The ability to properly distribute and restore one’s energy provides a person with the opportunity to be effective and successful in life. Each of us has sources of personal energy that fills us, but many experience a lack of it due to unreasonable use. Let's look at 6 secrets of proper management of personal energy that will help you get rid of feelings of emptiness and fatigue.

1. Regular recovery.

There are cycles that cannot be ignored. Activity should alternate with sleep, fasting with food consumption, work with rest. Even our heart, which works throughout our lives, is at rest most of the time. The contraction cycle is followed by a relaxation cycle of the heart muscle, which lasts longer. It’s the same with personal energy - without regular restoration, it is impossible to observe stability.

After each expenditure of energy, recovery must follow, and this is the only way to always have the strength - mental and physical - necessary for a full life.

2. Reasonable distribution.

Misuse of personal energy should not be allowed. If you first start wasting it on unimportant things, a deficit will form, leading to a decrease in personal effectiveness in various areas of life. Reasonable distribution of personal energy is to adequately assess your energy potential. You won’t be able to complete a monthly work plan in 1 day, and if you try to work too hard, you’ll soon feel burnt out and won’t be able to be productive. Use your energy consistently, distributing the amount of work for each day based on your capabilities.

3. Refusal to dissipate personal energy.

Many people periodically go through days when they do not have time to do anything, but in the evening they feel tired, as if after hard labor. This happens because a person allows his personal energy to be dissipated on unnecessary things, and exhaustion comes completely unnoticed. Stop spending your personal energy uncontrollably on things that do not bring any benefit. It is important to identify what drains you and deprives you of energy and eliminate it from your life.

4. Simplification.

A person spends a large amount of personal energy on complicating simple things. You can save a lot of time, energy and effort if you learn to simplify everything you encounter. Most often, emotional energy suffers from complication. In order not to feel exhausted, you should not worry or complicate the situation with your guesses and negative thoughts.

5. Stress management.

Stress steals a person’s energy, depletes his potential, forcing all organs and systems to work to the point of wear and tear. At the moment of a stress reaction, a huge release of energy occurs due to acceleration metabolic processes. If this energy is not used for good purposes, it causes destruction in the human body. Therefore, it is important to choose appropriate relaxation techniques and learn to direct stress energy in the right direction.

6. Healthy, balanced diet.

One of the most important measures to restore energy is nutrition. Thanks to balanced diet you can get everything necessary substances, which will keep the body and brain in good shape. The best way to always be filled with energy is to consume in large quantities raw vegetables and fruits, which are best digestible and contain many vitamins and minerals.

Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich
"Liberation: System of skills for further energy-informational development, 1st stage"

Anyone can control energy

To become independent from society and start on your own new life, to which we are all destined by nature, we must learn to control the flow of our energy. It is necessary to destroy the circle of vicious inclusion in our energy-informational field, produced by a pathologically oriented human society.
It is possible that many of the things that I will talk about will at first seem to you something unobvious, dubious, and maybe even absurd. But try, at least for the sake of experiment, to follow my recommendations. And you will see that a completely new world will open up before you. And your life will acquire a different, much deeper, true meaning.

Are you afraid that you won't be able to learn it? Do you think that managing energy is almost impossible? Completely in vain. Want to make sure you can do it right now? Please.

All you have to do is fill a glass with water and place it on the table in front of you. Dip your finger into the water - any finger, at least your index finger right hand. Now take your finger out and look at it. Do you see how the water rolled off your finger quickly enough? Now close your palms, press them together and sit for a minute with your palms closed. Then open them and clasp the glass with both palms. Try to feel the water behind the walls of the glass with your palms. After this, dip your finger in the water again. You will notice that now the water rolls off it as if reluctantly, much more slowly than the first time.

What happened to the water? Everything is very simple: your own field, concentrated between your palms, influenced the water in the glass so that it changed its liquid crystal structure. This happened while you were holding the glass with both hands.

Are you convinced that you can influence water with your energy? But this is a natural property inherent in you by nature. It’s just that, out of ignorance, you’ve never used it before. This property is inherent in every person, and every person is able to control biological energy from the very moment of his birth. But as a person grows up, he falls into the energy traps of the material world and forgets about this innate ability of his. You just need to remember again how this is done, and the whole world is open to you.
A person needs to know the energy structure of his body and be able to use it.

Central energy flow

We have already said that the energy of the human body is closely connected with the energy of its consciousness. One does not exist without the other, one influences the other. And those energy channels that Eastern medicine deals with are secondary to the main energy flow that permeates the human body and connects it with what is called consciousness.

You can compare this main energy flow with the trunk of a tree, from which branches extend - secondary energy flows. If the trunk itself is sick, or twisted, or covered with hollows, then we can, of course, try to straighten it for some time by pulling the branches, but sooner or later we will come to the conclusion that it is still the trunk that needs to be treated.

In the same way, by influencing energy channels using Eastern medicine methods, one can only temporarily improve health, but it is impossible to eliminate the causes of the disease. For the reason is precisely the distortion of the main flow of energy. Of course, this distortion also has its reasons, and we will talk about this later. But if it is possible to correct this very main flow, then the flow of energy through side energy channels is automatically normalized. And only then does true health come - both physical and mental.

People for the most part do not know the laws of life, the laws of existence of a complex energy-informational structure called “man”. Therefore, they take the wrong path: they poison the body with unnecessary medications and undergo complex, painful and expensive medical procedures. And they don’t understand that this is the same as patching holes in an old, worn-out suit, a quick fix use white thread to catch the holes, while the suit requires a complete recut and renovation.

The fundamental basis of health is healthy energy.

People who managed to understand this and become energetically pure no longer need doctors, healers, or psychics. Because they know: our source of health is in ourselves.

Now let's return to the question of what the main energy flow is. Let us understand what human knowledge accumulated over centuries says about the nature of the energy flow, which constitutes the essence of man.
This stream consists of two streams that flow in opposite directions - one up and the other down. One stream comes from the Earth, and the second from Space. It is these two flows that form the entire energy of a person. A person is a combination of two streams, and that says it all!
You can imagine a person, his physical body and his energy shell as a bead hanging freely on two vertical threads passing through it - streams.

Here, however, one clarification needs to be made: energy flows, of course, do not pass directly through the physical body of a person; they pass through the subtle energy structure that permeates the body. Therefore, human anatomy will not tell you anything about energy flows and channels - it is impossible to detect them in the physical body with the naked eye. Nevertheless, each of them has its own “territory”: the one going from bottom to top is approximately two fingers in front of the spine in men and four fingers in women; the flow coming from Space, from top to bottom, is located almost close to the spine.

The flow coming from below is the flow of the Earth's energy, the energy of the physical world, which the Earth sends to the Cosmos. It supplies energy mainly for the implementation of rough, forceful interactions between a person and the outside world. It passes through the center of a person’s energetic being and goes into Space.

The flow from above supplies the energy of the Cosmos, cosmic information, which ensures the maintenance of the “divine spark” of consciousness. We have already said that a person is capable of receiving information from the energy-information field of the Universe. This happens precisely through the cosmic flow flowing from top to bottom. The flow from the Cosmos also passes through the center of a person’s energetic being, without mixing with the flow of the Earth, and goes into the Earth.
Thanks to the interaction of these flows, the human energy shell is formed. After all human body designed in such a way that it is able to capture the energy of the Earth and Space, process it and adapt it to its needs.

Chakras - human energy centers

Our gross physical body is just a “machine” designed to ensure the existence of the brain, consciousness. This is only a material carrier for subtle energy-informational structures. Therefore, energy flows are aimed primarily at ensuring the energy-informational structure of consciousness. And the energy of the body is connected with the energy of consciousness with the help of such an important element of the human energy structure as chakras.
The idea of ​​chakras - human energy centers - came to us again from the East. Chakras are designed precisely to transform the energies of two streams coming from the Earth and from Space into a slightly different form acceptable for a human being. With their help, these rather hard radiations are softened and modified to suit the needs of human existence.

Naturally, the chakras are also located not in the dense physical body, but in the subtle energy body person. However, each of them is associated with certain anatomical regions to which it is adjacent. Therefore, when the chakras are damaged, the corresponding organs become ill.

It is in the chakras that the accumulation of energy occurs, received from two multidirectional flows. With the help of chakras, this energy is dispersed throughout the body, throughout the energy shell of the human body. It is the work of the chakras that ensures the existence of an energy shell - a kind of cocoon around the human body. The same “bead” hanging on two streams. If the shell is powerful, strong, and brightly shining, the person is healthy. And since the shell is formed by chakras, it is clear that a person’s health and the state of his soul depends largely, if not entirely, on whether his chakras work well.

In a healthy state, each chakra is a small energy vortex, which is also luminous and radiant. If a chakra is affected, it dims and closes like a withered flower. This is clearly visible in color Kirlian photographs.

Humans have seven main chakras.

They are located along two central energy flows, along the spine, in a strictly designated place. Each chakra has its own name (from bottom to top): the first chakra is Muladhara, the second is Svadhistana, the third is Manipura, the fourth is Anahata, the fifth is Vishuddha, the sixth is Ajna, the seventh is Sahasrara.

Please note: there are seven chakras. And this is no coincidence. If you think about it, you can find in this a sign of that beauty and harmony, according to the laws of which both nature and man exist. After all, the chakras, in terms of the frequency of their radiation, correspond to the seven colors of the rainbow and seven notes! This means that man is a rainbow, man is music! This means that we are destined by nature to strive to sound harmonious and shine with bright and pure light. To do this, you just need to configure our musical instrument, thoroughly damaged by life, and cleanse the colors of our palette, polluted by the surrounding reality.

And now about each chakra - in detail.

Muladhara - the so-called coccygeal center - is located in the perineum. This is the center of energy accumulation, stability in life, the center responsible for survival. Corresponds to the color red and the note “do”.
Svadhisthana is located in the pubic area. Responsible for the accumulation of sexual energy, for managing the energy a person needs for life. Corresponds to the color orange and the note “D”.

Manipur is in the region solar plexus, just above the navel. Responsible for vitality. Compliant yellow color and the note "mi".
Anahata is located at the level of the heart, in the middle of the chest. Responsible for emotionality, communication, the ability to give and receive love. This is the chakra of energy exchange, energy balance, because it is through Anahata that both flows partially come out, but the balance of energy is not lost, because Anahata also collects from external environment free energy dissipated in space. This is how the outer shell of a person’s energetic essence is formed. Anahata corresponds to the color green and the note "F".

Vishuddha is located at the base of the throat. This is the center of the will, the center of communication with the environment and people. Corresponds to blue color and salt note.
Ajna is located in the center of the brain at the level of the eyebrows, this is the famous “third eye”. Responsible for the power of the intellect, for the ability to bring ideas to life. Corresponds to the color blue and the note “A”.

Sahasrara is at the crown. Responsible for the spiritual aspect of the human being, for its connection with the Universe. Compliant purple color and the note "B".
In addition to the fact that chakras form an energy shell, these are precisely the structures with which a person involuntarily influences external world, on other people and with whom he perceives any influence from the outside. After all, a person is an energy-informational structure that is closely connected with the world around him, and therefore he is sensitive to all external energy influences.

Here we come to the mechanism of occurrence of many of our diseases and pathological conditions. Its essence is that the pathological influence of the surrounding material world, foreign energy that comes from other people, from society, from the material world in general, “clogs” the chakras and prevents them from working normally. And through the chakras it has a detrimental effect on the entire body.

Pathological connections in human society

We constantly send conscious and unconscious energy impulses to the outside world, to other people. We carry within us some thoughts, desires, behavior programs recorded in the brain, and all this involuntarily affects those around us precisely through the chakras. We envy, get angry, get irritated, take offense, scold or feel sorry for ourselves and others, get angry or flare up in response to someone's anger. And all these impulses have a very specific energy basis, their own frequency and direction of radiation. They all burst out from the same chakras of some people and are perceived by other chakras of other people. This is how pathological energy connections arise between people, like energy cords - connections through which our energy flows to other people. Where can people, so closely connected with each other, feel free?

Each of us has been convinced more than once from our own experience, even without knowing anything about bioenergy, that energy can influence other people and be subject to these influences from the outside. Remember how you unexpectedly turned around, feeling someone’s gaze, or someone turned around under the sight of your eyes. How does a person act in this case? Is it really just a glance? No, but also with the energy that bursts out of the chakra areas.

Absolutely all people have the ability to exert energy influences. And in moments of emotional outbursts, the power of these influences becomes simply colossal, increasing tenfold. In one small southern town, a very interesting story happened, although it was extremely typical. My relatives are local residents, husband and wife, they lived amicably and quite well... until the summer. But when summer came and the holiday season began in the southern town, the husband’s natural instincts awoke and he began to chase young pretty resort girls through the streets. One day he enthusiastically hurried after his next victim, not knowing that his wife had just gone out to the store at that time and accidentally witnessed this scene (it was a small town). She hid behind a tree and began to observe her husband’s behavior with understandable interest. At this time, the young lady he was pursuing entered the store, he, of course, rushed after her. And to get to this store, you had to climb several steps. And so the wife standing behind the tree thought in her hearts: “Lord, I wish he’d screwed up on these steps!” And what? The husband stumbles and falls flat on the steps while running.
Whether he managed to recover to such an extent as to continue the pursuit is unknown. But his wife has since become convinced that she simply has remarkable telepathic abilities (although in fact anyone is capable of this).
How do our chakras affect other people - so much so that they can cause serious illnesses, and even literally knock a person down?

This happens due to the following features of the chakras’ activity. The chakras of Svadhisthana and Manipura collect the energy of the Earth scattered in the external environment and release the energy of the Cosmos, transformed by human consciousness. These are peculiar windows through which energy streams of consciousness are released. Therefore, these two chakras allow us to consciously influence environmental phenomena using the energy of the Cosmos. This is used, for example, by magicians and fortune tellers, therefore Svadhisthana and Manipura are their chakras. The scattered energy oozing from these chakras can even “encode” those around them, that is, impose alien thoughts, ideas, and programs on them. That is why the role of these two chakras is especially great in the formation of pathological connections in human society.

Manipura and Svadhisthana form the energetic layer of the human being, related to his physical body, or rather to the control of it through consciousness.

But the Vishuddha and Ajna chakras release the energy of the Earth, coming from bottom to top, and absorb the energy of the Cosmos. Therefore, through these two chakras, with the help of the energy of the Earth, it is possible to carry out gross energetic influences - influences with the help of emotions. It is no coincidence that people for whom these chakras work well are hypnotists, politicians, and actors. These chakras form the layer of a person's energetic being that relates to his consciousness. That is, they influence consciousness, providing it with energy, which is emotions and motives of behavior.

In the human community, a rough release of energy from these chakras forms such negative phenomena as damage, the evil eye and vampirism.

One of my friends, a 42-year-old woman, came to me with complaints of wild headaches and attacks of hypertension, which no medicine could relieve. The doctors could not find an explanation for the disease, and she herself was completely perplexed - after all, she had never complained about her health before, and then suddenly, out of the blue... Having looked at her field, I discovered breakdowns in her energy shell - negative energy was “sticking out” from it in all directions, like logs with which a person was pierced right through. It turned out that all her health troubles began after she spent a vacation in the south with a friend. Her friend, according to her, is an extremely energetic lady, a big fan of giving advice and interfering in other people’s lives with her categorical judgments. My friend’s lectures and her constant “kind” advice at first greatly irritated my patient, and then she started having headaches. Since then, every communication she had with her friend ended with a sharp rise in blood pressure and dizziness almost to the point of loss of consciousness.

The diagnosis is simple: the most basic evil eye. The evil eye is, of course, a popular name, behind which lies nothing more than an energy-informational defeat, the causes and methods of countering which we will consider further. My friend, it turns out, was very jealous of my friend - her successful personal life, attractive appearance. But she hid her envy behind teachings and instructions. And at this time she was throwing out lumps of negative energy through her upper chakras. They broke through my patient's field.

By eliminating these breakdowns, it was possible to normalize the woman’s health. Now she has learned to manage her energy and protect herself from negative impacts.
So, the chakras of different people interact with each other all the time, so to speak, in a cross pattern. The consciousness of one person, through his upper chakras, affects the lower chakras of another person - after all, the upper chakras release the energy of the Earth, which carries his emotions, and they are captured by the lower chakras of other people. Conversely, thoughts, released through the lower chakras, affect the upper chakras of others. This creates such a strong connection, which is the cause of diseases that doctors cannot cure, as well as inexplicable troubles and misfortunes.

A 12-year-old boy was brought to us by his mother, who was already desperate to take him to the doctors. Medicine turned out to be powerless against the torrent of diseases that suddenly befell the child: asthma, allergies, psoriasis, plus a sharp deterioration in vision. The baby, as it turned out, had his energy shell completely torn off, as if someone had been “gnawing” him for a long time and thoroughly.

I ask: who else lives with you? It turns out that an ancient 90-year-old great-grandmother, who has almost lost her mind, but for some reason constantly finds fault with the child, simply does not let him live, and he is very offended.

Everything turned out to be very simple: the great-grandmother, no longer having her own energy resources for life, began to draw energy from her great-grandson, that is, she simply vampired. To do this, she needed to establish a pathological connection to the child’s energy shell. Of course, the great-grandmother did all this unconsciously, because she, like most people, knew nothing about how exactly bioenergy works. But the rough release of her energy, saturated with negative emotions towards the boy, splashing out from her upper chakras, went straight to the child’s lower chakras and distorted the normal flow of his energy. His energy constantly flowed through the energy cord to his great-grandmother, ensuring the vital functions of her body.

After the boy was removed from his great-grandmother, his health returned to normal. And my mother remembered that before, when the boy was taken to the dacha in the summer to another grandmother, where all the diseases disappeared! But in the fall it all started again
Why don’t we normally notice the chakra interactions of people with each other? The explanation is simple: a person not only passively perceives flows, he also generates them himself, and we simply do not notice the main, most important influences, just as we do not notice the flame of a candle in bright sunlight. But if we get lost in these emanations (outflows) and “exhausts” of our own physical body and the people around us, we will inevitably lose our orientation. After all, only the flows of the Earth and Space are constant. And the flows belonging to the human sphere are changing all the time. And it is on them that our fate and, in general, all manifestations of life often depend.

If you still doubt that the interaction of the chakras is of such great importance and that it is so strong, you can do the following experiment. But keep in mind: this technique is not intended for permanent use. Try to create within yourself a feeling of a flow of energy starting from the back at the base of the neck and bursting out through the bridge of the nose. Try using your gaze to focus this flow between the shoulder blades of some unsuspecting person. You will see that he will soon feel uneasy and turn around.

If you try to experiment with the flow that originates between your shoulder blades and comes out at a point just below your navel, you can make a moving person turn in the direction you want (or predict where he is going to turn, which from the point of view of the energetic essence, which is not subject to causality). -investigative connections, one and the same). You will be able to do this on your first try.

Do you understand what this all means? The fact that we are constantly in the thick of the “soup” of unconscious impulses and energy emissions emanating from those around us. They give rise to pathological connections, causing illness and crippling our energetic essence. One must consciously free oneself from these connections.

Chapter 3. Pathological connections of societies and the psyche of the crowd

Unsullied nature is our lost paradise

The human energy system was initially not adapted to existence in such an oversaturated environment as our society. In order to live and develop normally, man has always needed the clean energy of nature, and not those sewer energy wastes that are polluted and entangled from head to toe today. modern society.

Let's remember the story of Adam and Eve. After all, pastoral Eden is precisely the ideal habitat that was originally intended for humanity. Model human life was not designed at all in the version that we ultimately received. It was supposed to be a life among pure nature, with pure thoughts and pure feelings.

But the man himself chose a different path. And since you chose it yourself, since you neglected the “greenhouse” conditions provided, be strong, otherwise you will not survive on your chosen path.

But the memory of the heavenly idyll lives in man, in every cell of his body, to this day. It is no coincidence that many of us are periodically so desperately drawn to leave the city somewhere in nature, where there is no urban crowd, where the silence is broken only by the singing of birds and green foliage is pleasing to the eye, and clean air nourishes the lungs.

And if a person has not yet been completely distorted by the city, not completely spoiled by civilization, then it is in contact with nature, with the earth, with beautiful landscapes, with plants and animals, that he feels most comfortable, gains strength and, as they say, rests his soul. Because it is in the bosom of nature that our energy exchange with the environment becomes the most harmonious, not distorted by alien interferences, it is there that we receive powerful energy recharge.
And both a person’s motivations and his ability to spend energy on himself - on maintaining his body in a normal, healthy state - depend on proper energy replenishment. If a person does not receive normal, correct energy replenishment on time, then he loses all his energy potential, thus dooming himself to illness and suffering.

Surely this has happened to you too: after the weekend you returned from the dacha, where you were charged with vigor, health, good mood, having dug to your heart's content in the soil, listening to the birds, enjoying the smell of flowers, silence and clean air. You may not even realize that there you simply received normal energy supply from the external environment, from Space and from the Earth, and your energy was not distorted by extraneous influences - simply because there was not a soul around.

But on Monday morning you, still in a good mood, board a crowded subway car. And when just twenty minutes later you get out of this carriage, you are unrecognizable: for some reason your eyes have dimmed, your shoulders have hunched, the corners of your lips have drooped.

What happened to you in this carriage? Yes, it seems like nothing special. But someone slightly touched you while passing by, and for some reason irritation flared up in you. Then you accidentally met someone’s prickly, unkind gaze, and for some reason it seemed to pierce you with an arrow. You shuddered internally and lowered your eyes (why, you yourself didn’t understand: are you afraid of this person, do you owe him something?). To top it all off, you were pushed as you were leaving - it seemed like an accident, but you weren’t in the same mood anymore. You come to work irritated, with a headache, with a reluctance to do anything and with a burning dream of the next weekend, or even better, a vacation.

This is what happened: your energy potential was pulled in different directions by the people you encountered on the subway. And the energy flowed along a distorted channel. The normal feed channel began to work intermittently.

In society environment always aggressive. Nowadays, unfortunately, there are a lot of embittered and envious people. And we don’t meet our friendly and bright fellow citizens so often (it seems that they don’t take public transport or go shopping, or are they simply less noticeable in the crowd?).

Someone looked disapprovingly at your tanned face (“Look, you slacker, you’d work better than lie in the sun”), someone condemned you for your expensive suit (“Oooh, damned rich people!”), someone called you irritation, your high (short) stature, your long (short) hair, fashionable shoes (loose sandals), etc. You will never please everyone, but people have forgotten the commandment: “Do not judge, lest you be judged” - and so they judge , judged and judged.

And they don’t even suspect that their judgments are not something ephemeral and weightless at all - they are completely material energy structures that begin to independently exist in space, imprinting themselves on the thin energy shells of the people around them. It turns out to be a whole energy tangle of pathological connections.

You have probably noticed more than once that in the subway or on a crowded commuter train the person next to you is perceived completely differently than in unspoiled nature. On the one hand, in a crowd you feel your neighbor much more acutely, but on the other hand, he evokes much less positive emotions. In nature, on the contrary, a person feels weaker, but somehow deeper and more positive.
For example, you are traveling on a train, and a gloomy neighbor in a padded jacket and with a backpack constantly sniffles, sniffles and nudges you with his elbow.

You get irritated and are no longer able to see in this person anything other than a dirty padded jacket and an elbow pushing you. Where can one look into the eyes of a fellow traveler and feel what emotional experiences and, perhaps, the noblest character traits are hidden behind this unsightly appearance?

But imagine that you are sitting somewhere on the bank of a quiet river, under a birch tree, there is no one around, and only in the distance is a person steadily mowing the grass. Little do you know that this may be the same nasty guy who sat next to you on the train. But now, from a distance, he doesn’t cause you the least bit of irritation.

The picture that appears before your eyes seems almost idyllic, and a man with a scythe evokes only positive emotions. Now, perhaps, it even seems to you that he should have the best human qualities and the most pure soul.

And it is quite likely that this is so - it’s just that right now you have seen the true essence of this person, when your perception is not distorted by other people’s energetic influence. Your own energy flow is now not distorted by the bustle and general irritation that gripped you on the train. There you didn’t see true face of a person, and his reflection in the “distorting mirror” of his own distorted energy structure. And your neighbor at that moment did not appear in his true essence; he, too, was distorted by the energy of those around him. Maybe this is precisely why they say that you cannot see face to face?

Every person has a certain amount of vital energy. In India it is called prana, in China Qi, in Japan Ki. In all esoteric teachings, including magic, the first thing they learn is to recharge and control this mystical energy...

What does energy management do?

If, using the technique described below, you learn to manage your life energy, you will be able to direct it both inside and outside your body. You will also have the ability to direct energy to any other body. And if you imbue this power with a specific intention, then the omnipotent energy will accomplish any of your tasks.

Let's start practicing!

This technique allows you to learn how to manage your energy during a breathing session, moving it throughout the body and outside it.

* Sit comfortably cross-legged or on a chair and relax.
* Place your hands on your knees, fingers folded in a gesture of knowing.
*Eyes are closed.
* Breathe in a rhythm of 5-5-5-5. 5 sec. inhale, 5 sec., hold, 5 sec., exhale, 5 sec., hold on exhalation.
* This rhythm allows you to enter the magical dimension of reality.
* Breathe this way until natural breathing is established and control can be relaxed.
* Bring the counting of seconds and breathing to automaticity.
* When breathing is established, imagine a purple glowing ball at the top of your head.
*Imagine an energy ball as brightly as possible.
*Imagine it even more vividly.
* As you inhale, imagine that you are drawing in a bright violet beam of energy from space directly through the top of your head.
* While holding your breath, this ray feeds a bright purple ball and charges it with energy.
* As you exhale, visualize the ball moving from the top of your head to any part of your body.
* While holding the exhale, move the ball back to the top of your head.
* Move the ball to different parts of the body and organs - try to feel it realistically.
* Try opening your eyes and moving the ball outside your body.
*Imagine a ball flying right in front of you.
* With the power of thought, control the movement of the energy ball.
* An energy ball can heal any disease if it is ordered to enter a diseased organ and heal it, although inexperienced magicians It won't work on the first try.
* Charge the ball with some idea or thought and direct it towards achieving your goal.
* You can order the ball to fly to your friend and instill in him the idea that he would call you.
* You can direct the ball to heal your illness or the illness of a loved one.
* Continue the practice until you feel slightly tired.

When is the best time to do this exercise?

The most favorable time for this powerful practice is early morning or night. During these hours, the planet's atmosphere is literally overflowing with free cosmic energy and you can easily take advantage of it. It should also be taken into account that all such energy practices should be performed on an empty stomach and in calm state mind.

Greetings, my faithful friends! I am sincerely glad to meet you again!

You know, the topic of today’s blog: I had been planning it for a long time, but an unexpected meeting with former classmate. My childhood friend, calm, clumsy and slow, like a panda (that’s what we called her at school), struck me not only with her fit figure and some kind of internal confidence, but also a story about your life.

It turns out that our goody-two-shoes Olenka, who often didn’t have time to take down dictations for the teacher, succeeded and managed to do a lot in this life: master two professions, become interested in yoga, live in India, get married and give birth to three children. Honestly, I was taken aback and fascinated, wondering where this (now) fragile woman got so much strength from? after all, she does not look tired, on the contrary, she is cheerful and happy - she radiates warmth and some kind of inner light.

Despite the fact that psychologists recommend refraining from evaluative opinions, people do not stop analyzing and evaluating personal qualities specific people with whom fate brings them together. Well, how do you choose your friends or determine who to stay away from? One of the positive criteria that attracts others like a magnet is powerful human energy who remains calm and positive in all situations.

Energetic people, regardless of their temperament and internal tempo, are prosperous, full of vital energy, remain optimistic, regardless of current adversity, and are almost always in a good mood and well-being. Self-confidence guarantees success, inspires you to solve the most difficult life challenges and obstacles, and makes it possible to realize your personal potential. Often, energetic people become managers and leaders who are able to “ignite” and lead the masses.

And vice versa, lethargic, apathetic, lack of initiative, people with a passive position and weak energy They do not inspire confidence, at best they provoke pity, at worst they irritate. Admit it honestly, you yourself have had to deliberately avoid communicating with friends or colleagues who are always complaining, no matter what: fatigue, work, boss, weather, lack of money, injustice and their life in general. Moreover, it’s unpleasant to realize when you yourself sometimes turn into a dead battery, a squeezed lemon, or a dissatisfied grum that has absorbed all the universal evil. Agree, I don’t really want to appear in such a state in front of my family and loved ones, but, alas, most often they are the ones who end up “at the receiving end.”

So is it possible to learn to manage your energy?

Yes, yes and yes again! There are special training techniques, as well as a lot of simple methods and practical exercises to increase energy levels in a way that is convenient and enjoyable for a particular person. I suspect some will say, “Oh well, it’s impossible to constantly live on an emotional high.” Indeed, experts say that it is possible to generate and generously share internal energy only if a person knows how to manage his own energy of consciousness, increasing or decreasing the intensity depending on the circumstances. Otherwise, there is a risk of emotional burnout, which will negatively affect not only the psychological, but also the physical state of the body.

To begin with, it would be useful to decide on your main source of energy, by resorting to which you can quickly replenish your energy resources:

  1. Corporeal shell . A large audience of people feels an energy boost after enjoyable and beneficial active actions aimed at satisfying physiological needs (favorite food, a visit to the hairdresser, massage, visiting the bathhouse, sports, dancing, sleep, swimming).
  2. Intelligence and thinking. Highly organized beings are characterized by mental activity, by their nature, intelligent beings need new knowledge that contributes to the development of the individual and civilization as a whole. Books (electronic storage media) remain the traditional and most popular food for the mind even in our time, since reading inspires, calms, develops, captivates, distracts, entertains - relieves stress, restoring balance and energy balance.
  3. Soul and feelings. Our emotions are a subtle instrument; using them correctly, you can increase your energy, tune in to the positive, “extinguish” someone else’s involuntarily or intentionally borrowed energy, and come to a state of endless peace. Love, a feeling of compassion, tenderness, creativity, a surge of kindness and generosity, optimism and a lot of other wonderful feelings arise when contemplating beauty: a cute child, a painting, a flower, a funny kitten or a starry sky reflected in a picturesque pond. Some people need to retire to the lap of nature, while others draw inspiration alone from the CD of their favorite singer or composer, each has its own source.

The topic of psychoenergetics is interestingly explored in the book “Thought is material, or Managing the energy of consciousness.” Authors K. Menshikova and A. Reznik take readers on a journey into the depths of their own subconscious. They are confident that the reality of physical existence can be changed at will; the main thing is to comprehend the process of transformation of the elements and properties of the subtle etheric body into the physical energy of love, joy, health, and creative inspiration.

How much energy do you have?

When comparing different religious movements, philosophical and esoteric teachings, an interesting thing is discovered: representatives of different directions are sure that each person contains a greater or lesser amount of vital energy. Despite the difference in definitions: Energeia and pneuma (Ancient Greece), Ki (Japan), Élan vital (philosophy of Henri Bergson), Qi(China), prana (India), the essence is preserved. It is also noteworthy that all teachings contain rituals and techniques with the help of which adherents learn to recharge themselves (from the Sun, Water, Air, Fire, donor trees, thought forms, etc.) and manage this energy:

  1. Through breathing - the simplest exercises:
    • Standing or sitting without crossing arms and legs. Clamp right nostril with the same hand, take a slow deep breath through the left nostril – hold your breath for up to 10 seconds – exhale smoothly. The breathing exercise can be done in the morning in the fresh air or during the day when you feel tired.
    • Rhythmic breathing. Stand with your feet together, fingers clasped. The main task is to coordinate the rhythms of breathing and heartbeat: inhale / hold your breath / exhale / hold again. The duration of inhalation and exhalation is from 6 to 15 pulse beats, pauses are equal to half of this figure.
  1. With the help of yoga you can learn to understand yourself, manage feelings, thoughts, desires and remain happy under any circumstances. Practical exercises and meditative techniques, thanks to which consciousness, spirit and body merge together, are aimed at chakra cleansing and achievement peace of mind. Getting rid of bad habits, training body flexibility and developing the mind are only the first steps towards spiritual and physical comfort, self-confidence, a sense of joy, peace and energy fullness.
  2. Energy by date of birth – bioenergetic potential that a person receives as a gift from nature. Determining your innate indicators is quite simple - you just need to make simple mathematical calculations. First you need to write down the date of birth in numbers, for example, 10/21/1965. Then the year is multiplied by the day and month as follows: 1965 x 2110 = 4146150 and finally, the numbers are summed up: 4+1+4+6+1+5+0 = 21

It should be taken into account that the initial indicators are subject to change; a person can learn achieve and control the desired or optimal parameters for him, generously share or accumulate energy (for example, after experiencing stress).

There are a number of compelling arguments to be made in favor of increasing energy levels:

  1. Good immunity, excellent health and well-being.
  2. Purposefulness, strength of spirit and convictions.
  3. Independence, independence.
  4. Psycho-emotional stability in stressful situations.
  5. Self-confidence, leadership, authority.
  6. Active life position.
  7. High level of physical activity and endurance.
  8. Empathy, optimism, cheerfulness.

Dear friends, thank you for your attention, and I do it with pleasure, because the Energy of Gratitude is a great and bright force. I wish you to remain healthy, cheerful, energetic and ready for new heights.

Soon I will tell you how you can manage your energy with food. It turns out that food affects not only our health, but also our energy.

Two practices available.

First and foremost: we must remember that there are no people with weak or strong energy, but there are people who know how to manage their own energy or who do not know how. And there is only one reason for this inability - the only one - is the reluctance to master this skill. Learning to quickly concentrate the energy that surrounds us (bioenergy), cosmic energy and earth energy is not so easy

You need to approach this issue very seriously and apply enviable perseverance, as well as spend a lot of effort and time - and only under these conditions will you get results.

Energy must be treated as a material structure. Energy is not, attention, only in us, but also around us. As mentioned above, there is earth energy, space energy and bioenergy. You cannot work with just one of them; you need to use all three energies at the same time. If you work only with cosmic energy, as most people practice today, there is a risk of pumping the upper chakras and moving away from the energy of the earth - our parent, which gives us life, health, food and helps in the restoration of the body. That is, to deprive oneself of stability, grounding, and without good earthly support a healthy and strong body we won't see.

The main thing to remember is that the earth and space and bioenergy are living and intelligent structures.

Practice number 1.

Sit back, light a candle white and mentally imagine that energy is concentrated in your palms, which gradually begins to give warmth, and your palms feel it. Not everyone will succeed in this practice right away; many will need a lot of time to really feel the warmth, and maybe even the heat in their palms. After you learn to concentrate heat (energy) in your palms, you can move on to the next stage - the stage of working with your body.

Practice number 2.

Before you begin, mentally you must set yourself a specific task. Determine which organ or system of the body you want to direct your energy to and what problem you want to eliminate. The statement of the problem must be extremely clear and understandable.

Next, you give yourself the attitude that you do not remove anything, do not fight anything, do not treat, but destroy, namely, burn and throw away the problem. Give yourself the command: “all the energy went into the left (right) palm, I will normalize the work...” and pronounce the name of the organ or system with which you decided to work this time. Then place your palm on the projection of this organ and begin the impact. There are organs that cannot be affected by contact - these are the kidneys and the heart. In this case, the work is carried out only with the left palm through the solar plexus. Place your left palm on the solar plexus, and the command is also given: “All the Energy went into Left Palm, I normalize the work of the kidneys, or I normalize the work of the heart, or I normalize the pressure." Choose one of three commands. Continue working until the desired result is achieved. The practice can be repeated many times.

All the practices that I have now introduced you to can be applied strictly to eliminate your own problems; you can only work to restore your own body.

Under no circumstances should you work with another person using these methods, without the additional ability to put up a special defense. I especially draw your attention to the fact that if you start working with another person without mastering special protection techniques, you will inevitably take on all his illnesses and problems upon yourself. Therefore, it would be right to start by learning how to restore your body by managing your energy. Yuri Melnikov.

How to manage your energy (for beginners)

Every person has a certain amount of vital energy. In India it is called prana, in China Qi, in Japan Ki. In all esoteric teachings, including magic, the first thing they learn is to recharge and control this mystical energy...

What does energy management do?

*Eyes are closed.

*Imagine it even more vividly.

The most favorable time for this practice is early morning or night. During these hours, the planet's atmosphere is literally overflowing with free cosmic energy and you can easily take advantage of it. It should also be noted that all such energy practices should be performed on an empty stomach and in a calm state of mind.

How to manage your body's energy. How to determine your main source of energy

To learn how to manage your energy, you first need to know where we get it from. There are four main energy sources with which we can make up for the lack of strength.

Body. By increasing your body tone, you can replenish your energy reserves. First of all, pay attention to your diet. Try to eat healthy and be sure to eat foods that give you strength and improve your mood. Don't forget about exercise. Do not overload your body with heavy physical activity: morning work-out or a light jog will give you strength and confidence. A good dream is the most The best way gather strength. Lack of sleep is main reason fatigue, which means you won’t have enough energy even to perform the simplest actions.

Intelligence. We can say that the mind rules our life. He is a kind of engine that helps us achieve our goals and guides us on the right path. In addition, it is an important energy source. Reading books and gaining new knowledge can increase your energy. Choose literature that you will enjoy reading to recharge yourself with positive energy.

Emotions. It turns out that our emotions not only saturate our lives, but also give us vital energy. Of course, if they are positive. Spend more time communicating with loved ones, attend interesting events, or simply take daily walks to places that bring back pleasant memories to you. Fill your life with bright moments so that you can experience positive emotions as often as possible.

Soul. Human soul full of secrets. Sometimes we ourselves cannot understand what is happening in it. It is already known that emotional experiences, frustrations and disappointments deprive us of vital energy. So how can you make up for your lack of strength? First of all, you need to get rid of negative feelings and emotions. They not only deplete our energy supply, but also destroy the biofield. Because of this, failures begin to haunt us, and problems become more numerous. Very often it is for this reason that we cannot move on and achieve our goals.

Every person has a certain amount of vital energy. In India it is called prana, in China Qi, in Japan Ki. In all esoteric teachings, including magic, the first thing they learn is to recharge and manage this mystical energy...

What does energy management do?

If, using the technique described below, you learn to manage your life energy, you will be able to direct it both inside and outside your body. You will also have the ability to direct energy to any other body. And if you imbue this power with a specific intention, then the omnipotent energy will accomplish any of your tasks.
This technique allows you to learn how to manage your energy during a breathing session, moving it throughout the body and outside it.

* Sit comfortably cross-legged or on a chair and relax.
* Place your hands on your knees, fingers folded in a gesture of knowing.
*Eyes are closed.
* Breathe in a rhythm of 5-5-5-5. 5 sec. inhale, 5 sec., hold, 5 sec., exhale, 5 sec., hold on exhalation.
* This rhythm allows you to enter the magical dimension of reality.
* Breathe this way until natural breathing is established and control can be relaxed.
* Bring the counting of seconds and breathing to automaticity.
* When breathing is established, imagine a purple glowing ball at the top of your head.
*Imagine an energy ball as brightly as possible.
*Imagine it even more vividly.
* As you inhale, imagine that you are drawing in a bright violet beam of energy from space directly through the top of your head.
* While holding your breath, this ray feeds a bright purple ball and charges it with energy.
* As you exhale, visualize the ball moving from the top of your head to any part of your body.
* While holding the exhale, move the ball back to the top of your head.
* Move the ball to different parts of the body and organs - try to feel it realistically.
* Try opening your eyes and moving the ball outside your body.
*Imagine a ball flying right in front of you.
* With the power of thought, control the movement of the energy ball.
* An energy ball can heal any disease if it is ordered to enter a diseased organ and heal it, although inexperienced magicians will not succeed on the first try.
* Charge the ball with some idea or thought and direct it towards achieving your goal.
* You can order the ball to fly to your friend and instill in him the idea that he would call you.
* You can direct the ball to heal your illness or the illness of a loved one.
* Continue the practice until you feel slightly tired.

The most favorable time for this powerful practice is early morning or night. During these hours, the planet's atmosphere is literally overflowing with free cosmic energy and you can easily take advantage of it. It should also be noted that all such energy practices should be performed on an empty stomach and in a calm state of mind.

Qi energy is the very breath of life, no matter how metaphorical and poetic it may sound, Qi is no less real than material things. You can't touch it, but you can feel it and learn how to control it. The correct flow of Qi in the human body is the key to health and longevity.

Life energy Qi

Qi is a fundamental concept of subtle energy in Chinese philosophy and medicine. The character 氣 (Qi, Chi, Ki) is many meanings in one:

Energy permeates everything - every centimeter of space, material object, human body. Without Qi there is no life, love, strength, achievements. Chinese sages divided the general Qi in the human body into 4 groups:

  1. The primary energy of Yuan Qi is concentrated in the kidneys and controls all other energy;
  2. Respiratory internal energy Qi (Tsong) - nourishes the blood, circulates throughout all systems and organs;
  3. Nutrient (Yin) – the body receives it through nutrition;
  4. Protective (Wei) – muscles, skin. Barrier from the negative effects of destructive energies.

How to feel Qi energy?

Every person can feel their energy; this is not something supernatural. There is a simple exercise, Qi energy - awakening, which allows you to feel the flow of cosmic and internal flows:

  1. Starting position: stand straight, the distance between your feet is approximately 45 cm.
  2. Bend your knees slightly, spring a little to relax them. The back is straight.
  3. Stretch your arms to the side, forming a cross, raise your fingers up, with your palms forming a right angle to your arms.
  4. Close your eyes and stand in this position for 5 to 10 minutes, noticing your sensations. Even a beginner feels how the energy moves from the fingertips, through the hands and into the body.

How to use Qi energy?

Qi is the energy of life, without which a person cannot do anything. If you start consciously working with the energy of Chi (Qi): accumulating, spending, the quality of life improves, a person moves to another evolutionary level. Chi energy can be used for various purposes: meditation, healing, learning, and interaction with cosmic energies. But in order for all this to become possible, you need to practice and develop energy - without daily exercise, the conscious use of Qi is impossible.

Qi energy - how to develop it?

The development of Qi energy affects a person in several directions: mind-body-soul - their harmonization occurs. Therefore, in order to maximize vital energy, nutritional balance is important. physical activity and spiritual practices. A person who has embarked on the path of self-knowledge and practices working with energies will be able to fully realize the potential given by nature and the divine.

Chi energy - exercises for energy accumulation

All famous Qigong and Tai Chi practitioners are long-lived, with a clear mind, what could be the best proof that Qi energy is not a myth? Fast pace of life in major cities leaves little time for yourself, how to restore Qi energy during a busy schedule of daily activities? Practice 15-20 minutes a day, and the result will be a surge of energy and good health. Qi energy – exercises:

  1. Working with breathing. Take a comfortable body position. Breathing cycle inhale-exhale - all attention to breathing. It is important to note the thoughts that come to mind, but not to analyze them, let them go and concentrate again on inhalation and exhalation. An important point: breathe not just with the chest, but also with the diaphragm (the stomach is involved). Breathe for several minutes (3 – 10).
  2. Practice for hands. Helps develop Qi. Performing the exercise: the right hand is at face level, the palm is looking down parallel to the ground, the left is at the level of the solar plexus, the palm is looking up. Imagining that you have a large ball in your hands, slowly move your palms in a circle, as if rotating the ball. Concentrate on breathing.

Meditation - receiving Qi energy

In ancient times, attentive people noticed that trees exist longer than people, the assumption was that trees receive energy from Heaven and Earth. This is how an exercise appeared - meditation, in which the “Big Tree” Chi energy is trained:

  1. Open channels. To do this, fold the index and middle fingers of the right hand in the shape of a scraper and run the bent phalanges along the sides of the fingers of the left hand, mentally clearing away dirt and opening the channels. Repeat, changing hands.
  2. Get into position: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The tongue touches the upper palate, the eyes are closed.
  3. Imagine that your legs grow deeply into the ground and turn into the roots of a mighty tree, absorbing energy from the earth, and your body stretches to the sky, the Moon, the Sun, absorbing the energy of the cosmos itself. Raise your hands to the level of the navel, while moving your elbows away from your body, imagining that in armpits there are fragile tennis balls. The hands are rounded, and there is a large ball of energy between the palms and the navel.
  4. Concentration on energy: The Qi of the Earth passes through the feet-roots, and from above there is a powerful flow of Qi of the Cosmos, while the energy ball rotates between the palms and the navel.

How to control Qi energy?

Managing Qi energy becomes possible by following basic rules:

  • accumulation and regulation through practical exercises;
  • reducing importance and expectations - if a person is fixated on quickly obtaining results, then one can only dream of the harmonious development of qi;
  • grounding – if irritation occurs after practice, limb tremors should be grounded (massage, salt bath).

In order not to become your constant companion, you need to learn how to manage your energy. Today I want to invite you to think a little about whether you know how to do this. After all, no matter how much we talk clever phrases, but until a person himself understands where he stumbles, there will be no changes in his life.

Managing human energy is the most important life skill. Because without it, a person will inevitably face health problems. Accordingly, he will no longer have the strength and ability to move somewhere, create something, or take care of someone.

Let's take a little time today to think about whether you really care about your health and want to be energetic.

Work with the Diary

First of all, answer yourself this question:

Do I have the level of energy
which I need for life?

Draw two scales from 1 to 10 in your Diary. On one, mark your health level. On the other is your energy level. Are you satisfied with this state of affairs?

If you don’t like it, then the situation needs to be corrected urgently. Believe that you already have all the answers. You just need to be able to reach your subconscious. So now you need to continue the following four phrases with complete honesty:

  1. If I were more energetic during the day, I would then...
  2. If I wanted to become more energetic, first,
    what I would do is...
  3. If I want to make my diet more energy-intensive,
    then I will eat the following foods:...
  4. I will have time to play sports,
    if I'm just...

When you respond, please leave more space on this page. Throughout the week, think about these questions constantly. And write down everything that comes to your mind.

Basic principles of energy management

Human energy management, like the world, is based on three pillars:

    1. Correct thoughts.
    2. Proper food.
    3. Physical exercise.

All this helps us remain cheerful and vigorous for a long time. Therefore, if you take them seriously and use the advice that you can find on this site, then you simply will not have problems with energy.

Correct thoughts.

Look, as if everyone knows that you need to watch your thoughts. And not only for those that randomly appear in your head. But also for those that come along with various negative information. So, how many people have given up watching negative news, TV, yellow press, etc.?

But all of these are devourers of your energy. Giving up this gives. After all, we ourselves notice that when you have good mood, then energy is added. And especially, if you go in, there will be a sea of ​​it. But why are there so many sad thoughts and people don’t try to cope with them?

It all starts with your head.

Proper food.

Food is our main source. But modern eating is increasingly reminiscent of throwing fuel into the furnace of a steam locomotive. Just to throw in anything, in the hope that everything will be processed inside. Has anyone thought about how difficult it is for our body?

A couple of years ago there was a cool advertisement about Pechenka. When all the organs had gathered and Liver said that she couldn’t do it anymore and was leaving. What started here! In real life, the liver will not be able to take it and leave. But she dies quietly. Because some people find unhealthy food tasty. Or there is not enough time to eat properly.

  • It is especially important to eat in the morning, because breakfast is energy for the whole day. It is in the morning that the body produces many substances that normalize metabolism. The usefulness of breakfast has long been proven by scientists. They claim that breakfast increases a person's performance by 30%, and a long break in food can cause gallstones.

Your life is your choice that you make every day.

Physical exercise.

Exercise does more than just maintain our muscles. Thanks to them, blood moves better throughout the body. But blood is the main artery that is connected to every cell. The nutrition of cells and their cleanliness depend on its movement. Because the blood takes with it all waste substances.

Be sure to play sports at least 3-4 days a week. Do your best not to disrupt these activities. Believe me, your energy tone, performance, appearance and vigor for the whole day will be a real reward.

Be aware and take care of yourself. Managing human energy begins with the simplest thing - taking care of your health.

Video of human energy and how to manage it. Documentary