Often people dream about their pets, but they do not even suspect that such visions are a harbinger of pleasant events or misfortunes. Dreams involving cats were no exception. These furry friends appear in the kingdom of Morpheus for a reason, so it’s worth figuring out what cats mean in dreams.

Interpretation of dreams in dream books

Cats are the most mysterious animals from an esoteric point of view. Despite the fact that they evoke only pleasant emotions, these creatures are directly related to mysticism, and therefore do not always predict only good things for the dreamer.

However, night dreams can have different meaning, which will depend on the plot, the color of the cat, as well as the gender of the dreamer. All these criteria will influence the interpretation that can be found in various dream books:

  1. The Small Velesov dream book considers a cat in dreams as the personification of a deceitful friend who is capable of robbing a person. The dreamer should also be careful, as the dream warns of danger on the road. An important point in obtaining interpretation is the color of the animal. A black pet is dreamed of on the eve of minor troubles, while a white cat points to a nearby thief. When a sleeping person beats a pet in a dream, the dream prophesies ingratitude. If the cat was aggressive, and also scratched and bit the owner, the dream foreshadows betrayal and betrayal of the spouse. A huge number of animals in dreams confirms the presence of crafty and vile people around.
  2. In Miss Hasse's dream book, a cat comes in a dream as evidence that the dreamer is being deceived in real life. If an animal scratches and bites him, he will endure such treatment for a long time. In the case when the dreamer fed, looked after and caressed a furry friend, the dream foreshadows ingratitude on the part of loved ones. In this dream book, many cats signal unfaithful friends in the environment who are pretending to take advantage of a person.
  3. The sorceress Medea is confident that a cat in dreams symbolizes instability and unpredictability. In addition, the cat personifies female intuition, but this only applies to women. A cat can also indicate a desire for sex. The black pet often acts as dark forces that torment the dreamer. Moreover, if you dreamed of an animal bite, then the vision indicates the possibility of suffering from slander. A beautiful and well-groomed cat often represents a person of the opposite sex who will seduce you.
  4. Miller believes that a vision with a pet signals impending failure in almost all areas of life. However, the dreamer will be able to turn away troubles from himself in the event that he is able to kill the animal. You can also avoid problems if a person drives away a pet in a dream. Entrepreneurs dream of these four-legged animals on the eve of hard work; such visions warn of increased competition.

“Guests” often appear in dreams. And these are not always people with whom we communicate in reality - sometimes they are animals, our four-legged friends and pets.

Such dreams are unique, they come to us infrequently, and always indicate something important that is worth paying attention to in reality. If you saw an animal in your dreams, be sure to remember the dream and consult dream books to find out the meaning! Especially if you dreamed of a cat or cat.

Some people adore cats and dote on them, while others prefer dogs. But if you dreamed of a cat, be sure to pay attention to this sign. He is an ancient and perhaps the most complex, contradictory and mysterious symbol. Many people believe that a cat in a dream is a bad omen; there are a lot of myths and prejudices about this.

It is worth recognizing that, despite the fact that furry pets in reality are the cutest creatures, in the world of dreams this animal has slightly different outlines, and often “cat” dreams are warnings. Don’t be scared and treat such things wisely - if the dream book gives advice, it’s only for the better.

And before you find out why you dream of a black cat, white or red, dead or your own, recall all the details in your memory. Choose your option from the list:

  • You dream of a cat as if from the outside.
  • He is big.
  • A woman dreamed of him.
  • Dead animal in a dream.
  • You dream about your deceased pet being alive.
  • Many cats in dreams.
  • I dream about kittens.
  • I saw my favorite.
  • In the dream the cat was of an unusual color
  • You dreamed of a black cat.
  • A red cat appeared in a dream.
  • He was white.
  • Gray cat in dreams.
  • An animal in a dream is caressed.
  • He purrs or meows.
  • Play with your pet.
  • Feed the animal.
  • Pet him.

Don’t be surprised by such an impressive list - each of these options has a purely unique meaning, so this animal is a very complex symbol. What does it mean?

Once upon a time there was...

It is not for nothing that the representative cat family such a frequent inhabitant of not only fairy tales and myths, but also ancient legends. People have always associated him with something secret, extraterrestrial, and was also considered an inhabitant of two worlds at once - ours, human, and the otherworldly. Why did he appear in a dream? Dream books will tell you.

1. As every dream book will say, a cat is a symbol of intuition and hidden knowledge. This is an indication of your inner self, hidden from yourself, part of the unconscious. Such a vision is a reason to know yourself more deeply.

2. It’s not difficult to find out why you dream of a big cat or even a giant one. Such an animal symbolizes your fear of enemies and difficulties, but this fear is far-fetched. In fact, there is no need to be afraid of anything, you are afraid of the myths that your imagination has drawn.

3. For a woman to see a cat or the image of a cat in a dream means her mystical feminine power, the power of the goddess and mother. This indicates intuition and instinct. Realize your power and learn to use it for good!

4. Let’s find out why a cat dreams if in a dream it is dead or killed. This is a good symbol that promises you that your enemies will disappear, as well as difficulties and any adversity.

5. If you dreamed that your deceased pet was alive, it means that in reality you are in vain yearning for what is gone. Your deceased pet here symbolizes attachment to something that cannot be returned. Let go, and new happiness will come!

6. If you dream about cats and cats - a lot, whole flocks - beware of illnesses and start strengthening your body. There is probably a period or time of year approaching when the body will be susceptible to infections, it is worth taking care of yourself.

7. But why do you dream about a white cat? Don't judge people by their appearance, don't make hasty conclusions - watch their actions.

8. Are you wondering why you dream of a gray cat, or a dirty, indeterminate color? An incomprehensible, mysterious person will be present next to you, and it will not be easy to “see through” him.

Cat affairs

What was this furry animal doing in your dream? His actions and habits can indicate a lot.

1. If he caressed you, love joys and immersion in a pool of passion await you. Enjoy, but be careful not to mess things up!

2. A pleasantly purring animal symbolizes words that will caress your ears. Someone will shower you with compliments!

3. If he meowed and screamed, they will ask you for help. Don't refuse if it's within your power!

4. A scratching and biting animal indicates that someone will try to hurt you and offend you. Whether a person can do this depends on your wisdom.

5. The dream book will tell you why you dream about a cat playing and frolicking. Idleness and a serene pastime, a break from business and bustle, await you. This is also sometimes necessary!

What did you do?

If you also interacted with an animal in your dreams, and you had to pet it, feed it, or even kill it, see what the interpreter has to say about this.

1. Catching a cat in your dreams means that in reality you will find out some secrets, and maybe even the secret plans of your ill-wishers. This will help you, the main thing is to use what you learn correctly.

2. If you played with a pet, in reality you lack seriousness. Your light and playful character makes you a pleasant person, the life of the party, but sometimes you need to be serious and firm.

3. If you had to kill an animal, then in reality you will be able to overcome any difficulties yourself, and you don’t have to be afraid of enemies and competitors.

4. Stroke and caress the cat - good sign. You are invulnerable and fear is unknown to you. Know this and don't be afraid of anything!

5. Did you feed your pet in a dream? Be on your guard, there are ungrateful people nearby who should not be helped, because you will only waste your energy.

Be wise about what you learn from the interpreter. Take advice with gratitude and do the right thing, because life and destiny are only at your disposal!

For many of us, the night journey to the kingdom of Morpheus is accompanied by various visions.

Science claims that sleep is a quirk of our subconscious, but we stubbornly continue to believe in its prophetic power.

So, why do cats dream, what do they want to tell us or warn us about?

Most dream books interpret the appearance of a cat in a dream as a harbinger of trouble. Whether they will be large or small depends on the behavior of the animal in your dream

Why do you dream about cats? Expect trouble or joy?

Surprisingly, most dream books interpret the appearance of a cat in a dream as a harbinger of trouble.

Whether they will be large or small depends on the behavior of the cat in your dream.

And only in one case, when you dreamed that a miniature tiger cub was catching a mouse, can you relax and wait for profit.

We compared several dream books and realized that for the most part they agree on a negative opinion about the role of an animal in a dream.

This is what Miller’s famous “Dream Book,” which has become a real bestseller, and other equally popular publications say about cats.

Seeing a cat in a dream means attracting bad luck. It’s good if you manage to drive the animal away, then the troubles will pass.

Worse, if the cat decides to rush at you and does so, then get ready for the fact that your enemies intend to take away your wealth and discredit your reputation.

And again, if you are able to cope with the angry beast and throw it away from you, you will be able to resist the machinations of ill-wishers, and the property and reputation that belong to you will not suffer.

What to expect depending on the color of the cat

The answer to the question of why a black cat dreams, which has already become bad omen in real life.

However, if you dreamed of a black cat from Monday to Tuesday, then this is a clear warning of danger, but from Friday to Saturday the animal portends you receiving a large sum of money.

For a man, a black cat in a dream is a betrayal of a woman, and if you dreamed that your wife suddenly turned into a graceful animal, then expect betrayal.

It’s not difficult to understand why you dream about a lot of cats if you work in a not very friendly team. Most likely, your colleagues treat you negatively.

Whether this is a consequence of your behavior or the intrigue of one person against you, it does not matter, the main thing is that you face a difficult confrontation with the team.

The adorable redhead walking through your dream shines with the lies and deceit of those around you. Try to stand out less among your friends so as not to encounter rudeness and aggression

What is even more interesting is why a woman dreams of a cat, because the owner of the dream herself is almost a cat in her essence.

And yet, if you have a white fluffy kitten in your hands, keep in mind that someone is luring you into a trap, love or property, but by stroking it, you will be able to escape deception.

An adult cat is your rival, beware of it, or better yet, look for it in your environment and try to neutralize it.

The cat meows hysterically - do not believe the words of the man who is next to you, most likely he is a cynical hypocrite.

For a girl getting married, a dream about a cat signals the unreliability of her chosen one, while for a potential groom, on the contrary, it speaks of the difficult character of the future wife.

Interpretation of what dreams mean White cat, is as ambiguous as the animal itself.

The purest whiteness of the fur, like that of the cat, does not exclude the cat’s involvement in mystical creatures covered with notoriety.

A white cat can mean confusion in business, uncertainty of actions and events that promise loss and disappointment.

He will also tell you about a friend who is dishonest with you or spreading gossip about you.

An attack by a white cat in a dream will lead to an unintentional collision with a friend.

The lovely one walking through your dream shines with the lies and deceit of those around you.

Try to stand out less among your friends so as not to encounter rudeness and aggression.

The gray cat has all the signs of an imminent attack from your enemies. Expect tricks from competitors or work colleagues.

Remember about eminence grise, who acts from under the gun, but accurately.

The red cat is your own pride, which prevents you from becoming closer to people. Moderate your ambitions, win over your loved ones and colleagues, and you will be rewarded a hundredfold.

The green cat is a symbol of harmony that you just can’t find. Throw away the external tinsel and look into your soul.

There is no clear answer to the question “why do you dream about cats?” It all depends on her actions in your dream. For example, seeing an animal coming towards you means meeting an enemy

Why do you dream about cats? Action and result

The actions of cats in dreams have also received their own meaningful definitions.

If the animal you dreamed of is not an elegant figurine, but quite Living being, then each of his movements has its own meaning.

  • A cat scratched or bit you in a dream, which means that someone is harboring a grudge against you or is shamelessly slandering you.
  • Seeing an animal coming towards you means meeting an enemy.
  • Your friend’s or acquaintance’s cat is caressing you - it is in danger or illness.
  • If you caress an animal, it means that doubts are gnawing at you, you intuitively do not trust someone. Be careful and restrained in frank conversations.
  • A cheerful game with a cat in a dream indicates the infidelity of your life partner.
  • If you hear a cat meowing but don't see it, someone will deceive you.
  • You hurt a cat in a dream - check your conscience for purity.
  • It's good if you catch a cat in a dream. This means that you will reveal whoever is gossiping about you.
  • An unexpectedly attacked cat portends misfortune for which you are not at all prepared.

There is nothing good in dreams where kittens walk around.

Kittens in a dream - to minor quarrels and troubles. They will chase you until you kill the little dirty guys in your sleep.

It's cruel, but it's just a dream in which you can deal with troubles without harming the real animal.

It would be great if a snake appeared in your dream and would kill the kittens, protecting you from your enemies by directing their anger at themselves.

As you can see, even the cute babies who come into your dream do not give you joy in life.

The mysteries continue

How to get away from the mystical component of the cat family, even if the quatrains of the great Nostradamus talk about dreams with the participation of cats.

According to the famous Frenchman, a striped cat walking towards the city gates foreshadows the appearance of a man who will bring great wisdom to people.

If you dreamed of a city filled with cats, drought and disaster await you.

In his predictions of future events, Nostradamus mentioned that he dreamed of a cat and a female cat, decorated with colored ribbons.

Michel suggested that in 2047, countries that had previously been at odds with each other will unite for the benefit of a common goal and begin mutually beneficial cooperation.

Should we believe the mysterious predictor, or listen to our own intuition, or trust the dream books?

How to decide what cats and kittens dream about when there are so many different interpretations?

There is no definite answer, because this is what it is, the foggy world of dreams, and this is what it is, the contradictory planet of cats.

By the way, if you dreamed about your own pet, then no matter what he does in the dream, everything is fine, and it does not bode well.

More precisely, this means only one thing: you love him very much.

Why cats dream: interpretation of dreams involving four-legged fluffies

In various dream books, the answer to the question of why cats dream is clear - to trouble. But what a problem this is, it all depends on what kind of cat you saw, what she did in the dream and who she dreamed about.

According to the dream book, a cat in a dream represents unpredictability, cunning, lust and voluptuousness. Predictions about what an animal dreams about remind you that such qualities can be a source of trouble. At the same time, a dream gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with your dark side, intuition, and the ability to read the signs of fate.

Interpretations for men and women

Interpretations of men's dreams about what a cat dreams about promise bitter disappointment: the risk of annoying oneself is too high. Excessive consumption of strong drinks at a festive event is fraught with morning sickness. Bragging will attract unnecessary attention from envious people. Adversity will fade against the background of a meeting with the femme fatale.

The interpretation of why a girl dreams of a cat is associated with doubts about her chosen one and hints at amorous adventures on the side. The symbol calls for prudence: stay away from dubious acquaintances.

Miller's forecast

Miller's dream book warns the fair sex about impending disappointment. The intersection of business and personal interests will create confusion. Confusion can lead to material losses and psychological trauma.

For a businessman, the cat in Miller’s dream book represents a dishonest competitor capable of dealing a crushing blow to the business. White animals are the most dangerous.

According to Freud and Vanga

Interpreting what the cat is dreaming about, Freud’s dream book emphasizes the dreamer’s forced secrecy. Maybe stop deceiving your loved one and yourself? Sigmund Freud recommends that men be more decisive when dealing with ladies.

The clairvoyant Vanga sees nostalgia in the symbol. A cat in a cage represents loneliness. An attempt to free a captive foreshadows a destructive relationship.

Islamic dream book

The predictions of the Muslim dream book take into account the moods prevailing in a dream. A cute, affectionate kitty indicates secret admirers. A sick animal reflects a willingness to overcome difficulties.

The Islamic dream interpreter regards many tailed animals as a harbinger of theft; the thief will be one of his own. A wild animal is a sign of extreme fatigue.

What do cat sounds mean?

The cat can purr and organize March concerts. Dream books will help you decipher what a particular sound in a cat’s language means in dreams:

  • If Murzik screams heart-rendingly, it means that the new friend is a hypocrite;
  • When it purrs peacefully, a scandal is brewing;
  • Purring in a dream speaks of the calm before the storm;
  • If it rumbles, uninvited guests will provoke a family quarrel;
  • Persistent meowing means that litigation is approaching;
  • The cat whines in anticipation of vulgar gestures towards the lady;
  • The cry of an invisible cat promises deception.

Beloved pet warns

If you have a dream about your beloved pet, it’s time to take a closer look at those around you: among them you may find mercantile individuals. Flattering speech hides dishonest behavior.

The actions of enemies threaten to damage your reputation and material well-being. Accept business offers with caution; dubious undertakings will not bring benefits.

The lunar dream book foretells a long cry caused by robbery or absent-minded losses. Jewelry in the form of a ribbon or collar neutralizes the negative prediction.

The cat is being caressed

The dream books do not present the most positive forecast, why dream that four-legged friend caresses. If this is your own pet, falling in love can cause trouble.

A strange cat reminds us of the treachery of strangers. If you've never actually owned a cat, your suspicions about your new partner's sincerity are justified.

It's better not to kiss

In dream books there are explanations of why you dream of hugging and kissing an animal. If you kissed in a fit of tenderness, the oracle of Catherine the Second is horrified by your methods of taming the obstinate in romantic or family relationships.

If you hugged a fluffy in a dream, in reality, harmful passions can lead to a dead end.

Condition and special features

It will help you figure out what the sign means in dreams appearance cat Dream Interpretations consider the following signs to be the most significant:

  1. The health status of the tailed animal;
  2. How well-groomed and well-fed he is;
  3. Exquisite breed or typical mouser;
  4. Sizes and color.

Often, appearance is interpreted as a shapeshifter: the more attractive the cat in a dream, the more serious the warning associated with it.

Suspiciously bright, unnatural colors should be taken as an alarming signal. Such images in a dream warn of unpleasant surprises. The human factor poses an increased danger: others can cause harm, intentionally or unintentionally.

Freak in a dream

The Eastern dream book explains in detail why a cat dreams in its worst manifestations. Dirty, homeless precedes bad news from family or friends. In a farmer's dream, the dirty guy predicts the death of livestock.

A beaten cat lets you know that your loved ones need help. Flea calls on people to take care of their health. Thin and hungry means that for the sake of profit one will have to sacrifice principles.

What do injuries mean?

The summer dream book contains many explanations of what a disabled cat means. If a cat's paw was torn off in a dream, incorrect prioritization prevents success. A headless person promises disapproval from society.

The one-eyed man represents confusion among enemies. The absence of both eyes calls for vigilance: falling into euphoria, you risk causing trouble with your own hands.

Have you seen a purebred

Why do you dream of seeing a purebred cat:

  • The large Maine Coon reflects secret fears;
  • The Siamese is identified with selfish buddies;
  • The bald sphinx symbolizes impracticality;
  • If you saw a wild one, you are a quarrelsome neighbor.

The dream book of Nostradamus offers an intriguing explanation of why he dreamed major representative any breed of cat. The dreamer struggles with timidity and the desire to dominate. It remains to be seen which character trait will win.

Inconceivable color

When cats of incredible colors appear in a dream, in reality the situation will completely get out of control. You have to adapt to unexpected circumstances that quickly replace one another. With the help of dream books, some events can be predicted by the color of the animals:

  1. Pink portends a cooling of feelings;
  2. Red wool symbolizes fire;
  3. Purple promises separation or widowhood;
  4. Blue represents revenge, blood feud.

Familiar color

Dream interpreters will tell you why you dream of cats of different familiar colors. Smoky symbolizes a well-worn rut, from which it is impossible to fly out, but it is still problematic to intentionally turn off. A multi-colored cat foreshadows rivalry, a striped cat foretells outright enmity.

Bright red promises love affairs, sandy yellow warns of the likelihood of deception. The dark red color reflects the combat readiness to storm the career ladder.

Aggressive cat

Dream interpreters contain explanations of why you saw an aggressive hissing cat, ready to attack. If an aggressor hisses loudly in a dream, in reality beware of robbers and scammers; the likelihood of meeting such individuals is now high.

When a cat growls, popularity can suddenly overtake him. For those who are not ready for fame, fame will bring sheer trouble. If you managed to drive away the enemy before he had time to grab hold of you, you can easily defeat real enemies. If you have caused damage, there will be a serious struggle in reality.

Vaska rushes

A cat attack foreshadows the emergence of a new enemy. When a small predator rushes at you unsuccessfully in a dream, the confrontation will not cause harm. If you manage to scratch until it bleeds when you pounce, the damage will be significant.

The evil Vaska throws himself at your feet? The Wanderer's Dream Book advises to refrain from amorous adventures for a while. When he throws himself on his chest, he is overcome by causeless melancholy. If a cat attacks, there is a risk of illness and slander.

Bites and scratches

This is what the injuries inflicted by the mustachioed striped bear testify to:

  • If a cat scratches in a dream, in reality you will give a beautiful rebuff;
  • You dream of an intimate relationship with a scratched person;
  • A cat bite on a friend promises disappointment in him;
  • If you are bitten, be picky about who you meet;
  • Pay attention to areas where marks were left in the dream.

Saw a lot of cats

Sometimes in a dream you can see several cats. The numerological dream book will tell you why this or that quantity is dreamed of. How more cats, the higher the likelihood of encountering betrayal. When a huge flock runs in panic, a natural disaster is possible.

Seeing a great many cats fighting happens on the eve of international conflict. If only two people fight, it will be limited to a minor domestic brawl. The peaceful behavior of animals reflects the relationship with your passion, clarifying the situation in your personal life.

Gave me a bag of adventures

Interpreting why a cat dreams, dream books clarify what happened to him in a dream:

  1. If given as a gift, in reality the relationship with the donor will deteriorate;
  2. The purchase promises troubles at the mercy of a third party;
  3. Stole someone else's leopard - you risk taking on someone else's problems;
  4. Loss foreshadows deliverance from a painful obligation;
  5. The cat got lost and returned - the past will remind you of itself;
  6. I had to run after the fidget - to gossip behind my back;
  7. If found, there is serious competition ahead.


The dream book clarifies how you managed to get a cat in a dream. If you happen to buy, a new acquaintance will turn out to be a source of problems.

If the cat sleeps curled up in a ball, the result of the work will seem unsatisfactory. The image also signifies the calm before the storm.

Past the tray

The cat is not averse to marking its territory even in its sleep. If he peed on the floor, shame is coming. When urinating on furniture, scammers are preparing to attack.

Urine or poop in the kitchen promises illness. If you described the bed, sexual discord is possible. Cats peeing in the hallway indicate family troubles and mark the threshold for betrayal.

Sick, urgent treatment

The Birthday Dream Book explains in detail why one dreams of treating a sick cat. The sign encourages you not to regret the recently missed chance. Some news will make you worry. The symbol reflects an unstable psychological state, a loss of self-confidence.

A sick animal promises a quick capitulation of ill-wishers. Refusal to provide help symbolizes getting rid of a terrible danger.

According to the Esoteric Interpreter, a crying cat personifies a defeated enemy for whom you have ambivalent feelings. During the period of tough confrontation, you managed to develop respect for the enemy and even some sympathy.

The cat is shaking

Why did you dream that the cat was shaking its whole body, twitching its paws and tail, or shaking its head? It is premature to call such behavior a symptom of a disease.

Nevertheless, it characterizes the psychological and physical state of the sleeper himself. You should pay attention to the cardiovascular system, be prepared for a competitor’s attack, and overcome fear.

Other symptoms

When a mustachioed patient looks clearly unhealthy: he breathes quickly, wheezes, coughs, he will soon hear extraordinary news. All that remains is to decide how to use the information.

Cats have lived alongside humans since ancient times. But everyone who is at least a little familiar with these animals knows that it is completely impossible to tame them: they are always on their own mind and have a proud and dignified character. What if we saw this purring, but at the same time, painfully scratching creature in a dream? Let us turn for interpretation to several of the most complete and major dream books modernity.

Why do cats dream?: Dream Interpretation from A to Z

This source interprets cats in your dream as a symbol of impending deception on the part of people you completely trusted. Also, such a dream may portend discord in the family due to the machinations of cunning and deceitful imaginary friends and girlfriends. If you dream of being attacked by hissing and scratching cats, then in reality you risk being subjected to violence from juvenile hooligans. A hissing cat with raised fur and arched back warns of the possibility of theft or robbery. A large number of sleeping cats and cats foretells that you will complete the work you started, but success will be incomplete. If in a dream you are surrounded by several meowing cats, then in real life there are traitors among your surroundings who are ready to do anything for the sake of profit. If you dream that you are feeding or petting a cat, then in return for your good deed you will receive black ingratitude. Killing a cat symbolizes adultery. A black cat predicts various misfortunes, a white cat predicts the danger of being caught in someone's trap. If you dream of a fight between a cat and a dog, then failures await you in the love field. A homeless kitten means that enemies plotting various intrigues against you will ultimately only harm themselves. Cheerful and fluffy kittens symbolize quick joy and good luck, while sickly and thin ones foreshadow minor problems and troubles.

Why do cats dream?: Russian dream book

If a woman dreams of a cat, then such a dream may symbolize the appearance of a man in her life who is prone to going “to the left.” If a man sees such a dream, then he will meet an independent and independent woman. If you dreamed of a cat being chased by a dog, then think several times before deceiving someone close to you. If in your dream a cat is guarding a mouse near its hole, then one of your relatives will deceive you. Fighting cats predict a series of quarrels and troubles. If you dream that a cat caresses you and purrs, then one of your new acquaintances will try to take advantage of your kindness and gullibility for selfish purposes.

Why do cats dream?: Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

A dream about a cat is a symbol that someone is deceiving you. If you are bitten or scratched by a cat, you will have to endure some trouble. If you feed or caress this meowing creature, you will face cruel ingratitude. Being among large quantity cats symbolize the presence of unfaithful people and traitors among your environment.

Why do cats dream?: Dream Book of David Loff

This source connects the image of a cat in a dream with those attributed to cats magical abilities. So, if you dreamed of this purring creature, then in the near future you should rely more on your own intuition in solving problems and making decisions.

Healthy dream book: black cat

This dream book, like most others, considers the appearance of a black cat in a dream a symbol of future troubles and problems.