Reviews from tourists: is it possible to swim in the sea in Israel in January

The first month of the year in Russia is snow and frost, cloudy weather and winds. And I really want warmth and the sea... where should I go? Many tourists go to Israel to spend the New Year holidays there and enjoy the sun and warmth. But before you fly to the sacred land, it’s worth finding out whether it’s possible to swim in the sea in Israel in January? To do this, you should study the weather in the region and only then make a decision about travel. Let's start with the fact that January is the wettest month in Israel. It is also the coldest month of the year. So you should think twice about it if you are planning to sunbathe on the beach and swim in the sea.

And so, when going to Israel in January, you should remember that there is a lot of rain here. Of course, there are not as many of them here as in the tropics during the rainy season, but they are there.
Eilat is the main one beach resort countries. In January there is not as much rain here as in other cities of the country, but swimming is still almost impossible. The daytime temperature almost does not exceed +20 degrees and only a couple of days a month can be around +28 degrees. The nights here are completely cold, and in the morning the temperature drops to +4 +6 degrees. There are almost no people who want to watch the sunrise, as well as people who want to watch the sunset.

Tel Aviv is a city that is visited for beach holiday, and for the sake of excursion. And if you don’t have any problems with the second one, then you won’t be able to swim in the sea in the middle of winter. Firstly, it often rains here. If there are about 4-5 completely rainy days, then in total it can rain more than twenty times a month. Secondly, the weather during the day is clearly not conducive to swimming. The temperature rises to only +17 degrees. Thirdly, this month the cloudiness here is very high. More than 25% of the total daytime time in the month is clouds and clouds in the sky.

The warmest sea in January in Israel is in Jerusalem. The water in it is heated to +22 degrees. Of course, you can go into the water and swim, but getting out of it will not be very easy. During the day, the thermometer almost never rises above +15 degrees. Therefore, you will be warm and comfortable in the water, but it will be difficult to get out of the sea: you will immediately freeze and you will be very uncomfortable.

Israel, whose monthly weather depends on the climate zone, is a state in the Middle East, washed by four seas: the Red, Mediterranean, Dead and Galilee. Israel is located in the Southwest Asian region called the Middle East. The country borders Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt.

The legitimate capital is Jerusalem. Due to the controversial political situation within the country, most developed countries designate Tel Aviv as the main city.

Israel occupies a small territory, but its topography is very diverse. Therefore, the weather varies significantly between months in the state. The main area in the southern part of the country is home to the Negev and Arava deserts, and in the northern part there are Mount Carmel.

The rest of the territory is dominated by rocky soil. In this regard, a significant number of parks and nature reserves have been organized in Israel, and state policy on nature conservation is also being developed.

Since all 4 rivers of the state dry up in the summer, the country experiences a shortage of fresh water resources. To overcome these difficulties, the government is subsidizing the construction of plants for desalination of sea sources.

Israel is classified as a region with a subtropical climate. But weather throughout the state are not the same and depend not only on the season, but also on the region of the country.

There are different climatic zones:

Climate on the Dead Sea coast

The first and second months of the year on the coast Dead Sea characterized by insignificant precipitation (rain). The water temperature reaches +35 °C, while the air is dry. Travelers visit resorts in this climate zone in the spring and autumn. IN winter time The water of the Dead Sea is warmer than the air, and in the summer - vice versa.

The most famous resort in this area is Ein Bokek. He all year round open to visitors wishing to receive medical treatment. Almost the entire city is a huge health complex.

Temperature of the Dead Sea and its coast:

month average temperature, °С
water air
during the day at night
January 22 27 17
February 23 23 17
March 24 20 15
April 27 24 18
May 28 25 19
June 31 28 20
July 29 30 24
August 27 31 25
September 26 32 28
October 25 32 25
november 23 31 22
December 21 30 18

Comparative table of water temperatures by month

Israel, whose weather is inconsistent throughout the months, is located on the coasts of 4 seas:

  • Red;
  • Mediterranean;
  • Dead;
  • Galilean.

The water, regardless of the territory of the country, never gets colder than 18 °C, which is optimal for swimming.

The following temperature indicators were recorded:

month average water temperature, °C
Mediterranean Dead Red
January 18 22 21
February 18 22 21
March 19 24 22
April 21 26 22
May 25 29 23
June 27 31 24
July 27 28 24
August 26 27 25
September 26 26 24
October 23 25 23
november 20 23 23
December 20 21 21

Precipitation in Israel

Precipitation is typical for the period from the second ten days of October to the first spring month. They are especially intense in December-January. Every year, Israel records about 493 mm (41 mm monthly) of precipitation.

Rainy weather begins in October and continues until March; there is almost no snow, except in the mountainous areas and Jerusalem. Precipitation is uneven across the country. The closer to the southern part, the fewer there are.

They are distributed by month as follows:

month amount of precipitation, mm days with precipitation
January 120 10
February 100 10
March 100 8
April 20 3
May 20 1
July 3 1
September 7 1
October 20 3
november 60 5
December 100 9

Air temperature in spring

In Israel, March weather favors opening beach season. Tourists appear in resorts such as Eilat and Ein Boker. IN central regions The rains continue. At night the temperature can drop to +10 °C, and during the day it rises above +20 °C.

In April it gets noticeably warmer, which is felt every day. In the second decade, the temperature on the coasts of the Israeli seas can reach +30 °C. There is almost no precipitation, except in mountainous regions, where this month is characterized by short-term heavy rains.

May is the optimal time for tourists. Comfortable weather conditions this month are typical throughout the country. At this time, a full-fledged holiday season begins on the coast. Mediterranean Sea, since it is already warming up to +24 °C.

At night the temperature can drop significantly:

Summer in Israel

Summer in Israel is extremely hot, the air can warm up to +45 °C. In the first month of the period, the wind brings hot weather from the desert. It's difficult to be outside during the day. In Mediterranean resorts, the climate is much milder due to air humidity.

In July the situation is similar. Temperatures of +40 °C and above are often recorded. The weather is more comfortable on the Red and Mediterranean Seas. In August, not only the air becomes hot, but also the water. During the day it can reach +30 °C.

At night, the temperature is in the range that is comfortable for humans:

during the day at night
June 31 18
July 33 21
August 33 21

Weather in Israel in autumn

During this period, heat is typical only for desert areas.

In the first month of autumn begins the Velvet season on all sea coasts of the state. September is considered the most favorable month climatic conditions on the territory of the country.

In October, the velvet season continues due to the fact that the temperature is optimal for vacationers. At night it becomes cooler and there are warm rains.

In November you can still relax on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Periodic rains begin in central and northern Israel.

The average seasonal temperature is +25 °C:

month average air temperature, °C
during the day at night
September 31 19
October 29 17
november 24 13

Red Sea Resorts

The main resort on the Red Sea coast is Eilat, located in the driest region of Israel. On its territory there is one of the most beautiful nature reserves in the country.

Israel, whose weather on the Red Sea coast is most often optimal during the months, attracts tourists to Eilat almost all year round. Even in winter, the water temperature does not drop below +20 °C, and the air temperature does not drop below +15 °C.

The optimal time for tourists wishing to visit this resort is considered to be April-May and September-October. In July-August, the flow of tourists decreases, as the air warms up to +35 °C, and the sea - to +28 °C.

month average temperature, °C
water air
during the day at night
January 21 27 18
February 21 25 19
March 22 24 20
April 22 26 20
May 23 29 21
June 24 30 22
July 25 31 24
August 24 32 28
September 24 34 30
October 23 33 25
november 21 20 20
December 21 28 18

Resorts of the Mediterranean coast

On the Mediterranean coast of Israel tourist season falls at the end of summer, since at this time the air warms up to 30 °C, and the water - up to 26 °C. In spring and autumn the weather is not so comfortable - it becomes cool, especially at night. In winter, the air temperature can drop to +20 °C, and the water temperature can drop even more. Rain is also typical for this time of year in the area.

The most famous resort towns in the region are:

  • Tel Aviv;
  • Netanya;
  • Haifa;
  • Herzliya;
  • Ashkelon.

Tel Aviv is a business and entertainment center countries. This resort has 14 km of equipped beach areas.

Netanya is popular due to its close location to many of the country's attractions. The resort is suitable for an economical holiday option. The beaches are located under a cliff, so descent is only possible with the help of a special lift. Haifa is built on the slope of Mount Carmel and stretches to the coast. Most of the hotels are located far from the beach areas.

Herzliya is a center for tourists who want not only to relax, but also to receive treatment. The resort has a port for yachts and a small airport for private aircraft. Ashkelon is a city with a history of five thousand years. It is interesting to tourists for its attractions and beach areas. Also on the territory there is a park with cultural monuments that are two thousand years old.

The tourist season begins in late spring and ends in mid-autumn.

The temperature during this period is optimal for relaxation:

month average temperature, °C
water air
during the day at night
January 18 25 13
February 18 22 10
March 19 20 8
April 21 23 15
May 25 27 18
June 27 28 22
July 27 28 24
August 26 30 25
September 26 30 28
October 24 29 24
november 20 29 21
December 18 28 19

Israel weather in winter

In winter, the air in Israel can cool to +5 °C, which is accompanied by heavy precipitation. Almost the entire territory of the state is not characterized by sub-zero temperatures and snow, except for the resort of Hermon and its surroundings.

The first month of the period is cloudy with rain. Short-term frosts are possible in central and mountainous regions. In January, weather trends are similar to the previous month. The temperature drops slightly.

It rains during February, but the weather improves. This is the most contrasting month for different areas of Israel. On the Red Sea coast in given time dry and already warm, and significant precipitation is observed near the Mediterranean Sea.

month average air temperature, °C
during the day at night
December 19 9
January 17 7
February 17 7

Ski resorts in Israel

Hermon is the most famous ski resort in Israel. It is characterized by loss significant amount precipitation. Snowdrifts here usually persist until mid-April, but tourists visit it only until the end of March. The resort is built at an altitude of 2 km and is only open from November to May.

Mountainous regions of Israel from late autumn to early spring Precipitation in the form of snow and large snowdrifts are typical. In dry weather in summer there are strong winds, the speed of which reaches 120–150 km/h. During the winter months, temperatures can drop below 0°C.

month average air temperature, °C
during the day at night
January 16 10
February 16 10
March 18 11
April 19 14
May 23 17
June 26 20
July 27 22
August 29 23
September 27 22
October 24 20
november 20 15
December 18 11

Israel is a country with a Mediterranean climate that varies from month to month. The summer period is mostly hot and dry, and the winter period is warm with precipitation. Different air humidity in climatic zones countries influences a person's perception of the weather.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about climate in Israel

What is the weather like in winter in Israel and what can you see at this time:

The Dead Sea is perhaps one of the most amazing places on the planet, where many people dream of visiting. In addition to the fact that there are a lot of interesting and remarkable places, local waters can offer vacationers their own healing properties. Representatives will complement the overall picture tourism business, so they also try to create the most comfortable conditions for their guests, and, to their credit, they do this very well.

It is impossible not to say a few words about the weather at the Dead Sea at this time of year. The rainy season is in full swing here, so precipitation will be quite common, which, of course, will affect the overall popularity of the resort at this time of year. But it probably won't be hot here. The air temperature during daylight hours will rarely rise above +20 degrees. The water in the Dead Sea will be approximately the same warm. But at night it will be noticeably cooler, the air temperature can drop to ten degrees. But, thanks to the good heating system in the hotel, this will not create any problems for vacationers.

It is also impossible not to mention the local prices for holidays in January. As noted above, winter in Palestine is the rainy season, which, in turn, affects prices. On average, they are reduced by 30 percent. For example, if in the high season the cost of a trip for two, in which everything is included, can reach $ 1,600–2,000, then in January a married couple will be able to afford a week-long vacation to the Dead Sea for approximately for $1,200.

Of course, it is important to pay attention to the reviews about holidays in January left by tourists who have visited the Dead Sea. It's safe to say that most of the reviews are very positive. Travelers talk with great pleasure about the magical time they spent on the world famous coastline. Excellent hotel service, rich tourist programs, lack of heat: all this and much more, of course, cannot leave anyone indifferent. Dissatisfaction and complaints in reviews are an extremely rare exception. And even then the only thing left to complain about is the rains, which periodically remind us of themselves.

In January, Israel is quite cool and rainy. The country is located in the subtropical zone, so the winters here are mild. However, relaxing on the beach is unlikely to be comfortable - on the North Sea coast (Tel Aviv, Netanya, Haifa) the air warms up to an average of 17°C, and at night the air temperature is usually about 10°C.

It’s a little warmer near the Red Sea; in Eilat, thermometers show 21°C during the day, but by night the temperature here drops to 10°C, and sometimes even to 0°C. This difference is explained by the fact that Eilat is surrounded on all sides by desert. So you need to take both light and warm things with you.

The water temperature in the Red Sea is about 22°C, in the Mediterranean Sea it is cooler - around 17°C. Since swimming in such water is not always comfortable, it is better to choose a hotel that has a heated pool.

January is the height of the rainy season in Israel. The rains are not torrential, but they come often, which can somewhat dampen the mood. When traveling, be sure to take a jacket, umbrella and waterproof shoes. Meaning relative humidity varies depending on the region, for example, in Eilat it is 50%, and in Jerusalem it is 72%.

At the beginning of the year, the country is usually visited not for a beach holiday, but for wellness treatments. The Dead Sea coast is perfect for these purposes. There the air temperature is approximately 22°C, and the water temperature is 21°C, sometimes even more high values. Water is usually even warmer than air, and all because it contains many minerals. The weather in resort towns on the Dead Sea coast is somewhat different from the weather in other regions of Israel - in winter there is less rainfall, rain is short-lived, and air humidity is only about 40%.

The Ein Bokek resort is very popular - it is a whole chain of hotels that have their own SPA centers and health complexes with indoor heated swimming pools with sea ​​water. But before you go on vacation, it’s better to check full list services provided by the hotel. Available at the resort and medical centers, but they only accept those who come with their own medical card, where there is a medical history.

January is a good time to make a pilgrimage to the holy places of Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem, the weather only contributes to this. In the middle of winter, you can visit biblical places, where key events in the history of Christianity took place. On January 6, pilgrims arrive in Bethlehem to participate in the liturgy in the Church of the Nativity, and on the night of the 19th they make their way to the Jordan River, in the waters of which they perform ablutions. A place that must be visited during a pilgrimage tour to Israel is the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

January - best month to visit holy places in Israel. This month is characterized by rainy and cool weather, so the number of tourists is much less than in summer or early autumn, and last-minute tours at low prices to Israel are offered much more often. At the beginning of the year, you can safely travel to sacred places - to Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem and other holy cities.

Visiting holy places in 2020

Most of the pilgrims flock to this country not only to visit biblical places, but also to take part in the festive liturgy, which takes place in Bethlehem, in the sacred Church of the Nativity of Christ, in early January, on the sixth day. And at night, January 19, thousands of pilgrims descend to the Jordan River and take a bath in its cool water. An indispensable stop on a pilgrimage tour to Israel is a visit to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem - the main shrine of all Christians.

Is it worth taking trips to Israel in winter? Of course it's worth it! Especially if there is an offer for a resortEilat . The January climate here is cool; at night the temperature can drop to 0°C, but during the day it is quite warm. Don't forget to take warm clothes, especially if you're going on holiday in January with children.

If you come to Eilat, be sure to take a walk through the Botanical Garden, spread out on ancient stone terraces. Here you can walk along winding footpaths with signs, admire the smooth surface of lakes, waterfalls, wooden buildings, and climb one of the three observation platforms, see the vast expanses of the Red Sea and the picturesque Mountains of Edom.

The Dead Sea is the best place for healing

But even in winter, no one abolished medical and health operations. The best place For medical procedures considered to be the coast of the Dead Sea, whose waters have amazing and beneficial properties. This place is called a “natural pressure chamber”. Due to the fact that the water in this sea is saturated with minerals, it is always warmer than the surrounding atmosphere. It is worth noting that this place does not rain that much, and if it does rain, it will be short-lived and will not harm a great time.

Another Dead Sea resort is Ein Bokek, with an extensive network of hotels, featuring spas and health centers with rooftop pools and heated water of this amazing sea. From what is described above, it is clear that Israel in winter is just as interesting as in summer, but the prices are much lower.

Weather in Israel in January

The first month of winter is rich in frequent rains. Water temperature: in the Mediterranean Sea – about 17°C, in the Red Sea – about 22 degrees. Only desperate daredevils can swim, but those who come to the sea will not be afraid and the temperatures are much lower. The temperature in Israel in January on the Mediterranean Sea is indicated by a number - during the day - 17°C, at night - about 10°C.

According to reviews from vacationers, a holiday in Israel in January means relaxing walks, visiting holy places, restaurants with excellent oriental cuisine, and a variety of fruits and sweets. In a word - it's a fairy tale! Do you know what an oriental bazaar is? This is an incredible variety of juicy selected fruits and vegetables placed on the shelves and such an unimaginable diversity! For this reason, it is worth going to this country in January.