If you dreamed of a wedding own daughter, then joy awaits in life. If you dreamed about your daughter’s wedding, then it is believed that you should expect good and joyful changes in life. It portends complete freedom from household and everyday troubles and responsibilities.

What if you dream about your daughter's wedding?

Today there are a huge number of dream books that describe many interpretations of the most various dreams. People have dreams, but no one really knows what they mean. You may dream of something incredible and inexplicable, you may dream of something that will happen or has already happened, maybe some kind of mourning moment or, on the contrary, a feast. Many people are interested in why they dream about their daughter’s wedding, so we need to consider it in detail. If a mother dreamed of her own daughter’s wedding, be prepared for good or bad news.

If a mother dreamed of her own daughter’s wedding, be prepared for good or bad news.

Much can be interpreted by the daughter's outfit. A lot can be interpreted by a daughter's outfit. For example, if a daughter gets married in an extraordinary, extravagant outfit, then this means something very bad and is an unkind sign.

You should prepare for bad gossip and slander. But if a daughter gets married in a traditional dress, then this is a very kind and good sign, which foretells only joyful and happy events in life.

If you dreamed about your daughter’s wedding, she will get married soon.

If your daughter gets married in a dream, then you should expect her to marry very quickly and successfully. But close relatives should especially pay attention to the fact that if you suddenly had a dream in which the daughter does not want to invite relatives to the wedding, this means that the relatives are completely immersed in work and this is very upsetting for family members.

What does it portend?

We need to summarize. If you dreamed about your daughter’s wedding, you should definitely expect joyful changes and relief from already boring everyday and painful worries, as described in the dream interpreter.

It is very important to remember the dream in which your daughter had a wedding; it is especially important to remember her wedding outfit. If the daughter was in traditional white wedding dress, then this dream promises immeasurable, unclouded and boundless happiness. And if you dreamed about your daughter in a dream wedding dress red, blue or any other color and style, then you need to be on guard and prepare for envy and gossip that will come from the address of ill-wishers.

Such rumors and tales will not do any harm, but this is the case if you remain calm and completely confident.

In the event that you dreamed that your daughter was getting married, but she did not want to see her close relatives at the wedding.

This means that there will be a possible split in the family, a breakdown of the family. You need to try to pay more attention to close relatives and family, and less immersed in work. Otherwise, there will either be a breakup of the family, or the bad relationship with the daughter will remain.

In most cases, the dream book states that a daughter’s wedding in a dream is a good sign. The dream represents new perspectives, the opportunity to leave problems in the past. Interpretations consider many nuances, for example, why childless people dream of such a symbol. Interpretations of some plots will help you avoid troubles in the future, understand yourself and your relationships with your family.

Miller's forecast

If one of the parents dreamed that the engagement took place without his consent, Miller’s dream book advises to mentally prepare for unpleasant events. However, do not rush to be upset: this is just an intermediate stage on the path to joy and harmony.

Prosperity ahead

What to do if you dreamed of preparing for the wedding of a daughter who does not exist in reality? If you were lucky enough to see this in a dream, your ebullient energy will soon find worthy use in reality.

If you dreamed of preparations for a wedding celebration, which in reality is not expected, the birthday book promises worries related to the improvement of your home. Not just household chores are planned, but a significant improvement in living conditions, for example, major renovation or moving. Upcoming events may result in minor losses, and you should also beware of household injuries.

Did you dream of preparing for a special event where you are involved in setting the table? The more dishes you managed to cook or saw in a dream, the greater the profit expected in reality.

Getting married again is not good

It’s interesting to know why you dream about your daughter’s wedding, in real life already married. The modern dream book connects the interpretation of dreams with business. IN this moment It is this aspect of life that is most vulnerable.

If you dreamed of a second wedding celebration of your married daughter, you should be careful in any financial matters: transactions, adventures, gambling. Now is not the time to rely on luck; a very tense period is expected.

The dream book interprets the wedding of a daughter who is actually married in a dream as a harbinger of surprises of a different nature. Trouble can lurk from any side, so you should be extremely careful, preferably in everything.

What clothes tell you

When you are preparing for your daughter’s wedding, wedding dresses often appear in your dreams. Find out why this or that attire is dreamed of.

  • The traditional white dress symbolizes good luck;
  • If the groom is dressed much worse than his daughter, difficulties await the sleeper;
  • Revealing or extravagant attire predicts gossip and slander;
  • If your daughter’s dress is torn and dirty, trouble is inevitable;
  • Deliberately luxurious clothes promise happiness and wealth.

Medea's dream book believes that no matter what dress the bride happens to see in, she will soon have to prepare for her daughter's wedding in reality.

Predictions for mother

In Hasse’s dream book there is an explanation of why a mother dreams of the wedding of her daughter, who is indeed of marriageable age. The dreamer will have the opportunity to change a grueling activity to pleasant chores. Often we are talking about changing jobs or starting your own business.

This is not the only explanation why the mother dreams of such a plot. The dream book of Apostle Simenon the Canaanite promises changes that will mark unexpected news. True, it is not a fact that the news will seem good. If you receive a strange, yet tempting offer in the near future, accept it without hesitation.

In life, everything is subject to its own strict laws, but in dreams absolutely anything can happen.

That’s why the world of dreams is so alluring and captivating. Especially when you dream of something amazing, after which your hands reach out to the dream book - to quickly find out what this dream means?

Girls and even adults, married ladies, often dream of a wedding. Such a dream can cause a whole storm of emotions and can be interpreted in different ways. But take your time!

Let's take a look at the dream books and try to understand correctly and accurately what a wedding is about, how to interpret such an ambiguous dream and what to expect from fate?

Oh, this wedding...

It is difficult not to remember or ignore such a dream. After all, a wedding itself is a rare, solemn, and unusual event. And if you dream about it, then it is certainly some kind of important sign!

First of all, it is worth remembering all the details of this dream, and only then looking into the dream book - a wedding can be dreamed of for various reasons and mean completely different things. And the main thing is not to confuse anything. So, the most common dreams are as follows:

  • Own wedding.
  • Marriage of a friend or sister.
  • My own daughter's wedding.
  • Someone else's wedding where you are a guest.
  • A failed celebration.

Also, a married or unmarried young lady can dream of a wedding - and this is also very significant. So, having understood the basic conditions, remembering important details and details, you can safely look into dream books and discover the secrets of the unknown, mysterious world dreams...

Dreams come true... It's a pity that only in dreams!

In general, a wedding itself in dreams is always a very important and serious sign, and such a dream must be interpreted correctly. And your own wedding - even more so.

If unmarried girl or a woman dreamed in a dream that she herself was getting married - and it didn’t matter who appeared as the groom - this means that serious changes are coming in life.

Alas, such a dream does not directly mean that you will be proposed to or will get married in reality. Although the mysterious dream books are silent about exactly in which area to expect big changes, so anything can happen!

Therefore, the difficult and important question of why you dream of a wedding, or rather, your own wedding, is definitely not easy to answer. One can only confidently expect a new, decisive stage in life, some new milestone.

At the same time, most likely, nothing here depends on you, but more on fate. Calm your train of thought, meditate, reflect on your life and look very closely and carefully in which direction you are moving, whether it is the right one.

Don’t be afraid of changes - as you know, they always happen only for the better. Even if it doesn't seem that way from the very beginning.

Knowing what you dream about own wedding As a young and still unmarried girl, you can safely look forward to a new stage in life - open up internally, trust fate and expect the best!

Married again?

But when you dream about your wedding married woman, here the situation is completely different. Don’t rush to conclusions, this does not mean that a new marriage awaits you! But still, such a dream is a reason to think.

If a married lady suddenly dreamed that she was walking down the aisle with someone (no matter who) then, most likely, she is subconsciously dissatisfied with her marriage. Perhaps, deep down in his soul, he wants to break out of it.

Often such a dream can signify approaching difficulties in a marriage. But how it will all work out and how it will all end depends only on you.

As almost every dream book suggests, a wedding for a married lady is an important sign. This is a call to think carefully and seriously, reflect on the situation, be honest with yourself and try to understand what exactly is actually happening in her marriage at the moment.

But such a dream is always dreamed only by wise and reasonable women, and it means that if you spare no time and effort, think carefully, you will find the right way out of the current, possibly difficult, situation.

You will definitely be able to find within yourself the wisdom and strength to save, restore relationships, refresh your feelings, and create a new, even brighter and more prosperous stage in your family life.

A surprise for the mother - her daughter is walking down the aisle!

Of course, if a mother sees in a dream how her dear, only, beloved daughter in a wedding dress is going to get married, this can cause a real shock.

What to think, what could this mean, is the daughter really hiding something? All mothers, without exception, are worried and terribly “overthinking” similar situations, but you shouldn't do this. If you had such a strange and unexpected dream - your own daughter’s wedding - first calm down.

  • This could easily mean that you and your daughter may or may have already started having some small conflicts, friction, misunderstandings, but nothing serious.
  • A wedding in a dream is always a symbol of change, and perhaps an important, new period in life awaits your daughter. It may not be easy, but it will be important and inevitable.

Having correctly understood why you dream about your daughter’s wedding, you must certainly draw the right conclusion and do everything to alleviate the situation.

1. If you really notice that your relationship with her Lately somehow you feel cold, you begin to move away from each other - take action. Apologize sincerely if you were wrong in something, talk to her peacefully and kindly, tell her how much you love and value her.

Try to improve your relationship with your daughter every day. You will thank yourself later, and even more so, there will be no end to her gratitude.

2. If your relationship with your beloved beautiful daughter is really in in perfect order, then the dream can signify big and serious changes. And every dream book confirms this. A daughter’s wedding in a dream should be a reason for the mother to help, support, and do everything possible so that these changes are not painful for her beloved daughter.

This could be a device on new job, admission to a technical school or institute or vice versa, graduation, the beginning of a new relationship - in general, any new milestone. Support, but don't pressure - help with your affection, love and care, and then, without a doubt, everything will be fine.

Is she married?

Often girls and women dream of walking proudly down the aisle. Native sister or a friend. I want to immediately tell her such a funny dream, discuss it, gossip with her - after all, it’s not every day that you get to hang out at your sister’s or friend’s wedding!

But don’t rush to tell, first find out why you dream about the wedding of a friend or, perhaps, your own sister. And what to expect from such night vision.

Every interpreter, including Miller’s famous dream book, makes it clear that such a dream is significant for you, and not for the “bride.” If you had to be a guest at the wedding of your sister, friend, or indeed dreamed of someone else’s wedding, this means that you are now going through a not very favorable period.

For some reason, all the main, bright, significant events pass you by; all the most interesting and significant things happen to others. And you, perhaps, are even trying as hard as you can to get into the center of events, but for some reason you remain out of work.

As you can see, if you dream of someone’s wedding, be it a sister, girlfriend, employee, or even a neighbor, this is a hint that fate, for some reason, wants to keep you away from big events. Don't worry and don't blame fate!

After all, she gave you such a dream - you had to be a guest at someone’s wedding. This means that the Universe is telling you: wait, now is not the time for active action.

For example, this may well be related to both work and personal or social sphere. Now you are in a period when you should rest, stop, not make sudden movements and just observe.

Perhaps, having understood why you dream about your sister’s wedding, and indeed about someone else’s wedding, you will be able to stop for a minute, look around more carefully and understand something incredibly important. You try...

Dreams are a mystery!

If you dreamed of your wedding or someone else’s failed wedding, you should know that you are in captivity of dreams. You dream and fantasize more than you live your life. real life, and this can cause various problems.

Live in reality, but analyze your dreams. After all, they can be extremely helpful in life, suggest, guide, warn.

The wise and caring Universe always gives us hints, leads us by the hand, opens doors and shows us the right path. She will always warn about dangers or wrong steps, and will even tell you how to behave correctly, so that any life situation was resolved in the best possible way.

The main thing is to trust fate, listen to its whispers, be attentive and listen to your intuition. We are so accustomed to acting prudently and faithfully, to live solely by our minds and logic, that we completely forget how much intuition and listening to the heart can give!

Try it - and you will be surprised how much is hidden inside us, how much one single person can show and tell nap, and how easy it is to lead your life correctly, make the right decisions and avoid failures, if you only know how to listen... Author: Vasilina Serova

Dream interpretation of daughter's wedding

A daughter’s wedding is a joyful and at the same time sad event. If everything happens in a dream, then not every person understands the meaning of this symbol. Why dream about your daughter’s wedding if the future bride still has to grow and grow? And if the dreamer doesn’t have a daughter in his life, what should he think then?

Dream books write that a daughter’s marriage is a good sign that only needs to be interpreted correctly in accordance with your life situation.

What should you pay attention to?

According to the dream book, the daughter’s wedding foreshadows a large number of life changes, among which:

Dreaming of daughter's marriage

  • new prospects at the old workplace;
  • positive thinking and outlook on life;
  • the opportunity to leave past grievances in the past, etc.

During the interpretation, it will be necessary to take into account a large number of nuances, but more on that a little later. By following the information received, you can avoid large quantity problems, understanding yourself and becoming a harmonious person.

Only well-being!

You may dream that you are taking part in the preparation of a special event, but what could such a sign mean?


Serving a wedding table in a dream

A sleeping person can expect pleasant chores in arranging his own home. In addition, the scope of what is happening will simply amaze, since the dreamer can move to new apartments. We must not forget about safety precautions, failure to comply with which will result in injury.

What can you think about if a sleeping person takes part in serving? In this case, it is necessary to highlight one simple rule: the more was cooked in the dream, the more money will be received in real life.

Already happened

It is interesting to know why you dream about a solemn ceremony if your daughter has been married for a long time. Turning to Modern dream book, you can see that it refers to a specific connection with entrepreneurial activity. If the dreamer is involved in this process, then he is now under great attack.

The repeated ceremony is a special sign indicating that you need to beware of any financial issues. It is better to abandon such undertakings so that in the future you do not have to climb out of a debt hole.

A married daughter, whom the dreamer sees at a pompous ceremony, can be deciphered as a harbinger of unexpected events. Trouble lurks around every corner.

What was the outfit?

Dreaming of a chic wedding dress

What's a wedding without something beautiful? white dress and a long veil? While preparing for the celebration, many people rack their brains over choosing their holiday outfit. If you witness a traditional dress, then everything will be fine in your life, and any difficulties will be avoided. Oddly enough, luxurious clothes in a dream foreshadow a solid fortune in real life.

An ugly and old dress is a special sign, foreshadowing great difficulties in life. If a daughter gets her outfit dirty, it means she chose the wrong man.

The ceremony is of particular interest to every parent.


Turning to Hasse's dream book, you can see that dreams in which Mother's daughter gets married are prophetic. According to the second meaning, the dreamer will be able to change a boring activity to a pleasant thing.

The dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite says that such dreams symbolize changes associated with receiving unexpected news. Of course, there is no certainty that good news will be received.

To my father

If in a dream the father did not receive an invitation to the wedding, then he should think about how much time he devotes to his daughter. The dream reflects internal tormenting experiences and fears associated with the fact that such an event will happen in reality.

Psychologist Miller

If one of the parents dreamed of their daughter’s wedding taking place without their participation and blessing, then in this case the dream interpreter strongly recommends that you mentally prepare for not the most pleasant events. However, you should not grieve ahead of time, since such a sign can be deciphered as an intermediate step on the path to harmony.

Numerous symbols in dreams often replace each other, so quickly that a person does not have time to remember them. At the same time, a vivid dream about a daughter getting married was remembered by a person for a reason, because it carries great significance for the future. It is important to find out exactly how to interpret such a dream and why.

What if you dream about your daughter getting married?

The very sign that a person is marrying off his daughter means that grief or illness awaits the family. Moreover, the disease may be associated not specifically with the daughter, but with any other family member. In this case, a misfortune can happen suddenly, which will cause a storm of emotions among all friends and acquaintances.

If a person sees that his daughter is already married and is happy in a dream, it means that it is almost impossible to prevent future problems. Most The best way cope with their consequences - mentally prepare for a future blow and try to survive it stoically.

It is important not to panic, because even this negative symbol is often interpreted in completely different ways. That is why it is so necessary to remember all the numerous details of the dream, which in the future will help prevent or delay the tragedy.

Why do you dream about getting married? unknown girl, but very similar to her daughter? In fact, this is a very bright and joyful symbol, because it means joy and good luck in financial matters. At the same time, good luck in financial matters will overtake not only the owner of the dream, but also all members of his family.

If in a dream a stranger who looks like a daughter has serious doubts before the wedding, but still gets married, the family will face minor difficulties before achieving wealth. However, the goal will definitely be achieved, and its results will please everyone without exception.

What does it portend?

There is a lot that can be said about a daughter getting married in a dream. This symbol foreshadows quite different aspects of life, if interpreted correctly. For example, if a person sees his daughter getting married in a red dress, it means that serious failures await her in the future. However, if a person sees a daughter with serious beatings and bruises, it means that he is worried about her, but in vain. At the moment, the girl is absolutely fine.

If a young daughter gets married, she will soon surprise her parents with sudden successes at school or in clubs.

It is important that the dream is interpreted in the most different dream books. The fact is that the same aspect of a dream, color or symbol can be interpreted in completely different ways. Using several dream books is the way to most accurately unravel the mysteries of the future.

Of course, sometimes the predictions associated with a dream do not come true. However, there is no need to despair, because next dream can tell you much more about the future. Thus, by paying attention to one's own dream fantasies, a person can prevent problems or serious mistakes.