problems.

If the wife stops taking care of herself or paying attention to her husband, brushing it off and citing fatigue, passions will begin to subside, and the husband will look in the other direction. They need to continue to lead an active lifestyle, show variety and often update their relationships with new experiences.

How an Aquarius girl and a Sagittarius guy are friends

Having met for the first time, they show genuine interest in each other, as they discover an amazing commonality of interests, views on things and situations.

If they are united by joint work or family relationships, they understand each other perfectly, ready for joint projects, they are interested in talking and communicating with each other.

Working towards common goals, they can achieve excellent results because they complement each other harmoniously and, as a rule, have no disagreements

How to win a Sagittarius man and build a relationship with him?

Of course, like any other man, he puts a woman’s appearance and well-groomed appearance not in last place. He is more likely to pay attention to the one who, in comparison with other contenders for his heart, will look brighter, more impressive, and also be distinguished by her sociability and lively character.

At the same time, he will not really approve of ladies who like to argue about everyday topics, avoid unerudite and cold girls. An arrogant and calculating lady will not arouse their sympathy either. Sagittarius men are more attracted to open and spontaneous natures, optimists who are easy-going, energetic and, like him, ready for new experiences.

Is it possible to make an Aquarius woman fall in love with you?

Such a multifaceted nature as an Aquarius girl attracts the attention of many men. However, she herself pays attention to the opposite sex very selectively. The Aquarius girl values ​​truly masculine qualities in her chosen one: reliability, seriousness, strength. For her, her life partner should not only be physically attractive, but also become a spiritual like-minded person, a support on which she can rely. She prefers open and honest people who know how to achieve their goals in life.

Such a lady does not want to be in complete submission, at the same time, the other extreme will also push her away: she does not like to be constantly led on her lead.


Perhaps the symbiosis “she is Aquarius, he is Sagittarius” may well become that rare combination of close souls that will be harmonious and pleasant for both. The Sagittarius man will not encroach on her freedom, arrange interrogations, control every step, which is very important for Aquarius. She, in turn, will appreciate it. best sides, and most importantly, sincerity and honesty.

January 28, 2018, 01:29

People born from January 20 to February 18, according to their zodiac signs, are Aquarius. They are open to knowledge, value freedom, do not tolerate coercion, and are always interested in new, untested ideas. Aquarius cannot be squeezed into a framework that limits their independence; not only their well-being is important to them, but also the happiness of those around them.

In this article, you will learn about which girls can attract an Aquarius man, and which zodiac signs are compatible with him.

The eleventh sign of the Zodiac values ​​freedom and independence, constantly looking for unconventional solutions to long-known problems. People under this sign are inventors, pioneers, and very spiritually developed. Among them are many thinkers and poets, usually spiritual loners, original seers. The sign is distinguished by its ability to think progressively, sometimes to such an extent that it is incomprehensible to contemporaries.

People born in this sign have their head in the clouds a little. Although they intellectual level tall, they are completely uninterested in everyday affairs. Aquarians are involved in the struggle for high ideals, but often their plans are not realistic. Basically, they are good-natured people, not interested in gossip, and are reluctant to show their feelings.

Aquarians are impulsive, dynamic and nervous. They adapt to any situation and have excellent reflexes. For the most part, their behavior is temperamental and altruistic. They are extremely tolerant of other people, but are undisciplined and rebellious and love to surprise. The character is dominated by curiosity, an inquisitive mind and an unlimited thirst for knowledge about the world.

General characteristics sign:

  • scientific analysis, penchant for experimentation;
  • friendliness, kindness, sympathy, calmness;
  • a penchant for mystery and intrigue, talent, originality;
  • eccentricity, romanticism, love of freedom;
  • independence, desire to solve social problems;
  • partiality for fame, desire for a high assessment of one’s abilities;
  • a penchant for politics, art and creativity;
  • external relaxedness and sociability, internal detachment.

Important!For Aquarius men important aspects life is friendship and understanding, so these men cannot be in union with painfully jealous women.

Positive traits

The most striking positive qualities of men of this sign:

  1. Creativity. Many of them are brilliant inventors or researchers, and they express themselves well in creative professions.
  2. Originality. They like to stand out from the crowd and shock people with their appearance or behavior. They are like a closed book, it is difficult to say what they really are.
  3. Independence. They love freedom and do not recognize restrictions. Working in an office, without the possibility of travel, is not for them. In relationships, they should also be free; they almost never look for a caring wife, but rather want to meet an unusual woman who is prone to unconventional agreements.

Negative qualities

Sometimes Aquarius is difficult to bear, especially due to his “dark” sides:

  1. Impracticality. For Aquarius, everyday affairs are absolutely not interesting, he will not participate in cleaning, cooking or shopping, a man simply does not pay attention to this type of activity. He doesn't always understand why a woman is angry that he forgot about her birthday or some other important date.
  2. Fanaticism. Sometimes new idea is able to completely capture the mind of Aquarius, leaving no space for anything else. Often men of this sign become fanatical followers of a new religion or other principles that may be unpleasant to others.

Did you know? Famous people, born under the sign of Aquarius: film actor John Travolta, football player Cristiano Ronaldo, great musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, singer Shakira.

The Aquarius man is usually selfish, he is focused on himself, and therefore does not notice the needs of the people around him. He is independent, does not need anyone's help or advice, and is able to overcome his problems on his own. Emotionally, he is not very developed, passion is unusual for him. Approaches people from the point of view of the mind, but not the heart.
The ideal woman for a man of this sign is not only a beautiful, but also an intelligent, educated lady with whom you can have long and interesting conversations. The most interesting for Aquarius is a woman who can be an adviser on important issues and an inspiration to conquer new heights.

This sign is extremely stable in its feelings. However, he has a psychological barrier to expressing his feelings, so he can appear quite reserved. It is not in his character, despite all the love and affection, to shower his girlfriend with compliments and passionate confessions.

A man of this sign cannot be looked at with superiority, from top to bottom. He doesn't like it when a woman tries to limit his freedom. There is no need to control his acquaintances and communication with other people, this pushes him away. Aquarius needs freedom because they always want to stand out from the crowd.
A woman should not limit her relationship with an Aquarius to sex only, this will make him think that the lady as a person is very superficial and uninteresting. You cannot tell this sign that his plans are nonsense, but you need to understand and share with him his desire for change and constant changes in plans.

If possible, a woman should not cling to him, trying to hold him. Sometimes Aquarians also emotionally distance themselves from their partner. Instead of giving too much importance to marriage and conventions, it is better for a girl to emphasize her creative side and wit, so as not to let his interest wane.

Important! Aquarius considers pessimists who are disappointed in life and who love to cry to be extremely unattractive and pathetic. A lady should not be too jealous, pessimistic and withdrawn.

How to win the heart of an Aquarius man

A man of this sign needs an interested, enthusiastic listener; he wants to be the center of his woman’s interests. He also expects his partner to create a warm and cozy home, which will become a peaceful refuge among everyday problems. If a woman does not want to scare away Aquarius, she should not try to clearly influence him and exert any pressure.

A woman must show herself to be an independent and self-sufficient person, an optimist, a caring person, ready to take part in correcting social ills or improving the environment. Since Aquarius is also an idealist and wants to change society for the better, he will be happy to find a like-minded person and ally in a woman.

How to deal with him

It is best to give him complete freedom and be tolerant, he will appreciate it. And vice versa, in return, the representative of the eleventh sign of the Zodiac will provide his partner with the same freedom.

He likes to be an idol for a woman, to receive praise for his intelligence and unusual views on life, his chosen lifestyle, or the business he has created from scratch. A woman just needs to be attentive to this sign and constantly surprise him with new, versatile features of her personality.

How to make yourself fall in love

Aquarius loves women who know how to seduce a man and make him lose his head. He is a supporter of romantic dates: candles, moonlight, red roses and similar love decorations act on Aquarius as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Did you know? Astrology is a combination of two sciences, mathematics and astronomy.

All this man needs is intimacy with his partner. He doesn't care about erotic gymnastics and doesn't try to repeat all the suitable positions from the Kama Sutra. Aquarius values ​​intimate normality, avoiding perversion.

What can surprise you?

Aquarius loves flirting, and the art of seduction is perfected. He is interested in the psychological side of flirting and intellectual communication with a newly met lady. He will be pleasantly surprised and pleased if the woman he likes turns out to be a passionate and interesting conversationalist.

Independence is important for a man of this sign, and he would like to maintain it in a relationship with a woman. He instantly cools down as soon as he hears the first phrases about the possibility of marriage, especially if too little time has passed since he met the girl.
In order not to frighten him, you do not need to raise this topic at the first stage of the relationship. If the relationship between you becomes serious over time, a woman can offer the eleventh zodiac sign to live together, so as not to frighten you with marriage and not to put unnecessary pressure. Only slowness and time can bring an Aquarius man to the registry office.

How to tame forever

For men of this sign, intimate relationships with a woman are impossible without charming her as a person. Therefore, people of this sign enter into permanent love relationships late, having many girlfriends at the same time. This person can spend his entire life looking for the one.

His chosen one is not a sex bomb, not a vamp, but a female friend, a lady with whom they could talk all night without undressing. Of course, in pursuit of the ideal described above, Aquarius repeatedly tests the suitability of potential candidates along this path.

Did you know? Lucky stones for people born under the sign of Aquarius are aquamarine and amethyst.

He is convinced that every woman can become an ideal, it is enough to find the right approach to her. Thanks to their innate modesty, Aquarius often misses the opportunity to test their theories about the relationship between a man and a woman in practice. Sometimes later he has to regret what did not happen.

Compatibility of different zodiac signs

Compatibility in marriage with other zodiac signs for the Aquarius man:

Woman zodiac sign Compatibility Feature Forecast
Aries Both signs are very stubborn characters for whom freedom is very important. They both need a relationship without commitment, so they do not conflict with each other on this issue. They respond to each other's needs because they are in tune with their desires. Although Aquarius and Aries have different personalities in many ways, their deep understanding of each other's needs and differences makes them a good match.
Twins They compensate for each other's weaknesses. Where Gemini has their head in the clouds a little, Aquarius brings stability. If a man loses in the business he has started, Gemini will encourage him. These zodiac signs support each other and harmonize intimately. These two zodiac signs have good chances for a harmonious relationship. Both signs belong to the element of air and are constantly in search of new experiences.
Scales In terms of emotions, both signs need to pay extra attention to their relationship. Pressure from Libra must be careful so as not to infringe too much on the independent Aquarius. Both of these signs are very independent personalities, not prone to romance. The relationship of these signs is largely based on intellectual communication and the same assessment of life values. In general, these zodiac signs go well with each other.
Fish The Pisces sign constantly needs confirmation that he is loved and wants to be closer to his loved one. But this bouquet of emotions is too complicated for Aquarius, he feels tied up. In the case of love relationships, completely contradictory personalities collide. Aquarius has a very rational nature, while Pisces is very emotional and sensitive.
Scorpion Scorpio needs a stormy, fleeting relationship and wants to be closer to his partner. If Scorpio is not sure of the fidelity and feelings of his partner, he will become very jealous. Eternal hunter of novelty - Aquarius cannot cope with this. This relationship will not be successful.
a lion The Aquarius man often attracts ladies with his carefree and gentle character. For him, friendly relationships are always in the foreground, because in love he is determined for a long time. But if he makes up his mind, then everything happens very quickly. The Leo woman is independent and generous. She likes to be strong woman in a man's world. If she likes a man, as a rule, she will achieve him. The signs are not suitable for each other, because both signs need freedom and self-determination.
Taurus It is difficult for a Taurus woman to understand such a relationship; she will try to keep him for a long time, but will fail. Aquarius will calmly leave his partner, even if she loves him very much. They are completely different: he needs unexplored peaks, he cannot stay in one place for a long time. Taurus is frightened by sudden changes in life; she prefers stability. As a result, he is with friends in the mountains, she is in tears in the kitchen. When returning, Aquarius will not ask for forgiveness. Complete incompatibility.
Aquarius Their relationship begins with friendship, gradually developing into an understanding of each other without words. Periodically, the couple conflicts, defending their point of view. Quarrels are heated and often end with the door slamming. The very next day they will make peace. Aquarians are faithful to their love until the very end, often after a divorce they remain alone, and continue to love their couple. A couple belonging to this sign has every chance of a happy family life. Usually such relationships are serious and long-term, they feel good, interesting and calm with each other.
Cancer This is an explosive relationship. Cancer women are characterized by strong mood swings, and at the same time, the owner of the sign has a rather closed character. The Aquarius man is eccentric. Cancer does not feel safe with him, does not know what to expect from his unpredictable partner. This worries the Cancer girl; she does not see the possibility of creating strong and long-term relationships. This union will not be successful; the Cancer woman seeking stability will not find it in a partner.
Capricorn Capricorn and Aquarius could be best friends, but the marriage will most likely fail. This is because the first is a stubborn pragmatist with a conservative outlook on life, and the other is a restless adventurer and connoisseur of freedom. Both partners will be dissatisfied, which is not surprising, because self-expression and discipline are incompatible concepts. In family life, the signs are not very compatible, but they can be together if they are more tolerant and lenient with each other.
Virgo These signs are two intellectuals who can talk for hours in different topics. They will always be good together. Maybe there will be no wealth in life, but they will always be interested in the two of them. In addition, the periodic thirst for activity of Aquarius will not let Virgo get bored. Compatibility is very high, on a spiritual level. Usually the marriage of these two signs is very successful.
Sagittarius Signs form relationships based on mutual understanding. These two signs are rebellious, restless and love change in life. They don't attach much importance to money or sex. The Sagittarius girl is very similar to her partner. She is also easily carried away, and he has thousands of ideas, most of which he implements. She is open and honest. Intimate relationships can be hot, if a little volatile. These two signs get along well and they family relationships can be very nice if they respect each other's personal space.

The Aquarius man is a very versatile person. He has plenty positive qualities, but there are also some negative sides character. Therefore, not all zodiac signs are suitable for him for marriage or partnership.