Biscuit - very simple baking. You need a minimum of ingredients (sugar, flour, eggs - the base). It will also take a little time to prepare. This is an excellent base for cake or pastries. You can also make a pie based on a sponge cake by simply pouring glaze or jam on it. In a word - perfect baking - tasty, fast, inexpensive. But not everyone can bake a good biscuit, despite the simplicity of the recipe.

In this article I will write in detail how you need to act to get an excellent result. What needs to be done so that the biscuit does not settle, does not fall, is baked, and turns out fluffy. If you repeat all the steps based on the photo, you will get a gorgeous sponge cake. I'll write a classic recipe. This is the most time-consuming option, as you need to adhere to certain rules and the secrets that I described.

There are also more simple recipes, where less time is spent preparing the dough, and the result is even better (the sponge cake will be even higher!). I also wrote this simplified version, since that is what I personally prefer. And as a bonus you will receive a recipe chocolate biscuit for your taste variety.

A classic sponge cake is made from three main ingredients: eggs, sugar and flour. Vanillin is added as desired to make baked goods more flavorful. Instead of vanillin, you can use vanilla essence. In the classic version, the yolks are separated from the whites and no baking powder is added. The sponge cake will rise due to well-beaten egg whites.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 90 gr.
  • sugar - 90 gr.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife


1. Take 30 grams per egg. sugar and flour. If your shape is larger than 22 cm, it is better to take more eggs (4-6 pcs.). The most important thing in this recipe is to separate the whites from the yolks well. If even a drop of yolk gets into the white, the white will not whip to hard peaks. It is also very important for whipping egg whites to use completely dry dishes. If there is even a drop of water or the dishes are greasy, the egg whites will not whip. Therefore, wipe the dishes where you will beat the whites with a napkin in advance. The whisk should also be dry.

It is better to separate the white from the yolk into a separate cup (also dry). Separate one egg white into this cup and pour it into a mixing bowl. Next, the second protein was separated and poured. Place the yolks in a separate bowl, where they will also lightly beat.

Separate the yolks from the whites, pour half the sugar into each container.

If a drop of yolk gets into the white when separating, do not use this white for the sponge cake, take another egg.

2. Turn on the oven in advance to warm up to 180 degrees. Also prepare a baking dish. Line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper. There is no need to grease the paper or sides of the form. If you grease the sides, the sponge cake will not fit on the sides, but will only rise in the middle.

3. Pour half the sugar into the yolks, half into the whites. Beat the yolks first. They need to be beaten until almost white(more like cream).

Beat the yolks until white and 3 times larger.

4. The mixer whisks used to beat the yolks need to be washed very well and wiped dry. Only these whisks can be used to beat egg whites.

5. Start beating the whites at low speed, gradually increasing the speed to maximum power. Beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks; a whisk mark should remain on the surface. If the whites are whipped properly, they will not fall out when you turn the bowl over.

To make the whites whip better and faster, you can add a pinch of salt or a little lemon juice.

Beat the whites with sugar until stiff peaks form.

6. Add half of the whipped whites to the yolks and, using a spatula, mix very smoothly from bottom to top (do not stir in a circular motion). It is important not to lose the fluffiness and oxygen saturation that is present in whipped egg whites.

7. Add vanillin to the flour and sift the flour into the egg mixture in parts. Sifted a little flour and mixed with the same gentle movements. Next, we sifted some of the flour again and mixed it. The flour must be stirred so that there are no lumps left. In this way, mix all the flour into the mixture of yolks and whites.

If you want more yellow When finished baking, add half a teaspoon of turmeric or saffron to the flour.

Mix the yolks with half the whites, sift the flour into this mixture.

8. Pour the dough with flour, yolks and whites into clean whites. Stir with a spatula smoothly and carefully until smooth.

9. Pour the dough into the prepared pan and immediately place it in the preheated oven to bake for 30 minutes. Very important Do not open the oven door for the first 20 minutes, otherwise the dough will fall.

Pour the dough and flour into the remaining whites, stir. Pour into pan and bake.

The larger the mold, the thinner the layer of dough, the faster it will bake.

10. Check the readiness of the sponge cake with a wooden stick - it should come out dry. Or just press the top of the cake with a spatula - the biscuit should spring back and return to its shape.

To prevent the biscuit from falling, do not take it out of the oven immediately to avoid a sudden temperature change. Turn off the oven and open the door slightly. Let the finished baked goods stand in the turned off oven for 15-20 minutes. Then take it out.

11. Pry the edges of the pastry with a knife so that you can remove it from the pan. Turn the cake out onto a wire rack, remove the pan, peel off the parchment and let cool completely.

12. That's all, the classic sponge cake is ready! But I still prefer the recipe that I will write next. There is no need to separate the whites and yolks, and the sponge cake turns out to be one and a half centimeters higher. This has been verified empirically.

A sponge cake that always turns out tall and doesn’t fall off

It is advisable to add corn starch to the biscuit dough. For what? Cornstarch will give the biscuit more fluffiness, make it more porous, dry, and also improve the taste. Therefore, adding starch is the secret to a fluffy sponge cake. But you can use just flour if you want.

The sponge cake according to this recipe will definitely turn out fluffy and tall. And it’s easy to prepare; you don’t need to beat the whites and yolks separately. I always do this and everything turns out very tasty and beautiful.

Ingredients (for 24-26 cm mold):

  • eggs - 5 pcs. large (or 6 pieces of the first category)
  • flour - 160 gr.
  • starch - 70 gr.
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • vanillin - 1 gr.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. First, mix the dry ingredients in a separate container. Flour and starch must be sifted to saturate them with additional oxygen. Add baking powder and vanillin to flour and starch and mix.

Turn on the oven to preheat to 180 degrees. The biscuit should be baked immediately after kneading the dough.

2. Next you need to beat the eggs with sugar. In this recipe, unlike the classic one, you do not need to separate the yolks from the whites. Thanks to the baking powder, the biscuit will rise very well. Beat the eggs into a dry container and add sugar. Beat the eggs with a mixer until they increase 3-4 times (at least 10 minutes), you will get a thick whitened mass. Beat at minimum speed first, then increase the speed. This cold method whipping.

If you have a “weak mixer”, you can beat the eggs in a water bath. This method will help you beat the eggs faster. To do this, fill a saucepan with water and heat it. There is no need to bring the water to a boil, just heat until hot. Place a bowl of eggs and sugar in this pan, the bowl should touch the water. With a mixer at low speed, start beating the eggs until they reach a temperature of 45 degrees.

Mix sifted flour, starch and baking powder. Beat eggs with sugar in a water bath, heating them to 45 degrees. Next, remove from the bath and continue whisking.

If you have a kitchen thermometer, use it. If you don’t have a thermometer, test the mixture with your finger - it should warm up to a very warm state. This will take about 4 minutes. When the eggs are warm enough, remove the bowl from the water bath and continue beating (about 4 more minutes), gradually increasing the mixer speed.

Eggs need to be beaten until thick. If you use a mixer to make a pattern on the surface of the whipped mass, it will last for several seconds. This density should be obtained with both cold and warm whipping methods.

The pattern remains on the surface of the beaten eggs for a few seconds.

3. Now you need to combine the eggs with the flour mixture. Add flour in small portions and stir with a spatula very carefully, moving from bottom to top. Care is needed to maintain the airiness of the beaten eggs. At the same time, carefully stir the flour so that no lumps remain in the dough.

Gently stir in the flour.

4. Cover the bottom of the baking dish with parchment paper or grease with a piece of butter. There is no need to grease the sides of the mold; if desired, they can also be wrapped in parchment. If you grease the sides, the sponge cake will not rise well at the edges, and only the middle will rise.

5. Place the dough in the pan, lightly smooth the top with a spatula and immediately place in the preheated oven. If the dough is allowed to sit, it will settle. Therefore, the biscuit dough is not prepared in advance, but immediately before baking.

6. Bake the sponge cake for 30-35 minutes. The finished biscuit will spring back when pressed with a spatula.

The larger the mold, the lower the sponge cake will be, the faster it will bake. If you need a thin crust (for example, for cakes), you can bake on a large baking sheet in a thin layer. In this case, the dough will bake in 7-8 minutes.

7. Remove the finished biscuit from the oven and let it cool in the pan for 15-20 minutes.

In this case, the dough was baked in a mold with a diameter of 24 cm. As you can see, the sponge cake has risen well, above the sides of the mold. Therefore, the parchment above the sides was very useful.

8. Remove the baked goods from the pan (you can pry the sides with a knife) and leave on the wire rack at room temperature for 6-8 hours. The sponge cake is dry and needs to sit before making a cake. The height of the finished baked goods was 6.5 cm, with a diameter of 24 cm.

9. The recipe is simple, and the finished result is very pleasing. Ready cake You can eat it just like that, with tea. You can also use it to make a cake. Or just top it with chocolate glaze.

Simple chocolate sponge cake - delicious

This is a simple recipe without separating the eggs and beating them separately. It turns out tall and lush. Suitable for both cake and pastries. Or you can just eat it with tea.


  • eggs - 7 pcs.
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • flour - 120 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 30 gr.
  • salt - a pinch


1. Turn on the oven in advance to warm up to 180 degrees. Beat all the eggs whole into a bowl at once. Add a pinch of salt to them and start beating with a mixer at low speed for 1 minute.

3. Beat the eggs until they increase 3-4 times in volume to a fluffy white mass. If you leave a mark with a mixer, it will be noticeable for a few seconds.

4. Sift flour and cocoa into a bowl and mix.

5. Add flour and cocoa into the egg-sugar mixture in two additions. Using a spoon or spatula, stir the flour from bottom to top until no lumps remain. Stir, as usual, very carefully so that the eggs do not settle, and also quickly enough for the same reason.

If you doubt that the sponge cake will work well, add 1 tsp to the flour. baking powder. This way the baked goods will turn out 100% fluffy.

6. There is no need to grease the baking pan. Just line the bottom with parchment. Pour out all the dough and smooth it out slightly. Take a mold 26 cm in diameter.

7. Bake the chocolate sponge cake for 35 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden skewer. Do not open the oven during baking. Let the cake cool in the oven turned off with the door ajar. You can cut into cakes after it has cooled completely.

8. This is how you can easily and quickly bake a delicious classic chocolate sponge cake.

Photo of a chocolate sponge cake from the side and in section.

I hope you will like these recipes and that your classic sponge cake (and not only classic) will turn out fluffy and will not fall. And I described in detail how to achieve this in this article. Write your comments, I will be glad to know what kind of biscuit you turned out.

  1. The recipe for sponge cake at home is ridiculously simple. First of all, you need to separate the chicken whites from the yolks and put the former in the refrigerator.
  2. Add all the sugar to the egg yolks and begin to beat them in a bowl until they reach a light, slightly viscous foam. Don't be alarmed. This is fine.
  3. Now, understanding the science of how to make a sponge cake at home, let’s sift the flour twice into a separate bowl. Along with the flour, sift all other bulk ingredients (baking powder, cocoa or citric acid. In general, everything you want to add to baked goods to change its taste and color). Add the bulk products to the yolk mixture and gently mix everything with a mixer at low speed until all the lumps of flour are kneaded. It's literally 2-3 minutes.
  4. Now it’s the turn of the proteins. For those who do not know how to bake a sponge cake at home, we hasten to inform you that its fluffiness and fragility depend precisely on the quality of the whipped egg whites. Therefore, let's start beating the egg whites at high mixer speeds and achieve strong, stable protein peaks.
  5. In order for a simple sponge cake at home to turn out unsurpassed and airy, you need to carefully mix the whites into our dough. Moreover, this must be done carefully, without disturbing the dough. once again. Add the whites with a spoon in small portions, stirring the dough from bottom to top.
  6. It is best to bake a fluffy sponge cake at home in a springform pan. We recommend lining it (the mold) with baking paper and greasing it with butter. Pour the dough into the mold and place in a hot oven preheated to 180 degrees. Biscuit preparation time is 35-40 minutes. Sometimes a little more or less, depending on the features of your oven.
  7. And finally, how to bake a fluffy sponge cake at home and cool it properly. Do not rush to remove baked goods from the oven. Let the biscuit rest for a while in a hot, but turned off oven with the door slightly open. And only after 15-20 minutes can you remove the product from the oven and release it from the mold.

Homemade biscuit with photo is ready.

Well, what could be easier than baking a simple sponge cake? Probably, many of you will not agree with me, because only experienced housewife. And partly you will be right. There are many nuances and subtleties in preparing classic baked goods, which will be discussed in this article.

I baked my first “sponge cake” at the age of 12, and what I took out of the oven looked more like an omelette than the cake crust I had imagined. In those distant times there was no Internet, cooking shows and magazines with colorful step-by-step recipes. There was only my mother's notebook with a list of ingredients and a short description of the process. And then no one really knew how to cook it, not my mother’s friends, not my friends, and especially my grandmother, who is only my friend with yeast dough.

Recipe verified down to the gram and clear proportions

But over twenty years, I finally learned how to bake a real biscuit, thanks to a series of experiments and personal experience. And it is this recipe that I always give to my friends and relatives, and I will also pass it on to my still little daughter.

Friends, there will be a lot of text below, so please be patient, and I promise you that your first sponge cake will turn out fluffy, airy, and incredibly tasty. As you can see in the photo, the cake can be cut into three parts.

List of ingredients

  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 pinch of salt


  • vegetable oil for greasing the pan
  • baking dish with a diameter of 28-26 cm.
  • glass 250 ml.

Cooking instructions

Prepare two comfortable and deep bowls in which it will be convenient to beat with a mixer. Make sure that there are no drops of water in the bowl in which you will beat the whites; the bowl should not only be dry, but also fat-free. Even a drop of fat will spoil the biscuit. Therefore, make sure in advance that the bowl for proteins is dry and fat-free.

Now the most exciting part of the process: we need to separate the whites from the yolks. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks, and make sure that not even a small drop of yolk gets into the whites. As I wrote earlier, fat from the yolk, even in small quantities, will interfere with whipping the whites. If you do not have experience in separating yolks from whites, then it is best to do this over a separate plate. If you spoil one protein, the overall protein mass will not be affected.

Now add half the sugar to the yolks.

Beat the yolks with sugar with a mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved and set aside.

Cold proteins are the key to successful baking

One of the most important rules preparing a sponge cake - the whites must be cold, otherwise they simply will not beat. If you did not have time to cool the eggs in advance, then place the bowl with the separated whites in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, where they will quickly cool. Add a pinch of salt to the chilled whites.

Beat the egg whites and salt with a mixer at high speed into a fluffy foam. At this stage it already becomes clear whether the biscuit will turn out or not. If the whites are whipped into a beautiful foamy head, then everything is fine, we can move on. Gradually add the remaining sugar to the whipped whites and continue beating the whites until the sugar is completely dissolved.

No sudden movements!

Gradually add the whites to the yolks beaten with sugar. This must be done very carefully so that the biscuit mass does not shrink, at the lowest speed of the mixer, but it is better to stir clockwise with a spoon to be sure.

We do the same with flour, which needs to be sifted in advance. Add flour to the biscuit dough one tablespoon at a time, and mix gently at the lowest speed of the mixer, or with a spoon.

"French Shirt"

Next, let's prepare the biscuit pan. We don’t need surprises, so we even grease the pan with a non-stick coating vegetable oil using a brush or your hands and sprinkle with flour. Excess flour needs to be shaken off. By the way, I only recently learned that this method of processing a mold before baking is called a “French shirt.”

Pour the biscuit dough into the mold and bake in a preheated oven.

How to bake in the oven

If you are cooking for the first time, you will probably ask me at what temperature to bake a biscuit in the oven? I answer: in the case of biscuit dough, extremes are not needed, the golden mean is 170-180 degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes. The grille position is in the middle. Do not forget that you cannot open the oven for the first 25 minutes, otherwise the biscuit will not rise.

Check the readiness of the baked goods with a wooden toothpick or skewer. If the toothpick is dry and the biscuit is browned on top, then the baking is ready. You cannot immediately remove the pan from the oven, because it may fall. Turn off the oven, open the door halfway, and leave until the oven cools.

Remove from the oven, remove from the pan and transfer to a plate. After cooling, the finished biscuit falls a little, and the surface wrinkles, but still remains fluffy and airy.

Well, that’s all friends, I hope I didn’t confuse you too much. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing a classic sponge cake. The main thing is to follow all the above recommendations, and you will certainly succeed.

In what oven should I bake the biscuits? Both electric and gas ovens are suitable for baking. In an electric baking oven, turn on top and bottom heat without convection. The grille position is in the middle. For a gas oven, turn on only bottom heat, the position of the grill is also in the middle and without convection.

Which oven should I put the biscuits in? To get a guaranteed result - a perfect sponge cake, the form with the dough must be placed in a preheated oven. But more than once I put the pan with the dough in a cold oven, and the sponge cake rose perfectly. Therefore, if you are at a crossroads about putting a biscuit in a hot or cold oven, it is better to choose a hot one.

Why doesn't the sponge cake rise in the oven?

The oven seal is broken. This feature is typical for old Soviet ovens. Over time, the rubber seals dry out, allowing foreign air to enter the oven while the cake is baking. If you have a modern gas or electric oven, then there is nothing to worry about.

Do not open the oven with a biscuit for the first 25 minutes. The biscuit will settle in the oven if you open the oven door early. Set an alarm clock for yourself, or watch through the glass as the dough rises in the mold and the top browns.

Added too much flour. Flour should be added to the dough not by eye, but according to the recipe. There is a very simple proportion for a sponge cake: for 1 egg use 1 tablespoon of flour. In my recipe, this proportion is maintained: 5 tablespoons of flour are placed in a 250 gram glass. This proportion will be useful if you want, for example, to bake a sponge cake for 7 or 9 eggs. The same proportion applies to the sugar in the recipe.

Didn't sift the flour. If you are baking a biscuit for the first time, then you should not ignore this stage. Be sure to sift the flour to enrich the dough with oxygen, because classic baking It is prepared without soda and baking powder, so oxygen comes in handy here.

Using domestic eggs. The yolks in homemade eggs are always higher in fat than in store-bought eggs, so for better results, I always bake with store-bought eggs.

Classic sponge cake recipe

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Today we offer a classic recipe for a fluffy sponge cake, which is suitable for making various cakes and other desserts. There is no soda or baking powder here - the dough rises well due to the proteins whipped into an “airy”, strong mass.

This sponge cake can be divided into 2 or 3 layers and coated with any sweet cream, or cut into cubes and used in the formation of cakes like “.” The biscuit turns out very soft, tender and tasty. However, there are some nuances in the cooking process, which we will discuss below.


  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • flour - 160 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10-12 g);
  • butter (for greasing the mold) - 5-10 g.

Classic recipe for fluffy sponge cake with step-by-step photos

How to make biscuit dough

  1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks and place in a clean and dry bowl. Beat at minimum mixer speed until light white foam is obtained. It is important that not a drop of yolk gets into the protein mass, otherwise it will not be possible to beat the whites to the desired consistency. Also pay attention to the cleanliness of the bowl you use so that there are no traces of grease or any debris left on it. To be on the safe side, you can wipe the bowl first. paper towel, lightly moistened with lemon juice.
  2. Continuing to work with the mixer, gradually add half the amount of sugar. We increase the speed of revolutions and be sure to beat the mass until “stable peaks” form. That is, if you tilt the bowl, the whites remain motionless. This step in the cooking process is extremely important: if you do not beat the whites thoroughly enough, the sponge cake will not turn out fluffy.
  3. Mix the yolks with the remaining granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. Grind vigorously until smooth. You can work with a whisk, a regular fork or a mixer, but in any case you need to get a mass of light color that has significantly increased in volume.
  4. Add about 1/3 of the whites to the yolk mixture and mix gently from bottom to top. Be sure to sift the flour and then add it to the egg mixture. We continue to knead the mixture from bottom to top until a homogeneous mixture is obtained without any flour lumps.
  5. Next, lay out the remaining whites and mix with the same movements from bottom to top until the components combine into a smooth, fluffy mass (the biscuit dough should not be stirred in a circle, as this may cause it to settle).

    How to bake a sponge cake so that it turns out fluffy and does not fall

  6. Take a small springform baking pan, no more than 22 cm in diameter (if you use a larger pan, the sponge cake will turn out thin). We cover the bottom with oiled parchment, and grease the inside of the mold walls with a small piece of butter. Fill the form with the prepared dough. During the baking process, the biscuit will “grow” noticeably, so the mold should be filled with dough no more than 2/3.
  7. Place the form in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for about 30-40 minutes (use your oven as a guide). To ensure that the sponge cake turns out fluffy and does not collapse, we try not to slam the oven door during the baking process, and it is better not to open it at all for the first 20 minutes. When the dough has risen and slightly browned, lower the temperature slightly so that our biscuit does not burn and is thoroughly baked inside. We check the readiness with a toothpick by plunging it into the center of the sponge cake. If the stick remains dry, then the biscuit is completely ready. Don’t forget that a sharp change in temperature can cause the biscuit to fall, so leave it in the turned off oven with the door ajar until it cools completely.
  8. Carefully remove the split edge from the cooled biscuit. First we run a knife blade along the edge of the mold. Cover the sponge cake with a napkin and leave it at room temperature for 8-10 hours before forming the cake (a “rested” sponge cake will not become too soggy from soaking and will not crumble when cut into cake layers).

In our recipe, we tried to describe in detail all the subtleties and nuances in making a classic fluffy sponge cake, but if suddenly it falls off for you, don’t worry! Under a layer of cream it will be almost unnoticeable, but as a training just practice baking the sponge cake more often. This process requires skill and culinary experience, and much depends on the characteristics of a particular oven. Here everything is learned only through trial and error! Good luck!

There are many recipes biscuit dough for the cake, thanks to which you get an incredibly tasty dessert.

Cooking secrets classic sponge cake

In order for you to be able to prepare a delicious biscuit recipe at home, you should follow some recommendations:

  • Stick to the same temperature

When cooking classic recipe When making a biscuit, keep all ingredients at the same temperature. In addition, it is better that it is not too high. This even applies to the dishes in which you will mix the ingredients. Surprisingly, this really plays an important role.

  • Choose the right flour

The biscuit dough will turn out tasty only if you were able to choose the right main ingredient - flour. She must be premium and contain a lot of gluten. Don't forget to sift it before you start cooking so it gets some air. This will make the dough much fluffier.

  • Separate the eggs thoroughly

It is very important that when separating the whites from the yolks they do not mix, otherwise you will not be able to beat the whites well.

Another tip to help make the whites as fluffy as possible is to chill the eggs before preparing the fluffy sponge cake.

  • Prepare the dishes

A very tasty and simple sponge cake recipe can only be obtained if the container was completely degreased and dried with paper towels before starting to beat the egg whites.

  • Mix the dough correctly

When preparing simple and delicious recipe For sponge cakes, the dough should be mixed only in one direction and, moreover, not for too long, otherwise the sponge cake will not be airy and fluffy enough.

  • Prepare the oven in advance

A very tasty and simple recipe for sponge cake with photos step by step will bring pleasure only if all stages of preparation are completed correctly. That is why it is worth paying special attention to the oven.

Firstly, you need to preheat it to 180 degrees and set the biscuit to cook as soon as it is finished, otherwise it may settle during the waiting time. Also, don't check it for the first 25 minutes as it may not rise high enough due to sharp decline temperature.

  • Make original changes

A classic sponge cake recipe will become even tastier if you add unusual ingredients to it. For example, you can add a little ground nutmeg, cloves or cinnamon for flavor. In addition, if desired, you can replace the flour with almond crumbs, thanks to which your sponge cake will acquire a delicate nutty taste.

Search step by step recipe sponge cake for a cake in the oven with a photo and start preparing your culinary masterpiece!