Usually at the beginning of summer or before some special event, you notice with horror in the mirror that your arms and breasts are too weak. Fortunately, in the summer you still have time to correct the situation, but what if there are two or three weeks left before the special event, and the lovingly chosen outfit suggests good condition upper body?

This means it’s time for intense training with dumbbells.

A modern business woman is always short on time, so give preference to exercises that allow you to simultaneously load your arms and chest.

In addition, keep in mind that flabby triceps make the most depressing impression. They are the ones who are almost constantly in idle idleness and quickly atrophy. Therefore, give up special exercises for biceps and do... regular push-ups. Yes, it is this unloved school thing that puts stress on your problem areas.

Take a lying position. The feet rest on the floor with their toes. Place your hands on the bars of dumbbells weighing 1.5-2 kg. Palms facing each other.

Hands shoulder-width apart, the whole body is elongated and tense. Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body as low as possible. At the lowest point, hold for two counts. Then slowly straighten your arms and return to the starting position. Take your time. The slower the lift is, the more stress your triceps will receive. Keep your elbows close to your body.

Returning up, move the support to right hand, lift the left dumbbell and touch it to your right shoulder. Place the dumbbell on the floor. Touch your left shoulder with the right dumbbell and return it back.

Now take a “step” with the right dumbbell about 15-20 cm forward and closer to the center. Place the projectile not parallel to the body, but at an angle of 45 degrees inward. Then reposition the left dumbbell. Gently step on your toes and tighten your body. So you are almost back to the starting position again, but the dumbbells are close to each other, touching their upper ends.
Do the push-up again. A narrow position of the hands during push-ups will allow you to thoroughly load the middle part of the pectoral muscles. This will make the cleavage in the neckline more seductive.

Once you have completed the narrow push-up, take two steps forward with your arms again. This time, place the dumbbells shoulder-width apart. Pull your legs to return to the starting position. It is one . Complete as many as you can.

If you don't have the strength to do a full push-up, do push-ups to the best of your ability. At the same time, complement your workout with dumbbell chest presses.

Lie on your back, place your feet on the floor and slightly bend your knees. Take the dumbbells in your hands and lift them above your chest. Slowly lower your arms to your chest and spread your elbows to the sides. Then press them up again. About halfway through the movement, stop and spread your arms out to the sides. Don't touch your elbows to the floor. Bring your arms back and continue pressing the dumbbells upward. Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

You can pump up your chest muscles without leaving the TV. If you follow the recommended number of repetitions, accurately perform the techniques, and exercise regimen, it is not difficult to achieve excellent results.

4 versions of chest push-ups

Exercises work the thoracic region, triceps muscles of the arms, abdominal Press, back, help build strength. Do them at home so that the pectoral muscle workout for men is the most complete and brings positive results in the form of enlarged pectoral muscles.

Below is how you can pump up your breasts using different types.

No. 1. Basic option:

  1. We perform a stand with emphasis on straight arms and toes.
  2. The head, pelvis, and spine form a straight line. The stomach is tense.
  3. Bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself down.
  4. Using our hands, we raise the body to the starting position, at “1, 2, 3” we strain the chest muscles, and lower ourselves again.

Exercise No. 2. The load depends on the position of the hands. If in the classic pose the hands are shoulder-width apart, in the variant with a narrow push-up fingers touch.

  1. As we lower our body while exhaling, we touch them with our chest.
  2. We stay static for 2 seconds and rise.

Exercise No. 3. Incline push-ups pump up the anterior muscle. The goal is to raise your legs higher than your body.

  1. Hands are placed on the floor, legs are placed on a support.
  2. From the starting position we lower ourselves down, hold in the position for 3 seconds, and return back.

Exercise No. 4. From a stand on straight legs, we drop to our knees. We perform classic push-ups.

  1. Lying down, as in a classic push-up
  2. Instead of toes, we kneel
  3. We lower ourselves by bending our elbows and rise to the starting position

Number of repetitions the same for all options - from 12 times for 4 sets.

Read also, training other muscles:

How pump up your shoulders to a man at home, written
Exercises at home for legs, article available
Complete full body workout
How to do press your dreams, fulfilling simple exercises,
Training program for a week for men, available

Exercises with available equipment

To thoroughly pump up the serratus and minor muscles, place 2 stacks of 8 medium-thick books under both hands and perform push ups How on stops.

  1. Slowly lower the body, hover above the floor for a few seconds, and return to the starting position.
  2. During the process we feel a deep stretch thoracic(10 times in 4 sets).

We train the deltoid and pectoral muscles.

  1. We place 2 chairs with their backs at a distance of about 50 cm.
  2. Leaning on our backs, we stand upright while lying down. If your biceps are strong, the task can be made more difficult. Instead of lower support, we place our legs on the sofa.
  3. With bent elbows, we try to go as low as possible to the floor.
  4. At the bottom point, pause for 3 seconds and return to the starting position (7 repetitions of 3 sets).

Sliding hands strengthens the thoracic region.

  1. We throw 2 towels on the floor.
  2. We stand in a basic stance, placing our palms on the canvas.
  3. We move and move them apart (12 times, 3 approaches).

We take dumbbells

We perform exercises with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles

  1. We lie down on our backs.
  2. As you exhale, raise your arms with weights above your head, palms forward.
  3. As you inhale, gently place your elbows on the floor.
  4. To maximally work the serratus, anterior, and minor muscles, when lowering your arms, spread your elbows wider (13 times, 2 sets).

We change tactics.

  1. We spread our arms to the sides, connecting the dumbbells in the center of the chest.
  2. We don’t touch the floor with our elbows. Repeat 15 times in 4 approaches.

Weight depends on preparation. First, we take a load of 2 kg. We increase the load as we get used to it - after about 10 days. Strength exercises are always performed after warming up. If there is discomfort or insufficient tension, the number of repetitions and weight are adjusted according to sensations.

At the end we perform isometric training.
  1. We sit down on the sofa.
  2. With straight elbows, we connect the hands into a pyramid at the level of the heart.
  3. Squeeze your palms with all your might for about 1 minute.
  4. Rest for 30 seconds, repeat 3 more times.

Powerful pectoral muscles a man's is a real sight for sore eyes for a woman; they look impressive regardless of whether they are covered with clothes or not. Of course, you need to work on beautiful, powerful breasts, then women will truly appreciate your work and you will feel more confident.

Modern men often do not have enough time to visit gym, but this is not a reason to sit idly by. Pump up your pectoral muscles at home perhaps the main thing is the right approach. What should it be like? Let's take a closer look.

The pectoral muscles are involved in many movements of a man. This is the so-called muscular support of the arms, so the strength of the arms lies, among other things, in the effectiveness of the pectoral muscles. When extending your arms directly in front of you (in fact, when hitting straight), the pectoral muscles do exactly half the work, the triceps add 30 percent, 20 percent deltoids. The pectoral muscles are also used during other strength exercises: pull-ups and flips on the bar, push-ups, push-ups. Those. The chest muscles are one of the most important muscles in a man. Therefore, you need to approach their development correctly.

First, a little theory about the pectoral muscles

The pectoral muscle in a man is quite wide, it is distributed across large area, and, accordingly, we need to work on strengthening it different ways. There are several types of exercises for each area of ​​the pectoral muscles. Very often, a man who is just starting to exercise has unevenly developed chest muscles.

Many people have a “dip” in the center of the sternum, where the muscles are least developed, while on the sides, in the shoulder area, they are well developed. This can be explained by the fact that in Everyday life men do not load the internal areas of the chest muscles, and to develop them you need to do strength exercises with a special grip.

Let's take a closer look at a set of exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles at home. By following these rules, you can significantly improve the beauty of your chest.

There are several basic rules for pumping up the pectoral muscles, which you should familiarize yourself with before starting the exercises.

How to pump up pectoral muscles at home - rules

Regarding the number of approaches and repetitions, in practice it has been found that for maximum results you need to do 4 sets of 7-12 repetitions with regular training.

Ours to you with a brush, dear comrades and comrades-in-arms! Today we are waiting for a busty note from the epic series “how?”, to be more precise, we will learn how to pump up breasts? There are two parts of the article ahead of us, the first theoretical part will be devoted to issues of anatomy, the structural features of the pectoral muscles, kinesiology of movement and their maximum involvement in work, in the practical part we will analyze the practice :), all kinds of exercises and best programs training.

So, let's get ready for work, let's go!

How to pump up your breasts? The theoretical side of the issue.

First of all, I want to say that this note might not have existed, because... The author of these lines completely lost sight of this muscle group. We do not have a full-fledged anatomical note on the chest and could not have this one, how to pump up the chest? But, one fine day, or rather night, a voice in a dream (and this really happened) told me: “Dmitry, you don’t have an article about pectoral muscles, it’s not in order!” Waking up in a cold sweat, I realized that this was really so and already in the morning I included it in my plan and now it is in front of you.

The second thing I want to say :) is that this note might not have existed The post is intended not only for the male part of the project’s audience, young ladies will also learn how to tighten up their beauties and make their breasts more voluminous and expressive. Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, we are all shaking, some with mustaches, some with braids :).

In the introduction, I’ll note that no matter how much I rummaged through the vastness of the Internet, I did not find a clear, extensive guide to the development of the pectoral muscles and this upset me oh so much: (and in order not to remain in such a sad state for a long time, the author decided to write this “two-part " manual. What came out of this now and we’ll find out, so, we hit the theory!


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Pectoral anatomy and muscle atlas

When it comes to the anatomy of the pectoralis, we usually distinguish the major and minor pectoral muscles (pectoralis) and this is true, but there is also a further division.

In particular, the pectoral muscle mass includes:

1. pectoralis major:

  • clavicular head of the pectoralis major muscle;
  • sternocostal head b.g.m. (sternocostal head);
  • abdominal head b.g.m. (abdominal head).

2. pectoralis minor;

3. serratus anterior muscles.

In the picture version, the full muscle atlas of the pectoral muscles is represented.

Let's take a closer look at each muscle unit.

No. 1. Large pectoral

Represented by fan-shaped muscles that cover most of the front upper chest, it is the most visible part of the pectoral muscles and this is because it consists of 3 -x heads:

  • clavicular - the head, the starting point of which is the collarbone, goes downward, crosses the chest and attaches to the upper bone of the arm (brachial bone).
  • sternal (sternocostal) the head is slightly larger than the clavicular one, it comes from the anterior surface of the sternum, crosses the chest along its entire length and is attached to the humerus;
  • ventral (abdominal) head - attaches to the anterior wall of the rectus abdominis muscle, crosses the chest upward and attaches to the humerus.

All three heads have important when bending, rotating the humerus, and moving the arm across the body. Overall, the pectoralis major helps flex the shoulder joint and moves the arm toward and across the chest. When training the pectoral muscles, at work also (with varying degrees of activity depending on the exercise/angles) Triceps and shoulders are involved.


Most often, athletes are lagging behind in the upper chest, for which the clavicular head is responsible.

No. 2. Small pectoralis

A thin triangular muscle that is significantly smaller than the pectoralis major (composing 1/5 from her part) and lies underneath it. It originates from the scapula in the area of ​​​​the collarbone and humerus and descends down, attaching to 3, 4 And 5 rib. The pectoralis minor, despite its small size, is very powerful and helps its more massive brother in pushing out weight. The work of the pectoralis minor is mainly to help the b.g. by pulling the shoulder forward and down.

No. 3. Serratus anterior muscle

Starts from the bottom inside shoulder blades, bends around the body and attaches to the front side of the ribs. Important for shaping the chest and keeping the shoulders healthy while performing various bench presses.

The pectoral muscles, when assembled, present the following picture.

Skeletal anatomy

In addition to muscle units, it is important to understand the importance of bones and joints and the role they play in performing various movements. Understanding this will allow you to choose the optimal exercises and engage the target muscles.

The most important skeletal units include:

No. 1. shoulder blades

The shoulder blades are important element all pressing movements, being a support for the deltas. By moving the shoulders down and back, a stable base is created for an effective press, and the shoulder blades are very important in forming this launching pad.

No. 2. Brachial bone

The shoulder joint is the scapula and humerus bone assembled together. The shoulder joint is the Achilles heel when training the chest and performing bench press exercises, because. most susceptible to injury/crash.

All chest press exercises require the athlete to have “functional elbows”, i.e. they must have a certain degree of mobility and allow you to perform presses without pain.

Skeletal anatomy presents such a picture.

Next up is...

Muscle functions in practice

It is important not only to know how the pectoral muscles are structured, it is important to know their functions using the example of real movements, i.e. how muscles, bones and joints work together during weight training in the gym. The main functions of the pectoral are:

No. 1. Large pectoral

All three heads of the major pectoralis provide the shoulder with internal rotation (turn the hand up or down/forward). One of the best exercises for horizontal adduction is dumbbell incline flyes. (pulling dumbbells across the whole body). During such dilutions, the pectoral fibers either lengthen or shorten, becoming tight. To perform horizontal adduction/adduction, all heads must work together.

No. 2. Clavicular head

Responsible for flexing the shoulder and raising the arm above the head. Presses at an upward angle, where the arms are passed overhead, target the top of the chest.

No. 3. Sternal and abdominal heads

Hitting the bottom of the pecs requires pressing exercises on a bench at a downward angle, as well as a pullover with a dumbbell.

The position of your torso and the position of your shoulders determine the difference in the force of impact, as well as the emphasis of the load on certain areas of the pectoral muscles.

The sternal and clavicular heads perform the following main functions for the upper arm:

  • adduction of the shoulder;
  • medial rotation - forward/inward rotation towards the midline of the body;
  • transverse or horizontal flexion.

No. 4. Small pectoralis

The main functions include:

  • shoulder depression – reduction (downward movement) of the apex of the shoulder;
  • protraction of the scapula - movement down and forward.

No. 5. Serratus anterior muscles

The main function is to bring the arm to the body (while performing various pulling movements/push-ups). Also, the serratus anterior is one of the three muscles that allows the shoulder to rotate (including rotating upward). The serratus anterior, mandibular, and upper trapezius work together to provide superior rotation and secure overhead lifting of the arms. Training the serratus anteriors is critical to preventing shoulder injuries when performing heavy pressing movements.

Actually, this was all the structural and anatomical information on the chest, now we move directly to the pumping-theoretical side of the issue.

How to pump up your breasts? Swing theory.

This subchapter will provide information regarding the features of pumping the pectoral muscles. So let's look at each of them.

No. 1. Different exercises for different heads

As we said above, in order to fully develop the chest, you need to work out its individual heads with various exercises. The following calculations will help you figure out which movements are intended for which heads:

  • Dips and head presses – two best exercises, simultaneously aimed at developing the pectoralis major/minor muscles;
  • pullovers and close-grip lat pull-downs are aimed at working the sternocostal head of the pectoralis major muscle, despite the fact that the latter has always been considered an exercise for the back;
  • cross front lifts of dumbbells with an underhand grip (from below) - works great top part infant (clavicular head) muscles, despite the fact that the exercise is for deltoids.

No. 2. Geometry of corners

The pectorals are a single muscle mass, however, conventionally visually and for ease of understanding, it is customary to distinguish three sections - top, middle and bottom. To target a particular bundle of fibers, it is necessary to use different angles - body position on the bench, in particular:

  • upper beam – inclined bench, 30-45 degrees up;
  • middle beam – horizontal position on the bench;
  • lower beam – inclined bench, 30-45 degrees down.

No. 3. Depth and stretch

All of the above tips and the corresponding exercises will increase muscle mass in the pectoral muscles, but you need to take care of its volume (depth) and shape. Exercises such as:

  • pullover with a dumbbell/barbell – gives the chest depth, volume and bulge;
  • bringing your arms together in a crossover/butterfly exercise machine – stretches your pecs, pushing more into them nutrients. They serve as grinding and carving tools to give a cut to the muscle mass of the chest. In particular, they create contours, trim and improve the separation of all breast tufts.

No. 4. Chest width and thickness

In the plane of the muscle mass of the pectoral muscles, external (O-outer) and internal (I-inner) parts can be distinguished. You train the outer pecs when you use the full range at the bottom of the movement—only the full stretch will maximize chest width development.

In other words, if you want to increase the width of your chest, you should work the outer part of your pecs, allowing the bar to go as far down as possible. (up to touching the chest). Working with the inside of the pectorals (near the middle of the chest), increases its thickness.

Actually, that’s all for me, now you have the theory of creating busty breasts :), all that remains is to polish this matter with practice, but we will deal with this in the second part of the article, but for now...


Today we answered the question - how to pump up your breasts?

We are done with the tedious stuff, having received general theoretical information, the next article will be a lot more fun, because there we will learn about the practical aspects of pumping and turning our chest R2 into R3, i.e. planes into space. Therefore, we don’t go too far and digest the current dregs :). Say it all, bye!

PS. How do you train your chest, tell me?


With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

(9 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

A fit body is as important for a person as posture, a neat appearance, good manners. The lack of relief is especially noticeable on the beach and pool areas. Home workouts are chosen by people whose goal is not to become an athlete at a professional level, but simply want to have a beautifully built body.

Today's article topic will be: How to pump up your pectoral muscles at home. Basic information: exercises and techniques, programs, sports nutrition.

Anatomy of the pectoral muscles

Every athlete needs an understanding of how his muscle corset is built and exactly how it works in order to correctly develop relief, mass, muscle proportions, rationally select a set of tasks for the load, calculate recovery period a separate group. Since today's topic is dedicated to the pectoral muscles, we bring to your attention this section of the article.

In humans, they are located the same way, regardless of gender differences, with the only difference being that in women they are “covered” by breasts - mammary glands, which cannot be increased in size. So: muscles are divided into two types - superficial and internal. They consist of fractions, which in turn are made up of myofibrils - muscle fibers. Each fiber is divided into sarcomeres, in which protein is “stored,” and more specifically, actin and myosin.

The first group includes the group located closer to the skin. It is called the pectoralis major muscle (musculus pectoralis major): the steam room is fan-shaped, flat, occupies a large area, and is easily amenable to force. It borders on the delta, serratus anterior (9 pieces - go from the ribs to the scapula), humerus, clavicle, sternum, rectus abdominis muscle. Participates in any pull-ups and turning the palm back to the thigh, bringing the upper limb to the body, lifting and lowering.

Below it (on the inside) lies the pectoralis minor - triangular in shape. It is attached to the ribs and shoulder blades, which it moves during contraction, and at the top it borders with the subclavian oblongata muscle (holds the clavicular bone in the joint). Both types are considered muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms, which athletes intensively train, giving the intended relief to the body.

The second group includes the own intercostal muscles: external, internal - involved in inhalation and exhalation. Also included here is the diaphragm: a flat partition consisting of muscle-tendon fibers.

What you need to grow chest muscles

To increase muscle mass, you should load the weight as hard as possible. During training, microtraumas occur, that is, muscle fiber ruptures. The subsequent recovery period should ensure healing (fusion) of damaged tissues.

They do not just grow to each other, but are connected at their ends behind the break, or several layers of new cells grow in that place. As a result, each fiber becomes thicker and denser, hypertrophy occurs. This is why muscle volume increases and the athlete can lift new weight.

A large range of motion is important for growth; for example, it is not suitable for bench press (read how to do it correctly). Since the barbell cannot increase them, it is better to use another sports tool, such as dumbbells.

Attention should also be paid to the position of the torso during the task. On a horizontal elevation (bench and the like), the top and bottom of the chest are worked completely, over the entire area, but slightly touches its middle section.

You must constantly ensure that your chest is working, and not your shoulder girdle or back. Avoid bending the body with a bridge in the lower back when performing. An inclined surface from 15° to 35° increases the load on the upper part of the muscle, and an inclination in the opposite direction increases the load on the lower part. During the 1st set, it is recommended to reduce the angle with each approach until the board is horizontal to the floor.

Separately, it should be taken into account that any weight gain implies a gradual continuous increase in working weight monthly by 1-5 kg. An important factor is the intensity of the training: technique for performing strength tasks, program and training regimen, speed of execution, rest time (?), number of repetitions, etc. Of the total training time, 2/3 of the duration should be devoted to the upper chest, and 1/3 to the lower chest.

Nutrition for an athlete to gain weight:

  • animal protein at the rate of 2 g/1 kg of human weight
  • complex carbohydrates – 7 g/kg.
  • vegetable fats

From approximately general diet proteins will make up about 30%, fats will not exceed 10%, and carbohydrates will remain 60% of the total mass. Vegetables and fruits are a must, you can add sports nutrition: protein, amino acids, etc. The daily protein intake reduces the recovery period.

Is it possible to pump up the pectoral muscles at home?

Large and small muscles should be trained different ways, or rather, at different angles and free weight to increase their volume. You will also have to choose the right set of strength exercises. The most suitable are push-ups, elevations and bench presses.

In the program, it is necessary to allocate 3-4 days of rest to give time to the fibers to recover and increase in volume. Daily training does not make sense, but it is also generally contraindicated: even professional athletes train for a maximum of 5 days in a row and take a break for 2 days.

When choosing a complex with only push-ups from the floor, the training is carried out every other day, adding new types of tasks and weight - free period can last 48-72 hours: the greater the load, the longer the rest, but no more than 5 days in a row for beginners and 3 for experienced athletes. You need to exercise on the scheduled days, regardless of pain. You may have to adjust the initial weight or start working under your own weight.

If there are injuries, first consult a doctor.

What do you need to have for this?

Clear goal, perseverance, correct schedule trainings are the key to success for self-study at home. A sports fan and aspiring athlete should have free time for training (no longer than an hour) and space where there is room to exercise.

If desired, they can purchase basic sports equipment, but usually, at the initial stage, there is no particular need for purchase.

What can you use for training at home?

There are no irreplaceable simulators. Such equipment is not always suitable for better pumping of these muscles. And everyone who wants to study at home has a minimum of equipment. Ideally, you can build a sports ground yourself in a spare corner of your home by purchasing small-sized equipment for your apartment.

If this is not possible, you can make do with available materials, for example: use furniture instead of a bench, make elevations from a stack of books, put a heavy backpack on your back for weight, and use similar tricks.

For training you need free space, approximately 2 * 2 square meters. m, two stools, you can get a bench or replace it with a strong board (they place it on chairs for bench presses). In every residential yard or in the nearest educational institution There are horizontal bars and parallel bars.

Athletes with experience who want to acquire muscle mass more, later you will need to buy dumbbells on which the weight is adjusted, or go to the nearest gym. Some sports fans replace such equipment plastic bottles filled with sand or other heavy material.

Exercises you can use

As stated above, the optimal strength tasks will be various presses,. For 1 set, do 4 sets of at least 10 repetitions (later increase to 20 times), then add weight of the projectile. The tasks presented are suitable for the classical program, they just need to be divided into days to avoid overtraining. Trainings are held on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday - rest or swimming.

For tasks with weight on a horizontal surface, the following are suitable:

  • raising hands
  • pushes up

Raising your arms with dumbbells drives the middle chest. For home training you need furniture without a backrest. In our example, these will be several stools that are placed side by side so that it is comfortable to lie on your back.

Take the starting position: lying on an improvised horizontal bench, feet resting on the floor, palms facing each other holding a load, hands brought together above the head, elbow joints bent. Movement: without sudden jerks, spread the dumbbells as far as possible to the sides, pull down with your elbows, then return to the original position, bringing the instrument back.

To push the dumbbells up, you will need to lie down in the same way as in the previous task, but your hands are positioned differently, as if holding a straight barbell. The elbows are below the shoulder joints, the palms are turned away from the face, “looking” towards the wall. Movement: sharply lift both implements upward at the same time (control the degree of extension of the elbow joint to avoid injury), smoothly lower down, reaching deeper with your forearm to the ground.

Experts have suggested the following push-up options:

  • from a flat surface
  • from elevation
  • on uneven bars

For the first type, you only need a floor or a flat surface of the ground, where there is enough space for your dimensions. You can add weights to your shoulders (to make it heavier), lift your palms off and do one clap (to make it more difficult). There are two types of starting hand positions. Widely spread elbows help train the middle part, and those pressed to the sides transfer tension to the upper bundles of the pectoral muscles, triceps (), and front bundles of deltoids.

Elevated push-ups replace a set of exercises on an inclined and horizontal bench and are considered a more complicated version of the previous task. They can be done from the edge of a sofa, armchair, on chairs and similar furniture. Method of performing on stools: they are placed in front of the sofa at a distance of body height from shoulders to ankles. And between them the space should be equal to the width of the elbows apart, in a straight line.

Then you rest your toes on the edge of the sofa from above, place your palms on the stools - the position of the body corresponds to push-ups from the floor, the technique is the same, only you need to lower yourself below the level of the seats, bending deeper in your shoulders in order to stretch the fibers of the bundles more strongly. Usually do 4 sets of 20 repetitions with a break of about 2 minutes.

They do push-ups on parallel bars to pump up the upper and lower sections. The elbow bends are spread wider to the sides, with shallow drops - this places the load on the chest rather than on the triceps.

Which program to use

The programs described below for pumping each zone focus on all types of push-ups. It is done in three sets of 15 repetitions, later they are increased to 20 times, and sets consist of 4. It is not recommended to force yourself into a certain framework, blindly performing the average number - the number of repetitions and weight are selected based on your physical capabilities.

Exercise program example 1

They train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving 4 days for rest. Between each approach, rest for 1 minute, do push-ups at a slow pace to feel the muscles working.

Push-up schedule:

  • Mon: parallel bars, inclined, with clap
  • SR: with a stop, from a stack of books, with a lift off the floor
  • PT: with an incline, stop, on uneven bars

Push-up technique:

  1. The lower chest is performed on the uneven bars, setting aside 15-30 minutes. Starting position: straight arms on the pipes (handles), legs bent and crossed at the shins. Range of movements: shallow descents with a delay at the end point for 3 seconds. It is forbidden to sag deeply or stick your elbows out to the sides.
  2. At an angle, when the feet are higher than the shoulders - this task pumps the upper bundles of the pectoral muscles. Performed in two variations: with a stop at the bottom for 2 seconds and with a lift off the ground for clapping. Beginners are advised to start with a minimum slope, gradually increasing it to the specified height.
  3. With a clap (lifting the palms): the starting position is “lying down”, the hands are spaced wider than the shoulders. Slowly going down. Then they rise up to half the movement, sharply push off from the surface so high that they have time to slam their palms and put them in place, and continue the rise. A difficult strength task, start with 2 approaches. The initial number of claps is unlimited. It is always done last due to the severity of the execution.
  4. With a stop: the classic form of the starting position for push-ups. During execution, the movement is delayed twice for 3 seconds - halfway down and at the lowest point.
  5. From a stack of books: make two identical elevations with books 14-15 cm high. The distance between them should be wider than the shoulders, approximately 65-70 cm. Take a “lying position”, place your palms on the edges of the stacks. They lower themselves for 8 seconds, getting as close to the floor as possible, then slowly straighten their arms.

The last three types of tasks are performed to pump the middle section of the chest.

Example program 2

This complex is designed to develop the relief in order to have an aesthetically toned appearance. Done in 1-2 days.

Dumbbell press lying on the ground: legs are bent, feet are slightly wider than hips, arms are perpendicular to the body, elbows are bent, and forearms and hands with the apparatus are directed towards the ceiling. As you exhale, lift up, hold for 2 seconds, and inhale and return back. While performing the downward movement of the arms, do not press the triceps to the surface.

Push ups:

  1. From the floor in the classic version. Perform in 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
  2. From a horizontal surface (the central inner part is trained). Starting position - lying down, palms placed narrower than shoulders, at a distance of about 10-15 cm from one another, and thumbs touching. Lower completely, touching the back of the hand, hold for 2 seconds and rise.
  3. At an angle: starting position - legs are thrown over the edge of the sofa, resting with your toes, palms are placed wider than shoulders, elbows are kept near the body. Lower and rise slowly, stopping for 3 seconds, doing 12 repetitions in 4 sets. To make it more difficult, add weight, but do not change the quantity.

If finances allow, you can buy a folding athletic bench for your home. It will increase the effectiveness of training at home.

What to drink from sports nutrition

Let's say right away: before taking additional supplements, you should correctly create a diet. The ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in an athlete’s diet is described in the section “What is needed for chest muscle growth.” Let’s just add that they eat 4-5 times, that is, snacks are required for the 2nd breakfast and afternoon snack. Complex carbohydrates are found in cereals and legumes.

Watch the amount of confectionery you eat - they are too high in calories and can be deposited in the form of cellulite rather than mass. Other information on proper nutrition, please look in the related articles.

As for sports nutrition: they are designed to supplement the gaps in the main diet if your nutrition is not complete. It is recommended to take it after consultation with a specialist if regular exercise does not bring results. Below are general recommendations about taking supplements.

For the first 6 months, beginners must strictly adhere to their diet and sleep regime. From sports nutrition you can consume fast and slow proteins, which supplement the missing amount of protein for fiber growth. Supplements are useful if rationally structured in daily chart, the exercises are performed technically correctly, and the body gets quality rest during sleep.

Gainers are only bred drinking water, the protein can also be diluted with juice, low-fat milk or kefir.

Amino acids

There is a complex product of amino acids called BCAA, which includes valine, leucine, isoleucine. It is consumed with food during endurance training to reduce body fat.


It is always produced in powders, divided into fast-acting and long-lasting products. The first is drunk before breakfast every day to quickly replenish energy and protein reserves for the formation of new cells during the recovery period, after exercise - if fat burning is necessary.

The second is for the night, since it replenishes substances for a long time, for 6-8 hours. Take one and a half hours after dinner. Details: .


Powdery combination drug with the composition of carbohydrates and proteins. It has a quick recovery effect after strength training, increases the rate of fiber growth, and reduces the degree of fatigue. Taken half an hour before training, it provides energy to all cells. You can’t drink during the first two days: fat will build up on your sides. Everything about him: ?


Useful for the cardiovascular system, which receives additional climatic and/or physical activity, for example – summer heat, development of body endurance, burning subcutaneous fat. Both powder and tablets and capsules are produced.

Energy products

Available in liquid and powder form. Does not contain sugars, the components contain substances that support the heart. Increases energy during exercise and reduces fatigue.

If you have illnesses digestive system, diabetes and similar health conditions - all types of supplements are taken after consultation with a doctor.


Now you know how to pump up your pectoral muscles at home. You can exercise at home and achieve positive results – it’s real. Trainers recommend making the first day of training the heaviest, and the subsequent days - each time lightening the weight or reducing repetitions.

The basic rule remains the same: do a warm-up before classes, and do stretching exercises at the end. This reduces muscle pain on rest days. If you want to look decent at any age, devote a couple of hours a week to your body.

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