Kira Stoletova

Chanterelle mushrooms, or Cantharellus, are a prominent representative of basidiomycetes. They belong to the Chanterelle family. These mushrooms are edible varieties, but real chanterelles are often confused with their poisonous counterparts.

general characteristics

Externally, chanterelles are somewhat similar to lily flowers.

The cap and stem of chanterelle mushrooms are approximately the same color, smoothly transitioning from light yellow to orange. The diameter of the cap is 5-12 cm. Hat irregular shape, flat with wavy edges turning inward or funnel-shaped. There is a notch in the central part.

The chanterelle is velvety to the touch and covered with a skin that is difficult to peel off. The pulp consists of fibers, dense structure, white or yellowish, and when pressed it acquires a reddish tint. Exudes a barely noticeable aroma of dried fruit. Tastes sour.

The height of the leg is 4-7 cm, narrowed downward. The hymenophore is folded or, as they also say, pseudolamellar. It consists of fibrous folds running down the stem. In some species of chanterelles the hymenophore is veined.

It reproduces by yellow spore powder. Fungal spores have a round shape, their size is 8x5 microns. The fox appears in the forest in the summer, in May-June, when the rains begin. They are easy to find after heavy rainfall at temperatures of 18-27℃. Forms mycelium on the roots of conifers and deciduous trees, hiding under mosses and grass.

Grow numerous groups. Distributed throughout Russia and Ukraine. If the rainy season lasts long and there is high humidity, choose areas illuminated by the sun. The main difference is that they are not eaten by worms. It is better to store them frozen or dry.


According to the description, chanterelle mushrooms have more than 60 representatives. There are no poisonous ones among them. The only conditionally dangerous ones are false chanterelles, which are represented by the species yellow talker and black chanterelle. But for those who know how to cook it, it will be a delicacy. Poisonous Double called Omphalote Olive.

False representatives can grow in steppe zones and deciduous forests. The description of external data is similar to that for edible representatives. False chanterelles appear in early May.

Varieties: common chanterelle, l. cinnabar red, l. velvety, l. faceted, l. yellowing, l. tubular, l. gray


This species is represented by edible, delicious mushrooms yellow-orange color. White is less common common fox. The cap size is 2-12 cm, depending on age and climate. The fruiting body of a true chanterelle is dense, fleshy, yellow, closer to the center and white at the edges. The taste is characterized by slight sourness.

An edible species of red chanterelle mushrooms. The diameter of the cap reaches 4 cm, the height of the stem is 2-4 cm. It is painted dark burgundy, almost black in shaded forests. The hymenophore is folded with pink thick pseudoplates.

The pulp is massive and dense. Spore powder is creamy pink. The chanterelle collecting season is May-October. Grows in oak groves, on well-moistened soils. From a distance they look like blooming flowers.


A rare food representative of the family. They named it so for the velvety structure of the skin on the cap. The color of the cap is orange-yellow or red, the diametrical plane is 5 cm. Its structure in a young specimen is spherical, in an old specimen it is funnel-shaped. The leg, widened in the upper part, is several tones lighter than the cap, its height reaches 4 cm, and its diameter is 1 cm.

The flesh on the cut is light orange, on the cap, in the stem area - light yellow, almost white. Exudes a pleasant aroma.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

The brim of the velvety chanterelle's cap is curly or strongly wavy. The hymenophore is represented by thick plates, or more precisely, folds that extend onto the stalk. They are branched, connected to each other by thin veins. As they age, their color changes: in young specimens it corresponds to the color of the cap, and in mature specimens it is gray-yellow.

The mushroom is found only in southeastern Europe. Fruits from July to October. Occurs singly or in small groups.

The velvety representative of chanterelles can be found in deciduous forest areas, steppes, on soils with an acidic reaction. It's hard to find them, because... small mushrooms hide in dry grass and fallen leaves.


Another steppe representative. Orange-yellow beautiful faceted chanterelles form regular large caps measuring 10 cm, connected to legs. The hymenophore is large and smooth.

Spore powder is yellow-orange. The pulp is massive, fibrous structure. It has a pleasant taste and aroma. High energy value allows you to make it a complete replacement for meat products. In addition to the steppe zone, faceted chanterelles grow in oak groves in summer and autumn.


Small edible mushroom, in the diametrical plane of the cap reaches 6 cm. The cap is funnel-shaped, one-piece, integral with the stem. The yellow chanterelle has a dense surface, the scales are brown, sometimes yellow-orange.

The leg is of a similar shade. The pulp is beige, tasteless and odorless. The hymenophore is smooth, less often with folds, and colored beige. Beige-orange spore powder scatters next to the mushroom and forms new myceliums. Representatives of the summer species that are worth looking for in coniferous forests.


Another edible representative of the Chanterelle family. The cap is 2-6 cm in diameter, the height of the stem is 3-8 cm. The shape of the cap is funnel-shaped, with wavy edges. The surface is gray-yellow, covered with scales of a velvety structure.

The pulp is dense, white. It has a bitter taste and produces an earthy aroma. The lower part of the cap is made up of thin, sparse veins of bluish-gray color. Major representatives They grow in coniferous plantings on moist soils, standing in even rows that from a distance look like a flower meadow.


Gray or brown-black mushroom. The cap is funnel-shaped, reaches 6 cm in diameter. The height of the stem is 3-8 cm. The flesh is dense, gray or brown. It must be boiled before use.

The folded hymenophore tends to the stalk. There is no aroma. The taste is inexpressive. Representatives of the variety, similar to the rows, prefer mixed forests, belong to the category autumn mushrooms and appear in August-September. They grow in flat, damp areas, closer to birch and oak trees.

Beneficial features

Chanterelle mushrooms grow in the forest, but they are never wormy. This is their main feature. This fact is due to the presence of chitinmannose in the composition, which kills insect larvae and worms (helminths). The substance is a polysaccharide compound that can dissolve helminth eggs and paralyze adult individuals. The effect of the substance is selective, so it is not dangerous for humans.

100 g of pulp contains daily norm vitamin D. The microelement is involved in bone development and promotes better absorption of calcium. The product is enriched with vitamin B6, which helps eliminate toxins from the body and is involved in the construction of nerve cells in the brain. The pulp is rich in antioxidants, which boost immunity and improve the condition of the skin.

The chemical composition of chanterelles is rich and varied:

  • acids: folic, pantothenic, niacin (nicotinic) and acetylene fatty acids;
  • trace elements: chromium, copper, manganese, zinc, etc.;
  • vitamins: beta-carotene, riboflavin (B 2), D, C, A;
  • ergosterol (precursor to vitamin D), etc.

The nutritional value of mushrooms is 18.8 kcal per 100 g of product. Their sufficient protein content makes them an indispensable companion for people who watch their diet. They are a complete replacement for animal protein, which is a good opportunity to compensate for its deficiency for those who count calories in their diet.


Taking preparations from chanterelles and eating them is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under 8 years of age; people with individual intolerance to mushrooms;
  • people with mold allergies and diabetes;
  • people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.

Mushrooms are heavy food. If you have problems with your pancreas, it is better to stop using them. For young mothers and young children, eating chanterelles can cause the development of allergic reaction or liver failure.

Attention! Poisoning can be caused by mushrooms collected near landfills and road transport connections. Mushrooms accumulate toxins especially quickly in hot weather. Partially dried, overgrown specimens are also dangerous.


Fresh young chanterelles are a natural antibiotic and pain reliever. For angina, they effectively relieve swelling of the larynx and eliminate purulent deposits. Helps increase the body's resistance to infection. The medicinal properties of a natural antiseptic are used in gynecology.

With the help of masks from the fruiting bodies of chanterelles, the condition of the skin significantly improves. The product helps even out complexion, eliminate puffiness, and smooth out wrinkles. The active substances contained in the product renew skin cells, promote healing of wound surfaces and prevent the appearance and development of inflammation. Diets alternating meat and mushroom days are also effective. In traditional medicine, an extract from this mushroom is used. Balms and powdered antibiotics for local use are produced from it.

Interesting facts about chanterelles:

  • in Nigeria they are used as raw materials for the production of creams and ointments for acne;
  • in Normandy, the properties of the product were used to increase sexual desire: mushroom dishes certainly served at weddings;
  • in the 17th century in France, the products were considered delicacies: only aristocrats could eat mushrooms;
  • thanks to the balanced BJU complex, chanterelle extract is used in the production of anti-aging creams;
  • how long the mushroom can be stored depends on humidity; if this indicator increases to 80%, the product cannot be stored;
  • Boiled mushrooms are used to make lotions for eczema.

In cooking

To obtain maximum benefit, adhere to the following rules for collection, storage and processing:

  • the most best time for collection – 2-3 days after heavy rainfall;
  • dry the product in the sun;
  • When mold appears, all supplies are disposed of.

You can cook soup or make an interesting sauce from dry chanterelles. Products can be stored in the freezer for no more than 12 months. When frozen, some of the beneficial substances are lost and the aroma goes away. The mushrooms are first blanched and well dried. paper towel and put into sealed bags of 200-300 g (single serving). If the surface of the food is black, it can no longer be stored.

Dried products are soaked in milk for 50-60 minutes before cooking. Then they are used to prepare sauces and marinades. Mushrooms are suitable for making pickles. Basiomycetes grown during the heavy rainy season cannot be preserved for a long time, so it is better to eat them immediately.

In medicine

The beneficial composition of chanterelles has found wide application in folk and traditional medicine. Used for:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • treatment of oncology, as a pain reliever;
  • colds;
  • obesity;
  • hepatitis.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

The beneficial properties of chanterelles are largely due to the presence of three important compounds:

  1. Chitinmannose: In addition to its detrimental effect on helminths, it is used in the treatment of boils, abscesses and sore throats, and also inhibits the growth of tubercle bacilli.
  2. Ergosterol: cleanses the liver, has a positive effect on its enzymes.
  3. Trametonolinic acid: capable of fighting the hepatitis virus. In this regard, chanterelles are used in Europe to treat hepatitis C and liver diseases.

Before use, mushrooms require appropriate processing. For powder preparations, mushrooms are prepared raw: they are washed, dried on a towel and laid out to dry in the sun. Fully prepared products, dry on the inside, are then ground into powder in a coffee grinder or spice grinder.

To boost immunity and prevent hepatitis, take 1 tsp. a day in the morning, before meals (30 minutes), washing down with plenty of water. Cancer medicines are created based on chanterelle extracts. To prevent powdered medicines from becoming bitter, the products are first soaked in fresh milk 10 minutes.

In veterinary medicine it is used as a medicine for worms. Dried raw materials are added to the feed at a rate of 20 g per 1 kg of live weight. Worms leave the animal's body after 3-7 days.


The cultivation of chanterelles and saffron milk caps in private plots began in France. This was done by the personal gardeners of noble people. Today, their breeding is practiced by the owners of large expensive restaurants, where food processing is immediately carried out.

You can grow chanterelle mushrooms yourself at your dacha or in your garden. To do this, you will need to “infect” the soil with spores. Spore powder can be purchased in specialized stores (can be ordered online) or produced independently. Caps of ripe mushrooms are soaked in sweetened water for 10 hours. Sugar is added at the rate of 100 g per 10 liters of liquid.

The mycelium will develop near a tree similar to the one under which the mushrooms were collected. Chanterelle and saffron milk cap quickly adapt to the soil next to birch, oak, and alder. Collect around the tree trunk circle upper layer soil, spill the soil with a decoction of oak bark and pour out the water with spores and spread out the ground mushrooms. Cover with the previously removed layer of soil. Monitor soil moisture.

Chanterelle mushroom is very tasty. Grows quickly on acidified soils, in forest and steppe zones. It is actively used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. The reduced calorie content allows the product to be added to the diet of patients suffering from obesity. Similar to edible specimens, look-alikes are relatively dangerous and rarely cause serious poisoning. But you should still approach the collection of these mushrooms with caution and attention.

Chanterelle mushroom photo and description will help children write essays and prepare for the lesson.

Chanterelle mushroom brief description

Among other mushrooms, chanterelles stand out because of their bright orange-yellow color, and also because their cap and stem form a single whole. The cap is smooth, may be irregular in shape, with wavy edges. Separating the skin from the pulp is not easy. The pulp itself is fleshy, whitish-yellow, tastes sour, and has the smell of dried fruit. The stem is dense, sometimes slightly lighter than the cap, narrower at the bottom than at the top. Thanks to the substances they contain, these mushrooms are never wormy.

Chanterelle mushrooms description for children

IN big family forest mushrooms Chanterelles are easy to recognize. Due to the characteristic appearance and their bright colors are difficult to confuse with any other mushrooms and are quite easy to find in the forest. Children especially enjoy looking for these mushrooms; their red color resembles a fox fur coat. The average height of the red forest beauty fox is 4-6 centimeters, the diameter of the fashionable hat is 5-8 centimeters.

The hat of an adult fox resembles a funnel with wavy edges, which gradually tapers towards the bottom and smoothly turns into a leg. Both the cap and the stem of this mushroom are painted the same color, which is usually compared to the color of a fox fur coat. But you can also compare it to the color of an egg yolk.

You can find chanterelles in any forest; most of them grow where spruce and pine trees grow, but you can also find them near oak or beech. As a rule, chanterelles hide under fallen and rotten leaves, and in coniferous pine forests they prefer wet moss. These mushrooms usually grow in groups, so after finding one chanterelle, you should carefully look for its neighbors somewhere nearby.

Yellow, elegant chanterelles always grow in large families. The young ones are convex, neat, even, like buttons, sewn to the ground in a row. Older ones - with a tall leg, but with an even, still flat cap, fleshy, dense, just what a mushroom picker needs. And the smell! Special, chanterelle, you can’t confuse it with anything. WITH eyes closed, only by smell can you distinguish chanterelles from any mushrooms. In one of the books about mushrooms I read: “The smell of a birch leaf with a hint of mint.” It’s beautifully said, but whether it’s true, judge for yourself. The elastic body of chanterelles in old age becomes rubbery in dry weather, flabby in damp weather. The cap takes the shape of a funnel with uneven, winding, or even torn into separate blades edges. Chanterelles are loved by people for their inability to become worms. For some reason, mushroom flies avoid them. But you can find a hard wireworm in this mushroom. Another good thing about chanterelles is that they are unpretentious to weather conditions. They can be found at the height of summer, when in the forest there is an inter-mushroom period - a time gap between mushroom waves and layers. Chanterelles are not afraid of dry days or excessive dampness. Chanterelles begin to grow quite early, in June, but still later than the first boletuses and aspen boletuses. However, it is different in different areas. But they immediately pour out in huge piles, stripes, circles.

The mushrooms got their name because of their characteristic reddish-yellow color. This color is due to the high content of vitamin C.

There are edible and poisonous species chanterelles. False representatives of this group of fungi grow on rotting trees and are most often found in swamps and near lakes. Edible chanterelles, most often, grow in coniferous and mixed forests.

This group of fungi belongs to the chanterelle family, class Agaricomycetes.


Chanterelles are a well-known group of mushrooms that are found throughout Russia and Ukraine.

Mushroom dimensions

The mushroom is small in size, with a long thick stem. The average diameter of the cap is 10 cm, the stem reaches dimensions of 10-13 cm in length and 1-2 cm in width.


Chanterelles have a yellow-orange flat cap. It is wavy at the edges and curled towards the center. If you look at the cap from above, you can see that it is irregular in shape. The top of the chanterelle can be from 1 to 10 cm in diameter. It has a tubular structure.


The flesh of chanterelles is dense, white. There are fibrous and fleshy ones. When pressed, it changes color to red. The aroma resembles the smell of dried fruits, and the taste is sour.


The leg of the chanterelle is usually thick and long. Can reach 15 centimeters in length. It does not have a skirt or ring and, most often, simply grows together with the top. The color is orange-yellow, more saturated at the top. The cap expands from bottom to top and has small scales in the lower part.

The common chanterelle prefers to grow in mixed and coniferous forests. It can be found in places where moss and long plants grow. The season for collecting chanterelles is considered to be mid-summer - late autumn.

For a good harvest, chanterelles need a lot of moisture and nutrients, which enter their body through moss and wood.

This type of mushroom feels uncomfortable in deciduous forests. Under a large layer of fallen leaves, sunlight does not penetrate well, which is why the mushrooms begin to dry out and lose their attractive appearance.

Coniferous and mixed forests are the optimal habitat for chanterelles. The soil under pine and spruce contains many microelements that promote the development of mycelium. It is in such places that the root of the mushroom can produce several fruits in one season.

Chanterelles are found all over the world, with the exception of Permafrost and deserts.

The optimal time for chanterelle growth is July-September. The mycelium begins to bear fruit best in August after warm summer rain. This group of mushrooms does not tolerate cold, so they do not grow in winter.

In addition, chanterelles do not like the hot sun, so in spring and early summer they slow down their growth. The same stop in the development of mycelium occurs after each summer rain - the fungus tries to retain moisture for a long period of time. The fruit resumes its development on the third to fifth day after watering.


There are both edible and inedible species chanterelles. The common chanterelle has a pleasant smell and a delicate hue, while the false mushroom smells like fish or vinegar.

The main differences between edible chanterelles and inedible ones are:

  1. Hat color. Inedible chanterelles are brightly colored Orange color, and edible ones - in yellow.
  2. Hat shape. Inedible mushrooms have a clear circle shape.
  3. Leg. A real mushroom has a thick stalk, while an inedible mushroom has a thin stalk.
  4. Smell. Inedible representatives of chanterelles have a vinegary odor.
  5. Habitat. Inedible chanterelles grow on fallen trees in deciduous forests, while real ones grow in mixed or coniferous forests.
  6. Pulp. Edible chanterelles have yellow flesh with white flesh in the center. Fake mushrooms have orange flesh.

If the mushrooms are real, then they can be fried, boiled or baked. Chanterelles produce good casseroles, pies, zrazy and soups. All these dishes will not take more than an hour of preparation. Chanterelles can also be salted, pickled or dried, but this will take more time.


There are many types of chanterelles. You need to be able to distinguish edible representatives from inedible ones.

This type of mushroom is found in deciduous and coniferous forests. It can be found from early summer to mid-autumn. The peculiarity of the mushroom is its bright yellow.

The hat of a real chanterelle has a hole in the center and curled edges. Yellow color. The diameter can reach 10 cm. The leg is attached to the cap in one layer and does not have a skirt. Its dimensions are 3-10 cm, and its shape is cylindrical. The pulp is dense and difficult to damage by larvae and flies. Chanterelle spore powder is yellow in color.

The name of this type of chanterelle is associated with the unique structure of the mushroom. The hat has a tubular shape. Its edges are curled downwards and have a funnel-shaped upper part. The color of the pulp can vary from brown to yellow. Changes in the color of the pulp occur during heavy heavy rains.

This species is found in coniferous forests and grows in families in the same place for several years.

The diameter of the cap is 2-6 cm, the size of the leg is 8 cm in length and 1-2 cm in width.

The harvesting season for trumpet chanterelles is considered to be early summer - late autumn. It is found in coniferous and mixed forests.

A special feature of the common chanterelle is its fruity smell. The color of the mushroom varies from yellow to brown, depending on weather conditions– the more moisture, the darker the color.

The hat is flat, with curled edges. It has folds that look like plates. The size of the cap reaches 10 cm in diameter. The leg is long - up to 10 cm. Its diameter does not exceed 2 cm.

The mushroom is considered one of the most delicious types of chanterelles. It is found from late July to early September in coniferous and mixed forests.

Similar species

Edible species of chanterelles are very similar to each other, so the common chanterelle is often confused with the velvety chanterelle and the faceted chanterelle.

This type of mushroom has small size: the leg is 1 cm in length, and the cap is 4 cm in diameter. The cap of a young mushroom has a convex shape and is orange in color. There is a small hole in the center of the top, and along the edges the mushroom is curled downwards. This type of mushroom grows in southern Europe and is found in deciduous forests.

The fruiting body of the faceted chanterelle does not exceed 10 cm. The stem is connected to the cap and reaches 5 cm in length and 3 cm in width. The pulp of this type of chanterelle is very dense and tasty. It has a bright yellow color. The faceted chanterelle is found in Africa and Malaysia. The collection season is considered to be the end of summer.

Growing at home

It is quite possible to grow chanterelles yourself, but to do this you need to follow several rules.

To begin with, it is worth remembering that you need to plant mushrooms under the tree under which it was dug up: if the chanterelle grew under a spruce tree, then it should also be planted under a spruce tree. It is best to use common chanterelle for planting. This type of mushroom quickly adapts to different growth conditions and produces fruit within a month after planting.

You can plant both pieces of mushroom and spores that have undergone a certain procedure. In order to prepare spore seedlings you need:

  1. take a few ripe mushrooms;
  2. rinse them in warm water and mash thoroughly into a homogeneous paste;
  3. pour sweet water over the mushrooms (100 grams of sugar per 10 liters of water);
  4. leave for a day in a warm room;
  5. drain the water and dry the resulting mixture.

Once the seedlings are ready, you can begin planting. A hole with a diameter of 50-60 cm and 20-30 cm in length is filled with water. After the water has been absorbed, you need to add the sowing mixture, using one teaspoon of pulp per hole. Then everything is covered with fertilizer or humus. With regular watering, within a month the mycelium will begin to produce its first fruits.

Calorie content of chanterelles

Chanterelles are a group of mushrooms that are rich in proteins. The table shows the calorie content of 100 grams of raw chanterelles.

  1. In France, chanterelles are considered a delicacy and are served as a separate dish in many restaurants.
  2. The Normans believed that chanterelles were an aphrodisiac, so they added them to newlyweds’ food.
  3. Chanterelles are the richest mushrooms in vitamin C. The healing properties of this mushroom help improve skin condition and strengthen bones.
  4. In 2013, Latvia exported 73 thousand kg of chanterelles. The total amount was 315 thousand euros.
  5. In Nigeria, chanterelles are used to make cosmetics and medicines, which are considered to be of very high quality.

Real chanterelle Grows in numerous groups
The fox is real in the photo

The fox is real is a widespread edible mushroom characterized by high yield. It grows in numerous groups, forming so-called witch circles or wide stripes, from mid-July to mid-October, with peak fruiting occurring in July-August. You need to look for it in damp, open areas of coniferous or deciduous forest.

The initially flat-convex mushroom cap with wavy edges gradually becomes funnel-shaped, its edges become thinner and uneven. Its diameter is about 10–12 cm. The surface of the cap is forest mushroom Chanterelles are smooth, matte, whitish or bright yellow in color. The spore-bearing layer is represented by numerous thin yellow convolutions, smoothly descending onto the stalk.

The plates are folded, descending far onto the stalk, branched, thick, sparse. The stem smoothly expands upward, without a discernible border, turning into a cap, dense, yellow, smooth, up to 7 cm in length and 3 cm in thickness, cylindrical, solid.

The pulp is thick, fleshy, brittle, with a pleasant mushroom smell, and is almost never wormy.

The real chanterelle mushroom belongs to the third category of mushrooms and has a high nutritional value thanks to the vitamins and microelements contained in its tissues. It can rightfully be called a universal mushroom that lends itself to all types culinary processing showing good taste qualities.

Goes into preparations for canning. Used boiled and fried without pre-treatment. It is prepared for future use in the form of boiled canned food (in jars), and can also be used for pickling and salting (hot method).

The main characteristic of the real chanterelle mushroom is its high carotene content, much higher than in all other well-known mushrooms. In addition to carotene, this mushroom contains many other vitamins and has antibacterial properties. In some countries, chanterelle is used for prevention cancer diseases.

The humpbacked fox grows in small groups Humpbacked fox in the photo

Humpbacked fox, or cantarellula, is a rather rare edible agaric mushroom in Russia that produces consistently high yields every year. It grows in small groups from mid-August to September, but produces especially abundant harvests at the very beginning of autumn. In what forests do chanterelle mushrooms of this type grow? You need to look for them in areas of coniferous forest overgrown with a thick layer of moss, preferably in a pine forest.

The mushroom cap is convex at first, but gradually takes the shape of a wide funnel with a diameter of about 4 cm, with a small bulge in the middle. Its surface is painted in a shiny gray color with a smoky tint and brown concentric circles. The spore-bearing layer consists of frequent grayish plates descending to the stalk. During the growth process, the plates and adjacent top part the legs are covered with small red dots. The leg is rounded, smooth, straight, the same color as the plates. Its height is about 8 cm, and its diameter rarely exceeds 0.5 cm. The surface of the leg is smooth, with light white pubescence at the base.

The pulp is thin, soft, tender, with a pleasant taste and a subtle mushroom aroma, grayish in color, which quickly turns red when the pulp comes into contact with air.

The humpback chanterelle belongs to the fourth category of mushrooms. It is eaten boiled or fried.

These photos show what real and humpback chanterelle mushrooms look like:

Chanterelle yellowing and gray: the color of forest mushrooms and their description

Chanterelle yellowing in the photo
The fox's hat is shaped like a deep funnel.

Chanterelle yellowing is an edible mushroom that grows in small groups from early August to late September in coniferous, predominantly spruce forests.

The shape of a chanterelle's hat resembles a deep funnel with a diameter of about 5 cm, with a curled curly edge. Its surface is smooth, matte, dry. The color of this chanterelle mushroom is yellowish-brown. The lower part of the cap is also smooth, but in mature mushrooms it is covered with a large number of thin winding folds descending onto the stem. It is painted yellow with an orange tint. The stalk is rounded, thinner at the base, often curved, less often straight, hollow inside, the same color as the spore-bearing layer. Its height is about 10 cm, and its diameter is about 1 cm. The pulp is elastic, dense, brittle, light yellow, tasteless and odorless.

Yellow chanterelle belongs to the fourth category of mushrooms. It can be eaten both fried and boiled, and can also be dried for the winter.

Gray fox in the photo
The cap is funnel-shaped, lobed, gray-brown-black

Gray chanterelle has a cap with a diameter of 3-5 cm. The cap is funnel-shaped, lobed, gray-brown-black, fading with age, the edge is drooping. The pulp is thin, with a fresh taste, without much odor. The plates are descending, gray, uneven in length, frequent, thin. The stalk is cylindrical, hollow, colored a tone lighter than the cap, size 4.0 0.5-0.2 cm. Spores are ellipsoidal, size 8-10 5-6 microns, colorless.

Nemoral forest species. The range covers Europe.

Found in deciduous forests. Fruiting bodies are periodically formed in September - October. There are single specimens.

Protected within natural complexes Berezinsky biosphere reserve, national parks "Narochansky" and " Belovezhskaya Pushcha" It is necessary to create specialized mycological reserves in places not covered by protective measures. It is necessary to periodically monitor the state of known populations, search for new ones and, if necessary, organize their protection by prohibiting or limiting anthropogenic impacts.

Below is a photo and description of the common chanterelle mushroom.

Common chanterelle: in which forests it grows and what it looks like (with photo)

Common chanterelle in the photo
(Cantharellus cibarius) in the photo

Common chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) is an edible mushroom. The cap is 2-12 cm in diameter, convex at first, then pressed in the center in the form of a funnel with a solid or lobed-folded edge, quite fleshy, yellow or yellowish-white. Plates in the form of forked-branched veins or folds of skin of the same color as the stalk, strongly descending along the stalk. The stem is 2-10 cm long, 0.5-2 cm wide, the same color as the cap. The pulp is dense with a pleasant smell, whitish or yellowish.

It forms mycorrhiza with birch, spruce, pine and oak.

You can find it from June to November. It is especially valuable in June and July, when there are few other mushrooms.

This chanterelle mushroom looks almost the same as the inedible false chanterelle, but it is more regular in shape.

The common chanterelle is edible both young and old. Does not require boiling. Fried chanterelles are especially tasty.

(Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca) in the photo
False fox in the photo

False fox (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca) - the mushroom is inedible. The cap is 2-12 cm in diameter, convex at first, then depressed in the center in the form of a funnel with a curled edge, orange or buffy, fading to a reddish-whitish color with age. The pulp is dense yellow or orange. The plates are frequent, thick, forked-branched, the same color as the stalk, strongly descending along the stalk. The leg has a regular round cross-section, 2-5 cm in length, 0.5-1 cm in width in the lower part, where there are no plates, the same color as the cap. The spore powder is pale cream.

Grows in sparse pine and pine-birch forests, on heather heaths. Found in large quantities.

You can find it from June to November.

The false fox is similar to the real fox. U false chanterelle there are real plates under the cap, and the real chanterelle has thick veins or folds instead of plates.

Look different types Chanterelle mushrooms can be seen in this video:

The common chanterelle mushroom can be called the same as the real chanterelle; it is part of the chanterelle mushroom family.


The real chanterelle mushroom has a single body; the stem and cap are inseparable. The cap of a mature mushroom reaches up to 12 centimeters in diameter, the edges of the cap are wavy, and in appearance resembles a funnel when the center of the cap is depressed and the edges of the cap are raised. The color of the cap is yellow to orange with shades of yellow. The cap is matte and smooth to the touch. The stem of the mushroom reaches a height of 7 centimeters and a thickness of up to 3 centimeters, while the stem is completely fused with the cap. The color of the stem is the same as that of the cap. The flesh of the common chanterelle is the same color as the mushroom itself, but the closer to the center inside the mushroom, the lighter it is. It tastes a little sour and smells like roots or dried fruit. Very interesting fact is that the common chanterelle mushroom is almost never wormy, this is due to the substance contained in the mushroom, which has a detrimental effect on worms and their larvae.


Most often it grows in spruce, pine, oak and beech forests; it prefers soil with moist moss, grass or forest litter. It grows mainly in large groups, from June to October. In Russia it grows in forests temperate climate. We recommend that you read


The real chanterelle is very similar to the false chanterelle, which differs from the real one in its thin flesh and frequent plates.


The real chanterelle has high culinary value and is used in all culinary preparations.


Due to the content of such substances as trametonolinic acid, chitinmannose, ergosterol and several polysaccharides in the body of the common chanterelle, this mushroom can be used as an anthelmintic. In addition, the real chanterelle has a positive effect on the liver, for example, with hepatitis, hemangiomas and fatty degeneration of the liver. Moreover, chanterelles grown in natural environment under the sun they are carriers of large amounts of vitamin D and many other amino acids that reduce the risk of colds, moisturize the skin and mucous membranes, and also reduce the risk of eye inflammation.


Thanks to its bright appearance and almost complete absence worms in chanterelle mushrooms are known to everyone, and their taste is beyond praise - mushrooms can be used in cooking both fresh and dried. So this ingredient is found both in soups, main courses, pies, and in other dough products, juliennes, salads, appetizers, etc. This mushroom can be collected in the forest - wild chanterelles are very useful; alternatively, the mushroom can be grown in special farms - they contain practically no useful substances.

First meal
To prepare soup with chanterelles, you need to sort out and wash the mushrooms - large ones can be cut, small caps remain intact. First, the mushrooms need to be boiled - boil in boiling water until they begin to sink to the bottom of the pan - at this point you can add the potatoes cut into pieces. While the potatoes are cooking, you need to chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil– place the roast in a saucepan with soup, add salt, spices and cook until the potatoes are ready. In general, it takes 35-45 minutes to prepare this soup.

Second courses
In the second courses, chanterelles are baked, fried - during the heat treatment they retain their bright color, and therefore the dish looks very beautiful. The easiest way to prepare chanterelles with potatoes is a simple, satisfying and tasty dish, but mushrooms also go well with other side dishes - baked and fresh vegetables, cereals. To prepare baked mushrooms, you must first fry them together with onions until golden brown and add sour cream (1 cup per 400-500 g of mushrooms). After another 10 minutes, add young and slightly boiled potatoes to the saucepan - you need to cook the root vegetables for 10-15 minutes. After salting and peppering the dish, bring the potatoes to readiness in the oven - this will take another 7-10 minutes.


Chanterelles can also be prepared for future use - they should be pickled, salted, and used for salads, for example, solyanka. To marinate mushrooms, you need to take 1 liter of water per 1 kg of chanterelles, 2 tbsp. sugar and vinegar, 1.5 tbsp. salt, onion, carrots and black pepper - 10 peas. First, boil the mushrooms - when they settle down, pour out the water, and pour the marinade prepared from the listed products over the mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes. A few minutes before cooking, add vinegar. Then we put the contents of the pan into sterilized jars and roll up the lids - you can eat mushrooms within a month.