Hearing the sounds of shooting (but not seeing it) means you will learn something unpleasant about yourself or about the person closest to you. Perhaps this will be news of a long-standing betrayal...

If you heard shooting in a dream, imagine that the shooting is not real. Children play war and imitate the sounds of shooting with their voices. Everything is fine, no one is shooting at anyone.

Seeing a shootout means you will witness someone's family quarrel. You may have to appear in court regarding divorce proceedings.

Imagine that a shootout occurs not in real life, but in a movie. You take out the remote control, press the button - the screen goes dark, the movie stops.

Participate in a shootout - everyday storms await you.

Imagine that the shooting from the enemy side suddenly ends. The enemy leaves, there is no one else to shoot. As a result of the shooting, no one was injured on either side.

If you are wounded as a result of shooting, you will suffer from the insincerity of your friends.

Imagine being taken from the scene of a shootout to a hospital, an experienced surgeon suturing the wound and applying a bandage. You are recovering quickly.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Arrows are usually a bad omen.

An arrow shot by someone that wounds you means that evil gossip is being spread about you.

If you shoot an arrow into the air, your lover is unfaithful to you.

If you shoot, they are cheating on you.

An arrow hits you - they slander you.

Interpretation of dreams from

Shooting in a dream symbolizes receiving shocking news. If you had to shoot yourself. then you will find yourself in a difficult situation. What do other dream books think about the interpretation of such an ambiguous sign?

Why do you dream about shooting according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller's dream book says that a dream in which you see shooting is completely unfavorable. If in a dream you see a shootout between two or more people, a series of troubles awaits you soon, which will not be easy to cope with.

If in a dream you only hear the sounds of shooting, you should prepare for failures that creep up on you. Very soon they will overtake you, so you must prepare to meet them. You need to be careful at every step so that misfortune does not take you by surprise.

If a girl sees shooting in a dream, in reality she may have problems with her boyfriend or husband. The matter may end in a breakup or divorce. Seeing shooting in a dream foretells a misunderstanding between work colleagues in the future.

Seeing a person shooting in a dream means that it is time for you to gain strength and energy to achieve your goal. You must stop being selfish, otherwise you will face troubles in your personal life.

Shooting - Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga’s dream book, to see several shooting people in a dream, or one shooting person, means that soon people will be overtaken by severe famine, and there is also a possibility of large masses of people dying out.

Also, to see shooting at Vanga’s dream book in a dream means the onset of the most difficult times in family life. If in a dream you see yourself as a participant in hostilities, shooting at the enemy, trouble will soon overtake you and your family.

If in a dream you come under fire, very serious troubles await you that will accompany you and your loved ones.

Why do you dream about shooting according to Denizz Lin’s dream book?

Hearing shooting in a dream means that you will soon become even more vulnerable and you can easily be finished off. Enemies expect you to lose your remaining strength in order to harm you to the end.

What does shooting mean - dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing indiscriminate shooting in a dream means that you should expect various conflicts between you and your enemies.

Why did you dream about shooting according to Freud’s dream book?

If in a dream you shoot with a bow or firearms, expect to have sexual intercourse with your partner in the near future. If in your dream a stranger shoots at animals or birds, this dream suggests quickly getting rid of complexes associated with the inferiority of your reproductive system.

Dream Interpretation - shoot in a dream. Why do I dream about shooting or being shot?

If in a dream you see yourself shooting at someone, it means that soon someone will insult you quite strongly or blame you for all the problems. If you see yourself shooting at someone, but do not hit the target, this means that serious disappointments await you in business. You better be prepared in advance for such life situations.

Why do I dream about being shot at?

If you see yourself wounded during shelling, in reality expect insults from the loved one, whom you trust very much. If you see yourself killed as a result of a shootout, in reality you will enjoy love adventures and fall in love with incredible strength and inspiration.

A dream in which a person dreams that he is being shot at can be interpreted in different ways. Sometimes such a dream warns of impending danger or important event. Much depends on what type of weapon was shot from, what part of the body was hit, and in what state the dreamer perceived the dream. Various dream books offer different interpretations, and sometimes it is difficult to say whether such a dream has a positive or negative meaning.

The weapon used to shoot

Depending on the type of weapon used to shoot, such a dream has the following meanings:

  • Frompistol- a threat comes from the enemy.
  • From a machine gun- depends on the mood of the dreamer. If in a dream and upon awakening he feels lightness and joy - the discovery of new opportunities, the ability to reveal his potential, to complete the main task. If a person experiences fear or aggression, serious troubles, slander, blackmail, and threats await in reality.
  • From a bow or crossbow- the dreamer did not complete an important task for a long time, saving up his strength. It's time to use them and finish what you started.
  • From a gun- the dreamer’s enemy will lose to him in the fight.
  • From a heavy machine gun- bullets fired from this weapon mean mental exhaustion, a large number of accumulated stress, unresolved problems.

Do not forget that interpretation largely depends on the emotions and actions of the dreamer himself. For example, if after shooting in a dream and upon awakening you feel unusual relief, reconciliation with a loved one is coming. This will lead to a strong, passionate, but temporary relationship.

What part of the body were they targeting?

Depending on which part of the body was shot in the dream, there are the following interpretations:

Part of the body

Meaning of sleep

One of the most unpleasant. In a person’s life, a blow on the sly, betrayal, slander awaits

Something important will happen soon for the dreamer

Trouble will happen to one of your close, relatives, loved ones. The likelihood that the dreamer himself will cause the event

The emergence of new desires, goals, intentions

There will be loneliness for some time. Solving your problems without outside help

The enemy tries to deprive the dreamer of his strength, to prevent him from achieving important goal

If this part of the body is hit, unexpected changes and events will occur

Susceptibility to frequent self-deceptions. We need to get rid of this, otherwise serious trouble awaits

The appearance of an illness or a quarrel with a loved one

Interpretations of various dream books

IN different dream books There are their own interpretations of the case when a person dreams that they are shooting at him:

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Miller's Dream Book The dream suggests that the person is secretive and distrustful. Tends to hoard negative emotions. He should be more open, stop unreasonably suspecting people, blaming others for his problems, and become honest himself
Modern The dream brings good luck in all directions. If a person faces challenges, he will overcome everything
Esoteric Lack of self-confidence, some kind of attachment: to a person or to a career. If in a dream there is a large amount of blood after a shootout, the dreamer does not approve of some of the actions of loved ones
Felomena Expectation of bad news related to the illness of the dreamer himself or his relatives. If, upon awakening, a part of the body that was hit in a dream hurts, you should examine it
Dream Book of the Wanderer This positive sign. Soon you will have an important meeting with a person with whom you will have a certain strong relationship. This applies to all areas: love, work, spirituality
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation To see someone shooting at oneself in a dream - in reality, people whom the dreamer has not seen for a long time will soon come to visit. Nothing bad, but it doesn't necessarily mean anything positive.
Idiomatic The dream warns that one should be prepared for an attack from the enemy or someone from close circle. Someone is capable of betraying, slandering, interfering at the most inopportune moment
English Conflicts, contradictions with loved ones. If you remain alive - reconciliation with them

To do correct conclusion about the meaning of sleep, you must first remember whether the day before you watched action films or other films with shootouts. If not, then you should first listen to your intuition.

A dream in which someone shoots at you is inherently negative and even frightening; a person in such a dream most often feels like a victim in the current situation, and this indicates the fact that in reality some kind of conflict is brewing.

What if you dream that you are being shot?

The human subconscious, using symbolism in the form of a threat from a weapon, invites the consciousness to feel “under the gun,” that is, a target for someone. This is probably necessary in order to realize oneself as an object participating in the implementation of other people's plans. The entire society surrounding us on all sides is in a process of constant interaction.

It is not surprising that someone tries, with our help, sometimes even without our knowledge, to realize their desires. To be the “goal” of someone does not always mean to be the main character and object of desire for this someone; it is quite possible that a person is assigned a very modest, auxiliary role, but this moment very significant for the implementation of someone’s plans.

A person, without realizing it, feels this role imposed by a foreign object. And the way he sees all this in a dream speaks about the attitude of a person’s true “I” to the current situation. And based on the specific small components of the dream, in which someone is so openly trying to attack a person with a weapon, interpret what was seen in the dream.

Of course, some details accompanying a person’s dream are important. For example, such as: what kind of weapon appeared in the astral world, whether any harm was caused to the person being shot at, and what his reaction was to what was happening.

If you dream that you are being shot with a bow or crossbow, then there is a chance that one of your long-forgotten friends or acquaintances, maybe even distant relatives, will appear on the horizon. Perhaps they are now hatching plans for a person, thinking about him, and since thoughts, as we know, are material and have the ability to move at instant speed, it is not surprising that the subconscious has caught them in the form of encrypted images and transmits the information received to consciousness.

If the weapon from which they shoot at a person in a dream is a firearm, then the actions of other objects that are interested in this person will be of a pronounced consumer nature. Maybe someone is trying to involve you in a dubious and risky event. But it may well be that the person has become an object of secret sexual desire for someone.

In any case, you need to take a close look at the people around you and pay attention to the peculiarities of their behavior. And in case they are not common points to interact with these people, find a painless way to get out “from under fire” so as not to become an object of now revenge on their part.

What does it portend?

If in a dream a person is injured at the moment when he is subjected to an armed attack from other people, this is an indicator of how much the person’s psyche can suffer as a result of a conflict of interests in real life. It may well be that people wishing to use this person They are very determined in their goals and do not intend to retreat.

It's possible that this strong people or people who have some degree of power over a person, and they have no doubts about the fulfillment of their plans. You need to be extremely careful in such a situation in real life and look for compromise solutions so as not to harm yourself, both by playing the role of a pawn in someone else’s game, and if you try to get away from the imposed role.

In the event that the wound turns out to be fatal, no matter how strange it sounds, it promises the person to benefit from the current situation, perhaps even considerable. In this case, the rule when interpreting dreams is confirmed - “everything is the other way around,” that is, very bad things are dreamed of good things.

Running away from a shooter in a dream means avoiding in reality the negative consequences of not very favorable circumstances.

When interpreting why you dream that someone is shooting at you, it is important not so much to understand as to feel what our subconscious is talking about, what it wants to say. If a person, having assessed the dream, intuitively senses danger, then all his receptors at the moment will be more sensitive and, perhaps, will help avoid the expected threat.

An attack with a weapon in a dream does not entail a threat to a person’s material body in real life - another sphere of his existence, a more subtle one, is attacked. How stronger will specific person, the easier it is for him to repel this attack.

We can talk for a long time about why you dream about being shot at. But it’s worth telling about the most famous and popular interpretations, because they can tell a lot of interesting things.

Why do you dream that they are shooting at you, according to this book of interpretations? So this is good sign. In fact, it does not foreshadow dangers or troubles. But in order to get a more complete answer, it is worth remembering the details of the vision. So, if a person saw that he was shot at in a chase or in a shootout, then this means that he will soon have to take some active action. It is possible that some kind of perspective will soon appear in his life, but in order for everything to end successfully, he will have to show his risk-taking and fearlessness. And the result will be worth it.

If nothing like this is expected, then in this case the dream book still advises the person not to lose Fortune. Perhaps he has long wanted to make some serious decision or take a risk. Well, you shouldn’t miss out on luck and it’s worth taking a risk. Even the most unpredictable action will turn out to be useful and correct.

Miller's Dream Book

It’s worth talking about why you dream about being shot at, according to this dream book. In fact, this is a manifestation of the dreamer's mistrust in life. He is not only afraid of a dirty trick on the part of loved ones and strangers, but he is also afraid of the whole world. The dream book advises being more relaxed and finally saying goodbye to suspiciousness.

If a person, in addition to all of the above, also saw his own blood, then this completely indicates his paranoia. This is what you dream about when they shoot at you. A dreamer who often sees such visions is very vulnerable. Many people around you can soon understand this, and most of them will not be ashamed to use this to their advantage. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of this bad quality so as not to get into trouble.

Esoteric dream book

It is also important to take into account why you dream that you are being shot, according to this book of interpretations. If the dreamer managed to be wounded, this indicates his concerns regarding personal relationships and business issues. Perhaps his worries about his personal life are too great. But don't worry so much - everything is actually fine.

If there was a lot of blood, then this means that the dreamer is worried about the actions people have committed towards him. In order for torment and suffering to stop putting pressure on a person, he should let go of everything that has happened. Forgive people for their mistakes - betrayal, deception, lies, betrayal. Everything that happened has already passed. So it had to happen.

It is also important to consider where the bullet hit. If a person was wounded in the heart, then this means health problems. It would not hurt to undergo an examination and generally pay more attention to yourself.

English dream book

There is also a lot of different interesting information that tells about why you dream that you are being shot from a pistol. The English dream book assures that such visions do not arise easily. The person is likely to be hit by close friends. If he managed to survive being shot in a dream, it means that there will be reconciliation.

Hearing shots or seeing a person trying to hit his living target usually means an imminent quarrel between lovers or a final breakup. Sometimes such a vision also promises troubles at work or depression due to dissatisfaction with one’s life or financial situation.

If a person sees someone he knows aiming at him, it is possible that this person is not “aiming” at him in real life. In general, caution should be exercised.

In fact, there are still a lot of interpretations, but, as you can see, all of them do not portend something positive and pleasant. Therefore, after such a vision, one should be wary - what if this is really a warning sent from above?