Voodoo dolls appeared in African peoples as a spiritual tradition. Today, New Orleans Voodoo is known, as well as Haitian Voodoo. . Although it is believed that Voodoo dolls are used to influence a person negatively, a Voodoo doll can also be used for good purposes: it can be used to influence one's life or the lives of others. With its help you can attract love, health, protection, success and many other things. The doll identifies a person who wants to appeal to the Voodoo spirits, and some dolls are used exclusively to attract positive changes in their lives.


How to make a voodoo doll for another person

    Imagine the person you are making a doll for. When you make a Voodoo doll, you need to depict the person you are channeling the Voodoo magic on, as well as the effect on that person's life. Because Voodoo magic is so dependent on your connection to the spirit world, it is important that the doll you make symbolizes the person whose life you want to change.

    Make a Voodoo doll with a picture of a person. One way to identify a doll with a person is to print out a full photo of that person and sew it onto the fabric. Once you have found an image and printed it, crop the image to the silhouette of the person in the photo, then sew it on reverse side to the doll. As you begin to sew the photo onto the doll, you need to fill the doll with content.

    Make a voodoo doll with the person's personal belongings. Perhaps you do not have a photograph of the person with whom you want to identify the doll. Then you can make a doll with some thing that belongs to him. For example, you can use an item of clothing or a strand of hair. Find yarn, thread or fabric and sew a doll. Once the doll is ready, sew this personal item into the doll.

    "Cleanse" the Voodoo doll. Before you can magically use a Voodoo doll, it must be "cleansed" of previous energy so that you have a sort of "blank canvas" for creation. To do this, you need to put your hand on the doll and direct your energy as if “through” it, focus your attention on “cleansing” the doll of extraneous energy. You can wash the doll in salt water and fumigate it with incense (such as sage or sandalwood extract), then leave it in natural light (sunlight or moonlight) to allow the Universe and Mother Nature to take care of the doll and transform the raw energy.

    • Most likely, some kind of extraneous energy will already be attached to the objects from which you are making a Voodoo doll. Therefore, do not forget to “cleanse” the doll so that extraneous energy does not interfere with you.
    • To make this process easier, you can use materials or items that have been in contact with other people. Only if you are not going to specifically use this item to identify the doll with this person.

    How to use a Voodoo doll for good purposes

    1. Focus on your desires. One of the purposes of a Voodoo doll is meditation and concentration. Hold your voodoo doll and focus on the desired changes you want to make in your life. You can buy a Voodoo doll on the Internet, there are special dolls that symbolize fertility, marriage, luck, prosperity and so on. There are those who represent spiritual power.

      • This process requires patience and concentration, you need to clear your mind of distracting thoughts. This is why this process is called meditation, because it calms the mind and soul to find harmony with yourself and your desires.
      • You can change not only your life for the better, but also the lives of others. If you want to bring good luck into someone's life, you will need the same, but the doll must identify with that person. Focus on what you want for this person.
    2. You need colored pins. Traditionally, this ritual uses seven colored pins, each of which is responsible for a specific area of ​​life that you want to influence. This technique goes hand in hand with the meditation method. But first you need to meditate and concentrate, and then use the pins. Once you decide which aspect of life you want to influence, stick a pin of the appropriate color into your Voodoo doll. The head is associated with knowledge and wisdom, the heart with emotions, and the belly with feelings and intuition. So, if you want to gain power (or for someone else to gain it), stick a red pin into the head of a Voodoo doll. If you want to attract love, stick a blue pin into the doll's heart. Listed below are the colors and what they symbolize:

      • yellow: success;
      • green: money;
      • white: health;
      • red: power;
      • purple: spirituality;
      • blue: love;
      • black: getting rid of negative energy.
    3. Contact the Voodoo spirits. Loa, twins and spirits of the dead are the spiritual principles of Voodoo, with the help of which you can attract into your life various changes. To summon spirits, you need to make or buy a Voodoo doll. You need to focus on your desires that you want to fulfill with the help of spirits, then you need to light a candle of the desired color, after which you need to offer a sacrifice to the spirit. It may be better to make a second Voodoo doll of the same type to light a candle on and make a sacrifice to the spirits.

    4. Much of the magic of Voodoo is reconnecting with the universe and spirits. If you doubt your power or can't concentrate on the reunion, chances are your voodoo doll magic won't work.
    5. According to New Orleans Voodoo, to better reconnect with spirits, many dolls are blessed by experienced practitioners.
    6. Warnings

    • Since a Voodoo doll has the ability to absorb the energy of the person using it, it is best to never use someone else's Voodoo doll.
    • If you use a Voodoo doll incorrectly, you may experience karmic backlash, that is, things like conflicts, accidents, depression, bad luck, death.
    • The power of Voodoo magic has not been scientifically proven.
    • Remember, if you plan to use a voodoo doll for negative influence on a person, you may experience a karmic backlash. So be careful.

The history of African voodoo magic goes back to ancient times. According to scientific sources, this movement originated between 1750 and 1785. The island of Haiti became his homeland.

Voodoo is based on black magic, however, with a clear imprint of the ethnic characteristics and traditions of the ancient peoples of Africa. This, for example, includes rituals using human blood, zombie techniques, etc. Magicians and psychics rightly revere voodoo magic as one of the strongest and most dangerous.

Its rituals and practices make it possible to influence other people, commanding their consciousness and even influencing the world. However, contrary to popular belief, voodoo magic can be used not only for sinister deeds and harming enemies, but also for good purposes. For example, to achieve well-being, health, success in business, prevent conflicts and harmonize relationships in the family.

First, let's figure out what the famous voodoo doll is, which is necessary for all practical manipulations of this movement.

What is a voodoo doll

A voodoo doll is a necessary tool in this type of magic. The fact is that the flow of voodoo is similar to the theory of sympathetic magic, according to which objects that are similar or have been in close contact acquire a special, supernatural connection. Actually, the voodoo doll symbolizes the person at whose address witchcraft manipulations are performed.

It represents a kind of volt - a magical prototype of the person at whom the witchcraft is directed. As a result of a number of specific techniques and magical rituals, this doll receives a special magical connection with a certain living person.

The voodoo doll becomes a symbol, the energetic embodiment of a given personality. And subsequently, by manipulating the doll, the shaman can influence the person he has chosen, literally paralyzing his will.

The process of creating a voodoo doll

To create a magic doll, only natural materials are suitable. Most often I use wax or clay for this purpose; they must be cleaned with incense (incense, sandalwood), earth, salt or a candle flame. From the selected material, the shaman creates a figurine, which in appearance should somehow resemble the one whose volt it is assigned to become.

During the manufacturing process, you need to mentally and energetically tune in to this person, imagine him in front of you, put all your wishes and messages addressed to him into the figurine. Another important point: in order for a voodoo doll to have maximum connection with a certain person, to make it, the magician uses biomaterials that carry genetic information about him.

This could be, say, legs, hair, blood, sperm, saliva. By the way, sometimes a voodoo doll is made from dough based on flour, water and a piece of human flesh. As a last resort, you can use some personal item that belonged to the person in the ritual. It is desirable that it be an object in contact with the body.

What to do with the doll?

The finished doll should be “baptized”, that is, named after the one it represents. This process occurs as follows: the magician lights a white candle, burns incense, and, pronouncing the words of a special spell, produces a naming name. Thus, a process of complete identification occurs. And then, in all subsequent rituals and witchcraft manipulations, the doll should be addressed only by this name.

Then, after the process of creating the doll is completed, it is buried in the ground, not far from the person’s place of residence or where he often visits. Often magicians prefer not to bury the volt, according to ancient instructions, but to hide it in the house or office of the chosen victim. The main thing is that they are close to each other, this is necessary for further energy replenishment and strengthening the contact between the voodoo doll and the one it symbolizes.

What is a voodoo doll for?

In voodoo magic, a ritual doll is a prototype, an energetic manifestation of a certain person, a kind of connecting link between the magician and the victim. First of all, it is used to influence the consciousness of the victim and influence her.

An experienced shaman, thanks to a series of specific actions with a voodoo doll, can almost completely subjugate another person to his will, force a person to do something that he absolutely does not want and does not plan. Do not forget that voodoo magic is one of the most powerful types of black magic.

Therefore, in most cases, all ritual actions with a doll are aimed at causing harm to another person. For example, for a love spell, to eliminate a competitor, and even to kill the chosen victim from the world.

Rituals using a voodoo doll

There are a large number of different rituals associated with exposure to volts. Let's look at a few of the most common ones.

Rite of Silence

Used to silence a gossip or to paralyze a person's eloquence at an important moment. To do this, a piece is stuffed into the doll's mouth. raw meat or fill it with earth.

Love spell on a voodoo doll

This ritual is one of the most powerful love spells in the arsenal of black magicians. To carry it out, you need to light a red candle exactly at midnight, say certain words, and drop a drop of your own blood into the area of ​​the ritual doll’s heart.

Punish the traitor

For this purpose, the shaman makes a volt with clearly defined sexual characteristics, after which this place is stitched with black threads. It is believed that after this ritual, the person’s passion cools down and he no longer feels attracted to the person with whom he cheated on you.

Healing ritual

Despite the established opinion, voodoo magic can also be used for good purposes, for example, to restore health to a seriously ill person. For this purpose, volt is made with the addition of animal bones. During the naming ceremony, the ritual doll should be given a mirror image of the patient’s name (for example, if the girl’s name is Maria, then the volt should have the name Yairam).

After this, the doll should be placed in a certain box, symbolizing a coffin, and buried. It is believed that along with the doll, the disease goes into the ground, and the patient begins to recover.

Safety precautions in voodoo magic

All rituals of voodoo are ancient, incredibly powerful current. If you do not have sufficient experience, you may unwittingly awaken sinister forces that will later turn against you. To prevent this from happening, you should follow some basic rules.

1. You cannot use Volt to inflict a fatal disease on your opponent. Such rituals threaten heavy retribution and lead to serious illness of the “customer”.
2. You cannot perform any rituals in the cemetery.
3. Cemetery soil cannot be used in making a volt; this will lead to the death of the one with whom it is identified.

Finally, I would like to remind you that a voodoo doll is truly an incredibly powerful witchcraft tool and the results of manipulating it are unpredictable. In addition, in the absence of experience and a sufficient level of skill, you can inadvertently disturb the harsh African spirits. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully: is it worth taking the risk of attracting black magic into your life?

What happened in your life that you turned to magic? Has someone offended you in everyday life, broken your heart, or taken away your job? Or maybe you want to make a very effective amulet for yourself or your neighbor. Whatever your goals, Voodoo magic will come to your aid.

Voodoo magic is a magic that was born in South and Central Africa

What is this magic?

Have you decided to call witchcraft for help, but don’t even know what it is? I will assume that you imagine terrible sacrifices, needles, dark rituals and terrible torment of the victim due to the fact that the sorcerer lowers the limb of a Voodoo doll into boiling oil.

Voodoo magic is a magic that was born in South and Central Africa, among local tribes. Voodooism used to be performed by shamans. Most often, to perform any rituals, shamans involved the entire tribe in the ritual. Miracles happened with the help of dances, tambourines, songs, fires and Voodoo dolls. But it was like that before. From the moment people from Europe began to use the dark-skinned race as an easy and cheap labor force, the rituals lost their scale and grew into something completely different. There is no longer any need to gather a huge flash mob to reunite with our ancestors; the tambourines and drums have disappeared. Now magic has become something personal, for single people who are desperate and dream of changing their lives for the better in every available way.

I would like to emphasize that this is not only black magic. Like any magic, it can be either negative and aimed at destroying a person, or at helping against illnesses and attracting good luck.

Ideology of Voodooism

If you are interested in the Voodoo culture itself, then you can only mention that Voodooists are convinced that everything in this world is connected and one cannot exist without the other. Dawn is impossible without sunset, rain is impossible without drought, just as life is impossible without death. Therefore, death in this culture there is no such grief about death, and the deceased is carried out with joy and honor into the next world.

Magic dolls in other cultures

If you thought that dolls for magical rituals are used only in Central and South Africa, then you are wrong. In fact, in Central Europe there were also magical dolls for various rituals, which were called volts there. Volts personified the magical essence of personality, to which she was attached. A kind of double who felt the same as the living person to whom this ritual thing was attached.

How to make a Voodoo doll?

Well, here we come to the main question of this article. Voodooism is very tightly built on the emotional state of a person. Before you start creating a new doll, you need to decide what exactly you need this doll for: to bring evil or good. If your doll is supposed to help a person, save him from illness, etc., then you need to be mentally positive. However, if you dream of cursing a person, then be prepared to get into a disgusting mood.

Regarding the material, everything natural will do:

  • cotton fabric;
  • dirt;
  • straw;
  • twigs;
  • wax;
  • dough;
  • cotton wool and everything you find in your home.

Plastic will not work, nor will synthetic fabric.

If your doll will have to help a person, then you need to be mentally positive

Next, you need to knit, sew, twist the doll and tie its limbs with red threads, which symbolize blood. Please note that you need to indicate the sensitive points of your toy. Also, if a doll is made for good purposes, then it should be attractive in appearance and not repel either its keeper or the people around him. While working on it, you need to fill it with good emotions and visualize in your head the person the doll represents. In addition, you need to try to give human features to the doll itself, to make it as similar as possible.

The next step is to bind the doll to the person you plan to control. To do this, you need to sit by the window on a full moon and pick up the finished doll. Look at her, think again about the person whose double she becomes. Then look at it and order:

“I created you, a creature from (material), and I name you (Name Last Name of the person). From now on, his pain is your pain, his blood is your blood. Let it be so!"

Now the doll has a name real person, completely personifies him. If you want to strengthen the connection between a ritual item and a person, then you will need personal item a person, a strand of hair, a nail, skin, blood, saliva, his clothes. It works well if you sew clothes for the doll from the real things of your victim. What you took personally from the person you need to put in a doll or in a specially prepared pocket and sew it up. All this will make the connecting thread between the Voodoo toy and the individual stronger.

What can a Voodoo doll be used for?

How does a Voodoo doll work? What actions can I take? How to manage it and people? There are many different uses.

Well, to attract the attention of the opposite sex. In order to make a love spell on a Voodoo doll you need to take:

  • three needles;
  • a prepared Voodoo doll per person;
  • red candle;
  • a piece of fabric;
  • a piece of red thread.

This ritual should be performed on the full moon, immediately after midnight. Light a candle and place the doll in front of you. Remember the person and pick up a needle, which needs to be heated as hot as possible. Now you need to insert the needle into the third eye area, saying:

“As my needle is sharp, so let your thoughts about me be sharp, your feelings for me should be hot like this needle, just as this needle is strong, so let your love for me be strong. I don’t stick a needle, but I kindle a fire, I awaken love, and I don’t cause pain.”

Next, this operation must be repeated with two needles, alternately sticking it into the heart, and then into the genital area. As you insert each needle into the body, recite the spell indicated above. Then gently kiss each needle and blow out the candle. Place the rest of the candle on the doll and wrap it in the prepared fabric. Tie the bundle with a red thread into three very strong knots and hide it so that no one will find it. It's better to go to your room, not far from the bed. Now just watch as the spell begins to work.

Voodoo doll helps to attract the attention of the opposite sex

There is also a good way to cast a love spell on a person; it should be done on a new moon. For this again you need a human doll and a red ribbon. You need to use it to tie the doll’s hands and wish that his hands are connected to your hands, just as this love ribbon binds the doll’s hands. Next you need to prick the doll with a pin in the heart and stab it there. Remember that, first of all, the role is played by the energy with which you mentally fill the words and the doll during the ritual. Wish this with all your heart and you will definitely respond.

Is there some more interesting way, how to attract money with the help of a Voodoo doll. To do this, you need to make a doll for a specific person and put it in a box. Fill the box with money, dress the doll in jewelry and decorate it with a crown. You can decorate the box so that it looks expensive and then money and financial well-being will begin to flow to you, or to the person you seated.

And for a person to feel physical pain, then it is worth using the elements of fire and water in Voodoo. To harm a person, it must be drowned. You can burn or move a burning candle near the doll’s limbs. This will cause the victim various and incomprehensible severe pain. You can torture a person by pressing on his head. This will cause headaches in the person himself, but such that no analgesic can relieve them. Also, such bullying can drive a person crazy and cloud their mind. So you may well drive a person crazy. But any dark magic will boomerang back to the magician who used it.

How to get rid of a Voodoo doll?

If this toy has fulfilled its necessary purpose in your hands, then you cannot simply throw it away or leave it collecting dust in a dark closet. After all, remember that such a thing is an energetic link between the doll and the person and influences him. If you accidentally crush the doll's hand with a box while putting things in the closet, the person will feel terrible pain.

There are several rituals that allow you to get rid of the doll and break this strong magic circle. Below will be given only one of the most effective and proven ways so that you do not wander around the Internet in vain in search of information.

In order to free a person from magical shackles and destroy the doll, you will need to take that toy and a glass of holy or enchanted water. Next you need to dip the doll in water and leave it there to soak, especially if you added blood to the doll, so that the blood gets wet. Next you need to look at it and clearly say:

“From now on, I order you, you are no longer (Name Last Name of person). Your bonds are broken and now you are (material), for all time and forever. I conjure!

After completing the ritual, the doll must be burned and its ashes buried at the cross. Make sure that the ritual is performed correctly, or better yet, do it three times, on three different nights.

Always remember that magic is not a game, and with any power comes great responsibility. And I hope that your intentions will always be pure and good.

The traditional African religion of voodoo includes many directions and varieties. A voodoo doll is the most well-known object of worship for the uninitiated, actively used to influence a specific person.

This volt is just a tool that can be used for good or bad. The latter happens more often, since it is much easier to damage, cast a love spell or even kill a person thanks to the sympathetic connection established with him, whereas it is better to use gris-gris to protect or attract well-being. And then I will tell you how to make a voodoo doll, how and what it can be used for, and also what will happen if you do something wrong.

How and from what to make a voodoo doll

There are quite a lot of so-called recipes for creating a voodoo doll. But the same components appear in all these rituals:

· hair, nails or blood or any other organic particle of a person with whom a sympathetic connection will be created with the help of a doll;

· directly the material for creating the body of the volt - fabric, straw, yarn, clay, wax, plasticine and so on;

· a firm intention to carry out the ritual and an unclouded mind - you must be sober in every sense and have a clear idea of ​​what you are trying to achieve.

Any ritual using a voodoo doll begins with the actual production of a volt. It is necessary to begin this in a calm and concentrated state, imagining the envolved person.

A little about materials

Depending on whether a targeted impact on the doll is intended (for example, using needles) or a general impact (burying, drowning, or simply pronouncing a curse), the type of doll is selected. Obviously, a doll made of fabric and stuffed with cotton wool is much more convenient for piercing with needles, and for symbolic hanging, a quite sketchy volt made of yarn or straw is also suitable.

No matter what material you choose to make your doll, it must be cleaned. Before creating a volt, wash your hands thoroughly under running water, and also wash the fabric or yarn in lightly salted water to rid it of foreign energy. The same should be done with buttons or any other materials on which someone else’s “trace” could remain.

If you use wax, it must be melted, essentially cleaned with fire. For obvious reasons, it is advisable to use new plasticine and sewing threads. Natural materials (moss, straw, etc.) do not require cleaning if you collected them yourself.

Now let's look at some doll options.

Fabric voodoo doll

A voodoo doll can be made from fabric or felt in two ways - without a pattern or with one.

Voodoo doll without pattern

This voodoo doll is very easy to make. For it you need:

· 2 square pieces of fabric (preferably natural) 20*20 cm or 40*40 cm, depending on the size of the doll;

· tape or thread for winding;

· hair, nails or blood of the person you want to influence;

· a rectangular piece of fabric for doll clothes 5*20 cm or 15*40 cm - it will be just perfect if it is cut from envolted underwear;

· photo of the same person (optional).

So, place a square piece of fabric on a flat horizontal surface and carefully roll it into a tight tube, starting from the corner. Once the fabric tube is ready, fold it in half. Do the same with the second square piece of fabric. While folding, insert a piece of a person into the second section - blood, hair or nails. Make sure that the enclosed item is securely wrapped in fabric and does not fall out.

Then take a thread or ribbon and wrap it around the first fabric tube, moving slightly away from the center fold to form the head. Then insert a tube with blood, nails or hair into it as shown in the picture. Secure the resulting structure with tape or thread.

The result should be a sketchy human figure. Now you need to dress this doll. A tunic made from a rectangular piece of fabric will work as clothing. Ideally, it should be cut from the underwear of the person being envolted, but a regular cut, previously washed in water and salt, will do. Fold the rectangle in half, make a cut on the fold, put the resulting tunic on the figurine and belt it with ribbon or thread.

A fabric voodoo doll without a pattern is ready. For greater resemblance, you can glue the face of the envolved person cut out from a photograph. This can be done with any doll - such a technique will allow you to more easily perceive its connection with a certain person.

Voodoo doll with pattern

Now let's move on to making a fabric voodoo doll using a pattern. To do this you will need:

· fabric, preferably natural;

· pattern - either a whole one, in the manner of a “gingerbread man” figurine, or separate patterns for arms, legs, head and torso - whichever is more convenient for you;

· threads and needle for sewing by hand or by machine, it is better to purchase them in advance especially for this ritual;

· filling for the doll - cotton wool, holofiber, padding polyester, moss, small scraps of fabric and so on;

· hair, nails or blood of the person being envolted.

Let's look at the option with separate patterns for each part of the body. This option is used for complex rituals, when some element is sewn into each of these parts - herbs, sand, needles or some other things. But if you love handicrafts, then you can make a doll that is as similar as possible to an envolved person in this way.

First you need to cut the fabric. You will need 2 oval parts for the head, 2 trapezoidal ones for the body and 4 rectangular ones for the arms and legs. First, gather the arms and legs and turn them right side out.

Stuff the limbs with your choice of filling. In our case it is cotton wool. If you use nails as biological material, then put them in your arms and legs, and then fill them with filler.

After this, sew the head parts to the body parts in pairs to get 2 halves of the body - front and back.

Place them right sides together and sew, leaving holes for sewing in arms and legs, then turn right sides out. Alternatively, the arms and legs can be sewn on at once, placing them inside the doll while sewing, so that after turning them inside out they will be placed in the right places.

If you have blood, then a piece of cloth with a bloody stain can be placed inside the body. In the same case, if it is in a liquid state, then you can drop it onto the filler with which you will stuff the doll.

This is what the result looks like. In the first photo there is a doll with arms and legs inside, in the second there is a finished result that can be dressed like an envolved person, attach hair to the head, and a photograph in place of the face, or sew on buttons instead of eyes, and embroider or embroider the nose and mouth draw. This voodoo doll is perfect for any manipulation - from ordinary curses or spells to sticking needles, cauterization or hanging.

Voodoo dolls made from yarn

Regarding such dolls, I can say that they are also easy to make. And I will tell you about two options - a frame and frameless voodoo doll made from yarn.

Frame doll

To make a voodoo doll from yarn on a frame you will need:

· 2 pieces of wire, with a length ratio of approximately 1 to 4 (for example, one piece is 10 cm and the other is 40 cm);

· electrical tape or tape;

· skein of yarn for knitting.

First we work with the frame. We bend the wire so that its ends are inside the doll.

The result should be a structure like this, consisting of two parts.

The first is a smaller piece of wire, the ends of which are brought together to the center. The second part - from a larger piece - is made by folding the wire in half, then spreading the ends about halfway along the length at an angle of about 90°, after which the ends are folded in half again so that they are wrapped inward. Take a closer look at the illustration below and everything will become clear to you.

Wrap the resulting structure with electrical tape or tape, connecting the parts. If you have at your disposal fingernails or tissue with the blood of the envolved person, secure them to the “skeleton” with an additional layer of adhesive tape or tape. After this, we take the yarn and cut pieces from it of such length that they are slightly larger than the transverse part of the structure.

Cover the envolt's arms with yarn on all sides and secure it by tying an additional piece of yarn at the level of the doll's shoulders. Hide the ends among other threads or simply cut them off.

Do the same with the rest of the frame, just make sure to use enough yarn to completely hide the wire skeleton.

If you have envolted hair, you can insert it while tying the bun in the head area. This voodoo doll is quite sketchy, but that makes it no less effective and perfect for various kinds of curses.

Yarn doll without frame

The last type of voodoo doll that I will talk about in this article is the envolt made from yarn without a frame. Actually, to make it you won’t need anything other than yarn and biological material. Yarn is needed in large quantities and two types - for the body and for the hair. In this case, the shade of the latter should be as close as possible to the hair color of the person being envolted.

By the way, such voodoo dolls made for women are especially beautiful, so to speak. And then you will find out why.

So you need biological material envolted person and yarn. To begin with, this yarn must be cut so as to obtain 2 large bundles of approximately equal length- one will be used to make the body, the other - the hair of the doll.

Take additional thread and tie the resulting sheaf tightly as close to the edge as possible, but so that the ends of the threads are securely fastened.

After this, turn the yarn “hair” outward so that the ends of the threads you tied are inside the doll’s head.

At this stage, you can put the hair of the person being envolted into the doll's head by twisting it around the threads or securing it inside with glue. After this, tie the “body” yarn at the level of the doll’s future neck.

Insert this braid between the threads of the body and secure it with an additional thread, tying it under the arms.

During this manipulation, you can insert a piece of fabric with the blood of the envolved person or his nails into the body, securing them with glue.

The result is such a cute doll, with which you can do whatever you want in the future. Naturally, you can attach a photo in place of her face.

For obvious reasons, such an envolt is most often used when eliminating a rival or casting a love spell on a woman by a man.

The voodoo doll is ready. What to do next?

To do this, you need to take a doll, imagine the person associated with it and say:

"From now on your name- "person's name". You are one with this doll. What happens to the doll is what happens to you. Let it be so. Aho! Aho! Aho!"

This is a kind of standard ritual for naming a doll, after which you can proceed directly to the ritual you need, unless its conditions stipulate a different way of naming the doll. I offer you a couple of options as an example.

Love spell

Make a doll in red or pink colors or dress it in clothes of that color. She should be as similar as possible to the person you are bewitching. After this, prick the ring finger of your left hand with a new needle, press it to the doll’s forehead, calling the name of your lover or beloved three times.

Then take 3 needles and stick them in order: into the heart, groin and head, then sprinkle the doll powdered sugar. Next, take a small piece of paper and briefly but clearly describe what you want from the person you are bewitching. Burn the paper in the fire of a candle, and on the remaining ashes, write the name of your loved one with a previously pricked finger.

Collect the ashes and sprinkle them on a piece of red cloth, then wrap the doll in it and place it under the mattress. Soon your loved one will find a reason to get closer to you.

Suppressing gossip and slander

If you have an ill-wisher who spreads rumors about you and harms you in every possible way, then you can silence him. To do this, you need to make a doll as similar as possible to the gossiper or gossip girl, of course, using hair, nails or dust taken from shoes. In this case, the doll must have a mouth (a cut in the corresponding area of ​​the head).

After the doll is ready, give it a name in the manner described above, stuff its mouth with black pepper or earth and sew it up with the words: “You, (name of the person being envolted), be silent.” If a piece of meat is placed instead of pepper/earth or along with it, then in addition the victim will suffer from one or another speech disorder, especially during public speaking.

What to do with the doll after the ritual and how can you get rid of it?

As a rule, as long as the doll is intact, you can influence the person. Most rituals recommend keeping the envolt in a secluded place, away from prying eyes, and certainly not giving it to anyone. But what if for some reason you want to interrupt the ritual and get rid of the doll?

The easiest way to destroy a voodoo doll is to wrap it in white cloth and sprinkle it with salt. After this, you need to find a lonely tree in a deserted place, dig a hole at its roots, put the doll there and set it on fire. Next, you need to wait until the doll burns, and pour the ashes from it with holy water or sprinkle with salt, and then bury the hole. You should return home without looking back or talking to anyone, and upon arrival, immediately wash your hands under running water or take a shower. This ritual must be performed on Saturday.

An error was made during the creation of the doll or the ritual. What does this mean?

Incorrect production and further handling of the doll is fraught with unpredictable consequences. They can affect both the person you are envolting and yourself. In the best case, the ritual simply won’t work, in the worst case, you will feel everything that the victim must have experienced if you caused damage or bewitched. If you needed a voodoo doll to attract good luck or prosperity, then a streak of bad luck may begin.

Sometimes you can interrupt the action of an incorrectly performed ritual by destroying the doll in the manner described above. Unfortunately, this does not always help, so you may need the help of a more experienced practitioner.

And if you decide to try to influence a person with the help of a voodoo doll, then do not forget that the responsibility for your actions lies entirely with you. Therefore, be careful and do not cause harm unless absolutely necessary.

And finally - a little positive. Some lovers in the UK and USA give each other these “kind” dolls for Valentine's Day.

How sweet and romantic, right? And the most important thing is that, if desired, such a doll can be used for its intended purpose...

Many of our compatriots know that there is such a mystical teaching as voodoo from Hollywood films. There, old Creole women curse unlucky white travelers, raise the dead from the earth, and turn those who succumb to their spell into obedient but bloodthirsty zombies. And one of the most powerful artifacts is a voodoo doll. With its help you can control human life and even death.

Manufacturing process

Surely, many have thought about voodoo at home? Let us turn to experts in esotericism for an answer to this question. As the masters of magic say, there are two main ways at home. The first one is more traditional. To implement it you need to take two small sticks.

You will also need threads, fabric such as burlap or canvas, some natural material for stuffing. Straw, dry grass, moss or flower petals are quite suitable. How to do it right Before creating it, you must clearly and in detail imagine the person or spirit whose personification it will be.

So let's get started. First you need to make a “skeleton”. We tie a cross of two sticks so that one is divided in half, and the second in a ratio of 1:2. So, the first will become the future hands of the doll, and the second will become its body and head. The second stage of the master class begins.

Our skeleton will be overgrown with muscles - tightly wrap the wooden cross with straw, grass or moss. If you use the latter option, try not to break it - the integrity of the moss is necessary for the ritual. After this, you need to cover and cover the doll with fabric. You can leave a little filler on the head to imitate hair, and on the ends of the arms to imitate palms. Now our voodoo doll, made at home, is almost ready.

Further, for greater personalization, and, as a result, to enhance the effect of magic, you can give it features specific person. To do this, you can sew clothes for her. Something made from his former item will be especially valuable. You never know, maybe you have a T-shirt lying around or a piece of fabric from the outfit of the person the doll will represent.

You can also add personality to your face. To do this, we sew buttons on the eyes, mark the mouth and eyebrows with charcoal or pencil, or even lipstick. It is especially important to depict a heart on the doll’s body. Also, to enhance the effect, you can sew beads, amulets or pieces of hair from the person you imagined while making it.

Another variant

The second way to make a voodoo doll at home is more modern. To do this you will need fabric, a photo of the person, and some filler. Print the photo in A4 format and transfer it to fabric or simply stick it on it. Cut out the figure along the outline.

Then, make a second similar silhouette and sew both parts together. Leave a small gap to fill the figure to add volume. Next, we follow the previous scenario to personalize our doll.


Many people mistakenly believe that voodoo rituals are intended to harm people. But that's not true. Any magic can be oriented towards good.

Therefore, in order to carry out such a ritual to attract good luck, love or wealth to a person, it is enough to choose pins with bright tops - red, if it is romantic relationship, green - to attract money, yellow - to provide positive emotions.

But it’s better to avoid black pins - after all bad thoughts about people and negative wishes can return a hundredfold to the caster himself.

Now you know how to make a voodoo doll at home. Good luck!