If you don’t know how to lock a house in Minecraft, then this article is just for you. Most players who have just joined the server are faced with griefing, not knowing how to private a house in Minecraft on the server.

To make a private game in Minecraft, first of all you need to know the necessary commands and rules that tell you how to private a territory in Minecraft on a server. You need to have a wooden ax in your inventory, which can be crafted, or obtained by entering the //wand command. It is the first thing to do in order to privatize a region in Minecraft.

Once you have the wooden ax in your hands, you will need to mark out the area by marking two points along the edges of the diagonal. Don’t forget that the rules explaining how to privatize a house in Minecraft on a server also provide maximum size territories.

So, let's mark our first point

To do this, go to the desired block and click on it with the left mouse button. There are also servers, in the rules of how to private in minecraft on a server, which do not provide for the presence of an ax. In these cases, you just need to enter a specific command (most often this is //hpos1), looking at the mouse pointer required block. If everything is done correctly, then in the chat you will see a system message stating that the first point is indicated and, in fact, the coordinates themselves in X, Y and Z.

Now mark the second point

To do this, select a suitable second block and right-click on it (if an ax is provided). If not, then looking at this block, enter the command installed on the server (usually //hpos2). Here, a system notification should also appear in the chat, stating that the second point has been set and, in fact, its coordinates X, Y and Z.

Now you need to know how to private in Minecraft in the up and down directions.

Immediately after the extreme points have been marked, you have formed a plane of one cube, which needs to be increased in volume. This is very easily done through chat, by entering certain commands.

//expand number of cubes up – expand in the upward direction.
And //expand the number of cubes down – expand in the downward direction.

Again, and here we should not forget about established by rules restrictions in the rules telling how to lock in Minecraft.

After this, a system notification via chat should also appear. It will tell you that the region has been expanded and will show the number of blocks occupied by your home.

Next, you can give the region a name

This is done very simply, you just need to enter the command: “/region claim the name you selected.”

This concludes the privatization of the territory. The marked region is now completely under your control.

You can learn more about the process by watching the Minecraft video on how to secure a house.

To ensure the success of the completed process, you will need any other player on the server. It is enough for him to simply try to destroy one of the blocks in your new territory. If he doesn’t succeed, then you did everything right, because other players do not have the right to do anything on your site.

If you play on the same server with a friend, or just found yourself a playmate and want to live with him, or at least just give him rights to act in your home, then you can do this using a simple command: “/region addmember” the name you have chosen for your territory and the name of the character you are going to add.”

To remove him from your zone: “/region remove character name.”

Delete a private: “/region delete name”.

Every day reminds us that someone has wronged someone. And often “offended” is putting it mildly. And it’s good if not us. Minecraft is a small life. Here are the same troubles, only on a smaller scale.

There are normal crafters, there are those who are not good, but there are “that’s a bad word.” These third ones periodically make careless players tear out their hair and remember the need they heard from someone to secure their territory. “Come on, evil fate has no time for me,” many say. We really hope that our readers will not be reckless. Whatever, we believe that you are of a different breed. That this article will serve you well. Today you will learn what the words mean: private, privatit, deprivatit. Believe me, these are super important words.

To protect your territory in Minecraft, you just need to privatize your plot. Private territories in Minecraft– this is restricting access to it for other players, as well as limiting them from performing certain actions on it. Before privatizing a region, it, of course, needs to be allocated. For impatient readers, we’ll tell you right away that you can easily deprivate it later.

Why do you need to use private in minecraft?

How to privatize territory in minecraft? Some players ask this question, and therefore an article dedicated to this has appeared on our website especially for you. When you play on a minecraft server, you need to secure the territory, that is, your home, in order to avoid unfavorable events. Private gives you protection from griefing in Minecraft.

Griefing- this is the infliction of moral and material harm to players computer games. If you do not protect the territory, then another player in your zone can dispose of all your property that you mined and built. In most cases, it turns out that the player who finds the player with the unclaimed territory enters the door of the house and starts breaking everything and taking things.

To avoid such cases, private was invented, which will protect all your property, as well as things on certain territory, which you have privateed.
A sealed house will stand in safety and tranquility.

We allocate territory for private

There are at least three ways to select an area in Minecraft.

The most popular – with “hatchet” help. It is not necessary to craft an axe, just a command is enough //wand, registered in the chat. The selection itself is achieved by two clicks: one with the left button at point 1, the other with the right button at point 2. As in the figure. This method is enough, but since Minecraft offers us others, we’ll tell you about them too.

So, namber tu method . Stand at point 1 and write //pos 1. Then move your character's body to point 2. Chat entry again, this time //pos 2. Not difficult at all, right? You are almost close to privatizing your territory. But one step before “almost” to unlock it :)

Method number three . Aim at point 1 and run to the chat again and write the command - //hpos 1. You probably don’t have to tell me any more. But for some smart people, we’ll still say that then you need to aim at point 2 and write a similar command - //hpos 1.

Private commands

Once you have identified your favorite region, you urgently need to find out how to secure a territory in Minecraft. Well, it’s generally indecently easy to privatize it. Write “/rg claim [here is the name of the site]”. Brackets are for beauty, you don't need them. You come up with the name yourself. This is the basic command, but there are other necessary commands:

  • /region define(/region redefine)- change of private.
  • /region claim- allows you to assign a region to yourself.
  • /region select- allows you to select a region.
  • /region info- allows you to view information about the region. Available only when you already have a region.
  • /region list- allows you to view a list of your regions.


In order to fully private, you need to highlight not only superficially, but also in depth and height.

This can be done with a team //expand<кол-во кубов> <направление>

The direction can be selected by commands

  • down - down
  • up - up

A few additional useful commands

Here you could whisper: “Ciao-cocoa!”, since you have already mastered the private territory. But there is no need to rush. Yes, you have learned how to make it private, but there are still so many useful commands! And deprivatize, if that! And give other players the opportunity to use chemicals on your site! In short, keep learning.

  • So here it is. If you suddenly get tired of your private property, you, as a decent crafter, will definitely need to privatize it. And then it turns out that whole piece Minecraft world will be inaccessible to others. Team “/rg remove [area name here]”- this is what will allow the deprivation of the territory.
  • This and the following commands are from the category for, so to speak, advanced “privatizers”. Remember the difference between region owners and users. The former can both move and delete a region, but the latter are only allowed to build and destroy. This is important to know. So. /rg addmember [area name here] [player nickname here]– with this command we add a crafter-user.
  • /rg removemember [area name here] [player nickname here]– with this directive we evict the crafter-user.
  • /rg addowner [area name here] [player nickname here]– add a crafter-owner.
  • /rg removeowner [area name here] [player nickname here]. If you have suspicions, hurry to get rid of the co-owner, because he is also able to say goodbye to you. In the future you will be private alone.

It describes how to privatize your territory in Minecraft; it will be useful to any crafter.

One of the first things you should do when you find a place to build is.

In the game there are many who want to destroy your house, which you have been building for so long, which is why it needs to be protected.

A little theory for beginners:

For private purposes, the territory is divided into special regions called cubanoids, cuboids, and so on. This territory is defined by 2 points located in the corners. To create a territory to be private, you need to mark 2 opposite points of the house that needs to be private.

In the screenshot I showed 2 points that need to be marked in order to make the territory private.

I chose an ax as a weapon for privatization, which is why we will consider privatizing territories with an ax:

Enter the command in the chat //wand and we get the ax necessary for private.

Attention: In order to select a point, you need to aim at the block you have selected, then press LMB to create the first point and press RMB to create the second point.

Having completed these simple steps, if you have not made any mistakes, then 2 messages should appear in the chat:

Let me explain a little what these entries mean so that beginners don't get confused at the very beginning. In brackets you see numbers; they show the coordinates of the points that you placed, as well as the size between these points, that is, the area of ​​​​the territory covered.

The area that you will private will be highlighted with a red grid. At this point, experienced players would note that this grid does not cover the entire house, and therefore it is vulnerable, which means we forgot something...

In fact, of course, we haven’t forgotten anything, I just want to teach you everything that I know myself, and this needs to be done consistently so that the information is easier to perceive.

So the next step is that we need to extend the private territory in different sides, is done with this command: //expand

It is important to know how to enter a command correctly, and it is done like this:

//expand (set the distance in blocks) [set the direction]

//expand 60 up- increases the region by 60 blocks up
//expand 40 down- increases the region by 40 blocks down

Do not forget to constantly check the changes you have made. Maybe I’m paranoid, of course, but go around your protected territory and check whether everything that is necessary is protected or not. If everything is protected, then save the selected area with the command: /rg claim (region name).

Note: As a region name, you can use absolutely any name in Latin. For example, I call my territories simply by my name.

As an example, I'll call the territory testhome. If you did everything correctly, you will see the message:

If the message does not appear, but some kind of error is displayed, then at the end of this article I will try to talk about the most common mistakes among the players and ways to solve them.

After all this, your territories in Minecraft are under reliable protection. None of the other players will be able to break or build anything on your territory anymore. It belongs only to you and only you can do whatever you want with it.

Some additions:

We make a private territory for two in Minecraft, for this there are 2 special commands:

/region addmember (your region) (player nickname)
/region addowner (your region) (player nickname)

The difference between these teams is that in the first one you add the player to your region as a friend. He will be able to build something, but he will not have the rights to manage the territory.

The second team, as you probably already guessed, allows another player to use the territory at his discretion. That is, YOU give full power over your home and everything around it. I would not recommend giving such rights to a person you are not sure of.

Important: Having staked out the territory, you could have made a mistake when saving, so the only way, to change something, for example to expand an already preserved territory, means deleting the old one and creating a new territory.

In order to remove a private from the territory, you need to run the command: /rg delete (region name)

Remember above, I said that errors can occur, so here are the most common ones among crafters who asked me questions:

Region with that name already exists!- Everything is simple here, you are trying to create a territory with the same name as before, just change the name and save, everything should work...

This region overlaps with someone elses region!- The territory that you decided to privatize has already been staked out by someone before you, it will not be possible to take this territory away, so walk along the border and choose a territory that does not intersect with your neighbor’s.

This region is too big! Max. allowed size is 600.000-The greed of the fraer has ruined you, you are trying to appropriate too much for yourself big piece land, the game has a limit on the territory of one plot of 600 thousand cubes. It would seem like a lot, but if this error occurs, it means you don’t have enough.

You own too many regions!-In total, it is possible to occupy only 3 territories in the game. Therefore, if you need this particular territory, then by sacrificing the unnecessary one, deleting it, you can privatize a new one.

The private settlement itself is a process in which a certain part of the area in the world is identified and described by a list of commands. These commands will eliminate the influence of others on the selected territory. That is, only the owner himself will have the right to change anything in his settlement. And then users will learn how to private a house in Minecraft on a server from other players. This need exists due to the activity of insidious griefers who constantly rob and destroy buildings on servers.

About griefers

Who are griefers really? In general, griefing refers to any moral or material damage caused to people in the in-game space. In Minecraft, a griefer is someone who constantly destroys other people's buildings or makes some harmful, unauthorized changes, and sometimes kills players. In most cases, this happens with the aim of profiting from resources, but some commit these acts for the sake of laughter. Therefore, only a private company can protect settlements from such lawless people.

Of course, blocking access should only be used in online game on large servers, since griefers simply do not exist in single player mode. To private a territory on a specific server, you will need to install the special Minecraft Bukkit plugin World Guard.

The meaning of a private home is to highlight the desired region. All selected parts of the terrain are cuboids. Consequently, the form of allocation of each section of the territory will be parallelepiped, and there cannot be other types. This can be done with just two points.

How to private a house in Minecraft on a server?

First you need to use the selection of one block: to do this, you need to press the left button and hold the wooden ax in your hand (the //wand command makes it possible to receive an ax endlessly). The same thing is done with the other block, only in this case the right button is used. As a result, the extreme points of this cuboid are formed.

Using this method is not entirely convenient, as it requires additional steps. It will be useful to have high pillars and dug deep holes, otherwise there will be no possibility of choosing the extreme point. To make the process easier, you should set certain commands:

  • //expand length direction – this will expand the selected area in different directions.

For example: //expand 10 up – this will increase the circumference of the territory by 10 cubes from bottom to top.

  • //contract length direction – decrease the selection of an area in the specified direction.

Let’s say: //contract 12 down – the salience of the site has decreased by 12 cubes from top to bottom. You can also choose the following direction: me, down, up.

The presence of the first parameter makes it possible to change the direction where our gaze is directed. The next two are down or up. By choosing the me direction, you reduce the region by the desired value from yourself. In order to reduce the area from bottom to top, you need to specify the direction up, thereby the value of the lower border will be at the top. It is possible to use the third argument down. With it you can easily reduce the selection from one side to the other. There is also a command to precisely shift the selection:

  • //shift length direction.

For example: //shift 5 down – the selected area will shift 5 blocks down.

There are commands that can be used to select blocks at a distance:

  1. //hpos1 (replaces left click);
  2. //hpos2 (replaces right click).

These commands are useful because due to them, the appearance of extreme points is carried out in blocks that are located outside the cross located in the central part of the monitor. As the area's salience changes, the chat will show the number of coordinates of the outermost block and the value of the blocks in the selected part in given time. Once a private area has been identified, you can give it any name. This can be done using the command:

  • /region claim region name – will help save the cube as a locality along with the selected name.

In principle, after using all these commands, the area can be considered secured. But you can apply some more settings.

Each private has its own owners (owner) and their users (member). Any owner can change the properties of his area, and other owners and ordinary users can be added by his invitation. The latter have completely different functions. They are able to build and destroy, and also use doors and chests. That is, they do only what is allowed in non-private areas. Every region, even at the stage of creation, acquires the status of owner. The following commands will help you add a player to the category of territory owners or users:

  • /region addowner region nickname1 nickname2, etc.
  • /region addmember region nickname1 nickname2.

For example: /region addowner MyLand BestIsland or /region addmember MyLand BestIsland. To remove added players, you need to enter the following commands:

  • /region removeowner region nick1 nick2;
  • /region removemember region nick1 nick2.

Alternatively: /region removeowner MyLand BestIsland. Or write: /region removemember MyLand BestIsland.

Let's look at a real example

Two friends chose a server to play Minecraft and started playing there. Behind short term they managed to develop the area. One of them decided to make it private in order to protect himself from unwanted guests, as well as to preserve the resources and buildings in their original form. To do this, he entered the command /region claim and added his name. He immediately listed his friend as the owner of this area: /region addowner. Everything was going well for them.

But one day they thought that the settlement needed to be further developed. Therefore, two more players are invited to help in this difficult matter. To avoid the risk of losing their property, they decided to add them as users: /region addmember - and entered their names. After players were added, the chest of diamonds was emptied. Everyone thought that their assistants had done it. Immediately measures were taken in the form of the command: /region removemember - assistants ceased to be private users.

Soon the main owner finds out that his friend, whom he invited first, is guilty. After that, he removes it as the owner: /region removeowner and writes the name. From this moment on, he is the sole owner of his settlement and decides what to do.


Note! It should be remembered that the allocation of someone else's private territory, as well as the coverage of more than 50,000 blocks of terrain, is strictly prohibited.

Only the correct and meaningful use of the commands highlighted above will help protect your possessions from vandals of the gaming world. Write your comments and wishes, and also share the information received with your friends. Thank you!


We are waiting for your comments, feel free to write!

Many players on Minecraft game servers are faced with the problem of protecting their territory from other players. If this is not done, any other players can take it away and build what they want. There is a special team to secure your territory in Minecraft game. So how do you do this?

How to create a region in Minecraft on a server

First, you must highlight the boundaries of your region.

It is best to do this with red wool. Next, take a wooden ax in your hand (you can take it from your inventory or get it using the //wand command) and mark two private points with it. Mark one point with the right mouse button, and the second with the left mouse button. In this case, the second point should be high. In other words, the second point is the height of your private.

After you have marked two points, you need to enter the following command to private the territory: /rg claim REGION NAME. Next, the inscription will appear: “the territory has been successfully secured.”

Now no player except you can destroy anything in your region. You can also add your friends privately on Minecraft server commands:

  1. /rg addowner REGION NAME PLAYER NAME – with this command you add the owner of the region. That is, he can add and exclude other private participants, including you.
  2. /rg addmember REGION NAME PLAYER NAME – with this command you add a private member. He can’t add people to a private account, but he can build whatever he wants on it.

Remember! To protect your territory, do not add just anyone to private.