
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Surely you constantly think that you work no less, and even more than others, but still money disappears from your wallet at supersonic speed. Perhaps you even think that you are not capable, this is your fate. It is these thoughts that block financial flows. Your subconscious simply does not allow you to become a wealthy person.

Stop being stingy. Greed and stinginess are the main signs of a poor person. Greedy people they buy low-quality items only because there is a big discount on them. They strive to save money everywhere and on everything. Reasonable savings are not bad, but it is always worth remembering that the stingy pays twice. Try to purchase only those things that you really need, choosing the highest quality products.

Stop doing what you don't love. If you don't like your job, change it. There is nothing worse when a person comes to a hated office every day, communicates with uninteresting people, eats tasteless but supposedly healthy food, reads a boring but fashionable novel. Not life, but a series of continuous ordeals! Don't be afraid to change something in your life. Find positive moments, concentrate on them, and begin to gradually get rid of things and things you don’t like.

Don't measure your happiness with money. It is unlikely that any specific amount of money will help you get out of a difficult financial situation. Most likely, these funds will be quickly and thoughtlessly spent, and you will return to where you started. A person doesn't need much to be happy. You don’t have to “celebrate” payday with your family in a cafe; you can go outside and have a real snowball fight or build a snowman. You won’t spend a penny, and your children will remember the frosty sunny day spent with their parents for a long time.

Don't spend money on something you can't afford. For example, you wanted to buy a TV for the kitchen. A wealthy person will allocate the necessary amount from his income so that he does not have to live on pasta until the end of the month. A poor person will take out a loan, buy the thing he wants, and then for six months or a year he will pay the bank both its cost and interest on the loan.

Try using the 10 percent principle. From every salary or bonus, give a tenth of the money to those who need it most. These don't have to be charitable donations to monasteries or orphanages (although if you feel like you want to help, do so). You can give this 10 percent to your parents or invest in your education. Another 10 percent must be put aside. But not for a rainy day, as poor people do, to the bank, at interest. In a year or two, you will already have a fairly substantial amount in your account that you can spend on vacation, new furniture- in general, for what you have long dreamed of, but could not afford.

Use a list system. Hang two sheets of paper on the refrigerator and attach a pen. All family members should write down on the first sheet what is urgently needed: the shampoo has run out, the school is collecting money for an excursion, you need to buy a couple of light bulbs for a chandelier. Within a week, you will get a very specific list, based on which you will plan your spending, giving up unnecessary, spontaneous and unnecessary purchases. The second sheet is long-term plans. It also needs to be compiled gradually and with the whole family. For example, a daughter wants to sign up for a yoga course, dad needs winter tires for his car, mom needs a new frying pan, or mobile phone. When you have accumulated a sufficient amount of money (out of the same 10 percent you set aside monthly), you will need to prioritize and it will appear real opportunity satisfy the wishes of all members of your family.

Don't compare yourself to others. Some people are completely content with a domestic car, while others fundamentally drive only foreign cars, while others drive healthy image life and part of the journey to work is done on foot. Everyone makes their own choice. And this does not mean that someone is right and someone is wrong. You have your own interesting and happy path in life. So follow it and smile more often, that’s what all the rich and successful people.

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According to statistics for 2012, about 15 million Russians live below the poverty line, sometimes unable to buy even a loaf of bread. Not all poor people are happy with this state of affairs, and they fight poverty with all their might.


It is worth noting that poverty is global problem, and there is no universal solution for it. Most often, people fall below the poverty line due to circumstances that do not allow them to develop. If you intend to overcome poverty, you need to be mentally prepared for the fact that the struggle will take for a long time and will require a huge amount of strength and energy. Remember that water does not flow under a lying stone, and if you do not strive to improve own life, nothing will change.

The first step in the fight against poverty is to review your own budget. You need to record for at least a week what exactly the money you receive is spent on. The list will probably include food or general consumer goods that you could do without. The next time you go to the store, try to resist the temptation to buy them, then you can spend the freed-up money on more important goals.

If you want to earn more, improve your own qualifications. There are special courses at municipal employment centers where anyone can learn a profession that will not allow them to die of hunger. These courses are free, in addition, upon completion, the student is often provided with several vacancies that correspond to his specialty, from which he can choose the most suitable one.

There are a huge number of organizations ready to hire people without experience. Of course, when applying to such a company, you can hardly hope to receive a prestigious position; most likely, it will be a low-prestige job, but even it will bring the money that you so lack. It is worth noting that managers of such companies, when hiring, provide express training to employees, so you should not be afraid that something will not work out for you.

In your quest to make money, try not to overdo it. Improve your own skills, and gradually you will begin to climb up the career ladder, accordingly your wage will also begin to grow, and you will be able to get rid of the poverty that is bothering you so much now.

If you are wondering how to get out of poverty and misery, then you already have a chance to improve your life.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is that poverty and poverty concern not only money, but also other areas in life, such as spiritual development, family, health, communication and much more.

The second thing to understand is that poverty and poverty first of all appear at the energy level. Everything in this world is filled with energy, and the quality of a person’s energy, the objects and people around him depends on the quality of his life. Energy is the mental power of a person with the help of which he interacts with the world around him. Each of us, no matter what he is - beggar, poor, living in lack / abundance, rich - interacts with environment, that is, lives. And each in his own way. Energy is a good thing. And our well-being in life depends on how we manage this good.

taken from

Energy moves due to the sensual nature of man. With the help of feelings we spend and replenish energy reserves.

To figure out how to get out of poverty and poverty, let's talk about the psychology of people living in such a state. Since most people on the Internet are interested in the monetary side of the issue, let’s consider poverty and poverty in this vein.

Psychology of poverty

The beggars differ from the poor in that they do not know how to accumulate energy, but only spend it. Therefore, the life of such people is short. They die quickly. After all, we are born with a certain reserve of vital energy, and if we only spend it, over time it will be completely exhausted.

If a beggar uses energy only for his own benefit, he lives a little longer than those beggars who share energy with people around him.

In fact, a beggar has nothing to give to others; he should at least get himself a piece of bread so that his stomach does not ache so much, and get some piece of cloth so as not to die from the cold. In general, all the beggar’s thoughts are aimed only at how to survive one more day. He has no time to show any feelings, since all thoughts revolve only about satisfying basic needs. Even intimacy with the opposite sex is practically of no interest. This is the psychology of poverty.

The only way to get out of poverty is to first learn to feel at least self-pity.

Psychology of poverty

If a person develops a feeling of pity for himself and others, he can no longer be a beggar, he becomes poor. The feeling of pity is the basic feeling of the poor. Just remember what people usually say when they feel sorry for someone: “Poor thing, I feel sorry for him.” A poor person, as a rule, is a former beggar who has learned to feel sorry and evoke feelings of self-pity. Only with the help of pity does the poor exchange energy with the same poor. To replenish energy, he complains to others about how bad he feels until the moment they regret it. He gives energy, pitying those who are even worse off than him.

The psychology of poverty is insidious in that, through pity, it brings misfortune (hence the word “poor”) in all areas of life.

  • To feel sorry for yourself means to condemn yourself to constant unhappiness.
  • Living with your husband out of pity for him means making him unhappy.
  • Again, living with your husband for the sake of the children (out of a feeling of pity for the children) means dooming them to troubles in the future. After all, they will consider pity as love.
  • Feeling sorry for a child and doing homework for him means raising a lazy and irresponsible adult in the future.

To get out of poverty, it is enough to replace the feeling of pity with care. Think about it: most often, care prevents the appearance of pity.

  • If you take care of yourself, you will become calmer and happier.
  • If you take care of your relationship with your husband, there will be harmony in the family.
  • If you treat your child with care and explain incomprehensible homework to him, the child will grow up to be independent and able to accept and ask for help.
  • If you take care of your husband's parents, you won't have to listen to their eternal complaints about lack of attention.

In the next article we will talk about material lack and prosperity.

When we talk about money, a lot of indignation is awakened. Like sex, this topic is taboo. We have many fears and complexes, experiences and beliefs...

When I talk to people, I overtly or covertly hear:

  • Money is evil
  • Money is dirt
  • Asking for money is bad
  • You can only earn money through hard work
  • Only thieves get rich easily
  • The rich are angry and unhappy
  • Rich families are fragile

And all this makes their life very difficult. Because then life turns into running away from money. And it seems like I want my own home, something to eat, beautiful dresses. But I consider the way they will come to me dirty and unworthy. What will happen then? We all know this from our own experience. Money will become less and less. The salary will be meager, it will barely be enough.

Because the Lord protects us and fulfills all our desires. If we always tell him that money is terrible dirt, he will help us keep it clean. True, this is unlikely to make us happy. And we will even consider that God is unfair - everything for someone, but nothing for me...

I once had the same beliefs about money. I always thought it was dirt. That rich people are evil, their families are falling apart. When I was a child, money was scarce; I still remember how we bought vegetables individually. I didn’t have a large closet with clothes, an abundance of toys or sweets. But there were friends who had it all.

Their parents worked in more honorable positions, they grew up in two-parent families. There are many other reasons why they had many things in their lives that I did not have. True, my mother and I often discussed the fact that the relationships in their families were not ideal. And it’s better without money, but with fewer problems.

This is how mine turned out adulthood. From the very beginning family life We were short of funds. We often lived in debt. There was never enough money. And the most promising projects failed miserably. Each time, hope turned into disappointment. And in the end we lost all our property.

The very first steps to prosperity that we took

Stop stealing

This may come as a surprise to you, but we all steal. When we take stationery from work or print things we personally need on the office printer. When we find something, we don’t return it to the owner. When we use someone else’s intellectual property, we download movies from torrents or music from different sites. When we download free books or trainings that the author usually sells. In Russia, everyone steals - why am I worse? I used to think so too - and it was a period of constant black holes.

Theft comes from ignorance and scarcity. I don't have money to buy what I need - so I will steal. This is the fastest way to ruin.
For example, we started buying at one time computer programs and pay for them what they are worth. Now we have licensed software on all computers. We respect those who create programs and help us in our work.

While in Russia, we buy films on DVD and music on CD. And even with the teachers’ lectures they did it in a new way for us. Bought maximum amount disks with lectures - so that Teachers can expand their zone of influence. After all, with this money they will be able to give even more lectures!

Look for opportunities, not freebies

Freebies will make you poorer. Free - The devil pays. All those situations where the law of balance “Take” and “Give” is violated lead to complications throughout life. Anything you take for free and without any effort is worth nothing. Such knowledge is not valued. Such things break quickly and do not bring joy.

Sometimes we spend a lot of time trying to get something for free. The same efforts could be directed towards earning money the required amount. When we have some kind of training that we want to attend, we look for opportunities. Not a problem - why is it unrealistic. This happened in 2009 with. 1000 dollars ticket plus travel and accommodation. But we took the plunge and said yes to it. A week before departure, the full amount arrived (we just made efforts in the right direction). The same thing happened with the Psychology 3000 festival and other events. Everything lines up when the vector is directed in the right direction.

Free things are not valued. You won't apply what you learn for free. There is no motivation from the outside, all that remains is willpower - and in our case it is usually weak.

Change your attitude towards money

Easier said than done. After all, you need to start not with meditation on a piece of paper - imagining how they fall from the sky. And with respect to those who already have money and wealth. Are you sure that all millionaires steal? That they are all dirty and terrible people? Unhappy and angry? This means you don’t know anything and don’t want to know about this side of life. Read the book “My Neighbor is a Millionaire” - and you will find out that most millionaires are modest and family people. They work hard and help others, and do not boast about their millions. There is something to respect them for.

Money and wealth are not the goal human life. This is a tool that will help a person make more transformations in this world. In order to build a hospital or a temple, you need money. In order to feed the hungry, you need money. In order to educate children or even adopt them, you need money.

In our world, this is the tool with which you can change life around. And in which direction - this is decided by the person who uses them. Like electricity, you can kill a person, but you can provide light to thousands of homes. Like the Internet - you can surf porn sites, or you can listen to Torsunov’s lectures. Money has no color; we ourselves give it meaning by how we spend it.

The more people you help with money, the more more money you will have. Verified.

Change your attitude towards paying for services, including your own

IN Lately I often meet people who, citing Eastern philosophy, say that a psychologist should work for donations. That asking for payment for your services is a sin. But this leaves out another, more important part. All scriptures say - Thou shalt not steal! However, nowhere is it written: “Work for free.” And the sin is not in asking for payment, but in not paying for the services of others.

Knowing this, a psychologist, teacher or doctor simply does not have the right to allow such a sin in his patient and client. And given our dissolved Kali-Yuga mind, we ourselves must set a price for our services. I just have to. So that it helps a person. And so that the negative consequences do not catch up with him later.

If you provide services to others, feel free to set a price. One that will be comfortable for you.

Realize that money is the energy of God

When I fully understood and felt this, I felt better. They don't belong to me or anyone else. This is God's energy - and he distributes it. Based on past merits or sins. According to today's desires and aspirations. In the Vedic tradition, money is called "lakshmi". Named after the Goddess of Prosperity, the wife of the Lord. Because this is her energy – and therefore the energy of God.

When we understand this, it is easier to understand how and where to spend them. For the common good. To do this, for example, a woman needs to eat deliciously and dress beautifully. Because in this way she becomes joyful - and can share this joy. A hungry woman in burlap will no longer bring so much happiness and pleasure to those around her.

A family home is needed not only for simple living and enjoyment. But also to receive and feed guests there. Learn to serve other people.

A car is not only a way to move from point A to point B, but also an opportunity to help friends and family.

Of course, here you also need to know when to stop - and be able to refuse so that calluses do not appear on your neck. This is already about talking about self-esteem and personal boundaries.

With the help of money, start changing the world for the better.

Then it turns out that vice is not wealth, but vice versa. A poor person cannot change anything in this world; he would have to survive on his own. And even his own survival rests on the shoulders of someone else. After all, the unemployed are paid benefits from the taxes that come to the treasury from those who work. Poor people need help and support - and it comes precisely from those who have money.

The question is where we distribute them. Why do we earn them? How fair. And where do we spend it? If we do what we love with our souls and help people, there will be more money. I know carpenters, plumbers, bakers, seamstresses, doctors, psychologists, teachers who have queues. They earn enough. And their products and work delight all clients - because they contain a piece of the soul.

Businessmen who engage in charity will definitely increase their wealth. After all, they are building a business not only for themselves!

Work through your ancestral relationship with money

In my life, debts ended after a discussion on this topic - where there were quarrels over inheritance and housing, dispossession and much more. And the debt, the amount of which had not changed for five years, evaporated in 3 months. This is a very big topic - how the fears of our ancestors set limits for us. We talked a little about this on the course about

In their times, people were killed, exiled, and imprisoned for wealth. Therefore, it was profitable to keep a low profile, work like everyone else and get the same amount. Many years have passed - and we continue to do the same - although in our time the principles are different. And past installations are already doing a lot of harm.

Remove excessive preoccupation and obsession with money

This is the other extreme - when we strive for them, we want to enjoy them. We see in every person only his wallet. We evaluate our victories by the size of our salary... It’s as if we are appropriating the energy of God. We say that this is our money. My. I need. I want. I, me, mine!

With this approach, money becomes even less, and along with this, relationships collapse. We went through this stage when we were developing an Internet portal. Over time, the motivation for helping people changed to “pay for the apartment and buy food.” Clearly realizing this, we decided to withdraw from this project - and thereby preserve our values. After that difficult decision– our income has only increased, although nothing foreshadowed this.

Help people

Let this be your main driver. Your main motivator. Then making money will not contradict spirituality. On the contrary, they will finally come together and stop disturbing the mind with eternal conflict.

I wish you to get out of the vicious circle of the constant race for money! Better let them chase you (and this is inevitable when you help people!)

Popular wisdom says that water does not flow under a lying stone. Therefore, to acquire wealth you need to make an effort.

The first thought about how to escape poverty is that you need to “do something” or “work somewhere.” But this is precisely the path to poverty and further to poverty! And to become rich, you need to start following these simple rules...

1. Each of your problems should be solved in as soon as possible, usually then the least amount of effort is required to solve the problem. Be decisive! Think less and do more!

2. Work less for someone. The more you work, the worse you live! True, I don’t consider doing what I love to do as work. Work comes from the word slave!

3. If you are going to have money, bring something of value to the market and people themselves will bring you money. But the amount of money depends on how convincingly you describe the benefits of this value!

4. Work only for your own interest. Forget calls about corporate culture and loyalty to the company. The company always makes money off of you, otherwise you wouldn’t work there.

6. Money comes to you through other people. Communicate!

7. A poor environment almost always pulls you into poverty. Even very rich people will always have “relatives, friends and other petitioners” who, if you don’t professionally fight them off, will quickly deprive you of your money. If you are still a poor person, those around you simply do not like, do not respect, and some even hate the rich. You should always communicate with Winners and Optimists. That’s right, with a capital “W” – Winners and Optimists!

8. Poverty occurs when you avoid responsibility!

9. If you have little money, you need to do business. If there is no money at all, you need to do business urgently, right now! Look for problems and think of ways to solve them. Formulate the most successful solutions in the form of business projects and offer them to investors.

10. The path to great wealth lies only through passive income! Income that comes to you regardless of your efforts. Create a source of passive income and live for your own pleasure!

11. Study the biographies and thoughts of the richest people in the world.

12. Answer the questions “Who am I?” What makes me unique? What is the meaning of my life? What would I do (do) if there was so much money?” Only honestly! The power, energy, passion from the answers to these questions, from the awareness of the meaning of your own life - are simply omnipotent!

13. Dreams are the main thing in your Life! Dream and believe that dreams will come true! A person begins to die when he stops dreaming.

14. Help people! Not for money, from the bottom of my heart! But! Only those people whom you yourself want to help. These are not necessarily relatives or acquaintances.

15. Give compliments! Just praise a woman on the street for beautiful hairstyle, a man for a beautiful, athletic figure, but you never know what other reasons for praise. It always raises your self-esteem!

16. Keep a daily journal of your victories! Grievances and defeats are remembered 7-12 times longer than victories and successes. If you are discouraged, read this magazine!

And the last piece of advice. Never, never, never give up! With any enemy, and poverty is the enemy of any person, you need to fight to the end, without pity for the enemy and for yourself!

Anything can happen in life: prosperity, poverty, joy, and sorrow. But every person needs to remember that there is always a way out. And if trouble happens, then it is either as a well-deserved punishment, or as a bitter experience.

Often even people say: “There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.” But what to do, how to get out of poverty if it knocks on your door?

Calm, just calm!

Do not despair. Believe me, tears, depression, bitterness throughout White light you won't help the matter. common sense, sober look life must be present not only in unpleasant circumstances, but also at any moment.

Take a notebook or notepad, a regular A4 sheet and a calculator. Calculate who and how much money you owe. What Plan everything in writing. The calculator will help you calculate how much you can save on purchases and what is the likelihood that you will soon pay off the loan or We will tell you how to get out of poverty further.

Constant lack of money or debt

Do you know what Christians usually do when trouble strikes? They pray to God to help in everything. They believe that the Lord reminds us of Himself in this way, gives people the opportunity to come to their senses and stop wasting their lives in vain.

The crisis in the country or in the world is not the reason for your poverty. You create such an environment yourself. It's time to sit down and think about what you have done over the last period. What could lead to debt and lack of money?

Learning to save

Think about whether you are wasting your money? Do you smoke? Do you like to drink? You know that alcohol and tobacco kill the body, give up bad habits in favor of the budget or paying off debts.

How can a woman get out of poverty? Why are we talking about her? Because she loves to use cosmetics, perfumes, bath accessories, and buy new clothes. You can live with a beautiful appearance and without these attributes, simply and tastefully.

Do not buy extra toys, chocolates and chips for your children. Not only is this harmful products, destroying the body, so they are also not cheap.

Buy only everything you need and at the lowest price, at a promotion or at a discount. Or maybe it’s cheaper to choose an analogue. Don’t chase advertising brands, for example, “Blend-a-Med” paste, of course, costs almost 10 times more than “New Pearl” or “Forest Balsam”.

Debts on a loan or other payments

Anyone who has encountered late payments knows that it is almost impossible to hide, and warnings cannot be ignored. The penalty (fine for late payment) is getting larger and larger every day. Most banks charge penalties as a percentage rather than as a fixed cost. There may then be legal proceedings, including confiscation of property.

How to get out of poverty in this case? Direct all funds available to you to repay the loan. Better month walk to work and don’t smoke, but you’ll quickly pay off your debts.

Is it worth borrowing from relatives and neighbors?

You should not ask for a loan from neighbors, colleagues, or relatives if you are not sure that you will pay it back soon. But it's worth a try. Just promise that you will return it when the opportunity arises. Don't give specific dates.

How to get out of poverty and debt thanks to the help of others? Be sure to write down who you took the money from and in what quantity. Don't spend the extra money on things you can buy later.

Ways to earn additional income

There are now many options available to get out of poverty. The methods are presented below:

  • overtime or part-time work at the main job;
  • turn your hobby into a job;
  • freelancing;
  • tutoring;
  • care or supervision of a child, elderly person, pets.

If you are good at sewing or knitting, you can do handicrafts to sell.

How to get out of debt and poverty with freelancing? think about what you do well when working on a computer? Write texts or edit photos? Nowadays you can find many ways to make money online.

If, for example, you are well versed in cars, then you can recommend yourself through your relatives, friends, and colleagues as an experienced craftsman.

Even if you know how to do practically nothing, then it's time to learn something. Maybe you will discover a talent for a specific activity.

Preventing poverty and debt

So we figured out how to get out of poverty and debt. If you have not experienced such a crisis, then it would be worthwhile to engage in prevention. What is it? Let's list:

  • Don’t take out loans at all, because you can never predict what might happen tomorrow. You can, of course, take out loan insurance, but you also have to pay for it, and a lot.
  • Buy things and products when absolutely necessary.
  • if the journey takes less than 3-4 kilometers. This way you will save on expensive public transport and gasoline for your personal car.
  • Buy goods where it is cheaper. If there are periodic promotions, then do not rush to buy an item at an inflated price. Wait for the discount.
  • Learn to put the extra money from your salary in a secluded place so that you are not tempted to take out the money.
  • Take a part-time job if possible.

May you always have extra money. You can put them in different envelopes, piggy banks, niches under the carpet.

If you learn to act thoughtfully every time, then you will not have to deal with debt. Unfortunately, no one is immune from poverty; you can only reduce it to a minimum and protect yourself from debt once and for all.