It will reveal what heaven expects from you and how your life will turn out.

Karmic numbers in numerology can be traced very well, as they say the entire Universe is reflected in a drop of water. Therefore, astrology (everything related to the date of birth), palmistry, or simply thrown sticks (coins) reflect global processes. These same processes are manifested by signs (special events) in Everyday life, you just need to be more careful. And of course, the past influences the future, this is the simplest concept of karma (the law of ultimate justice). admin

Indian astrologers, having shifted their ancient calendar into modern European language and having made a number of numerological calculations, they established that karma is reflected, among other things, in a person’s date of birth. The day you were born allows you to reliably guess at what level of spiritual development you are, whether you will have to suffer a lot while working off the sins of past births, or, conversely, whether a karmic reward awaits you.

An Indian astro-numerological forecast of fate involves the sequential addition of all the numbers of your date of birth: for example, April 6, 1972 = 6+4+1+9+7+2=29. Or this example: October 10, 1976 = 10+10+1+9+7+6=43. Please note that when calculating, the date or month of birth, consisting of two digits, must be added in its entirety.

Most will get a two-digit number no higher than 59. If the two-digit number is greater than 59, add it up again. For some, very few people, the karmic number may turn out to be single digit - they will also be discussed below. So, this is the karmic program the resulting number promises you. Let's start with the most general data.

From 1 to 9
Karmic tasks and the need to work off personal sins of previous births are practically absent. Life's hardships, if they arise, are explained by the fact that you are working off the sins of your family - your grandfathers and great-grandmothers. For those who manage to overcome this legacy with dignity, higher powers promise great reward: In your next birth, you will either become a celebrity and benefactor of humanity, or even a celestial being, and your ancestors will get relief in the incarnations that await them. Heaven does not set any goals for people of levels 1-9 and does not require self-development. You can do anything. The only condition: these people must live in strict accordance with their conscience.

From 10 to 19
First level. This means that you should focus on developing your personality, cultivating your will, and improving your body and spirit. Earthly affairs await you, but lofty matters are not for you.

From 20 to 29
Level two. A person who is here must work off earthly karma, while relying on his origins and the experience of his ancestors. You should develop your intuition, learn to control the subconscious.

From 30 to 39
This is the level of people who are able to influence the consciousness of others. If you are on the third level of incarnation, then know that your calling in this life is to teach others philosophical view to life, the fundamentals of existence. Therefore, you yourself have to study a lot in order to later pass on your knowledge to others.

From 40 to 49
Highest level of consciousness. Intellectual, philosopher, teacher. You must strive to understand the highest meaning of existence, the foundations of the universe. Your goal in life is to reach new level consciousness.

From 50 to 59
A person of the fifth level is an observer, a mediator between the Higher Mind and people. You are a carrier of secret information. Your goal is self-improvement in solitude. But this does not mean that people belonging to this level are always bright and pure. Very often these are the darlings of fate who receive all the benefits more easily than others. You can often observe how these people stop taking care of themselves, nurturing themselves, their souls, and become despondent and begin to live only by consuming. Of course, in the future life they will face retribution and fall to a lower level. This level obliges us to lead a lifestyle that would enrich the soul and ennoble the race.

In light of the above, let's see what the law of karma promises to the owners different numbers on a more mundane, everyday level. For some numbers, the prophecies will coincide. Let us also recall that the owners of numbers from 1 to 9 are not burdened with karmic work; they are the creators of their own destiny, and therefore will not be mentioned in the future.

10 - generally a lucky number. A sign of honor and self-confidence. This is a rise and takeoff, but often such people are very susceptible to diseases - not fatal, but quite unpleasant (radiculitis, nervous system etc.).

11 - a complex number. Warns of hidden dangers, trials and betrayal. A person should engage in occult sciences, but with great caution.

12 - a symbol of suffering and anxiety. The number 12 person may become a victim of intrigue. He should not get into trouble, join all kinds of unions and organizations that oppose anyone.

13 - symbolizes a change in plans, place of stay, warns of danger. A sign of constant serious changes in life - both positive and negative. This is the number of wanderers, eternal seekers.

14 - warns a person about the danger from natural disasters: wind, water, fire and air. Along with this, it favors transactions and business, but with a certain risk.

15 - people of this number have enormous temperament combined with personal magnetism, which they use to achieve their goals. It promotes oratory and music. It promises good luck, but sometimes forces people, for their own selfish interests, to resort to magic, including black magic, which will significantly worsen the circumstances of their next birth.

16 - a harbinger of future disasters or collapse of plans. This number warns of bad karma - an evil fate that can befall a person, and that decisions must be made very carefully to avoid fatal tendencies.

17 - a highly spiritual number. Brings the owner happiness, freedom and interesting changes in life, but only if they do not pursue material wealth.

18 - the number of destruction of the spiritual side of the world. People of “eighteen” can be cruel - they are family brawlers and despots, fighters, participants in various kinds of covens and antisocial revolutions. In some cases, the number denotes a business, and a “black” one at that. This sign is associated with deception and betrayal on the part of others. It also warns of hazards from water, fire and explosives.

19 - symbolizes the Sun. A favorable number that brings success, respect and recognition. At the same time, people of “nineteen” often feel deeply lonely internally, they lack like-minded people and the warmth of their relatives.

20 - has a double interpretation. On the one hand, a call to action, the implementation of new plans, but these plans must be truly grandiose. On the other hand, these are obstacles to achieving a goal that can be overcome by developing the spiritual principle in a person.

21 - denotes victory after a battle. Lucky number from the point of view of possibilities, but for the implementation of each of them you will have to pay quite a lot.

22, 58 - this is the number of a kind, trusting person with a bag of mistakes behind him. Warns people about delusions, that they live in captivity of their illusions and awaken only in a moment of danger. In relation to the future, the number requires caution in everything.

23, 59 - people of this number, in order to achieve success, should not consider it shameful to seek advice from their elders. Then they will have success in all their endeavors.

24, 33, 42 - good luck in love, but you will have to pay for it either by alienation from loved ones or by material problems. However, in general, these people, if they maintain their feelings, can still be called happy.

25, 34 - ability to comprehend through own experience. The number cannot be called completely favorable. Its owner at the beginning of life, due to his character, is subjected to serious trials. In relation to maturity, this is a good number if a person takes into account his life experience and does not make the same mistake twice.

26, 35, 44, 53 - warns of mortal danger. Such a person has a heightened premonition of disasters. Over the years, there are more and more disappointments and deceptions in life. You need to be as careful as possible.

27, 36, 45, 54 - generally good sign. It means that a person receives rewards due to productive thinking, creative work and high intellectual abilities. However, he will have to bear too many responsibilities, which will not allow him to fully enjoy the joys of life.

28, 55 - the sign is very contradictory and dual. The man has great abilities. But these are people with half-truths in their minds and opposition to the law. They tend to go through life only on the beaten path. Not a very favorable number in relation to the future.

29, 38, 47, 56 - means insincerity, deception and even betrayal on the part of others. A person will constantly face difficult trials, betrayal from friends and the opposite sex. We must be constantly prepared for dangers.

30, 39, 48, 57 - a sign of mental, intellectual superiority over others. However, such people do not hide their craving for material wealth. This sign is neutral, it does not portend either happiness or unhappiness. It all depends on the desire and will of the owner.

31, 40, 49 - a sign similar to the previous one, except that these people are self-absorbed and are often lonely, even when in the thick of things. From a material point of view, the number is quite unfortunate.

32, 41, 50 - this sign has magical power. A person is in harmonious relationships with a large number of people, but must hide his plans from others - otherwise they will not come true.

37, 46 - a sign of goodness, happy love and friendship. Harmony with the opposite sex and good luck in joint projects. However, health will leave much better.

43, 52 - a rather unlucky sign. Symbolizes revolution, coup, trials and blows of fate. For owners of these signs, communication with animals will bring more joy than communication with their own kind.

51 - a sign of enormous potential, the nature of a warrior. Suggests an unexpected career. Favorable for the military, the founders of a new business, adventurers - their family has remained passive for too long. Quiet happiness does not contribute.

Now you have a generalized idea of ​​what is destined for you in life. But don’t rush to conclusions - calculate the karmic numbers of your loved ones and other people with whom you are connected and on whom you depend. Perhaps you have a chance to correct not only your karma, but also theirs. And this will be credited to you both in this and in the next birth.

Zhanna Breslavskaya, parapsychologist, "Secret power" No. 6 2011

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Karmic numbers: classic meanings

Following ancient traditions, we remember that the human soul appears in this world not once, but many times - until it learns the lessons that it must learn. The burden of mistakes and various negative actions of past lives puts pressure on modern life, preventing it from becoming happy and prosperous. But how can we find out what karmic mistakes we made in past lives, what debts do not give us the opportunity for a modern joyful existence?

Numerology will answer this question too. It turns out that among the numbers there are so-called karmic numbers, which can tell us about the karmic debts of their owners.

There are four numbers of karmic debt: 13, 14, 16, 19.

Karmic debt numbers are not specifically looked for. Just look through all your codes: first name, middle name, last name, fate, day, month, year of birth and life path.

Perhaps you were born on the 13th, 14th, 16th or 19th. Perhaps, when you added up the numbers of your first name, patronymic or last name, you (even before the reduction to a single digit number) came up with a similar karmic number. In a word, if a certain burden of mistakes is following you, then they should be corrected and the karmic debt paid. Otherwise, you will live your whole life in such a way that those around you will say that you are the blackest hole, causing nothing but trouble.

But how to pay off the debt, how to correct past mistakes? The meaning of each number will tell you this.

13 is the number of scatteredness and lack of control. The person in whom it occurs was distinguished in a past life by laziness and indifference, criminal frivolity and negativism. IN key moment in life, he gave up on everything or lost heart, perhaps betrayed out of frivolity or unwillingness to take responsibility.

Now this person must work long and hard to complete any task. Obstacles will come his way again and again, but he must overcome them. He should not waste his energy on many projects and activities. You must learn to choose the most important thing - your ultimate task in life. If he is a creative person, then he should keep a diary and analyze events. If you are a business person, make plans and schedules for your affairs. But in any case, he must learn to always be where he is needed.

The key to paying off debt is focus and preparedness. He must always be ready to help others and take responsibility for himself. Otherwise, his karmic debt will not be closed, which means he will feel uncomfortable, and any success will not bring him joy - a person with debt 13 simply does not know how to directly rejoice.

14 is the number of pressure on the will and psyche of others, the suppression of other people's freedoms.

A person with such a karmic debt in previous lives abused his own freedom, took away the freedom of others, and placed himself above everyone else.

Therefore, now he needs to understand: everyone has ideals, and not just him. Everyone has the right to freedom and independence, even if it is just freedom of opinion in the family or at work. A person with karmic debt 14 should not impose his opinion on people; on the contrary, he needs to be modest and benevolent. He should not present his demands to others, especially since people often do not understand what he wants from them. And most often he simply unconsciously wants to belittle, bend, subjugate. Such behavior is unacceptable - it only leads to worsening karmic debt. Number 14 people are stubborn and do not adapt well to unexpected changes. They are unrestrained (a scandal out of nowhere is one of their signs) and inflexible. They should curb their envy and love of money.

In addition, people of number 14 in a past life did something wrong with their friends, and therefore in this life they strive to find friends and gain friendship, but, as a rule, they do not succeed. And they suffer from it.

The key to paying off debt is in restraint, in recognizing that those around you have the right to exist according to their own laws, in flexibility and the ability to adapt to circumstances. But the main thing is to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, make friends and be faithful in friendship.


Karmic numbers:

Classic meanings

16 is the number of purification and the concept of the truth of what is happening. A person of this number was extremely selfish in his past life. For the sake of satisfying his selfish ambitions, he went ahead. People, he believed, existed only so that he could satisfy his whims with their help. He saw the whole world only through his ego.

And the world punished him. Now his life is in complete confusion, events are pouring in as if from a cornucopia, life is in full swing - and everything is over the head. He doesn't have time to get out of one trouble before he finds himself in another. Now he doesn't have to look down on others. He once insulted and humiliated others - now they do the same to him.

The key to paying off debt is in the rebirth of a person, in the perception of true moral and spiritual values. In order to pay off his debt, a person should stop looking down on everything, otherwise in this life he will find himself alone and abandoned. If he is a believer, he must come to faith; if not, he must engage in his own spiritual development. He must make real friends, come out of the shell of the undeservedly offended and see the beauty and harmony of life.

19 is the number of ingratitude. The strangest karmic number, which does not provide for punishment for debts, but simply the development of a line that a person did not adhere to enough in the past. This man was not a villain, but he was also not kind enough, did not repay debts (both material and spiritual), and offended those around him with his ingratitude.

In this life, a person of number 19 must repay his debts to specific people. He must learn to specifically help his neighbors, not to wait, much less demand gratitude for his work, to give advice and to listen to the advice of others.

The key to paying off debt is that a person should strive for contacts and communication. He should not focus on himself, but open up to the world and accept it into his heart. He must help others and understand that he is not the crown of creation, but simply a unit - a part of a single whole.

You probably already guessed that if a person does not pay off his karmic debt in a given birth, things will get even worse in the future. If he becomes especially persistent in his mistakes, what awaits him is not the cycle of rebirth, but the disincarnation and dispersion of the soul, which has not lived up to the Heavenly hopes placed on it. Don't you feel sorry for your soul?

Orientation in life

13 – the world is full of problems, but not all of them are mine; a lot of them I can push aside and just forget about them.

Development parameters

13 – I overcome any obstacles.

14 – I do not push my will, but compare it with the capabilities of those around me.

16 – I sort everything out and analyze it.

19 – I am grateful to my loved ones and the people around me.

Secret meanings of numbers

13 is the number of the unknown and unpredictability, so the most worst values: what is the value of just the strong conviction that 13 brings misfortune. It was even dubbed the devil's dozen. But in fact, people with the number 13 are quite reliable, because 13 = 1 + 3, that is, 4.

14 is the number of the desire to find friendship, the secret desire for beauty, luxurious life and tempting travel, because 14 = 1 + 4, that is, 5.

16 is the number of secret melancholy, but in fact the number of the desire for secret knowledge, because 16 = 1 + 6, that is, 7.

19 is the number of rejection of loneliness. This is a complex number: on the one hand, these are 1 and 9, that is, the numbers of single leadership (1) and comprehension, change (9).


Orientation in life

13– the world is full of problems, but not all of them are mine; a lot of them I can push aside and just forget about them.

14 – the world is amorphous, it seems that he himself does not know what he wants, but I completely know what needs to be done.

16 – the world is full of confusion, but I will figure it out; but if there is not enough energy, let it be as it will be.

19 – the world is an ungrateful object, a subject, however, too, but don’t shed tears?..

Well, if karmic numbers look at the world and perceive it this way, is it possible to derive some benefit from this - for example, to make it easier for yourself to solve karmic problems and learn Heavenly lessons?

You guessed it! Can!

You just need to make friends with carriers of “opposite” numbers, that is, those who have the qualities necessary for a correct view of the world.

Finding such friends is easy. It is enough to reduce karmic numbers to simple ones.

13 = 1 + 3 = 4.

14 = 1 + 4 = 5.

16 = 1 + 6 = 7.

19 = 1 + 9 = 1.

It is the bearers of these numbers who need to be taken as friends and comrades by people with karmic numbers.

4 will give carriers of 13 who are fussy and unsteady on the ground firmness, confidence, and reliability. The four will become their rock and refuge.

5 will give the somewhat ponderous, self-obsessed, change-averse carriers of 14 a sense of freedom and light adventurism. It will show that the world is beautiful in all its changes.

7 will give overly dry, analytical and often indifferent speakers 16 the opportunity to look at the world not as a weaving of confusion, but as an orderly structure, will give perseverance and hard work, especially necessary in those times when it seems that chaos is taking over.

1 will enable carriers of 19 not to reproach the world for ingratitude, but to simply act, not to develop complexes, but to take responsibility. Be courageous and cool-headed.

Even if mascot friends cannot convey the necessary qualities to karmic people, they will always be able to demonstrate them themselves for the benefit of the bearers of karmic numbers.


If you have a karmic number 13, you need number 4 people around you.

If you are 14, you need 5 people.

If you are 16, then you are 7.

If you are 19, then -1.


The main numbers of the curse are 26 and 13.

First of all, it should be clarified that the legend about the Yusupov family curse has several options. According to one of them, the clan was cursed by a Nogai sorceress after the Horde learned that the sons of Murza had converted from Mohammedanism to Christianity. Zinaida Nikolaevna Yusupova was a supporter of this particular option. The second option has already been mentioned above: this is the story of the goose on Easter, a prophetic dream and the baptism of Abdul-Murza Orthodox rite with the name Dmitry Seyushevich. But the meaning of both options is the same: each of Abdul-Murza’s descendants can have as many children as he likes, but they will not live to be 26 years old. And only one of them will remain in the family.

Therefore, I would like to begin the study precisely with this fatal number 26. From the point of view of astrology, it makes sense to start with the most important thing: to find out which of the known zodiac signs or planet is associated with the number 26 by numerological code, and, therefore, by meaning.

Zodiac signs are pure beginnings. Planets can show their light and dark sides. Mine numeric code each zodiac sign and planet has. For example: the planet Venus corresponds to the number 6, and the signs where it is traditionally strong: Taurus and Libra, respectively, have the numbers 15 and 16. Mercury is 4, and the signs where it is strong are Gemini and Virgo. These are the numbers 13 and 14. Constellations and stars that are mysteriously associated with a particular sign or planet must be taken into account.

The Zodiac sign is the door to infinity. There are 12+1=13 of these doors (according to the number of known zodiac signs, plus the 13th sign - the so-called Ophiuchus). There is already a connection with the number 13 (26:2) of the zodiac signs Gemini and Ophiuchus. The sign of Ophiuchus corresponds to the number 26. The number 26 is the number of Ophiuchus: the ability to defeat your karma, get out of the circle of incarnations, combustion and incarnation, spiritual choice. 26=13+13. These are essentially the double gates of Zervan. Once cleansed, you can open other gates. Ophiuchus begins at 23 degrees Scorpio and ends at 7 degrees Sagittarius. From 23° Scorpio to 30° Scorpio - Ophiuchus is dark, and from 7° Sagittarius - light.

There is also a connection with the myth of Zervan (Avestan meaning time), which talks about twins: light and dark. This myth is the basis of the theory of cosmogenesis of the Zervanites (priest-astrologers from Iran). And if we consider this myth in relation to a person, then it is about choice. Having done right choice in the present, you can correct your future life by correcting the mistakes of the past.

“13=1+3, that is: 4. In the calculations, the decimal number system was used, this is the number 10 or 13 = 10 + 3. Let's consider the joint manifestation of the numbers 10 and 13. In the number thirteen: the primary is the only one: that is, the one placed before the three. And zero is the only thing as the bearer of everything; the point from which the world unwinds. Three are forms of time: past, present, future, and plus one - this is the point from which eternity unwinds. Past, present, future, eternal - this is 13; this is the fusion of eternity and time. This applies best of the zodiac signs to Gemini, in which the one symbolizes the eternal twin (Pollux), and the temporary state between past, present and future is the birth, life and death of the twin Castor, the mortal of the brothers.

The union of these two principles is not death and immortality: living and dead water are related not simply to the acquisition of life and immortality, but to union and revitalization, union and separation. The meaning of the signs of Aquarius and Gemini is statics and dynamics. The first and last quadrants - Gemini and Aquarius - have a completely different meaning. The Lord of the 13 gates, after whom Zervan is named, is associated with the unshakable and eternal law of the universe. Therefore, gaining immortality and at the same time being in two worlds is characteristic of Gemini; and for Aquarius the choice is: either-or. Either death or immortality. It is Mercury that is the guide of souls after death. In the Avestan system, Mercury is called Tishtar. Tishtriya (Tishtar) is the name of the month among the Persians, as well as the name of the star Sirius. Tishtar is related to Mercury - he is also the conductor of souls, he is the first and will lead souls after death.”

The number of the karmic lesson, which is calculated from the date of birth of a person, determines his fate and the destiny indicated by the Universe.

So people who received the karmic number 40-49 are reincarnated as philosophers, sages, who are entrusted with the creation, knowledge and education of others. The main goal in life is to reach the next level of consciousness, to highest point personal and spiritual development.

Karma number 40

Individuals with this numerological characteristic voluntarily plunge into loneliness and seclusion. This is partly due to misunderstandings in relationships with others. This nature helps them become good composers and writers. IN financial matters the person is not collected, therefore he is not rich in money. If he manages to create a family, then in it he behaves selfishly.

Magical practices once captivate a person, but the attempts do not lead to significant success. Karmic destiny code 40 goes to those who in a previous life were a writer who, despite all his efforts, did not become famous. He was in great demand among women, but did not experience true love.

Karmic number 41

People of this number have extraordinary charisma and emotionality. Attractiveness has a certain magical nature, since a person is not characterized by external beauty or virtuosity in communicating with people. Nevertheless, charm gives an individual many friends and good acquaintances. He is open with them, but keeps his personal plans secret. Has selfish character traits, but successfully hides them. Does not feel strong remorse when he deceives.

People with this karmic code often become victims of the evil eye, and they themselves prefer astrology and predictions in magic. It is not possible to achieve significant results. The past life was most likely associated with poetic activity. She was a famous and beautiful woman. Despite constant moving and traveling, she managed to have several children.

Number 42 - karma

This code is considered very lucky because it predicts love and business success. A person always finds support in his endeavors and easily achieves success in team and individual work. Karmic number 42 predicts a favorable life without falling to the social bottom and tragic events. To create a strong and happy family you should choose a person with a karmic number of 24.

The past earthly incarnation of man is associated with animal husbandry in the German lands. The man was most likely a Bavarian in every way: he loved beer and was interested in women. For this, by the way, he had constant conflicts with his wife. This may be the reason for the emergence of constant difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex in the current reincarnation.

Karmic code 43

This is not the most positive numerology symbol. The number itself is the embodiment of changes, upheavals, revolutions associated with suffering and tragic events. Therefore, in the future, karma code 43 does not bring much luck. A person is forced to struggle with difficulties both in the family and at work.

They even say about him that he is a magnet for troubles, conflicts and blows. Despite this, he is able to achieve success if he shows enviable performance and perseverance in the face of obstacles.

People with this karmic code are prohibited from practicing or using magic. Bad karma can harm both the magician himself and those he is trying to help. IN previous life the person who reigned in the southern countries was a woman. She cheated on her husband and was severely punished - she was walled up alive in a crypt.

Karmic number 44

Karmic code 44 is a warning about the proximity of mortal risks in the future. However, this rarely leads to tragedies, since a person is saved by an innate premonition of disasters. Fate does not favor friendly and business relations, and over the years, the experience of betrayal and deception only grows.

Caution saves you from losing money, well-deserved positions and public status. Marriage is rarely successful because the other half rarely supports life at risk.

You should also be more careful in magical practices, since there is a high risk of causing psychological trauma. Astrology is not recommended due to poor accuracy of calculations and erroneous data analysis. Most likely, in a previous incarnation, this was a royal person from Europe.

This man had a craving for alcohol and knew no limits, which was the cause of his death. The karma of the number 44 forces a man to cheat on his wife, since in a previous life he was a cuckold - the queen preferred young favorites to him. Women with this karmic code continue to cheat on their chosen one in the current life, three times more often than in the past.

Karmic number 45

Favorable numerological indicator. Productive mental work, dedication to creation and excellent intellectual qualities bring a person rewards from life.

The future of individuals with this code is almost always easy and cloudless, although in the first half of their life’s journey they have to endure a lot of disappointments. The ability to analyze past mistakes allows you to lead your future life calmly and beneficially. Success is most likely in professions related to financial transactions.

Astrological and magical hobbies do not produce tangible results. Moreover, such an individual becomes an easy target and test subject for tantric and sexual magic. Most likely, in a previous incarnation she was a woman who match-made people. Through her efforts, many wonderful unions were created, but she herself did not achieve family happiness. Her death was accidental and partly stupid - after overdoing it at one feast, she died of frostbite.

Karma number 46

A good sign foreshadowing a person’s strong friendship and sincere love. On the path of life, he himself will share goodness with people and receive the same from them. Fate has prepared good luck in collective activities and relationships with the opposite sex. Life after marriage greatly depends on the partner. If he is good in all respects, there will be harmony and happiness. If the marriage was forced, everything will go sideways not only in the family, but also in the business sphere.

Astrological and magical activities are of little interest to the individual, and do not bring significant success. Past life was connected with a military career. This was a man of not the lowest position in army society - a commander or, at least, an officer. There were many battles in his life, in one of which he died, maintaining courage, honor and respect.

Karmic code 47

Dooms a person to lies, betrayal, hypocrisy and meanness on the part of others. Difficult life trials will fall on him throughout his life. Even close friends and love partners will betray and cheat. There is a serious danger to life in the future and social status. Caution is needed in all areas.

Astrological and magical activities are of little interest. In general, it is potentially dangerous, as it has a strong recoil that undermines health. In a previous earthly incarnation, he was a lonely man who lived in isolation from society. This determines the presence of a large circle of friends and acquaintances in real reincarnation.

Karmic number 48

This code speaks of a pronounced intellectual and mental elevation of the individual above his environment. The number itself does not promise good or bad events in the future, it is neutral. Therefore, fate largely depends on the thoughts and actions of carriers of karma number 48. A person has a passion for wealth and openly demonstrates a willingness to fight for them. An innate passion to be the best helps you succeed in legal professions and in sports.

None of the magical branches becomes a life’s work or hobby for these individuals. They simply lack endurance if tangible results do not appear immediately. My former life was heavily connected with weapons. Most likely, a person designed it, collected it, or sold it.

In the current incarnation, the person strives for family well-being, since he was unable to achieve it in the previous one. An individual with a karmic number of 48 rarely cheats on his partner. However, the reason for this is not strong moral principles, but sexual limitations and uncertainty.

Karma number 49

The code of a lonely, deeply withdrawn person. He remains introverted in behavior even when participating in bright events and campaigns. The number does not foretell a good future in material terms, so foresight is needed in the business and financial sphere. This person is persistent and ready to wait, so he will certainly bring his plans to life. Obstacles are not scary, they only build character.

You should only get involved in magical directions if you have an experienced mentor. Independent practice is likely to undermine your health. In the previous incarnation, the person was the center of attention. Moreover, he did things that surprised and delighted those around him. Most likely, this is a tightrope walker, juggler or other circus performer. His life was cut short as a result of an accident directly during the performance of the act. This happened on tour in Africa.

The karmic code number is not a sentence or an exact life scenario. Even someone who has received a karma number of 44 is capable of becoming respected and successful person, not prone to self-interest, meanness and crime.

Avoid thoughts and actions that give rise to karmic debt, strive for harmony with the world and environment, and spiritual growth will be ensured. With due diligence, self-improvement and the transition to the next level of development are more than real.

Many people are faced with the feeling that everything in our world is not random, but represents a chain of cause and effect. All events that happen in life are the result of our past thoughts and deeds, for which we are responsible. Karma by date of birth, fate and future is the topic of this article.

Karma acts as fate, created by us in past incarnations. Karmic scales can swing from the side of positive deeds and actions towards negative actions.

Depending on what deeds were more in our past incarnations, we receive our today's destiny. In our current reincarnation we have the opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past and not make new ones, that is, to improve our karma.

There is a way to find out your karma by date of birth, fate and future.

Calculation of karma by date of birth

Thanks to you, you will learn what negative or positive moments from the past affect you now, how to restore balance in our current destiny and predetermine our further development in the future.

To calculate your karmic number you need exact date your birth.

  • 8+2+1+9+8+1 =29.

It turns out that the karmic birth number is 29. Now pay attention to the second number - it will become your defining number, which will shed light on some facts of your past life.

Description of karmic numbers

The first number also affects your life path. It will tell you about the possibility of a person appearing in your life with the help of whom you will find your purpose.

If it is even (zero, two and four), it means that fate will send you a karmic assistant to solve life’s difficulties,

And if the numbers one or three come up, you will have to solve all the difficulties on your own. Most likely, your karma is not burdened with difficult deeds, which you should seriously work on correcting.

For more information on this topic, watch the video.

Characteristics of the second karmic number

  • Unit. In your past lives, you showed selfishness and made people who love you suffer. Therefore, now love and friendship will not be easy; loved ones may deceive you. You need to be sincere and not lie to others. Selfless good deeds will help you improve your life. An important lesson for you is not to suspect other people of unreliability. If you have a loved one and true friends, you are doing everything right in life, do not change your behavior.
  • Deuce. Its appearance will tell you that in the past you showed negligence and extreme recklessness, and may not have appreciated what you had. You could be involved in dangerous sports or military activities, it was important for you to constantly be “on the edge” of survival. Indiscretion shown in the past will now result in you feeling unwell. Remember, when you neglect the instinct of self-preservation, luck will refuse you. Therefore, take care of your health, do not have bad habits and always think about self-preservation.
  • Troika. You have shown stinginess in past incarnations. Now it is important to focus on spiritual values ​​so as not to encounter old problems. To maintain a balance between good and evil actions, you need to sacrifice material well-being in favor of spirituality.
  • Four. Your karma is quite good. By your date of birth, we find out that in your last incarnation you suffered from loneliness and unhappy love. Now they occupy a very significant place for you family values, never neglect them in favor of your career.
  • Five. It is not advisable for you to engage in esotericism if you dream of success in life. Never achieve your goals through magical actions - you have already had a similar experience before and it did not lead to anything good. Always remember that everything you do comes back.
  • Six. you had harmonious life. Your karma is not bad enough, and if you do good to the world around you, you can achieve great success.
  • Seven. Have you encountered difficulties and obstacles in past reincarnation, and now it’s time to try yourself in a more harmonious role. Don’t be content with little, but set global goals and try to achieve them.
  • Eight. You committed betrayal in a past life, abandoned a loved one in trouble. This situation may come back into your life, so you should be careful. Do charity work, do not refuse to help those who need it, and the balance between good and evil will be restored.
  • Nine. Perhaps your past life was too fleeting, so karma has endowed you with wisdom to make up for what was left unfulfilled in your past life. It is likely that you have developed the gift of foresight; rely on your intuition.
  • Zero. You worked hard in your past life, so success in your work is guaranteed. Listen to the voice of your heart and never give up. The dream will definitely come true if you put in the effort.

Having learned the features of your past lives, learn the necessary lessons from them and try to act correctly so as not to attract new negative consequences. In the following articles we will take a closer look at the topic of the influence of karma on a person’s destiny, because it is very interesting and multifaceted.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Finding out your purpose in life is luck. It’s not easy for everyone to go through life’s path, but if you calculate the karmic number by date of birth, a lot will fall into place. Using numerology, to find out our debts from past reincarnations and correct them, to find happiness, peace and love - this is our goal in this life.

What is called karma

All severe trials on our way - this is not a punishment, but a lesson. This is not retribution for past mistakes, these are their consequences sent to us for correction. Karma is unstable and flexible. It changes along with human consciousness. Having solved karmic problems, the soul will reach a new level of wisdom, and the question will be removed and dissolved in the air. This is why karmic numbers are hidden in your birth date so you can figure out the areas of your life that need the most attention.

Facts from past incarnations that affect the present life, and possibly the future:

  • strong emotional shock, experienced disappointment, betrayal;
  • severe injuries and illnesses that affected lifestyle;
  • death from an accident, violent or at a young age - the soul did not have time to fulfill everything planned for this life.

Knowing your karmic code of life and what is written for you in your birth, you will learn the lessons that you missed in the past, and draw wisdom and experience from them. They will help you better understand your current incarnation.

What is the karmic code of life

Numbers are a kind of message from the Universe to man. Numerology lifts the veil of the past, present and future. She tells how to calculate and interpret the numbers that influence destinies. By calculating by date of birth, you will understand your purpose in this world, take the right path, and correct the mistakes of the past.

Everyone has a secret karmic code - it is a code for past reincarnations. It is a kind of DNA of your soul. It talks about who you are, what you've been through, how you responded to what happened, and what you should strive for.

It is a mistake to believe that code can negatively affect real life. All experienced emotions are stored “in memory” and only suggest the right path. Human soul is immortal, and thanks to the events experienced, special character traits are formed, making you - you.

Numerology says that the karmic code of your life stores the following information:

  • diseases, injuries;
  • experienced powerful emotions, shocks;
  • significant conclusions that shape character and basic life principles;
  • memories of important events of the past incarnation for the soul;
  • readiness and openness to new knowledge, personal development and growth;
  • awareness of the world, wisdom bestowed by the universe.

What are the stages of soul development

The numbers in the karmic code are divided into subgroups - stages of development of your soul, each of them has its own meaning:

  1. The first stage is codes 10-19. Your main goal is to observe the world without changing it. In this life, you need to work on your body and soul, develop them, improve your perseverance, train your willpower;
  2. The second stage is 20-29. Your main goal is to work off karma, avoid mistakes made in the past, and not repeat them in the present;
  3. The third stage is 30-39. You have been given the ability to influence people, teach them, and lead them. Your goal is to convey wisdom, experience, teach people to see the true picture of the world, and bring good to the world;
  4. The fourth and last stage is 40-48. Numbers of people with high intelligence, sharp minds and a love of science. Your goal is to know the meaning of life, to understand the structure of the world.

How to calculate your code

To find out your code and the stage of soul development, you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth one by one.

For example, you were born on April 1, 1980: 1+4+1+9+8=23. Your karma number is 23. The karmic number of life is two-digit; there is no need to convert it into a simple number.

How to interpret personal karma code

By understanding the meaning of the numbers in your life code, you will quickly figure out which direction to move in, what is written in your family, what mistakes need to be corrected, and which of the past events are controlling the present.

10 is one of the most favorable karmic codes. The road of life is bright, cloudless, without obstacles and terrible incidents. You are fair, honest and confident in the correctness of your words and actions. In another life, you were a farmer and led a decent lifestyle. You have no karmic debts.

11 - complex, dual code. You are an open, good-natured person, you deny evil - a real find for scammers. But you are too demanding of your partners, changing them like gloves, creating the impression of a libertine. You have many children or could have many (abortions). In your previous incarnation you were a traitor, a bully, a revolutionary.

12 is the code of suffering. A person is easily vulnerable, naive, always worried, weak. You are easy to deceive, get involved in intrigues, you are a pawn in the wrong hands. For happiness, look for a strong and powerful partner. In another incarnation you were an intriguer, a conspirator, a liar.

13 - code of perpetual motion, changeable nature. You do not stand still, eternal holiday, no boredom. But there is no stability either, the whole journey of life is like a “roller coaster”. In another incarnation you were in slavery, freedom was your dream.

14 - warning code. In business and love, everything is going well, but there is a threat from the elements. Avoid hobbies related to conquering natural forces, flying, swimming, fires. In another incarnation, you were a strong and brave warrior; you died in a shipwreck.

15 is the code of attractiveness. You are charming and talented. Even if you don’t develop your talents, you can become an artist or writer. A talent for painting is also possible. You have a happy code of life, but sometimes you forget yourself, you are too proud, you deceive, you are a hypocrite. You were a prostitute in the past.

16 - heavy code, carries danger hanging over everything life's path. You can achieve success only by acting slowly, thinking about every step you take. In the past, you were a reigning person, a domineering and cruel ruler with a meager mind.

17 is the number of happiness in love. Your success lies in forming alliances, family business. Family and close friends are real support and support. In the past, you were a single man who died in poverty from a heart attack.

18 - code warns of violent death. You are a rowdy, a tyrant, you don’t understand how you can live honestly and calmly. There is danger around you, and you bring it yourself. In another life, you were fond of black magic, you were hanged for witchcraft.

19 - honor code. Everything is going well in business and in personal life. You are surrounded by many people who dream of walking alongside you. At the end of the journey, you will be surrounded by your family and friends, you will leave peacefully, leaving behind a legacy. In your previous life you were a farmer, a shepherd.

20 - the number encourages you to act, not to be afraid of grandiose plans. You are a purposeful person who cannot imagine existing without achievements. There will be many obstacles on your way, but by developing your spiritual potential, you will realize everything planned. In the past you were a large banker and moneylender.

21 is the winner code. All your life you fight for something, you always achieve your goal. Beware of boredom, despondency and laziness. Your karmic code by date of birth guarantees success in business. In another incarnation, you forged iron, were honest with people and devoted to your craft.

22 is the code of illusions. You are a dreamy person, living in a fantasy world, denying everything bad around you. In your past life, you made a bunch of mistakes that you need to work out: return to the real world more often, don’t run away from adversity. In the past you were a thief, a card sharper, an illusionist.

23 is the magic code. Higher powers favor you, no matter what type of activity you choose, everywhere you will succeed. In marriage you will be happy and very loved. In a past life, you were a seamstress or a nanny.

24 - kiss of God. Very light, light, happy life, filled with joy and love. The main thing is not to take the wrong path, remain pious, bring goodness and joy to others. In a past life, you served in the church and painted icons.

25 is the number of knowledge. The entire path of life will be littered with mistakes. Only by taking the righteous path can you count on the favor of the Universe and success. In a past life, you were a royal person, loved travel, wine, and were vain.

26 - danger warning. The karmic code by date of birth warns you - you must always be on guard. You have a highly developed intuition, listen to your inner voice. In your previous life, you were a doctor, and because of your self-confidence, you killed a patient.

27 is the number of hard work. You are kind, hardworking and selfless, your solace is in your work. Your work will be appreciated by both people and heaven. In a past life, you were a scientist, you had a large and happy family.

28 is a code of rebellion and contradictions. You have a complex nature, you are talented and capable, but you do not want to comply with social norms and orders, thereby complicating your life. You committed suicide in the past and your family grieved and mourned you for many years.

29 is the code for liars. You are very unlucky, you are surrounded by traitors and deceivers. Even the closest and most reliable people will betray you sooner or later. You will find peace in solitude and solitude. In the past, you were a merchant, deceived people for profit, sold low-quality and damaged goods.

30 is the code of the mind. You are endowed with a sharp mind, intelligence and determination. But greed has subjugated you; you need to find balance, learn to give, and serve people. In a past life, you were a famous poet, unable to withstand the test of fame, and died from drunkenness.

31 is the hermit code. There is nothing that you passionately want, you do not need money, family, love, friends. To communicating with people, you prefer reading, watching films, virtual reality in Game. Your happiness is alone, there is no place for anyone in your heart. In another life, you were a famous comedian, you had many mistresses and abandoned children.

32 is the number of a chatterbox, orator. You are an open person, sociable, and always surrounded by listeners. But you brag too much, so your plans remain in words. In the past, you were a lonely, mute traveler.

33 is the code for success in love. Your life is harmonious, you get as much as you need, you have a happy and strong marriage. Try to bring goodness to the people around you, thank the universe for the happiness that has been sent to you, and your expectation of success will be justified. In the past, you were the ruler’s mentor, inspired him to do justice, and pacified his anger.

34 is a late reward. The first half of life, up to 35-40 years old, will be rich in adversity and troubles. But after that you will find prosperity, a strong family, and a house full of children’s laughter. In a past life, you were a knight, a military man, and died on the battlefield at a young age.

35 - difficult fate. The entire path of life will be strewn with adversity, betrayal and deception from those closest to you; difficult relationships with children and spouse will lead to dependence on alcoholic beverages. In the past, you were a cabaret dancer and led a riotous and depraved lifestyle.

36 - hard work. It is in your nature to work all your life. You will achieve a lot, but alone, you will not be able to trust anyone or rely on anyone. Don’t despair, after 35 years you will see the result of your work, build strong family. In a past life, you were a convicted bandit and worked in hard labor.

37 is the code of goodness and prosperity. Yours life is easy and bright, without unhappiness and disappointment. In the past you were a monk.

38 - code of treason. Your life is easy, you have a successful career, but there is no happiness in your personal life, you only meet traitors. Celebrating your 40th birthday, you will meet a decent companion. In another life, you were a courtesan, but you took the path of correction and went to a monastery.

39 is the number of a bright mind. You are an intellectual and will achieve a lot with your mind. But you need to recognize and overcome your vice - envy. In your previous incarnation, you were a gambler, having lost everything, you ended up living in poverty on the sidelines.

40 is the hermit code. You are lonely and prefer books to be with people. You have no family, no children, no friends. It doesn't bother you. In a past life you were a writer and drug addict.

41 - internal magnetism. You are surrounded by people, they love you. You may not be particularly attractive in appearance, but your rich inner world attracts them like a magnet. Direct your charms to good deeds. In another life you were a public figure.

42 is the number of luck. You are always lucky - this is a reward for your sharp mind and good nature. Your life is easy, not overshadowed by sorrows. In another incarnation you were a farmer from Bavaria.

43 - test code. You have a hot temper, where you are there are quarrels and scandals. Curb your temper, otherwise you will end your life in complete loneliness. In a past life, you were royalty and were executed for betraying your spouse.

44 is the number of danger, sudden death. You need to be very careful throughout your life, dangers await you everywhere. In a past life, you were an executioner; you executed many people.

45 is a late reward. You will achieve success and great wealth, but only after 40 years. Until this moment, a streak of adversity awaits you, which you will overcome thanks to your intelligence. In another incarnation you were a doctor; during the Spanish flu epidemic you helped many people.

46 is the number of devotion. No matter what happens, your family and friends will always support you. You have a kind disposition and a heart open to love. In another incarnation, you were a young recruit and died in your first battle.

47 is the code for intriguers. You love to bask in attention, are ready to do anything to achieve what you want, and have a low level of morality. In old age, illness and lonely death await you. In the past, you were a sectarian, sacrificed animals, and were executed at the stake.

48 - leader code. You have the strongest leadership skills, great hard work. When choosing a profession, pay attention to finance, military affairs and sports. A successful career awaits you. You were a former gunsmith and were loved and respected for your sincere dedication to your craft.

How to prevent mistakes from happening again

At any difficult situation Before taking any action, analyze and calculate your actions. Think about the significance of your action for others, what message the Universe will receive on your behalf.

The more positive energy you release into the world, the milder the consequences of past mistakes will be. Don’t count on the fact that you will suffer devastation for half your life, and this will go unpunished. Evil done purposefully cannot be covered up by good deeds.

Only through gratitude can you achieve well-being. Meditate, pray, say “thank you” for everything you have and for difficulties, as for a lesson taught.