If you are already familiar with Minecraft, then you are well aware that this world is large and vast. How can you move quickly over long distances in it? Well, let’s say, in creative mode you can take off and move quite far in flight without any problems, but in survival it won’t take long to get lost and disappear into the abyss in search of your city. What to do if you urgently need to get exactly where you need to go? Portals will help us do this. You just need to build them and activate them.

What kind of portals are there in Minecraft without mods?

It is useful for a beginner to know that in any version of the game the portal can only be to hell and back, but this portal can and should be used to move to the city or to the point in the world where you built it. There is also a portal to Ender, but it cannot be built in survival mode, you can only find it. But in the creative field it can be done, this will be discussed below.

How to make a portal to hell without mods

As mentioned above, this is the only portal that can be built without mods. It requires at least 10 obsidian blocks (an economical version of the portal, but in general it is built from 14 blocks) and a lighter. We lay out a rectangle of obsidian in 4 blocks horizontally and 5 vertically with an empty middle.

We set fire to the lower block and the portal is activated. Now, upon entering it, your character will fall into HELL of hellstone and lava. It is possible to build a portal to hell in creative mode, but such a portal will not work on Minecraft PE (Android). In the tablet version of the game, the portal replaces the lower world reactor, which is done completely differently.
So, to build a portal to hell, we first get obsidian by filling the lava with water from a bucket (or vice versa, water with lava).

Then we mine obsidian blocks with a diamond pickaxe (and only a diamond pickaxe, no other pickaxe will work). We are preparing the flint.

We lay out a 4x5 frame, even without corners. Here are 2 frame options, choose any of the two.

We set fire to the bottom block and that’s it: the portal is ready to transport you to the very heat of hell.

In hell you will come out of the same portal, which will be created there by itself. To return back to your world, enter it.

IN Minecraft versions PE 0.12. and above, the portal to hell is built in exactly the same way. But in the versions below it is completely different: made of gold, cobblestones and a reactor. It looks like this:

How to do: first we need to place 4 gold blocks (you need to place them opposite each other). Between these blocks there are cobblestones (in a cross). Second layer: in the middle there is a reactor, on each gold block we place a cobblestone. Third layer: there is a cobblestone on top of the reactor, we stick 4 more cobblestones on it in the same way as below.

Then we go into survival mode, tap on the reactor and, if you did everything correctly, you will go to hell. The portal is activated when you touch the reactor with a sword. By the way, good equipment doesn't hurt.
And this is in hell:

How to make a portal to a city without mods

The portal to the city is, in fact, the same hellish one, only not an entrance, but an exit. No matter how many portals to hell you create, you will always exit from the one you built first, so you need to make it where your home is located, that is, in the city. If you make the first portal in the forest, then you will always exit into the forest.

There is no other way to get into the city without mods and you shouldn’t believe anyone who claims there is. Tested in practice, all other portals can be created only after installing mods.

Portal to the End (Ender)

The Edge is a world in the form of an island, where a large number of wanderers of the edge live, as well as a dragon (boss); after destroying the dragon, the player can see the end screensaver of the game.
In creative mode, it can be built from 12 frames + 12 End eyes. All frames should be parallel to each other and face inward (it is better to place blocks from the inside, being in the center of the portal).

To activate the teleport, place an Eye of the End into each frame.

A portal to the edge is not created in survival; it can only be found in the fortress using the Eye of Ender. It consists of 12 frames in the shape of a square ring. To find a portal to the edge and activate it you will need a large number of the “Eye of the End” item, which is crafted from the “Pearl of the Edge”, which in turn drops from Enderman (land wanderers). The Ender appears in dark caves and at night, and quite rarely.
Eye of Ender Recipe: Fire Powder + Ender Pearl
Fire powder is made from a fire rod that falls from ifrits (ifrits live in hell, their spawners can be found there).
You need to throw the Enderman eye into the air with the right mouse button and look where it fell, from where the eye fell you need to throw the next one. When you see that the eye goes down into the ground, you need to start going down there - the portal to the edge is located directly below it. Be careful, scales will spawn near the edge portal, and there may also be other hostile mobs.
The portal is missing a certain number of eyes, they need to be inserted with the right button, then the portal to the edge will be activated and it will be enough to jump into it to get to the edge.

You can only leave the edge by killing the dragon or dying.

Mods for portals

Want more portals?
Wormhole X-Treme is a plugin that implements the functionality of minecraft portals. To create a portal in minecraft you are required to build a certain figure from certain blocks. In the settings, you can change the form of the minecraft portal to any other, and you can have several forms at the same time for different purposes. The resources from which the minecraft portal is built can also be changed. TO minecraft portal A control panel is also included.

Maud Portal Gun For Minecraft games PE will allow you to get everything that was available in the PC version. After you download and install it, you will have a weapon that creates portals, and many other nice little things.
Nether Portal Mod for Android will add portals to hell. Or rather, the ability to build them in the same way as in the PC version.
And, of course, fashion for paradise and the twilight forest.

There is no heaven in the official Minecraft game. There is an ordinary world, a lower world (hell) and an edge, and in order for heaven to appear, a special mod must be installed, which is called Aether. If the mod is not installed, the portal to heaven will not activate. It can be done, but it will only work with the mod. Charlatans offer a bunch of ways to build without mods, but none of them work!
How to do:
Make sure you have an Aether mod installed that is compatible with your version of the game client.
Place the glowing stone in a frame of 4 by 5 blocks and pour water from the bucket onto the portal.

Welcome to Paradise.

Twilight Forest- mod for the twilight forest. We install the mod and build the portal. For the portal you will need 1 diamond, a bucket of water, a shovel and 12 flowers or mushrooms. Dig a 2x2 hole one block deep.
Fill it with water.
We will plant the blocks around the perimeter with flowers or mushrooms.
We throw a diamond into the water and move away so that lightning does not strike us.
Let's go to the portal.

We immediately build ourselves a reliable shelter, preferably underground, in this world hostile mobs are always active.

Portal to space

Its construction without mods is only possible in version 1.2.5. For later versions of the game, in order to get into space, you should install one of the following mods: GalactiCraft or AstroCraft. And with the help of mods MarsPlanetAlfa or MarsPlanetMod You can make a portal to Mars. And don’t forget that before flying into space you still need to craft a spacesuit.

Enjoy your travels through the endless world of Minecraft!

Ender portal

Ender Minecraft Portal ID: 120 .


End Portal Frame is the English name for the End Portal in Minecraft. It is also called the portal to the End, the portal to the End or End portal frame.

Team : /give Player Nick end_portal_frame.

The phrase "Ender portal" is usually understood in two ways: firstly, as one, independent block and, secondly, as a device that helps to move to the Ender world (to the Edge). Let's look at these two concepts. The blocks resemble endernyak (Edge stones), which have a decorative finish. Unlike a portal, they cannot be made, but they can be found in the fortress where they were generated. The search is carried out using the Eye of Ender. When you find a room with a portal to Ender, it is impossible to confuse it with anything else: 12 blocks are laid out in a square with an internal 3x3 hole. Then a fair question will arise - how to activate the portal to the Ender world? And there is a simple answer to this: one Eye of Ender must be placed in each block of the End portal frame.

A portal to Ender that can be found.

The picture above shows the same portal to End found on the server in three different versions:

  • at the top is a front view of an unactivated portal;
  • Bottom left - top view, where lava is clearly visible;
  • Bottom right - Ender portal, activated using Ender eyes.

How and where to find a portal to the Ender world?

It has already been noted above that you can find a portal to Ender only in the fortress, using an eye and more than one. And in more detail about how not only to find it, but also to activate the Ender portal without mods and other difficulties, this short video tells:

How to make an Ender portal

You can easily make an Ender portal in creative mode or on the server if you are an admin or have at least 12 reserves:

Enda portal blocks

Eyes of Ender

Moreover, it is quite possible to make a portal to the Ender world without mods anywhere on the server - even at spawn. This is demonstrated in the following screenshot, which was taken on the SERVER.. server.

Ender portal on the server.

But here you need to understand that it is important not just to make an Ender portal, but to activate it.

Activate the portal to Ender

If you have the necessary resources, there is nothing difficult in laying out a frame of 12 blocks when the internal hole is 3 by 3 blocks, and installing one eye in each. It is more difficult to make this square turn into a real portal that can move the player to another dimension.

Look carefully at the image. What do we see? One really functioning portal to the Ender world, and another structure will not move anyone anywhere. Why?

Two Ender portals: one is active, the other is not. Why?

Compare the next photo, in which the portals are still the same, but they are active and can be used. The question is the same: why do you think?

Ender portals seem to be the same, but they are active. What changed?

How to make the right Ender portal?

In connection with all the information presented above, we note that there is still a secret, but it is as simple as it is key. Without this, the portal to Ender will not work. The whole secret lies in correct installation Ender's eyes. If you look carefully when they are in the block, you will notice small white squares in the upper left corner of each eye. So, they should be located on the outside of the entrance to the portal. The screenshot demonstrates this clearly.

To build a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft you will need: 12 blocks of the Ender world and the Eye of Ender for each block. Find blocks in fortresses. Keep in mind that they have a grey-green tint.

Initially, build 3 blocks on all sides of the portal to make a square. The Eye of Ender must be placed in such a way that its black eye is in the portal itself. Place the Eye of Ender on all the portal blocks as needed.

Remember that you yourself cannot be at the transition of the portal, otherwise you can immediately find yourself in the Ender world. The fact that the portal space turns black will indicate that the passage is open. Now check the functioning of the portal: exit to the normal world, and then enter the portal again. You must destroy the dragon in the portal. To do this, destroy the towers, and then the Ender dragon itself.

How to find a portal to the Ender world

In order to find the portal to the Ender world, you must use the Eye of Ender, obtained with the help of weapons in the pearl land. Take in right hand Ender's eye and use the right mouse button. The Eye of Ender should fly towards the portal gate, emitting a purple glow.

You can find out that the portal is nearby when the Eye begins to descend to the ground.

In the portal you find, place the Eye of Ender in each block. The portal to the Ender world will open immediately.

It is difficult to say what exactly draws players to the world of the End, because it certainly does not look like paradise, despite the fact that it is located above the main world. Dark sky, a small island of land, entirely consisting of one type of blocks (not counting columns). And even a dragon for complete happiness. But if these factors don’t bother you, then let’s take a closer look at how to build a portal to the End.

To begin with, you will have to sweat because... no one will just let you into the world of the End (like, for example, into the Lower World). In order to get to the End, you need to do 3 things: first, find the End Pearls (the more, the better). Secondly, collect fire powder and, finally, find the End portal itself.

Let's start with the ender pearls. It only drops from wanderers - tall black creatures with long arms. Killing them is quite difficult due to the ability to teleport, so it is better to use enchanted weapons to kill them with one hit. You will have to knock out at least 15 pearls before building a portal to the End, otherwise you simply will not reach your destination.

After you collect the pearls, go to the Nether. Stock up on food and patience - you'll be there for a long time. Your task in the local hell is to find a hellish fortress and collect staves from the local ifrits (of course, they will not give them up voluntarily). You need exactly half as many staves as pearls. Would you say it's easy? Let's see what you say after a couple of days of wandering around the Lower World - the location of the fortress is unknown. Therefore, you will have to look for it at random.

After collecting the staves, go to the nearest workbench and disassemble the staves into fire powder (in a ratio of 1:2). Mix pearls with powder and get the eyes of the End. It’s still too early to think about how to build a portal to the End in Minecraft; the most difficult thing remains - finding the portal. It will take a very long time to walk, so take care of your supplies in advance. The search process is as follows: throw up the eye of the Edge and see in which direction it will fly. This is the direction you should go to look for the portal. It is impossible to know the distance to the target, which is why a large number of pearls are required - sometimes they do not fall, but simply disappear after use.

From time to time, throw the eyes of the Edge to adjust the route, but not too often, otherwise, before going to the Edge in minecraft, you will have to repeat the first two steps again. You need at least 12 End Eyes to activate the portal.

As soon as the pearls stop flying away and begin to hover in the air, you can breathe easy - you are close. You can set up a camp and settle in the territory, because after you learn how to build a portal to the End, you will have to return here more than once.

In a place where the pearl will hang in the air or even go underground, start digging. Dig tunnels until you find a room with a portal. It is impossible to confuse the hall with an ordinary cave - you will not miss the square pool with lava and the pedestals located around it. Get closer to the structure. You'll notice that some pedestals already have Ender eyes on them, while others are empty. All you have to do is insert the missing pearls and open the portal.

That's all about how to build a portal to the Edge. Most importantly, do not forget to mark your path from home to the portal - it will be a shame to lose it after so much effort. Good luck in your battle with the dragon!

Ender, or, as it is also called, The Edge, is the third and last existing world available in the game. It consists of a main island inhabited by the Ender Dragon, and many outlying islands of varying sizes rich in Endstone and Corus Plants. Actually, next you will learn how to make a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft and return back. It is important to understand that such a trip should be well prepared.

The first priority of the player who finds himself there for the first time is to eliminate the dragon. He is born in a random location on the map at the same time the character first visits the dimension. It is not easy to defeat such a boss - the dragon destroys any block alien to the world, and its health is restored thanks to the Edge Crystals located on the obsidian towers.

Therefore, there is only one rational way to win the battle: before the attack, you should, for example, climb onto the pillars and destroy all the existing crystals. Be careful: when nearby Edge Crystals explode, they cause damage to the character. In addition to receiving an impressive amount of experience points, the death of the dragon is marked by the activation of an exit portal. At the top of such a teleport there is now a Dragon Egg, which has no practical application(serves only as a trophy).

The dragon itself no longer appears after death, but there is a possibility of its revival, which is accompanied by the reconstruction of the towers and contributes to the collection of Obsidian and Dragon Breath. True, the Minecraft player will not receive the same amount of experience as the first time - its value will decrease tenfold.

How to get to the Land in Minecraft?

In most cases, you just need to find a portal, the activation of which will take the player to Ender. Such teleports can be found in fortresses: they consist of 12 frames, in each of which an Eye of the End should be installed. It is noteworthy that some of them already contain these materials, and in order to use the portal, you need to add the missing ones.

The eye itself will help you identify the fortress containing the required teleport: after use, it flies up and flies for several seconds towards the nearest portal. But it’s too early to relax - during such a search there is a very real threat of losing such rare material, so it is undoubtedly worth stocking up on it.

For playing in the "Creative" mode, you can create a teleport yourself from inventory items, which this time may contain portal frame blocks. You should build it around yourself, being in the improvised center of the structure, and all the frame blocks should be directed strictly in one direction.

How to exit the Ender world in Minecraft?

Before visiting the End, it is important to understand that there are only two ways for the player to exit Ender:

  1. die;
  2. use the portal that activates after the death of the dragon.

The first option is undesirable, primarily due to the fact that the death of a character is accompanied by the loss of all his accumulated inventory (of course, if you did not enter the appropriate command, which, by the way, is not always available). In this regard, the second method is much preferable, especially considering the fact that after the defeat of the boss, travel through his former possessions will be carried out without any restrictions.



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