Due to their diversity and entertainment, games are interesting to people of all ages. Despite the fact that in modern times they are more often associated with computer games, many will not refuse to gather around the table with family or friends to have fun with such an intriguing pastime. We present to you the most interesting table games for a group of adults at the table.

This entertainment is ideal before the start of the feast; it will lift your spirits and create a pleasant atmosphere; all applicants can participate.

Rules: guests take a glass and pass it to each other, everyone who picks it up must pour a little alcohol into it. The loser will be the person who spills even a drop; he will have to drink everything poured and make a toast. It is highly recommended not to stir drinks!

Am I someone?

Purpose of the game: each participant has a piece of paper with a character, hero, actor, politician, etc. attached to their forehead.

During the game, each player must guess what is written there by asking one leading question and receiving an unambiguous answer to it.

The one who recognizes his hero is considered the winner; if his option is incorrect, then fines or elimination may be provided in the process.


The game got its name because it is a timed game, in the allotted few seconds a person must unravel as many words as possible. Entertainment leads the solving participant into a state of panic, which is very funny to watch from the outside.

  1. All players write 20–30 words, except adjectives and verbs, and then throw them into the hat.
  2. Participants are divided into pairs, the goal of one of them is to explain each word in a phrase, the other must guess them in the allotted time.
  3. After they change places, the winner is the pair that named the most correct options.

The game, familiar to many since childhood, has not lost its popularity among adults. Its principle is quite simple and easy to remember.

  1. Players are divided into 2 teams, the winner is the one that gets 10 correct options faster.
  2. A captain must be selected from each team to whom the leader will speak. His task will be to explain to the team what he heard using gestures.

Eiffel Tower

The props for building the tower will be domino plates. Each participant builds a floor, the one who destroys the structure leaves the game or is subject to fines.

Alphabet in a plate

The entertainment is suitable for any feast where there are treats on the tables.

Rules: the host guesses a letter for the guests, who must find it at the beginning of the product name. The first person to find the right word takes the place of the leader.

Mysterious item

How to play: in this game, the gift for the winner is determined immediately; it should be wrapped in several layers of foil. A piece of paper with a riddle is glued to each layer; the one who solves it removes one sheet.

If someone fails to complete the task, he passes it on to the next competitor. The most difficult task must be placed on the last layer of foil, the winner removes it and receives a prize.


The goal of the game is to divide the participants into teams, one of which is not allowed to smile; the task of the opposite teams is, on the contrary, to make their opponents laugh.

The participant who laughs moves to the opposing team; the player who is never embarrassed wins.

"Bearded" joke

The essence of the game: each of those present at the table begins to take turns telling a sentence from an anecdote. If one of the participants can continue it, then a “beard” is attached to the story. The winner of the game will be the one who tells the most unique jokes.

Solving the hit


  1. One of the participants must leave the room, he will solve the phrase conceived by the team.
  2. The presenter, together with those present, comes up with a phrase from a song or poem, the main thing is that it is well-known.
  3. Each guest remembers one word from it.
  4. In the game, the presenter asks the participants one question in order, to which they will have to answer with a sentence using a hidden word.


People sitting at the table take a piece of paper and a pen. The presenter calls a letter for which the participants must quickly draw an object. Artists with matching pictures are eliminated. The winner is the one whose creations turn out to be the most unique.

The presenter takes one personal item from each participant and puts them in a common, opaque bag.

During the game, the guests present come up with a task, and the one whose forfeit will be taken out performs it.


The game is based on the well-known “spin the bottle”, but instead of kissing, the participants complete tasks that are invented before the game starts.

Collect a song

Rules: For this game, each word from the selected song is written on a separate piece of paper. All participants sit down at the table and get acquainted with the sheets of paper; the winner will be the one who quickly solves and sings the hidden song.

Finish a masterpiece

  • Option #1

The guests gathered at the table are invited to complete the drawing conceived by the author. The sketches must be identical; to do this, you can print them on a printer; the winner is the one whose creation is as close as possible to the pre-drawn original.

  • Option No. 2

The host gives the guests different parts of one drawing, which they must complete. The players who correctly draw the object win.

How to play: Many identical objects, usually matches or other sticks, are selected as props for the game.

A pile is thrown onto the table for the guests, from which one item at a time must be pulled out.

The person who touches the neighboring sticks loses and leaves the game; I pull out my own.

Mimic dance

Target: to cheerful music, the host names a part of the face, and the guests begin to dance to it. It turns out to be a lot of fun; the most original and funniest dancers are nominated as winners.

Mafia 2

How to play: take a deck of cards and deal one to each guest. The team member who got the ace of spades will have to be the mafia, and the one who got the ace of hearts will play the sheriff.

All others will be civilians. The mafia's task is to kill people with an unnoticeable wink. Eliminated participants place their card after a few seconds. The sheriff's goal is to catch the criminal.

Russian roulette

This game is more suitable for a feast where alcohol will be consumed. In front of the player, 2 glasses with vodka and 1 with water are placed on the table so that he does not know what is poured where, his task will be to drink both glasses in a row, what will be in them is a matter of luck...

This game is ideal for a party in which there are boys and girls who are not couples and are not related.

  1. Participants are divided into women and men, the latter leave the room while the ladies wish for one of them each.
  2. Each guy enters the room one at a time and tries to guess the one who chose him, then kisses her. If she answers him, then the sympathies coincide, otherwise he gets a slap in the face.
  3. The man remains in the room. If he chose his lady correctly, then the next participant who kissed his mate is kicked out the door.
  4. The one who finds his half last or does not guess it at all loses.

Drawing from memory

The players are faced with the task of completing the drawing of an object to the sketch of the drawing. The condition is to close your eyes and turn in place. Since this will not be easy to do, the winner will be the one who most accurately depicts the missing element in its place. In the end, it will be interesting for artists to see what comes out of all this.

Empty box

The entertainment is not suitable for relatives, and participants must be of different sexes.

While the music is playing, the box is passed around in a circle; the one on whom the sound has died down must take off some of his clothes. How far the game goes depends only on its participants.

This is what they are, table games for a group of adults at the table. Having watched a huge amount of entertainment, we can conclude that age has no effect on the condition human soul. Most games came to us from early childhood, only they have become even more interesting and fun.

In the next video - another one interesting competition for adults at a home party.

Competitions are the best pastime when a cheerful company has gathered. To avoid any hiccups, you should prepare in advance. When choosing, consider the location, availability of props and the preferences of the participants.

Outdoor games

VIDEO: Outdoor competitions for adults

Find the pin

The presenter selects 5 people and puts blindfolds on everyone. Afterwards, he randomly attaches pins to the players’ clothes. The music turns on.

Participants begin to look for pins on each other. At the same time, you can’t give any hints. The one who finds the most of them wins.

All pins must have clasps. Only adults can compete.

Big cleaning

For such a game you will need the same amount balloons two colors. You need to draw a large circle on the ground and divide it in half. All those present are divided into two teams.

At each site, a ball is scattered in a random order. Their color corresponds to a specific team. The winners are those participants who throw all their balls into their opponents' territory.


This competition is perfect for starting a picnic. Two teams are armed with matches, cauldrons, the same number of knives and potatoes.

After the signal, each team begins to light a fire, peel potatoes and install a boiler. The winners will be those whose potatoes cook the fastest. The competition can be changed, for example, to the most quick cooking kebabs.

Siamese twins

Players are divided into twos. Each couple has two arms and two legs tied together. Now they can't be used.

The essence of the game is for the “Siamese twins” to perform some tasks. For example, peel potatoes. The couple who completed the most tasks wins.


In this game, participants are also divided into pairs. Each team is given five balloons. Couples need to burst them in the following positions:

  • back to back;
  • sideways to each other;
  • between the hands;
  • belly to belly;
  • sitting down at the same time.

The competition looks very funny. After all, it’s ridiculous for the participants to move and squeal when the balloon bursts. So the game will appeal to both players and fans.

We ate and drank

For the competition you will need: sausage, a bottle of drink, a plate, a knife, a fork and a glass. Next, you need to select two teams of three people. Everyone moves away from the table at an equal distance.

First, participants are offered something to eat. The first player on the team runs to cut off a piece of sausage. The second one pricks it on a fork. The third one must eat.

Now the teams must drink. Now all participants take turns opening the bottle, pouring it into a glass and drinking. The team that completes the tasks faster wins.

Hungry Beast

To play you will need two volunteers and some food. For example, chopped sausage.

Participants take turns putting food in their mouths and pronouncing the phrase “hungry beast” to their opponent. At the same time, you should not swallow. The player who laughs first is considered the loser.

In search of treasure

For such a competition, preparation is necessary. The presenter needs to hide the treasure in advance - a box of beer.

Catch the ball

Participants are divided into four teams. By drawing lots, two of them become leaders, and the rest become followers. The leading teams are opposite each other, and the slaves are located between them.

Participants from the leading teams take turns throwing the ball. The task of the wingmen is to intercept him. If they succeed, then the teams switch places.

Get me drunk

For such a competition you will need 6 players, 4 glasses and a pair plastic bottles. You need to make one hole in each of their lids using a nail. The players are divided into two teams.

Captains, without opening the bottle or using their hands, must pour water into two glasses. The rest of the participants quickly drink it. The team that completes the test faster than its opponents wins.


For this game you will need a lot of bags. The presenter leaves the gift at a certain distance from the start. Participants stand with their feet in the bag and begin to jump on command. The one who gets to the gift first will be able to keep it.

Find the bottles

This game will not only help lift your spirits, but also cool your drinks. Perfect for those who are bored while preparing barbecue. The presenter hides a bag of bottles in the river.

Players begin to walk around the pond and look for drinks. The presenter can suggest “hot” or “cold”. The winner is allowed to be the first to choose a kebab stick.

Get dressed and undressed

Participants are divided into two teams and stand on one line. After a certain distance from them, a hat, a T-shirt and pants (preferably large sizes) are left.

After the signal, each player must run to the things, put them on, take them off and pass the baton to the next one. The team whose members complete the test the fastest wins.


For this competition you will need spoons, raw eggs and sheets of assignments. The presenter draws a “corridor” on the ground.

One by one, participants take a spoon in their teeth, place an egg on it and walk through the “corridor.” The rest are trying to distract him, shouting “drop it”, “you won’t make it.” The player who drops the egg must complete the task.

Chocolate temptation

This game is suitable for the warm season. Participants must wear swimsuits and swimming trunks. The presenter ties blindfolds for the men. He breaks the chocolate and places it on the girls.

The guys have to find the sweets with their lips and eat them. When everyone has completed the task, the boys and girls change places.

Only adults who are not in the love relationships. Otherwise, conflicts may arise.

Save the ball

For such a competition you will need a lot of balloons, which should be inflated and tied to one leg of each player. A large circle is drawn on the ground. After everything is ready, the presenter turns on the music.

While the song is playing, the participants, without leaving the circle, begin to pop each other’s balloons. When the music turns off, those who were unable to keep their ball intact are removed from the circle. The action continues until there is only one winner left.


This game will continue throughout the time the company spends outdoors. Near the feast, he chooses one tree. A scale is attached to it, with 40 degrees written at the bottom and zero at the top.

Throughout the entire feast, each participant undergoes a breathalyzer. To do this, he stands with his back to the tree, bends down and sticks his hand with a pencil between his legs to leave a mark on the piece of paper. Passing the test will be more difficult and funnier each time.

Games at the table

VIDEO: The best table games


TOP 5 fun GAMES for a company at the table

No entry allowed

This kind of fun is great for starting a feast. Before each guest sits down, he must complete some task. It doesn’t have to be complicated, like giving the presenter a compliment.

Drunk couple

For the competition you will need several bottles of drinks and glasses. Those wishing to participate are divided into two. One of the couple takes the bottle, and the second takes the glass.

According to the sign, everyone tries to fill the glasses as carefully as possible. However, it is prohibited to take the bottle with your hands. Victory goes to the couple that copes faster and more conscientiously.


Several teams with a small number of participants are chosen at the table. Everyone raises their right hand, clenched into a fist. After the command of the leading “telepath”, the players unclench an arbitrary number of fingers.

The point of the game is for one of the teams to show the same number. Talking is prohibited. But participants can try to negotiate in a different way, for example, by coughing or knocking.


One of the participants turns his back to everyone. The presenter points to anyone present and asks the question “what should this phantom do?” The tasks should be very funny, for example:

  • raise your hands to the sky and ask the aliens to take you back home;
  • congratulate people passing by on some holiday;
  • drink a glass of highly salted water;
  • print out a photo of the caterpillar and ask everyone you meet if they have seen your runaway pet;
  • sing a whole song at a bus stop.

The most interesting thing is that the person who gives the tasks can randomly choose it for himself. Although the game is already old, it guarantees a festive mood.

We shared an orange

For the next fun you will need oranges, knives and any number of commands. Each group must choose a captain. He is the one who starts the game and ends it.

At the leader’s signal, the group must take turns peeling the orange, dividing it into slices and eating it. The captain needs to start the process and eat the last slice. The fastest team wins.


The presenter plays a song everyone knows. When he raises his hand, everyone sings; when he lowers it, everyone is silent. Participants who make a mistake leave the game.

Victory goes to the most attentive. To make the game more intense, the presenter can move his hand very quickly. He can confuse everyone by continuing to sing when he shouldn't.

The fastest

For such fun you will need alcoholic drinks and glasses. The latter should be fewer than the participants. The presenter pours alcohol and gives a signal, turning on the music.

When everyone sitting hears the song, they dance around the table. As soon as the music stops, the participants take away the glasses. Those who are left with nothing are out of the game.

After the first round, the game continues again. For variety, the strength of the drinks can be gradually increased. The competition ends only when there is one winner left.

During the game, remove unnecessary items from the table. Otherwise, the dishes standing on the edge may be broken.

What will you do if?

The host asks various questions to the players. For example, what would you do if:

  • you were stolen by aliens;
  • you spent your entire salary in three days;
  • you will not be able to use the Internet for a month;
  • you will be locked in the office.

The more ridiculous the questions, the funnier it will be. The winner can be determined by general voting.


To play this game you will need two participants, printed stories from the Internet, juice, paper and a pen. The first player puts in his mouth not a large number of juice, but does not swallow it. He is given a sheet of paper with a story and asked to dictate it.

The second participant tries to write down what he heard. After the competition, everyone listens to the resulting story. Usually this game turns out to be very funny.


One of the guests sitting at the table stands behind them. The rest take the candy and quickly pass it to each other. The driver's task is to catch the one in whose hands the sweet is.


This game should be played when everyone has had enough to drink. The host gets up from the table and warns that in one minute he will identify the drunkest of the guests.

After this, the presenter explains that it is necessary to give the object he named a more affectionate shade. For example, sausage - sausage, tangerine - tangerine. All guests think that sobriety is determined by the speed of the response.

At such a moment, the presenter says the word “water”. Usually at such a moment the answer is “vodka.” The guest who made a mistake is awarded a diploma “having reached the required condition” amid general laughter.


For the competition you will need spoons and two large bowls filled with water. All those present are divided into two teams.

At the signal, each person drinks a spoonful of water and passes the container to the next person. You should not splash water while playing. The first group to scoop out the contents in the bowl wins.

Useful item

The leader gives the person sitting next to any object. The guest must say how he can use this thing and pass it on to the next one. The one who cannot figure out what benefits this item brings loses.

You don't even have to leave the table to have a great time

During the holidays, you can also use active games of a sporting nature (for example, “Bag Run” and many others). Such games develop endurance and physical qualities in a person. At every party there are reckless people who can't wait to channel their energy somewhere. The games below are quite suitable for this. But they will require a lot free space. The optimal condition for such games is fresh air.

"Sack Run"

The game involves teams with the same number of players. To play the game you will need two bags. Participants must climb into bags and jump a predetermined distance into them and back. The team that completes the task faster wins.


This is a Georgian national game, the name of which is translated as “field”. The players' task is to run with the ball to the opponent's side, located on the other side of the field. Two teams take part in the game. The number of players can reach up to 15 people. At the beginning of the game, the teams stand in a circle, and then the ball is thrown up and the game begins. One of the players catches the ball and begins to move towards the opponent. The opponent can take the ball by any means except downright rude ones.


Two teams take part in the game. The playing area is divided into two halves, which belong to the teams. One of the players comes to the side of his opponent and stands behind the entire team. He has to throw balls to his team, but he can't kick them himself. The team's task is to use the ball to knock as many of their opponents off the court as possible. The team that eliminates all its opponents wins.


Participants form a circle and, by drawing lots, determine who will be the defender and who will be the main one. The main one and his defender stand in the middle of the formed circle. The participants begin to throw the ball to each other and try to knock out the main one. The defender’s task is to protect the main player from getting hit by the ball. If this happens, the participant takes the place of the main one and can choose his own defense or leave the previous defender. And the game continues.


For this game, you need to choose a leader who will monitor the correct completion of tasks. Players are divided into several teams. Each team is given five envelopes in which tasks are written. For example: 1st task - sit down 50 times; 2nd task - recite a poem about birds, etc. In addition, the teams need to find the remaining five envelopes. To do this, you need to complete the tasks correctly. The team that completes all tasks before others is the winner. The winner will receive a prize in the form of a cake.

"Let's jump!"

Teams take part in the game. Each participant needs to jump on one leg to the pole and back. Whoever completes the task faster wins. To make the task more difficult, you can arrange it next to a small slide. Then the participants will need to jump uphill and downhill.

“Break through the wall!”

The game is played in winter, when there is a lot of snow outside. A wall that is small in height and thickness is erected from snow. Participants will also need a stick approximately 0.5 m long. Each participant must throw their stick so that it breaks right through the snowdrift.

"Tennis Balls and Tray"

The leader forms two teams, each consisting of three participants, and everyone is given one tennis ball. The first players (starters) are also given a tray. On command, the first players place the ball on the tray and quickly walk to the flag and back. Pass the tray to the next participant. He covers the same distance, but with two balls, therefore, the third player with three. The team that completed this task faster wins.


To play the game you will need two chairs placed at some distance from each other. A large round stick is placed on them, capable of supporting the weight of a person. WITH different sides From the chairs, apples are laid out on low stands in the shape of a triangle. The participant sits in the middle of the stick and holds another stick in his hands to maintain balance. The participant's task is to knock the apples off the stands. If a participant loses his balance, he can put a stick on the floor and support him. The participant who knocks down all the apples and stays on the stick wins. If a participant knocks down all the apples but fails to hold on, the result is not counted.

"Hide and Seek"

The participant who will drive is selected by drawing lots. They close his eyes, put him facing the wall (playing place), and he begins to count to 50. The remaining participants hide at this moment. After the driver has opened his eyes, the participants do not have to wait until they are found. Everyone’s task is to reach the playing place faster than the driver. Whoever fails to do this will be the driver in the next game.


This game develops dexterity and the ability to calculate a strike. Before starting the game, you need to draw a circle and insert a stick into its middle. A plastic cover is placed on the stick. Players stand at a distance of 1.5 m from the stick and try to knock down the one on the stick with another lid. But you need to knock it down so that it falls outside the drawn circle. Whoever succeeds scores 5 points. The one who scored the most points wins.


The game develops the eye and dexterity of the game participants. To play you will need sticks 0.5 m long and rings. If the game is played outdoors, then the sticks are dug into the ground, if indoors, then they are secured in the cross. Participants are divided into teams. The task of each team is to put as many rings on a stick as possible. At the first stage, the distance between the thrower and the stick is 1 m, at the second stage - 2 m, at the third - 3 m. At the end of three stages, the winning team is revealed.


Two teams take part in the game. On the playing field, at a certain distance from each other, multi-colored rings are laid out. Players must stand on stilts and walk across the playing field, hitting as many colored rings as possible.

"Two Legs"

Couples participate in the game. Each participant in a pair is tied with one leg and given the task to jump to the flag and come back. Couples jump holding hands. The couple that reaches the finish line first is considered the winner.

"Pillow Fights"

Participants sit on a log and try to knock down their opponent with a pillow blow. Whoever falls is out of the fight.


To play, draw a circle with a diameter of 2 m. Two participants stand in the middle of the circle and, leaning on one leg, take the other by the heel with their hand. In this position, they try to push their opponent out of the circle. Using your hands is prohibited.

"Vice versa"

Participants stand in a line and repeat all the movements of the driver who is standing in front of them, exactly the opposite. The participant who makes a mistake changes places with the driver.


In the game, one circle with a diameter of approximately 1.5 m is drawn on the floor, and inside it is a smaller circle. Participants stand around a large circle, hold hands and try to push their neighbor into the restricted area. The forbidden zone is the space between the large and small circles. Participants can step into the small circle. Anyone who does step into the restricted area is eliminated from the game.

“Pass and not touch”

Players are divided into several teams. There are flags in front of each team, participants must pass them with eyes closed and don't knock it down. When the first participants from each team begin to walk, the teams must tell them which direction to go. When teams simultaneously begin to give hints to their players, none of them can understand where to move.

"Fold the Sun"

The game is team-based. First, a circle is drawn at a certain distance from each team. Each team player receives a baton. And then, one by one, on two legs, you need to jump to the drawn circle and place your stick so that the team ends up making the sun. The winner of the game is the team that completed the task before the rest.


The game is played in teams. Team members hold hands with their eyes closed. The presenter asks the teams to depict various figures, for example a circle, square, etc. The team that depicts the figure incorrectly is eliminated from the game.


Guys take part in the game. They are tied with a rope, but at a distance, and a prize is placed in front of each. Each young man must reach for the prize and thereby win over his opponent to his side. The participant who takes the prize first wins.

You can also arrange a tug of war. Participants are divided into teams and stand on both sides of the rope. On command, they take the rope in their hands and try to pull their opponents over the line drawn in advance. The strongest team wins.

You can pull without a rope. To do this, all team members line up and take each other by the waist. The first participants of such a “locomotive” from different teams join hands. On command, participants pull opponents to their side.

"Game of Rings"

The game is played outdoors. At a distance from the participants, a stick is placed between the trees, and rings are attached to it. The participants put on stilts, reach the trees and try to collect the rings, while their opponents try to stop them. The one who collects the most rings becomes the winner.

Something in last years the weather is not kind to us new year holidays bitter frosts, in some areas of the country you won’t even find much snow. Well, after all, you can play snowballs at home, right? Only the snowballs themselves will have to be taken care of in advance. For their manufacture, foam packaging from any household appliances(if you yourself haven’t purchased a TV or a vacuum cleaner in the recent past, then your neighbors will probably have something similar). Cut the foam into manageable pieces, and it can easily replace real snow. You can also make snowballs “personalized” - multi-colored - and compete in accuracy without fear that the “shells” will be mixed up. You can throw “snowballs” at each other (if the room is spacious enough and there are not too many of you), and at a target - for example, at the middle of a carpet hanging on the wall.

Air balloons

Outdoor games in an apartment are an activity that is often very destructive for surrounding objects (including the holiday table). Nevertheless, they can and should be carried out - if so desired by guests, children or adults who have spent a lot of time without active movements (except for active movements of the jaws).

The ideal “balls” for the room are simple balloons. You can run several pieces over festive table, and guests will warm up well by clicking to keep the balls in the air. Or you can put the ball on the edge of the table, blindfold the player and place his back to the table; On command, the player must take several steps forward, turn three times in place, return to the table and blow the ball onto the floor. As a rule, the correct direction is lost when turning, and amid general laughter, the player tries to blow the ball away from where it is not and has never been.


The more guests take an active part in this game, the better. Distribute sheets of paper and pens (pencils) to everyone; Let each participant in the game write on his sheet some word that does not contain soft and hard characters, the letters “s” and “th”. You can start with small words (“beer”, “subway”), and as you get the hang of it, increase their length. Sheets with written words are passed to neighboring players.

Now each player must compose a telegram such that each next word begins with the next letter in the given word. For example, from the word “garbage” you can get “It’s a terrible frost, I’m going to go fishing”, and from the word “collectivization” - “Kostroma reindeer herders are catching curious hedgehogs who drown used mittens and bury oranges in quintals and boxes”...

Everybody dance!

Ordinary dances, without which a cheerful home holiday with a large number of invited guests is rarely complete, can always be made special and memorable. Moreover, there is no need to invent any sophisticated scenarios; a slight intervention in the usual course of events is enough. The leader can choose only two from among those who want to dance, a soloist and a female soloist, and bring them to the middle of the circle. Having explained the conditions, the presenter turns on the music and the couple begins to dance. After about a minute, the music, obeying the hand of the presenter, is interrupted for a couple of seconds; The task of those standing in the circle is, while the music is silent, to quickly change their partner (or partner, it depends on where the dancers will be during the pause), and the changing partner must have time to warmly say goodbye to “his” lady. Gradually the pauses become smaller, and the dancing is very dynamic and fun.

You won't knock it down!

When the “fuel” at the festive table comes to an end, a persistent desire to sing often awakens at a party. We believe you can sing an ordinary drinking song properly without our advice, but you can turn this event into a fun game.

One person becomes the leader (although he can also take a direct part in the game). When the presenter claps his hands for the first time, everyone sitting at the table begins to sing their favorite song - but at first inaudibly, to themselves. Now the leader’s task is after some time (not very long, commensurate with the length of one song verse) to clap his hands again. Everyone continues to sing out loud, and as loudly as possible; the main thing is to keep the melody and not mix up the words, despite the sound interference (which is not so easy!). The person who completes the task best receives a prize.


Assign one of the game participants as the driver and ask him to leave the room for a while. The remaining players must, in his absence, remember any well-known quatrain and distribute the words that make it up among the players: each player gets only one word (if there are not enough players, two or three, but this is less convenient).

There are two options for further developments. When the driver enters, all players can simultaneously pronounce their own word from the intended quatrain, and the driver must guess the intended poem in this discordant chorus. The second option is that the driver points to any player, and he says his word; In the end, the winner is the player who guesses the planned quatrain with smallest number words

Three sticks

Place three meter sticks on the ground in parallel, one under the other (at a distance of about half a meter from each other). The players stand in a rad; the first one accelerates and jumps over each stick with only one leg; It is prohibited to touch the sticks; anyone who violates this prohibition leaves the game. The last player to jump over all the sticks moves the last stick to the place where he landed, and moves the middle one so that it is at an equal distance between the outer ones. Everything starts all over again. The last one standing is declared the winner.


Very simple but surprisingly exciting game, which you can play in any company, be it an adult, sober or tipsy, or just a children’s one. Those sitting at the festive table quietly take each other's hands. The designated leader gives a signal to start - for example, clapping his hands; player number one squeezes the hand of his neighbor on the right, who passes the impulse of the squeeze to the next player - and so on down the chain. It is advisable for the presenter to be distracted for some time, or you can ask the players to pass the handshake not immediately, but after some unpredictable pause.

At the “Stop” signal, the game stops, and the presenter must guess who the squeeze stopped on. If he succeeds, the one who was guessed becomes the leader, and if not, the leader remains the same.


Place a piece of paper in front of each participant in the game. The presenter begins to ask questions, which the players must answer in writing. Questions can be anything - “Who?”, “Where?”, “When?”, “How much?”, “Why?”, “What did you do?”, “What did you see?”, “What did you say?”; the main thing is that, after answering the next question, each player must roll up the top edge of his sheet so that what is written cannot be read, and pass the sheet to his neighbor on the right. The neighbor on the left must simultaneously give the player his completed piece of paper.

When the sheets of paper go around everyone, the presenter collects them and reads the result out loud - as a rule, complete nonsense, but very often (at least one phrase on each sheet) the questions and answers to them turn out to be hilariously funny.

Noble winders

For this game you need to prepare two spools of thread and the threads themselves (preferably stronger and thicker), about five meters long. You need to make some kind of mark in the middle of the thread - the easiest way is to tie a fairly noticeable knot. Two players stand opposite each other, holding a spool in their hands so that the thread is taut; at the command of the leader, they begin to quickly wind the thread onto the spool, moving closer to each other as the thread is consumed. Victory goes to the player who is the first to reach the middle of the thread (as we agreed, the knot).

If there are many people who want to play, you can arrange a competition according to the Olympic system - when the loser is eliminated, and in the next round only the winners of the previous stages meet. The absolute champion should receive some kind of prize.

Ideal neighbors

The players sit in a circle, with the driver in the center. He asks everyone in turn: “Do you like your neighbors?” If the answer is negative, the driver asks: “Which neighbors would you like?” The player must name any characteristic that should be present in his new neighbors.

For example - “I want my neighbors to wear shirts.” A change of line should occur among the players - two people wearing shirts should sit on the adjacent chairs next to this player. A new input from another player follows, for example - “I want my neighbors to be married”; A married couple should sit on adjacent chairs. The interesting thing about the game is that new introductions do not cancel out the old ones, you need to constantly look for a compromise! By the way, the driver can also take the vacant seat.


The players stand in a circle and join hands (they should play on a flat area without knots sticking out of the ground, etc.). The presenter calls two animals into the ear of each player and explains the meaning of the game: when he loudly names any animal, the person to whom this animal was said in the ear must suddenly sit down, and his neighbors to the right and left, when they feel that he is crouching , must prevent this by supporting the neighbor by the arms. The essence of the joke is that the second animal, which the host calls in the players’ ears, is the same for everyone - for example, “whale”. So when the host says “whale” shortly after the game starts, all the players will inevitably fall to the ground - which can be quite hilarious.


Without a doubt, this fun is only for strong-willed men. Alcohol and sports tied in one tight knot is not a combination for those who doubt their abilities. Participants are divided into two (with large quantities for those who are thirsty - for three, four) teams; in front of each team, at a distance of several meters, a bottle or two of vodka, a shot glass and a plate with a simple snack (for example, pickles) are placed on the table.

The task of each team is to drink all the vodka as quickly as possible. On command, the first player runs up to the table, fills a shot glass with vodka, runs back and stands at the back of the team. The second participant runs to the table and drinks this shot; the third runs and snacks on a cucumber. And so on in a circle until the vodka runs out. The number of players in each team should not be a multiple of three, otherwise one will only drink, and the other will only have a snack...

Nose, nose, mouth, mouth...

The players sit in a circle (you can arrange this fun at the festive table), and the presenter is among them. He pronounces words in random order that indicate parts of his body that are visible to everyone - for example, “Nose, shoulder, nose, forehead, forehead, nose, mouth...” While pronouncing these words, right hand the presenter touches the part of the body that was named; those sitting in a circle must repeat everything the leader does. However, after some time he must make a deliberate mistake: say, say, “Ear,” and touch another part of the body. The players must be careful and not make the same mistake - they should touch those parts of the body that the leader names, and not those that he touches himself. The participant who made a mistake is eliminated from the game; The most attentive one, who lasted longer than others, is declared the winner.


Another prank game. A well-drunk player is asked to walk around the room or on some flat area blindfolded, under no circumstances dropping a single bottle that was previously placed on the floor (on the ground) in a random order. While the player is blindfolded, one of the initiates must quickly and quietly remove all the placed bottles. After this the game begins. Watching a person proudly stride, like a flamingo bird, through a completely free space, is sometimes quite funny. Get your cameras and video cameras ready!

Japanese blind man's buff

Place the children in a circle, place one of the drivers in the middle of this circle and blindfold him. At your command, the children should dance around the driver (he stands motionless) and repeat: “Bird, bird, locked in a cage, when will you come out to me, my bird?” After several circles, at your command, the children must stop; you ask the driver: “Who is standing behind you?” "Bird" calls the name of a player. If she guesses correctly, the player she named becomes the driver, but if not, the driver remains the same and the game is repeated.

If the children are small enough, try to ensure that the leaders (“birds”) change more often, since it can be difficult to guess in this game, and an unlucky child can be seriously upset.

Road fool

There are, of course, more noble occupations than card games, however, in a reserved seat carriage, on the second day of the journey, when fellow travelers are almost familiar, and there is still plenty of time before arriving in the south, maps can be in a good way have a good time.

Deal the entire deck equally to each player, show the last card as a trump card and take it for yourself. The player with the lowest trump or the one who won the previous game makes the first move; The move is made for the player with one card that needs to be beaten. After the card is beaten, the player either throws (beats) the top (beating the first) card, or agrees to clear, in which case the turn goes to the beaten player. If a player cannot beat the top card, he must accept all the cards on the table, in which case he loses the right to move, which goes to the next player.


This game should be played on the beach, or in a well-known company, either in an all-male or all-female group. Players (at least three people) strip down to their underpants and go into another room (or move away from the scene). The presenter and the audience turn over, mix up, confuse their things, shirts are turned inside out, jackets have sleeves pushed into the collar, trouser legs are tied up - in a word, they abuse the clothes as best they can. In the end, all things are tied into one big bundle.

On the command “Fire!!!” players run into the room (run up to the place where their things were mocked) and try to get dressed as quickly as possible. No further description required; The winner, of course, is the one who completes the task first.

Chained by one chain…

Divide the game participants into two equal teams, appoint captains, and let them line up their teams. Give the captains a tablespoon with a rope tied to its handle. At your signal, the captains must simultaneously begin tying up their team, with the rope passing through the legs of the men and through the sleeves of the women. It can be a lot of fun! The team that is tied first wins the game.


Scatter a couple of tenths of small objects on the table or other suitable surface (spoons, sweets, souvenirs, etc.) Cell phones), blindfold the player and ask him to determine by touch what these objects are. Just put thick mittens on the player’s hands.

Alcoholic domino

Place dominoes in front of well-warmed guests; let everyone take turns (one domino at a time) begin to build a house out of them - maybe the most basic one (two dominoes vertically, then two horizontally...) The player on whom the house collapses is obliged to drink a penalty - a glass of beer, or a glass of wine, or a shot of vodka . And the house begins to be built anew. You can't miss your turn! Don't be cruel - immediately remove players who have been heavily fined from the game. And don’t replace dominoes with cards, otherwise in about twenty minutes the whole company will be under the table!

Bird Market

Italian game. Place the children (5-8 people) in a circle, squatting, and let them clasp their knees with their hands. Tell the players that they are chickens. Declare one of the remaining players as a seller, and another as a buyer.

The buyer should approach the seller and ask: “Are there any chickens for sale?” “Yes,” the seller answers. “Can I look at them?” - "Please". The buyer approaches the chickens from the back and touches them one by one with the words: “This one is too old,” “This one is too skinny,” “This one is too harmful,” etc. Finally, after touching the selected “chicken,” the buyer says: “A I’ll buy this.” The seller and buyer lift the chicken by both elbows into the air, swing it and say: “You are a good chicken. Don’t unclasp your arms and don’t laugh.” If the chosen chicken starts smiling or laughing or opens his arms, he is eliminated from the game.

Truth is the truth

Pre-print sheets on the printer according to the number of players with the same text: space is left at the top for the name of the player (each will fill out the sheet for his neighbor), on the left in the column it is written that the bearer of this name, for example,

"...kind as..."

“...affectionate, like...”

"...beautiful as..."

"...serious, like..."

Fold the sheets in half so that the left column is hidden. Then ask the players to fill in the right, empty column - with any nouns, names of animals, objects, etc.). When everything is filled out, the sheets are unfolded, read out, and the player who filled out the sheet must seriously explain what he meant, indicating, for example, that “Uncle Seryozha is as attentive as a cello.”


The game requires some preparation: first stock up on a sufficient number of paper rings (hoops, “hairbands”) that can be put on your head. Each of them should have had the name of an animal written on it (all are different). On a quick fix Self-adhesive pieces of paper (stickers) are also suitable. Place the participants in the game in a circle, facing each other, put a ring on each person’s head: this way, everyone can see the inscriptions of others, but not of themselves. When asking questions to other participants in the game, everyone must guess from the answers - what kind of animal is indicated on his forehead? The answers can only be “yes” or “no”; A positive answer gives the right to a new question to any participant; with a negative answer, the right to move is transferred to the neighbor on the left.

Let's decorate our home!

Well, now it's time to think about New Year's decorations for your home... Have you decorated the Christmas tree yet? It's OK; You can now get Christmas tree decorations and, if a cheerful company has gathered in the house for some reason, have a lot of fun.

Give the participants Christmas tree decorations with whole loops and threads or clothespins tied to them, take everyone to the middle of the room, blindfold them and rotate each one several times around its axis. The players' task is to simultaneously move in the direction where, in their opinion, the Christmas tree is located, and decorate it with their toys. An important requirement: each player is obliged to attach the next toy to the object that he first stumbles upon (including, if this happens, even another participant in the fun). There is usually something to laugh about after the bandages are removed!

Paper dress

Call two (or more) pairs of players, assign one player as a “model” and the other as a “tailor”; Give each couple a roll toilet paper(just please prepare a prettier paper...) The “tailor” will have to make a dress for his “model” from this paper. At the same time, you can do whatever you want with paper, but no other objects (paper clips, pins, clothespins) should be used. The results of the tailors' efforts are judged collectively, and the winning pair should receive a prize.

This section contains funny funny games for adults at the table, which will not let your guests get bored and will make your holiday fun and memorable.

List of games: Candy, I'll sing now..., More coins, Chupa Chups, Choir, Praise, Festive counting, Guess who you are.


Guests are divided into pairs: a man and a woman. The task of each pair is to jointly unwrap and eat the candy without using their hands. The couple who made
it's the first one, wins.

Unusual toast
At the festive table, guests take turns making a toast, or wishes of happiness, to the birthday person. But all the words are replaced with “Pa-ra-pam, pa-ra-pam... shurum burum,” etc. In this case, you can only use facial expressions, gestures, and intonation!

I'll sing now...

First we make several cards. We write the first two lines from any song known to everyone. Each guest needs to continue the song that he received on the card.

More coins

A plate filled with coins. Each guest is given
saucer, and chopsticks for Chinese food. Rules: get as many coins into your saucer as possible. The winner is the one with the largest number of coins!

The bravest

There are 5 eggs on a plate: one of them is raw, and the rest are boiled. You need to break an egg on your forehead. Whoever comes across something raw is the bravest one. (But in general, the eggs are all boiled, and it’s just the last player who gets the prize, because he consciously took the risk of becoming everyone’s laughing stock).

Chupa Chups

A man is trying to explain to several girls the phrase “come with me.”
home, I have Chupa Chups.” it’s very funny when “explainers” try to explain the last word. It’s also funny to watch the change in color on the faces of girls trying to understand...


From the letter A, and further alphabetically, the player begins a phrase of congratulations on the fact that guests have gathered. For example: A - The stork wishes everyone a Happy New Year! B - Be alert soon New Year! B - Let's drink to the Ladies! It's especially fun when the game gets to G, F, P, S, L, B. The one who comes up with the funniest phrase will win.


Guests choose a song that is well known to everyone and begin to sing it in chorus. On command: “Quiet!” the guests fall silent and continue singing the song to themselves. After a while we say: “Loud!”, and the players continue the song out loud. Basically, while singing to themselves, participants change the tempo, and after the command “Loud!” everyone sings out of tune and the game ends with laughter!


Praise with adjectives will delight any hero of the occasion. The meaning of this game: all players are asked the question: “Who is our birthday boy?” The answer must consist of adjective words only. For example: thin, generous, brave, kind, etc. The process of praising occurs one by one, and the words should not be repeated. Those guests who, after saying a lot of words, begin to think for a long time about how to answer the question, leave the game. The player who can praise the birthday boy the most wins.

Festive counting rhyme

Whoever falls on the last word of the poem performs the corresponding action:

We'll start the counting rhyme
This is folk fun
Hug your neighbor on the left!
Here's another fun one
You crow for everyone
Don't waste your time -
Have a glass of vodka
You got a phantom like this:
Stomp your right foot.
Grab your neighbor's ear
And kiss him on the top of his head!
Let the owner not be jealous
The guest kisses the hostess
Well, my friend, don’t be lazy
Bow down to her to the ground
To keep your neighbor from getting bored, you need to tickle him.
There is no place for striptease here
But take the item off!
Do us a favor -
Show me the goat's face!
Show your flexibility -
Draw a swallow!
This guest will read a poem to us without delay!
There are a lot of good guests here
Clap your hands for them!
Try for your friends -
Pour wine into their glasses!
Look at your neighbor
Give me a peck on the cheek three times
You and your neighbor received a fine:
Have a drink for the brotherhood!
Listen more carefully:
Eat something quickly!
Well, then according to the program
You wiggle your ears
The neighbor on the right is in shock
Scratch his belly button!
Don't be shy, have fun
And show your tongue to everyone!
This guest is just a treasure
He and the hostess are happy to have a drink!
This one, look, doesn’t lag behind -
Goes to drink with the owner!
This guest is like the picture
Let him dance lezginka for us!
It will be more fun for all of us -

We write a word on a piece of paper, let’s say this is an animal, or famous actor. Afterwards, this piece of paper will need to be glued to your neighbor’s forehead, using tape. Every participant does this. Next, everyone, in turn, asks a leading question to which the answer is either yes or no and tries to determine what is written on his forehead. If the answer to the question is “yes”, then the player can ask another question; if the answer is “no”, then the turn to ask the question passes to another player. The one who guesses what is written on his forehead wins.

This section contains cool, funny, funny Games for adults at the festive table. Which can be used at a party for large and small companies, at a birthday or anniversary. These games help create a fun atmosphere at your holiday and will not let you get bored.

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