A European considers a spider 4-6 cm in size to be large, but in the world there are almost 42 thousand species of these arthropods, among which there are larger specimens. The largest spiders in the world have dimensions that are simply not natural; they eat rodents and big birds, can be dangerous due to their poison. You can read about them in the Guinness Book of Records, and if you are going on vacation in exotic countries, then you will find our rating of the most useful big spiders planets.

10. Nephila the gold weaver

In last place on our list of the largest spiders in the world is a relative of the ancient spiders Nephil Jurassik, who were on our land back in Jurassic period. Of all types of spiders orb weavers stands out not only because of its huge size, but also because... . Females are much larger than males. They live in trees, which is why they are also called tree spiders. The world inhabits such hot regions as South and North America, Asia, Africa, Australia. Between the branches, these spiders weave a web in which flies, butterflies and birds become entangled. At the center of the web is a large female, and the gentlemen huddle near the edges of the golden yarn during mating season. The color is greenish-yellow, with a transition to red. They have a highly toxic but not lethal poison for humans.

9. Tegenaria brownie

This representative of large spiders lives in Europe and is also called the giant house spider. Lives in Central Asia, Africa, Uruguay and Argentina. . The body color is pale gray, the front legs are brown. Females wear a cocoon with eggs on themselves until the spiders hatch from it. Tegenaria Moves faster than all spiders over short distances. The species got its name because it likes to live in caves and abandoned buildings. Meet Tegenariy quite difficult, mainly, these spiders live in hot Asia and Africa.

8. Brazilian wandering spider

These arachnids are also called banana spiders. Science knows 8 varieties of this genus of spiders. . They live in humid areas of Central and South America, these are the forests of Venezuela and northern Brazil. It is called so due to the fact that it always migrates, looking for food. It is divided into the running type (catching up with its victim at a very high speed), and the jumping type (overtaking the victim with the help of jumps). They eat beetles, other spiders, lizards and birds. Brazilian spider not only one of the largest in the world, but also has a very strong poison. It has a pronounced brown color and a body with sensitive hairs. They go after the victim at night, and during the day they hide in crevices, under stones or in residential buildings.

The genus of spiders, which includes Brazilian wandering spider, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as containing the most poisonous members of the family.

7. Cerbalus of Arabia

Scientists discovered this type of large spider only in 2003. . Females are always larger size than males. Globally, they have been found in the sand dunes of Arabia, Israel and South Jordan. It is very difficult to notice it on the sand, since its color is yellowish, there are black stripes on its limbs, and its body is covered in hairs. It hunts only at night, which is why science discovered it so late.

6. Giant Baboon Spider

Also called Red Cameroon baboon spider. , is part of the tarantula family. Inhabits the tropics and subtropics of South America. It got its name for the similarity of its legs to the paws of a monkey. The body is covered with hairs, the color changes from dark gray to pronounced brown. Hunts in dark time, eating beetles and other insects, scorpions, termites, lizards, toads and the same large baboon spiders. The spider is poisonous and its poison can be fatal to humans, but it attacks people only when it sees a threat from them. After the bite, the victim experiences shock, vomiting and partial paralysis of the body. This big spider It is interesting because, when attacking or defending itself, it stands upright on its hind legs and hisses like a snake. The view is truly terrifying. People should be wary of such ferocious animals, which are also among the ten largest spiders in the world.

5. Purple Tarantula

In the middle of the ranking of the largest arthropods in the world is Colombian purple spider. This species belongs to the genus Tarantula and is found in the forests of South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica). . It is called so because it often feeds on birds. They are not dangerous for people. The main diet will be insects, frogs, and rodents. The number of purple tarantulas on the planet is small, which is why it is problematic to meet this large and beautiful spider in nature. Colombian tarantula spider has a velvet black color, limbs of bright purple or crimson color. The pattern is star-shaped, the surface of the carapace is covered with hairs. Males live 2-3 years, females live longer - up to 15 years.

4. Camel spider

This type of giant spider belongs to the class of arachnids, order phalanges. There are more than 1000 species of them in the world. In various sources it is also called bichorka, salpuga, phalanx spider, wind scorpion, etc. . Inhabits camel spider all continents of the world except Australia. They got their name for their resemblance to camels, due to several humps on their heads. The color of the body is brownish-yellow, the legs have long hairs. They are active at night, hunting beetles, lizards, birds, mice and other animals. Often these spiders attack people. They can run very fast, up to 16 km per hour. They do not have poison, but when bitten, rotted remains of the previous prey enter the body, which can lead to blood poisoning; in addition, the bite is accompanied by great pain. The area where the spider bitten should be treated with an antiseptic, and if infected, take antibiotics.

3. Giant crab spider

The top three list of the largest spiders in the world opens Giant crab spider. Belongs to the sidewalker family. . Lives in Australia. The crab spider is so called due to its curved limbs and the ability to move not only forward, but also left and right. It moves as fast as a crab and kills its prey with lightning speed. During the attack they make large jumps and inject poison when biting. It is not fatal to humans, but it is better not to encounter this big monster. After a bite appears headache, nausea, vomiting, local edema. The color of spiders is gray, light brown, sometimes black and white, with red spots. Sparse hairs grow on the body and feed on invertebrates, frogs, and insects.

2. Brazilian pink tarantula spider

Brazilian pink tarantula spider(Lasiodora parahybana) was first discovered in Brazil in 1917. Every. This spider is very popular to keep as a pet. In the world, these spiders live in the eastern part of Brazil. Females are always larger than males, of course. They live a very long time, females up to 15 years old. They have an aggressive character. They got this name for the pink coloring of the body in the place where the legs come out. It feeds on birds, lizards, and young snakes. For protection, it shakes off the toxic substance from its allergenic hairs, and demonstrates its fighting spirit by raising its front pair of paws.

1. Goliath tarantula

It is rightly called the largest spider in the world. Straight leg size Goliath, in the mouth there are fangs with poison, 2.5 cm in size. This species of tarantula spider lives in South America. The color is all shades of brown, with characteristic transverse white stripes on the paws. He likes to be in damp, swampy places; here he digs holes half a meter deep and covers them with cobwebs. Contrary to their name, they rarely feed on birds; their diet consists of snakes, rodents, toads, lizards, and butterflies. At night, the spider sees well, it waits for prey in ambush, then pounces on it with great speed and bites with large fangs. It is aggressive, before attacking it makes strong sounds and shakes off an irritating allergenic substance from its hairs. Goliath's venom is quite weak, but the biggest danger is the hairs, which can cause allergies or asthma.

The largest spider in the world, the Goliath tarantula (Theraphosa Blondi), hunts a mouse.

Nature is a real sorceress who has managed to create multifaceted and unique forms in her kingdom. Spiders are one of its most common and numerous representatives. They have always lived everywhere. You can meet both tiny spiders and real giants. Most of these arthropods pose no danger to humans. But many are interested in the name of the largest of them on the planet, where and how it lives.

The largest spiders in the world

Huge spiders lived on the planet even during the time of dinosaurs; in those days, their size was not perceived as something unusual or unnatural. Acquaintance with such giant spiders living today can evoke different feelings: for some - a state of panic, for others - admiration. There is a top 10 list of these representatives of the animal world according to their parameters.

In honorable tenth place on the list of the largest spiders in the world is the large Nephila. Translated from Greek as “who loves to weave.” Most often, nephiles are found in hot climatic conditions America, Australia, Asia, Africa. These representatives of arthropods are characterized by the presence of a body up to 4 centimeters and legs over 12 centimeters long. But these sizes are more typical for females.

The males of these arachnids are much smaller - up to 10 centimeters including legs. Green and yellow color with some transition to a reddish tint and white belly and head is a characteristic color scheme. This arachnid weaves not only the largest, but also a very strong and durable web.

Fishermen in Southeast Asia, as well as Oceania, use the webs made by these spiders as fishing nets. The web is woven between the branches, and flies, butterflies, birds and other living creatures get caught in it.
The female sits in the center; during the mating season, the males sit at the edges of the web, waiting. Nephil's bite is quite painful; the skin at the site of injury immediately turns red, and in some cases becomes covered with blisters.

Important! The venom of this arachnid is toxic, but it is not fatal to humans.

The name itself indicates that this type of arachnid prefers to stay on the walls of caves and non-residential buildings, which is why it is also considered a giant house spider. The size of its body is up to 8 centimeters, but due to the large span of its legs, sometimes reaching 13 centimeters, and their amazing curvature, this representative of arthropods looks even larger.
Tegenaria wall is characterized by a pale gray color and a brown tint to the legs. These spiders are excellent runners over impressive distances. In the fight for their favorite prey, they are capable of killing their own brothers. Tegenaria wall is quite rare, as it lives in Asian and African territories, in Uruguay and Argentina. This species ranks ninth in size.

The eighth place in the parade of the largest spiders on the planet allows this arthropod to be occupied by its rather impressive dimensions: with a relatively not very voluminous body ranging from 5 to 7 centimeters, it has legs more than 17 centimeters long. Seeing such a spider, with a total size of almost a quarter of a meter, everyone will be wary at best.

Its body is characterized by a brownish color and the presence of hairs with increased sensitivity. There are 8 subspecies of this arachnid. There are also running ones, which overtake their prey at great speed, and jumping ones, which hit the prey while jumping. This species of arachnid received its full name for constant traction to movements in search of new prey and food.
These spiders eat a variety of foods:

  • Zhukov;
  • reptiles;
  • birds;
  • other arachnids.
They hunt at night, hiding under stones, in crevices, and in houses during the day. But these representatives of arachnids love to eat tropical fruits, especially bananas. That's why they are often found in boxes of these exotic fruits.

Important! The Brazilian wandering spider will not attack a person first, so if you see it, it is better not to touch it. This feature of this animal has helped save more than one human life.

Cerbal Arabian, ranked seventh in the ranking, lives in the Israeli, Arabian and Jordanian deserts. Therefore, its appearance helps it feel as comfortable as possible among the sands: an inconspicuous yellow color, black lines on its paws, and its body covered with hairs.
Its relatively small body of 3 centimeters has legs, the length of which is on average 14 centimeters, but can reach up to 20. Females, as is often the case with arachnids, are larger than males.

Did you know? The Arabian cerbalus lives only at night, hiding from the burning sunlight during the day, so scientists became aware of this species only in 2003.

This representative of the arachnids, which belongs to the tarantula family and took sixth place in the list of the largest, was named so for the similar appearance of its limbs to the fingers of a monkey. The paws of this animal can grow up to 30 centimeters, while the size of the body is not at all impressive - from 5 to 6 centimeters, but can reach 10.5 cm. It has hair, the color of the body varies in brown and gray tones, and has slightly noticeable black dots and stripes that can create a certain pattern.
Because of their habitat, these representatives of arthropods are often called the African tarantula, as well as the Red Cameroon baboon spider.

Like other arachnids, baboon spiders are cannibals by nature.
These arachnids carry out the process of hunting for prey at night and eat:

  • Zhukov;
  • reptiles;
  • amphibians;
  • scorpions;
  • cockroaches;
  • butterflies;
  • termites.
These spiders pose virtually no threat to humans if left undisturbed. If protection is necessary, the venom released by a baboon spider when it bites a person can lead to many hours of paralysis, causing vomiting and shock.

Did you know? Of interest is the way the Baboon Spider attacks, attacks or defends itself: standing on its hind legs, it begins to hiss like a snake.

Fifth place in size was taken by the rather rare Colombian purple tarantula spider, which was based in the humid tropics of South American territories. The originality of the velvety black color of the body, the star-shaped pattern on it and the purple with a crimson tint of the legs, as well as the amazing hairiness of these arachnid representatives, makes it tempting to keep them at home as pets.
When keeping the Colombian purple tarantula as a pet, it is necessary to take into account their ability to be aggressive, as well as the possibility of allergic manifestations when a person comes into contact with its hairs. But they do not pose a particular danger to people.

The size of the body of this representative of arachnids can reach 10 centimeters, and its limbs can grow up to 25 centimeters. As a rule, it hunts from shelters, and its diet includes:

  • rodents;
  • frogs;
  • various insects;
  • birds.

Thanks to his passion for birds, he got his name. Females live up to 15 years, while males live only a couple of years. The number of these representatives of arachnids on the globe is very low, so it is not so easy to meet them.

Phalanx lives, taking fourth place in the list of largest among famous spiders, in a halo from the Pyrenees to the Gobi Desert. Salpuga is another and more correct name for this species; translated it means “running away from the sun.” Also found are the names bihork, phalanx spider, wind scorpion and some others. But this species received its main name due to the presence of some bulges on the head, similar to camel humps.
The body size of these spiders is up to 8 centimeters, the limb span is up to 28 cm. The body color of these animals ranges from yellow to brown. There are elongated hairs on the paws. Phalanxes can reach speeds of up to 16 km/h. They are active at night and their prey includes:

  • beetles;
  • rodents;
  • reptiles;
  • feathered.

One thousand is the variety of these arachnids.

Important! Phalanxes are capable of attacking a person. They have no poison, but if they bite through the skin, it can cause very painful sensations, as well as blood poisoning due to the presence of putrefactive residues on the chelicerae are quite possible. The bite site is treated with an antiseptic as soon as possible, and if an inflammatory process occurs, an antibiotic is taken.

An honorable third place was taken by the Salmon-pink tarantula spider, which is found in Brazil. It is often the subject of breeding at home. Their shaggy body up to 10 centimeters with sweeping thirty-centimeter paws, the originality of black in the center with a gradual transition to gray color on the limbs with pink splashes - all this makes the contemplation of this representative of arachnids unforgettable.
The salmon pink tarantula spider is able to protect itself with hairline, characterized by burning sensation and capable of causing allergic reactions. They shake off the poison from it when necessary for protection, while raising their forelimbs.

Did you know? First time pink tarantula spideron the lands of Brazilsaw in 1917.

The females of these representatives of the arthropod family are always larger than the males, and they live much longer, their age can reach 15 years. By their nature, these animals are aggressive. Birds, snakes, and lizards serve as food for them. These arachnids are real killers, with the lightning-fast ability to attack and defeat their prey in a matter of seconds.

In second place is a truly huge representative of arachnids - the Giant Crab Spider. The span of its limbs significantly exceeds 30 centimeters, while the body is not very different in size from other species. It was the curvature of the paws that allowed it to get its name for its resemblance to a crab. Thanks to this shape of the limbs, this animal easily climbs tall trees and penetrates into cracks inaccessible to others.
The unusual ability of this spider is its ability, using the shape of its limbs, to move not only forward, but also to the sides. And he does it quite quickly. Thanks to this ability, it belongs to the sidewalker family.

The color of these giants varies from grayish, light brown to black and white; the body has sparse hair. The females of these representatives of arachnids are always ready to the last to defend their brood. These animals live in the lands of Australia. The most favorite places for them to live are the bark big trees and the stones where they hide under them. These representatives of the arthropod family move quickly by jumping and also instantly overtake their prey and kill it by injecting a toxic substance.
They prefer to eat:

  • various insects;
  • frogs;
  • invertebrates.
For human body the poison does not pose a deadly threat, but it is better to avoid bites from this predator. After a bite, headaches, vomiting, nausea, and swelling reactions may occur.

The most honorable first place in terms of its dimensions is occupied by the Goliath Birdeater. This is the most huge spider in the world. The impressive parameters of this representative of arachnids evoke eerie and scary sensations even among those who consider themselves brave. The shaggy, voluminous body, the weight of which is more than 200 grams, the limbs, the size of which reaches 40 centimeters, and the presence of two and a half centimeter poisonous fangs in the mouth make the presented spectacle impressive. The body of females grows up to 10 cm, males - 8.5 cm. Its color is all shades of brown, there are transverse stripes on the limbs white and reddish hairs.
This giant lives in the tropics of South America, most often in Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname. Here, its habitats become half-meter-long burrows, covered with cobwebs and located in areas with high humidity and swampiness. The goliath tarantula with large eyes has excellent night vision and quick reactions.

Pursuing its prey, it attacks it from ambush with great speed, plunging its fangs deep into the body. It is distinguished by its aggressiveness, before attacking, it makes frightening sounds and shakes off the allergenic substance from the hair.
Their victims are:

  • insects;
  • amphibians;
  • snakes;
  • rodents;
  • lizards;
  • butterflies.
This arthropod giant does not really like birds. In captivity, these animals exhibit poor reproductive ability. The poisonous substance itself in this spider is not particularly potent, so it is not dangerous for humans, but shaking off the poisonous substance from the hairs can cause severe allergies, even asthma.

The largest spiders in Russia

Russia also has its giants. This is the South Russian tarantula. Females of this spider reach 5 centimeters, males - 2.5. These arachnids live in steppes and deserts. IN daytime they sit out in their shelter holes, and at night they hunt for insects, paralyzing them with their poison. Although these spiders are considered poisonous, their size does not allow them to pose a particular danger to humans, although some local convulsions, shortness of breath, and numbness when bitten are possible.

Did you know? The Goliath tarantula was first encountered in 1804, thanks to a French entomologist. Contemporaries included him in the Guinness Book of Records.

These representatives of arthropods reproduce at the end of summer. The female lays eggs in a burrow, wraps them in a cocoon and carries them on herself until the cubs appear. Gradually, the small spiders themselves leave the female and look for their own habitats. The strength of the toxic substance depends on the time of year and gender. The most poisonous are mature females in July during mating. When tarantulas have just woken up or are preparing to hibernation, they are almost non-poisonous.

Also included in the category of large spiders in Russia is the Great Alloy Spider, or hunting spider.
It lives in the coastal zone of various reservoirs. IN modern conditions is on the verge of extinction. On Russian territories in Karelia and the Samara region its subspecies is found - the Western Palaearctic. Plantarius females can measure up to 2.5 centimeters in size. Hunting spiders skillfully dive and move quickly through the water. They feed on insects, as well as fish fry and tadpoles. In humans, the bite of this spider causes a sensation of pain that lasts up to several weeks, but this spider does not pose a danger to life.

The largest house spiders

Almost all house spiders are predators. If they live in a house, it means there is something to profit from, and they like to live in dry and warm rooms.

2 times already

The largest spider in the world was discovered in the last century in Venezuela. The body length was 9 cm, the leg span reached 28 cm. The list of the most major representatives arachnids included inhabitants of tropical countries, but some of them live in Russia. All of them inject a toxic substance when they bite, but none of them are capable of killing a person.

Top 10 giant spiders

There are about 42 thousand in the world. When bitten, a poisonous substance is injected, paralyzing the victim, saliva is injected, which liquefies the insides, and the contents are sucked out. But the biggest spider is not always the most dangerous to humans.

Theraphosa Blonda or Goliath tarantula

An arthropod with huge limbs, a large abdomen, and powerful jaws calmly hunts mice, frogs, toads, and snakes. The largest spider in the world was discovered in 1965 in Venezuela. The leg span was 28 cm, the body size was 9 cm. The average dimensions of the theraphosis were 8 cm, the limb span was 25 cm. In 2001, a huge creature was described with a leg span of 35 cm, but the body was less than 9 cm.

Lives in Venezuela, Brazil, Suriname. The body is dark brown. A photo of the largest spider in the world is presented below. The animal has not become widespread, since it is prohibited to export it from its habitat; it practically does not reproduce in captivity.

Heteropoda maxima

The largest spider received this title due to its long limbs with a span of about 30 cm. The body length is 4.5 cm, which is inferior to the previous representative of arachnids. Lives in Laos. Large body brownish-yellow, limbs with dark spots. One of the representatives is in the Paris Museum National Museum natural history.


Females and males are the same color, slightly different in size. They live in caves and feed on insects. They pose no danger to humans. Exotic lovers often keep them as pets. Due to the excessive interest of collectors, the huge spider is gradually disappearing from nature.

Baboon spider

Lives in tropical and subtropical countries. A large, shaggy creature with long brown hair grows to impressive dimensions. The leg span reaches 30.5 cm. This is one of the friendliest creatures on earth. The family lives together for six months and willingly shares food. Often relatives live next door and dig tunnels together. They hunt insects, small spiders, and beetles. The poison is toxic, but not dangerous to people. Often exotic animals are kept by collectors in terrariums.

Purple tarantula

The shaggy large spider lives in tropical countries, some species are found in Europe. The leg span is 25 cm. They are nocturnal. They do not weave webs, they wait for prey in secluded places. They know how to dig deep, long tunnels underground. While running, they develop impressive speed.

Large tarantulas have a unique color with a purple tint, thick, long hairs covering the entire body, legs, and powerful jaws. Often kept as pet. The main diet consists of insects, small spiders, beetles, as well as amphibians and birds.


A well-fed female does not leave her shelter for months. It does not pose a mortal danger to humans, but causes discomfort and pain.

Jaeger or crab spider

Giant spiders live in nature. They have a bright red-orange color. The span of the limbs reaches 31 cm. At the ends of the legs there are discrepancies reminiscent of crab claws, hence the name. The terrible one is not dangerous to humans, it hunts insects. In the process of chasing the victim, it develops great speed and can jump well.


The rarest large spider. Lives on the island of Madagascar, South Africa. Known for its enormous size. The diameter often reaches 1.5 m. Local residents use cobwebs to make shiny, golden napkins, scarves, and fishing balls. The leg span of the golden weaver is 12 cm, body size is 4 cm.

A rare species of large spider was officially introduced to humanity in 2000. Males are 2 times smaller than females and die immediately after mating. The poison is toxic, but not dangerous for people. Redness and swelling appear at the bite sites, and allergy sufferers have difficulty breathing.


In the American museum there is a large canvas measuring 3 square meters. m from the web of the golden weaver. It took 4 years, dozens of workers, and the spiders themselves to make it. The threads were taken away and the animals were released.

banana spider

The largest web-weaving spider in history. Its nets are so strong that birds get entangled in them and fishermen use them to catch fish. The body size does not exceed 4 cm, the leg span reaches 12 cm. The color is bright - yellow with black stripes. Spiders live in banana trees in Australia. They lay many larvae, thereby causing irreparable harm to the crop.


In 2010 it was recognized. The poison is extremely toxic, but if treated in a timely manner medical care death can be avoided.

South Russian tarantula

The giant spider belongs to the family. Hunts insects, beetles, caterpillars. Their homeland is Asia, they live everywhere, and are found in Ukraine. The body is gray-black, covered with dense hairs. Size about 3.5 cm. Lives in burrows underground and tree hollows. Rarely appears outside, attacks from its secluded place. The web is weaved at the entrance to the burrow, and also to form a cocoon for the larvae.

People are bitten when there is a threat to them own life. Swelling, pain, and redness appear at the site of the attack. Children and people with weakened immune systems experience weakness, headache, nausea, dizziness. About 30 live in the countries of the former CIS. Distinctive feature in appearance is the presence of a light cross on the belly in the upper part. The size of a large spider reaches 2.5 cm.

Lives in wildlife, shaded areas. It is found in the forest, at the edge of the forest, as well as in abandoned houses, barns, and on garden trees. The venom of a large spider is not dangerous to human life, but it causes some discomfort and deterioration in well-being. Swelling, redness, then suppuration and pain appear at the site of the bite. Children and people with weakened immune systems experience weakness, headache, chills, and other symptoms of intoxication.

Tegenaria wall

Large brown spider with long paws. The leg span is 15 cm. Lives in caves, on the walls of old houses, abandoned buildings. Lives in Europe, Africa, Argentina, Asia. This species is found everywhere. A peace-loving creature bites a person when its own life is threatened. In most cases, he tries to hide quickly. It develops quite impressive speed when running over a short distance.

There are about 42 thousand species of spiders in the world. Let's find among them the one that can rightfully be called the largest spider in the world.

So, the top 10 largest spiders in the world:


Nephiles - these spiders stand out from the entire ten largest spiders in that they weave webs, the other 9 do not do this.

These spiders are also known as: giant tree spider, banana spider, golden weaver. There are about 30 varieties of Nephila, the size of females of this species can reach 12 cm.

There are cases of golden spiders attacking humans, but the poison of these spiders does not pose a serious danger to humans.

Tegenaria is also called the giant house spider - the span of the legs of these spiders reaches 13 cm.

These spiders are excellent at running short distances. Cannibalism is very common among them. The habitat of this type of spider is Africa and Asia, most often they can be found in caves or abandoned buildings, however, nowadays these spiders are rare.

Cerbal Arabian

The Arabian cerbal was discovered quite recently - in 2003. The maximum officially recorded paw span is 14 centimeters, however, according to some information, it can reach 20 cm. Female cerbals are larger than males.

Cerbals live in the desert dunes of Israel and Jordan. They are active only at night, like most desert inhabitants.

Brazilian wandering spider

It looks too scary, the length of the body including legs is approximately 17 cm. It is listed as one of the most poisonous in the world, their bite is life-threatening. Living in the tropics of South America, spiders are so named because they do not have one habitat. The wandering spider does not knit a web, but is always in search of a victim.

The species is very interesting in that some spiders overtake their prey by jumping, while others run and develop a fairly high speed. They hunt at night and hide in secluded places during the day.

They hunt mainly insects, but can cope with reptiles and birds larger than themselves.

This is a huge spider, part of the tarantula family. The leg span of this spider is more than 30 cm. It lives in the forests of the tropics and subtropics and is a burrowing species. Color ranges from dark gray to bright brown. The predator's paws are covered with hairs.

The baboon spider is active at night and its diet includes insects and small vertebrates. It kills its prey by injecting poison. Sensing danger, it rises on its hind legs, pretends to be intimidating and knocks on the ground with its forelimbs, making sounds similar to grinding. The venom of this spider is dangerous to humans.

Colombian purple tarantula

This tarantula belongs to the tarantula family and, together with its legs, can be more than 20 cm in length (there is an officially recorded leg span of 34.05 cm). Lives in the tropics of South America.

Sometimes you can see a rather terrible sight when a spider eats birds, but there is no danger for people. Most often it feeds on insects and small spiders, but can also eat frogs and rodents. Females can live about 15 years, males only 2-3.

Phalanges, bihorci or salpugi - belong to the order of phalanges of the arachnid class. The span of the legs of these phalanges can reach 30 cm, the body length is 5-8 cm. The brownish body and limbs are covered with hairs, in front there are tentacles similar to legs

Camel spiders go hunting at night, their menu is varied: beetles, lizards, mice, chicks and many other animals. They live in the deserts of all continents except Australia.

Phalanxes are capable of running at speeds of up to 2 km/h, which is why they are also known as the Wind Scorpion. They differ in that during defense they emit an unpleasant squeak.

Brazilian salmon-pink tarantula (Lasiodora parahybana)

Found in Brazil at the beginning of the twentieth century in 1917, body length up to 10 cm, paw size up to 30 cm. People often keep it at home as an exotic pet.

Males have a small body or more long legs, and the female’s body is larger, weighing up to 100 grams. Females can live up to 15 years. For self-defense from other predators, the tarantula shakes off its allergenic hairs, but if this does not help, then it raises its front legs and prepares to attack.

The native Australian is the largest spider in the world, known as the giant crab spider due to the fact that its legs resemble those of a crab. Lives in wooden buildings and crevices.

Individuals measuring 30 cm are gray or brown in color, but some have white or red spots. The spines on the legs are clearly visible, the body is fluffy.

These spiders are called hunters because of their ability to hunt and their high speed of movement. They are excellent jumpers. To kill prey, a poison is injected that is not dangerous to humans. They feed on various invertebrates. People can only be bitten in self-defense.

Goliath tarantula

The spider is of impressive size, can reach 170 grams, its height including legs is 30 cm, belongs to the tarantula family. Lives in the tropics of South America. It builds burrows up to half a meter deep with the entrance covered with cobwebs. Females can survive up to 25 years, males - up to 6.

Goliath suddenly sneaks up and quickly pounces on its prey, poisoning it with its poisonous fangs. It feeds on frogs, small snakes, mice and birds.

The Goliath tarantula is capable of producing powerful sounds with its chelicerae, which can be heard even 5 meters away. To defend themselves, they use their bright brown hairs, which irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, which the spider shakes off its body towards the enemy.

The largest spider in Russia

There are large spiders in Russia too - these are South Russian tarantulas. This spider is also known as Mizgir.

This species belongs to the wolf spider family. The size of the female of this spider reaches 3 cm, completely covered with thick gray hairs. Tarantulas dig very deep vertical burrows, feed on insects, and can bite a person, but not fatally.