Dream interpretation doll

Why do you dream about a doll? Besides, you have enormous potential, although you haven’t been able to reveal it yet. Although, according to the dream book, a doll-toy, appearing in a dream, means a subconscious desire to return to childhood, to hide behind “mother’s skirt.” In general, you can expect positive things from such dreams. But here is what the dream books think more specifically about this.

Dream Interpreters

It is worth noting that interpretations vary. If you look in one dream book, a doll means success, in another – profit. But everyone agrees on one thing: the doll is a good sign.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a doll

Playing with a doll - happy and prosperous family life. Toys portend large financial expenses.

Dressing up a doll in a dress, Miller's interpretation: your fate is in your hands. Grow up and stop expecting things from others.

The toy has become alive - falsehood, deception, waste of money awaits. Lyalka in a wedding dress - to pregnancy, acquaintance or meeting with the future chosen one.

Aesop's Dream Book

Buying a toy is a tempting offer. Agree - you will make a good profit.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga gave precise, clear answers, depending on what was done with the doll in the dream:

  • Buying a doll means a single person, most likely, does not have children. We urgently need an object onto which we can pour love and care.
  • Playing with her means you are too susceptible to other people's influence. Often you do things prompted by “well-wishers.”
  • They gave me childhood memories. If the doll is new and beautiful, you are having a hard time coping with adult life, the subconscious desire will return to distant childhood.
  • Old and broken - you are not a sociable person, it’s hard to get along with people, you don’t know how to carry on a conversation.

Interpretation of dreams by modern dream book

A dream in which you saw a baby doll such as real child, is destined to reveal new qualities in you.

Seeing a doll with which a child is playing in a dream means the onset of a difficult period in your life; it will be directly related to the disease very loved one.

An interesting meaning is given to a dream in which your baby doll is missing a certain part of its body. Your family will face obstacles along the way. But the interpretation of the dream is positive, as you will unite in the process of overcoming them.

A living, talking toy indicates that your child will soon give you an unexpected surprise.

If you dreamed about a Barbie doll, you are suffering from the fact that you cannot live up to public opinion. Another interpretation given to such a dream is that you have low self-esteem.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The meaning of such dreams is a subconscious desire to return to childhood, under the protection of the mother who gave birth to you.

If the toy takes about sleep main role- V Lately you have become a puppet in the wrong hands.

Dream scenario

What kind of doll did you dream about?

There are no identical dreams, and the interpretation of why a doll is dreamed of is also impossible to sort into categories.

Any dream interpreter can only point you in the direction, but cannot describe everything from A to Z.

Let's start with the fact that a doll in a dream can fall into your hands using a variety of methods, and not all of them are the same. But every detail you remember is another step towards solving the dream.

Type of toy

Toys come in a variety of varieties, including small dolls, beautiful Barbies, child dolls, and also mystical Voodoo dolls. But each of them has its own interpretation.

Beauty Barbie

These toys are the ideal of female beauty. Of course, it has already been scientifically proven that a real woman with such proportions simply would not be able to function. But the fact remains that she is beautiful and is considered a standard. Such a doll shows that you do not want to put up with generally accepted standards of beauty. You ignore public opinion, but at the same time you feel unhappy.

There is also such an interpretation of such dreams - playing with Barbie means that you will soon acquire an interesting hobby.

Baby doll naked

If you dreamed of a baby doll

Why do you dream about a baby doll? People around you will misunderstand you and judge you. But sometimes dream books give such an interpretation - to pregnancy and the birth of a child. The main thing is to remember the emotions experienced during sleep.

The interpretation of such a dream comes down to the fact that the baby doll is a pacifier, a bright wrapper, and in the middle there is emptiness. Depending on what happened in the dream, this interpretation will be applied to you, your loved ones, or the situation.

A baby doll, just like a child, means empty troubles and vanity. For a woman to play with him - soon you will have a real child in your arms. Some dream books interpret this as a woman’s moral unpreparedness to bear and give birth to a child.

For a pregnant girl, such a dream means her worries about motherhood.

A voodoo doll

Don’t want to think about why you dream about a Voodoo doll? So, everything is clear to everyone - negative consequences, and possibly death. But is this so, it is still worth reading the interpretation in certain sources.

It is believed that playing with such a doll means realizing the illusory nature of the world, understanding that there is a lot of lies, falsehood, and grief in it.

In a dream, such a doll points you to the manipulator next to you. Look around, someone is friends with you, pursuing personal goals. Get rid of such “friends” without regret.

Gift or purchase

Of course, it happens that we have incomprehensible dreams in which we do not understand many things. In them, a toy can fall from heaven, crawl out of food, or even appear out of nowhere. But, as a rule, the game is either given as a gift or bought.

Accept a gift from me

The dream in which you happened to give - do a good deed for the joy of your loved ones.

In a dream, you buy and are preparing to give a doll - the person to whom you want to give a gift needs your help or support.

Free gift

If it was a gift

A gifted game symbolizes your fatigue. You've exhausted your vitality, rest before it’s too late, take a vacation, change your environment.

When you are given dolls, your dreams will come true, your financial condition will prosper. If you dream a lot, the future awaits you happy life and a lot of children.

A game received as a gift is good news. A donated doll, dressed in a beautiful dress, and you consider yourself unworthy of such a gift - you should reconsider your weaknesses, because of them you can seriously suffer.

Buy a doll

A dream with a purchase is negative. Problems are coming, and you cannot avoid them. This applies not only to the financial sphere, but also to health.

A purchased game means they don’t show you respect and consider you worse than you really are.

Other predictions

Playing with a doll in a stroller means an addition to the family. Another interpretation is that deep down, you are still a child, and you suffer greatly from having to lead an adult life and solve problems. You are in dire need of a patron.

Another interpretation of a dream where you are playing with a doll in a stroller - those around you have not the most pleasant opinion about you.

Seeing a doll in a wedding dress means you need warmth and affection. Such a dream is often dreamed by girls who are preparing to become mothers, since at this moment they are very vulnerable.

A doll in dreams is considered a favorable sign. For a more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to reproduce in memory the entire scenario seen in the night dreams, remember exactly what she was like, what manipulations were performed with her. Only after this can you find out exactly what the doll is dreaming about.

A doll in dreams is considered a favorable sign

Different interpreters indicate their own understanding of these dreams. Sometimes it is even radically different:

  1. Egyptian dream book. A person does not live in reality, but in an imaginary world, he hides from all problems and does not even make attempts to solve them. If you do not start active actions in the very near future, then it is possible serious problems. You may even have to endure a serious illness.
  2. Female oriental interpreter. Receiving sad news in the very near future. Someone close to you will become seriously ill. Unforeseen expenses and the collapse of planned plans cannot be ruled out.
  3. Mayan Dream Interpretation. An unexpected gift will be presented, relationships with your lover will be improved. For an unmarried girl, such a dream promises a marriage proposal. The marriage will be strong and happy.
  4. Family dream book. Good health And financial well-being promises a dream in which you get to play with a doll. The toy’s smile promises a quick addition to the family.
  5. General interpreter. Receiving good news. Only if the toy is broken, the news will be unpleasant and financial investments will be required.

Doll in a dream book (video)

Why do you dream of a child doll or a baby doll, baby doll?

Dreams in which a little baby dreams can have several meanings:

  • joyful chores and worries;
  • the dreamer attaches too much importance to things that do not deserve such close attention;
  • fussiness about the upcoming trip. It is recommended to pull yourself together, calm down and go about your daily activities;
  • the sleeper wastes his energy in vain. The wrong goals have been set; it is better to devote time to family during this period;
  • the baby doll cries - worries will appear, the sleeper will be forced to shoulder them;
  • for a woman - the birth of a child;
  • for a businessman - at this time he is trying to win over a new partner, but all his actions will be in vain.

Dreams in which a baby is dreamed can have several meanings

The child doll represents the sleeper himself. He feels a lack of warmth and wants to be needed and useful. You should talk frankly with your loved ones and say that their attention is sorely missed.

A baby doll indicates that the dreamer is prone to excessive fussiness and worries in vain. Soon it is possible to discover new abilities and talents.

Seeing a Barbie or a porcelain doll in a dream

Sometimes you dream of not ordinary dolls, but porcelain dolls or those considered the standard of beauty, Barbie. Naturally, the meaning of such night visions will be special. Thus, the appearance of a porcelain doll indicates that in family relationships Stability and calm are expected.

Beauty Barbie warns the dreamer that his demands are too high and for this reason he may soon lose a close friend. Also, long trips are not excluded during this period.

Also, a dream may indicate that a person is trying to deny the ideals imposed by society, trying to console himself with simple fun. It is quite possible that the dreamer will soon find a new hobby with which to gray everyday life will acquire a bright hue, life will become interesting again.

Why do you dream of a doll in a beautiful dress?

The appearance of dolls in beautiful dresses in night dreams - a favorable sign. For a girl, such a dream can foreshadow an early pregnancy or a new addition to the family. No less positive value the dream is for men. New acquaintances will soon await them, causing only positive emotions.

The appearance of dolls in beautiful dresses in night dreams is a favorable sign

The beginning of a romantic relationship is also possible. He may soon discover qualities in himself that he had never even imagined before, which could change his life radically and exclusively in a positive direction.

If you dreamed of a Voodoo doll

A dream in which you see a Voodoo doll indicates that you should take a closer look at the people around you. It is possible that one of them has selfish goals and uses the dreamer himself to achieve them. Taking into account all the nuances of the scenario, the meaning may change somewhat:

  • Voodoo in the workplace - a colleague perceives the sleeping person as a rival. You should be more careful, be wary of the smiles of your co-workers and not agree to work that will require the participation of several people. It might work out in the end. That all duties will be performed by the owner of dreams;
  • to manage Voodoo yourself - there is a desire in the soul to suppress the willpower of a colleague or loved one. To achieve this goal, rude, dishonest methods are used;
  • is being held by the dreamer’s child (boy or girl) - it’s worth thinking about how correctly the child is being raised. It is possible that the dreamer is too soft and indulges his child in literally everything. It is worth being more decisive and teaching him to take responsibility for what he has done.

Buying a doll in a dream

Buying a doll in a dream has a negative meaning. Expected to be severe life period, filled with many problems that simply cannot be avoided. They will affect not only the financial sphere, but their health may also worsen. It is quite possible that the sleeper has not earned respect in society. People perceive him to be much worse than he really is.

Buying a doll in a dream has a negative meaning

A doll given in a dream is considered a symbol of fatigue. Life energy has already been exhausted, it is recommended to take a good rest, change the environment and retire for a while. Otherwise, health problems, job loss and conflicts in the family are possible.

Why do you dream about a living doll?

The appearance of a living doll in dreams promises serious problems. They can be connected both with the owner of the dreams himself and with his close circle. It is quite possible that the sleeper is simply trying to pretend to be more honest and noble than he is.

It is possible that soon a person will find himself in an unpleasant situation and become an object of ridicule. Your plans will fail.

The appearance of a living doll in dreams promises serious problems.

Such a dream has no less negative meaning for entrepreneurs. A new partner may turn out to be mean-spirited and harm an established business. A blow can also be expected from old, time-tested partners.

A talking toy indicates that in the near future you should be more careful about spending money. There may be thoughtless waste, as a result of which unnecessary, faulty things will be purchased. If this doll did not have an arm or leg, then the dream indicates the presence of problems in the body. It is worth seeing a doctor and undergoing a full examination.

Dolls in Miller's dream book

A well-known interpreter says that playing with a doll promises a happy family life and financial well-being. Just seeing toys is considered a harbinger of significant financial costs.

If you happen to dress up a doll in a dress, then the dream indicates that a person controls his own destiny. You just have to grow up a little and not expect help from others.

A toy that comes to life indicates that there are deceitful people around who are not posing as who they really are. Dressed in Wedding Dress the toy promises an early pregnancy and meeting a future life partner.

Why do you dream about toys (video)

The meaning of dreams in which dolls are present is most often positive. Even if the interpretation turned out to be negative, you should not despair. A dream is just a warning. If you pull yourself together in time and start acting, you can avoid unwanted consequences.

Attention, TODAY only!

In a dream, you can magically travel back in time, for example, to the carefree time of childhood, and play with your favorite toys. And what exactly do you dream about: blocks, cars, and once-adored dolls? In dream books, a toy copy of a man, beautiful girl often symbolizes the hidden capabilities and talents of the sleeper. But sometimes this object suggests that the dreamer is playing too much and cannot really assess the situation. Or maybe he doesn’t want this, due to his spoiledness and immaturity.

Faithful and accurate interpretation will only happen if you manage to remember the details and nuances of night vision and carefully analyze them.

The incredible perfection of Barbie

Did you dream about a Barbie doll? Then, unfortunately, you will have to part with your faithful friend for a while. He will either leave far and for a long time, or mutual claims will arise, and you will avoid communicating with your former comrade.

This toy, which girls on both sides of the ocean dreamed of several years ago, has completely unrealistic proportions and is associated with the denial of time-tested ideals, foundations, norms, and rules. This means that a sleeping person takes the wrong steps in his life, seeking oblivion in revelry and fun.

But not everything is so sad, the notorious Barbie can be a dream, and someone who is about to plunge into a previously unknown business will become interested in some unusual hobby, which will completely change their life, making it richer and brighter.

Ritual items

IN Modern dream book the doll is identified with deception, disappointment, attempts to isolate yourself from the negative realities of the world around you. Sometimes this vision is an omen of a miracle, an unusual event in life.

But doll figurines used for voodoo rituals are an unkind symbol, suggesting that there is a person nearby who is cleverly manipulating the sleeping person. He should take a closer look at those around him - among them there will definitely be a similar person pursuing his own selfish plans.

Did you dream of a toy in the shape of a baby doll or a tiny baby? There is a lot of troubles, worries, and other vanity ahead, sometimes aimless and useless. But, who knows, sometimes this dream promises the discovery of an extraordinary gift or talent!

Why does a woman dream about a baby doll toy? This is a sign that she will actually soon have to babysit the toddler. If this was a vision of a pregnant woman, then this is just a reflection of fears and concerns that she will not be able to properly cope with the responsibilities of a mother. But these are vain worries, because Universal dream book recommends that the expectant mother concentrate on own health and calmly go about your daily activities.

Toy as a gift

Your dreams and ideas will certainly come true, this is what the Wanderers’ dream book predicts for someone who, while dozing at night, received a doll as a gift. It is also possible to receive a good profit or bonus. A dream in which there were many dolls and other toys prophesies a large, friendly family.

Another present in the form of a doll in a dream precedes the receipt of some pleasant, long-awaited news. What if in a dream you felt that the toy was luxurious and you did not even dare to touch it? This means that in reality you need to overcome your own weaknesses by showing will and making efforts. Know that every person has skeletons in their closet that threaten their reputation. So, you are no exception, and therefore do not be afraid of your small, and not very, shortcomings. In the night phantasmagoria, did you give someone a doll as a gift? Well, very soon you will surprise and delight your family with a noble, beautiful deed.

In a number of dream books, a doll received as a gift is a sign of fatigue, emptiness, and apathy of the sleeper. He no longer wants to resist life’s circumstances, but is ready to just go with the flow. Having awakened from such a vision, think about how to get extraordinary leave and urgently change the situation.

When in a dream you yourself gave a doll to a certain character for free, try to remember his face. If he is familiar to you in reality, then he needs help. Give him selfless support.

Interpretations from various sources

Miller suggests that a doll in a dream is a sign of upcoming expenses. Did you play with her while you slept? It’s wonderful, there’s a happy, long family life ahead. Relations with relatives will develop not just good, but also sincere and friendly.

What does the vision of how a toy man was dressed up mean? Its meaning is that you need to build your own destiny, take care of the well-being of your household.

What is the meaning of the vision that the doll has come to life? Shereminskaya’s dream book states that this promises a clash with falsehood, hypocrisy and fraud. By the way, the author of the collection of interpretations recommends that the sleeper think: is he not prone to some insincerity, deceit, and pretense?

It’s hard for me to guess what a dream about a doll dressed in a bride’s dress predicts. This is a quick acquaintance with your betrothed, marriage and another joyful event - the birth of a healthy, beautiful first-born.

Buying a doll, according to Aesop’s dream book, will receive a very advantageous offer in the near future, or conclude a deal on excellent terms, promising an impressive profit.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 03/04/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry psychological and emotional characteristics sleeping. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...

Why do you dream about a Barbie doll? Soon you will be parting forever with a loved one with whom you have been friends for a long time and were inseparable. The cause of separation can be both external factors, such as departure, and internal ones, such as an urgent conflict.

Try to accept the fact that your friend is leaving your living space. No matter how sad it is, we must move on with our lives. Very soon you will meet a new comrade on whom you can rely even in the most hopeless situation.

If you dream of a Voodoo doll

A dream where a Voodoo doll appears symbolizes the manipulation of you by dishonest people. Someone knows you too well and secretly uses confidential information for their own selfish purposes. Most likely, they are planning to make good money from you.

Be vigilant, look around more often, remember casually spoken words, observe the reactions of others to various events - then the scheme of fraud will be revealed, and the culprits will be identified and punished.

Choosing a doll for a child in a dream

If in a dream you carefully selected a doll for your baby in a store, what you saw is a favorable symbol, promising a tempting offer. One of your work colleagues will point out an opportunity to improve your financial situation, which you are likely to take advantage of.

Don't miss the chance to strengthen your financial status. Take a risk, because the game is worth the candle: the future promises extraordinary success, you will be able to consider excellent prospects.

If in a dream you gave a doll

The interpretation of the dream in which you gave a doll indicates a desire to please a loved one. Soon there will be a real chance to make someone happier. In the near future you will experience happiness that you will want to tell your friend about.

The meaning of a dream about a girl doll

Seeing in a dream a doll that looks like a real girl, means that you will be successful in your endeavors. The business you have started has a high chance of success, even if the expected results now seem insignificant to you.

Continue to systematically implement what you have planned, move in small steps towards the desired goal, without giving of great importance difficulties. Don’t slow down halfway, running away from problems, learn to overcome obstacles with dignity.

A real girl with doll-like features, according to the dream book, promises a truly wonderful event. In reality you will be able to come into contact with something amazing, delightful, touching, beautiful, you will believe in a fairy tale for several hours.

Don't lose faith in miracles, even if you are many years old. When you feel sad, you will remember an extraordinary episode that happened to you, and you will realize that everything is not as bad as it seems - good mood and optimism will return again.

I dreamed about a living doll

Why do you dream of a living doll that can move and talk independently? This is a call to turn to the subconscious, to understand your true desires. You are tormented by obsessive thoughts that prevent you from believing in yourself, you are slowly plunging into the abyss of depression and apathy.

Listen to yourself - your body and mind are dreaming of relaxation. When you calm your nerves, analyze what happened over the last period - the way out of the unenviable situation lies on the surface.

Dream about a baby doll

A dream about a baby doll indicates your excessive suspiciousness. You are overly responsible, you are used to performing assigned tasks flawlessly, so the slightest violation of plans makes you worry and fuss.

Take a deep breath and calm down. You are an excellent worker, your work will not go unnoticed. Don't worry about trifles and take on too many obligations.

The doll came to life in a dream

If you happen to see in a dream how a doll comes to life right before your eyes, you will be disappointed in the person you have always trusted. The coming days will bring suffering and, due to betrayal, you will convict your friend of deception and hypocrisy or fraud.

Sometimes such a dream indicates cunning and deceit on the part of a woman with an annoying character. The envious woman will try to fudge the facts in order to end up with a picture that creates a halo over her head and denigrates you.

Do not leave your enemies even a small chance of success, cut off their insidious plans in the bud. Be attentive and careful, look for real reasons unpleasant situations, then the intrigues will be revealed, and the culprit will be punished according to her deserts.

If you dream about being given a doll

The doll that was given to you in a dream promises positive news and material well-being. Business news will be joyful - you will be able to get a project that promises big profits, everything planned will be easy to achieve.

Be confident in yourself: luck favors you today - what you planned will come true, your goals will be achieved, and an unexpected monetary reward will be a pleasant bonus. Just remember to do your best.

Interpretation of a dream about a child turning into a doll

Dreaming of a child turning into a doll indicates a change in your inner perception. It will happen soon landmark event, which will force you to reconsider your values ​​and ideals and set your priorities differently.

I dreamed about a porcelain doll

A porcelain doll, according to the Orakul dream book, is a positive messenger. There is a beautiful strip ahead. If you are not too childish, you will finally know what stability is adult life, you will become confident in the future, they will be nearby faithful friends, harmony and idyll will reign in the family.

The time has come for a calm, measured life, but you should not tempt fate by taking risks and dreaming of more, otherwise you may lose the favor of fortune.

Breaking a porcelain doll in a dream is a symbol of growing up. You will have to experience slight disappointment, which will contribute to the collapse of childhood illusions and will force you to take a step towards maturity.

Remember: the obstacles presented by fate allow you to improve and move forward. It is very important to experience the hardships of harsh reality today in order to avoid troubles tomorrow. Take what happened as an invaluable experience.

If you have a question about why a doll is dreaming, open the dream book and you will immediately find the interpretation of this dream.

Having seen this toy in a dream, it is very important to remember all the details, even those that you consider insignificant.

Only then will you be able to know what to expect in the near future.

What was she like?

If you dreamed of a doll with blond hair, it means that a kind, reliable person will soon appear in your life. And if your hair is dark, then you will cope with a difficult task alone.

A blue-eyed doll means that your friend is a very bright and fair person. And the eyes dark color- this is a sign that there are envious people in your immediate circle.

  • Dreaming of a doll in a dress means peace.
  • She is wearing trousers to do a man's job.
  • A dream in which a doll talks means a conversation with a stranger.
  • Porcelain doll - to stability in relationships.
  • Barbie in bright clothes is a sign of fun get-togethers with a friend.

As the dream book writes, you dream of a doll on a shelf for a holiday in your home. And to see her on the bed means to make peace with your lover.

If the toy fell on the floor, then you have a cunning rival. And the doll sitting high on the closet speaks of your determination and achievement of your goals.

Daughters and mothers

If you dream that you are playing with a little doll, it means that in life you are underestimating yourself a little. A dream where a small doll, on the contrary, indicates that you are a confident person, not burdened with complexes.

Dressing Barbie in a dream means waiting for the approaching visit of guests. And to undress her is to try to take a break from everyday worries.

  • Bathing a doll in the bath means a trip to the seaside.
  • Sewing her clothes means searching for a new style.
  • Brushing your doll's hair means a pleasant evening in the company of your best friends.
  • Putting her to bed is a sign of rest after a fruitful day.
  • Braiding her hair means revelations from a sister or friend.

An unexpected gift from a loved one is what you dream of about a doll that you accidentally broke. And fixing it and continuing to play means successfully completing the job you started.

Losing a pupa means significant cash flows. And to find it means spending a lot of money on a good, necessary thing.

Other dreams

As the dream book writes, a doll made of plastic dreams of wealth, a doll made of rubber symbolizes an attempt to assert oneself, and a doll made of matter symbolizes stability in family relationships.

You dream about bald Barbies when you have a lot on your mind, but you can’t concentrate. And toys without heads indicate that soon you will be madly in love with your partner.

A dream where a doll walks promises a pleasant walk in a romantic place. And if, when you put down the toy, her eyes close, then your friend is ready to follow you to the ends of the earth.

Dolls on a store window dream of a valuable acquisition. And Barbie in the hands of a child means that you will be able to do something that you weren’t very good at before.

Having found out why the doll is dreaming, it will be easier for you to take the right steps on the path of life.


Why do you dream about a doll?

Dreamed doll in beautiful outfit, for example, in a dress with bows, promises a girl pregnancy or a quick addition to the family, and a man - sudden pleasant acquaintances or even romantic relationship. In addition, such a dream foreshadows the discovery of new qualities in oneself that were not previously manifested in any way, for example, entrepreneurship.

If the doll lies motionless on the floor, as if abandoned, unnecessary to anyone, then in the near future there is a high probability of parting with someone very close.

If the doll suddenly breaks down and has missing body parts, such a dream is a symbol of minor troubles at home or at work, minor quarrels or insults. You should be more sensitive to others in order to once again don't repent.

If you had a dream about a doll in which a purchase is being made, then this is a sign of a new profitable cooperation, which in the future can bring excellent results and improved material wealth. It is important not to miss a rare chance!

It's not every day that you see a doll in your dreams. It can be dreamed of by both a child and an adult who has never held it in his hands. Why does this happen and what is this dream for? There are a few different interpretations dream about a doll.

You can decipher a dream in which you happen to play with dolls in someone’s company as follows: a happy life awaits you ahead home life in the circle of loved ones and relatives, happiness at the family hearth, and if you dreamed of playing alone, then this means that your plans will soon come true. Perhaps in real life There are insincere people nearby at work who seek to suppress and control like a puppet. It's time to declare your independence to them.

On the other hand, the dream indicates a great possibility of rapid self-realization, the fulfillment of long-standing cherished desires. It's time to gather your strength and make the final push towards achievements and acquisitions. If in a dream a doll speaks in human language, it means that in reality the feeling of loneliness haunts you. It's worth shaking yourself up, going to the cinema or just calling your friends.

Thus, having the necessary information, you can easily understand why the doll is dreamed of. Please note that a dream about a doll has different interpretations.

On the one hand, this is a completely neutral dream, symbolizing longing for a bygone childhood, and on the other hand, it is a warning that it is time to change relationships with loved ones and stop playing on their feelings.


I dreamed about a Doll, what is it for, what does a Doll mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Doll:

You dreamed of a Doll, what does it mean - unsatisfied sexual desire. Disguised passion. Sometimes - coldness. Venus in the 12th house.

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does a Doll mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream? What does a doll mean in a dream - You see a doll in a dream - you thought you knew yourself well - but no; life will put you in a situation in which you will show unexpected qualities. You see a talking doll in a dream - you will learn something about your child that you did not know before. You dream of a girl playing with a doll - one of your loved ones will get sick; In this regard, additional worries await you.

Home dream book Why do you dream about a Doll in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed of a Doll, what is this for - childhood; desire to be loved.

Jewish dream book What does a Doll mean in a dream:

What does a Doll mean in a dream - Warning: you are ready to show excessive gullibility towards your new acquaintance.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream about a Doll?

What does it mean to see in a dream? You dreamed of a Doll; why is it creative work? Buying a doll - tired of loneliness. Playing with a doll means allowing yourself to be manipulated. An old or broken doll means inability to build relationships with people. Receiving a doll as a gift is a memory of wonderful moments in life.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Doll mean in a dream:

What does a Doll mean in a dream - Wasted work and waste. Imagine taking a doll to a toy store and it gets lost among other items (see Toys).

Creative dream book Meaning of dream Doll:

You dreamed of a Doll, what is this for? 1. A doll means that the dreamer feels like a child, or he feels the need for comfort. The doll can also express an undeveloped part of the dreamer's personality. 2. We all want to experience and learn through play, and that is why a doll appearing in a dream expresses our need to re-learn some lessons from childhood that we have forgotten. 3. The doll represents the soul specific person, which can be helped or harmed with the help of white or black magic.


Why do you dream about a talking doll?



This is not how dreams are solved. We need a plot. Write to me and I will decipher it for you.

Dmitry Salnikov

didn't finish playing as a child


They say that when you dream about dolls, it will be some kind of miracle. A doll in a dream means prosperity; beware of temptations. Unjustified effort. Playing with a doll is a sign of well-being in the family, excellent relationships with children and complete understanding with the mother-in-law. If you see yourself in a puppet theater, this means that the laziness and sybaritic moods that have taken possession of you lately will distract you from serious matters, drawing you into a life full of idle entertainment. If you dreamed of a doll, get ready for a dark streak to come in your life again, and this will affect everything that it can touch. It is likely that very soon one of your loved ones will become seriously ill, which will deceive you best friend that you will suddenly find yourself in a very bad story. Be carefull! Wasted work.

Huge baby dolls

Dream Interpretation Huge puppet dolls dreamed of why you dream about Huge puppet dolls? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge baby dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Seeing a doll in a dream foretells large financial expenses when organizing a family celebration.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

A doll is a waste of time.

Dream Interpretation - Doll


Why do you dream about a Voodoo Doll?

You can find out for free in the dream book, why do you dream about a voodoo doll, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something other than a Voodoo Doll in a dream, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do you dream about a voodoo doll?

A voodoo doll with needles stuck into it - someone is manipulating you, using your connections to their advantage


Old dolls

Dream Interpretation Old dolls dreamed of why Old dolls are seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Old dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Seeing a doll in a dream means that others judge you incorrectly. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you should not trust everyone. Holding a doll in your hands in a dream is a sign of unfulfilled hopes. If you dream that in a dream you find yourself surrounded by dolls, then take a closer look at your surroundings, which are trying to use you to their advantage. These people don't care about your problems and experiences. They are ready to speak evil about you behind your back and will have no qualms about taking any opportunity to set you up.

Breaking a porcelain doll in a dream means that you will part with unfulfilled dreams without regret and will not fall into the trap that your ill-wishers are preparing for you.

Playing with dolls in a dream means that your plans can come true. See interpretation: game, toy.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

"plant, slip a doll" deception in money.

"inflated, inflatable doll" falsehood, deception.

“like a wind-up doll” mechanical, imitative behavior.

"painted doll" (about a stupid girl).

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Playing with a children's doll means having fun with trifles, doing worthless work, or remembering childhood.

Dreams about a doll can also mean a strange relationship with someone, an incomprehensible dependence.

Receiving a doll as a gift means taking on the responsibility of raising a child or re-educating a teenager.

Buying a doll as a gift means being deceived in your expectations.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

If you dreamed that you were playing with a doll, very soon you will be nursing a child. To make this happen, draw a green triangle on the doll’s back and give the doll to the young mother.

If you dreamed that the doll was just lying there, in the near future you will have to say goodbye to someone dear to you. To make the separation short, put photographs (or things they gave you) of all the people dear to you in a dark place and place a burning candle next to it.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Doll - they say that when you dream about dolls, it will be some kind of miracle. A doll in a dream means prosperity; beware of temptations.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Symbolizes a person and expresses adults’ nostalgia for childhood. The image of a doll usually becomes a stereotype of self-identification for children, especially girls. A doll is a puppet programmed by the social mechanistic “Super-Ego”, which completely determines the behavior of the subject. Moreover, this image signifies the almost complete dominance of the disfiguring mechanism of the deviation monitor, which turns a person into a robot. An absolutely negative image. Often indicates the presence of perverted, criminal aggressiveness.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dressing a doll means deceiving a friend; washing a doll means waste, loss of money.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Seeing a doll in a dream foretells large financial expenses when organizing a family celebration.

Playing with a doll is a sign of well-being in the family, excellent relationships with children and complete understanding with the mother-in-law.

If you see yourself in a puppet theater, this means that the laziness and sybaritic moods that have taken possession of you lately will distract you from serious matters, drawing you into a life full of idle entertainment.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

A doll is a waste of time.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

A doll is a waste of labor, a waste of money - playing with it is a happy household.


Boy and girl doll

Dream Interpretation Doll boy and girl dreamed of why you dream about a boy and a girl doll? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a boy and a girl in a Doll in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Boy, girl

If you are pregnant, you will have a boy.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Seeing a doll in a dream means that others judge you incorrectly. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you should not trust everyone. Holding a doll in your hands in a dream is a sign of unfulfilled hopes. If you dream that in a dream you find yourself surrounded by dolls, then take a closer look at your surroundings, which are trying to use you to their advantage. These people don't care about your problems and experiences. They are ready to speak evil about you behind your back and will have no qualms about taking any opportunity to set you up.

Breaking a porcelain doll in a dream means that you will part with unfulfilled dreams without regret and will not fall into the trap that your ill-wishers are preparing for you.

Playing with dolls in a dream means that your plans can come true. See interpretation: game, toy.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

"plant, slip a doll" deception in money.

"inflated, inflatable doll" falsehood, deception.

“like a wind-up doll” mechanical, imitative behavior.

"painted doll" (about a stupid girl).

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Playing with a children's doll means having fun with trifles, doing worthless work, or remembering childhood.

Dreams about a doll can also mean a strange relationship with someone, an incomprehensible dependence.

Receiving a doll as a gift means taking on the responsibility of raising a child or re-educating a teenager.

Buying a doll as a gift means being deceived in your expectations.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

If you dreamed that you were playing with a doll, very soon you will be nursing a child. To make this happen, draw a green triangle on the doll’s back and give the doll to the young mother.

If you dreamed that the doll was just lying there, in the near future you will have to say goodbye to someone dear to you. To make the separation short, put photographs (or things they gave you) of all the people dear to you in a dark place and place a burning candle next to it.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Doll - they say that when you dream about dolls, it will be some kind of miracle. A doll in a dream means prosperity; beware of temptations.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

If in a dream you seem to have a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If a boy was born to someone else, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of selfish interest in your relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression on his face is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of benefits. If your boy got sick in a dream, it means that in reality he will always have good health and excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reasons to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts an ambivalent situation for you, when to others you will seem better than you really are, but this will not be to your advantage.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who has offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that your imaginary friends are preparing for you. Beating or punishing a boy in a dream is a warning in reality to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

To see a boy hit by a car in a dream means that in reality you will experience fear, fright or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Symbolizes a person and expresses adults’ nostalgia for childhood. The image of a doll usually becomes a stereotype of self-identification for children, especially girls. A doll is a puppet programmed by the social mechanistic “Super-Ego”, which completely determines the behavior of the subject. Moreover, this image signifies the almost complete dominance of the disfiguring mechanism of the deviation monitor, which turns a person into a robot. An absolutely negative image. Often indicates the presence of perverted, criminal aggressiveness.