In the confrontation between parents - adherents of free education and supporters of early child development The latter have been confidently winning for many years now. More and more parents are thinking about developmental activities for their child almost from the cradle, and the discovery children's center can be profitable business idea. What is needed to implement such a project? Let's try to compose step by step plan, how to open a children's development center.

Step 1. Formulate the concept

Before drawing up a business plan, you need to decide on the format of the future center. Universal children's groups with a mixed-age composition, where parents can “drop” their child for a few hours while they do business, are a popular service, but such a “kindergarten for an hour” has nothing to do with developmental education. Clients - parents must understand who they entrust their children to and what they pay money for, so carefully consider the concept of work:

  • age of children accepted;
  • principle of group formation (age range, other criteria);
  • main focus of development (comprehensive, creative, intellectual, physical, emphasis on foreign language etc.);
  • applied programs and methods;
  • short-term or long-term stay of children in the center;
  • Availability of individual lessons, psychological and correctional work with children.

This is the so-called “pedagogical” part of the project, which will make your center attractive and serious in the eyes of potential clients.

Who exactly these potential clients are will largely determine your next steps. If you are counting on children from wealthy families, be prepared for costs: from renting expensive premises to hiring the best teachers. If your category is “economy class,” you can get by with little financial loss by choosing a small room in a residential area and limiting yourself to a minimum of services and hired personnel.

Step 2. Register a business

To open a children's center, you must register as an entrepreneur. This is where the Education Law comes into play. Private individuals can engage in children's leisure activities, tutoring, school preparation and other services without licensing only in the form of individual teaching activities.

Without a license, you will be able to personally conduct classes, hire an administrator and technical staff at the center, but you cannot hire teaching staff to work with children, being in this status. Guest teachers must also be individual entrepreneurs, otherwise you will have to obtain an individual entrepreneur license or register immediately entity, be licensed and become a full-fledged educational organization.

For starting a business by a person who has not been involved in the educational system for many years, the first option is preferable: it is simpler and cheaper. The official name of the center, appearing in all documents, will sound like your full name with the prefix IP, and in everyday life and promotional materials you can call your company anything you like: a development center, a club, a baby school, etc.

  1. Form an individual entrepreneur or by submitting documents to tax office at the place of residence.
  2. When filling out the application, indicate the correct types of activities for, for example, 85.32 (childcare), 93.05 - personal services, 92.51 - club activities.
  3. Choose the optimal tax regime. Most likely, this will be “simplified”: it is not difficult to do accounting and submit reports on your own.
  4. Open a bank account.

Step 3. Get a license

If you want to hire teachers or decide to open an LLC, immediately prepare to obtain a license. You will need documents:

  • contract for premises for a children's center (rent or ownership);
  • conclusion of the SES and fire service on the premises;
  • certificate of state registration of the company;
  • LLC charter;
  • educational program;
  • scroll teaching materials And teaching aids in stock;
  • information about the teaching staff.

The specified package of documents must be submitted to the Education Committee and wait for approval of the license. This is not a quick or simple matter, and it is more advisable to start it when the business is already on its feet. At the initial stage, it is still prudent not to get involved in this complex process and for now work as an individual entrepreneur - open a children's Entertainment Center, not requiring involvement professional teachers. If you did this, you can safely skip step 3.

Step 4. Decorating the room

To accommodate a children's center, the premises must meet certain requirements:

  1. Separate non-residential premises.
  2. Not a basement, semi-basement or basement.
  3. Ceiling height from 3 m.
  4. It is advisable to have a fire exit.
  5. A fire alarm system has been installed.

When making repairs, you need to follow the rules regulated by SanPiN

  • the room must have a designated place for undressing, a playroom also used for classes, and a bathroom;
  • walls – painted or covered with moisture-resistant wallpaper;
  • ceilings – whitewashing or coating with water-based emulsion is recommended;
  • floors – smooth, without defects, not slippery;
  • electrical sockets and switches at a height inaccessible to children (from 1.8 m).

Having prepared the room properly, purchase the necessary furniture, toys, equipment for sports games, materials for classes. After which the entertainment center without educational services is ready to receive children.

The educational organization is obliged to coordinate the use of the renovated premises with Rospotrebnadzor, and only after receiving permission to operate, invite students to visit it. There is no need to remind you that all equipment and toys must be safe and have certificates.

Where can I find a place for a children's club? The easiest way to solve the problem is to Not big city– you can safely take any suitable room on a passable street or an area of ​​50 sq. m. m in a shopping center. IN major cities take into account the competitive environment (the location of similar establishments nearby is undesirable), as well as your target audience. An elite children's club cannot be located in a working-class neighborhood, and it is more convenient for grandmothers and mothers living in a residential area to take their children to classes within walking distance.

Having decided on the location, do not forget to think through the interior in accordance with the concept of your school.

Step 5. Selecting personnel

Even if your center is not yet fully staffed with children, you are unlikely to have enough time to keep order and deal with housekeeping issues. You will need 1-2 administrators (calculate the load depending on the operating mode) and a cleaner. In practice, in small children's clubs, the administrator is also responsible for cleanliness.

The issue with the teaching staff will be resolved depending on the format and level of your institution: what services you offer, how many groups you have, etc. Perhaps you will limit yourself to a couple of educators, but a full-fledged development center is unthinkable without English teachers, dance teachers, painting teachers, and a child psychologist. The staff can be replenished gradually as new services are introduced and groups are completed.

The selection of teaching staff is entirely your responsibility: do not hesitate to ask applicants for recommendations, check educational documents, and inquire about work experience. Not every person with a pedagogical education is able to get along with young children: be sure to supervise the work of teachers, attend classes, and get feedback from parents.

If you are positioned as an institution with a developmental function, your classes must produce results. Each teacher must develop criteria for assessing children's successes that will be understandable to parents - many of them are actively interested in what the child is doing in the center, and whether there is any benefit from it. There are no strict requirements in the club, which is primarily of an entertaining nature; it is important for parents that their child is well looked after.

But the main thing is that children should be happy to come to your center and become regular customers. If the child is not interested, after a few lessons the mother will take him away from you and, with a high degree of probability, give him to your competitor. Each teacher, with his personal qualities and attitude, must support the children’s desire to attend the club.

Step 6. Looking for clients

If you manage to please your young clients and their parents, they will serve you well by passing on the center's contacts to their circles. But this will not happen right away. The first visitors must first be found and interested. Start with free and low-cost promotional activities:

  • While you are making repairs, do not forget to post an announcement about the imminent opening;
  • arrange an eye-catching opening for the center (balloons, music, etc.);
  • make a bright sign and navigation;
  • take advantage of the opportunities social networks and online communication: invite clients through “mom” forums, create your own groups;
  • distribute business cards to the nearest office and shopping centers;
  • walk around playgrounds with leaflets;
  • agree with the nearest housing offices to place advertisements on their information boards;
  • don't be lazy to make a website.

How much does it cost to open a children's development center?

And now in numbers. How much money do you need to open? children's club, and how soon will it pay off? Let's consider the simplest option. Count on an initial investment of at least 600 thousand rubles. This includes:

  • organizational expenses (registration, bank account) – from 2000 rubles;
  • arrangement of the premises - from 250,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment, toys, materials – from 200,000 rubles;
  • furniture - from 100,000 rubles.

The indicated amounts are approximate and are given as an example of a children's club operating in a residential area of ​​one of the regional centers. The room is about 80 sq.m. located on the 1st floor of a residential building, designed for 2 game rooms. Fixed expenses children's center consist of rent (this is the most significant part of the monthly costs), wages, utility and other payments, advertising.

How does the children's center make money?

  1. About 50 kids attend the club on a regular basis; their parents buy monthly passes for 8 classes. Some children go periodically (400 rubles at a time). The proceeds from these classes fully cover the basic expenses of the individual entrepreneur.
  2. The center accepts a child psychologist and speech therapist (by appointment).
  3. The club sells children's books, toys, art supplies, and holiday accessories.
  4. Creative master classes for adults and children are held 2 times a week.
  5. Children's events (birthdays, Christmas trees) are organized upon request.
  6. IN evening time One of the offices is subleased to a private psychologist.

With proper organization of work, the project can pay for itself within a year, but this is rather an optimistic scenario, since in reality, not everything works out right away. The average payback period for a children's center is 24–30 months.

You have small savings and a great desire to have your own simple business that does not require special professional training and is not associated with suppliers and debtor-creditor hassles. Quite possibly, opening of a children's club, a small entertainment center for preschool and younger children school age, - This is what you need.

The owners of large supermarkets and shopping centers were the first to open children's clubs, fighting for customers and satisfying the needs of parents who nowhere to leave small children for leisurely shopping. The idea caught on and not only supermarket visitors began to use the services of playrooms: parents waiting in lines for a place in kindergarten, they began to bring “home” children to playrooms so that they could have fun and learn to communicate with their peers. Thus, the opening of the club turned from a successful marketing move into an actively developing business that brings stable income with a relatively small investment.

Unlike a private kindergarten or children's center early development In order to open a children's club, you do not need to obtain a license. Other documents to open are also extremely simple:

registration of individual entrepreneurs with a patent form of taxation established in 2013 and the choice of OKVED code 92.7, which regulates “other activities related to the organization of recreation and entertainment”;

tax registration cash register or strict reporting forms;

permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor for premises for opening a children's club.

Selection of location and equipment

When choosing a place to open a children's club, you should not reinvent the wheel. A room or area of ​​30 square meters or more is suitable. m in any places with high traffic of potential clients who need to leave children under supervision for some time: a shopping and entertainment center or hypermarket, cinema, fitness center, beauty salon, spa center and even a large children's goods store. As an exception to the rule, but sometimes successful - premises in a residential area, where there is a complete lack of leisure infrastructure for both children and adults.

Standard equipment set for a children's play club - this is a corner with soft toys, a dry pool filled with balls, tables for drawing, construction sets for children aged 1.5-4.5 years.

For older children, it is advisable to install a labyrinth. It can occupy an area of ​​15-20 square meters. m, which means the area of ​​the room should be 60-70 square meters. m.

Personnel and work organization

When selecting personnel to open a children's club, give preference to responsible people who know how to work with children. These may be senior students of pedagogical universities or colleges, as well as retired teachers who have the opportunity to work in shifts.

Usually, working hours children's entertainment center - from 9 am to 21 pm in the evening, and two employees work 6 hours each. The cost of staying one child is 100-120 rubles/hour on weekdays and 150-180 rubles/hour on weekends and holidays. Parents of small children under 3 years old can usually stay in the playroom for free. If an adult wants to accompany a child over 3, he must pay an additional 20-30 rubles.

An employee has the right to accept into the center only healthy child, checking the parent’s passport and entering the appointment time in computer program accounting or in a special notebook. The time spent by one child in the gaming club should not exceed 4 hours. Failure to comply with these rules will create a negative reputation for the club, and, as a result, will lead to the loss of customers.

Peak attendance at children's entertainment centers occurs between 16:00 and 21:00, when parents, having picked up their child from kindergarten or school, go on business. Therefore, for the first half of the day you can set discount system to increase attendance by non-working mothers with small children. It is also advisable to develop a system of bonuses and discounts for regular visitors. When planning a business, do not forget about its seasonality: in the summer, when children are taken out of town, and in the city they try to spend more time walking with them in the fresh air, the attendance of playrooms decreases significantly.

Costs of opening a children's club and profitability

Taking into account the cost of renting and renovating the premises, purchasing equipment, registering a business and salaries of staff in the first month of operation, the cost of opening a children's club will not exceed 300 thousand rubles. If the location is well chosen and the attendance is good, monthly revenue may amount to 100 thousand rubles. Approximately 50 thousand rubles per month will have to be spent on maintenance, then the net profit will be 50 thousand rubles. The initial investment should be fully recouped in 3-4 months.

In the future, the profitability of the club can be increased through the development and offering of new services: creation children's cafe, organization of children's parties and competitions, creative clubs.

The idea to open my own children's club came to me while I was sitting at home with my two-year-old son. I was very bored. Almost all mothers with small children know what I’m talking about: you’re spinning around all day, there’s no time to sit down, and nothing meaningful happens in life. The brain switches off, you begin to live on autopilot and, naturally, slowly degrade.

For some reason, what was especially depressing about this situation was that I had nothing to tell my husband when he came home from work in the evening and asked how I was doing, what was new.

Combine work and education small child I tried it too. Six months after the birth of my son, I found a nanny and went to work. I don’t really remember the next year of my life, but I can partially reconstruct it from photographs. A rumpled face, a forced smile. You need to pay attention to the child, you need to work, you need to give almost your entire salary to the nanny. The first and second turned out badly, the third - well, but without pleasure.

That’s when I had the idea that I needed to open my own business, namely a small children’s center - a beautiful, cozy and well-equipped place where friendly and very professional teachers would conduct developmental classes with children from one year to school age. In addition, in my future job I will be able to spend time with my own child and I will not have such a strict schedule as with hired work.

On family council I raised the question of whether the money intended for the purchase new car, let into my business. I solemnly took out from my robe pocket the document I had compiled during a sleepless night - a “business plan” written on half a notebook sheet. It worked - I received the go-ahead and began to act.

The preparatory stage lasted for a year and a half - I studied in detail the laws, regulations and methods of early childhood development; I was looking for premises, engaged in industrial espionage in other clubs.

Then there was the first year of work, when I, like many aspiring entrepreneurs, worked “everyone” in my company: general director, administrator, sales manager, cleaner, driver, poster and distributor of leaflets, English teacher, website administrator - and returned home by ten o'clock in the evening.

Then there was a conflict with my partners, after which I had to start the business from scratch again. There were errors in accounting, in pricing, in marketing - all this cost me more than two million rubles, two nervous breakdowns and a large box of antidepressants.

Opening a children's club and bringing it to life was not easy. Now I understand that this happened due to the lack of a small amount of knowledge. I can confidently say that the children's club is not a Newton binomial at all. I think it’s much easier to open it than a beauty salon, flower studio, event planning agency or gift shop.

After all, in order to organize a children's club, you do not need to buy expensive equipment: refrigerators for flowers, like in a flower studio, laser machines, like in a beauty salon. It is absolutely not necessary to be a professor of economics - it is enough to have common sense, organization, ability to learn. And what’s most attractive is that you don’t need a lot of money: to open a small children’s studio, it’s enough to invest a few thousand dollars (this applies to those who, unlike me, are not going to “mess up” at every step).

By the way, now is a very good time to open a children's club. There are at least four reasons for this.

Reason #1.

More and more parents understand that investing in a child’s development and education is a win-win investment. At the same time, they realize that good education costs money, it should not be free or cheap.

Reason #2.

Education is getting earlier. Parents no longer need to explain that they need to start developing the child’s attention, memory, logic as early as possible, work on his socialization and creative abilities. Educational activities for children aged one year and even younger cease to seem exotic, as they did several years ago. Many take their children to classes even after kindergarten. They understand that in ordinary garden, where there are from 15 to 30 people in the group, their child will not receive such attention and such quality pedagogical work, like in a good children's club.

Reason #3.

There is a real baby boom in many Russian cities. Walk through playgrounds on a sunny day and you won't need any statistics. Everyone you see there is your future clients.

Reason No. 4.

There are more and more children's clubs every day. But there are still few of them, and most of them are completely handicraft. Many parents like the idea of ​​early development, but they are not satisfied with the quality of activities in clubs. They will happily agree to preparation for school, languages, and creativity - as long as the level is decent.

I am sure that in a few years the number of children's clubs will be comparable to the number of beauty salons. If now in the residential areas of Moscow, according to my observations, beauty salons are located in every fifth house, then very soon there will be one children’s club for every 10-15 houses.

The children's club will become a familiar part of the lives of young families. Parents will almost automatically send their children to enrichment activities at 1-2 years of age. The question of whether to take your child to classes after kindergarten will become meaningless—of course, he will! Moms and dads will get out of the habit of celebrating their children’s birthdays in their apartments - why give up your own home when you can entrust the celebration to professionals in a special room?

Much suggests that a children's club is a promising area for business. But for me it's not just about the money. It's also just a fun thing to do.

I really like that my company's work is related to children. The efforts invested in their development always bring great, pleasant, and often simply amazing results. A three-year-old child who spends the entire lesson English language, sitting with his nose to the wall, after the lesson he rushes to his dad’s car and begins to enthusiastically retell the whole lesson to him. A two-year-old girl, who screams obscenities almost always and for no apparent reason, after several ordinary developmental lessons (individual, of course), becomes a calm, balanced child. The boy, who recently turned two years old, reads two-syllable words using Zaitsev's cubes. The uptight little wolf, who was afraid to cross the threshold of the club, becomes the star of the group a month later. Such cases amaze and delight every time.

In addition, the “profession” of the head of a children’s club does not interfere, but helps to be good mom. I constantly immerse myself in the topic of children's education and psychology, which is useful for any parent.

I have my own source of income - the club does not bring a huge, but stable profit. I have free time to take care of yourself and your own children.

And finally, the most important thing (which is why everything started, as you understand) - now I always have something to say to my husband when he asks in the evening: “What’s new?” By the way, in my opinion, he asks this question less and less often. Maybe because the answer is too long?


I want to open a children's club in my small town, since I am a teacher. I have two diplomas: a kindergarten teacher and a music teacher. Higher education. Such clubs already exist, but I would like to create my own where both development and games take place with the help of music.

02.11.2018 19:18:53, Yarullina Landysh Afraimovna

ATTENTION! Owners of children's centers!
“Why do 80% of Children's Centers barely make ends meet?
Or how to increase the profit of your Children's Center."
Free online conference MARCH 10 FROM 12.00-16.00 (Moscow time)
More details: [link-1]
P.S. There is no need to go to this conference! It takes place online on the Internet. To participate, you need to follow the link and register.

great example from life!

Comment on the article "Children's club: how to open and make it profitable"

Club. Photo albums. There is an Orthodox school on Odoevsky, a children's (or rather family) center occupies 1 room there. Look at the website for the exact address, other classes are scheduled there.

Do you want to know how to make such hedgehogs from dough and natural material?

Bioexperimentanium invites the smartest boys and girls to the New Year's BIO-tree. Stop time, cryo-tangerines, colorful bio-ice cream and a fabulous show! You have to show ingenuity, resourcefulness, erudition and find the real Santa Claus. Unexpected surprises and gifts are guaranteed. Dates for BIO Christmas Trees: December 19, program starts at 10:00 December 20, program starts at 10:00 December 26, program starts at 10:00 December 27, program starts at 10:00 New Year...

We present a magical New Year's collection for your holiday! Orders are accepted together with orders from catalog No. 16:)

I am very concerned that my child and all the children in kindergarten # 1041, which is located at: Moscow, South-Western Administrative District, st. Ivan Babushkina, 13, k2, are deprived of the opportunity to breathe fresh air in the premises. When parents ask: "Why don't you open the windows?" They answer that this is prohibited. Windows can only be opened when children are not in the group. It would seem that a humane approach, the desire to keep children warm... In fact, this is cruel to children. Children are usually...


Does your child complain about the heat in the group?
Mine never complained. Or rather, they complained if the clothes were too inappropriate; for example, we had a knitted sundress, I don’t know what it was made of (either wool with synthetics, or acrylic), so I stopped wearing it. Of course, the sundress was bought by my mother-in-law :)) And it wasn’t hot at the matinees, but I dress easily - only a thin viscose or cotton blouse, no wool or acrylic. And none of the parents puffed and sweated. My husband was hot always and everywhere... while he had an extra 20 kg.

Maybe you just need to draw the teacher’s attention to more careful adherence to the ventilation regime, in accordance with the standards - and this will be enough for fresh air? Maybe you are raising your child to be very seasoned, but not all children are like that.

Well, we don’t have such insanity. Previously, according to health standards, splits were not allowed (I remember well when the eldest went to kindergarten), but now it is possible, but many parents are not against it because of this. And if you don’t open the windows yet, there will be a gas chamber. Although, of course, sometimes it bothers me that the kids are in their underpants and there is a draft in the group. It would be better to ventilate while they are gone

Children's club: how to open and make it profitable. I think it’s much easier to open it than a beauty salon, flower studio, event planning agency, or Many people take their children to classes even after kindergarten.


At this age we went crazy: pizza, French fries, children's chicken kebab, lots and lots of liquid. They almost didn’t touch the fruit (but that depends on the children), the cake - they just blew out the candles and that’s it, we had to drag the whole thing home!!! Additional orders were placed for pizza and kebab, but children's sandwiches remained practically untouched. The menu was drawn up when the contract was signed.
My parents ordered it for themselves. The celebration started at 11 am and ended at 8 pm (even though it was planned at 3 pm).

If there are a lot of games, then you need to be able to run up, quickly grab something to drink or eat and run on.

And definitely CAKE!

Summer is just around the corner - and what a lot of pleasant troubles! Yes, it’s not always easy to agree on where to go if the husband wants to raft on rivers, the wife wants to take a break from household chores in a cozy hotel, and the baby wants to crawl along the beach and stuff his mouth with pebbles. But we are sure that you will have a wonderful holiday. Tell us about it! The 10 best stories will be awarded prizes from sponsors! Competition dates: April 28, 2012 - October 1, 2012. You can send your story to the competition at: [email protected] or through the form...


The results of the second stage of the short story competition "Rest 2012" have been summed up!
Congratulations to the winners:
- Svetlana Tortunov, for the story “Across Italy by car - from Turin to Trieste”;
- leleshka, for the story “Baikal Vacations”;
- Larisa Zorin, for the story “Birthday in underground city Derinkuyu";
- Solnyshko14, for the story “Türkiye: vacation with a one-year-old child”;

The results of the first stage of the short story competition "Rest 2012" have been summed up!
Congratulations to the winners:
- Miyu, for the story “Velokrym”;
- Aksuha, for the story “Ukrainian Carpathians - a fabulous place”;
- Olga, for the story “The Turkish Coast: the sea, the sun and us.”

Help. Club. Photo albums. The child is teething, what to do to numb the pain. View topics in other conferences: Kindergartens and preschool education Computers.


That's wonderful. 104, frankly speaking, is not close to 1534. 4 is even closer. It’s necessary to go to one building at the beginning, and to another in the middle/high school. Poor 1534, last year it experienced a merger with 1715, there was also a battle, now the classes are at the beginning, and now there are 104.
But in 5th grade you will probably still have to take exams, this is just the beginning of registration.

Why is everyone so against it?
There is a positive example of joining 40 schools to 57.
As a result, the school became one, 57th. Both formally and informally. Only the 57th had two buildings and could accept more children. What's bad?

They told me about wonderful books about Moscow for children. Sharing:) "Moscow Rally" published by "Samokat" [link-1]. This is not a book, but a set of maps of walking routes around Moscow. The maps are large-scale hand-drawn, just like home drawn. That is, the child will be able to find his own way using this map! The second book is Fyodor Dyadichev "Moscow" Illustrated Guide for Children and Parents" [link-2] This book is made in the now popular style - a bunch of footnotes, pictures and notes with interesting...

I am a children's and family photographer! I’ve been doing what I love for 7 years now) I have a beloved family: daughter and husband))

Every year there are more and more children, as the state stimulates the birth rate. And every mother wants happiness for her child. She wants her baby to develop, improve his abilities and gain new skills. It is for this reason that parents send their children to children's development centers. Such institutions are becoming increasingly popular every year, as they are an excellent alternative to classic kindergartens. More and more entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a children's development center from scratch.

Specifics of the children's development center

Before opening a children's development center, a businessman must decide on the format of the future educational institution. To make a profit, an entrepreneur must think through a teaching concept. Its proper development will attract wealthy clients who are willing to pay good money for the future of their children.

When creating a children's development center, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the age of children at whom the work of the development center will be focused;
  • principle of group formation;
  • the main direction of children's development;
  • programs and methods on the basis of which the institution will operate;
  • period of stay of children in the center;
  • presence/absence of individual lessons;
  • possibilities of psychocorrectional work with children.

The entrepreneur must then conduct a lead analysis. The further development of the center will depend on the identification of needs. The wider the range of services, the more potential visitors.

The list of functions of a children's development center may include:

  • preparation for school;
  • art classes;
  • English language teaching;
  • developmental activities;
  • dance lessons;
  • music lessons;
  • aerobics;
  • psychological consultations;
  • speech therapy lessons.

Choosing a form of ownership and OKVED codes

Having decided to open a children's center, an entrepreneur must choose a form of ownership. For the type of business, you can open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. But we should not forget that the cent is subject to the Law “On Education”. Business cannot operate without a license. Having registered an individual entrepreneur without a license, an entrepreneur will not be able to hire teachers for the center. To carry out work, they must also have the status of individual entrepreneur. For this reason, obtaining a license is mandatory.

Opening an individual entrepreneur is easier. But in the documents, the full name of the entrepreneur with the prefix IP will appear as the official name of the center. But this does not prevent a businessman from assigning any name to the establishment in advertising materials.

Having chosen the form of ownership, the entrepreneur must decide on OKVED codes. The following codes are suitable for the company:

  • 85.32 - child care;
  • 92.51 – club activities;
  • 93.05 – personal services.

Portfolio of documents

First of all, an entrepreneur must obtain a license, but only if he himself does not have a pedagogical education. Here you will need to provide the following documents:

  • a rental agreement for premises or documents confirming its ownership;
  • SES permission;
  • fire department permit;
  • registration certificate;
  • educational program;
  • list of teaching materials and teaching aids;
  • information about the teaching staff;
  • LLC charter.

A package of documents must be submitted for consideration to the education committee, which is responsible for issuing such licenses.

It is more advisable to obtain a license when the establishment has already begun to generate a stable income. Before starting licensing, it is advisable to register an LLC. Until this moment, the entrepreneur can operate as an individual entrepreneur and open a children's entertainment center. It does not require teachers with special education, but will generate less income.

Choosing a location

The premises must meet certain standards

The requirements for the premises are:

  • detached non-residential premises;
  • availability of all necessary communications;
  • a fire alarm must be installed;
  • the room must have high-quality wires, good lighting and ventilation.

If repairs are needed in the premises, they must be carried out in accordance with the standards approved by SanPiN.

The list of requirements includes:

  • There should be a locker room in the room and a space allocated for a games room. The latter can also be used for classes.
  • A children's development center must have a bathroom.
  • The walls must be painted or covered with moisture-resistant wallpaper.
  • Ceilings should be whitewashed or covered with water-based paint.
  • Floors must be free of defects, smooth and non-slip. In many children's centers, the floors are covered with special coverings.
  • Sockets and switches should be located at a level that a child cannot reach.

After renovation, the premises must receive approval from Rospotrebnadzor. There should be nothing unnecessary in the room. All objects that could cause injury to the child should be removed.

If you plan to open a children's development center in a city with a small population, then it should be located in a building located on the central streets. The establishment can also be located in a shopping center. To start work, a room with an area of ​​50 square meters is suitable.

If an establishment opens in a big city, then the entrepreneur must take into account the presence of nearby competitors and the proximity of potential customers. Preference should be given to choosing premises in the city center or locating the center in residential areas. Do not forget that grandmothers and mothers prefer to take their children to establishments that are within walking distance.

You should not place an elite children's center in an ordinary "working" area. It will not be possible to find paying clients here.

Necessary equipment

Equipment is purchased depending on the list of services that the establishment plans to provide. To operate the center you will need:

  • playroom furniture;
  • Consumables;
  • toys;
  • Office equipment.

All equipment, gaming and educational materials must be certified. The certificate must confirm their quality and safety for visitors to the center.

To save money, consumables should be purchased in bulk.

Children's learning center staff

The staff of the children's center must have the necessary qualifications

Personnel selection is carried out depending on the services provided. For the normal functioning of the center, the establishment’s staff must include:

  • administrator;
  • cleaning lady;
  • two teachers;
  • English teachers;
  • art teacher;
  • dance teacher;
  • aerobics teacher;
  • speech therapist;
  • psychologist.

Teachers and educators must have appropriate education.

When hiring employees, an entrepreneur should not be afraid to ask questions. Not every person with teacher education can find contact with children.

If an institution is positioned as a development center, then it must produce results. Parents are often interested in the success of their children, so the owner of a children's development center must develop a system for assessing the success of students.


Potential clients need to be interested. Even before the opening of the center, an active advertising campaign should begin. To attract visitors you should:

  • During the renovation of the premises, it is worth making an announcement about the imminent opening of the center.
  • The opening of an establishment should be bright and memorable. You can arrange a party for children. The entrance should be decorated with bright balls.
  • You can invite potential clients through women's forums. There will definitely be people who want to visit the establishment.
  • You can leave business cards at nearby offices and shopping centers.
  • Needs to be posted Flyers not far from children's playgrounds.
  • Placing a bright sign at the entrance will attract potential customers.
  • The entrepreneur must create an organization website and a group on social networks. On the pages you can talk about the events of the center, new pedagogical programs. The reviews section will allow customers to share their impressions. The center must provide high quality services so that people start leaving positive feedback.

Costs and return on business

The business plan must include calculation of capital investments

To open a children's development center, an entrepreneur will need at least 600 thousand rubles.

Expenses for opening a children's development center (average):

Table. Capital investments

The average payback period for a children's development center is 24...30 months. The average monthly profit is about 200 thousand rubles. Net profit is at the level of 60 thousand rubles per month.

To generate additional income, experts advise organizing various children's events at the center. An entrepreneur can organize the sale of educational toys, books, art supplies and accessories.

In the evening hours, one of the offices can be rented to a private psychologist.

Master classes with a teacher can be held not only for children, but also for parents of students. This helps to increase the rate of return on investment for the children's development center.

In the confrontation between parents - adherents of free education and supporters of early childhood development, the latter have confidently won for many years. More and more parents are thinking about educational activities for their child almost from the cradle, and opening a children's center can become a profitable business idea. What is needed to implement such a project? Let's try to create a step-by-step plan on how to open a children's development center.

Step 1. Formulate the concept

Before drawing up a business plan, you need to decide on the format of the future center. Universal children's groups with a mixed-age composition, where parents can “drop” their child for a few hours while they do business, are a popular service, but such a “kindergarten for an hour” has nothing to do with developmental education. Clients - parents must understand who they entrust their children to and what they pay money for, so carefully consider the concept of work:

  • age of children accepted;
  • principle of group formation (age range, other criteria);
  • main focus of development (comprehensive, creative, intellectual, physical, emphasis on a foreign language, etc.);
  • applied programs and methods;
  • short-term or long-term stay of children in the center;
  • Availability of individual lessons, psychological and correctional work with children.

This is the so-called “pedagogical” part of the project, which will make your center attractive and serious in the eyes of potential clients.

Who exactly these potential clients are will largely determine your next steps. If you are counting on children from wealthy families, be prepared for costs: from renting expensive premises to hiring the best teachers. If your category is “economy class,” you can get by with little financial loss by choosing a small room in a residential area and limiting yourself to a minimum of services and hired personnel.

Step 2. Register a business

To open a children's center, you must register as an entrepreneur. This is where the Education Law comes into play. Private individuals can engage in children's leisure activities, tutoring, school preparation and other services without licensing only in the form of individual teaching activities.

Without a license, you will be able to personally conduct classes, hire an administrator and technical staff at the center, but you cannot hire teaching staff to work with children, being in this status. Invited teachers must also be individual entrepreneurs, otherwise you will have to obtain an individual entrepreneur license or immediately register a legal entity, be licensed and become a full-fledged educational organization.

For starting a business by a person who has not been involved in the educational system for many years, the first option is preferable: it is simpler and cheaper. The official name of the center, appearing in all documents, will sound like your full name with the prefix IP, and in everyday life and promotional materials you can call your company anything you like: a development center, a club, a baby school, etc.

  1. Form an individual entrepreneur or by submitting documents to the tax office at your place of residence.
  2. When filling out the application, indicate the correct types of activities for, for example, 85.32 (childcare), 93.05 - personal services, 92.51 - club activities.
  3. Choose the optimal tax regime. Most likely, this will be “simplified”: it is not difficult to do accounting and submit reports on your own.
  4. Open a bank account.

Step 3. Get a license

If you want to hire teachers or decide to open an LLC, immediately prepare to obtain a license. You will need documents:

  • contract for premises for a children's center (rent or ownership);
  • conclusion of the SES and fire service on the premises;
  • certificate of state registration of the company;
  • LLC charter;
  • educational program;
  • a list of teaching materials and teaching aids available;
  • information about the teaching staff.

The specified package of documents must be submitted to the Education Committee and wait for approval of the license. This is not a quick or simple matter, and it is more advisable to start it when the business is already on its feet. At the initial stage, it is still prudent not to get involved in this complex process and for now work as an individual entrepreneur - open a children's entertainment center that does not require the involvement of professional teachers. If you did this, you can safely skip step 3.

Step 4. Decorating the room

To accommodate a children's center, the premises must meet certain requirements:

  1. Separate non-residential premises.
  2. Not a basement, semi-basement or basement.
  3. Ceiling height from 3 m.
  4. It is advisable to have a fire exit.
  5. A fire alarm system has been installed.

When making repairs, you need to follow the rules regulated by SanPiN

  • the room must have a designated place for undressing, a playroom also used for classes, and a bathroom;
  • walls – painted or covered with moisture-resistant wallpaper;
  • ceilings – whitewashing or coating with water-based emulsion is recommended;
  • floors – smooth, without defects, not slippery;
  • electrical sockets and switches at a height inaccessible to children (from 1.8 m).

Having prepared the room properly, purchase the necessary furniture, toys, equipment for sports games, and materials for classes. After which the entertainment center without educational services is ready to receive children.

The educational organization is obliged to coordinate the use of the renovated premises with Rospotrebnadzor, and only after receiving permission to operate, invite students to visit it. There is no need to remind you that all equipment and toys must be safe and have certificates.

Where can I find a place for a children's club? The easiest way to solve the problem is in a small city - you can safely take any suitable premises on a passable street or an area of ​​50 sq. m. m in a shopping center. In large cities, take into account the competitive environment (the location of similar establishments nearby is undesirable), as well as your target audience. An elite children's club cannot be located in a working-class neighborhood, and it is more convenient for grandmothers and mothers living in a residential area to take their children to classes within walking distance.

Having decided on the location, do not forget to think through the interior in accordance with the concept of your school.

Step 5. Selecting personnel

Even if your center is not yet fully staffed with children, you are unlikely to have enough time to keep order and deal with housekeeping issues. You will need 1-2 administrators (calculate the load depending on the operating mode) and a cleaner. In practice, in small children's clubs, the administrator is also responsible for cleanliness.

The issue with the teaching staff will be resolved depending on the format and level of your institution: what services you offer, how many groups you have, etc. Perhaps you will limit yourself to a couple of educators, but a full-fledged development center is unthinkable without English teachers, dance teachers, painting teachers, and a child psychologist. The staff can be replenished gradually as new services are introduced and groups are completed.

The selection of teaching staff is entirely your responsibility: do not hesitate to ask applicants for recommendations, check educational documents, and inquire about work experience. Not every person with a pedagogical education is able to get along with young children: be sure to supervise the work of teachers, attend classes, and get feedback from parents.

If you are positioned as an institution with a developmental function, your classes must produce results. Each teacher must develop criteria for assessing children's successes that will be understandable to parents - many of them are actively interested in what the child is doing in the center, and whether there is any benefit from it. There are no strict requirements in the club, which is primarily of an entertaining nature; it is important for parents that their child is well looked after.

But the main thing is that children should be happy to come to your center and become regular customers. If the child is not interested, after a few lessons the mother will take him away from you and, with a high degree of probability, give him to your competitor. Each teacher, with his personal qualities and attitude, must support the children’s desire to attend the club.

Step 6. Looking for clients

If you manage to please your young clients and their parents, they will serve you well by passing on the center's contacts to their circles. But this will not happen right away. The first visitors must first be found and interested. Start with free and low-cost promotional activities:

  • While you are making repairs, do not forget to post an announcement about the imminent opening;
  • arrange an eye-catching opening for the center (balloons, music, etc.);
  • make a bright sign and navigation;
  • take advantage of the opportunities of social networks and online communication: invite clients through “mom” forums, create your own groups;
  • distribute business cards to nearby office and shopping centers;
  • walk around playgrounds with leaflets;
  • agree with the nearest housing offices to place advertisements on their information boards;
  • don't be lazy to make a website.

How much does it cost to open a children's development center?

And now in numbers. How much money does it take to open a children's club, and how soon will it pay off? Let's consider the simplest option. Count on an initial investment of at least 600 thousand rubles. This includes:

  • organizational expenses (registration, bank account) – from 2000 rubles;
  • arrangement of the premises - from 250,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment, toys, materials – from 200,000 rubles;
  • furniture - from 100,000 rubles.

The indicated amounts are approximate and are given as an example of a children's club operating in a residential area of ​​one of the regional centers. The room is about 80 sq.m. located on the 1st floor of a residential building, designed for 2 playrooms. Fixed expenses of the children's center consist of rent (this is the most significant part of monthly costs), wages, utility and other payments, and advertising.

How does the children's center make money?

  1. About 50 kids attend the club on a regular basis; their parents buy monthly passes for 8 classes. Some children go periodically (400 rubles at a time). The proceeds from these classes fully cover the basic expenses of the individual entrepreneur.
  2. The center accepts a child psychologist and speech therapist (by appointment).
  3. The club sells children's books, toys, art supplies, and holiday accessories.
  4. Creative master classes for adults and children are held 2 times a week.
  5. Children's events (birthdays, Christmas trees) are organized upon request.
  6. In the evening, one of the offices is subleased to a private psychologist.

With proper organization of work, the project can pay for itself within a year, but this is rather an optimistic scenario, since in reality, not everything works out right away. The average payback period for a children's center is 24–30 months.