Bischofite is a complex of minerals of natural origin, which is used in the chemical industry, construction, and medicine. This polymineral received this name in honor of the German geologist who first discovered it (Karl-Gustov Bischoff). This discovery took place in Germany at the end of the nineteenth year (namely, in 1877). This mineral was formed as a result of the evaporation of ancient seas (these processes took place more than two hundred million years ago, at that time it was the time of the Permian period), that is, in fact, bischofite is crystalline ancient salt.

At first (about seventy years), this complex of minerals was considered quite rare until huge deposits of bischofite were discovered in our country (in the Volga region) in the middle of the last century. This natural complex is located at a depth of about one and a half - two thousand meters. Bischofite is easily soluble in water, and therefore its extraction takes place by an unusual method: a dry layer of the mineral, located underground, dissolves with water and the resulting solution rises to the top. In the form of crystals, it practically does not occur, if there is, then they are white or slightly yellowish in color, granular, fibrous, salty-bitter in taste, easily absorb water from the air.

Basically, bischofite is used as a solution (with a concentration of 350 to 420 grams per liter of water).

The main deposits of bischofite.

Firstly, in Stasfur in Germany, but there it is not in its pure form, but in the rocks, where it is contained about fifty percent, we, in Russia, have the same deposit in the Urals near Solikamsk. Secondly, in Russia in the Volgograd region, these deposits are clean (bischofite content is more than ninety-five percent). Thirdly, it is as pure as the previous one in Ukraine, namely in the Poltava region, discovered about twenty years ago, the bischofite of this deposit is more active, since it is more ancient, because it lies at a depth of more than two and a half kilometers.

The use of bischofite in treatment

Bishofit is used in many areas, mainly as a source of pure magnesium, but its main use is in medicine, as a spa treatment, wellness spa treatments.

Composition of bischofite:

  • magnesium chlorite - main component, its concentration reaches 450 grams per liter, it has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps protect the heart, lower blood pressure in the arteries, improves the neuromuscular apparatus, lowers cholesterol, participates in the formation of many enzymes, has properties that help reduce allergic manifestations;

the remaining salts are presented in lower concentrations (less than ten grams per liter):

  • magnesium bromide - stabilizes the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain, reduces excitability;
  • calcium chloride - has an anti-allergic effect, reduces vascular permeability during inflammation;
  • calcium sulfate - helps in the formation bone tissue; potassium chloride, sodium chloride, calcium bicarbonate;
  • in addition to salts, there are also trace elements: boron - normalizes water-salt and carbohydrate metabolism, has antioxidant properties; iodine - helps in the processes of resorption and regeneration, destroys bacteria;
  • copper - is a part of enzymes;
  • iron - is part of hemoglobin;
  • silicon - regulates fat metabolism, strengthens blood vessels;
  • molybdenum, lithium, titanium, rubidium and others.

This complex of salts and minerals has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, antimicrobial properties and is used in

  • joint diseases (deforming arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, consequences of injuries),
  • with pathology of the spine (degenerative-dystrophic changes, inflammatory diseases),
  • also in the pathology of the circulatory system (circulatory failure of the first - second degree, hypertension, myocardial ischemia, atherosclerosis),
  • nervous system of the peripheral and central ( radicular syndromes, neurosis, asthenia, circulatory disorders),
  • inflammatory pathology of the reproductive system.

Bischofite contraindications:

Treatment with bischofite is contraindicated for skin diseases, acute conditions and its intolerance.

Possible adverse reactions: skin irritation, allergic reactions, the phenomena of bromism and iodism.

Ways to use bischofite

As compresses, it is used for joints, before use, the desired area is first warmed up (about five minutes), then a solution of bischofite is taken (about 200 g of dry bischofite per half liter of water) and a sore spot is lubricated with it, then gauze is impregnated with the solution and placed on the joint, covered with paper and wrapped warmly, usually at night for eight hours. Remove the compress in the morning and wash the area warm water.

You can immediately apply only to three joints, no more, the course is 12-14 compresses daily.

There are also gels that are rubbed into diseased areas. You can also use bischofite baths, the temperature of the bath is about forty degrees, two liters of bischofite solution per hundred liters of water, baths are taken every other day for fifteen minutes, ten baths per course.

Therapist Naumov Yu.N.


it is used in the form of compresses, rubbing, general and local baths for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, in combination with massage, to lay down. physical education, sauna, etc.;

compresses - soak a gauze bandage with 20-30 g of bischofite, heated to a temperature of 38-40 C, apply to a preheated 2-3 minutes. part of the body, making a warm compress. Leave the compress for 8-10 hours, after removing the remnants of bischofite, be sure to wash off the skin with water.

At the same time, compresses should be carried out on no more than 2-3 large joints. For patients with impaired activity of the cardiovascular system, the duration of procedures should be reduced to 6-7 hours and the effect on only one joint.

Procedures are carried out daily or every other day for a course of treatment of 12-14 procedures.

Repeat the course of treatment after 1-2 months.

rubbing - 20-30 g of bischofite, heated to a temperature of 38-40 C, rub into the preheated painful area of ​​​​the body with light massaging for 2-5 minutes.

general baths - preparation of baths with a solution concentration based on 100-200 liters. water 2-4 l. bischofite at a water temperature of 35-37 C, the duration of bathing is 10-15 minutes.

When conducting a course of treatment, baths are carried out every other day or two days in a row with rest on the third day, for a course of treatment 10-12 baths.

local baths - preparation of a solution based on 1 liter. water 125 g of bischofite at a water temperature of 35-37C, the duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes.

During the course of treatment, local baths are carried out every other day or two days in a row with rest on the third day, for a course of treatment 10-12 baths.

The prepared solution is used only once.

Repeat the course of treatment in 1-2 months.

In dentistry - in the form of applications, baths 1 time per day for 10-15 minutes.

Before use, dilute with water in the ratio: 1 part of the drug and 10-15 parts of water.

With severe gingivitis and periodontitis, turundas soaked in a solution are introduced into the interdental spaces and periodontal pockets for 10-15 minutes.

In otorhinolaryngology - for adults and children in the form of rinsing the nose and throat, nasal "shower", washing the lacunae of the tonsils.

Before use, the drug is diluted with water (or 0.9% NaCl solution) in a ratio of 1:20 (or 1:40 for children under 7 years old).

After operations in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, endonasal electrophoresis is used with the introduction of turundas soaked in a polycatane solution for 20-30 minutes.

Outwardly, applied (diluted with water 1:1 or undiluted) to the painful area of ​​the body (pre-warmed with a blue light lamp or heating pad for 3-5 minutes) and lightly rubbed for 3-5 minutes, then make a warming compress.

After removing the compress, the skin is washed with warm water.

The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures (every other day).

Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, violation of the integrity of the skin (at the site of application).
Do not use in case of individual intolerance to procedures, post-procedure skin rash, itching and other signs of allergic reactions;

Do not use in case of cardiovascular insufficiency I-HI stage, severe cerebral vascular sclerosis, coronary heart disease in the acute phase;

General contraindications for pain therapy.

Side effects
Allergic reactions, when large doses enter the gastrointestinal tract, a laxative effect may occur, which passes on its own.

She was sick with polyarthritis. Saved from the pain "Bishofite"

I want to tell you about a wonderful remedy that my whole family has been treating for many years. But everything is in order. Twenty-five years ago, my foot hurt so badly that I had to go to a surgeon for help. A young doctor, after examining the foot, advised me to roll a bottle with my sore foot. For a long time I “exercised” like this, and the pain gradually moved to the second foot, then to my knees and hands. Turned to another, more experienced surgeon. It was already elderly woman. It was she who determined that I had polyarthritis. She prescribed injections and pills that improved my condition a little, but not quite. Climbing the stairs, I, already reaching the third floor, felt severe pain I had shortness of breath and my heart ached. And then one day a neighbor came to me and said: - They offer me to buy medicine here. Let's buy one check for two for testing. I agreed. Immediately she began to smear her sore legs with this remedy and after about 7 times she felt relieved. From such unexpected joy, I, going to work, was ready to kiss everyone I met. After that, she asked a neighbor to find out what kind of medicine it is and where you can buy it. It turned out that it is called "Bishofite" and you can buy it at the Volgograd Oil Institute. Taking a vacation, I went to Volgograd with my seven-year-old daughter. At that time there was a deposit of this natural medicine. It was mined in the form of salt and sent to the mines to extinguish fires and to collective farms, where cattlewomen added it to the food of animals. By the way, all the workers of the institute, who hand-packed this salt, disappeared from diseases of the joints of the hands. It was then that one professor suggested using this remedy in official medicine. And by the time I arrived in Volgograd, many local hospitals were already using this medicine. The only pity is that, to my shame, I did not remember the name of this professor. After all, it is he, having familiarized himself with my medical card, said that “Bishofit” would definitely help me, and he himself filled two two-liter jars that I brought from home with it. And in parting, the professor said: - Tell your doctors that I will give them a whole tank of this medicine, just let them come. In the end, he achieved the recognition of medicine "Bishofit". True, it is a pity that some dishonest pharmacists dilute "Bishofit" to such a state that it becomes ineffective. And now in more detail about its application. "Bishofit" helps with polyarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and sciatica. Heat the diseased joint with a heating pad and massage. Then pour 1 tsp in a saucer. "Bishofite", dip your fingers into it and easily rub it into the diseased joint for 3-5 minutes. 1 tsp enough to lubricate two joints, no more. The remains from the saucer are soaked with gauze and applied to the sore joint, on top - compress paper and something warm. Leave overnight. In the morning, the compress is removed, the body is washed with water and wiped dry. After that, you should try not to freeze, dress warmly. For recovery, you will need 12-14 such nightly procedures. If the skin is irritated, they should be done every other day. During treatment, a slight exacerbation of the disease is possible, but this should not be frightened, it passes quickly. "Bishofite" is stored in a glass container in a dark place. The storage period is not limited. Over time, a precipitate may appear, but the medicine does not lose its medicinal properties. If you manage to get "Bishofite" in the form of salt, then it should be diluted as follows: fill a half-liter jar up to half with "Bishofite", pour warm boiled water to the top and let it stand for 5-6 days. After that, the medicine can be applied.

BISHOPHIT cream for joints 100 ml. "Neogalen"

Body cream in the area of ​​the joints Bischofite is an effective natural remedy for the prevention of diseases of the joints and spine.

Created on the basis of the unique natural mineral bischofite and medicinal plants traditionally used in folk medicine.

Contributes to the normalization of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system, has anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, antispasmodic effect.

Improves blood circulation and nutrition of the joints, prevents the formation of salt deposits, reduces the risk of developing arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout.

Application area:

To prevent diseases of the joints and spine in the presence of risk factors (a sedentary lifestyle, hereditary predisposition, increased stress on the joints, hypothermia, viral infections, chronic inflammatory diseases);

With age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system;

With increased sensitivity of the joints to weather changes;

In the complex treatment of diseases of the joints and spine (as an aid);

For the prevention of seasonal exacerbations of joint diseases,

Ingredients: water, DEG stearate, PEG stearate, glycerin, emulsion wax, vegetable oil, bischofite, camphor, burdock extract, elecampane extract, chamomile extract, St. , propylene glycol, "penetrating microcapsules" biostimulating complex, "anti-inflammatory" biostimulating complex, vitanol, sea buckthorn oil, eutanol, dimethicone, DMP microcar, IT microcar, Trilon B, Grindox antioxidant.

The action and effectiveness of Bishofit body cream are ensured by its high biological activity and its synergism. natural ingredients, which have pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant, antispasmodic, regenerating properties.

Bischofite is a natural polymineral, which consists of about 70 elements, including magnesium chloride (the main active ingredient), as well as iodine, bromine, iron, silicon, zinc.

It is widely used in medicine for diseases of the joints, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerating effect, activates metabolic processes.

Discovered by the German geologist and chemist Carl-Gustav Bischof (Bischof) in 1877; is a crystallized sediment formed more than two hundred million years ago during the evaporation of ancient seas at a depth of 1-2.5 km.

At first, bischofite, in the form saline solution("brine"), mined as a source of magnesium and its compounds.

Medicinal properties bischofite were discovered by accident: well workers noticed that after washing their hands with a solution of bischofite, the joints of the hands stopped hurting.

Clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of bischofite in chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular apparatus: deforming arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lumbalgia, lumbar ischialgia and other diseases.

Producer: "KorolevPharm", Russia.

Bischofite is a natural mineral, on the basis of which various medicinal products. Preparations with bischofite (solutions, gels and creams) have proven to be an effective way to get rid of joint pain, nervous tension. They are also suitable for relieving inflammation and improving blood circulation. Can be used in the fight against mild skin diseases.

Indications for use

"Bishofite" is mainly used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These include diseases of the joints (deforming arthrosis), including chronic and infectious-allergic nature (rheumatoid arthritis), as well as diseases of the spine (rheumatitis), intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis).

In addition, "Bishofit" treats some diseases of the peripheral nervous system, such as lumbar nerves (lumbalgia). Bischofite is used to treat a number of skin diseases- acne, dermatitis and eczema.

For all these diseases, the drug should be used externally. Baths with a solution should be taken in cases of appearance cardiovascular disease- hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as osteoporosis, psoriasis, insomnia, stress and migraine.


A large share in the composition of "Bishofite" are the following salts:

  • Magnesium chloride and bromide
  • Sulfate, chloride and calcium bicarbonate
  • Sodium and potassium chloride.

A much smaller proportion falls on metals that are not in the composition of salts:

  • Lithium
  • Rubidium
  • Cesium
  • Strontium
  • Barium
  • Iron
  • Aluminum
  • Cobalt
  • Molybdenum
  • Titanium
  • Bismuth

Medicinal properties

The drug is absorbed through the skin, most of all increasing the content of magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium in the body due to the salts of these metals present in it. Magnesium is necessary for the construction and regeneration of connective tissues (including cartilage). In addition, it improves the metabolism between blood, lymph and interstitial fluid. Calcium is needed to build bone tissue (namely, calcium phosphate, into which it is translated). Sodium and potassium are involved in many processes in the body, such as the transmission of nerve impulses.

The full mechanisms of action of the drug are still poorly understood, but the absence of allergenic and carcinogenic properties has been proven.

The average price is from 60 to 80 rubles.

Gel “Bishofite”

Gel - in a tube with a volume of 75 or 100 ml. Pasty remedy. The color is usually colorless and translucent, but may have some tint. It depends on whether any additional components are added to it.

Mode of application

Cream or gel is rubbed into the sore spot 2 or 3 times a day for 2-3 minutes. It is not necessary to warm it with a compress. The course of treatment lasts up to 2 weeks. After a break of a month, the treatment can be repeated again.

The average price is from 70 to 200 rubles.

Salt “Bishofite”

Large crystalline salt. Tastes bitter and salty. Packing starts from 180 grams.

Mode of application

To take a bath with salt, you need to dissolve about 5 tablespoons in the bath. The water temperature should be 36-38 degrees. So useful to treat insomnia, psoriasis and nervous tension. You can take daily for 15-20 minutes.

For a general therapeutic bath, 500 grams of salt is spent. Every day for 15-20 minutes, the course of treatment is about 10 procedures.

For local baths - 40 grams per 1 liter. Number of procedures 12-14. You can do it every day or every other day. If a large joint or spine is being treated, then a compress from the prepared solution with salt should be applied for 2 hours in the same proportions.

The average price is from 100 to 150 rubles.

Bath liquid and solution “Bishofite”

Solution and bath liquid are available in a bottle of 500 (solution - sometimes 1000) ml. The drug does not contain preservatives and dyes. Precipitation may occur, so shake well before use.

Mode of application

The solution is used in the manufacture of compresses. First, the sore spot is warmed with a heating pad or a blue lamp and wiped with a 50% brine solution, and then a compress is applied. It is a piece of gauze or cotton cloth soaked in a salt solution and covered with parchment paper. The compress should be kept for 10-12 hours. After removing it, you need to wipe the skin that was under the compress with warm water. The procedure is repeated every 2 days for 20-25 days.

Baths with "Bishofite" are used in addition to medicine (soothing and softening effect) in cosmetology. You can take local or general baths. In the first case, you need to dissolve 0.1 liter of liquid in 5 liters of water, and in the second case, 1-2 liters of liquid per 150-200 liters of water. In both cases, the water temperature should be 35-37⁰ C. Take a bath for 15 minutes every two days. After taking a bath, do not wash with soap. Treatment should be carried out up to 30 days.

All three forms contain essential oils which give it a characteristic pleasant smell.


Almost not. Do not take only with individual intolerance to any of its components.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The influence of "Bishofit" on the course of pregnancy and the quality or quantity of milk was not found, so you can use it in these cases.

"Bishofit" - great option to help in getting rid of problems with the lower extremities during pregnancy. But it is important to know others safe ways treatment (not only with the help of drugs), which can be read in the article:.

Precautionary measures

Do not allow the drug to get on the mucous membranes and do not drink inside. In the first case, irritation may occur, and in the second, a laxative effect (it disappears after a few days without requiring intervention).

Side effects

General allergic reactions, as well as skin irritation at the application sites.


If used too often, allergic skin reactions may develop.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep at a temperature of up to 25⁰ C. Under such conditions, the solution and bath liquid can be stored - 3 years, bischofite gel - 2 years.


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Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Germany
Price from 130 to 1300 rubles.

It is used for arthrosis and arthritis. Available in the form of: ointment, tablets and solution for injection. As a rule, it is prescribed as part of complex treatment.


  • Various forms of release - you can choose a convenient one
  • natural composition


  • Helps the body solely due to the placebo effect, as it is a homeopathic remedy
  • Relatively expensive drug.

“911 with bischofite”

TWINS Tech, Russia
Price from 60 to 100 rubles.

It is a complete analogue of the Bishofit gel, differing in better side the presence in the composition of natural herbs, such as cinquefoil, golden mustache and comfrey.


  • Nice smell
  • Cheap remedy
  • Sold in almost all pharmacies


  • May cause allergies in case of individual intolerance.

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Bischofite is a mineral that includes bromine and iron, iodine and magnesium chloride complex.

It is usually in the form of a liquid and is produced during the drilling of wells.

However, for ease of use, a bischofite gel was created, which contributes to the ease of use of the agent for the treatment of joints.

The composition of bischofite is quite complex. It contains a lot of trace elements that are vital for the functioning of the whole organism as a whole. It is their influence that determines the healing properties.

Here are some of them:

  1. Magnesium, which is part of the product, helps to normalize the conductivity of the nervous system in this part of the body. In addition, it has an anticonvulsant, sedative and analgesic effect. When it comes into contact with the skin, it is absorbed and improves muscle elasticity, accelerates tissue regeneration and has a positive effect on bone tissue. Provides the removal of salts from the body.
  2. Potassium helps the heart and nervous system.
  3. Bromine helps the work of nerve impulses.
  4. Iodine involved in protein synthesis.
  5. Sodium helps to improve the conductivity of nerve impulses in tissues.

Medicinal properties of the remedy

The mineral has various properties, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, which is very important when joint diseases.

It improves the conductivity of the nervous tissue, promotes the regeneration of bone and muscle, and also improves the surface of the epidermis. All this together helps to relieve pain, swelling, inflammation.

In addition, bischofite gel has a beneficial effect on the skin, allowing tissues to quickly regenerate.

Preparations based on this substance are used for:

  • neurological diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • anesthetic and antiseptic;
  • immunostimulating and tonic;
  • in cosmetology.

The mineral helps not only to relieve inflammation, but also has a vasoconstrictive effect, which is very important for many chronic diseases, such as cough, lung problems.

In addition, he can:

  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • normalize arterial pressure;
  • help in the restoration of the musculoskeletal system;
  • relieve pain;
  • improve sleep;
  • cheer up;
  • relieve coughing fits and cure the throat.

Bath with bischofite - good remedy for joint pain

The versatility of the product allows it to be used in various fields of medicine, so experts really appreciate this drug.

The use of bischofite at home is possible for rinsing, inhalation, baths, in the form of ointments and compresses.

But specifically, a mineral-based gel will help with massage, as an improvised tool that you can take with you on a trip or to the country.

What's happened Poltava bischofite and what is its feature you can find out by watching the video:

This drug has an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is used for various chronic diseases associated with the joints.

  • muscle and musculoskeletal dystrophy;
  • at ;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • muscle contracture in children with cerebral palsy and other diseases;

In this case, it will solve all problems with pain and inflammation, restore mobility and make you feel better. Magnesium, when taken through the skin, will help increase the excretion of salts, which helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

The ointment has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it indispensable for various manifestations of the above diseases.

In addition, the strength of bones increases, the elasticity of muscle tissue improves. And the gel is used to combat cellulite.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Do not use the remedy for violations of the heart near this area. In addition, do not use it for skin irritation, rashes or obvious damage, abrasions.

There are also the following contraindications:

  • intolerance to iodine and bromine;
  • elevated temperature;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncology.

Bischofite is a very active mineral, so children should definitely consult a doctor about the dosage.

How to apply - you need to know

Means based on bischofite are used as prescribed by a doctor and after compulsory study instructions for use for specific drug.

In the form of a gel, it is applied topically. Rub into the affected area for 2-3 minutes at least 3 times a day.

When working with large joints at the same time, it is applied to no more than two. If there is no discomfort, then the remedy can be used constantly with short interruptions. There is no addiction to the drug.

The liquid solution is used for rinsing, applications, bathing and rubbing.

There may be allergic reactions, skin irritation and itching from salts deposited after application. With an unpleasant sensation, it is better to abandon the drug.

special instructions

Means with bischofite are not used in the acute stage of the disease. For patients with cardiovascular diseases it is necessary to use the minimum dosage.

Necessary carry out treatment of one joint with a duration of not more than 6 hours, after which the medicine must be removed, for example, washed off.

With individual intolerance to the components, the drug should not be used categorically. Sometimes various additives with coniferous extracts are added to bischofite gel to improve the effect.

However, if there is an allergy and intolerance to these drugs, it is better to use a pure drug without impurities.

Features of cellulite treatment

The drug proved to be excellent when used as an anti-cellulite agent. It must be applied to problematic zones once a day.

When used, it displays excess fluid from fabrics. It also improves blood circulation, nutrition, the skin becomes elastic and the orange peel disappears.

Do not increase the frequency of use of the drug, as there may be an overdose of the drug. It is characterized by skin flaking and redness. When these symptoms appear, it is better to temporarily stop using the remedy.

Bischofite became known in the last century, it is a mineral of natural origin, rich in many useful substances. Studies have shown that its composition allows the active use of the product in medicine, cosmetology and other industries. Today products with bischofite are used in all beauty salons and sanatoriums.

It is very popular and effective in the treatment of many diseases.

Bishofit today comes in many forms for ease of use, it can be easily applied at home. But, before that, you should still get acquainted with the features of this mineral, and study in detail all its advantages and disadvantages.

Composition and form of release "Bishofite"

Pharmacy names with the name "Bishofite" appeared on sale quite recently. Already in our century, this mineral was actively explored and made from it. medications various forms.

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the composition, it is very rich and varied.

Components of "Bishofite":

  • Magnesium chloride and magnesium bromide;
  • calcium sulfate and calcium chloride;
  • Sodium;
  • Bromine;
  • Iron;
  • Molybdenum.

This is only a part of the components, in fact there are about 70 of them. Such a complex of minerals and salts allows it to be actively used in medicine.

Today, the drug "Bishofit" can be found in various forms:

  • Dry salt for therapeutic baths;
  • Balms, creams, lotions (used for massage);
  • Creams, masks for, are used in cosmetology;
  • Liquid solutions for rubbing and compresses.

"Bishofite" is a treasure trove of minerals, but in order to use it correctly, you need to study the instructions.

Useful properties of bischofite

Due to its rich composition, the drug "Bishofite" has a fairly wide and diverse range of useful properties. Until recently, it was more used to treat joints and back pain. But today the number of uses has expanded significantly.

"Bishofite" has the following useful properties:

  • Quickly relieves pain;
  • Removes the inflammatory process;
  • Expands blood vessels, thus normalizing blood pressure and improving blood circulation in the body;
  • Removes inflammation from the joints, improves their mobility, accelerates the mobility of the vertebrae;
  • Nourishes the skin with useful substances, tones it, has a rejuvenating effect, smoothes wrinkles;
  • Disinfects damaged tissues, accelerates cell regeneration;
  • Stabilizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • Raises the level;
  • Has a calming effect, fights insomnia;
  • Increases the level of general immunity;
  • Increases vitality.

After applying Bischofite, the mood improves significantly, the patient feels rested, strong and cheerful. This tool acts in a complex way, therefore, in the treatment of one of the organs, the beneficial effect extends to the entire body.

How is Bischofite applied?

Such a wide range of useful properties of this mineral allows it to be actively used in medicine and cosmetology. It is an effective anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating substance that has a strong effect on the human body.

First of all, it is used as natural source magnesium. In this case, it helps to get rid of such pathological conditions:

  • Diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis, degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine, used for rehabilitation after an injury);
  • Blood diseases (circulatory failure, hypertension, ischemia, myocardial infarction);
  • Pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous systems(nervoses, asthenia, radicular conditions);
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (inflammatory processes of the genital organs);
  • Dental and orthodontic pathologies (, gingivitis, periodontitis, postoperative mouth rinses);
  • Mental disorders (depression, apathy and other pathologies of this nature);
  • Getting rid of cellulite;
  • Smoothing fine wrinkles and skin rejuvenation.

Bischofite is very effective in the treatment of joints and spine. In this case, local and general baths with bischofite, compresses, and also for massage are used.

For baths, "Bishofite" is used in the form of salt. The calculation is simple: for 100 liters of water - 2 liters of salt. The temperature should be no more than 37 degrees. Bathing lasts 10-15 minutes. The prepared solution can be used only once. In sanatorium-resort establishments, this type of procedure is used very actively. Full course consists of 10-12 baths, procedures are carried out two days in a row, on the third - rest.

For local treatment of joints and spine, massage with Bischofite solution is used. To do this, the substance is heated and rubbed with strong movements into the focus for 3 minutes. Then a light massage is done to relax the muscles and allow the drug to penetrate inside.

For compresses, use a balm or Bischofite solution. To do this, first warm up the affected area, then rub 0.5 tbsp. drug. After that, it is necessary to fix it with oilcloth and apply a gauze bandage on top. It is necessary to keep the compress for several hours, while providing him with a warm environment.

Contraindications and side effects

It is difficult to exaggerate the advantages of Bishofit, but it also has a number of disadvantages, namely contraindications and side effects. Firstly, it must be clarified that the substance cannot be taken orally, it has no effect and causes severe intestinal upset. Secondly, when treating children and pregnant women, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The list of contraindications for this remedy is quite large:

  • Increased body temperature;
  • inflammation internal organs(the female genital organs are an exception);
  • Skin lesions of an open form;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • First trimester of pregnancy;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Failure to follow instructions may result in side effects in the form of allergic rashes, itching, redness, dry skin. Therefore, after procedures with bischofite, experts recommend using various moisturizers.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Bischofite is a natural mineral containing a complex of minerals and trace elements (, boron , copper , iron , silicon ). Bishofit Poltava it is mined in the form of brine (oily consistency) when drilling wells to a depth of 2.5 km and has a total mineralization of 340 g/l (as in no other mineral source). It undergoes complex processing, but after it completely preserves the complex of macro- and microelements. Has a high percentage magnesium , necessary for building bone tissue, regulating muscle contraction and relaxation, transmitting nerve signals, to increase.

Transdermal application of the drug (magnesium chloride is rapidly absorbed) is simple and effective way raise magnesium in organism.

It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, stimulates. Strengthens muscle and connective tissue, improves blood microcirculation, activates lymph flow and metabolic processes. Very effective for stress and for improving sleep. Proven low toxicity , lack of allergenic and carcinogenic properties.


Has not been studied.

Indications for use

The use of Bischofite as an external agent is indicated for:

  • deforming arthrosis ;
  • sciatica (cervicothoracic And lumbosacral );
  • lumbodynia ;
  • muscle contractures ;
  • diseases of the neuromuscular apparatus;
  • infected wounds;
  • And ;

In the form of baths with:

  • stress ;
  • convulsions ;


  • benign and malignant;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of application;
  • diseases of the joints in the acute stage;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • progressive;
  • circulatory disorders ІІ — ІІІ degree;

With caution is prescribed to the elderly, in the period lactation and children under 9 years of age.

Side effects

  • are common allergic reactions ;
  • reactions at the site of application in the form skin irritation .

In case of exacerbation, the drug is stopped.

Application instruction of Bishofit (Way and dosage)

Instructions for Bishofit Poltava

Applied externally in the form of rubbing and compresses, diluting the brine hot water in a ratio of 1:1. A part of the body (a part of the spine or a joint) is warmed with a lamp or a heating pad, the solution is lightly rubbed and the place of soreness is rubbed for 3-5 minutes, after which a warming compress is applied. To do this, moisten a cotton cloth or gauze with brine, apply it to the site of soreness and cover with parchment paper, insulate. After removing the compress, the skin should be washed with warm water. Procedures are performed every other day, 10-12 procedures per course. In pediatric practice, Bischofite solution is used in a smaller ratio of 1:0.5. During the procedures, crystals of the drug may fall out, which are deposited on the skin and underwear.

electrophoresis with Bischofite, they are performed with a 10% aqueous solution and the drug is administered using a galvanic current from both electrodes (anode and cathode). Duration 15 minutes. The course relies on 10-15 daily procedures. After the procedure, the drug is not washed off the skin and a gauze bandage is applied for up to 6-8 hours.

Ointment 911 with Bischofite(more correctly gel balm) is intended for external use as an aid in diseases of the joints. Contains extra golden mustache extracts , comfrey And cinquefoil , oils of juniper, lavender, fir, rosemary and eucalyptus, which enhance the action. The use of the gel reduces pain, stimulates the production of synovial fluid, helps restore cartilage tissue and joint mobility.

The gel is rubbed into painful areas 2-3 times a day, additional warming is not necessary. The course of treatment is 14 days, after a month the treatment is repeated.


Prolonged use may cause irritation and skin allergic reactions .


In combination with other drugs may increase activity.

Terms of sale

Released without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Storage temperature up to 25°C.

Best before date

  • solution- 3 years;
  • Bischofite gel- 2 years.


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Structural analogues do not exist. This substance is part of body gel, solution, bath products, balms(with comfrey, golden mustache, cinquefoil and other herbs, glucosamine, bee venom), produced by different manufacturers.

Can be purchased Bischofite dry, which is a concentrated salt.

Reviews about Bischofite

What is Bischofite? This is a natural mineral of the chloride-magnesium-sodium complex, which also contains trace elements - iron , iodine , copper , silicon , boron . The most famous are the Volgograd and Poltava deposits of this mineral. The use of Bishofit at home for diseases of the joints is possible in the form of compresses and rubbing. Its use is comparable to the conduct of sanatorium procedures. Most of the patients were satisfied with the treatment.

  • « ... The solution helped me with a bruised finger, it was edematous, did not bend and was very sick. I did only 2 times rubbing with a warm solution and a warm compress, everything went away»;
  • « ... When rubbing the joints, a feeling of warmth appears and pain decreases. To have an effect, I do courses in two weeks»;
  • « … The remedy is natural and effective. I put it on my joints before going to bed - the pain subsides and I feel much better»;
  • « … I use it in the form of compresses on the neck and thoracic region all night long. True, it is uncomfortable to sleep, everything is crumpled, but there is an effect. Very satisfied»;
  • « … I won’t say that the pains disappeared completely, but it became much better»;
  • « … In my family, Bishofit is the first remedy. A good thing. After working in the country, I rub it on or add it to the bath».

In remission with rheumatoid arthritis , deforming arthrosis , gouty arthritis And psoriasis a bath with Bishofit is effective: 1 liter of solution is added to 100 liters of water at 36-37 ° C. The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes. For a course of 10-12 procedures. Baths with this mineral reduce the manifestations of stress, increase immunity, counteract aging, stimulate antioxidant systems and have a general strengthening effect. You can make local baths for hands and feet - take 100 ml of solution per 1 liter warm water The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Feedback on the application Bishofit of Poltava associated not only with its use in diseases of the musculoskeletal system . The tonic, regenerating and cosmetic effect of baths on the skin and nails is well known. It is used in dilution as compresses for the face and neck with problematic skin, as well as to give tone and elasticity to the skin, eliminate swelling, and improve blood circulation.

  • « … The cosmetologist advised me, and I was convinced for myself that it works. The properties are many times better than drugs Dead Sea »;
  • « ... I make masks for the face and hair in a diluted form. The problem with skin and hair loss was solved»;
  • « … With cellulite, I do body wraps with Bischofite every other day and take baths».

Used for topical treatment Bischofite gel, which additionally contains Vitamin PP , glycerol and gall forming components. Reviews of the Bishofit gel are only positive - it does not cause irritation as a concentrate, it is easy to apply and absorb, it alleviates the condition when radiculitis And arthritis relieves pain quickly. It is useful for athletes and people actively involved in sports, as it relieves muscle fatigue and eliminates the consequences of injuries.

  • « ... I used the gel for less than two weeks, but not according to the instructions, but more often - up to 5 times a day. Joint pain is gone»;
  • « … Always in my first aid kit. It relieves pain with sciatica very well, the condition improves significantly»;
  • « ... It helps me a lot with neck pain, because by the end of the day after working at the computer, stiffness and pain appear. Every day you have to rub the gel»;
  • « … For me, the gel is the salvation after intense workouts in the gym. I like that it has a natural composition».

It must be remembered that the gel and brine can be used simultaneously only in 2-3 places. There are many gels based on this mineral produced by different manufacturers, but today there is no release form - ointment Bischofite.